The harmful effects of the sun on the body. How the sun affects the earth. Why does a person need sunlight

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The bulk of sunlight is rays with very short wavelengths, which are measured in nanometers (nm), 1 nm is equal to 0.001 microns.

Within the optical part of sunlight are: ultraviolet invisible rays (280-400 nm), light rays (400-760 nm) and infrared invisible rays (760-2800 nm).

Visible rays, giving the sensation of white, when refracted through a trihedral prism, decompose into the following colors: violet (the shortest), blue, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (these are the colors of the rainbow).

Ultraviolet radiation causes mainly a photochemical effect, and infrared radiation causes a thermal one.

Near the earth's surface, 59% of solar radiation is infrared, 40% is light, and about 1% is ultraviolet.

When passing through the earth's atmosphere, about 60% of solar radiation is absorbed in the stratosphere and dispersed in space with the help of water vapor and the ozone layer. Near the earth, radiation is delayed mainly due to atmospheric pollution with dust, smoke and gases, with clouds and fogs. Most of all, ultraviolet rays are retained. In large industrial cities with a lot of smoke and gas pollution, the loss of ultraviolet radiation reaches 40%, and the general illumination is sharply reduced.

The amount of direct solar radiation decreases with distance from the equator, as the angle of incidence of the sun's rays decreases. The largest amount of radiation in the middle latitudes occurs in May, during the day - at noon.

There are more ultraviolet rays in the south than in the north. In addition to direct solar radiation, diffuse radiation is of some importance. In a clear sky, the short-wavelength bluish-blue part of the spectrum is predominantly scattered, which causes the blue color of the sky. The activity of scattered radiation is small, but a large amount of ultraviolet rays makes it biologically very useful. Therefore, you can sunbathe while in the shade.

Part of the solar radiation is reflected from the surfaces on which it falls. For example, snow reflects up to 85% of the total radiant energy, yellow quartz sand - 35% of solar radiation, river sand - 29%, green grass - 26%, black earth - 14%, the water surface with a sheer fall of sunlight - only 2%. This information should be taken into account when choosing a place for sunbathing in different climatic conditions.

In addition to the thermal effect and significance for vision, the radiant energy of the sun has a beneficial therapeutic effect on the entire body. Acting through the visual analyzer, light energy affects metabolism, general tone, sleep rhythm, etc. Light also serves as a signal thermal stimulus that can cause a feeling of warmth and reduce metabolism even in the absence of real heating by solar or artificial light rays.

When the skin is irradiated, photochemical reactions occur in the body, causing complex chemical transformations in tissues and having a serious effect on metabolism. The strongest biological properties are ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 290 to 315 nm.

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is formed in the skin. Direct sunlight kills tuberculosis bacteria after a few minutes, staphylococci after 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli after 60 minutes. There are observations that in clear sunny weather, the prevalence and duration of epidemics of influenza, diphtheria, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases transmitted through the air are much less and shorter.

And with the so-called light starvation, which is observed in people who are deprived of the opportunity to use daylight to a sufficient extent (those living in the North during the polar night, those working in mines, in the subway), numerous disturbances occur in the vital activity of the body. Rickets develop in children, the number of cases of dental caries increases, bone strength decreases, functional disorders of the nervous system appear, and the course of tuberculosis worsens. However, with too long exposure to sunlight without a regular change of day and night (Arctic), fatigue of the nervous system and changes in human reflex activity are possible. Even "white nights" can cause irritation and fatigue of the nervous system.

The human body has mechanisms that protect it from sharp fluctuations in air temperature, humidity, wind speed, changes in atmospheric pressure. But sometimes this protection does not work. The increased humidity of the air at its high temperature can cause a general overheating of the body. This painful condition is called hyperthermia, or heatstroke.

The cause of heat stroke is a violation of the thermoregulation of the body, which is expressed in increased heat generation with insufficient heat transfer. The heat accumulated in the body negatively affects the function of the central nervous system. Oxygen starvation develops. The viscosity of the blood increases, blood circulation is disturbed.

Heat stroke can occur when working in stuffy, poorly ventilated areas, especially if high air temperature is combined with high humidity. The cause of this condition may be tight, poorly breathable clothing.

