Why do you dream of receiving an invitation to a wedding? Wedding invitation interpretation of the dream book. How to interpret the dream “Wedding bouquet”

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Invitation in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Invitation

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about an Invitation in a dream?

To be invited into society - friends will demonstrate their devotion to you, perhaps fame awaits you. If you invite someone in a dream, you will be warmly received in different circles. Inviting guests to the house means anxiety, troubles; Hearing someone call you for a visit is a sign of grief and worries.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Receiving an invitation in a dream means a written notice.

An invitation to an interview means unemployment.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

To receive an invitation to a wedding or banquet in a dream is a summons, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

If you saw in a dream an invitation to school about your child’s pranks, it means complications with the school due to your child’s discipline.

If you dreamed that you were sent an invitation, expect a declaration of love.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about an Invitation from a dream book?

If you dreamed that in a dream you received an invitation to some society, then you will soon find out how those around you really treat you: some with sincere sympathy, and some with hostility. A dream in which you yourself invite someone somewhere foretells a warm welcome in society. If you dreamed that you invited guests to your house, you have worries and troubles ahead. Actually, if you were invited to visit, the same thing will happen.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Invitation (to invite). - to a quarrel.

I dreamed of an Invitation to a tournament, competition - Challenging someone to lose friendship.

Inviting the devil in a dream means a strong shock or betrayal.

I dreamed that an invitation to marriage meant a quarrel with my beloved.

To the question Why do you dream about a wedding? given by the author Olga Selivanova the best answer is The union of your consciousness and subconscious, body and spirit. This is a wonderful symbol of the unity of your consciousness and subconscious, body and spirit, male and feminine energies living in you. New acquaintance Getting married depends on the dream: a gift or sadness.
For a single person to be married in a dream is a long-term illness.
Getting engaged is a joy.
With someone you don’t like, that’s the end of your acquaintance with her.
To see a young and beautiful bride is a danger to the life of the parents.
Old or ugly - a danger to your life, to the lives of your brothers and sisters.
Newlyweds - change.
Wedding is a new acquaintance.
Getting married is a joy.
A wedding departure is good news.
Participating in it is preparation for important things.
Marrying someone else's wife is a warning against hidden, criminal, destructive desires.
Seeing your wedding means a painful year, trouble in the house.
To be at someone else's wedding is a fulfillment of desires.
To be at the wedding of a loved one means regrets, secret suspicions about her, danger to her life.
Arranging a wedding for someone is an obstacle. A wedding in a dream is always a symbol of very significant, important changes that promise to change your situation.
A cheerful wedding to which you were invited in a dream promises you new, perhaps even fateful, acquaintances.
Being a happy bride or groom at a wedding is a sign great success. Perhaps some of your endeavors will receive wide recognition and approval.
A wedding with a decrepit old man or woman is a sign that success does not promise to come too soon. More often, however, this image suggests that you are too slow in implementing some of your ideas and risk missing the right moment. If you see yourself at a wedding, know that you will soon find a way out of unpleasant circumstances.
A young woman who dreamed of a secret wedding most likely does not have a very good disposition.
If a girl accepted the proposal in a dream, then in reality she will earn everyone’s respect. In addition, all the promises made to her by her lover will come true.
If in a dream she thinks that her parents will not approve of her marriage, then real life they will treat the engagement poorly.
A dream in which a loved one marries another foreshadows unreasonable suffering and empty fears.
If a bachelor dreams that he is married, this is a sad omen.
A young woman who sees someone in mourning at her wedding has family life It won't turn out very well. Attend a wedding - you will meet new friends. If it is your own wedding, you will be very happy in love. A dream about a fun wedding precedes some dramatic event in your home. It is possible that a misfortune will happen to relatives or friends in the family.
if a man sees himself as a happy groom in a dream, life will send him long years gloomy loneliness or other troubles.
For a patient, such a dream foreshadows a complication in the course of his illness.
A sad dream is in which you see your chosen one (chosen one) marrying someone other than you: the dream predicts your imminent breakup.
But if at the wedding you dreamed of you are just a guest, this dream foretells you a joyful meeting, or the receipt of long-awaited good news, or a promotion. Seeing someone's wedding in a dream is a sign of good news, which, although not directly related to you, will still affect you too.
If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will be required to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why do you dream about a wedding?

