A hedgehog is dreaming of a woman's dream book. Sleep prediction Hedgehog. English dream book - you are afraid of something

In dreams, different heroes appear to us. Often we do not understand why we saw this or that dream. An example of such dreams can be visions with a hedgehog.

With the help of dream books, we will try to understand the interpretation of dreams and understand why such a wonderful animal in a house or in a forest is dreamed of by a woman or a man. Before starting, it is recommended to remember the details of sleep and determine how the night guest behaved in dreams.

How big was the hero of the dream?

Seeing a small hedgehog in a dream can promise possible problems with finances. Enemies darken your life, so be on the lookout.

Big - a meeting will be scheduled that will bring nothing but trouble into your life.

Interpretations depending on the quantity

One such animal promises petty quarrels, insults. But no major problems are foreseen.

To see a few hedgehogs in a dream promises resentment towards people close to you.

Dreams in which there were a lot of little hedgehogs predict imminent difficulties in life, the solution of which will not be easy.

Characteristics of living creatures

A living animal, which is not burdened by anything, predicts a cloudless life in the near future.

A dead or dead hedgehog indicates that soon there will be times of struggle in your life in which you will win. But you can’t rely on yourself alone; in case of serious difficulties, do not hesitate to call friends for help.

With soft needles - the people around you are flattering and not sincere with you. It is possible that they judge you behind your back. Without needles - you will have to justify your abilities and prove that you can handle it without others.

Domestic hedgehogs mean that an ill-wisher is hiding in the circle of close people.

The white hedgehog indicates the spiritual state and possible inner experiences.

The talking animal of this species symbolizes hidden negative emotions.

Newborn hedgehogs say that your life will be filled with household chores.


Breeding hedgehogs in a dream at home means the dreamer does not want to be subordinate and tries to achieve independence.

In the apartment, this animal says that it is necessary to be more supportive of relatives..

To see a hedgehog on the street means in your life if you are a very powerful person.

I dreamed of a hedgehog in a cage - you strong man, and you always have the strength to cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

To see a hedgehog in the forest means that in reality you will meet a person who will favorably influence your future life.

Was the animal alone?

A hedgehog with hedgehogs means that yours needs care and attention.

A family of hedgehogs can promise problems in business.

If the animal appeared with someone, this portends not one problem, but several. But not the fact that they will be large.

What did he do?

If a hedgehog has bitten, bites or bites, then a difficult period will come in life, which only the dormant himself can cope with. Shot in a dream - attempts to make good friends in the near future will not be successful.

Lakaet - predicts that he will be lucky enough to avoid talking with an unpleasant person.

With fruits, berries, on needles appeared to you in dreams, it means that soon you will receive financial profit.

A hedgehog attacks in a dream - to troubles that will be difficult to cope with alone, and a helping hand will not be around. Fights with - close people will certainly come to the rescue in difficult times.

Was friendly - a streak of favorable events will come in your life.

Eating means that the sleeping person is already on the way to a way out of a difficult situation, the main thing is to be patient.

Hiding from you, it means that you have closed yourself off from the problem and do not want to look at it sensibly. Runs away from you - dangers will bypass.

Possible occupations of the sleeper

Feed the hedgehog - it is necessary to solve the business started in reality. It can be difficult, so please be patient.

Holding a soft hedgehog in your arms means imminent quarrels in the family or contacts with an ill-wisher..

Catch - recognize your ill-wishers.

Killing such an animal in a dream does not bode well, and the troubles that have appeared will not harm your life.

Breeding hedgehogs means making trouble for yourself in life.

Step on a hedgehog and feel the pain from the needles with your foot, which means real life you will have to face a situation that hurts a lot, but the outcome will be favorable. Communication with the desired person will not last long.

If in a dream a person saw how he himself was covered with needles, like a night hero, then he is a person who can stand up for himself.

Predictions for men and women

For a woman, a lot of hedgehogs in me portend an acquaintance with new personalities who will not bring anything to life. Problems with finances or property are not ruled out. Lonely girl - to meet an unpleasant person.

For a married woman, a small hedgehog indicates a flaw male attention . Talk to your husband, forget past hardships, and your life will sparkle again. For a pregnant woman who sees this animal in a dream, dream books recommend checking the genitourinary system. It is important for an unmarried girl to take care of home comfort.

