Mind game how to find your calling. How to find your calling. Strategy and tactics for the realization of the vocation

A few months ago, I decided to launch my own online job search and career consulting project. After a while, I noticed that among the standard questions of my clients “how to compose”, “how to behave in an interview”, I very often hear a completely different, deeper request: “how to understand what I like to do?” and “how to start doing what you love and connect it with work?”.

It turned out that my clients aged 25 to 35 do not experience satisfaction from the mere presence of a prestigious job with a good salary, but make completely different demands on the job and the employer. It is important for them that they enjoy the activity (more and more people want a free schedule and remote work), and they also prefer to understand some deep meaning of their activity and know what benefits it will bring.

Naturally, with such high expectations, these people are doomed to constant dissatisfaction with their work. Not having a clear idea of ​​​​their interests or not finding an opportunity to combine them with work, “shifting papers” from 9 to 18 in the office instead of saving the world, they get less and less pleasure from work. Yearning, they cherish the dream of dropping everything and leaving for the warmth, in order to indulge in the search for themselves and their vocation, hoping to find a magical recipe for a harmonious cocktail of pleasure, meaning and work.

In my opinion, such a trip will be just a change of scenery. Will there be an answer? Maybe. But I don't think it's necessary to travel far for that. I am convinced that each of us deep down knows his calling. It’s just that someone reveals it at the age of four, and someone remembers at 80. But no matter how old you are, the search for a vocation is always an exciting journey and not at all to a tropical country! And it is also painstaking, jewelry work that requires courage, creativity and perseverance. Indeed, to prepare your exclusive culinary masterpiece, it is not enough to find a good recipe. You will have to first learn how to cook it, and then experiment many times to find the ideal proportions and your own unique ingredients.

For my clients, I decided to study in detail the scope of the search for a vocation, collect the maximum and choose the best. In the last three months of deep diving alone, I have accumulated more than 100 exercises, and yet I just opened the door to this interesting world. Some exercises are hints and help to identify a calling, others allow you to transform it into a new job or bring it into harmony with an existing one. I am happy to share my findings with you!

For those who are ready to go on an independent journey, I have compiled a universal route in seven days. Naturally, the timing for each will be individual. Perhaps someone will find the answer on the first day, and someone will need to take a break after each task for thoughtful reflection. But the timing is not the most important thing, especially if the trip is exciting. Well, are you ready? Go!

The first day. Look into the future and dream

Our fantasies are not only a storehouse of information about ourselves and our goals, but also a powerful source of motivation for their realization. To make it easier to fantasize, let's play a game. Imagine that you are a kind of hundred-year-old dreamer-lucky. Not only did you live in your mind and health to such a serious name day, you were also incredibly lucky in life, and you achieved fantastic success in everything you undertook. Healthy, prosperous, live in abundance, in a word, prosper. Your relatives and friends have gathered to congratulate you and celebrate this significant event with you. Or maybe not only friends, but also reporters, the press, celebrities ...

Represented? And now remember your whole happy life, full of interesting and exciting events. What were you doing? What they were doing? Where, in what environment? Who was next to you? What did you feel? Describe your lifestyle, everything that was important to you, all areas of life. Preferably on paper or in a text editor.

Then read your text, preferably out loud, paying attention to how you feel and how your voice sounds. Do you really want these fantasies to become reality? Are you ready to try?

In order to be where you want to be in 100 years, you need to start the path in the chosen direction right now.

Second day. Allow yourself everything and dream

Very often, our calling is hidden somewhere between the area of ​​​​our interests, the sphere of innermost desires and a few deeply hidden and forgotten childhood dreams. We are so afraid of this Pandora's box that we hide it far away in the closet of our memory, so that later we can hastily push into it everything that we wanted, but did not come true, was planned, but did not come true. And then forget.

In order to open the veil and take another step towards your calling, you will need to get this box, blow off the dust and carefully shake out everything that you stuffed into it. Think of all your dreams, desires, interests, and everything you've ever wanted to try, and write it down. To complete the picture, add a list of improbabilities to them. Do not limit your imagination: the more points you write, even the most ridiculous ones, the better. Let them be 100 or more, but not less than 20.

