Winged and strategic. New rockets of Ukraine Cruise missile project "Korshun" (Ukraine) Nuclear weapons of Ukraine

Back in 2006, the government remembered that everything needed to create missiles was located on the territory of Dnepropetrovsk. As you know, during the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine abandoned its nuclear potential. But in connection with the unfolding events at the moment, there are more and more rumors that the country is again ready to develop missiles and other land-based weapons. Thus, it is worth paying attention to the actions of the state in recent years in order to determine what kind of modern Ukrainian missile weapons can be produced on the territory of this country.

The history of the resumption of the creation of rockets

In 2009, a column appeared in the country's budget on the allocation of funds for the creation of a combat missile, which will be called the Sapsan. The case cost just under $7 million. The project is the creation of a multifunctional operational-tactical complex to increase the country's ability to fend for itself. The main part of the funds was sent to the Yuzhnoye design bureau, which is located in Dnepropetrovsk. In the same year, the bureau was able to defend and convey to the government about the benefits of its development.

At that time, the Ministry of Defense fully supported the project and considered it necessary to create it. Another reason for resuming the production of missiles was the fact that by 2015-2016, that is, by now, the weapons that were in Ukraine will become unusable and will be subject to decommissioning. Therefore, when Viktor Yanukovych took office, he supported in 2011 the continuation of the production of the Sapsan complex. And in 2012, the project was suspended due to funding. But despite such interruptions in funding, the design bureau continues to create types of which are very diverse.

"Sapsan" now

The director of the Bureau tried to support the development, but still he did not succeed. First, the project lost its priority of importance, and then it was completely brought to naught. At the moment, the only prospect that awaits Ukraine regarding this complex is 2018. That is how much time the bureau needs to fully complete the project and provide the missile system for testing. At first it was assumed that the range of the missiles would be 280 kilometers with an accuracy of a couple of meters, but now Yuzhnoye is proposing to increase the range to 500 kilometers.

Rocket "Scud"

Back in 2010, it was announced that Scud liquid-fuel missiles were completely destroyed as a missile weapon of Ukraine. They were created during the Second World War. By the way, this model is considered one of the most common around the world. Recently it turned out that there are still some copies of this weapon on the territory of the country, and are actively used in the struggle between the east of Ukraine and the armed forces of the country.

It is worth noting that despite the range of this weapon (the radius of destruction is up to 300 kilometers), it is very inaccurate, hitting the target can deviate to a rather indefinite distance of up to 500 meters. At the same time, the unit weighs almost a ton.

Rocket "Point"

Ukraine still claims that it does not use these missiles. For the missile system to work, you need to know in advance the location of the enemy. Four warheads are produced with precisely specified coordinates. The blow is applied depending on the set coordinates and the range at which the shooting is carried out.

The error can be from 10 to 200 meters. In this case, one warhead strikes from 2 to about 6 hectares. The rocket's flight speed exceeds 1000 meters per second. This weapon can play a decisive role in any fight. But officially, Ukrainians refuse to use this type of weapon. It remains to be seen whether this warhead constitutes Ukraine's missile weapon.

Rocket "Grom-2"

Back in the early nineties, the Dnepropetrovsk Design Bureau presented the idea of ​​​​producing the Grom-2 operational-tactical missile. The range of its flight should be 500 meters. The original name of this project is "Borisfen". At that time, through this missile system, a new protective shield of Ukraine was to be created to replace obsolete weapons. At that time, there were more than 200 Scud and Tochka-U missile launchers in the country. But taking into account the social and economic state of the country, the creation of missiles was an irrelevant issue. In addition, the army was then constantly reduced. Then the Yuzhnoye state bureau began to send sketches of their inventions to foreign exhibitions, where these rockets were called Thunder.

Ukrainian-made military weapons and equipment often attract attention at such international exhibitions. These developments involved the creation of a new generation of precision-guided weapons that would be capable of providing the country with a shield capable of withstanding a non-nuclear attack. The missile system was intended to destroy stationary group and single targets. The range of the missiles would be from 80 to 500 kilometers. In this case, the rockets would be quite light, less than half a ton. It was planned to create an onboard inertial type system equipped with navigation and guidance. The launcher would have an automatic character, and the basis for it would be a chassis with a complete set of automatic preparation for launching warheads.