A man dreaming of a hedgehog promises possible troubles at work. For a lonely person, this vision in dreams speaks of hidden envy. To a married man it is important to reconsider the priorities in relation to the family. Unmarried - to a possible uncomplicated meeting.

What do dream books say?

Miller, in his dream book, interprets this dream as a harbinger of changes in life associated with troubles. Do not refuse help after these nightly dreams.

Freud in his dream book writes that a hedgehog in a dream is the personification of the dreamer himself with experiences and emotions.

You should not show excessive heroism and refuse the possible help of loved ones, as you have once done. Remove pride and pricklyness - your life will certainly sparkle with colors.

Hasse interprets these dreams as a symbol of the fact that a person is full of will, endurance and is ready to cope with the difficulties that have befallen him.

Simon Kananit interprets the vision of this animal in dreams as a symbol of hidden envy.

I would like to note that, when interpreting a dream, it is necessary to build on experienced emotions. Even if night dreams predicted adversity, you should not become discouraged. Your life is in your hands.

Why did the Hedgehog dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

  • A woman dreamed of a hedgehog - get to know an outstanding personality.
  • Also, a hedgehog for a man means a quarrel with loved ones or serious damage to property.
  • Why does a woman dream of a hedgehog if you hold it in your hands - you will unravel someone's malicious intent.
  • To enter an apartment and see a lot of hedgehogs there, according to the dream book, to get into an unpleasant situation, from which it will be extremely difficult to get out.
  • A hedgehog that eats a mouse is a symbol of your struggle with your weaknesses.

Why does a woman dream of a Hedgehog (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

A cute and kind hedgehog in reality, when it appears in your dreams, has negative value. If a hedgehog is dreaming, it means that in your environment there is a person who is very negative towards you. In this, in general, there would be nothing terrible, not everyone should like you. But the problem is that he disguises himself as your friend or admirer, intrigues you on the sly, acts very cunningly and insidiously. Recognizing it will be very difficult.

Hedgehog according to the Small Velesov dream book

  • A dreaming hedgehog in an apartment is a negative warning. When a hedgehog is dreaming, it almost always means that problems or troubles, various disputes and conflicts await you.
  • A hedgehog in a dream can symbolize some kind of danger threatening you, perhaps a small one, but nonetheless.
  • Sometimes a hedgehog signals that you have some kind of ill-wisher, insidious and cunning. He will not act in the open, but behind your back he can give you a lot of problems.
  • You took the hedgehog in your hands - this predicts some empty and meaningless chores for you.

The meaning of the dream about the animal (Russian folk dream book)

  • Seeing a hedgehog in a dream means minor troubles for a woman, painful injections of fate.
  • A small hedgehog dreams as a warning, care must be taken.
  • I dreamed of a lot of hedgehogs in a dream - to unexpected pain, sudden and sharp disappointment.

Worldly interpretation of the dream about the Hedgehog (according to the writer Aesop)

Hedgehog - To see a hedgehog in a dream - This forest dweller symbolizes caution, impregnability, unexpected pain, protection. In folk tales, the hedgehog personifies independence, thriftiness. The hedgehog is smart and quick, with the help of his needles the fairy-tale heroine sewed a magic flying carpet. The hedgehog is ready to fight back any enemy. The hedgehog is brave, hardy, cunning. about evil and cruel man, who received a fitting rebuff, they say: "I was looking for a knife, but I ran into a hedgehog."

