How to start life from scratch. How to start life from scratch? An easy way to start a new life. C) all your surroundings

How often one hears from people that they are not satisfied with their lives, that if at a certain time at some turning point they had made a different decision, then their life would have turned out differently (always much more successful). But now, due to age or circumstances, they can no longer change anything. But if life does not suit you so much that nothing brings joy, sooner or later the question will still arise - how to start life from scratch.

What needs to be considered?

A huge number of coaches say that you need to get out of your comfort zone and expand your consciousness in order to reach a new level. People, tired of the routine and succumbing to emotions, blindly follow the instructions, expecting miracles. Is everything so simple and cloudless?

Of course, there are many examples of how people are better. But we should not forget that no less number lost even what they had. A necessary condition in order to cross out everything and start from scratch is the full realization that the current situation does not suit you completely, and that you will not regret anything. You are always responsible for your life. Now you will not be able to say that someone else is to blame for the fact that your life is not going the way you would like.

You must understand that changing your habits is not easy, but it is possible if you have the willpower.

To start life anew, something else is needed - a change in one's consciousness, attitude towards oneself, people, situations.

For example, if a woman decides to leave a husband who does not respect her, then there is no guarantee that the next man in her life will not behave the same way. If she does not respect herself, is the initiator of conflict situations, or, on the contrary, tolerates what she should not tolerate, it is likely that she will have to go through the same thing in the second circle.

Therefore, the beginning of a new and happy life should be preceded by a deep analysis of what you have today, a study of the reasons that led to situations that do not suit you. It is a change in thinking, avoidance of past mistakes that will help to reach a new level.

You must understand that Moscow was not built right away, and be prepared that there will be difficulties on your way. Most likely, the most serious of them can be calculated already now. Think about how you will solve problems. Once you find a solution, implement it right away.

Filter all the information that comes to you from friends and acquaintances. Everyone has their own vision of the situation, but even if a person advises you with the best of intentions, it is not a fact that he himself would do as he says.

Regardless of which area of ​​your new life you decide to focus on, give up bad habits. It's always a plus. In addition to smoking and the habit of putting off important things, there is another bad habit that you must get rid of. This is negative thinking, pessimism, tediousness, bullshit hype. There should be no illusions, but at the same time, you must understand that almost any problem has a solution.

Instead, develop a good habit of being alone with yourself. This is not necessary for work or drawing up the next plan, but for you to learn to feel and hear yourself. This will help you avoid many mistakes and wrong decisions, realize the need for further changes in time, and determine the right direction for your growth.

Make sure that nothing connects you with the old life. For example, if you decide to quit, then finish all projects, leave your husband - get divorced, if you have common children - work on yourself so that meetings with your ex-husband do not bring dissonance into your peace of mind.

You can literally start your life from scratch. Put a sheet of paper in front of you and write or draw whatever you would like to see on it. It can be your dreams of a home or travel, and your new circle of friends, and those character traits that you would like to develop in yourself. Then write down what you have today and what steps you need to take to get what you want. Here it is necessary to assess the situation as realistically as possible. It is also better to describe everything in as much detail as possible - so you will understand that nothing is impossible, and even small steps can lead to a big goal. Most often, people are held in place by the fear of change, while few people think that it is much worse if everything remains the same.

Decide on your goals. Most likely, you had them, but often people who have come to the need to change their lives change them too. The goal is your motivator. The more global and desirable it is, the more effort you will put in.

Oddly enough, most people live without such a goal. Therefore, it is not surprising that their life does not suit them. If goals persist, think about new ways you can achieve them.

Count your failed attempts and don't try to get the same thing in the same way a million times. If it didn’t work out, analyze the reasons, change strategies, be flexible. Life is a series of attempts, not all of them end successfully, and this is normal. The main thing is your conclusions.

If you are planning a new life, discard the "I have to" formula. You crave change that will bring you pleasure, and not make a list of duties for the next five years.

When to start?

Get started today and right now. There is no need to put off changes while continuing to live a life that is not your own. After all, life cannot be paused - it will still go on, regardless of whether you take the first step today or not. But do everything wisely. If you want to change your profession, go to courses, read professional literature.

No one is forcing you to quit your job today in order to think tomorrow where to get money for a piece of bread. But there is no need to postpone changes to Monday, January 1, the next birthday. Think about what you can do right now and just do it. You will have to understand that movement is now your new habit if you really want to change anything.

