I dreamed of a fish in troubled waters. Why does a woman dream of living fish in water

Phenomenon big fish in a dream they are considered auspicious symbols. Most often, it foreshadows the establishment of financial stability, making large profits and career success. Also, such a night vision recommends that you stop worrying about pressing problems, boldly start risky business. You will almost certainly get more than you put in. However, for a more detailed explanation of the dream, all the details of what he saw should be restored to memory.

There is a possibility that large-sized fish may indicate not positive events, but tense ones. life situations. To gently endure the piling up misfortunes, you should heed the advice provided by dream books.

Interpretation of the modern dream book

If in a dream you were fishing, expect an unexpected large material profit. Its size is directly proportional to the fish caught in the dream. Buying fish big size in a store or supermarket promises a successful end to what you are doing in this moment events. However, this will require hard work. Do not be afraid to overwork, as the result will more than pay off the investment.

If you saw a big dead fish in a dream, leave the hopes that you have in reality. Now your life is passing difficult period which must be overcome with dignity. Try to respond less to stimuli, maintain balance nervous system and avoid unnecessary worries. If you don't take care of your own emotional state, high risk of developing prolonged depression. Set new goals for yourself.

There is also an interpretation of the appearance in a dream of a large number of fish of impressive size. If you see many of the same large aquatic inhabitants, beware of a major scandal in reality. It will not be easy to resolve a quarrel, but it will pull a series of unpleasant consequences. If the fish in the vision were different color, and in reality you are suffering from a protracted illness, wait for your health to improve.

If you dreamed of a big fish in the sea, in reality you are prescribed an acute sense of material need. There is a risk of losing an existing source of income, and a lot of time must pass before a new one appears. Try to learn how to save and rationally spend available funds. Take on any ways to earn extra money, efforts will be successful.

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you caught a big fish in crystal clear water, expect the favor of fortune in the near future. The surprise of fate can be not only financial in nature. There is a possibility of long-distance travel in beautiful country or the imminent onset of unquestioning happiness on the personal front. Try not to miss the opportunity.

Dead fish of any size portends severe suffering associated with an unpleasant loss. She can touch different areas your activities, ranging from monetary loss and ending with parting with a loved one.

Miller's dream book refers to fishing by hand to the onset of a difficult period in life. However, do not worry, you can cope with misfortunes on your own without much loss. If a dream appeared to a young girl, a worthy man will soon appear in her life.

Miller's interpreter also contains a harbinger of what a big fish caught by an outsider is dreaming of. Expect an uplift in spirit, increased physical strength and improved stamina. Try to direct the “volcano” that is emerging in you into a career in order to get a decent return.

If you dreamed of fishing hooks, take care of translating long-cherished plans into reality. Now the most favorable period for work has come. Do not regret the accomplishments of either strength or time. If the fishing net was torn in a dream, expect a pleasant acquisition. However, it will lead to severe mental disorders.

A big fish in an aquarium in a dream indicates the presence of a pursuer among your surroundings, closely watching the course of your life. He is interested in all the information that has anything to do with you. If in a dream you experienced fear, the observer has evil motives at your expense, but if not, he evaluates you to attract you to a profitable business.

However, Miller's dream book refers to a big unhealthy fish in a dirty aquarium as a harbinger of your vile enemy. This man is carefully studying your weak spots which can be profitable to play. Beware of active actions from him, the pursuer is able to cause significant damage to one of the areas of your life. Be careful when interacting with others.

If you were bitten by a big fish in a dream, be careful in reality. There are certainly aggressive individuals in your society who are just waiting for the moment to strike a decisive blow. If they succeed, you will have to recover from severe consequences for a long time.

Interpretations of various dream books

The appearance of a white fluffy fish in night vision indicates an imminent onset resounding success. Expect great joy. Also, a dream can portend a strong surprise caused by unexpected news.

If you see a big black fish, beware of the fading of feelings for you from your partner. A protracted conflict is likely. If you do not want to terminate the relationship, make every effort to resolve the scandal, try to take the side of your loved one. Also, the plot may portend unpleasant gossip around your person, which can greatly damage your reputation among the people around you.

A series of disappointments promises the interpretation of sleep to catch big fish by hand. Beware of betrayal by loved ones. If the water inhabitant was unnaturally large, in reality you are expected to start a major event that requires the investment of a large amount of effort to successfully complete it.

If in a dream a fish fluttered in your hands, get ready for unexpected glory. Try to adequately meet the information spreading about you, which will lead to wide popularity of your personality. Also fresh big sea ​​fish by several interpreters refers to an omen of great unrest and anxiety. Lake fish portends good luck.

