Irina Berezhnaya: cause of death, what happened, funeral, photos and videos from the funeral, who is Irina Berezhnaya, biography and personal life. The famous TV presenter Irina Chukaeva passed away The family of Irina Berezhnaya, who is the father of the child

TV presenter and doctor of medical sciences Irina Chukaeva, at the age of 67, died in Moscow in the city clinical hospital No. 13 on the evening of January 5. A complication after pneumonia could have been a preliminary cause of death.

TV presenter doctor Irina Chukaeva died: TV career of Irina Chukaeva

Residents of Russia became aware of the cardiologist Irina Ivanovna Chukaeva when she appeared as a presenter on one of the country's federal channels. It was the Rossiya TV channel and participation as the host and author of its own program, Studio Zdorovye, for ten years that allowed her to win the trust of millions.

Being a recognized specialist in cardiology, Irina Ivanovna initiated the creation of educational films for patients. The doctor was confident that her project would help Russians improve their quality of life.

After herself, Chukaeva left a great not only television, but also a scientific legacy.

TV presenter doctor Irina Chukaeva died: scientific activity of Irina Chukaeva

After ten years on television, in 2011 Irina Chukaeva was awarded the title of Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. Also, from 2003 to last year, she was the head of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy of the Russian National Research Medical University. N. I. Pirogov.

Her textbooks for medical students during her lifetime were considered classics in polyclinic therapy. Chukaeva's contribution to the development of Russian medicine is simply invaluable.

Colleagues with great respect and awe speak of Irina Chukaeva as a specialist and a person with a big heart. Not wanting to be left out, Chukaeva was a member of the Russian Society of Cardiology, took on the position of executive director at the Center for Professional Support of Primary Care Physicians.

Died TV presenter doctor Irina Chukaeva: colleagues about the death of Irina Chukaeva

Colleagues of the suddenly deceased Chukaeva recognize her as a teacher, doctor and TV presenter. Nana Pogosova, who is the chief freelance specialist in preventive medicine at the Moscow Department of Health, calls Irina benevolent, considering her excellent students an indicator of her true professionalism. At the same time, Nana notes that the TV presenter was the most charming, beautiful woman and she is very sorry that the one who gave the Russians a lot of informative information from leading experts has passed away.

Nana remembered Chukaeva as an excellent specialist who always spoke brilliantly at conferences, and at the same time as a wonderful, kind and beautiful woman who left this world too early.

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A wonderful galaxy of children's writers and poets of the Soviet period: Mikhalkov, Barto, Zakhoder, Dragunsky ... And Irina Petrovna Tokmakova. Author of the famous "Fish, fish, where do you sleep?", "Little Willy-Winky", "Summer is ending, summer is ending..."

But she didn’t even think that she would become a professional writer - although she easily composed poetry and everyone noted her talent.

An excellent student from Moscow, after graduating from Moscow State University, she entered the graduate school in general and comparative linguistics and worked as a translator. Once she translated children's songs from Swedish for her little son. Irina's husband, illustrator Lev Tokmakov, took them to a publishing house, and they liked them so much that they were soon published as a separate book. And then the first book of poems by Irina Tokmakova "Trees" appeared - about a curly birch, about a mountain ash, about an apple tree. This was the first joint book of the Tokmakovs - Lev Alekseevich perfectly illustrated the poems of Irina Petrovna.

"Little apple tree
In my garden -
Everything is in bloom.

I put on a dress
With white border.
little apple tree,
Befriend me."

All poems by Irina Petrovna are very simple, light and memorable after the first reading. Maybe that's why kids love them so much.

04/01/1982 Soviet poetess Irina Tokmakova

According to her book "Alya, Klyaksich and the letter A", I taught the alphabet, and then, years later, my children. "And a merry morning will come" and "Happily, Ivushkin!". The story "The Pines Noise" - about the evacuation of children during the war years, is so poignant, light-tragic - it is impossible to read it without tears. Irina Tokmakova translated foreign classics into Russian: "Alice in the Magic Grass", "Winnie the Pooh", fairy tales about Moomintrolls... And she also retold fairy tales about Nils and Peter Pan in her own way. One of her latest works is a retelling of Shakespeare's plays for children. "Romeo and Juliet", "A Midsummer Night's Dream"... Tokmakova's light and elegant style presented the characters of the English playwright in a completely new, unusual perspective. They became accessible and understandable, like everything that Irina Petrovna wrote about.

Maybe this is a legend passed down in the literary environment, or maybe it's true. At a meeting of the Russian Children's Book Council, the legendary Sergei Mikhalkov said:

I am ninety years old, I must already make informed decisions. Nominate Irochka, Irochka is young, she is not yet eighty.

Then, in 2002, the State Prize of Russia for the book "Good luck!" handed over to Irina Petrovna.

On March 3, 2018, she turned 89 years old. Our forever young Irochka did not live up to ninety one year.

