Why do you dream about a Truck? Drive a truck

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Why do you dream about a Truck in a dream according to 8 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Truck” symbol from 8 online dream books. If you haven't found necessary interpretation on this page, use the search form for all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Get crushed- to the hardships of life, trials.

Multi-storey building, on the other side of the road with some people who felt like they weren’t strangers on the street somewhere, they were sitting somewhere I won’t go, either on a bench or walking. A large, tall car is driving along the road. It’s as if he’s tripping over water that wasn’t flowing across the road. big size. And the car starts to overturn, I scream, I have to run. and in the end we stand and watch. I stand and shout to the girl, she is with my child, I shout to her, run out the window, hit the open window, one and the other. I look up, it touches the apartments of the house, everything is collapsing. I’m standing with some guy through the window and when this guy’s car is falling, I grab him with myself, saving him this way and the second. I scream where is Masha (my daughter), where is she. Then I bring this guy to his senses and hit him on the cheeks, he woke up. The daughter with this girl is alive. Then suddenly, like a message in front of my eyes from this guy, I will owe something like this, I am your debtor. Then the dream broke, we were in the house that was collapsing, visiting a girl, I don’t know her, but I have the feeling that I know her. I walked through the rooms of her deceased brothers, sat in the apartment, and collected things. Then we went outside, walked along the alley in an unknown direction, and saw ambulances arriving at this place, helicopters, and that’s all on the news

Hello, Tanya! I'm Inna! I dreamed that I was sorting out gifts after my wedding. But I didn’t see the wedding itself. From gifts: I see a lot of tulle hanging, I lift it up, and there is a stove (rough), let’s take a look, and there is one metal frame, like a dummy. Then another gift: a roll of beautiful tulle. In general, there is practically only tulle. But then I think, gifts take up a lot of space in the house, they need to be moved somewhere. A red truck appears and takes it all away. It's unclear where. And the truck itself fit into my small house and turned around. Please explain!!! Thank you!!!

Seeing a truck in a dream is a warning that you should be careful in your statements or actions in order to avoid trouble. If in a dream a truck splashed you with water and you were not afraid and did not get your clothes dirty, then you will have a date with your loved one and unexpected news that will make you happy. If the water was muddy, then the news will bring confusion into your mind, and if the water was dirty, then you will hear unpleasant news that will greatly upset you. See interpretation: water.

A truck blocking your path means trouble. Watching it being loaded means trouble, squabbles and quarrels. Driving a truck in a dream is a harbinger of receiving good news. Seeing a large truck stuck in the mud in a dream means troubles and losses; if he gets stuck in honey, then the dream predicts to the sleeping person great love, profit and well-being. Such a dream is especially favorable for women, as it promises them brilliant marriage with a dearly loved one. See interpretation: car, road.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Why do you dream about a truck? Most dream books agree that this image should be identified with a burden of responsibility or doom. But a truck in a dream can also portend something good or new horizons for development. In any case, it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the basic interpretations of dreams.

Prophecy of Gustav Miller

So why do you dream about a truck? Dream Interpretation famous psychologist believes that in this way the subconscious reflects the tangle of difficulties with which this moment The sleeping person is trying to cope. If the truck was dark in color, then soon an abundance of problems will plunge the dreamer into the abyss of depression and apathy. A light body foretells an energy boost. The black truck seems to tell us: “Memento mori.”

What does a truck with a scarlet body mean in a dream? This is a danger signal. Blue color can be identified with the fear of the unknown. Green promises the elimination of problems, and yellow promises the gift of foresight (or simply a well-developed analysis of the situation).

Can you solve the problems?

What could a truck mean in a dream? Dream books note that the basis for the interpretation of a dream should be your actions in a dream. So, you remember what you did:

  • just watched the truck - you will soon feel the full burden of the obligations you have undertaken;
  • riding in the passenger seat - you are moving towards success;
  • the truck you were driving predicts that you will be able to take control of your life;
  • were in the back - trying to bury your problems;
  • rushing at full speed - to immerse yourself in a series of gray, monotonous everyday life.

Big truck – big aspirations

Why do you dream about the most common means of transporting goods? If the truck belonged to the dreamer, then in the near future he will receive an offer to perform difficult work, which, however, will bring him considerable fame as a professional in his field. But, most likely, the sleeper will not agree, which he will regret later.

The dream book believes that jumping out of a moving truck is not very good sign. It should be interpreted as your unwillingness to work in a team of like-minded people for the sake of a common result. But from this we can conclude that you can succeed as a freelance artist or in a business where a team is not required.

If in a dream you were putting goods into the back of a truck, then a lot of tedious and monotonous work lies ahead. Did you dream of a full truck driving down the road? This is a symbol DC voltage At work.

Long illnesses await those who dreamed of a convoy of trucks. The dream book is sure that the longer the train, the longer it will take to recover. But the dreamer will be able to devote a little time to himself.


If you were hit by a truck in a dream, then you will definitely withstand the big troubles that will fall on your head. If the wife was involved in an accident, then the dreamer will live long enough. There shouldn’t be any special problems if there were no casualties in the dream.