A big red fish is a good symbol. For a girl, it means an early entry into official relations with a loved man. For a mature lady, the vision promises the fulfillment of old dreams. The red water inhabitant promises to increase the level of trust with a partner, to establish mutual understanding.

Salmon fish portends a large material profit. Any other can become a symbol of the birth of a new life in your family. Probable offensive long-awaited pregnancy. An aquarium abundantly filled with red fish indicates the establishment of stability in your financial condition.

If you cleaned fish from scales in a dream, get ready to count money. Cooking fish dishes - unexpected news. Frying or smoking fresh fish promises nervous tension that has appeared on the basis of receiving unpleasant news. Promises a series of pleasant surprises universal dream book at the appearance of a fish joyfully moving in an aquarium. Friends and comrades will bring this joy into your life.

The appearance of unnecessary ill-wishers - then , what a big fish is dreaming of, according to Vanga's interpretation. If you managed to catch the animal, the dirty tricks of the enemies will not affect you in any way. However, you should not lose vigilance, you risk relaxing at the most inopportune moment.

Also, Vanga's dream book contains an interpretation of the appearance of a large sea ​​dweller without the usual scales. Wait for the onset of a black streak in life associated with unpleasant changes. It is also likely that the health of one of your family members will deteriorate. If he acted as a dreamer Small child or an adult gentleman, do not be afraid of failure. Ahead is only happiness and success, the realization of old dreams and goals.

Why dream of a big fish eating a very tiny one, fate sent an important warning. Try to be extremely careful in dialogues with colleagues and unfamiliar people. Watch your speech, avoid sensitive topics, otherwise one of the influential personalities can ruin your life.

Why dream of fishing in a dream and catching a very small fish is an unpleasant omen. If you let go of the sufferer, expect unpleasant events and life losses.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 02/24/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Many are sure that to see a fish in a dream - good sign, because from time immemorial it has symbolized good luck and prosperity. But why does a living fish really dream? How do popular dream books interpret vision?

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

The interpreter is sure that most often a fish in a dream is a positive sign. A dream in which a girl dreamed of a live fish may indicate an imminent pregnancy. But what if this image in the dream world was dreamed of by an already pregnant woman? In this case, the interpreters perceive the dreamed live fish as a symbol of fertility and promise an easy resolution from the burden. If a man saw a live fish in a dream, it means that higher powers want to remind him of some important matter that he has shelved. It's probably time to deal with him.

People are also interested in what a lot of live fish dream of. According to the dream book, a floating joint promises wealth that the sleeping person will suddenly receive. A dream in which a large live fish is in the dreamer's hands symbolizes good luck, which a person will literally catch by the tail. If the caught prey is preparing for spawning right in the hands of the sleeper, then the enterprise conceived by him will give additional dividends. And this will happen unexpectedly even for the dreamer himself.

The dream book interprets the dreamed aquarium fish as the completion of affairs, the receipt of profitable projects. For a woman who does not yet have a soulmate, the appearance of aquarium fish in a dream is auspicious sign, which indicates the appearance in her life of a person who in the future will offer her to tie her fate.

Idiomatic and Autumn dream books

Authors Autumn dream book your view of what a living fish dreams of. An individual floating in the water is a sign that the sleeper will never miss his benefit and will definitely fight for his rights. If a person holds a fish in his hands, then people are discussing his character, considering the dreamer weak and weak-willed, as the people say, neither fish nor meat.

According to the Idiomatic Dream Book, a fish that lives in an unnatural environment for it can predict natural disasters. The same interpretation has a vision in which several individuals dreamed at once, flying through the sky or calmly moving on land.

A predator swimming in the sea indicates a possible fight with competitors. Waterfowl from the aquarium - a sign that the sleeper's problems can be solved very easily, the exit is very close - you just have to lend a hand.

Fishing with a bait means that the dreamer can achieve a successful resolution of the case, but for this he will have to put in a lot of effort, work and ingenuity. If the dreaming fish was in a net, then all the affairs of the sleeper will be successful, and for this he will not have to do anything special.

Family dream book

One of the most popular publications does not give an unequivocal answer to the question of why a woman dreams of a fish, believing that the details are decisive in the interpretation of sleep. Thus, if a girl dreamed of a living fish in a dream, it means that soon her beloved will make an appointment with her, who reciprocates her feelings. If a girl holds a waterfowl right in her hands, then soon a loved one will propose to her.

Small sprat or smelt laying eggs portend unexpected happiness, which is likely to be fleeting. Perhaps a woman will meet a young man whom she will be very fond of, but he will turn out to be a two-faced type.

A huge shiny fish is a sign that a girl, after marriage, will fall into good family and will not need anything. A large individual can also be dreamed of if a young man decides in reality to participate in a large project, but doubts the legality of the enterprise. The interpreter advises him to cast aside doubts and boldly go into the "battle", since this business will bring him a good win.