In recent years, Irina Petrovna has always been a little sad. This sadness settled in her after Lev Alekseevich passed away in 2010. But she was always open to new plans, and to reprinting her old works, which have already become classics, and to new translations. She was adored by everyone who came across her: illustrators, editors, literary critics, aspiring authors and venerable writers.

But the main thing is that her work was adored and will be adored by those for whom she wrote all her life: children.

Ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Irina Berezhnaya died due to the fact that the driver of the car in which she moved along the Adriatic Sea fell asleep at the wheel, which caused the car to leave the road. This was reported by eyewitnesses of the traffic accident.

“According to the preliminary version, the driver’s sleep became the cause of the accident. Also, the car was moving at a very high speed, ”witnesses of the road accident said.

In addition, it is noted that Berezhnaya's car was severely crushed by the impact. “Firefighters had to cut the car for two hours to remove the victims,” witnesses of the accident emphasized.

At the same time, former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov recalled that Berezhnaya was an ardent critic of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and his regime.

“After the coup, she went into opposition,” the politician wrote on his Facebook page.

Irina Berezhnaya has always been an "uncomfortable politician" for the Ukrainian authorities. Even as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, which was headed by former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, she actively advocated for the observance of the legal status of fellow citizens. After 2014, when a coup d'état took place in Kyiv, she went into fierce opposition to the new, in her opinion, illegal government, and opposed the severance of Ukraine's cultural ties with Russia. Berezhnaya was remembered for her participation in political talk shows on Russian television, where she spoke negatively about the actions of President Poroshenko and criticized the introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukraine with the European Union.

The “point of no return” for Irina Berezhnaya may have been her official statement about the illegal activities of the Myrotvorets website, which publishes lists of people objectionable to the Kiev authorities, politicians and journalists, including indicating their confidential data. This "mouthpiece of independence" is directly supervised by the Ukrainian security services (SBU) and provides coordinates for the persecution of dissidents. It is clearly spelled out there - here he is a “quilted jacket”, “colorado”, lives there and there, then, gentlemen, nationalists, take action yourself. And the consequences of such “leads” turn into very sad consequences.

The funeral of Irina Berezhnaya took place yesterday, August 10, in Kyiv. According to media reports, the funeral was secret: only the closest friends and family members of the deceased came to them.

Who came to the funeral of Irina Berezhnaya

Ukrainian singer Anzhelika Rudnitskaya, people's deputy Dmitry Dobkin, singer Svetlana Loboda, people's deputy Nestor Shufrich came to say goodbye to Irina Berezhnaya.

Also, Irina's ex-colleagues in parliament - Maxim Lutsky, Anna German, Dmitry Shpenov, Nikolai Martynenko and his wife Anna came to the Lavra.

So, TV presenter Olga Freimut, director Alan Badoev, singer Svetlana Loboda with her mother, TV presenter Anatoly Anatolich and his wife came to say goodbye to the politician.

In addition, the oligarch Boris Fuksman was present, with whom Berezhnaya carefully concealed relations. According to media reports, it was he who took her daughter Daniella from Croatia, who survived the accident.

Berezhnaya regularly took part in Russian television programs

Irina Berezhnaya is a deputy of two convocations of the Verkhovna Rada of the sixth (2007-2012) and seventh (2012-2014). She was a member of the Party of Regions faction, was a member of the Rada Committee on Justice.

Irina Berezhnaya regularly participated in Russian television programs and commented on events in Ukraine. The last time - on July 16 - she became a guest of the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov program on the Russian state channel Russia 1.

In December 2016, on the air of the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on the TV channel “Russia 1”, she stated that the majority of Ukrainians “love Russia very much”. Berezhnaya urged "not to compare these areal marauders" with all Ukrainians.

Irina Berezhnaya who is, photo, biography, personal life

On Ukrainian TV, Irina Berezhnaya participated in the Dancing with the Stars project, which ran in 2007 - as the official notary of the project, she announced the results of the audience voting. In 2012, as part of the Party of Regions team, she appeared in the game What? Where? When?". Several times she was recognized as the "best player" of the team. Since 2008, Irina Berezhnaya hosted the author's program “Your Right with Irina Berezhnaya” on the Radio Era radio station, in which she advised on legal issues.

The family of Irina Berezhnaya, who is the father of the child

On August 13, Irina Berezhnaya was supposed to turn 37 years old. The deceased is survived by her 8-year-old daughter Daniela. The name of Daniela's father was hidden, as was the name of her daughter. She, according to Berezhnaya, bears her father's surname .. According to unconfirmed reports, Daniela's father is a businessman, former co-owner of Channel 1 1 Boris Fuksman. Daniela's godfather is People's Deputy Nestor Shufrich.

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The poet, translator, author of children's books Irina Tokmakova passed away. A wonderful translator, poet, author of wonderful children's books died on April 5 at the age of 89. Translator Olga Varshaver announced this on her Facebook blog.

Children's poet, prose writer and translator of children's poems Irina Petrovna Tokmakova was born on March 3, 1929 in Moscow in the family of an engineer and pediatrician, head of the Foundling House. After graduating from school with a gold medal, Irina entered the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. Then she studied at graduate school, worked as a translator ...

