Prophetic dreams online. Dream Interpretations: Online Interpretation of Your Dreams

Compiled by Svetlana Kuzina, who put a lot of effort into penetrating the mystery of dreams. When interpreting images, she used psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud), analytical psychology (Carl Gustav Jung and Robert Johnson), ontopsychology (Antonio Meneghetti) and Gestalt psychology. According to the compiler, "here are collected only those interpretations that have already been repeatedly tested, and in fact the fact that they work has been confirmed." And one more thing: “Sleep is the work of your subconscious mind on your current problems. In fact, you yourself order a dream for yourself so that it tells you correct solution. But since our brain can only talk to us in images, they have to be unraveled."

Gustavus Hindman Miller(1857 - 1929) compiled this dream book at the end of the 19th century. Many comments say that " most of interpretation of this dream book is still relevant for a wide range of ordinary people. "It is possible that in more than 100 years we have not really gone so far:" vodka "," drugs "," envy "," slander ", mentioned in the dream book, accompany us now.

Vanga(Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, nee Dimitrova, 1911-1996) - a blind Bulgarian prophetess and clairvoyant. Many turned to her for predictions. famous people: poet Sergei Mikhalkov, writers Leonid Leonov and Yuri Semenov, artist Sergei Roerich, poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov ...
Vanga believed that dreams are connected with real life. But she did not make dream books. This selection of interpretations of dreams was compiled according to its individual phrases and sayings.

Sigmund Freud(1856-1939) - the famous Austrian psychologist, was one of the most diligent researchers in the world of sleep. His work "The Interpretation of Dreams" reveals many of the most interesting mechanisms of dream activity, contains a lot of examples and analyzes of his dreams and the dreams of patients. This dream book nothing to do with this psychologist. Perhaps it was compiled to compromise this scientist and create a stereotype of "yes he was obsessed with genitals." Judge for yourself, a third of the interpretations in this dream book without further ado begin with the phrase "is a symbol of the genitals."

Evgeny Tsvetkov professionally researches dreams and dreams for 25 years. His dream book of dreams is based on Slavic associativity, and therefore it seems to be the most suitable for a Russian person.

Michel Nostradamus(16th century) - French physician, astrologer and soothsayer. The interpreter argued that each image seen in a dream reflects not only the experiences of a person, but also the future of the world as a whole. There are very few interpretations in it, but ... they may be really interesting to someone.

Yuri Longo(Golovko Yuri Andreevich, 1950-2006) - known as an astrologer, folk healer, master of practical white magic, member of the Australian Association of Magicians and Sorcerers, founder of the school of magicians and sorcerers.

Schiller-Shkolnik Kh.M.- Polish scientist, physiognomist and freno-graphologist. Despite the fact that he compiled his dream book at the beginning of the twentieth century, the interpretations set forth in it are still relevant. Each person, thinking about the meaning of his dreams, can find all the answers in his book. Simplicity and conciseness - this is what is appreciated by the readers of this dream book today.

Compiled by Elena Iosifovna Anopova, the author of the Teaching of the Third Ray, an adept in the Magic of Ophiuchus and a well-known soothsayer. Designed to help you understand your inner, subconscious experiences, gain inner harmony and understanding of what is happening around us, lift the veil over the mysteries of the future.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the publication "Scientifically sound interpretation of dreams, compiled by the famous medium Miss Hasse" was a popular dream book. Miss Hasse lived and predicted in the 19th century. She worked not only on compiling a dream book, but also performed a lot on stage throughout Europe, earning big money. This allowed her to create her own publishing house and publish books on esoteric subjects.

The main feature of the dream book David Loff is that it is based not on a symbolic, but on an individual interpretation of dreams. According to the theory of David Loff, each person has his own dream scenario, due to life experience, the characteristics of the character of the sleeper, his way of life, the events taking place and how he relates to others. That is why the same dream seen by two different people, can be interpreted in different ways. And it is completely incomprehensible how, in this case, he offers thousands of people the same interpretations of images.

Everyone dream interpretation of dreams offers by common base images - absolutely free. That is, on one page you can see excerpts from different dream books dedicated to one image. It is this feature that distinguishes our resource from others. dream books online. Do not forget to read the opinions of our guests who share their dreams and impressions of their interpretation.

At night, when a person falls asleep, all organs and systems continue their autonomous work, the brain also continues to work, as a result of which a person “sees” various pictures and plots in a dream. This does not happen throughout the night, but usually towards the end of the sleep period, more precisely at its fifth stage. According to science, sleep healthy person divided into five phases, the first four of which are the phases of non-REM sleep, and the fifth is the so-called phase of REM sleep.