According to the interpreter, if a pregnant woman dreams river fish, for example, carp or carp, then after the due date she will give birth to a boy. A dreamer prophesies about the birth of a girl live pike.

Russian folk and gypsy dream books

The gypsy dream book, unlike most others, does not perceive the dreaming fish as a positive sign. The authors are sure that if the patient dreamed of the image, then after some time his condition would worsen. For a healthy person, a dream portends quarrels, misfortunes. A large fish caught on a bait symbolizes good luck in business. Many small individuals are a sign that the sleeper is doing nonsense, forgetting about the main thing in his life.

Russian folk dream book I am sure that if a waterfowl dreams in an environment that is unnatural for itself, it means that in reality the dreamer will try his best to bring the matter to the end, but the attempts will be unsuccessful. An individual splashing in the water portends the beginning of a troublesome business that will bring practically no profit.

Fishing with a fishing rod in a dream indicates that the sleeper can safely solve all his problems, but only if he does not initiate strangers into them. An old or sick fish promises deceit, disappointment. Empty hopes are also promised by a dream in which a caught fish jumps out of the hands of a sleeping person.

Other interpretations

Modern dream book assures that if a dreaming fish swims in a pond in a dream, it means that in order to interpret the dream, one should remember how clean it was. Clear water promises a pleasant acquaintance, relaxation in cheerful company. If the water was cloudy or dirty, then this suggests that you should not lay too much high hopes practically strangers. For a family man, a vision in which he watched individuals living in an aquarium promises quiet life in the circle of his household. If the fish was in a raging sea, then scandals and quarrels in the family cannot be avoided.

According to Miller's dream book, waterfowl caught in large numbers portend gifts from a loved one. If someone else was fishing in a dream and showed the sleeper a good catch, then in reality some unpleasant events will occur that the dreamer can easily cope with.

The dream book of Nostradamus claims that the dreamer's position is too unsteady and unstable if in a dream he had a flock of small fish. Serious illness or natural disasters prophesy a dream in which a fish falls from the sky directly onto the dreamer's head.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, the fish seen in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's throwing in search of himself. In some cases, such a vision indicates additional financial opportunities. Probably, the sleeper will find a good part-time job, thanks to which he will make his life more stable. Catching live fish with bare hands - to the appearance of ill-wishers who will try to harm the dreamer by any means. If you dreamed of a still living fish, but already without a head, then the sleeping person is irresponsible about his health. He needs to see a doctor as soon as possible. Red fish - to joy in the house, well-being.

Why did the Fish dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

What a fish dreams about depends on it appearance, the behavior of the dreamer, the environment. It can become both a symbol of profit, wealth, and illness, losses.

  • I dreamed that a fish swims in clean, clear water - to prosperity, success in business.
  • If the water is cloudy, obstacles will appear on the way of the fish to the goal, it will not be possible to complete the job.
  • Seeing the feeding of fish is a sign of reconciliation with enemies.
  • Seeing floating dead fish - to losses, troubles.
  • If the fish is rotten in a dream, it breaks into pieces, unexpectedly wealth will fall on your head.
  • To dream that you are eating a fish dish, pay attention to the taste. raw product promises losses. Tasty food warns of worries, troubles.
  • Why is a living fish dreaming? Most often, this is a sign promising prosperity in the future. It is very important that the water in which the dreamed fish is as clear as possible.
  • For people connected with business, a dreaming fish predicts success in commercial affairs. This is a good time to make risky deals.
  • Financial well-being will also come to someone who sees himself in a dream on a fishing trip, standing in the middle of a pond.
  • Happy love awaits young people and girls who had a dream with live fish.
  • The one who managed to catch a fish in a dream will face difficulties and trials on the way to achieving the goal, but you have enough internal strength to go through them as a winner.

What did Pisces dream about (Psychiatric dream book)

The fish dreams as a symbol of silence. What the fish dreams of depends on your internal state. You are oppressed by the need to remain silent, the inability to express your thoughts and feelings. But it's also a reminder to keep your mouth shut.

  • To see how you watch aquarium fish, in reality you have chosen the tactic of non-intervention. By letting everything take its course, by voluntarily excluding yourself from the game, you lose many opportunities.
  • Catch a little fish and release it - in reality, you are building grandiose projects. The subconscious is trying to say that you need to learn to be content with little.
  • There is a widespread belief that dreams in which a live fish is present portend pregnancy. However, this interpretation applies only to young women. For the interpretation of sleep, it is important to note the situation that surrounded the main image.
  • Seeing a flock of small swimming fish is a lot of trouble, which will then be crowned with great success.
  • In a dream, tease a fish - in reality you will be able to outwit the most cunning opponent.
  • If in a dream a live fish pulls your float, but you do nothing, it means that all efforts in reality may be in vain and not live up to expectations.