Olga, Sevastopol

Psychologist's comment:

I like the idea in this article that change should be approached consciously and gradually. Yes, cutting sharply from the shoulder, not fully realizing what you want and what you are running from, is not the most reasonable decision.

It is important to understand what exactly you want. However, the idea that if you don’t like something, you need to change it right away, in some situations it can be a rather dangerous delusion. I'll explain why. The fact is that when we experience discomfort and some unpleasant feelings, naturally, we immediately want to change it. And often this is actually the right decision. Now the idea has become quite popular that if you don’t like something, you need to quickly change something, do it, achieve success no matter what. However, there is one omission here.

Sometimes it also happens that you don’t need to urgently change something, but give yourself time to live the situation and come to terms with something. Often, problems often begin just with the fact that we want to change something that we just need to give credit for, that it was in our life, and accept it.

A fairly popular example is the story of parents and our resentment towards them, and the desire to prove something to our parents, in which they were wrong or did not give us enough. But in fact, in such a situation, it would be much more appropriate and useful for us to live through these feelings - disappointment, grief, resentment, and accept that it was so. And then, from this point, look for what we need now, what we can do for ourselves, and not by remaking or trying to change already aged parents.

The article also mentions our responsibility for our lives. And in that situation when we want to “cross out everything and start life from scratch”, we forget that in “that” former life that we don’t like, we were also responsible for the quality of such a life, no matter how we wanted to admit.

We are not talking here about the fact that we may have lacked something in childhood, but we are already talking about our adult life, when decisions are made by us, and not by our parents. And even when we don’t like our life, it’s worth thinking: how did it happen that I live such a life?

Perhaps you want to change something, and if you have desires and dreams, that's great. But it is also important to understand that in the past you made those choices, made those decisions - exactly those that you could at that time. As much as possible for yourself and the best.

The idea that somewhere and at some time better decisions were possible that would lead you to a better life, very much poisons both our present reality and our self-esteem.

I really want to sometimes think that there is some kind of correct and ideal life in which everything can be done and chosen as correctly as possible, and then "everything will be fine." But it is important to understand that at that moment you could and chose for yourself exactly what was best for you at that moment. And these “mistakes” somehow led you to some experience, to understanding some things that are important to you.

And it is this experience that makes you who you are - and this is your uniqueness, in which there is no place for patterns and standards of "correctness", but there is a place for real life, and sadness, and joy, and desires, and longing for something unrealizable . And this is a huge resource!

And, already from this point, the point of accepting one's past, the point of realizing one's present, it is possible to move forward (and not "from" the past).

In this context, of course, it is important to give yourself time to be alone with yourself - with your thoughts, feelings, feel your body, emotions, desires. And then pick up a blank sheet and write out everything that you would like to put into practice. While giving yourself the right to make mistakes, of course, because it is from them that new opportunities, new experience and new meanings are often born!

In our life, sometimes such events occur, after which there is no strength and desire to live as before. We begin to feel an acute lack of motivation to create and do our job further. It is at such moments that we most often ask ourselves what can be done to make my tomorrow's life much better than before? And is it possible to start from scratch?

Everyone can radically change their destiny, but it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the past still remains with us and it is impossible to change it, you can only rethink it, draw the right conclusions and take only its best parts with you into the present.

Do not hesitate - and in your past there will definitely be moments that fill you with vitality and energize you now, helping to build your future. While rethinking the past, you can use simple tricks that can help you start living from scratch.

In order to build your destiny, it is not necessary to be reborn, you can simply start counting from the “zero kilometer”. Most major cities have a milestone showing the distance to other cities and countries. This stone is considered the "crossroads" of fate, capable of fulfilling wishes.

For example, in Moscow, a milestone (zero kilometer) can be found in front of the Kremlin gates. It does not coincide with the capital center and with the starting point of mileage, however, this place is considered mystical. Tourists believe that by making a wish here and throwing a coin over their left shoulder, they start a mechanism that can fulfill their plan.

In magic there is a special a ritual that allows you to "zero" your fate. On the night from Sunday to Monday (a kind of zero date, because it is from Monday that we start everything new), you need to come to the zero mark, stand with your back to it and close your eyes as best you can imagine what you want to receive and what what you want to get rid of. After that, you need to turn around yourself clockwise and, still with your eyes closed, take a step forward. Thus, the ritual allows you to reset the counter of past failures and start living from scratch.