One day, the Swedish power engineer Borgqvist came to Russia, who, having met Irina, sent her a book of children's songs in Swedish as a gift. Irina translated them for her son. Her husband, illustrator Lev Tokmakov, took the translations to a publisher. This is how her first book appeared.

And then a book of Irina Tokmakova's own poems, created together with her husband, "Trees" came out. On the shelf of children's books, she immediately took root, being among the most beloved - by both children and parents. Later, books of fairy tales, stories and short stories were published: "Alya, Klyaksich and the letter" A "," Maybe zero is not to blame?

Irina Tokmakova translated from many European languages, as well as Oriental languages, in particular, Tajik, Uzbek, Hindi. Laureate of the State Prize of Russia, laureate of the Alexander Grin Russian Literary Prize (2002), she happily told in an interview how Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak admonished her: “When I translated the Scottish songs, Zakhoder scared that Marshak would eat me. And then one day in a communal apartment , where I lived then, a bell rings and Marshak's voice (he called everyone "darling" and endlessly repeated the word "hello?"): "Ale? Dear! This is Marshak speaking. I saw your translations in "Murzilka". Hello? Please come to me. "And I went to Marshak. I was just starting to write then, and he spoke as if he was Marshak and I was Marshak. I left him, and it was as if a light bulb was lit inside me. "

She, too, knew how to light the bulbs of curiosity in the hearts of readers of all ages. Children's questions, easily dismissed by adults, became the beginning of a great adventure, promising long journeys and, of course, a meeting with poetry. For example, in this poem of hers:

Where is the snow being transported in cars?

Probably in hot countries

They distribute it to the children

New Year's gifts

Get full bags -

And everyone is running to play snowballs!

Snowballs don't fly

Melting in the hot sun

And only puddles here and there...

Where is the snow being transported in cars?

Her poems, unlike snowballs, will not melt in the sun. They remain a gift that you want to share with those you love.

On January 5, 2019, in the evening, the heart of TV presenter and Honored Doctor Irina Chukaeva stopped beating. Recently, the woman's health began to deteriorate, the illness she had suffered gave complications. Irina Ivanovna was urgently taken to the 13th City Clinical Hospital with a complication after pneumonia. Irina was unable to cope with the disease and died a month and a half before her 68th birthday. According to the latest information received, it is known that the cause of death was an acute form of pneumonia. Doctors desperately fought for the life of their colleague, but could not do anything - the disease turned out to be stronger.

- this is not the main work of I. Chukaeva. First of all, she was an outstanding cardiologist. She had the academic title of Professor of Medicine and was awarded the Enlightenment Prize of the Russian Medical Society. On television, she acted as the creator and host of the Health Studio program. She made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian medicine.

Achievements and life path

Irina Ivanovna Chukaeva was born on February 23, 1950 in Moscow. Deciding to choose a noble profession, she began to study at the Moscow Medical Institute, her studies fascinated her, so the girl graduated with honors. She continued her education at this educational institution at the Department of Internal Medicine with a degree in Cardiology. After graduating from graduate school, she actively engaged in practice and research activities. She worked as the head of the clinic of general medical practice at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. In 1981, Irina Ivanovna received the degree of candidate of medical sciences, and in 1991 she became the owner of the honorary title - doctor of medical sciences.

She took an active part in the development of the Center for Professional Support of Primary Care Physicians, being its direct director. She headed the foundations dealing with issues of assistance to the disabled, as well as the development of education for people with disabilities. She was a member of the Commission of the Moscow Department of Health. At RNRMU, Pirogova headed the Dissertation Council on Therapy and Cardiology.

In 2011, Irina Chukaeva received a worthy assessment of her work from the state: she was awarded the title of Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. In 2015, the Russian Medical Society of Arterial Hypertension noted the outstanding achievements of the medical worker and awarded Irina with the Enlightenment Prize

I. Chukaeva was a member of the editorial board of many medical publications, in particular, she was the editor-in-chief of the journal "Modern Polyclinic".

She also participated in the life of the publications "Therapy" and "General Medicine". A lot of scientific works came out from the doctor's pen - there are about 400 of them in total. She wrote 2 textbooks on the profile of "Polyclinic Therapy". Irina Ivanovna also authored several medical textbooks, teaching aids intended for doctors and students, as well as copyright certificates.

In addition to her main activity, Irina Chukaeva was a TV presenter of a health program. In 2001, the doctor acted as the creator and host of the Health Studio program, which numerous viewers watched until 2008 on the Rossiya TV channel. Then the program returned to the air in 2013 already on the Public Television of Russia.

Irina fulfilled an educational mission: she created films and educational programs for patients. Films had to fulfill the goal - to improve the quality of life of the population.

On social networks, people who are personally acquainted with Irina Chukaeva express their condolences over her untimely departure. This talented woman was a real professional in her field, who did a lot for the development of Russian medicine and instilled in people concern for their health. Without Irina Ivanovna, her friendly family remained in this world: a husband, two children and a grandson

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