The science of dreams

The science that studies dreams is called oneirology. According to research in this field, each stage during sleep is very important for the recovery of neuro-physical and mental processes in the body. Their violation, with insomnia or lack of sleep, can lead, with a single action, to a broken state and a decrease in efficiency, and in a systematic mode to mental, physiological and mental disorders.

Sleep phases

Each phase of sleep has a specific function to restore the part of the brain “assigned” to it. Normally, each phase should follow one another, and the full cycle lasts about two hours, and is repeated several times during the night.

  • The first stage is a state of half-asleep - eyes are closed, thoughts become incoherent, a person sinks into a light half-forgetfulness. The phase lasts five to ten minutes.
  • The second stage is the longest (up to half of the entire cycle) - falling asleep. It is characterized by a slowdown in physiological and psychomotor processes in the body, a person turns off and falls asleep completely.
  • The third stage is deep sleep. There is complete relaxation, the body temperature decreases, the pulse slows down, all five senses are turned off.
  • The fourth stage is deep sleep. A person is fast asleep, it is very difficult to wake him up at this stage of sleep. This phase lasts about half an hour, after which it comes abrupt change in the body, the heartbeat quickens, breathing becomes superficial - the fifth phase begins.
  • The fifth stage is REM sleep. A person sees images called dreams. This phase is short, from 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of the night, and up to 30 at the end. If a person wakes up during this period, he, in most cases, will remember what he dreamed about. Scientists believe that this phase of sleep is a necessary defense for the body, providing psychological relief to the tired brain.
Encrypted messages

If during the first four phases of slow sleep the body relaxes and the brain is completely rebooted, then during REM sleep there is a certain relationship between the consciousness and the subconscious of a person to rethink the moments experienced. With such a close connection, the subconscious can send messages to a person in the form of vivid dreams, for a warning, or vice versa, so that a person, having seen a favorable dream, calms down and stops worrying.

Open the veil of secrecy

A person, waking up, remembers certain significant events seen in a dream, a certain guess arises inside - what could this mean?

Many thousands of years ago, mankind sought to interpret dreams. It was available only to people with a certain gift, as well as to those who had a connection with the other world - priests, soothsayers, shamans. A well-known biblical parable from the Old Testament tells of Joseph, who, interpreting Pharaoh's dream of lean and fat cows, predicted three fertile years for the kingdom, after which seven years of famine would come. Thanks to this, the pharaoh ordered large supplies to be made, and his kingdom survived the lean years without any problems. This is the most famous history in which the dream he saw saved the whole kingdom from starvation.

Dream Interpretations of our site

Mankind has accumulated over the centuries great experience in the interpretation of dreams. Different directions in this area make it possible to interpret even strange and sometimes incomprehensible dreams. On our website, we have collected the most popular dream books known today. All of them are based on different theories: Miller, a well-known businessman, thanks to his innate gift, interpreted dreams based on a deep analysis of the images and objects that arise in the human subconscious during sleep. Freud - founder psychoanalytic school- therapeutic direction in psychology, took as a basis psychological processes occurring in the mind of a person, which were interpreted subconsciously into images of a dream. He determined why a person dreamed of this or that picture, what could affect it and what it could lead to. The famous soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams, unraveling the messages encrypted in symbols and signs. The esoteric dream book comprehends the deep mystical destiny in the same symbols. The intimate world, the world of love and family is reflected in the closest and most understandable dream books of the corresponding name, which contains terms relating to the personal spheres of a person's life.

Unraveling dreams

Vivid, memorable dreams most likely carry some meaning, interpreting which a person can find out what to prepare for in the future. So often there are stories that in a dream people, according to certain meanings, learned about the imminent replenishment in the family, a wedding, or, conversely, about sad moments: an impending illness or even the death of loved ones. Therefore, the most important thing is to correctly interpret the dream, because most often the correct prediction comes true.

Majority method

To see the most complete picture interpretations, it is better to use the majority method, i.e. find out the meaning of sleep in different dream books. Our site contains the most popular and, by popular opinion, the most accurate dream books. You can also find out here whether a dream will come true or not, depending on the day of the month, or the day of the week on which it fell.

Dream book rules
  • It is necessary to establish the meaning of the entire dream in order to understand its “mood”, whether it will warn of danger, or talk about upcoming happiness, for this you need to determine the name of the dream in one word, and find out the interpretation.
  • The full meaning of sleep can be unraveled only by determining all its important points. Here it is worth remembering the surrounding objects, animals, people, find out the meaning of these symbols in order to understand hidden opportunity realize what you want, avoid trouble, turn the situation in your favor and much more.

According to various estimates, a person spends about 30 percent of his time in dreams. This is the flip side of our existence, which, with the right approach and study, can bring us a lot of useful things. Dream Interpretations are a connecting bridge between the mysterious images of the subconscious and our rational consciousness human world. Every night we see an infinite number of fantastic revelations and not always even a little can understand the messages hidden in them to our material being. In order to shed light on these sometimes confusing prophecies, in order not only to hear, but also to understand the voice of the higher infinite spheres, we can use the clues that people have been compiling for many hundreds of years. In addition to our illustrated online dream book, just below on this page you will find helpful tips for self-interpretation of your dreams.

