Seeing a dead person in a dream gives. Dream Interpretation - Dead. Why does the dead man dream alive according to the Esoteric dream book

Sometimes the dead come to people's dreams, often these are deceased relatives or close friends - those with whom the dreamer was closely connected by emotional ties. Some are afraid of such dreams, others, on the contrary, perceive them as news from the other world and look for a secret encrypted meaning in it. So why do the dead dream? In this interesting and mysterious question will help to understand

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Talking in a dream with a living dead is a sign that warns of problems and troubles that will appear in the near future. It is very important to understand the essence of what was said, to remember what was discussed in the conversation. Perhaps he will give answers to questions that have tormented you for a long time, and also tell you in which area of ​​life to expect trouble.

A long life, full of many events - this is evidenced by a dream with a revived dead person.

If the deceased gives money and he is your acquaintance, then he wants you to live his life, repeating his fate. You need to listen to the advice that he gives, and remember them. Gifts from the deceased symbolize the things that he gave. Need to pay attention to it Special attention, since this thing symbolizes a certain message.

If a deceased relative dreams of being alive and calling with him, this may mean illness or even death. Follow him, hug him and kiss him means the same.

If deceased relatives very often come into dreams, then this is no longer just a coincidence, this is a signal - they warn you, most often about trouble. They are watching you and trying their best to help you. But perhaps you just miss them very much, you miss them in real life, such a dream is a projection of your thoughts.

Miller's dream book

According to this dream book, dreams with the dead are interpreted as a warning about some kind of trouble or danger. If a deceased parent visited you in a dream and you are having a conversation with him, a difficult task awaits you, which will end unsuccessfully for you. You need to be extremely careful in communicating with other people - secret enemies have appeared among your friends. If the deceased mother dreamed, this is a signal of a serious illness in the near future.

It is also a warning that you should restrain your aggression, not pour out your negativity on other people. Appeared in a dream close friend, which is no longer in the world of the living, means that some person really needs friendly support and will soon turn for it.

The cheerful living dead that came into your dream says that you are under someone's strong negative influence which may result in your property loss. If a dead person wants to talk to you in a dream, it means that he is waiting for a promise from you to do something that can save him from trouble in the future.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Coming terrible time catastrophes, epidemics and diseases - this is how this interpreter of dreams explains the vision. If the deceased who came in a dream is sick, then soon you will meet on your life path great injustice.

A late friend is dreaming of future changes. It is very important to listen to his words - perhaps he wants to help you, give you friendly advice and take you away from trouble. The dream in which you saw the death of your friend or acquaintance speaks of the betrayal of friends and weaving intrigues.

Loff's dream book

When a deceased person appears in a dream, this may indicate the resolution of complex problems. Because of the dreams in which the dead were the main characters, anxiety and a depressed mood very often appear in people.

If you look at a dream as a general picture, then the deceased person present in it does not carry an important semantic load. This is just a dream in which one of the heroes is a dead person. If you saw the deceased in a dream, it means that you blame yourself for something, because you could have prevented a certain situation, but you didn’t. Such a dream suggests that a person is burdened by sorrows, and he bitterly regrets.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

All words spoken by the deceased should be taken literally, that is, as if they were said during his lifetime. Desire or warning - this symbolizes a dead person who appeared in a dream. In the case when a living person dreamed of being dead, perhaps in real life you have a complex hostile relationship with him.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

This dream book interprets such a vision in its own way - very positively. It symbolizes good health and longevity of the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation Longo

What the deceased is dreaming of is a bad sign associated with problems in the family. Bringing a dead person to life or watching him come to life - to the return of an old unresolved problem that you have already safely forgotten, you want to run away from it, but you need to finally solve it.

It may also indicate that a friend or relative of the deceased wants to convey something through you.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

If in a dream the deceased appears in a dream as alive - to weather changes And peace of mind. It is a very bad sign to take or give something to the deceased, and also if he calls and takes him to himself. This is an omen of great troubles, tragedies and terrible losses, in particular, the deaths of loved ones.