Driving in a truck with a friend and getting into an accident - a dark streak in life begins. It’s bad if in a dream these giants had problems with the muffler, events will occur that will harm both the personal and business life of the dreamer. The dream book claims that engine repair is a dream of an unprofitable project.

The nightmare that is most common in dreams is associated with a partner’s betrayal. Such dreams are explained by the fact that a person is subconsciously afraid of being alone, but not by low self-esteem. Therefore, even absolutely not jealous spouses can dream about it.

The influence of the Moon on our sleep

Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the Moon we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent 26 billion dollars to fly this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect it at all?

Dream or reality?

Did you know that the human brain does not distinguish between dreams and reality? It sounds incredible, but when we dream, the brain perceives our dreams as reality.

Men are more likely than women to have erotic dreams

Dreams are the eternal companion of man. Dreams have been studied by scientists at all times. Many facts have appeared and been refuted, but there are eternal facts that are undeniable theorems. One of them reads: “Men are much more likely than women to have dreams with erotic content.” The question automatically arises: why?

Why do you dream about a Truck?

Truck in a modern dream book

If you saw a truck in a dream, it means that in reality you are purposeful and strong man, knowing no doubt. The hard way life path you will walk with a confident step, without paying attention special attention to adversity and emerging problems. You will successfully overcome all obstacles and achieve everything you want. I dreamed that garbage suddenly spilled out of a truck - such a dream serves as a warning: beware of gossip and rumors that ill-wishers spread behind your back. Most likely, they are not true, however, they can greatly ruin your life. If you yourself acted as a truck driver - you don’t have to worry about the outcome of the business you are currently involved in, unconditional success and a well-deserved reward await you. If you dreamed that you were driving a huge truck and all the cars, recognizing your superiority, obediently gave way to you - it seems that you are a little worried about some confusing situation. You are trying to convince yourself of the rationality and correctness of your actions, but you are not succeeding. Stop tormenting yourself, there is no reason to worry, the threat exists only in your imagination. They occupied the passenger seat in the truck - this auspicious sign, promising you happiness and good luck.

Truck in Miller's dream book

The truck is a symbol of difficult matters and difficult problems that await you ahead. Therefore, if a truck appeared in your dream, you should think about whether you have taken on too much of a burden? After all, because of this, your life has turned into such an unpleasant direction. Driving a loaded truck in a dream means that in reality you will have to go through an extremely difficult period of life to the end. You will have to work hard, otherwise unresolved matters will accumulate like a snowball. A brand new, beautiful truck prophesies the successful completion of all current affairs. Faulty or empty predicts losses and difficulties. In a dream, you silently looked at a standing truck - in the near future you will make a purchase of some bulky item. If you watched a moving truck, you can prepare to move.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you happened to drive a truck, it means that real life you can achieve a high position in society. You will soon notice changes for the better, which will begin in the business sphere and will lead to improvements in the rest.

Don't sit idly by waiting for luck to smile on you. Do everything possible on your part to get closer to your dream.

I dreamed that I was driving a truck

Driving a truck in a dream - all problems will soon be solved. This will happen thanks to the timely intervention of a person who is friendly towards you. It will not be one of your loved ones or relatives. Most likely, an unexpected benefactor will be a new acquaintance, meeting whom will happen completely by chance.

Accept all gifts of fate with gratitude. Don’t expect a trick from the person who offered help; learn to trust people.

What does the plot of a dream in which we were driving a truck mean?

If you were driving a truck, right now wonderful prospects are opening up before you, taking advantage of which you will be able to achieve your goals in as soon as possible. No obstacles can stop you from achieving your plans.

Take advantage of the opportunity, don’t waste time thinking and doubting. If you feel strong and confident, feel free to take risks.

The meaning of the dream in which you bought a truck

Did you dream that you bought a truck? This is a favorable sign that predicts the conquest of universal respect and recognition. Your achievements will be appreciated, which will allow you to continue the work you started. In the future, you will be able to reach the very top of your career and realize all your ambitions.

Don't stop there. Continue to develop your ideas and set higher and higher goals for yourself.

What does a dream about trucks mean according to the dream book?

You dream of a truck on the eve of significant changes associated with a change of job or relocation. It's about to start completely new life in a new place surrounded by new people. At first you may experience a feeling of melancholy and uncertainty, but a little later you will realize that everything that happened was for the better.

Don't be afraid of change. The unknown should not frighten, but attract with new opportunities and prospects.

I dreamed that the truck overturned

If you saw a truck overturn in a dream, difficult times are coming. You will have to give up the usual things that form the basis of your way of life for some time. Financial problems can cause a strong emotional blow and lead to despair. All difficulties are temporary and you can cope with them.

Be mentally prepared for the worst, but prepare for the best. Clear thinking, cleared of panicky thoughts, will help you quickly find a way out of any situation.

Why do you dream about a truck with a trailer?

According to the dream book, seeing a truck with a loaded trailer symbolizes prosperity and abundance. In the near future you will receive a big profit, which will ensure a comfortable life for quite a long time. An empty trailer represents your hopes and plans for improvement. financial situation. There is a high probability that they will be justified in the future.

Don't be afraid to set slightly higher goals for yourself. Thoughts are material, and the more carefully you control the thought process, the greater the chance that all your dreams will come true.

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