Fortune telling on coffee duck. How to properly conduct a fortune-telling ritual on coffee grounds: interpretation of meanings. Explanation of additional elements

Get - an important appointment; good and beautiful - get praise; bad - your request will be rejected; see what is written - you will go abroad

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

See in a dream Write

To receive is an important assignment.

Good and beautiful - receive praise.

Bad - your request will be rejected.

To see what is written - you will go abroad.

Interpretation of dreams from the Egyptian dream book

What do dreams mean Write

A sign of deep feelings and solitude.

If the atmosphere of sleep somehow bothers you to write something in a good mood, it means that you can find some satisfaction in your soul, but your loved ones will not share your thoughts and feelings with you.

Writing a letter: a sign of separation. In the near future, you may be overcome by sad thoughts and memories.

Writing business notes: a sign that in reality you may have made some mistakes or overlooked something important that could lead you to certain losses or losses.

Seeing another person behind a letter means that in reality you do not fully understand someone's thoughts and feelings. Perhaps others are hiding some information from you, or you yourself are mistaken about them.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What does it mean to write in a dream

Write - Someone writes - it's time to find a favorite pastime, a hobby. Book, work - your memory is overloaded, try to get rid of unnecessary knowledge, perhaps by writing memoirs or textbooks. On sand, glass, water - your frivolity in the near future will cause serious failures in business or study.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What does it mean to write in a dream

The dream in which you write something portends that you can make a fatal mistake.

We saw how someone else writes - show carelessness at a crucial moment.

Tried to read something written in an unknown language - do not undertake new business transactions. This is the only way you can get rid of the enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

The meaning of sleep

If in a dream you write a note with a pencil, this portends an unpromising business. Write in ink or ink - overcome any opposition and take a leading position in your field. If you write with a ballpoint pen - in reality you will avoid punishment by proving your innocence, if with a felt-tip pen - to the illness of one of your family members.

Writing in a dream on paper portends an offensive failure in the near future, but you should not despair, because this will be immediately followed by a streak of solid luck. A dream in which you write with chalk on asphalt or a wall is a sign of parting with a person dear to you.

Writing slogans on banners - in reality, you will be mistakenly accused of an evil deed, making inscriptions on mourning ribbons - such a dream means your determination to take the most drastic measures in order to satisfy your thirst for revenge.

The dream in which you write a book - get rid of debts and financial difficulties. Writing a letter is a warning to be careful in your statements so as not to harm yourself with your tongue.

Writing an address on an envelope or postcard means that in reality you will be lucky in business and love, if you write a congratulatory address, it means that you will be haunted by illness and constant bad luck in everything.

Writing in a dream with your left hand or illegible handwriting means experiences from an unexpected exciting meeting. If you cannot make out what you wrote, this means that failures and unfortunate blunders await you.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Interpretation of sleep

Canonical texts written in different colors - portends great wealth and high position.

You write hieroglyphs, letters, writing poetry, text, writing - great happiness, good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

What in a dream predicts Write

To write in a dream is to make a monstrous mistake in reality that can lead you to the brink of death. Seeing someone writing portends reproaches of carelessness. You may be involved in some kind of lawsuit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does it mean to see in a dream Write

To see how you write a letter in a dream is to good health.

A man sees how his wife writes - to a quick divorce.

A woman sees how she writes a letter - to great fame.

The merchant writes a letter - to the flourishing of his business abroad.

To see how he received the signature of a boss or a famous person is a promotion.

To see how the judge signs the verdict is for the well-being and respect from other people.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

Interpretation of sleep

You will hear good news from a friend or relative. Writing in a dream to one of your friends is a harbinger of the birth of a baby.

Interpretation of dreams from

Peeing is, of course, an intimate process that takes place behind the closed toilet door, but this cannot be controlled in a dream. After all, the virtual world of dreams is absolutely not subject to a person, so this can happen anywhere and even in public. So what does it mean to write in a dream, what is the dreamer preparing for in reality?

Peeing is, of course, an intimate process that takes place behind a closed toilet door, but this cannot be controlled in a dream.

The dream in which urination occurred is interpreted differently by different interpreters.