By the way, this exercise has an interesting side effect. Save the list and check it after a while. Some of your wishes will come true by themselves, without your participation. For everything to come true, some actions will need to be taken, but that's a completely different story.

When we were little, each of us knew our purpose. If you have forgotten what you dreamed about as a child, ask your relatives.

Day three. Design your ideal contract

Imagine you are a star! You are so professional, in demand and popular that "headhunters" are chasing you, ready to do anything to get you. You are offered to sign a contract with an ideal salary, in which you are allowed to independently choose what you will do, in what field and under what conditions. Yes, you are the lucky one!

You, of course, guess that each of us actually has such an opportunity? If not, I'm sharing a secret with you. The modern world offers a wide variety of professions and fields of activity, any options for work schedules and other conditions. Unfortunately, very often many do not know what they want, or do not want to make an effort to achieve what they want. Or, for some reason, they do not find the opportunity to sit down and think seriously about this issue.

So let yourself be puzzled by it right now and choose the perfect job. Let's think broader, because we ourselves are the authors of all our limits and limitations. Have 100 items on your list, or at least 20. By the way, this exercise is useful to do from time to time, as your preferences may change and it is important to adjust your ideal contract so that the work continues to inspire you.

It is worth not only to draw up your ideal contract, but also to review it from time to time. Our preferences can change and it is important to make adjustments in time so that our work continues to inspire us.

Day four. What would you like to give to others?

All of us . We live in a society and cannot exist independently, on our own. Therefore, it always alarms me when I hear that someone wants to do something exclusively for themselves. Wants to have fun in the process, achieve self-realization through favorite activities and get satisfaction from achieving results. All these desires are beautiful, but the questions “Why?”, “Why are you?”, “What is your meaning?” remain unanswered.

It seems to me that such an egocentric position is initially inferior and flawed in relation to the one in which the motive to “give” is present. Activity can bring complete satisfaction only if you share something with others, serve them. And transforming your favorite pastime into a job is possible only if you find a way to benefit others through your activities.

A combination of answers to the questions "Why?" and “What do I want to give to others?” will give the very meaning without which complete satisfaction from work is impossible.

Day five. What do you like and really enjoy?

Up to this day, we have focused on your dreams, interests, desires, and what you would like to do. You were not limited by anything except your fantasies and self-created limitations. Your dreams, interests and desires are the guides to your work, but they contain a certain amount of risk. If most of them have remained in the fantasy world and you have not tried to realize them, you cannot be sure that this is exactly what you like and enjoy. Nevertheless, these lists are very important for discovering a calling. Let's leave them for a while.

Now we will return from the realm of fantasy to the real world. Your personal experience is another important source of information on the path to your calling. By carefully going through all your attempts to do something and the degree of your pleasure in the process, you can also find clues that will lead you to a calling.

Remember what you really like to do and what you definitely enjoy - in past jobs, while studying, during any other activity that you did. As a reminder, the key difference from the list you made on Day 2 is that you've tried it, and you know you're enjoying it. As usual, aim for 100 pips and keep them at least 20.

To be sure that you really like it and bring pleasure, you can only try what you dreamed about. Look for your calling in your experience and experiment more with your fantasies and interests.

Day six. Your talents, abilities, skills and their reflection in others

Each of us has many talents, whether we develop them or not. Think about what you are doing well, what have you achieved heights and achievements in? You probably have something that you know how to do better than others. Don't know about it? Remember what requests you usually receive. Don't remember? Then take a chance and ask! Call your relatives and friends and ask them what they would lose if they did not know you. Be prepared for the most unexpected answers. You will definitely learn a lot of interesting things! :)

Your talents and abilities will point you in the right direction to your calling. Do not know what you are strong in - ask others!

Day seven. Role, skill, vocation

The seventh day is a day of analysis and answering questions. Read each list and analyze it. Pay attention to the points that:

  • repeated several times;
  • seem to you the most valuable and important right now;
  • cause you a special response and awe.

Choose about 10 items from each list (the number of items is not a strict parameter). Divide the items into four groups:

  • Field of activity (medicine, art, sports, and so on).
  • The essence of the activity (what exactly to do, what to do).
  • Conditions (where, how, with whom, what time).
  • Qualities and skills (how and what I can do).