  • You find a hedgehog in the forest, according to the dream book, which means that you can count on the protection of a strong and influential person.
  • Why is the little hedgehog dreaming - you must be careful, your ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to prevent the implementation of your plans.
  • You breed hedgehogs - this means that in reality you strive for independence and do not want to obey anyone.
  • If in a dream a hedgehog pricked you with its needles, it means that the person with whom you want to establish a relationship is unlikely to want to maintain friendship with you.
  • Hedgehogs are dreaming in the house - you will find yourself in a very unpleasant story and it will be quite difficult for you to get out of it.
  • Seeing how you feed a hedgehog from your hands, according to the dream book, is a symbol that your courage and endurance will help you avoid many troubles.
  • If you saw in a dream a hedgehog without thorns, in reality you will have to prove that you are not as helpless as it seems.
  • You see how a hedgehog fights a snake - it means that one of your close people will come to your aid in difficult times.
  • A hedgehog eating a mouse symbolizes your state of mind. In reality, you are trying to deal with your weaknesses and shortcomings.
  • You stepped on a hedgehog and felt severe pain - this means that in reality you need to reconsider your life views and try to change something.
  • Why does a man dream of a dead hedgehog - you need help.
  • You saw how hedgehog thorns grew on your body - indicates that you know how to stand up for yourself and can always repulse the offender. They say about such people: "He is overgrown with hedgehog bristles."
  • If you dream of a hedgehog with soft thorns, it means that you are surrounded by insincere people who are using you.
  • Seeing in a dream how a hedgehog attacks you is a negative sign. This dream means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation for you and there will not be a person next to you who would give you a helping hand, this is how your dream is deciphered.

The meaning of the dream about the Hedgehog (from the Kopalinsky Encyclopedia)

We saw a cute little hedgehog, do not rush to be touched. Sleep, according to the dream book, is a negative warning about the troubles awaiting you. And it’s not that you can’t deal with them, but it won’t be too easy to do it, you will have to work hard. If you saw a hedgehog in a dream, it means that you will face difficulties and annoying delays in business, which you did not expect at all.

Seeing the Hedgehog, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Killing a hedgehog in a dream - an unpleasant story will end happily.
  • I dreamed that the hedgehog was hiding from you - be patient and special care in business.
  • Seeing a small hedgehog in a dream means relaxing in the company of loved ones.
  • I dreamed of a big hedgehog in a dream - diligence and patience are simply necessary in this situation.

Why is the Hedgehog dreaming ( Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

When a hedgehog, or even a large hedgehog, is dreaming, be prepared for the fact that in reality you may find yourself embroiled in a sharp conflict, a dispute over a case. Of course, over time, everything will be settled, but you will have to spend a lot of nerves. Ultimately, you and your opponent will find mutual language, but it will not be easy, especially since you will have time to say enough barbs to each other. A hedgehog in a dream is a symbol of sharp conversations and impartial criticism.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

Hedgehog - In order to understand what the dream in which you saw a hedgehog symbolizes, you need to remember what stable phrases you know with this cute forest animal.

  • When a hedgehog is dreaming, a dream predicts a meeting and communication with a not very pleasant and sociable person. He will be prickly, like a hedgehog, or bristle like a hedgehog at your every word. Try not to pay attention to it. It is quite possible that behind external malevolence he hides a subtle and vulnerable soul. And all his attacks against you are just a defense, like a hedgehog's needles.
  • Another famous expression- and a no-brainer. A dream about a hedgehog, according to the dream book, suggests that complete clarity may come in some complicated matter.

The meaning of sleep about thorns Hedgehogs (Moon dream book)

Hedgehog - The Hedgehog, in most cases, predicts the occurrence of problems in business and various minor troubles in reality. In principle, our whole life can consist of such small but painful troubles that prick us like the needles of a hedgehog. Do not try to overcome them ahead, you will run into even more resistance and opposition. The best thing you can do is think about how you can approach the problem. And by that time, it may resolve itself.

Why is the Hedgehog dreaming (dream book of the esoteric E. Tsvetkov)

  • A hedgehog in dreams usually predicts situations that, figuratively speaking, you can prick.
  • Dreaming of a hedgehog that bit you - this often portends various troubles and problems. They will probably not be very large, but you will have to work hard to find an approach to them.
  • In other cases, if you saw a hedgehog in a dream, it may turn out to be a sign that in reality you will have a conversation with a sharp-tongued and caustic person. Try to treat his attacks against you without aggression and with understanding, how would you react to a hedgehog curled up in a ball. Very often, this behavior only masks their own insecurity and vulnerability.

Why is the image dreaming (according to Miss Hasse's dream book)

Hedgehog - Seeing a hedgehog in a dream - most likely, you experience constant envy for a person. Maybe to a specific person, but it is, envy is your usual feeling that you experience for everyone in turn. This envy sits in your soul, like prickly hedgehog that you are dreaming of. She has already pierced you from the inside with her sharp needles, and there is no end in sight. Envy is good only if it is an incentive for some new achievements. But it doesn't seem to be your case.

