I dreamed of a clear lake. Dream interpretation of a modern woman. "A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

1. Lake- (Dream Interpretation Medium misc Xacce)
Catch fish in it - you will have an evil wife; to see the bottom through the water - to have a clear conscience; a quiet lake lit by the sun - a happy union; worrying - many obstacles of love
2. Lake- (Modern dream book)
If a young woman dreams that she is bathing in a muddy restless lake, then the dream predicts impending troubles and misfortunes; she will be overcome with regret because of her former frivolous behavior and disregard for the rules of morality. If she swims in a boat, and the boat fills with water, but at the cost of great effort she still gets to the shore, then in real life she will be influenced by dangerous beliefs, but gradually she will give them up, and along the right path she will come to her cherished purpose and glory. Also, this dream can portend an illness to one of her relatives and friends. When she dreams of a young couple who also managed to escape, then in real life one of her friends will commit wrongdoing, but then he will be able to rehabilitate himself in her eyes. To dream that you are sliding on a boat on a clean and smooth surface of the lake in a pleasant company means that happiness and a desire for wealth await you. A muddy lake surrounded by bare rocks and dried trees dreams of unhappy forecasts in business and love. A muddy lake in the shade of green trees is a sign that the moral side of your nature will oppose passionate carnal desires, and, having overcome them, will direct energy to good and profitable deeds. If you dream of a lake clean water in a barren area, then all the forces of your soul will be fruitlessly wasted on satisfying the desires of the flesh. Seeing your reflection in the mirror surface of the lake is a harbinger of fleeting joys and the appearance of sincere loyal friends. To dream that the foliage of trees is reflected in the lake means that in reality you will rejoice in love passion and happiness. To dream about how the creepy and slippery inhabitants of the lake rise from the water and threaten you - to failure and illness that will fall on you due to the fact that you spent a lot of time and energy on forbidden pleasures. You will drain the last drop of happiness and drink the bitter drink of disappointment.
3. Lake- (Miller's dream book)
For a young woman to dream that she is alone in the dirty waters of a troubled lake portends many changes: she will soon begin to repent of past follies and neglect of virtue. If the water overwhelms the boat, but, rowing vigorously, the woman still reaches the pier, this means that she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually change and achieve honor and respect. This plot may also portend the illness of someone close. If she watches a boat in which a young couple, risking their lives, cope with the elements, this means that one of her friends, although he will commit an unseemly act, will be able to return her favor. To dream that you are swimming on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends means that you will find happiness and wealth that matches your ideas. A dirty lake surrounded by bare, gloomy stones and dry trees portends a sad end to your plans. A dirty lake with beautiful green shores - portends that the moral strength of your nature will prevail over passion, turning your energy in search of a safe and reliable path. If the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation, this means that your secure existence will collapse under the onslaught of dissolute actions. To see your reflection in the clear water of the lake portends that joy and loving friends await you. Seeing foliage reflected in a mirror of water portends joy, enjoyment of love and happiness. Seeing the slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake approaching and threatening you means failure and grief from wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire with the last drop and you will drink the bitter wine of belated remorse.
4. Lake- (Dream Interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov)
Danger, threat, risk; sailing on the lake - separation for lovers.
5. Lake- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The lake, like any body of water, is a symbol of pregnancy, birth or fertilization. Riding on the lake by boat, boat, water skiing, etc. symbolizes sexual intercourse. If you dream of a lake or many lakes, then you want to have children with your loved one. If you are rescuing a person from a lake, then you are seeking sexual contact with him, and if this is a person of the opposite sex, then you want to have a child with him. If you swim in the lake, then you are pleased with the caresses of a person close to you, and for a woman, this also portends a possible early pregnancy. If you enjoy swimming in the lake, then you probably suffered from enuresis in childhood, and perhaps you have not yet fully recovered. If you are walking along the shore of the lake, then you are suffering from the fact that you have not yet found a suitable sexual partner for yourself. If you see a stormy lake, then your relationship with your partner needs at least correction; maybe you need to think about breaking up with him. If you are in or out of the lake, then you want to have a baby. If you jump or dive into the lake, then this symbolizes sexual intercourse, which ends in fertilization. If you are drowning in a lake, then you do not want to have children, and for this reason, strive to limit sexual contact with your sexual partner or make it as safe as possible. See Water.
6. Lake- (Esoteric dream book)
To see a beautiful lake - pure thoughts will bring peace. Deserted, cold - be afraid of your emotions. Under their influence, you can do a lot of trouble. Dried - to tears.
7. Lake- (Intimate dream book)
If you dreamed of a lake, this indicates that in life you are a calm and reasonable person. You remain the same in sex. You do everything measuredly and leisurely, stretching the pleasure as much as possible. Unfortunately, you have enough at best for one time. Swimming in a lake in a dream - promises you a meeting with a representative of the opposite sex in unusual place. The situation will be the best way to have a close acquaintance, which you will safely continue in bed.

Explaining why one dreams of swimming in the lake, the dream book proceeds from the fact that water is a symbol of impermanence. What you see in a dream portends bright, significant and unexpected events. The details of the dream will tell you what surprises to expect.

Miller promises change

Miller's dream book contains an explanation of what dreams of swimming in the lake. If you dreamed of swimming alone, a change awaits the sleeper. If you are lucky enough to see your reflection while swimming, the interpretation of the dream tells you that you will not be bored alone. You will find wonderful friends who will bring vivid impressions into your life.

What does cleanliness say?

Interpreting what dreams of swimming in the lake, the dream book draws attention to the state of the reservoir. Crystal clear water is almost always a favorable sign.

  • If you are lucky enough to be in clear pond with the company, a dream will come true in reality;
  • The water is so clear that you can see the bottom - your conscience is spotlessly clear;
  • To see a reflection in a body of water as pure as a mirror - you can take cities with your charm;
  • The reflection of a beautiful landscape promises a joyful meeting;
  • If in a dream the glare of the sun plays on the surface, you will find family happiness;
  • I dreamed of swimming with a lover - make love in an unusual place.

In a pool with a head

The dream book considers swimming in a dirty swampy reservoir to be a tense symbol. Seeing yourself in a dream in the middle of a muddy swamp happens on the eve of all sorts of troubles. At the same time, the dream book claims that many of them can be avoided if you explain in time what exactly you dreamed about.

If a woman finds herself in a dirty pond, in reality she will suffer remorse for past mistakes. There is a high probability of breaking firewood again under the influence of surging emotions. If in a dream you had a chance to swim in a lake among silt and duckweed, the dream book suggests not to spend energy and money on a deliberately doomed undertaking. Swimming in the lake with disgust happens in a state of stress and chronic fatigue.

Aquatic life

Explaining why one dreams of swimming in the lake, the dream book does not lose sight of water world and vegetation. If in night dreams you managed to reach a beautiful green coast and get out of the cold muddy water, in reality you will do right choice and spare no effort in the implementation of the plan.

When in a dream swimming in a lake is a pure pleasure, but coastal nature surprises with its unattractiveness, this combination personifies unattainable dreams of a beautiful life.

If you had to swim in a bay teeming with frogs, leeches, insects and other unsympathetic inhabitants, you risk investing a lot in a hopeless project.

What to watch out for

In the Gypsy dream book there is an explanation why I had to swim against my will. If in a dream you managed to fall off a pier or bridge, in reality you should be careful.

When the water suddenly leaves during bathing, meaningful, dear feelings can actually fade away.

Sometimes you have to swim at the moment of making a decision that haunts even in a dream. If you dreamed about how you swam to the shore, the issue will be resolved successfully.

If you happen to swim in an estuary that is too cold or hot, you may have a fever.

Swimming aids

The dream interpreter considers several examples of why one dreams of sliding on the surface on a boat. If you dreamed of a lake storm, the waves are overboard, nevertheless, you are successfully mooring, the plot means that in reality you have to reconsider your beliefs.

Autumn dream book What is the dream of the Lake according to the dream book:

Lake - To dream of a shallow lake with muddy water- to cooling, once pure love.

Summer dream book What is the dream of the Lake according to the dream book:

Lake - Seeing a calm, clear lake in a dream means that everything will be fine in your life.

Children's dream book What does the dream book mean Lake?