But first, some interesting facts.

On average, a person can go without sleep for 3 to 5 days. With further wakefulness, brain cells begin to break down, work is disrupted internal organs hallucinations occur. Even the corresponding section was removed from the Guinness Book of Records due to extremely negative impact similar experiments on human health.

Why is regular, healthy sleep so important? First of all, we need sleep for recovery. vitality to restore the energy spent during the day. This happens during non-REM sleep. No less important is the stage of REM sleep, when there is an exchange of information between our consciousness and subconscious. In other words, during sleep, our mental and physical health all elements of the body come into balance.

So, it is in dreams, when we receive information from our subconscious, that we can see clues to certain events of our present and future. Most easy way understand this information - use dream books. We must highlight the brightest part of our sleep. What is remembered by bright colors and more than the rest is etched into my memory. It is the interpretation of this detail that we should look at in the dream book. It can be an action, an emotion, an object, a person, or something else.

A lot of dreams are associated with receiving news. If in a dream we observe some kind of action associated with movement, then soon we will get important information. For example, the approach of a person, the arrival of a train, clouds running across the sky or flying planes mean that we have received news in real life. We can even determine the nature of future news and how important it is. To do this, remember the size and volume of the approaching object. If the appearance of a certain body was unexpected, then the news itself will be sudden for you. All these interpretations of dreams are reflected in the dream book on our website. Dreams in which we read something, hear something or receive gifts also speak of receiving news.

You can see other signs of the interpretation of dreams in ours. Here you can easily, quickly and conveniently find the meanings of exactly those words that are needed for the most complete understanding of your dream.

Tarot cards were used to create our online dream book. For almost every word, a separate card was drawn and an interpretation was made according to its meaning. You can see the similarity of the meanings in our dream book with the works of other popular authors. There are several explanations for this, but I think the most obvious reason is the presence of a certain information field or a kind of database, from where these data are taken. We hope you find this information useful.