Answer from Natural philosophy[guru]
Whose and how? Post the details.

Answer from Barinova[guru]
If in a dream a girl sees herself as a bride (her own wedding - to see her wedding), it means that the object of her love is infatuated with another. A bride in a dream of an elderly woman foreshadows minor domestic quarrels with her husband.
If she dreams that she is catching bridal bouquet, it means that her lover is faithful to her, or, if this is not the case, she will soon meet true love. If in a dream you receive an invitation to a wedding or dreamed of preparations for a wedding, then dream books interpret this dream as a sign of a profitable acquisition. Also, an invitation to a wedding or preparations for a wedding in a dream may foretell the receipt of a valuable gift.
A wedding feast, at which the girl is present as a guest, promises her a lot of fun entertainment. If she is at the wedding feast as a bride, in reality she will be disappointed because of her lover. Seeing a wedding celebration foretells a woman pleasant household chores. Perhaps the husband will receive a promotion, and she will delight him with a festive dinner.
If a girl dreamed of her own wedding and her parents were against her marriage, in reality her relatives would not approve of her engagement (marriage).

Why do you dream of an invitation to a wedding or other holiday or event? To answer this question, you need to look into different dream books. But let us note right away: most of them say that invitations should be taken as kind and good sign. To understand more precisely what the dreams were about, you need to remember their details.

Communication with loved ones

IN Modern dream book the invitation to is interpreted as follows: circumstances will soon arise in the dreamer’s life that will show him who and how he really treats him. He will be able to distinguish flattery from the truth and understand who is really a friend, and from whom he should stay away and limit communication.

If a person dreams of a wedding invitation that he sends out to his friends and family, then worries and troubles await him ahead, which he will solve alone. But we note that the dreamer will come out of any situation with dignity. Also, if you invite guests to your wedding, you will soon receive a warm welcome in a new company. People will appreciate you for being subtle and diplomatic.

According to Miller's dream book, a wedding invitation for a woman is a symbol that she will experience unreasonable fear. The fear will be groundless, and in fact nothing bad or depressing will happen in her life.

Receive a wedding invitation from loved one- a sign that the dreamer will soon have the opportunity to realize something very important, not only in work, but also in his personal life. If in a dream you were invited to a wedding, then in reality expect something similar, but not necessarily to a wedding celebration, but maybe just to visit, to celebrate the birth of a child.

The modern dream book advises men to take an invitation as a symbol of the fact that their business contacts may soon expand, and therefore the business will take off. Moreover, in your personal life it will also soon come light stripe, and you can literally enjoy everything that happens around you.

But women often wonder: why do they dream about invitations to dates? Such a vision is deciphered by many dream books as a symbol of the fact that in reality a lady should wait for an invitation to a very interesting meeting. Moreover, an unfamiliar gentleman will do it to her, and it can develop into something more than just communication.

Overcoming difficulties

Most dream books say that being invited to some important event- a sign that the dreamer has some problems in his life that he will soon overcome. Moreover, to overcome troubles, he will not ask anyone for help, but will be able to deal with everything himself, since he is a self-sufficient person.

If the sleeping person sees that his last name is written on the invitation, this means that he is satisfied and happy, and his life is developing the way he wants it. The difficulties that arose are left behind, and peace and a comfortable existence loom ahead.