The number zero will also help to rebuild your destiny - it is a symbol of eternity, the root cause, the beginning of everything and infinity at the same time. It is not for nothing that people say “start everything from scratch” - which means to make a new beginning of your life with an infinite number of possibilities.

So, another simple ritual:
On a piece of paper, add together the numbers of your date of birth, add the numerical expression of your name to the result, multiply the resulting amount by zero. We know from school that a number multiplied by zero results in zero. Burn the leaf. From this moment on, your life will begin to gradually change, and you will get the opportunity to start living from scratch!

In order for the rituals to work for sure, use a simple talisman - take a blank sheet of paper, fold it in half and carry it with you. It will become a constant reminder of your intention to change your old life and will motivate you to new achievements.

A life- an interesting thing, but sometimes difficult, it goes hand in hand separation and meeting, evil and good, love and hate, joy and sadness. But that's what makes life beautiful - its versatility. You won’t know, you won’t predict what awaits you in tomorrow - triumph or collapse. If at the moment you are experiencing difficulties in life, you think that everything has lost its meaning, and you don’t know how to live further - try start life from scratch. Our tips will help you with this.

Leave the past in the past.

It often happens that a person, for various reasons, finds himself in difficult situations. Someone is going through a divorce, someone is the death of a loved one. Someone lost their job or property, became seriously ill, etc. Everyone's reasons are different. It is very hard to go through, but it has already happened, and nothing can be changed. It's already in the past. A series of cases led to the fall, so we need to learn the necessary lessons so as not to repeat the same mistakes in the future. Remember the saying:- What doesn't kill us makes us stronger". Try to start life from scratch.

Of course, you will constantly analyze what happened, blame yourself or another person, or some external factors for what happened. Leave fruitless thoughts: " And if ..., then it was ...". Alas, the past has no subjunctive mood. No one is able to change past events, no one knows how it would be - better or worse for you, if events had happened differently. You yourself do not torture yourself, do not mentally return to the past, no matter how difficult it may seem. Learn to think positively and enjoy the little things in everyday life.

In order to start life from scratch, there is a good training. It will help set yourself up for positive thinking: try to remember every night before going to bed all the joyful emotions that you experienced over the past day.

Your main assets.

In order to start all over again, analyze what you have at the moment. Surely, the first answer is that nothing. But this is not the correct answer. You have lived for a number of years, you are no longer a helpless baby. You have experience, acquired professional knowledge and skills. And, taking this as a basis, you can make plans for the future.

Maybe you have some unnecessary things that you can profitably sell or save " for a rainy day”, because in order to start everything from the beginning, any penny counts. Perhaps you previously held a high position or were a wealthy person, but during a difficult situation, when it is a question of survival, do not be afraid to take on at least some work.

You are trying to start life from scratch, but you are not alone. Look around, because you have relatives and close people, friends, colleagues, acquaintances. Do not hesitate to ask them for help, because someone will be able to give you advice, help your friends, business.

Communicate on the Internet, there are now many sites where people create groups based on professions or interests. Regardless of whether this communication is real or virtual, it will definitely give positive results. You will talk about your troubles (and psychologists advise you to do this, because then your problems will seem less global to you) and you can meet people who will provide help when and from where you did not expect it at all.

In the end, for those who are trying to start all over again, all sorts of volunteer services or social programs that can help everyone in need with different requests can become a huge support at first. This includes psychological assistance, free legal advice, accommodation, meals, etc. Don't give up.

However, it is worth noting that when you are in an unbalanced state, you are vulnerable to various scammers. Be careful! Don't be afraid to take help from strangers, but check. And remember - no one will help you better than you can do it yourself.

There is no time for depression.

Without a doubt, failure in life leads to depression. Of course, it is necessary to suffer, but not for a long time, otherwise depression will drag you into a path of inaction, tears and neuroses. And then you need medical help.

Our body has an invaluable resource. But it must be protected and protected in any difficult situations. Often during depression, a person tries to forget by taking alcohol. But this is a fruitless and terrible path, leading to nothing constructive. And to start life from scratch, you should not take him as a companion.

There is also this expression: If you think that everything is bad with you, find someone who is even worse and help him.". Double benefit in this advice. First, you will find out that everything is not so bad with you. Secondly, you will experience a sense of satisfaction due to the fact that you have helped someone who is even worse off.