The meaning of the dream about Thorns (Gypsy dream book)

  • When a hedgehog is dreaming, it means that there is an insincere and crafty person next to you. Most likely, you are too gullible and poorly versed in people. Your enemies use this weakness of yours to plot behind your back.
  • According to the dream book, the hedgehog you see personifies such an enemy of yours. He will not act openly, but if you are not further vigilant, you will easily fall into the trap that he has already set for you.

Analysis of the dream in which the Hedgehog dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

Hedgehog - If you had a hedgehog in a dream, know that it symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defending yourself. And the fault is that once you had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety. Intimately, you are timid and unsure, afraid to once again take the initiative and always close up if a person claims something immeasurably greater or unusual. In general, sex with you is unlikely to please your partner, and you yourself.

Hedgehog - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Hedgehog - A hedgehog seen in a dream that bites symbolizes not too pleasant things. In most cases, the hedgehog predicts some kind of trouble, perhaps minor, but very painful.
  • In other versions, if a hedgehog is dreaming, according to the dream book, it says that you envy the person. Envy is in the depths of your soul, no matter how you try to get rid of it. She goes on pricking you day and night with her sharp needles.
  • If you saw that you were holding an affectionate hedgehog in your hands and admiring its cunning muzzle, the dream warns you of an imminent meeting with a cunning and insidious enemy.

What does it mean to see a Hedgehog (according to the Christian dream book)

Hedgehog dreamed - you saw a hedgehog in a dream, in accordance with Christian beliefs, is a positive sign. A dream about a hedgehog predicts that you will successfully be able to cope with all the current troubles and achieve a successful resolution of the situation. To make such a prophecy come true, try to imagine how you treat the hedgehog with some sweets. For example, give a hedgehog milk from a saucer to drink, and the hedgehog willingly accepts a treat from your hands.

What does a dream with a Hedgehog mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why dream of an affectionate hedgehog with hedgehogs - to a scandal with neighbors because of children.
  • If in the summer in a dream you dreamed of seeing a snorting hedgehog, it means that someone is very angry with you. Dreaming of a Hedgehog with hedgehogs - To a scandal with neighbors because of children. Hedgehog with hedgehogs - To pregnancy.
  • In the fall, why did the hedgehog dream according to the dream book - to barbs at you.
  • In winter, why dream of catching a hedgehog in a dream and pricking on its needles - to deal with a dangerous person. Hedgehog with hedgehogs - Seeing this family in a dream - to barbs at you.

The hedgehog is a dream character that usually does not cause negativity in sleeping people. But under certain conditions, it can turn out to be a bad harbinger. The information below will help everyone to figure out what the hedgehog is dreaming of.

Why does a woman dream of a hedgehog - interpretation in dream books

In Miller's dream book, a hedgehog usually turns out to be a good symbol. He promises women success at work and a high position in society. Perhaps they can be achieved through intimate relationships with high-ranking acquaintances. If the fair sex took the animal in her hands and pricked herself from his needle, then ahead in real life she will have a stormy showdown with someone she knows.

Holding a hedgehog in the palm of your hand, but not feeling its thorns - to an erroneous impression of a new acquaintance. A deceitful treacherous person will appear in the girl's social circle, but she will only notice him positive sides. The plot under discussion should be taken as a hint - you should be less trusting of people and evaluate their actions, removing rose-colored glasses.

Freud notes that hedgehogs in women's dreams symbolize their modesty and constraint in sex. For some reason, the fair sex cannot fully open up and be liberated with a partner. She categorically refuses any experiments, thereby only worsening the situation.

In Aesop's dream book, a miniature forest animal symbolizes housekeeping, caring, energy of the dreamer. True, these qualities coexist in her with incredulity and apprehension.

If a girl finds a hedgehog in the middle of a thicket and takes it with her, most likely in real life she will receive help and support from an influential person.