Rocket "Korshun-2"

One of the priority tasks of the Dnepropetrovsk Design Bureau is the development of the Korshun-2 missile and rocket weapon system. This is a multifunctional missile system, the main task of which is to provide the country's shield capable of withstanding a non-nuclear attack. The project will use cruise missiles capable of hitting ground targets. In theory, he could fully represent Ukraine's missile weapons. The payload of the missiles does not exceed half a ton, and the range of the warhead is 300 kilometers. The estimated mass of the combat equipment of the complex will be 480 kilograms. The new cruise missile will reach a flight altitude of 50 kilometers with the ability to go around the terrain, taking into account its relief.

"Ukraine". missile cruiser

The country also has a missile cruiser, but, unfortunately, its use is impossible. Therefore, the head of the naval forces decided to sell it. With the proceeds, the country will be able to replenish its resources to protect water areas. The main problem of the missile cruiser is that almost 80 percent of the vessel operates with Russian equipment. This missile cruiser could well represent Ukraine's high-precision weapons. At the moment, such products are not produced on the territory of Ukraine, so the ship is, as they say, idle, and cannot serve the good of the motherland.

Unfortunately, the cost of the cruiser on the market is much lower than the country spent on its creation and maintenance, but now it is more profitable for the state to sell it than to continue to maintain and maintain the state. It could represent a new weapon of war for Ukraine, because the ship is equipped with a medium range, there are installations for anti-ship missiles, and 3 batteries of thirty-millimeter six-barreled guns are also installed. The cruiser is equipped with a torpedo tube, an artillery system, and this is not all that is installed on it.


It is known that Ukraine will start using modern small arms of the world only from 2016. Today, every Ukrainian soldier is equipped with a type of Kalashnikov assault rifle, one of the models of TT, PM or PS pistols, as well as a wide variety. In some cases, there are light machine guns and grenade launchers. For the fighters of some units, sniper rifles are issued.

There are models of Ukrainian-made weapons and units purchased abroad. Almost all of these weapons are left over from Soviet times. But the command is not going to stop at outdated models, non-standard models are already being encountered, representing the new small arms of Ukraine. They are created both within the state and abroad. Basically, among the new weapons there are sniper rifles, pistols and other units for single weapons.

Nuclear weapons of Ukraine

According to experts, Ukraine lacks only money to create an atomic bomb. After all, everything else is present in the state in vast quantities. Resources are mined in local mines, and scientists have remained and are ready to resume their labor activity. In addition, there are carriers in Ukraine capable of delivering a ready-made bomb to enemy territory. In addition, there is also the equipment necessary to create a warhead. As we can see, Ukrainian still exists, at least according to experts and analysts.

Everyone is well aware that the country does not have money for this business, but the option of using old reserves is quite possible. During the disarmament of the country, part of the stocks of weapons disappeared. For example, one nuclear warhead and two strategic bombers are missing. At the end of the nineties, the elimination of all nuclear missiles in the territory was officially announced, but over time, more than thirty combat units were found in the warehouses. Therefore, according to foreign experts, if the weapon is found, it will be enough to deliver warning strikes and more.

DATA FOR 2015 (standard replenishment)

Complex 2K5 "Korshun", missile 3Р7

tactical missile. The design of a liquid-propellant tactical missile for salvo firing began in 1952 by OKB-3 NII-88 (Podlipki, Moscow Region), chief designer D.D. Sevruk. In 1953, work on the topic received official status - on September 19, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 2469-1022 was issued on the development of the Korshun rocket system. The 2K5 "Korshun" complex with 3Р7 liquid rockets was intended, first of all, to create corridors in the enemy's defense for advancing tanks. It was supposed to fire from mobile vehicle installations simultaneously with 2, 3 divisions at a distance of up to 55 km.

Missile tests were carried out starting in July 1954 from the launch stand. Preparation for serial production at the plant "Izhmash" (Izhevsk) began in 1956. The serial production of the complex began in 1957. The complex was in trial operation in the USSR Armed Forces. The missile had low accuracy and high accident rate at negative air temperatures (exploded, Grinberg V.N.).