Why the Lake is dreaming - If you see a calm lake surface in a dream, this means a carefree cheerful life. If it also reflects clear sky, which means that your well-being will spread to all areas of your life - from relationships with parents and friends, studying at school to success in your hobby, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book What is the dream of the Lake according to the dream book:

Lake - Sailing in a dream on a clean and calm lake with people who are pleasant to you portends a happy combination of circumstances and an increase in well-being. If the lake is clean, but sparse vegetation surrounds it, your carefree existence will be overshadowed by reckless actions. A dirty lake, surrounded by bare, gloomy rocks and dry trees, portends the collapse of plans. If you see yourself swimming in the dirty water of a restless lake, you will soon have to repent of committing extravagant acts. A dirty lake with beautiful green shores means that the strength of your nature will prevail over passion. You will devote all your energy to finding the right and safe path. Seeing your reflection in the clear water of the lake portends the joy of communicating with friends. Seeing foliage reflected in mirror water is a happy love. If you see unpleasant, slippery inhabitants of the lake that threaten you, failures and sorrows from wasted energy, time and health are possible.

Small Velesov dream book Why does the Lake dream in a dream:

Lake - Danger; light - for good; dirty - for worse, poverty; swim - danger, separation (to lovers); swimming in a clean lake - health; fall - death.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if the Lake is dreaming:

Lake - And swimming in it portends a great danger; fall into the lake see fall into the sea.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Lake according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Lake in a dream - Symbolizes the sexual, sensual side of a person. A calm lake is the fullness of life, the happiness of love. Wavy, muddy lake - trouble, illness, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Lake dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream. To see a Lake in a dream - If you saw the clean, calm expanse of the lake from afar, then this only means that in your life in the near future radical change not expected. In the event that you stood on the shore and saw your reflection, you will soon meet a man. If you saw a reflection of a person you know in the water surface, hurry to warn him, as his health is in danger.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Lake what does it mean

Lake - Danger; sailing on the lake - separation for lovers.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud What is the Lake dreaming about:

Lake - If you dreamed of a lake, this indicates that in life you are a calm and reasonable person. You remain the same in sex. You do everything measuredly and leisurely, stretching the pleasure as much as possible. Unfortunately, you have enough at best for one time. Swimming in a lake in a dream - promises you a meeting with a member of the opposite sex in an unusual place. The situation will be in the best possible way to have a close acquaintance, which you will safely continue in bed, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when the Lake is dreaming:

Lake - The lake is dreaming - danger, swimming in the lake - separation for lovers. The lake is dreaming, you are swimming in clean water - health, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why is the Lake dreaming?

See in a dream

Lake - A bright lake in a dream is a bad sign, and a muddy one is a dream for fun. Swimming in a bloody lake means a danger to life coming from enemies, also a bruise or misfortune. To see a blue mountain lake - fortunately, good self-control; a lake suddenly shallowing before your eyes - to the death of feelings that were an important part of your spiritual life. Sailing on the lake - to separation.

Spring dream book What is the dream of the Lake according to the dream book:

Lake - A smooth, calm lake means that everything is fine with you, all the troubles have subsided and there is no reason to worry yet.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Lake - Calm, clean, blue - peace of mind; unpleasant, dark, worrying - negative mental experiences; danger. Swim - is interpreted depending on the type and reaching the coast.

Big dream book Why is the Lake dreaming:

Lake - Danger; sailing on the lake - separation for lovers; fall into it - death.

Lunar dream book Why is the Lake dreaming?

As interpreted by the dream book: Lake - Feast, path.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller Why does the Lake dream in a dream:

Lake - If the water overwhelms the boat, but rowing vigorously, the woman still reaches the pier - this means that she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually change and achieve honor and respect. This plot may also portend the illness of someone close. If she watches a boat in which a young couple, risking their lives, cope with the elements, this means that one of her friends, although he will commit an unseemly act, will be able to return her favor. To dream that you are sailing on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends means that you will find happiness and wealth that matches your ideas. A dirty lake surrounded by bare, gloomy stones and dry trees portends a sad end to your plans. A dirty lake with beautiful green shores - portends that the moral strength of your nature will prevail over passion, turning your energy in search of a safe and reliable path. If the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation, this means that your secure existence will collapse under the onslaught of dissolute actions. To see your reflection in the clear water of the lake portends that joy and loving friends await you. Seeing foliage reflected in a mirror of water portends joy, enjoyment of love and happiness. To see the slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake approaching and threatening you means failure and grief from wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire with the last drop and you will drink the bitter wine of belated remorse.

Muslim dream book Why is the Lake dreaming:

Lake - To see a pond, a cistern or a source - to goodness, happiness and abundance.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Lake in a dream

Lake - To fish in it - you will have an evil wife; to see the bottom through the water - to have a clear conscience; a quiet lake lit by the sun - a happy union; worrying - many obstacles to love.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Lake:

Lake - Seeing a beautiful lake, pure thoughts will bring peace. Deserted, cold, be afraid of your emotions. Under their influence, you can do a lot of trouble. Dried to tears, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream Interpretation: Lake in a dream

Seeing a Lake in a dream - Seeing a lake, a pond or a source - to goodness, happiness and abundance.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Lake in a Dream

In a dream, why the Lake is dreaming - Clean - a cheerful life - dirty - damage, failure - to fish in it - you will have an evil wife - see the bottom through the water - have a clear conscience - quiet, sunlit - a happy union - worrying - many obstacles in love

Modern dream book If you dream of a Lake:

Solves the dream book: The lake is clean - Happy life; muddy - poverty


Why is the lake dreaming

ABC of dream interpretation

Lake - symbolizes the sexual, sensual side of man.

Calm - the fullness of life, the happiness of love.

Wavy, muddy lake - trouble, illness.

American dream book

Calm and clear lake - means intuition and inner wisdom.

English dream book

If in a dream you slide along the quiet mirror surface of the lake, this portends future favorable life circumstances, a happy life full of pleasures. This dream promises success in business and a prestigious job, as well as a great friendly family. In love - successfully, without any obstacles, will achieve a happy marriage.

But if the waters of the lake seem muddy and dirty, this promises grief and suffering from losses that Fate will send you as a test of the stamina of your spirit.

Children's dream book

If you see in a dream a calm lake surface, this means a carefree, cheerful life.

If it also reflects a clear sky, it means that your well-being will spread to all areas of your life from relationships with parents and friends, studying at school to success in your hobby.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Seeing a lake, pond or source is good, happiness and abundance.

Imperial dream book

The vision of the lake - the middle state between the elements of the spleen (humidity) and the primary element of the kidneys (water) can be considered a characteristic of the work of these two organs in this season and the Autumn season.

To see a lake in a dream - a dream can mean both favorable and unfavorable.

Seeing a lake / swimming in a clear lake in a dream is favorable: compliance with the mid-summer season, readiness for the next seasons and in any season a good condition of the spleen.

Seeing a frightening lake is unfavorable: the beginning imbalance of qi energy between the spleen and kidneys, requiring medical intervention, which will also capture the intermediate yin organ (lungs), since winter (kidneys) does not come before autumn (lungs).

To see a dry, shallow lake is the emptiness of the spleen and the subsequent emptiness of the kidneys.

Intimate dream book

If you dreamed of a lake, this indicates that in life you are a calm and reasonable person. You remain the same in sex. You do everything measuredly and leisurely, stretching the pleasure as much as possible. Unfortunately, you have enough at best for one time.

Swimming in a lake in a dream - promises you a meeting with a member of the opposite sex in an unusual place. The situation will be the best way to have a close acquaintance, which you will safely continue in bed.

Lunar dream book

Lake - a feast, a path.

Small Velesov dream book

The lake is a danger; light - for good; dirty - for worse, poverty; swim - danger, separation (to lovers); swimming in a clean lake - health; fall - death.

Muslim dream book

Seeing the lake is good, happiness and abundance.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Lake dreaming?

Lake - to peace, meditation. You can engage in healing, hydrotherapy, treatment with the elements of air is shown.

New dream book 1918

The lake is a danger; sailing on the lake - separation for lovers; fall into it - death.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The lake in the forest is a place of initiation into the mysteries, where the individual can acquire new insights or be completely transformed. It is the goal of many dreams (travel through the forest to the lake).

The lake in the valley is an unconscious direction to lower positions, below consciousness.

Family dream book

A young woman who sees in a dream that she is swimming alone in a dirty and restless lake is waiting for big changes. How would she not have to repent of her folly!

If a woman sails on a lake in a boat and reaches the pier, she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually overcome.

A dream in which you are sailing on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends promises happiness and wealth.

Dirty - portends a sad end to your plans.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores means that your prudence will prevail over passion.

A clear lake surrounded by sparse vegetation can end your well-being if you do not become more sensible.