Folk dream book

The visit of the deceased in a dream warns of a tragic and painful expectation, as well as hidden fear. Seeing a living person dead indicates a fear of losing something or a secret desire for death for such a person. When in a dream a dead person is a living person, this means a feeling of guilt in front of this deceased person, a desire to make amends.

The dead dream alive, what is it for? If we summarize all the interpretations of dreams about death and funerals, then they not only testify to grief, but also carry a good message, except when there is a specific warning of danger in a dream. You should also pay attention to the details of sleep, for example, a coffin is a bad sign, symbolizing grief and tears.

Each dream is a journey into the magical world of dreams, which opens the curtain before the secret and the unknown. What the dead dream about and how to perceive the information received depends only on the person. Whatever the dream, you must always remain optimistic and believe that the best is yet to come!

Also interesting: why dream

Sometimes we all dream of people who are no longer there. The interpretation of such dreams is interesting to everyone. What are the dead in a dream trying to tell us?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

If one of the deceased relatives dreams of being alive, it is worth reconsidering your life priorities. Probably, your lifestyle needs a change, and in order to avoid wrong decisions that can harm you, you need to work on yourself properly.

If you see your relatives, who have already died, alive, and they enter into a conversation with you, you should not push them away. Try to listen to what they have to say. Your subconscious is trying to tell you right exit from a difficult situation with the help of dear and close people.

Perhaps the deceased relative appeared in a dream because you recently remembered this person.

Why do dead people dream - to something unexpected, if they are relatives - there will be good news, if friends - it is worth waiting for important news.

Seeing a dead distant friend is not auspicious sign for people involved in entrepreneurship, bad news awaits them. If a living acquaintance was seen as dead, in reality he can cause a lot of trouble.

To see a dead person in a dream - to drastic change weather.

If the one who dreamed died a long time ago, a big event awaits the family. It has been scientifically proven that the advice of the dead is worth heeding - perhaps during a night's rest, the brain activates its secret areas and connects the subconscious to solving pressing problems.

Seeing a dead friend is a warning, you may not want to compromise and build relationships with others. This can lead to a lot of trouble, so if you saw a dream where your deceased comrade is unhappy, you should work on your relationships with people.

Why dream of seeing a dead person and hearing that he reports someone's death - this person is in danger if a deceased friend or girlfriend asks for something - you need to fulfill their request. Hearing complaints from deceased friends is bad news.

If in your dream your girlfriend is dying - to a quick quarrel with her.

If good friend she died in your dream, disputes at work will be resolved, but if she calls with her, get ready for an unexpected conspiracy from loved ones.

Why is the dead brother dreaming - soon one of your friends will need your help, they will probably ask for a loan. A hint on how to respond to such requests - your relationship with your brother during life, if they are good - can be borrowed. If you see a dead brother or sister alive, financial position will soon change for the better.

Seeing a man in a coffin in a dream is a change in the weather or an unexpected visit.

Making a coffin for the deceased - to career advancement.

Love dream book

Seeing a deceased loved one in a dream is a betrayal of love.

Muslim dream book

According to the Muslim dream book, the deceased is peacefully resting or sleeping - a sign that the deceased is well in the other world. To follow the deceased, to hear his voice is a bad sign, a messenger of death. If you dreamed of a lot of killed people - perhaps your judgments about life are erroneous.


I dreamed of a dead person - to a change in the weather in an unexpected direction

Psychological dream book

According to psychologists, dreams with dead people should not be taken seriously. Most likely, they symbolize a strong longing for a deceased person and a desire to meet him. Perhaps such dreams provoke persistent memories. Seeing many dead, killed people in dreams is an indicator that in real life a person is experiencing chronic stress.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why does a dead person dream - if in a dream you met a dead person and did not experience fear - it means that you have learned to cope with anxieties in real life. Hearing the voice of the deceased, following him, trying to find him by his voice - to diseases, health problems. If the deceased shares his fears - an occasion to go to church and pray for repose, to see the dead man naked, on the contrary, good sign- this means that the soul of a person has found peace.

Children's dream book

Why dream of the dead alive? To accept something as a gift from the deceased is an auspicious sign, promises good news, happiness.