Write down all the points on a blank A4 sheet or in a new word processor document. Add a description of your ideal lifestyle from day one and answers to the question “What do I want to give to others” from day four.

Analyze the resulting description and answer the questions: “What am I really do in peace when I do this?”, “What am I really I give the world when I do this?”, “What is my real role when I do this?”, “What is my exceptional gift what is mine skill and vocation when do I do it? Take your time, these questions require serious thought. The answers to them will allow you to find yourself.

Want to connect with work? Abstract and look at the result as if from the outside, as if it was not written by you, but by another person. Write job options that would fit such a request. Show to others and ask them to name options for a job that suits you. If you have the courage, publish it on the networks. The more people with different professional erudition you show, the more diverse job options you will get. It is desirable to get a list of 20-30 different options for professions. Choose one or two or three of them that you like the most.

Assess reality. To what extent what you are doing now is close and consonant with your request. Consider a strategy. Cardinal change? Smooth transition? Work at the same job, but the vocation to make a hobby and develop in an interesting direction in parallel? Write a plan. Take the first step. Check experimentally.

This will take several months or years. Scary? Be afraid, but do it. These few months or years will still pass sooner or later, and you either try or not. Hurry, because no one knows when his centennial anniversary will come. Remember, happiness is not the final destination, it is the journey itself. Even a few seconds closer to your ideal life is already a result.

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Krasnoyarovskaya Secondary School"

Methodical development

intellectual game

"How to find your calling"

Developed by: Teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Krasnoyarovsk secondary school" T. G. Loginova


Explanatory note

The event is intended for children of middle school age. This methodological development can be used by teachers of additional education, class teachers, educators of school boarding schools.


Professional self-determination is one of the most important tasks in a person's life. The question of choosing a profession arises before each person repeatedly. At each age stage, professional self-determination has its own characteristics. For students in grades 5-7, a search-probing stage is characteristic. During this period, the tasks of forming a professional orientation in adolescents, their awareness of their interests, abilities, value orientations associated with the choice of profession and their place in society are solved. Thus, the priority goal for a career guidance specialist is to create optimal conditions for the implementation of these age-related tasks of students.

In the context of the modernization of Russian education, the priority is the formation of key competencies among students, the development of which is greatly facilitated by game interaction.

The game, being a natural form of learning, stimulates the cognitive activity of students. The game forms interest in knowledge, expands the information field of students. Game activity, combined with work and learning, contributes to the formation of character and the development of will and intellect. The game gives students the opportunity to gain knowledge in an accessible form and in practice to acquire decision-making skills, contributes to the formation of the ability to work in a team.

Thus, the use of the game as an active teaching method contributes to increasing the effectiveness of career guidance and, accordingly, self-determination.

Direction, possibilities of application of the development:

This extracurricular activity can be held:

    At the middle level as an extracurricular activity

    As an educational activity

Brief annotation:

The intellectual game contains different categories of questions - serious and not so. It will be interesting for middle school students who still love to play. It will allow them to show their knowledge, ingenuity, sense of humor.

The intellectual game takes place in two stages:

1. The first round is held among all teams and is qualifying for the second round.

2. The second round is held in the form of an intellectual TV show "Own Game" for 2 teams that scored the most points in the 1st stage. Members of the teams that did not pass to the second stage act as spectators, and can also take part in "Own game" in the individual standings.


creating conditions for the formation of students' ideas about the world of professions.


    Create conditions for the intellectual, moral and emotional self-expression of the personality of students;

    Create conditions for students to realize the value and importance of professions;

    Form ideas about professions;

    To acquaint with the diversity of the world of professions;

    Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of work and labor activity.

Preliminary preparation:

    Conversations, selection of material.

    Preparing props for the event

    Formation of teams, names proposed, captains selected.

    The teams were given homework.

    The hall is equipped: places for spectators and guests - along the perimeter of the hall, in the center of the hall - two tables and chairs.

    Selected by the jury.