If you saw your reflection in the clear water of the lake, joy and loving friends await you.

Reflected in the surface of the lake - portends joy, love and happiness.

Slavic dream book

The lake to see and swim in it - to the danger awaiting you.

dream interpreter

The lake and swim in it - portends a great danger; fall into the lake see fall into the sea.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if the Lake is dreaming?

If a young woman dreams that she is bathing in a muddy restless lake - a dream predicts impending troubles and misfortunes; she will be overcome with regret because of her former frivolous behavior and disregard for the rules of morality.

If she swims in a boat, and the boat fills with water, but at the cost of great efforts she still gets to the shore - in real life she will be under the influence of dangerous beliefs, but gradually she will give them up, and along the right path she will come to her cherished goal and glory. Also, this dream can portend an illness to one of her relatives and friends.

When she dreams of a young couple who also managed to escape, in real life one of her friends will commit an unseemly act, but then he will be able to rehabilitate himself in her eyes.

To dream that you are sliding on a boat on a clean and smooth surface of the lake in a pleasant company means that happiness and a desire for wealth await you.

A muddy lake surrounded by bare rocks and dried trees - dreams of unhappy forecasts in business and love.

A muddy lake in the shade of green trees is a sign that the moral side of your nature will oppose passionate carnal desires, and, having overcome them, will direct energy to good and profitable deeds.

If you dream of a lake with clear water in a barren area, all the forces of your soul will be fruitlessly wasted on satisfying the desires of the flesh.

Seeing your reflection in the mirror surface of the lake is a harbinger of fleeting joys and the appearance of sincere loyal friends.

To dream that the foliage of trees is reflected in the lake means that in reality you will rejoice in love passion and happiness.

To dream about how the creepy and slippery inhabitants of the lake rise from the water and threaten you - to failure and illness that will fall on you due to the fact that you spent a lot of time and energy on forbidden pleasures. You will drain the last drop of happiness and drink the bitter drink of disappointment.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The lake is a reflection of conditional love.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Lake dream about in a dream?

A bright lake in a dream is a bad sign, and a muddy lake is a dream of fun.

Swimming in a bloody lake means a danger to life coming from enemies, also a bruise or misfortune

To see a blue mountain lake - fortunately, good self-control; a lake suddenly shallowing before your eyes - to the death of feelings that were an important part of your spiritual life.

Sailing on the lake - to separation.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

The lake, if it is clean and transparent, is for fun and joy; if dirty, dark, muddy - to the danger awaiting you or to poverty and humiliation.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

The woman who dreamed of a lake dirty water- will soon repent of committing rash and frivolous acts that threaten her happiness.

If you dream that you are swimming on a calm lake, this portends happiness and love.

Trees reflected in the water of the lake portend the enjoyment of love and harmony in the family.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Clear, all the banks of which are clearly visible - life, stretched out before you / you will get the opportunity to soberly judge your deeds and actions.

A stormy lake, if you see its shores, is a symbol of dominance over oneself in difficult times.

The shores darken in the fog - harm, damage from what has weakened its self-control.

Drinking from the lake is a process of self-knowledge.

Falling into it is an accident.

To see a bloody lake - something sinister enters or hides in you.

Swimming in bloody is a danger to life from enmity / injury or misfortune.

To see a blue mountain lake is fortunately / to be in control of oneself.

To see a gloomy forest, among the gloomy rocks - something dangerous lurks in you and can catastrophically reveal itself / you have ceased to understand yourself.

Shallow to see - the death of feelings that were an important part of your spiritual life.

Waterlogged - mental or spiritual stagnation.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Calm, clear lake - indicates intuition, inner wisdom, emotional balance.

Ripples on the surface of the water - may indicate emotional unrest.

Muddy lake - speaks of emotional stagnation.

For the ancient Egyptians, the lake was a symbol of the occult and mysterious inner worlds. At certain times of the year the priests went to the lakes in ceremonial processions. In Celtic mythology, the Land of the Dead was at the bottom of a lake. Water can be a symbol of the subconscious and the unknown depths of your soul. Mysterious worlds live in you. Take the trouble to stop and study them.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Lake -

If in a dream the lake seems unfamiliar and strange to you, and if it surprises you, such a dream is a harbinger of events that can change your lifestyle.

A clean, calm lake with clear water is a sign of a calm and joyful life.

See in a dream big waves on the surface of the lake - a sign of your experiences and worries associated with domestic or everyday problems.

Turbid water in the lake - portends trouble and often serves as a sign of the onset of some kind of disease.

Swampy shore of the lake - may mean that you risk getting bogged down in solving everyday problems and troubles. Perhaps the dream suggests you not to give everyday difficulties too of great importance and do something more interesting and important.

A lake overgrown with duckweed or mud means despondency. It seems that you do not interfere with somehow reviving your feelings and bringing a fresh stream to life.

The reflection of any objects in the lake is a sign of certain events that will affect your life.

Seeing your reflection in the lake means that you yourself can cause some events that can change your way of life.

Someone else's reflection in the lake is a sign that an outsider can interfere in your life.

A river flowing into a lake in a dream portends that some events will cause you to have a surge of strength and energy.

The river flowing out of the lake is a sign that extraneous hobbies can distract you from your usual activities.

Catching fish in the lake is a harbinger of some good in your home.

Dream Interpretation of Health

The clear water surface of the lake - symbolizes the need spiritual cleansing; waves on the surface - upcoming emotional unrest; cloudy water- to illness.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To dream of a shallow lake with muddy water - to a cooling, once pure love.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing a calm, clear lake in a dream means that everything will be fine in your life.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Lake - such a dream characterizes you as a calm and balanced person. In sex, your qualities are manifested as follows: you always do everything slowly, measuredly, stretching out the pleasure. However, you cannot take the amount - you have enough for a maximum of one time.

The dream in which you swim in the lake means that you will meet a representative of the opposite sex in an unusual place. All this will end in a much more familiar environment - in bed.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If you have seen the clean, calm expanse of the lake from afar, this only means that no radical changes are foreseen in your life in the near future.

In the event that you stood on the shore and saw your reflection, you will soon meet a man.

If you saw a reflection of a person you know in the water surface, hurry to warn him, as his health is in danger.

Accidentally discover a lake in the forest - something or someone threatens your well-being.

Come to the lake - illness.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

A smooth, calm lake means that everything is fine with you, all the troubles have subsided and there is no reason to worry yet.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

The lake is quiet - well-being; worried - danger.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Lake in a dream?

Lake, fishing in it - you will have an evil wife; to see the bottom through the water - to have a clear conscience; a quiet lake lit by the sun - a happy union; worrying - many obstacles to love.

Miller's dream book

For a young woman to dream that she is alone in the dirty waters of a restless lake portends many changes: she will soon begin to repent of past folly and neglect of virtue.

If the water overwhelms the boat, but, rowing vigorously, the woman still reaches the pier, this means that she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually change and achieve honor and respect. This plot may also portend the illness of someone close. If she watches a boat in which a young couple, risking their lives, cope with the elements, this means that one of her friends, although he will commit an unseemly act, will be able to return her favor.

To dream that you are sailing on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends means that you will find happiness and wealth that matches your ideas.

A dirty lake surrounded by bare, gloomy stones and dry trees portends a sad end to your plans.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores - portends that the moral strength of your nature will prevail over passion, turning your energy in search of a safe and reliable path.

If the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation, this means that your secure existence will collapse under the onslaught of dissolute actions.

To see your reflection in the clear water of the lake portends that joy and loving friends await you.

Seeing foliage reflected in a mirror of water portends joy, enjoyment of love and happiness.

To see the slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake approaching and threatening you means failure and grief from wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire with the last drop and you will drink the bitter wine of belated remorse.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Lake in a dream?

The dream where you swim in the lake portends a hidden danger threatening you.

Sailing on the lake in a rowboat - commit an extravagant act that you bitterly repent of. If you are sailing on a large lake on a large ship, you will have a long journey that will bring you a lot of new experiences. Water skiing on the lake means the desire to speed up the course of events, which is unlikely to succeed.

Catching fish in the lake is a long absence of your husband, when you have to pull the whole load of worries around the house alone.

Calm lake in calm weather - means happy marriage and complete understanding between loving spouses. A stormy lake in bad weather - portends obstacles in love. A clear lake with clear water, through which the coastal bottom is visible, indicates that you will fully fulfill your duty towards your parents.