What is the dream of Fish (Romantic dream book)

What the fish dreams of depends on the age and gender of the dreamer.

  • A teenage girl dreaming of a fish promises her first love, visiting entertainment venues.
  • A dream about fish warns a young girl about unrequited love, mental suffering.
  • For a mature woman, a dreaming fish predicts a relationship with her husband to a new level.
  • To see a fish for a man - to harmony in the family circle.
  • For family people, a dream with a floating fish predicts a quick replenishment in the family.
  • If you saw an eel in a dream, you will be able to easily resolve conflicts with your loved one, get out of an impasse.
  • What is the dream of a living fish seen by a young girl in a dream? A dream means that in the near future she will meet a person who will become her true love.
  • A person who has recently entered into a romantic relationship, having seen a swimming fish in a dream, should rejoice, because this means that the relationship will be happy, and love will be strong.
  • Bright tropical fish, splashing in the aquarium, warn of possible deception by your partner.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of fishing, during which you did not catch anything, then you should beware of betrayal from a loved one.
  • If a girl dreamed that she was fishing with her bare hands, a happy marriage awaited her soon.

Fish according to the Small Velesov dream book

  • Why dream of Fish - Profit, money, child, pregnancy, a girl to be born // rain, snow, loss, death, longing, illness, dig under you, chores;
  • big - profit // rain, slander, bad speeches;
  • small - the daughter will be (pregnant) // illness, grief;
  • alive - health, good luck in business, children will live;
  • asleep, rotten, smelly - profit // children will die, illness, for worse, loss, long bad weather;
  • dreamed of catching fish - getting pregnant, a gift, profit, overcoming a heap // illness, bad weather (white - snow, black - rain);
  • dreams of catching fish in troubled waters - illness, bad weather, death;
  • to catch small fish - grief, ruin;
  • to catch large prey - profit;
  • multi-colored - worsening of the disease (sick), quarrel;
  • catch - a successful marriage (to a woman);
  • feed - defeat the enemy;
  • fresh - news;
  • to choose fish - to receive silver money, profit, profit in the house // disease; dark (perch, tench, minnow) money, profit, although insignificant;
  • dreaming of fish meat, eating boiled, fried - worries, illness, loss;
  • eat raw - loss;
  • violent - good; stroking - trouble;
  • cleaning fish is fun.

Worldly interpretation of a dream about Pisces (allegories of the writer Aesop)

  • The image of a fish could arise in a dream in accordance with the expressions: “Be silent like a fish” (to hide something, keep a secret) and “Fight like a fish on ice” (to no avail try to do several things).
  • To dream about how she splashes in the water - you have to be an outside observer of some painstaking and troublesome business that will be drawn into a large number of of people.
  • To see how a big fish swallows a small one, then this dream predicts troubles for you associated with the authorities, due to the fact that you hid some fact.
  • Why dream of fish, catching on spinning - your affairs will turn out well if you do not become widely spread about your plans and intentions.
  • If fishing is unsuccessful, then someone will interfere with the fulfillment of your desires. If fishing in a dream brought a good catch, then in reality the results of your activities will exceed expectations.
  • Watching aquarium fish - the position of non-interference you have chosen is good only for the time being, if you let things take their course, then this can threaten you with trouble, you can be excluded from the game, which is worth the candle.
  • If you cook a fish dish or eat something fish, it means that the problems and urgent projects that have fallen on you will eventually be safely resolved and completed, just don’t forget, celebrating the victory, to thank those who helped you during this period hustle and bustle.
  • You caught a fish and release it because it is too small, then the dream suggests that in reality you tend to make grandiose plans for the future, while you have to be content with the little that life gives today.

Analysis of the dream in which the Fish dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

  • Seeing how you fished means that in reality you can hardly disconnect from thoughts about current affairs while making love. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that you cannot relax to the end and get (as well as deliver) pleasure. At least for a while, forget about all the problems and inconsistencies that are present in your life, and surrender to love. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming a sexually flawed person in as soon as possible, because, not being able to fully surrender and relax, you thereby greatly undermine the capabilities of your own body.
  • Why do fish dream about treating a man with fish in a dream - a dream indicates that in intimate life you act on the principle of the Moor has done his job .... You are not in the least worried about what your partner feels and how to give her maximum pleasure. The main thing for you is the satisfaction of your own instincts.
  • Catching fish in a dream and not catching anything - this indicates that in reality you are subconsciously afraid of embarrassing yourself in bed. It is possible that the failure of the first attempt at sexual experience should be considered the fault of these fears. Treat what happened once philosophically - it was and has passed, so the Fish is interpreted by the dream book that you are dreaming.