Heatstroke can also occur outdoors: during high physical activity in a humid, stuffy atmosphere (even in the absence of sun), in calm weather, and if the rules for sunbathing are not followed.

In infants, heat stroke can often be caused by being in an overheated room, in a crib placed near radiators and central heating pipes.

When overheated, patients develop headache, dizziness, tinnitus. They experience intense thirst and nausea. Worried about weakness, drowsiness. Initially, there is reddening of the skin, their moisture; then the skin becomes dry, pale, cold. There may be fainting. Breathing becomes more frequent, tachycardia develops, blood pressure drops. Vomiting, nosebleeds may occur.

In severe cases, delayed reactions or agitation, severe headaches, loss of consciousness, convulsions, rise in body temperature to 39 ° -41 ° C, respiratory depression are noted. Infants develop severe vomiting, diarrhea. In such cases, urgent medical attention is needed. But first, the patient must be put in a cool place, in the shade, provide access to fresh air, free from tight, restrictive clothing, give cold water to drink, put a cold compress, and, if possible, ice on the head, in the axillary and inguinal regions (large blood vessels pass there). vessels). Water procedures have a good effect: in mild cases, a shower with a temperature of 26-27 ° C for 5-8 minutes, in more serious cases, a bath at a temperature of 20 ° C for up to 8 minutes. After the water procedure, a mandatory rest in a supine position and drinking plenty of water. Unlike heat stroke, there may not be general overheating in sunstroke. It can be caused by direct exposure to sunlight on an uncovered head. In this case, there is no pronounced change in thermoregulation. However, the complaints of patients are similar.

Prevention of heat and sunstroke:

To avoid overheating, it is necessary to maintain the microclimate in residential and industrial premises, observe the optimal drinking regime, and also use rational clothing.

It is recommended to wear clothes made of porous fabrics (cotton, linen, etc.), through which air can easily be exchanged. This is especially true for clothing in the warm season. In summer, even without taking a special air bath, try to get rid of excess clothes: for example, when working in the garden, take off your shirt, T-shirt.

It is sometimes believed that the more tightly the head is wrapped, the better it is protected from the sun's rays. Often, for this, they tie their heads with thick towels, build high caps from newspapers. But all these "headgear" prevent normal heat transfer. A light white panama, a small light cap with a visor, a cotton scarf, a straw hat will perfectly protect your head from the sun.

Thermoregulation is adversely affected by the subcutaneous fat layer, which is poor in blood vessels. Therefore, overweight people need to be especially careful about overheating.


The sun affects the climate of the Earth and all living organisms - this is indisputable. Everyone knows that in autumn, when the Earth's surface receives less solar heat and light, nature "falls asleep" - trees lose their leaves, animals reduce their activity, some even hibernate, waiting out the winter cold. In the spring, with the onset of warm weather, nature comes to life. Leaves appear on the trees again, animals wake up after hibernation. These are the annual seasonal changes in the conditions of the middle zone.

However, the circumpolar and polar regions of the planet receive much less solar heat and light, due to the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the ecliptic. For many millennia, in the polar regions, it has formed with characteristic sparse vegetation and not very diverse fauna, and in the polar regions, a permafrost zone has formed. The reason is the position of the Sun relative to the horizon. In the polar and circumpolar regions of the globe, the Sun is low above the horizon, and its rays seem to glide over the surface, slightly heating it at the same time.

On the contrary, in the equatorial regions of the planet, where the sun's rays fall almost vertically on the surface of the planet all year round, summer and winter temperatures differ slightly. Life abounds". Flora and fauna are varied and numerous.

Many probably know the expression: "Forests are the lungs of the Earth." It's right. Green leaves of plants contain grains of chlorophyll, with the help of which photosynthesis occurs. As a result, oxygen is released, which is so necessary for all living things. And the reaction of photosynthesis becomes possible only in the presence of sunlight.

Plants play an important role in the food supply for both humans and animals. For herbivores, they are the only source of food. Plants accumulate the energy of solar radiation, and then people and animals that feed on these plants receive it.