The machines of the complex have repeatedly participated in Parades on Red Square in Moscow since 1957. Production was discontinued after the manufacture of a small batch of complexes according to the Decrees of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 2399-rs dated 08.26.1959 and No. 135-48 dated 02.05.

Special thanks for the help in summarizing the data on the Korshun missiles to the user "dimon-13".

Launcher- 2P5 (SM-44) / BM-25 - truss guides for a package of 6 missiles on a car chassis. The artillery unit of the SM-55 launcher was developed by TsKB-34 (Leningrad, the project was completed on April 14, 1955). Chassis - YaAZ-214 (after the transfer of production to the Kremenchug Automobile Plant - KrAZ-214, produced from 1956 to 1959, a total of 1265 units were produced).

Engine - diesel YaAZ-206B, 6 cylinders, power 205 hp.

Weight PU - 18140 kg
Chassis load capacity (YaAZ-214) - 7000 kg

Vertical pointing angles - up to +52 degrees

Horizontal pointing angles - + -6 degrees

Highway speed - 55 km / h

The steepness of the rise - 30 degrees.

Power reserve - 530 km

SPU 2P5 complex "Kite"

PU complex "Korshun" (Shirokorad A.B., Domestic mortars and rocket artillery. Minsk, Harvest, 2000)

SPU 2P5 on the YaAZ-214 chassis of the Korshun complex

Launcher 2P5 of the "Korshun" complex at the parade on Red Square, Moscow, 11/07/1960 (photo from the Doctor's archive,

Rocket 3Р7
Design- to reduce aerodynamic drag and ease of placement on a combat vehicle, the 3Р7 rocket body was made in a large elongation. To do this, it was necessary to move away from the scheme of previously developed anti-aircraft unguided missiles, in which the oxidizer tank concentrically covered the fuel tank. On 3P7, the layout was made according to the traditional scheme with a sequential arrangement of tanks. The rocket used a previously developed system for the displacement supply of liquid fuel, which simplified the design.

Structurally, the rocket consists of two parts - combat and reactive. The warhead is in front. At the junction of the parts there is a compartment (similar to the German ZNURS "Typhoon" and its Soviet modifications), filled with discs to fit the rocket to the desired weight. The rocket is brought to the required weight of ± 0.5 kg.

Rocket 3Р7 complex "Korshun"

Control system and guidance- guidance is carried out by the artillery part of the launcher, the rocket is stabilized by rotation, which is set by the launcher guides and supported by aerodynamic stabilizers. The rocket did not go into mass production due to low accuracy and large dispersion.

Initially, the 3R7 used the S3.25 liquid-propellant jet engine with TG-02 (Tonka) self-igniting fuel and nitric acid, but later, to reduce the cost of the rocket, they began to use the S3.25B engine, where the main fuel was TM-130 non-self-igniting fuel, and a small amount of TG-02 fuel was used as starting fuel.

Option 1 - single-chamber LRE S3.25. Fuel supply - test. The tanks are arranged in series.
Fuel - triethylaminexylidine (TG-02, "Tonka")
Oxidizing agent - nitric acid

Effective gas flow rate - 2035 m/s

Option 2 - single-chamber LRE S3.25B using TG-02 as a starting fuel.
Fuel - kerosene mixture TM-130
Oxidizing agent - nitric acid

TTX missiles:

Length - 5535 mm

Caliber / Diameter - 250 mm

The coefficient of the stabilizing moment of plumage - 0.0273

Weight - 375 kg / 385 kg (according to various sources)

Warhead weight - 100 kg / 108 kg (according to various sources)

Fuel mass - 162 kg / 161.2 kg (according to various sources)

Range - 55 km

The length of the active section of the trajectory is 3.8 km

Maximum speed - 990 m / s / 1002 m / s (according to various sources)
Departure speed from guides - 34 m/s
Range deviation - 1/100
Lateral deviation - 1/130
The time of the descent of the rocket from the guides - 0.34 s

Engine running time - 7.8 s
Flight time to maximum range - 137 s

Warhead- explosive. The warhead has two fuses: the head - mechanical, percussion - non-safety type, and the bottom - electromechanical. The hull of the warhead is made of 40x steel and has a screw bottom. Equipment with explosive TGAG-5 is made from the bottom by the method of lumpy pouring.