What does the Fish symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

  • Fish - The content of the lower layers of the unconscious. One of the most ancient ancestors in evolution, referring us to the distant past and coming from the depths. Phallic symbol and symbol of sexual intercourse. The realm of the sacred. A symbol of deep life.
  • Giving a catch to another. Desire for sexual intercourse with an individual.
  • If the fish has some spiritual qualities, for example, it can speak. Selfishness, but also, coldness, impotence, because the fish has a phallic shape, but is cold-blooded.
  • A fish swimming in the opposite direction. The personal unconscious is in conflict with the collective unconscious. This conflict is resolved only by adapting personal desires to the archetypal pattern.
  • Why dream of a fish if it is dead (sick). Loss of energy and vitality. Regression.
  • Fish eyes. Eternal attention as they never close.
  • Fishing. The personal conscious draws strength from the collective unconscious, appealing to the experience of ancestors. A positive image of phallic sexuality and success.
  • Ichthys fish is an archaic symbol of Christ.
  • There are fish dishes. Revival, because it is miraculous food. Eaten fish is associated with new properties of consciousness, new knowledge.
  • Being eaten by a whale. To be consumed by the unconscious.
  • To be cast ashore again, to be uprooted by the fish. Regain conscious control.
  • Jellyfish. Associated with the sea - the unconscious female sphere. An image of awkwardness and dependence.
  • Octopus. Terrible Mother with possessive traits.
  • Oysters and mussels are dreaming. Female genitals.
  • Oyster without shell. Fears I'm in a collision with reality.
  • Crab, cancer. Rebirth as crustaceans renew their shell. An ambivalent symbol of loss, since in astrology Cancer is lunar home and during his period begins summer solstice when the days get shorter.
  • Lobster. Male genitals.
  • See Keith. The unconscious or the mother. The realm of femininity.
  • Being swallowed by a whale. The story of a loser and a dark period in life, during which the individual is replenished with the reserves of the unconscious in order to be born again, as the dream book predictor reports.

Fish - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • According to the dream book, why do fish dream when there are a lot of them - for profit, large specimens - for slander, there is a boiled carcass in a dream - at a loss, see dead fish- to failure, disappointment, to see a fried carcass - to unexpected news.
  • Seeing a dark small or medium-sized fish means tears, misfortunes, worries.
  • For a woman to dream about crucian, tench or perch means that she will become pregnant with a boy.
  • Seeing to choose fish - to illness, to catch - to bad weather, to fish - to boredom.
  • A tadpole in a dream means that you are facing dubious deals that can cause serious trouble in your business.
  • If a girl dreamed of tadpoles floating in clear water, she will have a connection with a rich but immoral person.
  • Seeing fry in an aquarium or in a river means meeting children and having fun with them.

Interpretation of Pisces from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

  • Dreaming of a fish with dark scales, symbolizes negative influences.
  • Catching a silvery, live fish in a dream portends good luck; marriage.
  • I dreamed of fish with colored scales - for the sick to recovery, for the healthy the opposite.
  • Dried fish in a dream - luck will come to naught.
  • I dreamed of a flying fish - extraordinary luck.
  • Seeing a school of fish in a dream is a profit.

The meaning of sleep about underwater inhabitants(according to Nostradamus)

  • A symbol of duality, difficulties, impermanence.
  • Seeing a fish falling from the sky or rain is a bad sign. Ecological disasters, disaster.
  • Fishing - trying to find a way out of a predicament.
  • To see a large cluster - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance.
  • You saw three fish - a happy omen.
  • There are dishes in a dream - to receive unexpected, but pleasant news.
  • If in a dream you dream of a fish with human face, means threat nuclear war.
  • Why dream of a fish attacking another - an attack by submarines.
  • If a rotten fish dreamed in a dream - unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with influential person.
  • You saw a live carp, indicates your stamina and endurance.

The meaning of sleep about fishing (Symbolic dream book)

  • Fish (underwater creatures) - It is a very capacious, ambiguous symbol. Among its meanings may appear the following meanings: hidden emotional impulses, in general, various states of consciousness; intuition; activity, sexuality, general state deeds ("swimming through life"); vitality, wisdom; coldness, indifference, alienation of a certain person; religiosity, spirituality (it traditionally expresses Christianity; fishermen, the disciples of Christ, are “fishers of human souls”), luck, familiarization with secret, esoteric knowledge, worries, prosperity, profit, illness, danger (if, for example, dreams electric Stingray, shark or sea snake); fulfillment of desires (goldfish) and, finally, an excellent orientation in the surrounding professional environment and business relations.
  • Quite a few night scenes are associated with fish: fishing, the fish market ... there are many more variations of them. But the scarcity of these sleepy pictures is easily compensated by the abundance of images of the underwater inhabitants themselves: floating, dried, dead, exotic, talking, flying, frozen, colored, large, small, huge (whale), fabulous, mythical, golden, aquarium, predatory ... and each of them is endowed with its own meaning, requiring separate consideration. Moreover, it has its additional value and the type of fish itself (carp, pike, salmon, etc.).
  • But, most often, a dream about a fish (to catch) is interpreted as luck or illness.