In order to make it easier to start life from scratch and return your thoughts and body in order after stress, do physical exercises. A famous saying from ancient Greece is still relevant today: In a healthy body healthy mind» . And we need a healthy mind. In order not to be nervous anymore, throw out the burden of sad thoughts, decompose your thoughts " on the shelves and, in fact, start all over again. Find a sport according to your temperament and soul. Running, yoga, dancing, swimming, cycling, aggressive sports… There are tons of options. Don't worry if your finances don't allow you to go to fitness centers. Charging and exercises are available to everyone. The main thing is not to be lazy. Set a goal, for example, to have an ideal body, and strive for it.

Be that as it may, exercise is very disciplined. Plus - during and after classes, the hormone endorphin or the hormone of joy, as it is otherwise called, is produced. After half an hour of exercise, the body produces this hormone for another 2 hours. In addition, endorphin gives strength to the body to resist stress, resistance to negative emotions and balance.

your perspectives.

Look at yourself and your problems with the eyes of an optimist. How many people get a chance to start over? For example, to do something that before, for various reasons, it was not possible to do, but I wanted to. Prove to everyone. first of all. Himself, that it was not in vain that he was born into the world. Moreover, in a state of stress, talents that have been hidden up to this point are often revealed, developing into a hobby or a profession.

So how do you start life from scratch?

Set yourself a psychological point: believe in yourself, in your knowledge and abilities, your character. Start developing those skills that you feel are not enough for you. Don't be afraid to take risks. Get to know the world, the environment and yourself. Remember the expression: Better to do and regret than to regret and not do».

Be active and confident. Then you will undoubtedly be able to start a new life, even if this does not happen immediately. The main thing is your focus on results and desire.
Remember the words of Richard Aldington: Life is a wonderful adventure, worthy of suffering and failure for the sake of success.».

For each of us, a new day is a new chapter in life. Do you feel like you've reached a dead end? Do you want to start over and change your life? Feel like Bill Murray's character in a movie groundhog day who had to relive the same day over and over again? Change is always scary, but everyone deserves to live the way they see fit. There are several ways to review your life and start again with a clean slate.


Part 1

Look back at the past

    Accept your past. It is impossible to start life over if you continue to cling to the past. It is important to accept the situation that has developed in a relationship, at work, in a family or another aspect of life.

    For every event there is a reason. No one says that a person is powerless and every moment is "predetermined" by fate. It would be more correct to say that each situation has only the meaning that we ascribe to it. Only our perception turns any event or moment into an uplifting or crushing experience.

    Analyze your failures and successes. You can not leave life behind and "swallow resentment" if events do not develop according to plan. Think: "What did I do right in this situation or circumstances?".

    Don't announce that you are starting over. Just act. You don't have to voice your decisions to change your life. Do not tell others about your plans and do not ask how you should proceed. Often in moments of doubt, we seek advice in order to make sure that the decision is correct or to change our intentions. Your life is only YOUR life. Move forward and people will change with you. For that matter, this is the only way to weed out unsuitable or outsiders.

    Part 2

    Live the future
    1. Define your purpose. Thinking about the meaning of life is your first important step on the path to big changes.

      Set goals, make decisions. First determine your purpose in life and overall goals, and then decide how to achieve your goals and what changes may be needed. Want to leave your current partner? Move to another city? Continue learning?

      • Set short, medium and long term personal goals. Write down the decisions and leave them in a visible place (on the refrigerator door or on the bedroom mirror).
      • Organize your life. Change will not happen if there is no order in life. If you know exactly the desired changes and goals, then you can draw up an action plan.
    2. Take a new path. Surprise yourself and do something different. So you will see yourself and your abilities from a new perspective.

      Your new motto is a sense of importance. Live in the moment and understand that nothing else matters. Give him all your attention. This is your reality. When that moment is over, move on to the next one. You are alive? Yes. So, the moment is lived successfully! Each subsequent moment will bring you one step closer to an active life.

      Soberly evaluate yourself. A person cannot know everything. You make mistakes. If you are able to change the oil in your engine, cook a gourmet dinner, or understand macroeconomics, this does not make you a good or bad person. It only means that you understand certain issues. Do you strive for knowledge or do you want to prove something to others? Consider why this is important to you. Does it give you joy? In the case of a negative answer, it is better to leave such an occupation! Knowing everything is impossible, and it is not necessary.