    Poster with the name of the game,

    badges for captains

    team names,

    jury board,

    game rules poster

    poster with instructions for assessing assignments,

    mosaic envelopes,

    letter cardsK, R, F, P,

    pens, sheets of paper,

    cards for the contest "Guess the profession" -carpenter, pilot, juggler, plasterer, milkmaid, seamstress, doctor, driver,

    bag, in the bag are:email a light bulb, a pen with red paste, a ladle, a comb, a spool of thread,

    black box,

    a spoon,

    cards for the contest "Who is doing what?"

    proverb cards,

    scheme "I WANT, I CAN, I HAVE",

    sweets to play with the audience, sweet prizes.

Event progress


Good afternoon, dear children and distinguished guests!

Life is varied - who dares to argue with us?

Life is beautiful because you can do a lot!

In life, you can live in different ways -

You can be in trouble, but you can be in joy,

Eat on time, drink on time

Do stupid things right away.

And it is possible like this:

Get up at dawn

And thinking of a miracle

Burnt by hand, get the sun

And give it to people!

Beautiful words. Do you agree with me?

Many of you will soon have to start an independent, adult life. Everything will change in your life, everyone will choose their own path. It will be good for everyone if these words, that you need to live not only for yourself, but also for the people who are next to you - you will always remember.

I want to say a lot in parting words. Life is very complicated and incomprehensible. A person all his life is looking for answers to the questions: How? Why? What for?

And at the same time, everything is beautiful and interesting if you live by the principle: - every business is creative, otherwise why?

Each of you has a certain knowledge about the world of professions, as well as resourcefulness, an original point of view and a desire to move forward. All this will help you complete the tasks of our competition program "In the World of Professions", and enter this world one more step.

Here you will face various tests, which you will be able to withstand thanks to mutual support, respect, as well as attention and resourcefulness.

    Team View

    Rules of the game

Before starting our intellectual game, I want to introduce you to the rules of conduct in the game.

(acquaintance with the rules, spelled out on the poster)

Rules of conduct in the game:

    Be careful, you need to listen to the task to the end.

    All proposed tasks are discussed by all members of the team, and the captain gives the answer.

    In the case when a member of another team answers the task of one team, the jury deprives one point of the team whose member allowed himself this intemperance

    If one of the team members gave an answer without consulting the whole team, the leader accepts this answer as the only one, regardless of whether the player answered correctly or not.

    Be polite and tolerant, one point is deducted from the team for creating a conflict situation.

The whole game will consist of competitions, games and riddles. The goal of the teams is to score as many points as possible. The team with the most points at the end is the winner.

Be attentive, friendly in the team and tactful in behavior!

    Jury presentation

We got acquainted with the rules of the game, and now let me introduce you to the jury (surnames and names are called).

The performance of tasks is evaluated as follows:

For the correct answer - 1 point;

the task was completed very well - 5 points;

The task was completed successfully - 4 points;

The task was not completed successfully - 2-3 points.








In this methodological development of a classroom hour, the formation of social and cognitive activity is shown, which is favorable for adolescence, since modern pedagogical practice is based on personality-oriented education, from the standpoint of which a teenager is considered as a subject of the pedagogical process, then the greatest attention is paid to creating optimal conditions for intellectual, social and emotional development of a growing personality. In adolescence, the foundations for the formation of ideas about the diversity of the world of professions are laid and preparations begin for choosing a future profession, and social activity allows you to organize training so that a teenager can independently think about her choice. Therefore, it is necessary to have activities for vocational orientation in extracurricular activities.

Topic: "How to find your calling"

Targets and goals

To consolidate the concept of "profession";

Expand knowledge about the diversity of professions;

Expand knowledge about the world of professional work;

- to promote the formation of professional self-determination of students.

To form an active cognitive interest in professions;

To cultivate respect for people of any profession.

Learn to analyze and draw conclusions.

Preparing for class:

1. Children are informed in advance about the class hour.

2. Design of a classroom: hanging photos and pictures depicting people of different professions, labor processes

Equipment and materials

interactive whiteboard, tokens, envelopes with enclosed letters,

pens and papers, multimedia presentation

Members: Class teacher, students - the class is divided into 2 teams of 8 people, the jury.