Type BB - TGAG-5
Mass of explosives - 50 kg

- complex 2K5 "Korshun" with a missile 3R7 - the basic version, a ballistic unguided tactical missile.

Meteorological variant - a variant of the missile with a range of 80 km for use as a meteorological.

MMP-05 / MMP-08 - meteorological rockets created on the basis of the 3R7 Korshun rocket.

Status- USSR - the complex was in service, but, most likely, it was in "trial operation" and was in limited quantities in the troops.

November 7, 1957 - Combat vehicles with Korshun missiles are shown for the first time at the Parade on Red Square in Moscow.


Cars in uniform. Series 4. Documentary. Broadcasting Company of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Zvezda", 2009
Angelsky R. Long range volley. // Equipment and weapons. №03 / 2003
Grinberg V.N. About life and rockets. Lecture., 2009
News of cosmonautics. Website, 2009

Shirokorad A.B., Domestic mortars and rocket artillery. Minsk, Harvest, 2000

The Ukrainian army will immediately receive several new models of powerful weapons - the Alder missile system and. This was reported in the National Security and Defense Council in early February.

Military experts believe that the Armed Forces of Ukraine may receive other weapons from their own military-industrial complex. figured out what powerful military weapons Ukraine is working on.

Cruise missiles Neptune

On January 30, the National Security and Defense Council announced the testing of the first fully Ukrainian-made cruise missile. The name of the rocket was not disclosed, but military experts concluded that it was Neptune.

The missiles were discussed not only by the Ukrainian and Russian media, but also by Western ones. According to the Czech newspaper Echo24, there were various comments: in some, the authors warned that the new weapon could threaten even Moscow, while in others they laughed, calling the missile just a demonstration model for the media.

Neptune is similar to the Soviet Kh-35 rocket, also known as 3M24 Uran, but with significant modifications.

The range of the missile is 280 kilometers. Three modifications are planned: ship-based, land-based and air-based. Neptune will be placed in transport launch containers. The length of the booster rocket is five meters.

The new Ukrainian missile is designed to destroy warships and transport ships in strike groups.

Military expert Sergei Zgurets says it is comparable to American, Chinese and Soviet missiles with a range of up to 300 kilometers.

He clarified that this is a subsonic missile, its flight pattern is standard for a cruise model.

"On the marching section, the flight altitude is 10-30 m, on the final section 4-5 m. The warhead is high-explosive fragmentation. Due to the equipment with various types of homing heads, it can hit various types of targets. Both with known coordinates and used as anti-radar rocket," explains Zgurets.

Later, an expert in an interview said that, like any cruise missile, Neptune is equipped with a main engine running on aviation kerosene.

“If the fuel tank is doubled or tripled, the flight range will increase to a thousand kilometers or more. That is, the issue here is the scale of the project,” Zgurets said.

It is assumed that Neptune will be in service with the coastal troops. The missiles will be used to control the Black Sea.

It is still unknown when exactly the missiles will go into service, because Neptune must go through all the stages of state tests.

Alder missile system

A few days after the demonstration of Neptune, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksandr Turchynov announced tests of the Olkha missile system, also of Ukrainian design.

Alder is a multiple launch rocket system with a corrected missile flight based on the Soviet Smerch MLRS, the accuracy of which is rather low.

The range of Alder is 120 kilometers, which is 30 kilometers more than that of Smerch. The launcher contains 12 300-mm missiles, each of which can be aimed at a separate target, and the flight will be controlled. Also, missiles can carry various warheads.

Experts say that the missiles will be controlled by impulse engines.

Turchynov says that there is already a huge demand for Ukrainian Alder abroad. However, he noted that first it is necessary to provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The National Security and Defense Council reported that the mass production of the missile system should begin in 2018.

Developer: Luch Design Bureau

Rocket complex Grom-2

Not so long ago, footage of a test of the Grom-2 operational-tactical missile system, a mobile complex with missiles capable of hitting ground targets at a distance of up to 280 kilometers, appeared on the network.

The warhead is high-explosive fragmentation or penetrating high-explosive fragmentation - for well-armored objects.

Grom-2 is equipped with less guided ballistic missiles. However, on the site of the developer KB Yuzhnoye it is said that this is a high-precision weapon.