If a person dreams of other people’s weddings, which he accidentally walked into, then soon he will not only have to solve his own life problems, but also help his friends and family overcome difficulties. Moreover, he will do this not with money or physically, but simply with a kind word, which sometimes turns out to be the most important thing that one person can give to another. In the Modern Dream Book, the interpretation of a dream depends on the circumstances of the marriage, i.e. from whose wedding it was:

  • Girlfriend or friend - expect that you will soon make a profitable purchase.
  • Brother or sister - career growth.
  • Distant relatives - an important meeting will happen soon, which will leave an indelible mark on the soul.
  • Strangers - to a pleasant date with a person whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • For a son or daughter - a quick overcoming of a difficult period in life.

It is worth talking separately about the fact that in different dream books mean another kind of invitation. For example, if you received an invitation to visit, this symbolizes the dreamer’s hospitality and the fact that he really likes to invite friends and relatives to his place.

If you have invited many guests to your place, then this dream has the following interpretation: you are somewhat exaggerating your sexuality - this is stated in Freud’s dream book. In the case when the dreamer himself is visiting, this indicates that he is very interesting conversationalist and loves to communicate with different people. Invite to your place stranger- a good sign that indicates that you are the soul of the company.

Why do you dream of an invitation to? This prophesies to the dreamer the strengthening of his position in society, as well as career growth. In the Modern Dream Book, a birthday invitation is interpreted as soon receiving good news from old acquaintances.

In the same dream book, an invitation to a date promises a long and joyful life. But an invitation to work in a dream means that the dreamer will soon become the owner of new jewelry and expensive clothes. If you had a dream with an invitation to the cinema, then soon expect that you will make new friends. Author: Elena Ragozina

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Miller's Dream Book

In a dream, receiving an invitation to some society foretells that very soon you will have a reason to make sure that your friends have sincere affection for you, and your opponents are full of ill will. It is possible that fame awaits you.

Inviting others in a dream promises you a warm welcome in different circles, which you owe to your dignity and skillful handling of people.

If you dream that you are inviting guests to your house, this foreshadows worries and troubles in your environment. If you are invited to visit, sorrows are inevitable.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Family dream book

If in a dream you received an invitation to some society, you will soon find out how others really treat you: some with sincere sympathy, and some with hostility.

A dream in which you yourself invite someone somewhere foretells a warm welcome in society.

If you dreamed that you invited guests to your home, you have worries and troubles ahead. Actually, if you are invited to visit, the same thing will happen.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Extend invitations - to new significant and useful acquaintances.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Spring dream book

Invitation - to a quarrel.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Summer dream book

Receiving an invitation in a dream means a written notice.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Autumn dream book

Receiving an invitation to a wedding or banquet in a dream is a summons.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dream that you are inviting a nanny while taking care of your child, this portends concerns about health and deterioration in well-being.

If you are invited to dinner at a restaurant by your chosen one or lover, it means that in reality you will enjoy a variety of delicacies while visiting the hospitable, generous and open-hearted of people.

In a dream, receive an invitation to a festival with many strangers and, as always, drunken misunderstandings - this means that pretty soon you may find yourself in a dramatic situation where you will have no choice and will simply have to submit to brute force.

Refusing an invitation to people you do not want to see in a dream means that in reality you will be limited to certain limits, although your freedom will not be infringed.

Inviting in a dream people who are unpleasant to you, but necessary for business, means making a profit, but betraying love. If you invite your good friends, it means that you will have pleasant chores, new acquaintances and successful purchases.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If in a dream you received an invitation to visit, you can be sure that your friends are filled with sincere respect towards you, while your enemies continue to emanate bile and envy.

Inviting others in a dream means a truly warm welcome in different circles thanks to your excellent manners and ability to communicate with people. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows worries and troubles in your environment.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Inviting is a joy.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does it mean to receive an invitation in a dream - Receive a warm welcome in society. Imagine yourself writing thank you letter in response to an invitation.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of an Invitation - as if you were receiving an invitation to some event - the dream suggests that your success is the result of not only your efforts; you owe something to both your friends and, surprisingly, your enemies; if it weren't for enemies, you would be less active. You invite someone to a certain event - you are a fairly famous and respected person; No matter what society you appear in, everywhere you are greeted with cordiality. You invite someone to your home - in reality, you invite worries and troubles to yourself; your home is open to trouble. You are invited to visit - perhaps you will become the cause of someone's troubles; the troubles that occurred through your fault, naturally, will not leave you indifferent.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Women's dream book

Invitation - If in a dream you received an invitation to visit, you can be sure that your friends are filled with sincere respect for you, while your enemies still emanate bile and envy. Inviting others in a dream means a truly warm welcome in different circles thanks to your excellent manners and ability to communicate with people. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows worries and troubles in your environment.