Dirty water in the lake - your plans will be destroyed by the interference of competitors. The muddy bottom of the lake - you will be drawn into a dubious enterprise, because of which you will lose the favor of an influential person. Clean sandy bottom - do what you like. Topky deserted coast dreaming of a lake means that you are under the influence of false beliefs. The wooded shore is a sign of affection and friendly disposition.

Drowning in the lake - you will find yourself in a critical situation, from which you can only get out thanks to resourcefulness and cunning.

Seeing a mermaid in the lake is a dream warning: do not give in to illusions that can lead you to a dead end.

To see the famous monster in Loch Ness Lake - you will succeed in what you have been striving for so long and unsuccessfully so far.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Sailing in a dream on a clean and calm lake with people who are pleasant to you - portends a happy combination of circumstances and an increase in well-being

If the lake is clean, but sparse vegetation surrounds it, your carefree existence will be overshadowed by reckless actions.

A dirty lake surrounded by bare, gloomy rocks and dry trees portends the collapse of plans.

If you see yourself swimming in the dirty water of a restless lake, you will soon have to repent of committing extravagant acts.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores means that the strength of your nature will prevail over passion. You will devote all your energy to finding the right and safe path.

Seeing your reflection in the clear water of the lake portends the joy of communicating with friends.

Seeing foliage reflected in mirror water is a happy love.

If you see unpleasant, slippery inhabitants of the lake that threaten you, failures and sorrows from wasted energy, time and health are possible.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Lake according to the dream book?

The lake is calm, clean, blue - peace of mind; unpleasant, dark, worrying - negative mental experiences; danger.

Swim - is interpreted depending on the type and reaching the coast.

Freud's dream book

The lake, like any body of water, is a symbol of pregnancy, birth or fertilization.

Riding on the lake by boat, boat, water skiing, etc. - symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If you see a lake or many lakes in a dream, you want to have children with your loved one.

If you save a person from a lake, you want to have sexual contact with him, and if this is a person of the opposite sex, then you want to have a child with him.

If you swim in the lake, you are pleased with the caresses of a person close to you, and for a woman, this also portends a possible early pregnancy.

If you enjoy swimming in the lake, you probably suffered from enuresis as a child, and perhaps you have not yet fully recovered.

If you are walking along the shore of the lake, you are suffering from the fact that you have not yet found a suitable sexual partner for yourself.

If you see a stormy lake - your relationship with a partner needs at least correction; maybe you need to think about breaking up with him.

If you are in or out of the lake, you want to have a baby.

If you jump or dive into the lake, this symbolizes sexual intercourse, which ends in fertilization.

If you are drowning in a lake, you do not want to have children and for this reason strive to limit sexual contact with your sexual partner or make it as safe as possible.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The lake is a danger; sailing on the lake - separation for lovers.

Ukrainian dream book

The lake is dreaming - danger, to swim by the lake - separation for lovers.

The lake is dreaming, you swim in clean water - health.

Esoteric dream book

To see a beautiful lake - pure thoughts will bring peace.

Deserted, cold - be afraid of your emotions. Under their influence, you can do a lot of trouble.

Dried - to tears.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Lake according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, swimming in a mountain lake with crystal clear water portends you joy and prosperity.

If the landscape around him is rather monotonous - your wastefulness can ruin you, urgently reconsider your attitude to money.

To see how a river flows into the lake - something pleasant will happen that will encourage you to take action.

If it follows from it, do not be distracted by trifles, otherwise your main affairs may fall into decay.

If you dreamed of a lake with musty, muddy water, you won’t be able to realize your plan, but you will only make yourself additional trouble.

You dream of a crystal clear lake that surrounds an idyllic landscape filled with sunlight- you will find success and prosperity, you will learn what life is without worries and troubles.

You decided to swim in the lake in a dream - at the most unexpected this moment fate will bring you together with a person with whom you are destined to spend a lot of unforgettable minutes, a bright and unusual romantic adventure awaits you.

According to the dream book, to swim across the lake - to the successful implementation of all your plans, you will be able to achieve everything that you especially desire.

If in a dream the lake is blue and the water in it is clear and quiet - you will find peace, complete harmony, you will be satisfied with the course of your life.

If you dreamed of a muddy lake, and because of the dense thickets it does not receive sunlight- you have to fight very strong temptations, and if you resist them, you can reach unprecedented heights in life.

If the water in it is salty, you need to do some serious introspection, it will not be easy to get to the bottom of the truth, but in no case give up, because this is the only way you can find true happiness.

You dream of a dirty lake and a dull landscape along its banks - be prepared for the fact that your hopes and expectations will be in vain, it is better to postpone the implementation of your plan, at least for the moment.

If the lake is dry in a dream - serious problems await you that will take a lot of strength from you and drive you to despair, try to anticipate them in order to mitigate their consequences.


Dream Interpretation Lake with clear water

Why dream of a Lake with clear water in a dream from a dream book?

In Felomena's dream book, the meaning of a lake with clear water is interpreted as a sign of a state of harmony and inner peace of a person. This sign symbolizes readiness for new discoveries and undertakings.

Lack of anxiety and confidence in the future will accompany the dreamer in the near future, which will help you calmly overcome the difficulties that arise and achieve what you want.


Why dream of clear water?

Seeing clear water in a dream may be an omen of many phenomena and events. But for correct interpretation of this dream, attention should be paid to many factors that are present in different dreams. If in a dream a person saw a beautiful clean lake with clear water, this could promise a very happy, comfortable and joyful life in the future.

It is very easy to answer the question "What is the dream of clear water for?" The main thing is to pay attention to the nuances that are present in every dream. If a person saw clear water in the lake, and an even reflection of the moon and stars is visible in it, this indicates that all the problems and difficulties that are present in your life at the moment will soon end and peace will come to your life. If in a dream a person walks on clear water- this promises getting rid of the difficulties and worries that make him worry already long time. If in a dream a person pours clear water into a jug, wealth and material wealth will very soon come into his life. For people who are ill for a long time and painfully, seeing clear water is a good sign. And if in a dream he also drinks such water, this is an omen of a speedy recovery. Drink clear water healthy person- to clear his thoughts.

If a sleeping person saw in a dream how someone treats him with clean, clear water, this portends a long and good life to a person. If the water that the sleeping person drinks is from a pure spring, then wealth and success await him soon. If the water is from a muddy stream or ditch - the occurrence of some difficulties and problems.

Swimming in the clear water of the lake - promises good news and joy for a person and his family and friends. If in a dream a person drinks and enjoys the taste of cold clear water, this indicates that many crazy desires of a sleeping person will soon come true. For a pregnant girl to see such a dream is a very good sign. If she is doused with clear water, then she will have a strong healthy baby. If she drinks such water and feels a salty taste, she will most likely have a girl. But if in a dream a pregnant woman sees how clear water becomes cloudy very quickly - she needs to pay more attention to her health and proper nutrition, perhaps the baby does not have enough vitamins. See clean, clear water - happy life, success in all endeavors and deliverance from all worries and sorrows. And the person himself, after such a dream, can become more honest and kinder in relation to the people around him.

Bathing in a dream in clean clear water suggests that a person is doing the right thing and many of his actions will be appreciated by the people around him. Playing sports in clear water portends the warming up of relations and the intensity of passions between partners. see transparent sea ​​water in a dream - a good sign that promises an early, long-awaited and pleasant meeting. If an elderly person saw in a dream how he washes himself with clear water, this promises him long years healthy life.

Despite the fact that most often a dream in which a person saw clear water has positive value. sometimes there are exceptions. For example, if clear water flows in a large stream in a house, soon a person will face evil, the fight against which will be very difficult. And if the water level gradually decreases, this means that a person will be able to cope with this evil.

Unmarried girls should pay attention to dreams in which they dreamed of clear water. Such a dream can be a very good sign for every woman. If a girl saw how she bathed in a transparent river water- this may portend her a happy marriage.

The answer to the question "Why dream of clear water" most often has a positive meaning. To see such a dream is a very good sign. When interpreting dreams, you should pay attention to all the nuances, and then luck will definitely not keep you waiting.


Blue Lake

Dream Interpretation Blue Lake dreamed of why Blue Lake is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Blue Lake in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Symbolizes your feelings associated with familiar and familiar things.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

The lake is the domination of your consciousness over the forces opposing it.

Falling into it is an accident.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

For a young woman to dream that she is alone in the dirty waters of a troubled lake portends many changes: she will soon begin to repent of past follies and neglect of virtue.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Light lake is a bad sign.

Muddy lake - for fun.