Miller's dream book is the most complete dream book of those in existence today, it has been reprinted many times with minor changes, and it presents the interpretation of about 10,000 dreams. Despite the fact that> the dream book was compiled before the revolution, it does not lose its relevance. The main thing is to be able to read correctly and apply the interpretation of dreams offered to you. Intuition, imagination, a logical assessment of what he saw and Miller's famous dream book at hand will help to solve even the most complex and confusing dream. Freud's dream book is not an ordinary dream book. It helps to get to know ourselves better, to understand our hidden desires and fantasies and does not directly tell about what will happen to us in the future. No wonder the interpretation of dreams proposed by this great scientist is also called erotic. After all, it is no secret that it was to study the psychology of love and the relationship between a man and a woman that his main research was directed. All interpretations of the dream book are psychological in nature and proceed from the fact that a dream, with the help of images and symbols, tells us about what is happening (often unconscious) in a person’s life, and therefore a remembered or recorded dream is unique document testifying to the fate of the dreamer. Vanga's dream book was compiled by a Bulgarian clairvoyant and fortune teller, known throughout the world for her prophecies. The language in which the dream book is written may seem somewhat confusing at first. However, having learned to parse the interpretation of dreams proposed by Vanga, you will see that all the knowledge that she received thanks to her supernatural abilities is reliable and of great practical use. You can interpret dreams in different ways, but if you rely on Vanga's experience, on her wisdom and knowledge of universal and earthly laws, then in Vanga's dream book you can see the whole picture of the future. Tsvetkov's dream book is more than just a dream book. This book teaches us not only the art of interpreting dreams. It turns out that it is extremely important to learn how to behave correctly in dreams, and then through sleep we will be able to control Fate. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov gives an answer to the question: "How to take away a dream bad dream to prevent trouble?". Tsvetkov's dream book is based on Slavic associativity, and, therefore, it can be assumed that this dream book is most suitable for the Slavic peoples. The dream book of Nostradamus helps to interpret each dream symbol in practice, gives the key to the dream as a whole. The dream book of Nostradamus is compiled based on premonitions, predictions and interpretations of a famous astrologer.It covers a fairly wide range of signs - animals, mythical creatures, elements, etc., and is based primarily on the symbolic interpretation of dreams. Despite the fact that the dream book of Nostradamus appeared five centuries ago, its relevance is not in doubt today. Interpretations in French dream book very thin and graceful. For example, if you see an empty coffin in a dream, you will have success in business. And being in a hospital in a dream - in real life, means living profitably. Porcelain seen in a dream portends an opportunity to succeed in something. In general, the art of reading dreams originated in antiquity, when there were no means mass media. In Europe, there was a Christian interpretation of dreams. For an attempt to develop new interpretations, the Inquisition burned at the stake. In many ways, this predetermined the fact that in the old French dream book everything is based on Christian symbolism. Odd numbers mostly portend good luck (3, 11 and 7 in particular). The fire in the understanding of the French is a kind of harbinger of love, passion, relationships or something like that. Dream Interpretation Hasse was compiled on the basis of modern and ancient sources by the famous medium Miss Hasse. In printed form, the dream book contains more than 5,000 dreams. The materials of this dream book are used by many magical salons. This dream book is suitable for those who believe in the magic of numbers. When using Miss Hasse's dream book, it should be borne in mind that not all dreams have the same probability of fulfillment. The probability with which this or that dream can come true is determined by the day of the month when it took place, counting from the new moon. David Loff's dream book is different from other dream books, has the most detailed interpretations dreams. Loff's theory is based not on the symbolic meaning of each element of your dreams, but on the fact that there are exactly as many interpretations of dreams as there are people who dream. Simply put, David Loff is based on the fact that a dream is a kind of subjective picture of the world or a single event of a particular person, and therefore, the same dream can be interpreted in different ways, based on conditions, events, and even character traits of each separately. taken person. An intimate dream book will help to decipher the dreams you have seen in order to better know yourself, to establish a connection with your unconscious, without understanding which it is impossible to achieve inner harmony. A culinary dream book helps to interpret the images of products or food-related situations that we see in a dream. It does not have any one authorship, as it has been supplemented over the years by many interpreters. And largely because of this, today it is one of the most significant collections of interpretations, including more than a thousand various images grouped under various topics. These are meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, dishes, ready meals etc. Modern dream book, as it becomes obvious from the name, adapted to consciousness and thinking modern man. In addition to traditional interpretations of the standard character set, the authorship of many of which belongs to famous soothsayers of the past and present, the Modern Dream Book includes a number of new definitions, for example, such as “computer”, “telephone” or “auditor”. The author of the esoteric dream book is Elena Anopova. Esoteric dream book will help to penetrate into your own inner world, discover the secrets of the subconscious and develop hidden potential. The esoteric dream book contains not only a decoding of certain symbols, but also a description of existing methods for working with dreams, as well as the necessary tips that will help you achieve certain results faster. Yuri Longo's dream book allows you to understand yourself, to foresee various situations based on subtle signs and signs that are not amenable to traditional rational analysis. Longo argued that our dreams are very often the key to understanding future events and our own inner peace. Longo's interpretations are interesting for their depth, they surprise with accuracy and detail. The Islamic dream book is based primarily on the work of the great Arab alim Imam Muhammad Ibn Sirin Al-Basri, as well as Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq and An-Nablusi.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Interpretation of Juno online - from more than 75 dream books - is on this moment most big dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number interpretation of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both famous interpreters dreams, and little known yet, but nevertheless, talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one site, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. Here you can find answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of sleep on any subject by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed about and choosing from them the one that you most"hook" - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - what does the dream that you personally had and specifically at that time mean.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use the additional information in the Juno heading - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days are dreaming prophetic dreams how to work with dreams, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams are dreamed on the full moon, at which time many more dreams are dreamed. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in introspection. What I dreamed about on the growing moon requires realization in reality - pay attention to this Special attention. Find out which days of the week and lunar day dreams are empty, and in some - prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days, come true, and in 29, 1, 2, etc. - almost nothing). Important dreams are dreamed on such dates of the month as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Interpretation of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings dedicated to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


Searching for words in the Dream Interpretation of Juno online service can be done both alphabetically and by specifying a search word. In the case of an alphabetical search, select the desired letter and from the list that appears, the word that interests you.

When searching by the entered word, observe the following rules:

  • The word must contain only Russian letters. All other characters will be ignored.
  • The search word must contain at least 2 letters.
  • The case of the entered letters does not matter. For example, entering the words "hand", "HAND", "Hand" and "hand" will give the same search result.

In the collection of our service there are more than 75 dream books, many of which only we have, there are such well-known and popular sources as Miller's dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first of the dream interpretations in the world), Vanga's dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as the interpretation of dreams different peoples(Russian, Old French, Old Russian, Slavic, Maya, Indians, Gypsy, Egyptian, Oriental, Chinese yellow emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author's dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou-gun, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zadkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as absolutely amazing American dream book famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation of the site - the best), Russian noble dream book Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as modern universal, female, male, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale mythological, esoteric, catchphrases, characters, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, self-taught dream book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of sleep that they were looking for.

The theme of love and personal relationships is widely represented in the dream book, but other topics also have detailed coverage. Have a nice dream!

2008-2017 Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

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