Military experts say Grom-2 is a continuation of the previously suspended Sapsan project being developed for Saudi Arabia, which has invested $40 million in the project.

Last year, a presentation of a prototype launcher for two missiles with a range of up to 300 kilometers and a warhead weighing 480 kilograms took place, and these parameters are identical to the Russian Iskander-E.

Since the missiles were built for export, the range is limited by the export Missile Technology Control Regime, which sets a limit. However, experts say that the complex has a large distance.

Probably, the complex will fall into service with the Ukrainian army under the name Sapsan.

Developer: Yuzhnoye Design Bureau

Cruise missile Korshun-2

The Kite cruise missile, as noted by Echo24, is much more dangerous than Neptune. According to official statements, the flight range reaches 280 kilometers.

“But its appearance and size suggest that this missile can be classified in the same category as the American Tomahawk and Russian Caliber, whose range is about two and a half thousand kilometers. Thus, Kyiv can get a system capable of striking a strategic behind enemy lines," the newspaper notes.

Model of the rocket Korshun-2 / KB Yuzhnoye

That is, Korshun-2 can receive the status of a strategic weapon. While Korshun is at the development stage, the very existence of this project raises concerns, the military expert of the publication notes.

The missile is planned to be placed on a self-propelled launcher, however, at arms exhibitions it was indicated that the missile could be based both on ships and on aircraft.

The Yuzhnoye Design Bureau website said that the Korshun-2 should be put into service with the Ukrainian army.

Developer: KB Yuzhnoye

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In the early fifties, the Soviet defense industry began developing several projects for tactical missile systems. By the end of the decade, a number of new models of this class were adopted for service, differing from each other in various design features and characteristics. In addition, in the early stages of the development of missile systems, original versions of their architecture and principles of application were proposed. One of the most interesting options for a "non-standard" tactical missile system was the 2K5 "Korshun" system.

In the early fifties, an original proposal appeared regarding the development of promising tactical missile systems and was based on the characteristic features of systems of this class. At that time, there was no possibility of equipping missiles with control systems, which is why the calculated accuracy of firing at long ranges left much to be desired. As a result, it was proposed to compensate for the lack of accuracy by various methods. In the case of the first domestic tactical missile systems, accuracy was compensated by the power of a special warhead. Another project was to use other principles.

In the next project, it was proposed to use the approach inherent in multiple launch rocket systems. The probability of hitting an individual target was to be increased by salvo firing of several missiles. Due to such features of work and the proposed technical characteristics, the promising complex should have been a successful combination of MLRS and a tactical missile system.

Complexes "Kite" at the parade. Photo

The second unusual feature of the promising project was the class of the engine used. All previous missile systems were equipped with ammunition equipped with solid propellant engines. In order to improve the main characteristics, it was proposed to complete the new product with a liquid fuel engine.

Work on a new liquid-propellant unguided ballistic missile started in 1952. The design was carried out by specialists from OKB-3 NII-88 (Podlipki). The work was supervised by the chief designer D.D. Sevruk. At the first stage of work, engineers formed the general appearance of a promising ammunition, and also determined the composition of the main units. After the completion of the preliminary design, the design team presented the new development to the leadership of the military industry.

Analysis of the presented documentation showed the prospects of the project. The proposed tactical missile system, designed for salvo firing, was of particular interest to the troops and could be used in the armed forces. On September 19, 1953, a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued, according to which OKB-3 NII-88 was to continue the development of a promising project. In addition, a list of subcontractors responsible for the creation of certain components of the complex was stipulated.

Museum sample, side view. Photo by Wikimedia Commons

A promising tactical missile system received the code "Kite". Subsequently, the Main Artillery Directorate assigned the 2K5 index to the project. The rocket complex "Kite" received the designation 3Р7. The system should have included a self-propelled launcher. At various stages of development and testing, this combat vehicle received the designations SM-44, BM-25 and 2P5. The artillery part of the self-propelled launcher was designated as SM-55.

During the preliminary work on the project, the main method of combat use of promising missile systems was formed. The Korshun systems were supposed to independently advance to the indicated positions, and then, with the help of two or three batteries, simultaneously strike at the enemy’s defenses at the required depth. The results of such strikes were to be a general weakening of the enemy's defenses, as well as the appearance of corridors for the advancing troops to advance. It was assumed that the relatively large firing range and power of combat units would make it possible to inflict significant damage on the enemy and thereby facilitate the offensive of friendly troops.