Therefore, each dream book has its own meaning of such a dream:

  1. Grishina. If the dreamer himself urinates, then this is a manifestation of his hidden essence and dark nature, hidden from everyone. When you dream that you are carrying out that process in public, then this is your reflection of inharmonious relations with the people around you. Defeating the need to go to the toilet - not all is lost, and relationships can be returned to a favorable direction. If you get dirty with urine, then you need to wait for good news in the very near future, but the smell of urine is a warning to you: the enemy is nearby.
  2. Miller. According to the psychologist, to wet oneself in a dream is to remove the burden of guilt, to lighten one's soul. This usually precedes changes in the dreamer's life - a change of job, place of residence, buying a new one and removing the old one. But urine with blood means an imminent illness of either you or your relatives.
  3. Martin Zadeki. Drinking urine in a dream is an empty occupation in life that will take your time and will not bring you anything sensible. Such a dream does not oblige you to anything, but nothing can be changed either. Just get through this period. If you dreamed that the urine of an animal, for example, a cat, was spilled, this is a hassle and minor troubles. Urine of a child - problems with children that will be serious and have dangerous consequences for them.
  4. Spouses of Winter. According to these psychoanalysts, such a dream for a person is a sign that he needs to rest, the body is exhausted and this is dangerous to health. Postpone all serious matters and questions, their solution will not work and will only become more difficult.
  5. Islamic. If you yourself write in a dream, this means that you have been damaged or you accidentally fell under the influence of dark entities. But if there is a lot of urine, then it's time to prepare your pockets, big profits are coming to you. Urinating in a public place always promises quarrels and troubles with loved ones. And the use of urine is a big loss in the financial plan.

Peeing in a dream: dream book (video)

Urinating in a dream in the toilet in the toilet: what to prepare for?

It means a lot in such a dream, in what condition is the toilet bowl in which you urinate:

  • broken - bad mood, expenses and losses;
  • dirty - your dirty secrets will become public, which will lead to quarrels and troubles;
  • new, clean - joyful communication with new acquaintances;
  • an unusual color is a signal that you urgently need to relax.

It means a lot in such a dream, in what condition is the toilet in which you urinate

If after you urinated the toilet broke down and you began to repair it, then in life you will need to work hard, but this will be rewarded with a good profit. If at the same time the floor was flooded with your urine, then they will put spokes in your wheels, but you can overcome it.

Why dream of human urine?

Such a dream is like an essay that is being written about your life. And such a dream has a good and bad meaning. You just need to find out what the meaning of sleep is for you.

Good values:

  • urine - wealth and material wealth for the dreamer;
  • a lot of urine - an ambulance in large quantities, getting rid of the hassle and getting a long-awaited rest;
  • urine on the floor - financial receipts in large quantities;
  • crap one's own urine for a man - great luck in any field, it's time to make deals.

Urine - wealth and material wealth for the dreamer

Bad values:

  • urine - the disharmony of the dreamer's soul, his doubts due to remorse;
  • pour urine or you will be doused - a serious illness in reality;
  • urine with blood - a call to improve one's own health and control over it;
  • take it for analysis - the disease will be, but without serious consequences;
  • the smell of urine - a dangerous and cunning enemy is plotting against you, you need to be careful.

Defecate on the floor in a dream: trouble?

Sometimes such a dream is interpreted as the fact that you will make the wrong decision in life. But if you splashed out her gender a lot, then this is a reflection of your positive emotions that you will receive in reality. Peeing on your feet is an interesting but dangerous journey in which your health can be harmed.

Sometimes such a dream is interpreted as the fact that you will make the wrong decision in life.

But urine with blood on the floor is always treated badly, usually a sign that your strength is running out. Without rest, you cannot restore them. Providence gives you a sign that you are at the limit, and your every act will hit you first of all.

Drinking bloody urine or licking it off the floor are your stupid actions in reality that will not bring you anything sensible and useful. Fuss, but little sense.

Wet or crap in a dream: bad?

If you did this in bed, then you are gnawed by guilt or anxiety because of the situation that happened to you in reality. Most likely, you are guilty of it, but you will not admit it, and your conscience torments you. Such a confrontation, necessary and correct, will not give you rest, which means it will only aggravate your mental anguish. We need to find a way out when both one and the other will return to normal and everything will be fine. Most often, enuresis in a dream occurs with people who are unsure of themselves and their actions in reality. Perhaps you are just overworked, which means it's time for a vacation. Time to pack your suitcase.