Sailing on the lake - to separation.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Pay attention to the state of the lake, as water symbolizes emotions.

Mysterious worlds live in you.


Fall into lake pond

Dream Interpretation Fall into the lake pond had a dream about why in a dream Fall into a lake pond? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Falling into a pond in a lake by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pond

A dream about a pond portends troubles. If in a dream you bathe in it, then soon you will have new worries. See in a dream small pond- a harbinger of fulfillment of desires for lovers. Such a dream promises them reciprocity and happiness. See interpretation: water.

If you dream that you see fish playing in a pond, then your life will proceed safely and you will be happy with it. Falling into a pond in a dream (if it is clean and beautiful) is a sign of good luck or falling in love. Seeing a pond with lilies in a dream portends unusual pleasant excitement or meetings. Sometimes such a dream predicts that some kind of loss will upset you, but the bitterness of the loss will be replaced by the joy of some kind of gain. An overgrown pond in a dream indicates the neglect of your affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

The dream where you swim in the lake portends a hidden danger threatening you. Sailing on the lake in a rowing boat - commit an extravagant act, which you bitterly repent. If you are sailing on a large lake on a large ship, you will have a long journey that will bring you a lot of new experiences. Water skiing on the lake means the desire to speed up the course of events, which is unlikely to succeed.

Catching fish in the lake is a long absence of your husband, when you have to pull the whole load of worries around the house alone. A calm lake in calm weather means a happy marriage and complete understanding between spouses who love each other. A stormy lake in bad weather portends obstacles in love. A clear lake with clear water, through which the coastal bottom is visible, indicates that you will fully fulfill your duty towards your parents.

Dirty water in the lake - your plans will be destroyed by the intervention of competitors. The muddy bottom of the lake - you will be drawn into a dubious enterprise, because of which you will lose the favor of an influential person. Clean sandy bottom - do what you like. The swampy deserted shore of a dreaming lake means that you are under the influence of false beliefs. The wooded shore is a sign of affection and friendly disposition.

Drowning in the lake - you will find yourself in a critical situation, from which you can only get out thanks to resourcefulness and cunning. Seeing a mermaid in the lake is a dream warning: do not give in to illusions that can lead you to a dead end. To see the famous monster in Loch Ness Lake - you will succeed in what you have been striving for so long and unsuccessfully so far.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

A clean, calm, quiet lake - to a calm and prosperous life. If you saw fish splashing on the surface of the lake, the dream promises wealth. Swimming in such a lake is for excellent health. If the lake was dirty and musty, your friends will speak negatively about you. If you have been swimming in dirty lake- you will experience severe stress due to a quarrel with friends.

Imagine that you are getting out of the mud and reach a beautiful lake with clear water. There you wash away all the dirt.

Sailing on the lake in a boat - to happy family life. If at the same time the boat is flooded with water, your marriage will be tested, but if the boat does not sink, then everything will end well.

Imagine that you are swimming on the smooth surface of a lake, in the depths of which fish are splashing, and the banks are overgrown with lilies.

A dry lake means that the cold and indifference of people will cause you pain.

Imagine that a heavy downpour has gone and the lake is filled with clean and fresh water.

A lake completely overgrown with reeds and swamp grasses - your affairs are very neglected, and if you do not start doing something, you will face a major failure.

Imagine that you hire workers and they mow reeds and grasses. You actively help them and soon the lake is cleared.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Symbolizes your feelings associated with familiar and familiar things.

If the lake seems unfamiliar and strange to you and if it surprises you: such a dream is a harbinger of events that can change your lifestyle.

A clean, calm lake with clear water: a sign of a calm and joyful life.

Seeing big waves on the surface of the lake is a sign of your worries and worries associated with domestic or everyday problems.

Turbid water in the lake: portends trouble and often serves as a sign of the onset of some kind of disease.

Swampy shore of the lake: may mean that you risk getting bogged down in solving everyday problems and troubles. Perhaps the dream invites you not to attach too much importance to everyday difficulties and to do something more interesting and important.

A lake overgrown with duckweed or mud: means despondency. it seems that you do not interfere with somehow reviving your feelings and bringing a fresh stream to life.

Reflection of any objects in the lake: a sign of certain events that will affect your life.

To see your reflection in the lake means that you yourself can cause some events that can change your way of life.

Someone else's reflection in the lake: a sign that an outsider can interfere in your life.

A river flowing into a lake in a dream: portends that some events will cause you to have a surge of strength and energy.

A river flowing out of the lake: a sign that extraneous hobbies can distract you from your usual activities.

Fishing in the lake - a harbinger of some good in your home.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

The man sees big lake to the expansion of the household.

If a woman saw a big lake, this is a sign of health in a big happy family.

A lake without water - to crop failure and disease.

Seeing a drying up lake is a disaster.

See deep lake- to defeat enemies.

A person who is far from his family sees a lake - to a big profit.

If you see how you carry water into the lake, to the respect of others.

If you scoop water from the lake, then you should take care of the health of your relatives.

Seeing you swimming in the lake is a nuisance, a poor life.

If you see how you fell into the water without being able to swim, this is a symbol of the loss of money and property.

When you see that you are taking land out of the lake, it means selling an inheritance and receiving money.

If a girl sees how she bathes in the lake - to a good husband.

A man sees himself swimming in the lake - to an ideal wife.

Seeing a lot of water in the lake - to money and prosperity.

If the water in the lake has an unpleasant odor - to the disease.

Dream Interpretation - Pond

Walking along a quiet pond - a calm, perhaps a little boring life awaits you. Swimming in a pond in a boat - the long-awaited peace will be established in your family.

Imagine that the pond is also full of life: a variety of living creatures are found in it, the surroundings of the pond are very picturesque. You like the pond.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

A young woman who sees in a dream that she is swimming alone in a dirty and restless lake is in for big changes. As if she did not have to repent of her folly.

If a woman sails across the lake in a boat and reaches the pier, then she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually overcome.

A dream in which you swim on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends promises happiness and wealth.

A dirty lake portends a sad end to your plans.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores means that your prudence will prevail over passion.

A clear lake surrounded by sparse vegetation can end your well-being if you don't become more sensible.

If you saw your reflection in the clear water of the lake, then joy and loving friends await you.

The foliage reflected in the surface of the lake portends joy, love and happiness.

If you dreamed of a lake, then in real life you are a calm and reasonable person.

We swam in the lake - you will meet in an unusual place.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

The lake is the domination of your consciousness over the forces opposing it.

A clear lake, all the banks of which are clearly visible - life stretched out before you / you will get the opportunity to soberly judge your deeds and actions.

A stormy lake, if you see its shores, is a symbol of dominance over oneself in difficult times.

The shores of the lake darken in fog - harm, damage from what has weakened its self-control.

Drinking from the lake is a process of self-knowledge.

Falling into it is an accident.

To see a bloody lake - something sinister enters or hides in you.

Swimming in a bloody lake is a danger to life from enmity / injury or misfortune.

To see a blue mountain lake is fortunately / to be in control of oneself.

To see a gloomy forest lake, among the gloomy rocks - something dangerous lurks in you and can catastrophically reveal itself / you have ceased to understand yourself.

Suddenly seeing a shallow lake before your eyes is the death of feelings that were an important part of your spiritual life.

Seeing a swampy lake or pond is spiritual or spiritual stagnation.

Dream Interpretation - Pond

The appearance of a pond in a dream is associated with particular tasks and problems facing us at the moment.

A beautiful lake with clean, clear water can predict a happy declaration of love, lyrical experiences, or indicate the maturation of feelings in a young man or girl.

A pond overgrown with mud, with muddy, dark water portends the onset of depression of the disease.

IN women's dreams may indicate a disease of the vagina.

Pond Represents a stagnant situation in the field of feelings.

Clean pond - peace, rest.

A pond in mud, dirty - stagnation in business, illness, intimate female problems.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

For a young woman to dream that she is alone in the dirty waters of a troubled lake portends many changes: she will soon begin to repent of past follies and neglect of virtue.

If the water overwhelms the boat, but, rowing vigorously, the woman still reaches the pier, this means that she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually change and achieve honor and respect. This plot may also portend the illness of someone close.

If she watches a boat in which a young couple, risking their lives, cope with the elements, this means that one of her friends, although he will commit an unseemly act, will be able to return her favor.

To dream that you are swimming on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends means that you will find happiness and wealth that matches your ideas.