The intended method of combat use of the 2K5 "Korshun" complex implied a quick transfer of equipment to the required firing positions, which made appropriate requirements for self-propelled launchers. It was decided to build this technique on the basis of one of the latest automobile chassis with the required carrying capacity and cross-country ability. The best characteristics among the existing samples showed a three-axle all-wheel drive truck YaAZ-214.

Feed machine and launcher. Photo by Wikimedia Commons

This car was developed by the Yaroslavl Automobile Plant in the early fifties, but went into production only in 1956. Production in Yaroslavl continued until 1959, after which YaAZ was transferred to the production of engines, and the construction of trucks continued in Kremenchug under the name KrAZ-214. The Korshun complex could use both types of chassis, but there is reason to believe that serial equipment was built mainly on the basis of Yaroslavl vehicles.

YaAZ-214 was a three-axle bonneted truck with a 6x6 wheel arrangement. The car was equipped with a YaAZ-206B diesel engine with a power of 205 hp. and mechanical transmission based on a five-speed gearbox. A two-stage transfer case was also used. With a dead weight of 12.3 tons, the truck could carry cargo up to 7 tons. It was possible to tow trailers of a larger mass, including road trains.

During the restructuring of the SM-44 / BM-25 / 2P5 project, the base automobile chassis received some new units, primarily the SM-55 launcher. A support platform was attached to the cargo area of ​​the car, on which a rotary assembly with a hinge was placed to install the guide package. In addition, at the rear of the platform there were lowered outrigger supports designed to stabilize the vehicle during firing. Another refinement of the base machine was to install shields on the cockpit that covered the windshield during firing.

Rocket 3Р7 in section. Figure

The artillery part of the SM-55 launcher, developed in 1955 by the Leningrad TsKB-34, was a platform with mounts for a swinging guide package. Due to the existing drives, the platform could be guided horizontally, turning 6 ° to the right and left of the longitudinal axis of the combat vehicle. In addition, it was possible to vertically guide the package of guides with an angle of up to 52 °. At the same time, due to the small sector of horizontal guidance, firing was carried out only forward, “through the cockpit”, which to a certain extent limited the minimum elevation angle.

A package of guides for unguided rockets was attached to the swinging device of the launcher. The package was a device of six guides arranged in two horizontal rows of three. On the outer surface of the central rails there were frames necessary to connect all the units into a single unit. In addition, the main power elements and the package guidance hydraulics were also located there. The guide package was equipped with an electric ignition system controlled from a remote control in the cockpit.

As part of the SM-55 product, unified guides of a relatively simple design were used. To launch the rocket, it was proposed to use a device of ten clip rings connected by longitudinal beams. Four screw guides were attached to the inner racks of the rings, with the help of which the initial promotion of the rocket was carried out. Due to the specific distribution of loads during firing, the rings were located at different intervals: with smaller ones in the “muzzle” part and with larger ones at the “breech”. At the same time, due to the design of the rocket, the screw guides were not attached to the rear ring and were connected only to the next one.

After installing all the necessary equipment, the mass of the 2P5 launcher reached 18.14 tons. With this weight, the combat vehicle could reach speeds of up to 55 km / h. The power reserve exceeded 500 km. The all-wheel drive chassis ensured movement over rough terrain and overcoming various obstacles. The combat vehicle had the ability to move with ready-to-use ammunition.

Rocket and guide close-up. Photo

The development of the Korshun complex began in 1952 with the creation of an unguided rocket. Subsequently, this product received the designation 3P7, under which it was brought to testing and mass production. 3R7 was an unguided ballistic missile with a liquid engine, capable of hitting targets in a fairly wide range of ranges.

In order to increase the firing range, the authors of the 3Р7 project had to improve the aerodynamics of the rocket as much as possible. The main means of improving such characteristics was a large elongation of the hull, which required the abandonment of the proven layout of the units. So, instead of concentric placement of fuel and oxidizer tanks, it was necessary to use containers located one after another in the body.