Time spending: 45min

Class plan:

I. Opening remarks

II. Practical part "All professions are needed"

III. Psychological block "Me and my type of profession"

IV. Reflection

IV. Final conversation


Warm-up - riddles in the form of a crossword puzzle (cells for a crossword puzzle can be prepared in advance on the board). Whichever team responds first gets a token.

Having guessed all the riddles, you will find out what will be discussed in our lesson.


    I will find them in the restaurant -
    These people in caps
    They conjure over pots
    With ladles in hand...

    Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And he tells everyone how to be treated.

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

For those who are healthy

Allow me to walk...

3. I build schools, I build baths, I build new houses,

Build entire villages, even build cities!

You need to build carefully, you need to build for centuries,

To live in warmth, comfort, even in heavy snow.

In my business I am an artist and a winner over laziness,

Guessed? I -…

    A traffic light is flashing for me
    He knows that I...

    He teaches children at school.
    Strict, but forgiving.
    Helps you get smarter
    He explains everything...

    With a book in hand - a reader.
    Who writes books...


8. In the book sea it is endless
The real captain.
Find any book
Help us quickly!

9. There is a plane in the blue sky,
Manages it...


Choosing a profession is one of the steps to growing up, therefore, the sooner you start trying yourself in different industries, the more reasonably and independently you will choose your future. You can’t suddenly grow up and start choosing a profession. Sometimes such an attitude reflects the desire of a person to delay the moment of making a decision. Therefore, already at your age it is time to think about your future profession.

Today we have an intellectual game lesson. In the process, each team will be able to reflect on the world of the profession, to expand knowledge about the world of professional work.

Competition "Name a profession"

Teacher. Guys, I have letters on the table. I choose any letter, I show you, you name the profession of a person with this letter.

BUT - pharmacist, architect.

B - baker, concrete worker.

AT - doctor, driver

G - geologist.

D - milkmaid.

Z - excavator, etc.

(You can offer the children another version of the game. Take a "miracle bag" in which there are different tools or drawings. Children take out a tool from the bag and say who it belongs to.)

Teacher. Here, it turns out, how many professions there are. To list all the professions and specialties of a person is not enough for a lesson . (which team will name the most correct answers - professions, that one gets a token)

Game "The most suitable".

Number of players: from 6-8 to 10-15.

Description: The host announces the conditions of the game:

I will offer you some peculiar characteristics of professions, and you will need to name in turn those professions that, from your point of view, are most suitable for this characteristic. For example, the characteristic is the most money profession - what professions are the most money?

The teacher names the first characteristic, and the children take turns offering their options. If someone doubts what they heard (believes that this profession does not quite fit this characteristic), then after listening, they can ask clarifying questions.

Characteristics: "the sweetest profession",

"the greenest profession", (flower grower, gardener, forester, vegetable grower, etc.)

- "the funniest profession" (clown, circus performer, actor, etc.)

- "the hairiest profession", (hairdresser)

- “the most childish profession”, (educator, teacher, pediatrician - pediatrician)

- « the cleanest” (cleaning lady, janitor…);

- "the most money profession" (banker, cashier, accountant);

- "the most sociable profession" (journalist, tour guide, TV presenter, etc.)

Classroom teacher: Well done boys! And now we compare your answers with the options for the professions shown on the slide.

Which team will name more accurate professions to the characteristics, that one receives a token.

Quest "In the distant past"

Now you will receive task cards where you need to name professions that:

BUT) almost or completely disappeared;
B) appeared only in the 20th century;
AT ) will appear in the future.

The guys confer, give their names and options for professions.

For reference:

BUT) bygone professions: coachman, lamplighter, spinner, laundress, coachman, seamstress, solicitor, chimney sweep, postmaster, policeman, merchant, etc.;

B) programmer, computer operator, manager, secretary-referent, operator of machine tools with numerical control (CNC), tractor operator-machinist of a general profile, pilot, crane operator, astronaut, embryologist, electrician, etc.;

C) professions related to the exploration of the deep sea, space, the development of robotics, computerization, chemical and nuclear industries, economics, television, video technology, ecology, forensic science, genetic engineering, etc.

Token Counting (Jury)


To talk about the significance of your chosen profession, I would like you to listen to one parable.