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Universal dream book

Dream about being invited - does it mean that others find you desirable, or do you want to be desired?

Who in your dream receives an invitation? How does this person react to this? - is the invitation a sign of your sociability?

If in a dream you send out invitations, does this mean that you want to be a sociable person?

The invitation also symbolizes recognition. Who in your dream received it? Do you give credit to some person in a dream or do you receive recognition yourself?

We should not forget that an invitation also presupposes a choice: do you choose whether you want to be a welcome guest or not?

Why do you dream about an invitation?

Dream book of lovers

Receiving an invitation in a dream means the love of your chosen one and the respect of your friends.

If you yourself invite someone to your house, this promises anxiety and a quarrel with your chosen one.

A wedding invitation is interpreted positively by the dream book. Such a sign in a dream foreshadows favorable circumstances for undertakings, solutions to any difficulties, a good relationship with others. Other details of the vision will help you understand why you dream about it.

Pay more attention to those around you

Did you have a dream about a wedding invitation? The dream book states: soon such a situation will arise or new circumstances will open, thanks to which the sleeper will understand who from his environment really treats him.

Seeing an invitation card in a dream means someone trusts the dreamer so much that they will share their secret dreams or important plans.

Did you dream of inviting guests to your wedding? In reality, there will be great troubles, worries that you will have to solve yourself.

Inviting someone to your wedding in a dream foretells: a warm welcome awaits you from those around you. They appreciate your ability to behave subtly with people and tact.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Why does a woman dream of receiving an invitation to her lover’s wedding with another girl? The vision promises empty suffering and groundless fears.

A lucky coincidence lies ahead

Get wedding invitation cards means: a good situation will soon arise in order to successfully implement many planned undertakings - in business, work.

Did you dream of receiving wedding invitations from friends in a dream? The dreamer will soon attend a gala event. But the dream book clarifies: this will not necessarily be a wedding, perhaps another celebration that is equally important.

Why do you dream of inviting well-known people and friends to a wedding? The dream book tells you: a period will soon come when you will begin to enjoy life and successful circumstances.

For a man to see such a sign promises expansion of business contacts, obtaining new advantageous offers. For a woman - the appearance of a smart rival who knows her worth.

You will overcome any difficulties

Seeing a wedding invitation in a dream means: there are no unsolvable problems in the dreamer’s life. He can solve any difficulties - on his own or by asking friends for help. Therefore, there is no need to become discouraged when a difficult period begins.

Such a vision in a dream speaks of the self-sufficiency of the sleeper. He is quite pleased with his abilities and achievements. The period of throwing is left behind.

Why dream of being invited to attend someone else's wedding? The dream book is encouraging: soon the dreamer will be able to easily solve all life’s difficulties.

Whose wedding?

The interpretation of the dream depends on whose celebration you happened to be invited to:

  • girlfriends (for a girl) - a profitable purchase;
  • friend (for a man) - everything is going well in business and family;
  • sisters - she will take part in the dreamer’s life changes;
  • brother - climbing the career ladder;
  • distant relatives - according to the dream book, events will occur that will affect your soul;
  • a stranger - an unexpected meeting with a classmate, an old acquaintance;
  • to your daughter - a successful completion of annoying worries;
  • to my son - family relationships will become even stronger.

Dreaming of an invitation to your daughter's wedding means: you are paying little attention to her. Try to correct the situation, otherwise you will become very distant from each other.

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