A dirty lake surrounded by bare, gloomy stones and dry trees portends a sad end to your plans.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores - portends that the moral strength of your nature will prevail over passion, turning your energy in search of a safe and reliable path.

If the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation, this means that your secure existence will collapse under the onslaught of dissolute actions.

To see your reflection in the clear water of the lake portends that joy and loving friends await you.

Seeing foliage reflected in a mirror of water portends joy, enjoyment of love and happiness.

Seeing the slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake approaching and threatening you means failure and grief from wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire with the last drop and you will drink the bitter wine of belated remorse.


water lake

Dream Interpretation Water Lake dreamed of why in a dream a lake of water? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Lake of Water in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lake

The dream where you swim in the lake portends a hidden danger threatening you. Sailing on the lake in a rowing boat - commit an extravagant act, which you bitterly repent. If you are sailing on a large lake on a large ship, you will have a long journey that will bring you a lot of new experiences. Water skiing on the lake means the desire to speed up the course of events, which is unlikely to succeed.

Catching fish in the lake is a long absence of your husband, when you have to pull the whole load of worries around the house alone. A calm lake in calm weather means a happy marriage and complete understanding between spouses who love each other. A stormy lake in bad weather portends obstacles in love. A clear lake with clear water, through which the coastal bottom is visible, indicates that you will fully fulfill your duty towards your parents.

Dirty water in the lake - your plans will be destroyed by the intervention of competitors. The muddy bottom of the lake - you will be drawn into a dubious enterprise, because of which you will lose the favor of an influential person. Clean sandy bottom - do what you like. The swampy deserted shore of a dreaming lake means that you are under the influence of false beliefs. The wooded shore is a sign of affection and friendly disposition.

Drowning in the lake - you will find yourself in a critical situation, from which you can only get out thanks to resourcefulness and cunning. Seeing a mermaid in the lake is a dream warning: do not give in to illusions that can lead you to a dead end. To see the famous monster in Loch Ness Lake - you will succeed in what you have been striving for so long and unsuccessfully so far.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

A man sees a large lake - to increase the household.

If a woman saw a big lake, this is a sign of health in a big happy family.

A lake without water - to crop failure and disease.

Seeing a drying up lake is a disaster.

Seeing a deep lake is a victory over enemies.

A person who is far from his family sees a lake - to a big profit.

If you see how you carry water into the lake, to the respect of others.

If you scoop water from the lake, then you should take care of the health of your relatives.

Seeing you swimming in the lake is a nuisance, a poor life.

If you see how you fell into the water without being able to swim, this is a symbol of the loss of money and property.

When you see that you are taking land out of the lake, it means selling an inheritance and receiving money.

If a girl sees how she bathes in the lake - to a good husband.

A man sees himself swimming in the lake - to an ideal wife.

Seeing a lot of water in the lake - to money and prosperity.

If the water in the lake has an unpleasant odor - to the disease.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

A clean, calm, quiet lake - to a calm and prosperous life. If you saw fish splashing on the surface of the lake, the dream promises wealth. Swimming in such a lake is for excellent health. If the lake was dirty and musty, your friends will speak negatively about you. If you swam in a dirty lake, you will experience severe stress due to a quarrel with friends.

Imagine that you are getting out of the mud and reach a beautiful lake with clear water. There you wash away all the dirt.

Sailing on the lake in a boat - to a happy family life. If at the same time the boat is flooded with water, your marriage will be tested, but if the boat does not sink, then everything will end well.

Imagine that you are swimming on the smooth surface of a lake, in the depths of which fish are splashing, and the banks are overgrown with lilies.

A dry lake means that the cold and indifference of people will cause you pain.

Imagine that a heavy downpour has gone and the lake is filled with clean and fresh water.

A lake completely overgrown with reeds and swamp grasses - your affairs are very neglected, and if you do not start doing something, you will face a major failure.

Imagine that you hire workers and they mow reeds and grasses. You actively help them and soon the lake is cleared.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

A young woman who sees in a dream that she is swimming alone in a dirty and restless lake is in for big changes. As if she did not have to repent of her folly.

If a woman sails across the lake in a boat and reaches the pier, then she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually overcome.

A dream in which you swim on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends promises happiness and wealth.

A dirty lake portends a sad end to your plans.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores means that your prudence will prevail over passion.

A clear lake surrounded by sparse vegetation can end your well-being if you don't become more sensible.

If you saw your reflection in the clear water of the lake, then joy and loving friends await you.

The foliage reflected in the surface of the lake portends joy, love and happiness.

If you dreamed of a lake, then in real life you are a calm and reasonable person.

We swam in the lake - you will meet in an unusual place.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Symbolizes your feelings associated with familiar and familiar things.

If the lake seems unfamiliar and strange to you and if it surprises you: such a dream is a harbinger of events that can change your lifestyle.

A clean, calm lake with clear water: a sign of a calm and joyful life.

Seeing big waves on the surface of the lake is a sign of your worries and worries associated with domestic or everyday problems.

Turbid water in the lake: portends trouble and often serves as a sign of the onset of some kind of disease.

Swampy shore of the lake: may mean that you risk getting bogged down in solving everyday problems and troubles. Perhaps the dream invites you not to attach too much importance to everyday difficulties and to do something more interesting and important.

A lake overgrown with duckweed or mud: means despondency. it seems that you do not interfere with somehow reviving your feelings and bringing a fresh stream to life.

Reflection of any objects in the lake: a sign of certain events that will affect your life.

To see your reflection in the lake means that you yourself can cause some events that can change your way of life.

Someone else's reflection in the lake: a sign that an outsider can interfere in your life.

A river flowing into a lake in a dream: portends that some events will cause you to have a surge of strength and energy.

A river flowing out of the lake: a sign that extraneous hobbies can distract you from your usual activities.

Fishing in the lake - a harbinger of some good in your home.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

The lake is the domination of your consciousness over the forces opposing it.

A clear lake, all the banks of which are clearly visible - life stretched out before you / you will get the opportunity to soberly judge your deeds and actions.

A stormy lake, if you see its shores, is a symbol of dominance over oneself in difficult times.

The shores of the lake darken in fog - harm, damage from what has weakened its self-control.

Drinking from the lake is a process of self-knowledge.

Falling into it is an accident.

To see a bloody lake - something sinister enters or hides in you.

Swimming in a bloody lake is a danger to life from enmity / injury or misfortune.

To see a blue mountain lake is fortunately / to be in control of oneself.

To see a gloomy forest lake, among the gloomy rocks - something dangerous lurks in you and can catastrophically reveal itself / you have ceased to understand yourself.

Suddenly seeing a shallow lake before your eyes is the death of feelings that were an important part of your spiritual life.

Seeing a swampy lake or pond is spiritual or spiritual stagnation.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

For a young woman to dream that she is alone in the dirty waters of a troubled lake portends many changes: she will soon begin to repent of past follies and neglect of virtue.

If the water overwhelms the boat, but, rowing vigorously, the woman still reaches the pier, this means that she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually change and achieve honor and respect. This plot may also portend the illness of someone close.

If she watches a boat in which a young couple, risking their lives, cope with the elements, this means that one of her friends, although he will commit an unseemly act, will be able to return her favor.

To dream that you are swimming on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends means that you will find happiness and wealth that matches your ideas.

A dirty lake surrounded by bare, gloomy stones and dry trees portends a sad end to your plans.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores - portends that the moral strength of your nature will prevail over passion, turning your energy in search of a safe and reliable path.

If the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation, this means that your secure existence will collapse under the onslaught of dissolute actions.

To see your reflection in the clear water of the lake portends that joy and loving friends await you.

Seeing foliage reflected in a mirror of water portends joy, enjoyment of love and happiness.

Seeing the slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake approaching and threatening you means failure and grief from wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire with the last drop and you will drink the bitter wine of belated remorse.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

A dream about a lake, as a rule, is unfavorable and portends danger. Seeing it in a dream, swimming in it or falling into it is a sign of loss, grief, illness. Sometimes such a dream warns that danger looms over your well-being or condition. After such a dream, you should put your affairs in order and carefully look at the people around you, as there are enemies among them who are just waiting for an opportunity to deal with you. Sometimes a dream about a lake predicts an accident. In this case, you should postpone travel and reschedule some important meetings. Seeing the bottom of a lake through clear water in a dream means that you will be able to see or learn more about the subject (or person) that interests you. A small, clean lake in a picturesque area, lit by the sun, to see in a dream is a sign of happiness and prosperity.