Philosophers once got together and argued which profession is more important. One said:
The teacher is the most important. Without education, progress will stop.
“Without builders, man will have nowhere to hide, and mankind will lose beautiful buildings,” said the second philosopher.
– Musicians, artists and poets make our life special. Art distinguishes man from animals, exclaimed the third philosopher.
Then the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.
- Dear scientists, you forgot about the profession of a cook.
You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go cook dinner, - the owner got angry.
The student silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch, the student disappeared. The owner had to cook dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt bad and went home.
The master found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher - the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was not able to think after eating. The philosopher thought, and then he fired the new chef and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but an art.”
Soon learned men again began to gather in the house of the philosopher. The discussion was interrupted only by a delicious dinner prepared by the student.
“Cooking is not a craft, but an art,” said the host after dinner.

Parable discussion.

An exercise. "Walnut".

Time: 10 minutes.

Materials: bag of walnuts.

Progress: The facilitator asks everyone to take one nut from the bag and memorize it. For some time, the participants examine their nut, studying its structure, structural features, remembering all its individual features. Then the nuts are put back into the bag, mixed and spilled again in the center of the circle. The task of everyone is to find their nut.


And now I will ask everyone to answer from the proposed questions (the questions are previously posted on the board):

Today I found out that...

I felt that...

I find it interesting that…

Working on the assignment helped me…

I have a desire...

Teacher. We talked about different professions today. And who would you like to be in the future? (Children answer.)

The basis of human life is professional activity. And it is she who allows us to satisfy our needs. The need for housing, food, clothing will not leave builders, technologists and manufacturers of products and food products without work. As long as there are diseases, doctors are needed. As long as there are children, teachers are needed. As long as there is crime, law enforcement officers are needed. So, these professions will always be in demand. It is very important that you choose a job that you like. Happy is the person who does what he loves, who has chosen a profession by vocation. They say about such a person that he is in his place or that he has golden hands. I wish you the right path to choose.

Used Books.

1. Rezapkina G.V. “Me and My Profession”: Professional Self-Determination Program for Adolescents: Educational and Methodological Guide for School Psychologists and Teachers. - M.: Genesis, 2000.

2. Rezapkina G.V. "Ambulance in choosing a profession." A practical guide for school psychologists and teachers. - M.: Genesis, 2004.

3. Rezapkina G.V. “Secrets of choosing a profession or a graduate guide”: Popular scientific publication. - M.: Genesis, 2005.

A simple and effective way that worked for me. The other 10 techniques didn't work.

  1. We take a sheet. We write the title "My true purpose in life:".
  2. We put a number and write down any answer that comes to mind.
  3. We continue to write until an emotional reaction occurs: more often tears are shed, or frost on the body, or something else noticeable.

  • Write at home. In a good and cheerful mood. Better on paper.
  • Allocate 1-3 hours. Take breaks only when you need to, don't lose flow.
  • Write any idea, not analyze. It's better to take it as a joke, but I'll write: "My destiny is to become the best balalaist in the world."
  • Don't worry if you don't get a response.
  • The answer can consist of one word: "music", "scene", "family", "help".
  • Develop responses that are often repeated in different forms
  • Develop incoming ideas, ask questions:
    • What did you like to do as a child?
    • If you had $10 million, what would you do?
    • What are your dreams?
    • What have you always wanted to do?

My experience

My emotional reaction went to point 116, after 40 minutes. But I suppressed it. I wrote in vain in a cafe - it’s not convenient to let tears in public. I did not believe myself, I continued to write options for another hour to 257 points.

My mission is to help others achieve their goals..

He came home satisfied, but in confusion - he began to double-check. Analyze life, compare past goals and desires.

A diary of goals and desires recorded over the past years helped. The idea often slips through them: to help others. Five years ago, I wrote down a global goal: to help others determine and fulfill their destiny.

"Everything fits, but it's too simple" I thought. Searched, searched, and then - found.

I repeated the exercise after 3 days, already at home. At point 57 - it's there again! Tears came, did not expect it to work again.

Eureka! Is the search over? No, they just started.

For myself, I decided, since I had not found it for a long time, then - I had to learn to live happily.

And now it's time to do the second part - working for the benefit of others. This site is the result of following my destiny. Even if I don't see the end goal.

What changed?