      Rely on others and seek help. Accept the idea that you don't need to know everything, and then analyze all the things you try to do that are more advanced or not of interest to you. A specialist can do better than you: just pay someone to change the oil or redecorate your bedroom. Plan your time wisely and do what you really can do on your own.

That's how you live and it seems that everything is in order. No matter how good, no matter how good. And then all of a sudden it hits ... all these unpleasant memories, terrible resentments, gnawing feelings of guilt. Looking back, you see that life is a chain of bad and very bad events. I want to cross it all out, as if turning the page and starting life from scratch. And it seems to even work out, though until the next roll of unpleasant memories. Is life all about suffering?

  • Why, no matter how much you want, but you never manage to forget the past, turn the page and start life from scratch?
  • What's stopping you from starting from scratch?
  • Where to find the strength to start over - to live from scratch?

The desire to start all over again from scratch does not arise in every person. And this is not due to how many mistakes and misdeeds people make in their lives. No, this desire is directly related only to the human psyche, which for some of us is directed entirely and completely into the past.

How to start life from scratch? The question is not for everyone.

Only 20% of the planet's inhabitants are more focused on the past with their thoughts and desires. It is there, in the past years, that they see the best in the life of mankind in general, and, unfortunately, their most offensive mistakes and misdeeds. But the future, on the contrary, seems completely unattractive to them. Therefore, they often say this: either " Eh, people used to be simpler, the trees were taller, the prices were lower. And now where are we heading? Everything just gets worse and worse." Either " How could I be so wrong? You didn't have to do that! Now I regret it all my life ... How to turn the page, how to start living from scratch?

We are talking about people who naturally have an anal vector (terminology of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, read more about the system of vectors in the article "8 vectors".

It is the gnawing feeling that mistakes have been made in the past that engenders in the mind of the anal person the idea of ​​taking all this and forgetting it all at once. After all, in fact, the question is “how to start life from scratch?” - this is not a question, but simply a desire to cross out past oversights.

Subconsciously, we understand that it is impossible to “start from scratch”, because it contradicts the nature of the anal vector. Aspiring to the past, possessing an excellent memory, he cannot turn around at one moment, neglect everything that was and go forward without looking back. That doesn't happen. And even if it happened by some miracle, it would bring incredible suffering, much more than a person feels from the remorse of what he did in the past.

Start the year with a clean slate? Is it necessary?

Of course, you always want to get rid of what hurts. But in the case of the anal vector, the mistakes of the past are only a seeming reason for heartache. The real reason is that the past does not provide analytical experience, looping a person on the same mistakes. It is because of this that there is a feeling of some kind of constant, incessant dance on the same rake, and the future life is seen exclusively in pessimistic colors. Yes, occasionally there is a glimpse of the thought “to start living from scratch”, but this does not change anything. Everything stays the same year after year.

The only way to stop suffering from your own past is to become aware of it, analyze it, draw correct conclusions from it., i.e turn the past into useful experience. Most often, this does not work for us due to the elementary reason for not understanding ourselves and our desires, and to the same extent - the desires and characteristics of other people, conflicts with which cause the most pain.

Only an accurate, reliable, verified analysis of why something is happening in our lives gives relief. This is how experience is created, and at the very moment when we apply it to life, it gives tremendous relief and fulfillment. Even more - when we share experience with other people, transfer to the future.

By correctly applying the past as a good experience (and there is simply no bad experience, by definition), we get a colossal fulfillment of our desires. And then the thought will never even enter your head - how to turn the page and start life from scratch, all over again.

Life cannot be started from scratch, but much more can be

Not a single person in the world can mark his past, forget it, cross it out and just start life from scratch. This happens only with brain damage and amnesia, but such a scenario of life causes nothing but sympathy.

You should not be afraid of your past or deny it. On the contrary, you need to make a 180-degree turn and boldly look into your past. Take it apart piece by piece, remember all the grievances and feelings of guilt, all the troubles and punctures, but not from scratch, but with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology. This knowledge has already provided a foothold for thousands of people around the world. Read and watch their reviews at this link.

System-vector psychology is now available to everyone in the form of very interesting lectures accessible to literally anyone. Introductory part - absolutely free, to pass it, you just need to register and receive an invitation for the next dates. It can be done

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