People use resources extracted from the bowels of the Earth - coal, oil, gas. All these are the remains of plants that grew on earth many millions of years ago. Now they give back the energy they once accumulated.

Many natural phenomena such as cloud formation, rain, snow, fog, etc. occur due to the water cycle. Solar heat greatly accelerates evaporation. Without a global process called the water cycle in nature, life on Earth would be impossible.

Thanks to the heat of the sun, the wind blows on the planet, ocean currents move huge masses of water, and waves form. The sun, like the moon, affects the tidal ocean processes.

The Earth's atmosphere is affected by the solar wind - a stream of gel-hydrogen plasma escaping from the solar corona. The solar wind is the cause of the northern lights and magnetic storms.

"Where the sun seldom shines, there the doctor often comes." So says the popular proverb. How is it in real life? It is well known that the sun's rays have a powerful effect on the human body. And not always positive.

But if you learn to rationally use the light of the sun, then it will not only be a morning alarm clock, but also a cure for many diseases, as well as a factor that will improve skin condition. A beautiful tan can add a sophisticated charm to your appearance.

Types and features of solar radiation

The sun generously gives us three types of radiation, which affect the human body differently.

Visible radiation

The radiation visible to the eye is the colors of the rainbow familiar to us. Such radiation penetrates the skin to a depth of 1 centimeter. The visible spectrum affects the human nervous system, penetrating through the retina. A person has learned to use this measure of influence in everyday life in order to create a harmonious space for his existence.

For example, a room decorated in yellow, orange or green has a positive effect on our mood. Shades of red are able to activate activity, and blue - to slow down. Violet color depresses the psyche, green - soothes.

This feature of the influence of all colors of this type of radiation on the human body is often used for practical purposes in the design of the interiors of residential premises and offices.

Ultraviolet radiation

The most powerful effect on a person has ultraviolet radiation. Endowed with a short wavelength, UV rays have super-strong energy. They penetrate into our skin only a millimeter, but they can have both a healing and restorative effect, and a very harmful effect on health. Everything depends on the dose.

Under the influence of UF radiation, various biologically active substances are produced, which are carried throughout the body along with the blood, affecting the functioning of all systems and organs.

Human skin is heated under the influence of infrared rays. They are able to penetrate tissues to a depth of 3 centimeters. Under their influence, the blood vessels heat up and expand, and the blood circulation process intensifies. This contributes to the activation of redox reactions.

The positive effect of the sun on the body

Moderate exposure to the sun has a good preventive and curative effect. The action of UV rays is different and it is related to the wavelength.

Some rays contribute vitamin D production, other - pigmentation of the skin(formation of sunburn). It has been scientifically proven that a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the human body is produced by exposure to sunlight. Even good nutrition is not able to make up for it.

Rickets can develop from a lack of this important vitamin in children, so from birth, every child needs to receive a sufficient amount of solar radiation. In adults, a lack of vitamin D causes bone fragility and the structure of dental tissue is disturbed.

shortwave rays have the strongest bactericidal effect on the human body, killing pathogenic microbes. As early as 1903, doctors from Denmark used solar radiation to treat skin tuberculosis.

For developments in this area, the physiotherapist Finsen Niels Robert was awarded the Nobel Prize. The healing power of the sun's light lies in the ability to act on skin receptors, causing complex chemical reactions.

Effects of sunlight on health and mood

The secret of recovery and good mood lies in the fact that sunlight tones up our nervous system. At the same time, the functioning of the hematopoietic organs improves and metabolic processes normalize, and the endocrine glands begin to produce hormones more actively.

Ultraviolet not only prevents, but also completely cures many diseases: jaundice, rickets, eczema, psoriasis.

It is important to remember that only a moderate dosage of solar radiation has a positive effect on health and mood.

The negative impact of sunlight on humans

Living cells, absorbing ultraviolet radiation, begin to change and divide incorrectly. In this case, all kinds of mutations appear, and healthy cells die.

Eyes are often affected by sun exposure.. Reflecting sunlight, water, white sand, snow increase the brightness of lighting. The result of such exposure may be inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye or inflammatory processes in the cornea. In especially serious situations, a person can lose sight for several days.