Most often, enuresis in a dream occurs with people who are unsure of themselves and their actions in reality.

Vanga characterized such dreams not only as fatigue, but also as a desire to mark their territory. Even despite the multiple complexes in reality, you don’t want to lose yours and urinate so that everyone knows that something is yours and you can’t touch it.

  • If this happened at work, then this is a reflection of your desire to reach a new level of career growth and get a good position.
  • But enuresis at home reflects your desire to steal something, but it will not be as easy as you expect, and trouble cannot be avoided.
  • If you urinate on a person in a dream, this is your desire to humiliate him in reality and do it in public so that everyone knows about his shame. Know that problems cannot be avoided, because this person is a strong personality and will rebuff you.

Why dream that a child is pissing?

A child who pees in your dream promises you wealth and prosperity.

  • If for some reason a little boy had to describe himself, then someone is sharpening a tooth on you, and his actions are aimed at harming you. You should not reduce the negative just because the boy is small in a dream, he promises quite serious and adult troubles.
  • If the child has made a puddle, you better not go around and not come into contact with urine in any way. After all, this can bring you illness or problems. But if the baby peed on you, then soon you will receive an invitation to a major celebration. There you will not only have a good walk, but also get something that will radically change your life.

Why dream of urine (video)

Everything intimate, which is considered intimate, even in a dream causes trembling and rejection. Therefore, dreams where there is urine, feces, will always leave sediment behind. This means that a person will subconsciously prepare for trouble and automatically attract them to himself. But such dreams do not always promise bad things: perhaps something good is waiting for you, which means you don’t need to wind yourself up, just find the interpretation of your dream.

Attention, only TODAY!

Of course, urination is an intimate process and it is not customary to perform it in public places and it is also not customary to talk about it. But since we do not control our dreams, then seeing urine in a dream or the process of urination clearly portends something to us. Why dream of urine?

It is always good to know what surprises, pleasant or not, fate is preparing for us in order to prepare for any surprises.

According to Slavic interpretations of dreams, seeing urine in a dream portends the receipt of material wealth and promotion at work. But with all the positive explanations, fate warns of the negative impact on your fate of unknown enemies. To more accurately know the meaning of sleep, you need to remember all the details and then turn to different dream books.

To urinate in a dream yourself is to show your true essence, a dark side hidden from people. If you urinate in public, then you are not in a harmonious relationship with the outside world. If you do this process in the bathroom, you can improve your relationships with people, especially with loved ones.

To see a large amount of urine - you will soon receive joyful long-awaited news.

Accidentally pour urine on your shoes - receive a large cash reward or a large gift.

Smell urine - be careful! Very soon you will meet unpleasant and dangerous people who will try to take possession of your property.

Miller's dream book

Not without reason the process of urination is called to be facilitated. According to this dream book to see such a dream is to embark on the path of fundamental changes in one's destiny, i.e. get off one's chest. Maybe change jobs, improve relationships with relatives, get rid of unnecessary things in your house, etc. Usually, after such a dream, the plan easily comes true.

See urine with blood - soon you yourself or one of your close relatives will get sick. Urine taken for analysis is seen by those who are not threatened by long debilitating illnesses.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

  • Drink urine in a dream - soon get a stupid and empty lesson, which will bring neither joy nor profit, but only useless chores.
  • The only case when such a dream is good is to be treated with urine therapy for a long illness. In this case, the dream promises many years of life.
  • Seeing the urine of a cat or other pets means having a lot of trouble and problems., which one of the secret ill-wishers artificially creates for you. Such false friends surround you, but you will be able to recognize their intrigues and easily solve all problems.
  • Seeing a child's urine is not a good sign, indicating that you just need to pay more attention to your children. Most likely they lack your attention and care, they do not feel protected in the family.
Such a dream may warn that a child may soon have psychological problems.
  • Someone poured urine on you in a dream - healthy for an early illness, and sick - for a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation of the Spouses of Winter

Why dream of urine according to the dream book of the spouses of Winter? These psychoanalysts believe that a person who has such a dream is in an exhausted state, he needs rest and restoration of health. It is impossible during this period to solve serious problems, make vital decisions. During this period, you will not be able to resist the difficulties and obstacles that will come your way. In addition, even minor troubles can lead you to despair.