Naked, empty or rocky terrain around the lake in a dream is a sign of the collapse of plans, changes for the worse, poverty, deprivation. Sailing on the lake in a dream is a harbinger of separation from a loved one. See interpretation: water, boat, etc.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Light lake is a bad sign.

Muddy lake - for fun.

Swimming in a bloody lake is a danger to life from enemies, also a bruise or misfortune.

To see a blue mountain lake - fortunately, good self-control.

A lake suddenly shallowing before your eyes - to the death of feelings that were an important part of your spiritual life.

Sailing on the lake - to separation.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

Pay attention to the state of the lake, as water symbolizes emotions.

Calm, clear lake: indicates intuition, inner wisdom, emotional balance.

Ripples on the surface of the water: may indicate emotional disturbances.

Muddy Lake: speaks of emotional stagnation.

For the ancient Egyptians, the lake: was a symbol of the occult and mysterious inner worlds.

At certain times of the year the priests went to the lakes in ceremonial processions.

In Celtic mythology, the land of the dead was at the bottom of a lake.

Water can be a symbol of the subconscious and the unknown depths of your soul.

Mysterious worlds live in you.

Take the trouble to stop and study them.


Lake clear water with fish

Dream Interpretation Lake with clear water fish dreamed of why in a dream the Lake is a clear water fish? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Lake with clear water as a fish in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clean water (sea, ponds, lakes)

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - The lake is clean, transparent

Happy life.

Dream Interpretation - Pure Water


Dream Interpretation - Catch fish from the water

To pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation - Thirst to quench with clean water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Swim in clear water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

The dream where you swim in the lake portends a hidden danger threatening you. Sailing on the lake in a rowing boat - commit an extravagant act, which you bitterly repent. If you are sailing on a large lake on a large ship, you will have a long journey that will bring you a lot of new experiences. Water skiing on the lake means the desire to speed up the course of events, which is unlikely to succeed.

Catching fish in the lake is a long absence of your husband, when you have to pull the whole load of worries around the house alone. A calm lake in calm weather means a happy marriage and complete understanding between spouses who love each other. A stormy lake in bad weather portends obstacles in love. A clear lake with clear water, through which the coastal bottom is visible, indicates that you will fully fulfill your duty towards your parents.

Dirty water in the lake - your plans will be destroyed by the intervention of competitors. The muddy bottom of the lake - you will be drawn into a dubious enterprise, because of which you will lose the favor of an influential person. Clean sandy bottom - do what you like. The swampy deserted shore of a dreaming lake means that you are under the influence of false beliefs. The wooded shore is a sign of affection and friendly disposition.

Drowning in the lake - you will find yourself in a critical situation, from which you can only get out thanks to resourcefulness and cunning. Seeing a mermaid in the lake is a dream warning: do not give in to illusions that can lead you to a dead end. To see the famous monster in Loch Ness Lake - you will succeed in what you have been striving for so long and unsuccessfully so far.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

A man sees a large lake - to increase the household.

If a woman saw a big lake, this is a sign of health in a big happy family.

A lake without water - to crop failure and disease.

Seeing a drying up lake is a disaster.

Seeing a deep lake is a victory over enemies.

A person who is far from his family sees a lake - to a big profit.

If you see how you carry water into the lake, to the respect of others.

If you scoop water from the lake, then you should take care of the health of your relatives.

Seeing you swimming in the lake is a nuisance, a poor life.

If you see how you fell into the water without being able to swim, this is a symbol of the loss of money and property.

When you see that you are taking land out of the lake, it means selling an inheritance and receiving money.

If a girl sees how she bathes in the lake - to a good husband.

A man sees himself swimming in the lake - to an ideal wife.

Seeing a lot of water in the lake - to money and prosperity.

If the water in the lake has an unpleasant odor - to the disease.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

A clean, calm, quiet lake - to a calm and prosperous life. If you saw fish splashing on the surface of the lake, the dream promises wealth. Swimming in such a lake is for excellent health. If the lake was dirty and musty, your friends will speak negatively about you. If you swam in a dirty lake, you will experience severe stress due to a quarrel with friends.

Imagine that you are getting out of the mud and reach a beautiful lake with clear water. There you wash away all the dirt.

Sailing on the lake in a boat - to a happy family life. If at the same time the boat is flooded with water, your marriage will be tested, but if the boat does not sink, then everything will end well.

Imagine that you are swimming on the smooth surface of a lake, in the depths of which fish are splashing, and the banks are overgrown with lilies.

A dry lake means that the cold and indifference of people will cause you pain.

Imagine that a heavy downpour has gone and the lake is filled with clean and fresh water.

A lake completely overgrown with reeds and swamp grasses - your affairs are very neglected, and if you do not start doing something, you will face a major failure.

Imagine that you hire workers and they mow reeds and grasses. You actively help them and soon the lake is cleared.

Dream Interpretation - Lake

A young woman who sees in a dream that she is swimming alone in a dirty and restless lake is in for big changes. As if she did not have to repent of her folly.

If a woman sails across the lake in a boat and reaches the pier, then she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually overcome.

A dream in which you swim on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends promises happiness and wealth.

A dirty lake portends a sad end to your plans.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores means that your prudence will prevail over passion.

A clear lake surrounded by sparse vegetation can end your well-being if you don't become more sensible.

If you saw your reflection in the clear water of the lake, then joy and loving friends await you.

The foliage reflected in the surface of the lake portends joy, love and happiness.

If you dreamed of a lake, then in real life you are a calm and reasonable person.

We swam in the lake - you will meet in an unusual place.


Lake with clear water

Dream Interpretation - A strange chair and a lot of water bottles

The dream prophesies recovery, deliverance, improvement of affairs after prolonged difficulties or a black streak.

Dream Interpretation - Beach and water again

You want calmness and a measured life in real life, but so far some experiences interfere with this. Therefore, you often dream in Lately marine theme in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Search for a boat on the water

Such a dream portends an unexpected nuisance in real life.

Dream Interpretation - Full bath of water

Someone in relation to you is literally overwhelmed with feelings (water over the edge). But he does not dare (clogs) the conversation. Thinks of you (your room) for a long time (many bottles). Harmless, shy.

Dream Interpretation - Apartment in the water

Such a dream can mean an involuntary process of catharsis (purification), the reason is aggressiveness and a sharp denial of the past, often accompanied by rudeness and incontinence in the language, not a desire to live "in the old way", impulsiveness and irascibility in behavior. This is a period of important transformations in business, labor, financial and personal matters, everything that concerns your life - water, home, i.e., all life ..

1. First, it seems to me, your spiritual search. When there are so many incomprehensible things around (dark, night), an active, fiery intention (candle) to make life more conscious (illuminate) will lead to big, significant changes (many candles). 2. What you have put in your heart, head (ointment), gives positive results (sores have healed). Now your progress in life will qualitatively change (legs). / hips are more often related to personal life, feet - to beliefs, on calves, shins, even women grow hair - active, open to the world part of the legs/. You got rid of the old delusions that brought you an uncomfortable life (sores). You are quite happy with the results (I like it). 3. You have found a source of true knowledge (pure, underground) and fill yourself with it (reservoir). Response in the soul (circles).

Dream Interpretation - Walking on water

The fact that it sits in your brain for two days is somewhat important. Children's room is your unconscious perception. Fire is a call to action. Maybe you don't really like your current sequence of life events? Well, you looked out the window for a long time, and saw a fire. So for sure present life You are not satisfied... Your mental level is quite high, since you can so detachedly collect documents, awards and money... Walking on water is like Jesus Christ. White stones in a circle of black ones - Your soul longs for liberation from the shackles of the material world. Two guys - these are two astral idiots seeking to control your will. The girl is your soul, seeking to protect you from the actions of these astral inorganic entities. You do not hear the voice of your soul - your own TRUE! The fact that you cannot dive into the water is the closeness of your subconscious. But the fact that this dream itself was remembered is a positive moment, your soul is fighting for a place under the Sun! Dirty, muddy water best moment of your sleep, especially since you have the will and permission to swim in this water))) This is an opportunity to merge with your subconscious. The water is muddy - only by the constructions of your mind, which is afraid of this depth ... In general, I can say one thing, according to your postscript. Your soul is fighting for you, and I hope that it will win, at least in a dream it is clearly visible. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Disappeared in the seething water

Water is your life. The fact that you do not jump into the raging water along with strangers to you is very good. Stick to your rules, and ignore the advice of others. Your Soul knows and tells you what to do. Your dream is the view of your Soul on your Real.