English dream book

If in a dream you were visited by your dead friends or relatives, the interpretation of the dream depends on their mood. If they were sad - you have to wait bad news, speaks of imminent grief. If the dead were in a good mood - complex life situations resolved for the better. If you had a dream that the deceased died in it from an illness - to bad weather.

Symbolic dream book

By symbolic dream book dreams in which you see dead people are a kind of signal. Why dream of the dead alive? If the deceased calls with him, tries to give his thing - a signal of an imminent illness, possibly severe. Another option is also possible - the sleeping person subconsciously cannot come to terms with the death of this person and continues to hope for a meeting. Such dreams are an occasion to visit the church, light candles for the health of living relatives and for the repose of the dead, and communicate with the rector.

If in a dream you see yourself dying, a difficult and important stage will soon end in your life, or any project you have conceived will successfully come to an end.

Seeing dead parents in a dream - you need a sense of protection. If you saw dead grandparents in a dream, a critical moment has come in your life. Their advice should be heeded especially carefully.

Chinese dream book

This is what the dead dream about according to the Chinese dream book: it is considered very favorable to feed the deceased person if he asked for food. Such a dream promises good luck.


To see that you have died - you will be subjected to heavy accusations from loved ones.

To enter into a conversation with the deceased is good luck.

To see that a dead person is walking ahead of you - soon forget him.

Giving something to the deceased promises loss, but giving him a flower or an animal is a good sign for improvement. financial situation. Invite the deceased to your home - to financial well-being.

Why dream of dead people who are actually alive - they should pay attention to their health.

Dead people are not so rare guests of our dreams, especially if the pain of loss is still very strong, and parting forever has passed recently.

But sometimes we can dream not only of relatives and relatives, but also unfamiliar or even strangers from another world.

Let's find out what the dead man dreams of in a dream, what it can mean and what to expect from such a dream.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a deceased relative, then expect trials, possibly loss. And not necessarily someone will die, just for a certain time you may be haunted by financial failures or other troubles. Be vigilant and be sure to listen to the advice that a relative will give you in a dream. This is a warning dream!

To dream about death, for example, how someone dies or a funeral procession - a dream warning, be careful in business.

Talking in a dream with a dead father - someone intends to weave intrigues against you; think carefully about all the steps before starting any business. Take care of your reputation and watch your behavior, any offense can be used against you.

Talking in a dream with a dead mother - pay attention to health, and also moderate your inclinations.

A conversation in a dream with a deceased brother - someone needs your help and mercy.

If a dead person comes into your dream too cheerful or too lively, then you are leading the wrong life and the current way of life needs to be urgently corrected, as it can negatively affect your destiny.

If a dead relative is trying to take some promise from you, then failures in business await you ahead.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Seeing a corpse in a dream - to longevity.

If you dreamed of a deceased child, expect problems with conception.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

If a sick person came to you dead - to injustice in your real life.

Seeing in a dream a lot of people who have passed away - to an epidemic or disaster.

If you dreamed of a deceased friend - to changes in life. Listen carefully to him, perhaps he wants to warn you about something or give valuable advice for the future.

Seeing the clinical death of a friend in a dream is the deceit of friends, intrigues are being weaved against you.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Seeing a dead man in a black suit - someone close will soon leave for another world.

Coins in front of the dead indicate that someone is using you for their own purposes and profiting from you by fraudulent means.

A dead father often comes to talk about your children's problems. Do not ignore such a dream, perhaps the offspring are hiding something from you or they need help, but they are unable to admit it.

Seeing the deceased in a dream - to a change in the weather, lying in a coffin - to unexpected guests.

Dead man in a dream according to Nostradamus

Hugging or touching a ghoul in a dream is getting rid of fears.

If he calls you to follow him in a dream, then do not go, otherwise you may become seriously ill or become discouraged.

To see how the dead man worries in a dream means that he has no rest in the next world, to see him naked means that he has found peace in the next world.

Small Velesov dream book

The deceased father is a failure, a change in the weather, you should definitely remember the one who dreamed.

The deceased mother is grief, a serious illness.

To meet a dead man on the way in a dream - good luck, success (if a man is dreaming), dead woman- to obstacles.