This is usually the result of solar reflection off the snow. It begins with profuse lacrimation, and ends with chronic irritation of the eyes. The situation can be aggravated by repeated exposure.

As a result of strong irradiation of the eyes, many people develop clouding of the lens. Blindness occurs in 20% of cases.

The body's response to ultraviolet light

Everyone reacts differently to UV exposure. Sensitivity largely depends on age, natural skin color, thyroid condition, and the time of year.

Children and the elderly, people with increased thyroid function, fair-skinned and red-haired people are especially sensitive to the effects of solar radiation. Be careful when sunbathing in spring and summer.

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on human skin

Many people, wanting to tan faster, abuse the sun exposure. It is a mistake to think that radiant energy has an extremely positive effect on the skin, and sunburn is a sign of health.

After a short period of time in the sun, the skin becomes hot, begins to turn red. Soon the redness will disappear if you leave the sun in time. After a couple of hours, it will reappear and last for about a day. The next portions of irradiation will cause the formation of a pigment, which is called a tan.

The desire to quickly get a beautiful tan and stay in the sun for a long time will give a completely different effect. Sunburn caused by exposure to UV rays on the skin is an unpleasant, painful, and even dangerous phenomenon. After a short period of time after prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin turns red, swelling appears on it. Severe burning and pain is just the tip of the iceberg. Toxins, which are formed as a result of cell breakdown, poison the entire body. As a result - headache, nausea, malaise.

The unwise use of ultraviolet irradiation leads to the fact that the skin, protecting itself, thickens. The accelerated aging process begins. With repeated irradiation, skin cells change, begin to die off quickly. The tan is uneven, ugly age spots and moles appear on the skin.

Important! DNA molecules, which contribute to the restoration of the skin, are damaged by repeated irradiation. As a result, the skin begins to generate immature precancerous cells, and sometimes cancerous ones.

Cellular atypism generated by solar radiation can cause such types of cancer as carcinoma and melanoma. To cause such changes in the body can be both prolonged exposure to the sun, and excessive passion for solarium.

Solar Radiation Protection Measures

Most of the inhabitants of the middle zone and northern latitudes are eagerly waiting for spring to soak up the warm sunshine. We strive to use the first sunny days as a healing factor, often abusing exposure to the sun.

You need to take sunbaths competently, observing several rules that have been proven by life itself:

  • Scattered solar radiation in the shade is shown to the elderly and infants, as well as those with problems with the cardiovascular system and those suffering from chronic diseases.
  • Even healthy and strong people should limit their exposure to the sun, and sunbathing is recommended only during safe hours, when the sun is at its least active.
  • During the daytime, when the sun's radiation is at its strongest, it's best to protect yourself with a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and an umbrella.
  • The use of a good quality sunscreen with a high protection factor will eliminate many problems.

The amount of solar radiation reaching the earth is related to the time of year. At the equator, this indicator practically does not change. As you move away from the belt of the earth, this difference increases.

In winter, the sun is low on the horizon and we get scattered, gliding rays. Their intensity is reduced during this period. In summer, they hit the earth's surface vertically, which shortens their path and reduces heat loss when passing through the atmosphere. Therefore, in winter, solar radiation is the least dangerous.

The influence of the Sun on a person is enormous, because it is not only the central luminary of the solar system, but also a particular manifestation of cosmic universal light. Thus, the position of the Sun in the natal chart of a person shows his spiritual level and symbolizes an entity that passes from incarnation to incarnation, whose will controls fate.

Every person wants to find happiness and often does not know how to come to it, looking outside for a replacement. However, the energy of happiness comes just from the Sun, and if a person wants to get access to it, then you should change your lifestyle so that deeds and thoughts enhance the favorable influence of the Sun. This becomes possible only when a person begins to properly build his relationship with the world. The desire to live for the sake of others and fulfill our duties to all opens the way for us to the source of happiness.

Sun in ignorance

The sun in ignorance manifests itself in the character of a person as a hostile attitude towards the world, laziness, claims to others, unwillingness and inability to work for the benefit of others - since it is solar energy that gives us the joy of creativity and the ability to experience pleasure from activity. After all, when you give someone light and happiness, you yourself have a feeling of happiness inside.