An exoteric dream book interprets any plots of dreams with hedgehogs as a symbol of resentment towards loved ones. Stop keeping them to yourself. It is better to talk about the existing negative in a frank conversation. Surely loved ones will understand the feelings of the sleeping woman and will do everything possible to make amends.

See a lot of hedgehogs in a dream

Did a lot of hedgehogs appear in a dream? This is a clue that others are very jealous of a woman. Perhaps, recently she managed to become the owner of a prestigious car, a new chic fur coat, or other benefits that turned out to be in front of her friends. To avoid negativity in your address, it is better to try to keep your own successes secret and not try to show off your impressive income.

It happens that in a dream, small hedgehogs literally fill the girl's room. They are everywhere - on the bed, in the closet, under the sofa. Such a plot promises the dreamer an unpleasant situation in real life. The girl will have to make a lot of efforts and be pretty nervous to resolve it.

dead animal

Dreaming with dead hedgehogs are interpreted modern dream books doubly. On the one hand, this is a hint that the sleeping woman will be able to eliminate her enemies on her own. Finally, those people who previously prevented the girl from realizing her career will disappear from her life.

In addition, a dream with dead prickly animals suggests that a woman is striving for self-development and personal growth. In the near future, she should attend thematic seminars, practices, read as many interesting and useful literature. Self-improvement will be rapid if you apply at least a little effort to this process.

Why does a hedgehog dream of a married, unmarried woman?

A married young lady in her dream holds in her arms prickly hedgehog? This is a clear sign that in real life she lacks attention and care from her own spouse. No need to hide your desires and needs from a man. It is worth boldly telling him about the lack of tenderness and affection.

A hedgehog with offspring, which appeared in a dream, portends the fair sex to an early pregnancy. There is a high probability that not one, but two or three babies will be born at once.

If an unmarried young lady is surrounded on all sides by small hedgehogs, then she needs to save her reputation. Some of her friends will try to defame her out of envy.

Hedgehog with soft needles

It happens that in female dream an animal appears with soft, non-sharp needles.

Such a plot can be interpreted in different ways:

  1. Soft light needles on the “fur coat” of the hedgehog symbolize the inner fears and experiences that prevent a woman from achieving her goals. Actually most of their contrived.
  2. Stroking a soft hedgehog - good sign. He suggests that inner circle sincerely treats the girl. Friends and relatives can be safely trusted. There are no traitors among them.
  3. The long, non-sharp needles of an animal from night dreams portend the dreamer success in any recently started business.

Prick on the needles of an animal

If you dreamed of a hedgehog with needles, about which a woman was badly injured, then in real life a woman needs to start being more attentive to her own health. Injections with blood on the “fur coat” of a forest animal promise the young lady problems with the respiratory system or the cardiovascular system.

It happens that in a dream the hedgehog itself is chasing a girl and trying to prick her. Such night dreams have a slightly different interpretation. They promise the fair sex a meeting with an insidious dangerous person. The dreamer will have to cooperate with him for a long time. Avoiding unpleasant communication will not work. It is better to communicate neutrally with such a character, not secretly with him, but showing diplomacy and distance at the same time.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a hedgehog?

If an already pregnant woman pricked herself on hedgehog needles in a dream, then she will have an unpleasant conversation with her husband. Probably, the man has accumulated claims about the cooling on her part. All the girl's thoughts are devoted to the expectation of the baby, she completely forgot that her husband also needs attention.

Newborn hedgehogs from sleep are a hint that the expectant mother should try to be less nervous. It is experiences and stress that can lead her to serious problems with health. They affect not only future mother but also an heir.

The article deals with a hedgehog and dreams about him, but not the one that is a sprinter (cartoons about a dream book), but an ordinary one.

Why dream of a hedgehog bitten (bites), with hedgehogs, in his arms, gives birth, not prickly, attacks, dead, small, sleeping

If you dream of a hedgehog who wants to bite you or has already bitten you, then in real life you will experience the barbs and attacks of a caustic person.

A hedgehog with hedgehogs in a dream means that we will have to endure the attacks of enemies, which will seem so miserable that we should not focus our attention on them.

Holding a hedgehog in your hands is a dream that predicts that you will need "hedgehogs" and a fair amount of self-control to carry out your plans.