Islamic dream book

Seeing yourself urinating in a dream means that dark entities have taken possession of you., but at the same time to see a lot of urine - to make a big profit or an expensive gift.

  • To urinate in a public place is to experience temporary difficulties due to quarrels in your environment.
  • Peeing in a secluded place - soon you will have a secret love date.
  • Urine to drink - vain large expenses or losses.

Noble dream book

  • Pour urine on someone or urinate on someone in a dream - quarrel and quarrel with someone in real life.
  • Public urination - to come into conflict with the law, to commit a crime.
  • To see urine and smell urine is to fall into the company of immoral, dangerous people who will disgrace you.

Dream interpretation of Rommel

  • Being in a filthy place - joy, wealth, well-being.
  • Inadvertently wet yourself - suffer losses, losses, deceit.
  • The body, stained with feces and urine - to wealth and prosperity.
  • Having seen a dream, do not try to forget it immediately, but try to understand what fate portends to you.

This video will also help to understand why urine is dreaming.

Taking a urine test in a dream portends a slight malaise that will go away on its own.

To be treated in a dream according to the method of urine therapy with one's own urine portends good health and longevity.

Seeing a man urinating in a dream is a quarrel with her husband.

Peeing yourself - envious people and gossips will pour mud on you.

To experience grief in a dream from the fact that your overage child urinates under himself in a dream - in reality you will receive a reprimand from your superiors and public censure.

If in a dream the baby you are holding unexpectedly splashed you with his urine, you will experience a strong shock about the tragic incident with your friends.

To smell urine in a dream means that you will find yourself in a society of people for whom meanness is the norm of behavior.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Pee

Peeing somewhere secretly in a dream means that in life you will do a bad deed and do not want anyone to know about it. After such a dream, you should be careful not to do stupid things that will complicate your relationship with loved ones and work colleagues.

Peeing in front of a large number of people is a bad dream. He tells you that you must not disregard the conventions accepted in society, otherwise it will turn away from you. Perhaps, after such a dream, you will have to change your place of residence or work. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you can become an exile and seek happiness on the wrong side.

Urinating on someone in a dream is a sign of a quarrel with this person. After such a dream, you should avoid conflict situations. See interpretation: latrine.

Interpretation of dreams from

When interpreting what dreams of urinating, many dream books show similarities in opinion. They consider this dream as evidence of self-development by getting rid of aggression and bad habits. However, one should not exclude the possibility of a psychosomatic origin of the plot for such a dream.

Why dream of urinating

Experience relief from the process

Urine symbolizes the demonic beginning, which, with a large accumulation, turns into uncontrollable rage. By urination, you get rid of everything bad and take the path of harmony with the outside world. This is a very good sign, portending prosperity and success.

Painful sensations

If you dream that you are having difficulty or pain when you are trying to urinate, the opinions of dream books differ on this. Some argue that this is a good sign promising a new job appointment, others are sure that the dreamer has serious health problems and should immediately contact a specialist.

urinate in public

The process of urination is associated not only with the removal of toxins. Many representatives of the flora thus mark their territory. The desire for dominance can be expressed in a dream in a similar behavior in humans.

If you dreamed that you were doing such an unseemly act at work, it means that you are striving for a high position and want to get the best equipment. Peeing at home - to failures and difficulties.

The desire to humiliate a person can be expressed in a dream in the form of urination on the object of hatred. This is a warning about a serious conflict that may arise between you in reality.


If you happened to urinate in a dream and, as a result, find the same problem in reality, this may indicate the development of such an unpleasant disease as enuresis. It affects about 1% of adults. Most often, the problem is associated with constant stress and depression.

It is a dream that you peed in a dream, but in reality everything is in order? This is a serious warning that your brain is sending. The body is tired from work, it needs a good rest. You should put aside everything and go on vacation.

Where is it happening?

The place where you are going to relieve the natural need for sleep is also important. If this is a secluded corner, you can actually do stupid things. Peeing on the floor - to strengthen the financial situation, and "go a little" in the toilet - you will be invited on a romantic date.

Also interesting: why dream

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