The 3R7 missile was divided into two main units: combat and reactive parts. A conical head fairing and part of a cylindrical body were given under the warhead, and elements of the power plant were placed directly behind it. Between the combat and reactive parts there was a small compartment designed for their docking, as well as to ensure the required weight of the product. During the assembly of the rocket, metal disks were placed in this compartment, with the help of which the mass was reduced to the required values ​​​​with an accuracy of 500 g. When assembled, the rocket had an elongated cylindrical body with a conical head fairing and four trapezoidal stabilizers in the tail. The stabilizers were mounted at an angle to the rocket axis. Pins were placed in front of the stabilizers to interact with the screw guides.

The total length of the 3Р7 rocket was 5.535 m, the body diameter was 250 mm. The reference starting weight was 375 kg. Of these, 100 kg accounted for the warhead. The total mass of fuel and oxidizer reached 162 kg.

Scheme of the 2K5 "Korshun" complex from a foreign reference book on Soviet weapons. Wikimedia Commons drawing

Initially, the C3.25 liquid engine, as well as fuel and oxidizer tanks, should have been located in the reactive part of the 3P7 product. Such a power plant was supposed to use TG-02 fuel and an oxidizer in the form of nitric acid. The used fuel pair ignited independently and then burned, providing the necessary traction. Even before the rocket design was completed, calculations showed that the first version of the power plant was too expensive to manufacture and operate. To reduce the cost, the rocket was equipped with an S3.25B engine using non-self-igniting TM-130 fuel. At the same time, a certain amount of TG-02 fuel was retained to start the engine. The oxidizing agent remained the same - nitric acid.

With the help of the existing engine, the rocket had to leave the launcher, and then go through the active phase of the flight. It took 7.8 s to develop the entire supply of fuel and oxidizer. When leaving the guide, the speed of the rocket did not exceed 35 m / s, at the end of the active section - up to 990-1000 m / s. The length of the active section was 3.8 km. The impulse received during acceleration allowed the rocket to enter the ballistic trajectory and hit the target at a distance of up to 55 km. The flight time to the maximum range reached 137 s.

To hit the target, a high-explosive warhead with a total weight of 100 kg was proposed. A 50-kg explosive charge and two fuses were placed inside the metal case. In order to increase the probability of hitting the target, head contact and bottom electromechanical fuses were used.

The passage of the parade building past the mausoleum. Photo

The rocket did not have any control systems. Aiming at the target was to be carried out by setting the required guidance angles for the guide package. By turning the launcher in the horizontal plane, azimuth guidance was performed, and the tilt of the systems changed the parameters of the trajectory and, as a result, the firing range. When firing at the maximum range, the deviation from the aiming point reached 500-550 m. It was planned to compensate for such low accuracy with volleys of six missiles, including from several combat vehicles.

It is known that during the development of the Kite project, 3P7 missiles became the basis for special-purpose modifications. In 1956, a small meteorological rocket MMP-05 was developed. It differed from the base product in increased dimensions and weight. Due to the new head compartment with equipment, the length of the rocket increased to 7.01 m, weight - up to 396 kg. In the instrument compartment there was a group of four cameras, as well as thermometers, pressure gauges, radio-electronic and telemetric equipment, similar to that installed on the MP-1 rocket. Also, the new rocket received a radar transponder to track the flight path. By changing the parameters of the launcher, it was possible to fly along a ballistic trajectory up to 50 km high. In the final section of the trajectory, the equipment descended to the ground with the help of a parachute.

In 1958, the MMP-08 meteorological rocket appeared. It was about a meter longer than the MMP-05 and weighed 485 kg. An existing instrument compartment with the necessary equipment was used, and the difference in size and weight was due to an increased fuel supply. Thanks to a larger amount of fuel and oxidizer, the MMP-08 could rise to a height of up to 80 km. From the point of view of operational characteristics, the rocket did not differ much from its predecessor.

Parade formation. Photo

The development of the 3R7 unguided tactical missile was completed in 1954. In July 54, the first launch of an experimental product from a test bench took place. After the deployment of serial production of YaAZ-214 vehicles, the participants in the Korshun project had the opportunity to build an experimental self-propelled launcher of the 2P5 type. The manufacture of such a machine made it possible to begin testing the missile system in full force. Landfill tests confirmed the design characteristics of the new .