Dream Interpretation - Candles, sores on the legs healed, water from the source

Such a dream can mean the following: 1 episode with candles is a sign that you are in a difficult situation, but ... A candle in a dream symbolizes hope for the best. Seeing her burning is a good sign, suggesting that some of your hopes are not in vain. Several candles burning nearby promise you the support of friends and like-minded people. 2 dream says that your opportunities, which seemed hopeless to you, are not so hopeless - you may have new chances ... 3. Sleep is a sign that your thoughts are pure., only sometimes there are some doubts (circles).

The lake symbolizes the vital energy, feelings and emotions of a person. In order to correctly decipher the meaning of night vision, one should remember the smallest details - the appearance of the reservoir, the actions and mood of a sleeping person. Crystal clear water portends a carefree and easy life. If you dreamed of a dirty or muddy lake, the dreamer will face difficult life tests, depression, chronic bad luck. To see your reflection in a transparent pond and smile at the same time - to be balanced, calm and satisfied with all spheres of life. If the dreamer did not like the picture he saw, in reality he will be dissatisfied, anxious, negative emotions, failures in personal and family affairs.

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      Lake: interpretation in different dream books

      Opinions of popular predictors about the lake:

      • Women's dream book. Swimming in clear water - luck, wealth and prosperity. If there are few plants around the lake, the dreamer will commit a rash act, for which she will have to pay for a long time. Dirty water and lack of vegetation testify to a series of unpleasant incidents, broken dreams and vain expectations. Swim in muddy or dirty water - pay for past deeds, regret missed opportunities. Seeing a beautiful landscape and enjoying a beautiful view is a pleasant meeting with close friends, a joyful pastime.
      • Small Velesov dream book. Fall off a steep cliff into the lake - to death. Swim in clear water - for longevity and good health, in dirty water - illness, weakness and severe malaise, chronic fatigue.
      • Gypsy sonic. A lake in a dream promises great danger, an unforeseen event.
      • Interpreter of Medea. If you dream of a clean lake - a happy life, a family idyll. Dirty - illness, breakdown, moral exhaustion.
      • Family predictor. The calm water surface symbolizes a stagnant period in the life of a sleeping person, the absence of any changes. For young girls, admiring the reflection means meeting the man of their dreams. Married women such a dream promises an acquaintance with a very influential person, financial benefit. Look in water surface and see the reflection of a relative or close friend- a person is in great danger, you should warn him about it without delay.
      • Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. Swim in the lake - parting with your loved one forever or long separation with a close relative.
      • Freud's interpreter. Such a dream symbolizes that the dreamer wants to be calm and balanced, prefers traditional contact, not wanting to make changes in his intimate life. Swimming - a meeting with a representative of the opposite sex, a date with which will end in bed.
      • Ukrainian interpreter. Swim - take care of your health, eat right and strengthen the body.
      • modern predictor. The lake in a dream portends bad news, an unpleasant meeting, unexpected turn events. A lake in the mountains is a happy event, big happiness. Frozen - cooled feelings, a break in relations with a lover. Swim - leave for a long time, part with people from close circle.
      • Spring dream book. The dreamer will have a calm, measured life, favorable period for new beginnings and opening your own business.
      • Smirnov's predictor. A dream portends peace of mind, contentment, harmony, an easy life. If you dream of a troubled lake with dirty water and a gloomy atmosphere, then the dreamer will have to worry, worry a lot about well-being loved one, secret fears and anxieties await him.
      • Lunar interpreter. Sailing is a long road, moving to another country or city. If the dreamer reached the other shore in a dream, the person quickly adapts to new conditions in real life. If the dreamer swims for a long time and does not see land, he should reconsider his life values and prioritize correctly.
      • Muslim prophet. The lake portends the dreamer that he will live in abundance, abundance, have everything he wants.
      • Dream Interpretation Hasse. Fishing - marry an evil and treacherous woman. To look into the water surface and see the bottom of the lake - to be kind and sympathetic, to help those in need, to take care of one's spiritual development. The lake, which is illuminated by the sun, prophesies an idyll in family relationships. If fog looms over the reservoir - mistrust, jealousy, unreasonable suspicions, deceit. Endless darkness - a break in friendly ties, the loss of a loved one through one's own fault.
      • Interpreter Taflisi. A lake in a dream portends a happy event, good news, pleasant memories, vivid impressions.
      • Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn. This dream reflects inner peace, the tranquility of the sleeper. Ripples on the water surface of the lake testify to experiences, excessive sensitivity and emotionality of a person, internal struggle.
      • Interpreter Grishina. A calm and clean body of water - a good period will come for a new relationship, a job change or new beginnings in others areas of life. Swim - get stabbed in the back from a loved one, deep disappointment. To fish is to make a very good deal. Watching fish is a brilliant opportunity, good prospects.
      • Esoteric dream book. The dream portends peace, life harmony, tranquility, a comfortable existence. Swimming in a lake with cold water - commit desperate acts, be impulsive, inability to control your emotions. A dried up reservoir promises great sorrow and many tears.
      • universal interpreter. Swim in the pond - dubious event, adventure, risk for the sake of material gain. Pure water- the plan will be realized in the near future. Muddy - plans are not destined to come true.
      • Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya. Swimming in dirty water - ordeals, mental anguish, life's obstacles and secret fears. There are many green plants and trees around the pond - if the dreamer shows perseverance and patience, he will certainly achieve his intended goal.
      • Eastern interpreter. The salt water lake symbolizes the need for a good rest. Frozen - the fading of feelings, cooling, misunderstanding, breaking off relations with a lover. The forest lake testifies to the rich inner world sleeping person, creativity and undisclosed talents of the dreamer. Drinking water from a reservoir - engage in spiritual development, self-education, self-realization. To see a swampy area - in the near future there will be no cardinal changes, monotony, routine duties await the dreamer. A lake that dries up before our eyes is longing, a long separation, a boring pastime, loneliness, a breakdown.
      • English dream book. A clean reservoir is a lucky coincidence, a happy marriage. Dirty with floating debris - you need to overcome many obstacles to get what you want. Become a witness to the pollution of the lake by various household and industrial waste- the deceit of the ill-wisher, unfulfilled plans and unfulfilled desires due to the intervention of the enemy.

      Swimming in a dream in a bloody lake is a great misfortune, deep sadness, mourning. Do not dare to go into the bloody lake - to witness a terrible incident.

      Water that was clean and suddenly began to become cloudy is a fatal mistake, a wrong decision.

Very good value has a dream in which you see a clear lake. Despite the frequent interpretation of this reservoir by dream books as a symbol of obstacles, the purity and transparency of the lake surface assures that everything will turn out fine. However, having decided to find out what the transparent lake is dreaming of, it is necessary to take into account all the details dreamed up in a dream in order to know what exactly to expect changes.

Miller's predictions

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a clear lake in a dream is a sign of impending changes, and mostly for the better. If a girl dreamed that she was swimming from shore to shore, then this means that she will not know failures, in anything.

Why dream of a clear lake, large and deep, shrouded in morning mist? Such a vision means a weakening of self-control, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

What is a lake

If you dreamed of a crystal clear lake, then remember exactly where it was located. From this, the interpretation of sleep may change, dream books assure:

  • mountain - you are unstable in your emotions;
  • forest - you have a strong intuition;
  • artificial - success depends only on you;
  • in the desert - you do not feel the support of loved ones.

Bathing will tell you about well-being

Why dream that you are swimming in a clean lake, the English dream book will tell you. If you swim on the surface, then this promises you excellent health and well-being. And those who dived to the depths in a dream should take care of their respiratory organs. Especially if you felt in a dream that you were choking.

Another point worth paying attention to is who happened to swim in a dream. For a man, bathing in warm water promises good luck in love affairs. And it will not be superfluous for a woman to take care of protection during intimate contact, unless, of course, imminent motherhood is not included in her plans, since a plot of this kind predicts a possible pregnancy.

“We rode a boat ...”, or What awaits you in a career

To dream that you are sailing on a boat on a deep clear lake is a symbol of career change, says Miss Hasse's dream book. If you dreamed that you were riding a boat alone, then this suggests that you will go to success on your own, without anyone's help.

Swim in the company of a man - meet an influential person who stands at the pinnacle of power in a single company. But if a lady was chilling in the boat with you, then you need to be more diligent in your duties, because envious people are not excluded.

Fishing: From Friends to Recruitment

Why dream of fishing, ask the Eastern Dream Book. This interpreter does not give a generalized answer, but advises isolating all possible details from the dream plot.

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