Inability to get up early and go to bed early, vanity, great selfishness, lethargy of mind, complete irresponsibility, unwillingness and inability to keep promises, hostility to the world, painful dependence on the opinions of others, prolonged anger, arrogance, disrespectful attitude towards father and government, aimless life and the desire to use all methods to achieve a high post.

Sun in passion

A huge false ego, excessive pride, arrogance, an insatiable desire for power, dependence on flattery, a desire to manipulate other people are bright indicators of the Sun in passion. Great activity in the pursuit of their goals, the desire to take responsibility, only when it is beneficial. Respect for authorities only if "there is a reason." Feels happy, being in the center of everyone's attention, the desire to save everyone.

A person with the Sun in passion sees only what he wants to see. He becomes very impulsive and overwhelmed by exorbitant selfish desires. Extravagance, desire to stand out, increased irritability, low vitality.

Sun in goodness

The sun in goodness gives a person a great sense of responsibility - for himself, his actions and words, his family, generosity, nobility, generosity, great self-esteem, generosity, determination, generosity. Such a person is purposeful, disciplined, knows how to lead, using minimal punishment, great willpower, self-respect, independence from the opinions of others, sincerity, regular early rise. The ability to quickly grasp the essence and think clearly.

Harmonizing the Influence of the Sun

The strongest impact and improvement of the energy of the Sun occurs when a person purifies his consciousness, believes in God, strives to live by spiritual interests. You should wish happiness to all living beings, cultivate in yourself everything that brings joy to you and those around you. It is useful to participate in charity and make donations to spiritual people and religious organizations. It is necessary to develop the qualities of responsibility, purposefulness, determination, optimism, humanity, firmness, generosity, willpower, self-esteem, nobility, generosity.

The influence of the sun on a person is crucial. The sun emits ultraviolet radiation, which is an essential condition for life on Earth.

how does it affect

ultraviolet solar radiation(UV, UV) is a component of the electromagnetic spectrum located in the blue part of the electromagnetic spectrum, just below visible light and therefore not detectable by the human eye. Compared to visible light (wavelength 400 nm to 700 nm), UV radiation has relatively short wavelengths (180 nm to 400 nm) and therefore a relatively high energy level, since the energy levels are inversely proportional to the wavelength.

Ultraviolet light can be classified into three subtypes, namely:

  • ultraviolet A, long wavelength (UVA) - 315 nm to 400 nm
  • ultraviolet B, medium wave (UVB) - 280 nm to 315 nm
  • ultraviolet C, shortwave (UVC) - 240 Nm to 280 Nm.

The ozone layer in the atmosphere blocks most of the UV radiation, to a lesser extent the long-wavelength (UVA) radiation. All three components have different effects on the human body. The long-wave range, compared to others, is able to penetrate the skin and therefore is responsible for a certain effect on human skin. Exposure to high amounts of UVA leads to premature aging and skin damage. On the other hand, ultraviolet B, medium wave (UVB) does not penetrate our skin due to its short wavelength. Ultraviolet B, medium wave only reaches the surface of our skin and is responsible for tanning. Ultraviolet C, shortwave (UVC) has short wavelengths among others and therefore has the highest energy level. This makes it dangerous for all living organisms on earth. Luckily, the ozone layer protects us by blocking UVC.

Solar radiation level

Using a variety of sunscreens and gear is one way to protect our skin from UV damage such as sunburn. One of the simplest ways to measure UV radiation is to use the UV index. Each level of the solar radiation index corresponds to 25mW per square meter of UV radiation. The table below summarizes the UV index:

  • Less than 3 moderate impact
  • Between 3-6 high
  • Between 7-9 very high
  • More than 9 is extremely high.

High levels of ultraviolet light cause skin to age faster and increase the risk of skin cancer. Use of proper sunscreen actions or can help protect our skin from damage , caused by UV light .

Human exposure to the sun is harmful, but a balance needs to be struck between excessive UV radiation from the sun, which increases the risk of skin cancer, and sufficient exposure to sunlight to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D produced in the human body by exposure to sunlight.

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