In 1956, according to test results, the 2K5 Korshun tactical missile system was recommended for serial production. The assembly of combat vehicles was entrusted to the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant. In 1957, contractors handed over to the armed forces the first serial copies of launchers and unguided missiles for them. This technique entered trial operation, but was not put into service. November 7 complexes "Kite" for the first time took part in the parade on Red Square.

During the trial operation of new tactical missile systems, some disadvantages were identified that seriously hampered their use. First of all, the claims were caused by the low accuracy of the missiles, which, together with the low power of the high-explosive warhead, worsened the effectiveness of the weapon. Deviations of up to 500-550 m at maximum range were acceptable for missiles with special warheads, but a 50-kilogram conventional charge could not provide an acceptable target hit with such accuracy.

The parade formation of the "Kite" accompanied by other types of equipment. Photo

It also turned out that the 3R7 rocket has insufficient reliability when used in certain weather conditions. At low air temperatures, equipment failures were observed, up to explosions. This feature of the weapon sharply reduced the possibilities for its use and interfered with normal operation.

The identified shortcomings did not allow the full use of the latest missile system, and also did not leave the opportunity to put into practice all its advantages. For this reason, at the end of the trial operation, it was decided to abandon the further production and use of the Korshunov. In August 1959 and February 1960, two resolutions of the Council of Ministers were issued, stipulating the curtailment of mass production of components of the 2K5 Korshun complex. In less than three years no more than a few dozen self-propelled launchers and several hundred missiles were built.

In 1957, almost simultaneously with the start of the trial operation of the Korshunov, scientists "adopted" the MMP-05 small meteorological rocket. The first operational launch of such a product took place on November 4 at the rocket sounding station located on Heiss Island (Franz Josef Land archipelago). Until February 18, 1958, the meteorologists of this station conducted five more such studies. The operation of meteorological rockets was also carried out at other stations. Of particular interest is the launch of the MMP-05 rocket, which took place on the last day of 1957. The launch pad for the rocket was the deck of the ship "Ob", standing on the beam of the recently opened Antarctic station "Mirny".

The operation of the MMP-08 missiles began in 1958. These products were used by scientists of various meteorological laboratories, primarily located in high latitudes. Until the end of the fifties, polar weather stations used only rockets created on the basis of the 3P7 product. In 1957, three missiles were used, in the 58th - 36, in the 59th - 18. Subsequently, the MMP-05 and MMP-08 missiles were replaced by newer designs with improved performance and modern target equipment.

Meteorological rocket MMR-05. Photo by Wikimedia Commons

In view of the insufficient characteristics of the rocket and the complex as a whole, in 1959-60 it was decided to stop further operation of the 2K5 Korshun systems. Until that time, the tactical missile system had not been put into service, remaining in trial operation, which showed the impossibility of its full-fledged service. The lack of real prospects led to the abandonment of the complex, followed by decommissioning and disposal of equipment. The cessation of the production of 3R7 missiles also led to a halt in the production of MMP-05 and MMP-08 products, however, the stock created made it possible to continue operation until the middle of the next decade. According to some reports, before 1965 at least 260 MMP-05 missiles and more than 540 MMP-08 were used.

Almost all 2P5 self-propelled launchers were decommissioned and sent for cutting or re-equipment. No longer needed ballistic missiles were disposed of. According to available data, only one 2P5 / BM-25 machine has been preserved in its original form and is now an exhibit of the Military History Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg). Together with the combat vehicle, the museum displays several mock-ups of 3R7 missiles.

Project 2K5 "Kite" was an original attempt to combine in one complex all the advantages of multiple rocket launchers and tactical ballistic missiles. From the first it was proposed to take the possibility of simultaneously launching several missiles, which allows hitting targets over a sufficiently large area, and from the second - the firing range and tactical purpose. Such a combination of the qualities of equipment of different classes could give certain advantages over existing systems, however, the design flaws of the 3R7 missiles did not allow the full potential to be realized. As a result, the Korshun complex did not leave the stage of trial operation. It should be noted that in the future, such ideas were nevertheless implemented in new projects of long-range MLRS, which entered service later.

According to materials:
Shirokorad A.B. Domestic mortars and rocket artillery. - Mn., Harvest, 2000.

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