If the dead man came to life - to obstacles in business, financial losses.

Being in the company of the dead - in real life you have enemies.

Seeing them alive is for longevity.

To see in a dream a living patient who has died in a bose - to his speedy recovery.

Hugging the inanimate in a dream is a disease, kissing - to longevity.

If in a dream you give something to the deceased - at a loss.

To move or carry the deceased is grief.

To congratulate on something - pleasant events are ahead, to talk - curious news or illness.

It should be noted that in the old days such dreams were given great value and tried to interpret them correctly. After all, it is possible that it is through relatives who have gone to another world that our guardian angels are trying to reach us and warn us about something.

Where do dreams come from, why are they so vivid, saturated, and why does the dreamer sometimes experience emotions in them that he may not experience in reality? Scientists still cannot find accurate and reasonable answers to these and many other questions.

But many people from time immemorial explain dreams by nothing more than signs from above. Psychologists deny the mystical nature of dreams, considering them to be "pranks" of our subconscious.

It is believed that the dead appear in dreams to a change in the weather. But there are many other interpretations of what the dead dream about alive. Many agree in one opinion - such dreams are warning.

Why such dreams?

Usually they leave a heavy residue, even if the dreaming person was close and loved.

If the dreamer is suspicious, he is still long time the darkest thoughts may haunt, and the interpretation of what he sees seems tragic to him.

Do not immediately despair, and if you really want to decipher your dream, you need to remember its details, and then familiarize yourself with the interpretation.

According to many, there is no need to be upset if the dreamer himself was the deceased. This promises long life, which will also be happy and rich.

Why does a person dream of dead people alive?

  • Pay attention to the state of mind of the deceased. If he is cheerful, take a closer look at the people from your environment - perhaps not all of them are as friendly as they want to seem. If the deceased cries, beware of a quarrel with anyone;
  • To understand why the deceased dreamed, remember in which emotional state you were yourself. Fear, anxiety and other negative emotions speak of impending troubles, troubles;
  • As for the conversation with the deceased, there are two cardinally different opinions regarding its interpretation. One of them says that to see alive people who have died in a dream and talk with them is a nuisance. Another opinion, on the contrary, says that this is for new pleasant acquaintances, changes for the better. The exact meaning depends on the mood in which you and the deceased who appeared to you were;
  • The calmness of the deceased means that your life will be happy, and prosperity, comfort, peace will reign in your house;
  • It is considered a bad sign if the deceased, who appeared alive in a dream, asked for something or, conversely, gave. Nevertheless, many tend to believe that taking something from the deceased is wealth.

Care should be taken in reality if the deceased called with him, and even more so if the dreamer responded to this invitation.

They say that the deceased who came to the house reminds that a person has a responsibility that he may have forgotten about.

In almost all dream books, the interpretation of why a dead person can dream of being alive says that he, most likely, simply reminds of himself, continues to protect even after his departure. It is believed that if he himself said that he was alive, there would soon be important news.

The deceased rising from the coffin warns that soon you will have to meet guests from afar.

What will relatives say?

Often they are the people. They say that dead relatives dream alive for a reason, and this is what this can happen to.


It is believed that she calls for prudence. Perhaps mom wants to warn of danger, to give a sign that one should not lose vigilance.

Here are some other cases in which a dead mother may appear alive:

  • To the birth of a daughter;
  • To see her in her own house is to the well-being of the family. This promises a faithful and loving soul mate, happiness in family life, obedient children;
  • It is necessary to draw conclusions if you saw a quarrel with your mother. A scandal may indicate that in reality you are in trouble, problems in the family or at work, and possibly an accident. Be careful - your discretion can protect you from such misfortunes;
  • If you saw that you were talking with your mother, pay attention to your lifestyle, especially if you see such a dream often.


It is believed that the dream in which the deceased father appeared alive is auspicious. It says that you can consider yourself a responsible, accomplished person. In addition, the father suggests that there are reliable people in your environment who are ready to help and support at any time.

If your father comes to you in a dream every day or very often, listen to his words - most likely, he is trying to prevent trouble, give advice, call for caution.