Nothing special. I just as happy as before after finding a purpose.

Defining a purpose is like buying a 10-year gym membership. Elementary. And to plow in the gym 3 times a week is really difficult.

I thought that I would find the answer - everything would become simple and clear: take it and do it. But no. Fortunately, it just didn't. This is just another important step in development.

You need to get used to it - there will be uncertainty all your life. It is better to learn to love her and acquire a state of happiness in order to navigate this uncertainty.

  • Discover your talents and realize yourself in life.
    Yep, right away. To do this - you need a lot of work and 7 years.
  • Make a powerful breakthrough.
    Rather, a pause to change the knurled rails of life to a new direction.
  • You will wake up in the morning with a smile.
    I wake up, as I woke up - with difficulty. I don't like waking up and running to work. When this happens, it means you couldn’t sleep, you were tormented by ideas.
  • You will gain confidence - you will become more harmonious, more cheerful.
    To find all this, you need to plow, and not once go to a coach.

Universal purpose

Cheerful and healthy people are rare. It is important to be not just "normal" - moderately sick and unhappy.

You will already do a lot for the world - if you are busy with your development and recovery. Bring the spheres of the wheel of life 7-10 points. Once you've completed this task, you can start thinking about where to put your energy.

Your purpose is to live happily, and everything else is the answer to the question "how to become happy?"

P.S. Write in the comments about your experience. 99% of people will not make this exercise, but will you take this step in your development?

Scenario of extracurricular activities for grades 9-10

Author: Yulia Nikolaevna Shpakova, teacher
Place of employment: KSAEI "Regional boarding school for gifted children "School of Cosmonautics", Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Hour of communication "How to find your calling?"

"Choose a job you love and you won't have to work a day"

Target: to help students consciously approach the definition of their vocation and the choice of a future profession;
1) to form an attitude towards self-knowledge, self-determination;
2) develop the ability to see the prospect of their future life;
3) to cultivate a culture of communication, cooperation and interaction of students.

Equipment: sheets of A4 paper, pens, pencils, felt-tip pens or markers, pictures with images of a trash can and a suitcase, stickers.
Members: teacher - educator, two leaders from among the students, students of grades 9-10.

Event progress:

I. Organizational moment. Exercise "Circle of welcome."
Educator: Guys, today we have gathered in order to discuss an important topic for you now. And to begin with, let's stand in a circle to greet each other and tune in to positive and fruitful work. I will now approach any of you and shake hands with the words “Hello, (name), I am very glad to see you!”. The participant to whom I will address, in turn, will have to turn to his neighbor on the right, shake his hand and say something pleasant as a greeting.
II. Opening speech.
Presenter 1: Most of us are familiar with the phrase from childhood: "A person must find his calling." Indeed, a person is looking for his vocation in order to be as useful to society as possible, to live in peace of mind and harmony, to do what he loves. There is nothing worse than doing something that you do not like every day, constantly experiencing discomfort and depression. With a vocation, as well as with love, the life of a person who has fallen into his element changes qualitatively for the better.
Host 2:“Choose a job you like, and you won’t have to work a day,” said the great Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius. Some people may show extraordinary abilities in many areas, and for them the question is “how to find your calling?” especially relevant.
Educator: How do you understand what a vocation is? (students are given the opportunity to reflect on this concept themselves, then answers are heard).
III. The content of the concept of "vocation".
Presenter 1: Ken Robinson, author of books and expert in the field of education and innovation, defines the meaning of the word “vocation” very precisely. He interprets this concept as a point of contact between the natural abilities of a person and his personal preferences, i.e. a person's vocation is the harmony of intellect and talent, a combination of abilities and passion.
Host 2: If it is even simpler, this is when the business that a person is engaged in, he does very well and he likes it madly. Often, in order for us to be able to discover our talents, we need the recognition or positive assessment of other people - public opinion, i.e. recognition is a positive assessment of our activities, public respect, success, popularity.
Educator: Do you think everyone has a calling? (listen to students' answers). Of course, not everyone has the same vocation. Someone dies in separation from him, someone is constantly looking for him, and someone seems to have not thought about him and feels quite well. And yet, it must be assumed that everyone has it.
How do you think a person can find his recognition? What does that require? (possible student responses are to listen to their own interests, to study and develop their inclinations and abilities, to improve themselves). Now I want to invite you to do a practical task.
IV. Practical part. Exercise "I know myself"
All students are given pencils and paper. The teacher gives the task: “Answer the questions 10 times: “Who am I?”, “What am I”. At the same time, it is necessary to use characteristics, traits, interests, feelings to describe yourself, starting each sentence with the pronoun "I". After the children complete this task, a discussion of how often children are, what qualities are rarely manifested, which came to the fore when completing the task. In conclusion, students answer the question “Was it easy to describe yourself?”
V. The content of the concepts of "profession", "professional activity". Discussion with students.
Educator: Guys, what do you think, profession, professional activity and vocation - do they always coincide in life? (Answers are heard). Probably, to answer this question, you need to know exactly the definitions of these concepts.
Presenter 1: Professional activity is labor activity. For a better understanding of it, it is worth studying the concept of "profession", which has several definitions:
- Profession (from Latin professio - “officially specified occupation”)- a kind of human activity that requires special knowledge and skills in a particular area, which a person acquires as a result of training, theoretical and practical training, as well as experience gained in the process of work.
Host 2: Synonyms for the word "profession" are the following words: business, occupation, activity, occupation, specialty, craft, profile, work, qualification, rank, vocation. Professional activity is aimed not only at the production of a specific type of goods or the provision of services, but also allows a person to create the most favorable conditions for development and realize their own creative potential.
VI. Statement of the problem and ways to solve it.
Educator: Guys, can you now more accurately answer the question: “Do vocation and profession coincide in life?” Knowing what constitutes the concepts of “vocation”, “profession” and “professional activity”? What steps, in your opinion, need to be taken to find out and identify what your vocation is, and how to relate this vocation to your future profession? (listen to students' answers).
Presenter 1: Answers to these questions have long interested psychologists and sociologists. And everyone develops their own concept, methods, questionnaires and tests, trying to help people in this difficult choice of their life path. One such tool is the personality type test developed by the American professor John Henry Holland. It allows you to identify the relationship between the characteristics of a person's character and preferred professions.
Host 2: John Holland believed that a person's behavior is determined not only by his personal characteristics, but also by the environment in which he is active. People strive to find a professional environment that is characteristic of their type, which would allow them to fully develop their abilities. There are six such types, according to John Holland: realistic or practical; intellectual; social; conventional or standard; enterprising; artistic. This test allows you to correlate inclinations, abilities, intelligence with various professions.

VII. Brainstorming "Map of the Future".
Educator: So how do you find your calling? How to make sure that your talents, inclinations and abilities are realized in the future profession? I propose now to break into groups of 3-4 people to brainstorm. To do this, I give each group a piece of drawing paper, colored pencils, and felt-tip pens. Beforehand, in groups, discuss what needs to be done to determine, find out what your calling is, who can help you with this, what steps you will take on the way to your calling, and present all this in the form of a map. This will be your "Map of the Future". How it will look is up to you.
VIII. The final part, reflection. Exercise "Suitcase".
Educator: As you may have noticed, vocation is one of the synonyms for the word “profession”, and this means that it is in the power of a person to make the vocation coincide with the profession, with his professional activity. To do this, you need to realize that your future depends on each of you. We did a good job today, and I would like to offer you the game "Suitcase". On the board, I placed two images - "trash can" and "suitcase". Take stickers and write on them what you liked today and was useful, and what you didn’t like and, in your opinion, will not be useful to you. Glue on the suitcase what you will take with you useful from our meeting, and in the bin you can put what is superfluous and unnecessary.
Thank you for your work!

1. A. Kruglov (Abelev). Aphorisms, thoughts, essays. - M .: Publishing house "OLMA-press", 2010.
2. K. Robinson. Vocation. How to find what you are made for and live in your element. Electronic library e-libra.ru
3. D.N. Ushakov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: "Enlightenment", 1988.
4. Personality and profession: psychological support and support: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / edited by L.M. Mitina. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005.
5. Tutubalina N.V. Your future profession: a collection of tests for vocational guidance. - Rostov n / D .: "Phoenix", 2005.

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