We analyze the vision in which Rybka dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Pisces - Positive symbols in relation to a person. Symbols of free instincts in all manifestations, symbols of vitality, cheerfulness, health, wholesome nutrition. Because of its shape, it is a phallic symbol, a symbol of sexual intercourse.

  • If a man gives a catch to another, this is a desire for sexual contact with him.
  • Why dream of a fish if a man eats it - this is an increase in strength and power.
  • If a man sees that he is fishing, this indicates a desire for relaxation, a departure from problems in the present existing situation.
  • If a man dreams of sick or dead specimens in a dream, this is an image indicating a loss of body viability and a certain degree of regression.
  • In the image of a rotting carcass, the unconscious indicates disgust towards the opposite sex.
  • If a woman dreams that she takes a fish from a man and cleans it, this is a symbol of a hidden desire to deprive him of his penis, to reduce his masculinity.

Why does a woman dream of Fish (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • Live fish in clear water means that fate will generously endow you. For a girl, such a dream portends happy love.
  • A dead carcass dreams of a sad loss.
  • You fish, portends serious trials that you will endure.
  • The fishing net is dreaming of new acquisitions; if the network is torn, annoying grief is possible.
  • You pick up fishing hooks - you have every reason and opportunity to arrange your destiny.
  • Seeing walking on water with nonsense - thanks to your enterprise, you will be able to achieve well-being in reality.
  • Seeing that you haven’t caught anything and are leaving the river empty-handed - perhaps your desires are vain and empty.
  • If in dreams you only watch fishing, you will soon feel a surge of strength and skillfully use favorable circumstances.
  • A visit to the fish market - to prosperity and joy in reality.

What is the dream of Fish in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a fish in clear water in a dream portends that fate will generously endow you.
  • Dreaming of a dead fish means sorrow and loss.
  • I dreamed of a living fish - happy love.
  • Catching a fish in a dream is a serious test that you will endure steadfastly, keeping your presence of mind.
  • Buying fish in the market in a dream is prosperity and joy.
  • I dreamed of a net for catching fish - acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying chagrins are possible.

What does a dream with Fish mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why dream of eating fish in a dream - to disappointment.
  • In the summer, what did the fish dream about, according to the dream book - to the gift.
  • In the fall, why did the fish dream - to pregnancy.
  • In winter, why does a man dream of a fish - to a disease of the blood or lymph.

See interpretation: by the names of fish, as well as nets, a trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, the collapse of plans and disappointments.

Catching fish in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work a waste of time and effort.

To dream of a fish caught by others portends illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is quietly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is delayed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on the fulfillment of your plan.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

To catch a lot of fish with a nonsense in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money You'll get.

catch a lot small fish in a dream - a sign of great trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But to fish with nets, bait or net means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success to those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream portends death. Such a dream can also portend an insult or quarrel.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you are picking up a fish and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that a lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failure in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, unless it is raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, business obstacles and disappointments await you. But if it is also full of bones, then you will be disappointed or unsuccessful.

Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts the anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing a fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, a dream portends the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

Pregnant women to see in a dream that they gave birth to fish, the dream predicts that they future child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream portends them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream portends failure in business or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing tackle, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied upon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Miller's dream book

What does the fish dream about:

Seeing fish in clear water - fate will generously endow you;
dead fish - sorrows, loss;
for a young person - live fish - happy love;
catching and catching fish is a serious test that you will endure with steadfastness, keeping your presence of mind;
walk on water with nonsense - you will soon be able to achieve prosperity thanks to your enterprise;
look at fishing - a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances;
not to catch anything, and to leave the river empty-handed - warning you about the vanity of your desires;
go to the fish market - prosperity and joy;
to see a fishing net - acquisitions;
torn network - annoying grief;
pick up fishing hooks - you have every reason to make your own destiny.
Also see Water, Market, Nets, Eel, Trout, Worms.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a fish in a dream means:

Fish dreams of rain, bad weather. If a fish dreams: a man or a girl - there will be a change in the weather, young women - she will have a baby. Big fish - good earnings. Lifeless fish - weakness. Dead fish - in bad weather. To see a goldfish (fish) - the envisioned, expected will not come true. Fish - sabotage; someone "digs" under you. A lot of fish - bad weather. Rybin in the hands - unsuccessful childbirth. There is fish: for men - to have mistresses, for women - easy childbirth. Catch fish - profit, victory over rivals; clean live fish - for fun.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

A dream with fish in a dream book is interpreted as:

Feeling the dead is a disease;
is - anxiety, worries;
to see living water in water - good luck in business, hope;
catch a live big success;
if he didn’t catch it himself - the birth of a child;
to catch a fish is a rich marriage (for a woman);
rotten, decaying - unexpected wealth, increase in income.
See herring

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Sleeping with fish means:

Fishing with a fishing rod in the water is a great happiness and good luck, benefit; big fish beats, jumps - portends fame, glory; small fish lay eggs - great happiness, benefit; dry fish is immersed in water - there will be luck again; beat, grab fish - a slight malaise; a fish flies over the water - all matters will be decided; found in a well - you have to go to another duty station; a person catches fish - indicates good luck; laying a net for catching fish is a great happiness, benefit; sit on the fish - the disease will go away; a school of fish swims in the water - wealth, profit.

Small dream book

The meaning of sleep fish:

If you dream that a fish is splashing in a transparent pond, then soon you will be able to achieve prosperity and power. See dead fish- to financial losses. If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom. If you dreamed that you caught a fish, then this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you will have the wisdom to avoid trouble. If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and ingenuity. In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then the hour of your luck has not yet struck. If you eat fish, then this promises tender and long love.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

What does it mean if you dream of a fish:

Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, inconstancy.
To see a fish falling from the sky or fish rain is a bad sign. Ecological catastrophes, disasters.
Fishing - trying to find a way out of a predicament.
To see a large accumulation of fish - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance.
The dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen.
There is a fish in a dream - to receive unexpected, but pleasant news.
A dream in which you dream of a fish with a human face means the threat of nuclear war.
Seeing in a dream how one fish attacks another is a submarine attack.
If you dreamed of a rotten fish, unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person.
The dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance.

Muslim dream book

What a fish may dream of:

Slavic dream book

Fish, in a dream means:

Feeling the dead is a disease; there is - anxiety, worries; to see living water in water - good luck in business, hope; to catch a live one is a great success (for a man), a rich marriage (for a woman); if he didn’t catch it himself - the birth of a child; rotten, decaying - unexpected wealth, increase in income; boiled - displeasure.

Old Russian dream book

If you dream of a fish, then this means:

Feeling the dead is a disease; there is - anxiety, worries; to see living water in water - good luck in business, hope; to catch a live one is a great success; if not himself caught the birth of a child; to catch a fish is a rich marriage (for a woman); rotten, decaying - unexpected wealth, an unexpected increase in income.

English dream book

Seeing in a dream in front of you a lot of deliciously cooked fish different varieties and yourself, eating it with pleasure, is an indication that you will find great success in all your affairs, contentment with yourself. You will soon receive relative financial independence. If the fish suddenly slips out of your hands, this means that you will lose your position, friends and, most likely, your loved one.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Being in a positive way for man, means free instincts in all manifestations; is a symbol of liveliness and health, a phallic symbol, a symbol of healthy sexual relations. Live fish means a favorable state of healthy human instincts, and a sick or dead fish means regression varying degrees and thus the loss vitality organism.

Fish in a dream dream book Hasse

Fish in a dream Persian dream book

Fish in a dream Dream Interpretation Krada Veles

Crimson fish on a river covered with cracked ice floes - a big conversation with people you depend on, the destruction of relationships; big fish - an important enterprise, the beginning of a big business; a stream teeming with fish is a profitable enterprise, good cash profit

Fish in a dream Culinary dream book

Fish (or many fish of different colors) - increased disease; if the dreamer is healthy - quarrels, insults, suffering. Asleep or dead fish- disappointed hopes. Catch a big fish (or a lot of fish) - profit, joy. Catching small fish is sadness and ruin, depending on how small the fish are. To be resolved from the burden of fish - to the birth of a weak child.

Fish in a dream Correct dream book

Fish in a dream Esoteric dream book

See - problems with children, possibly an unwanted pregnancy. Catch - the heirs try on your property. Yes - it is possible to receive an inheritance soon. Clean, cook - your hopes for an inheritance are unlikely to be realized. But if in a dream you then eat this fish, then you will be the heir.

Fish in a dream dream book Hasse

Fish in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

See big fish playing in clear water - to the gifts of fate and great luck.

Dead, belly up fish - your hopes will not come true.

Fishing in clear water: for a girl - happy love, which will lead to a successful marriage, for a woman - for pregnancy, for a man - for profit.