Conversations with dad promise quick changes that will be joyful.

Grandmother grandfather

Seeing a grandmother in a dream, think about whether you made a mistake in the recent past. Usually she is alive to call for an analysis of her actions, and if her grandmother advised something, be sure to use her advice in real life.

Crying relatives in a dream often warn of discord in the family, and if you dreamed about your grandmother in this state, pay attention to whether everything is fine in your relationship with your soulmate, children.

If your grandmother gave money, you may expect a deterioration in your financial situation.

The grandfather who came to life portends new chores, things that may be associated with difficulties. Most likely, you will have a lot of work ahead of you, and in addition to your own worries, you may have to solve other people's problems.

If your grandfather is cheerful in a dream, be prepared for the fact that troubles may overtake you. Seeing grandparents in their own home, pay attention to your health.

Brother, sister

These close relatives say that someone needs your help, and you should not refuse it. A brawl, a fight with a deceased brother who appeared alive portends profit.

The deceased sister can warn of the unknown, uncertainty.


Seeing them in a dream, many experience panic.

Nevertheless, if you dream of a lot of coffins without the dead or with them, check out what such dreams can be, and they do not always promise troubles and troubles.

  • Being empty, they promise you good health and long years life;
  • Seeing that your name is written on an empty coffin, think about it - perhaps the time has come to change your life, yourself;
  • If there are a lot of them and they are with the dead, wait for the end of some kind of relationship or business. Such a dream can also mean an early marriage;
  • If the coffins are near the church, be careful - you may be in serious trouble;
  • Young people dream of a lot of coffins with the dead for a prosperous life, a happy family life. For family people, such a dream promises well-being. The elderly should not be afraid of it either - it promises them news from distant relatives.

It is believed that pounding coffins is waiting for hard work with good pay, and their purchase portends prosperity and family well-being.

Have you seen many coffins with the dead floating down the river? Expect huge profits.

Boarded up coffins indicate that you will finally be left in peace by the past that weighed you down every day, and if you board them up with your own hands, then you yourself will do everything in your power to find peace.

if you have own business, and you, most likely, things will go downhill. However, when you see that they have been buried, you can count on things to get better very soon.

What to do?

Such a question arises among those to whom the deceased appeared in a dream, not always. Usually, the question of what needs to be done if the dead are dreaming is asked by those with whom this happens often or even daily.

People are often afraid of dreams in which they see the dead. Many people think that the dead dream of trouble, so such dreams often cause discomfort. Psychic Elena Yasevich told on her website about what the dead dream of, and what to do if such dreams are a frequent occurrence for you.

Why dream of a dead man alive

Seeing a dead person in a dream- not always a bad sign. According to Elena Yasevich, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, dead people come in a dream for a reason. Such dreams can be called prophetic.

In order to unravel the meaning of sleep, you need to pay attention to all the details and little things you see.

Elena Yasevich recommends listening to what the dead man says in a dream. The soul of a dead person can warn about something or give guidance. Follow the advice given in the dream. This may solve many of your problems.

If a dead person gives you something- this is a good sign. Such a dream may portend quick luck or the resolution of an important matter for you.

If the dead man calls for himself in a dream you can't follow him. According to Elena Yasevich, such a dream is a harbinger of trouble. Also, the kiss of the deceased can portend trouble. In this case, you need to go to the grave of the deceased, or put a candle in the church for the repose of the soul. This will help to pay off the grief that the dead man, seen in a dream, predicted.

You can’t give something to the dead, otherwise it can bring you trouble and even serious illness.

If the dead person comes in a dream very often, and this worries you, you just need to break the energy connection with the deceased person. To do this, you need to get rid of all the things of the deceased in your house and be sure to change all the mirrors.

The dead man can come and through your fault. Probably, your deceased relative, during his lifetime, told you something important, asked for something or gave you parting words. Fulfill the request of the deceased, and then he will no longer disturb you.

Do not be afraid of your dreams. The dead in a dream usually come when they have some unfinished business left in our world, or someone is holding them with their thoughts. Release those who are no longer in this world and live in the present and the future. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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