If you fish with nets, this means that in reality your entrepreneurial spirit will bring you considerable income.

If you caught a fish, but it slipped out of your hands, the dream warns you that your carelessness can cause an unfortunate mistake.

Seeing fish during spawning - you will be offered a business that will provide not only you, but also your children.

A river teeming with fish - to long-term well-being, meetings with friends and entertainment with the family.

Gutting the fish and getting caviar out of it - the business that you are starting will bring you super profits.

Eat well-fried fish - to improve health and good spirits. If the fish was raw or half-baked, you can get sick.

If you dreamed of poorly fried or raw fish, imagine that you give it to the cook and he fries it properly.

Rotten fish dreams of trouble at work. If someone treated you to rotten fish in a dream, it means that in reality they are trying to harm you.

Imagine that you only pretended to eat rotten fish, but in fact threw it away.

Butchering fish - you have to do an unpleasant job, but the result will satisfy you.

If you have prepared some kind of dish from this fish, it means that you will complete an important matter on which the fate of many people depends.

Eat salted fish - to health.

You can enhance the positive energy of such a dream by imagining that you are drinking salted fish white wine or beer (see Beverage, Beer).

Goldfish - your most secret desire will come true.

Small aquarium fish dream of the health and well-being of children.

If you dreamed that aquarium fish died, your child could become seriously ill.

Imagine you are touching a fish magic wand- and she comes to life.

The meaning of sleep may also depend on what kind of fish you dreamed about.

Fish in a dream Dream interpretation alphabetically

Buying fish in a dream is a sign of deceit and falsehood.

To clean fish - serious trials are ahead, to cook - you will achieve well-being, to eat it - hard work, low salary.

Live fish - to happy love.

Ice cream is a failed romance.

Salty - you will be torn apart by old spiritual wounds.

Dried - you will treat failure stoically and philosophically wisely.

Smoked - a fun trip, fried - to the loss of money.

Boiled is a slight injury, stewed is a waste of time.

Bony - will be invited to the celebration.

Fat - expect a pleasant surprise.

Dry - no luck in the game.

Fish giblets - to wealth and contentment.

Fish oil - lose weight, drink it - get fat.

Red caviar - fall into anger, black - to debt.

Canned fish - unsuccessful matchmaking. Fishing for a bait - you will experience severe disappointment.

Catch a huge fish - an important meeting is ahead, a lot of little things - to a long wait; if there is no bite and you didn’t catch anything, it means that failure awaits in reality.

Catching a predatory fish on spinning means that fate will generously give you joy in family life.

A broken fish portends fleeting joy. Snula fish that you catch right with your hands - do not believe your luck.

Dead fish cut by a motor screw - to sorrows and losses. A fish strung on a kukan is a sign of hospitality and hospitality that you show to your guests, a fish in a cage - to a severe hangover.

Hook the fish and take it into the landing net - you will deftly turn the case. Catching fish in the winter in the hole - to cool love feelings, catch with a net - get lost in difficult situation, to beat with a spear - you will find a way out of a difficult situation.

A dream in which a roach with beer appears - to doubts about the reliability of your chosen one.

Ruff is an unexpected pleasant surprise.

Flounder portends barley on the eye, acne on the face or a boil in an uncomfortable place. Crucian is a sign of illness and loss, carp - your efforts will pay off with profit.

Bream - cheerful friends and wild life, salmon - achieve success by realizing your idea.

Perch is a sign of trouble and failure, sturgeon - love will flare up and go out.

Sardines are an unexpected nuisance, salmon is a health disorder, pike perch is a material gain. Pike - you will be deceived in the most brazen way.

Fish in a dream Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Symbolizes good luck.

It is not for nothing that in Russian fairy tales, it is goldfish that fulfill innermost desires.

If the fish in your dream is dead or suffocating in the air, this is a sign that luck can change you. Often such dreams speak of the onset of an illness, but can also portend the collapse of some plans.

Seeing live fish swimming in the water means that in reality you can get some tempting offers.

However, if the fish in this dream swims away from you or you could not catch it: be careful, the offer may be empty.

If in such a dream you see reliable fishing tackle, in reality your chances of success in some business are quite high, although not one hundred percent.

Catching a fish in a dream is a harbinger of good luck.

Small fish: means troubles large and fleshy: good income predatory fish: quarrel with competitors, and so on.

Fish in a dream Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dreamed of a fish in an aquarium, then in the near future everything will be fine with you. To make this time longer, hang a picture of a fish in every room.

If you dreamed of a fish dish, then someone wants to disturb your peace. To make a person fail, eat a piece raw fish and sip on a cup of coffee.

Fish in a dream Astrological dream book

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