Seeing how non-spiny hedgehogs are born is a dream symbolizing that the sick imagination of your enemies will not harm you in real life.

A hedgehog attack in a dream is a sign that in reality you need to be ready to repel the attacks and taunts of ill-wishers.

If you dreamed of a dead hedgehog, then you should not stir up the past, otherwise you will have to go through a number of unpleasant moments.

To see a lot of small hedgehogs in a dream means that in real life people around you have appeared who want to harm you by any means available to them.

If you dreamed of a sleeping hedgehog, then you will be able to lull the vigilance of enemies and successfully carry out your plans.

Dream interpretation hedgehog in the house, in the water, big, without thorns, without needles

If you dreamed that a hedgehog wound up in your house, then in real life you will encounter an unpleasant situation in which your relatives may find themselves and which will cause you pain. From the point of view of science, dreams should not be considered, including those where you have to feed the hedgehog or he is seen dead.

A hedgehog in the water is a dream, which means that you will outwit your ill-wishers and be able to strike them with a preemptive strike.

A big hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you should be ready to listen to the claims of the leadership or another influential person in power.

A hedgehog without needles (or thorns) is a dream symbolizing that you are not helpless and can stand up for yourself.

Miller's dream book hedgehog

In Miller's dream book, a hedgehog symbolizes success achieved through rather dangerous connections.

The dream in which the hedgehog pricked you means the presence of an enemy who is trying to harm or injure you.

Dream interpretation of Juno hedgehog

Juno's dream book predicts that if the hedgehog does not show aggression towards you, then in real life you will find a reliable patron who can defend your interests.

If the hedgehog managed to prick you, then in reality you need to learn how to get along not only with friends, but also with enemies.

Freud's dream book hedgehog

Freud argued that if you dreamed of a hedgehog, then you should think about whether it evokes associations with your behavior in real life. Are you prone to stinging ridicule that hurts those around you? Or maybe you instantly dissolve your thorns where there is no need for it?

Dream interpretation of Felomen hedgehog

In this dream book, the hedgehog symbolizes your gullibility and carelessness, which they are trying to take advantage of to cause you suffering.

To prick on the needles of a hedgehog - to suffer from gossip in real life.

Dream interpretation Vanga hedgehog

In Vanga's dream book, a hedgehog symbolizes your inner state. You are too nervous and afraid of threats that do not exist in reality. Pay attention to your health, surround yourself with relatives and friends.

Muslim dream book hedgehog

In the Muslim dream book, one who sees a hedgehog in a dream expects unpleasant communication with a person who does not know how to control his emotions, is irritable and rude to others.

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The meaning of sleep Hedgehog in a modern dream book

If you dreamed that a hedgehog appeared in your house, then in reality you will meet a very extraordinary person. If in a dream a hedgehog is chasing you, then in real life you are tired of the need to constantly communicate with people and feel the need for solitude. A dream in which you see a hedgehog in the forest warns you of possible troubles that threaten your loved ones.

Interpretation of sleep Hedgehog according to O. Smurov's dream book

A dream about a hedgehog (hedgehogs) warns you against the machinations of enemies. Sometimes such a dream warns that you should not envy others. Feeding a hedgehog in a dream means that you will be able to see through the plans of the ill-wisher. To give him milk to drink is a sign of material loss due to his own gullibility. Holding it in your hands means that you are not afraid of your enemies. To see in a dream how others hold a hedgehog in their hands means that you will literally be held in tight rein.

Hedgehog in Vanga's dream book

To dream of a whole brood of hedgehogs - in reality to face insurmountable obstacles on the way to the goal. Don't be too pushy, don't persist, now is not the right time; when the right moment comes, you will guess it. If you dreamed about how a hedgehog curls up into a ball, then this means that you are in danger. You should most likely turn Special attention on health, because you are a lot of nervous and your heart is working for wear and tear. A dream in which you tame a hedgehog, feed it in your home, predicts unexpected chores and worries that will not be a joy to you, but out of a sense of duty, you will do what is expected of you. Although it will be tiring, it will bring moral satisfaction that you have not experienced for a long time. A dead hedgehog is a bad sign, it promises regret, loss of confidence in the future, confusion. This condition can lead to long-term depression, so you should communicate with people, do good, surround yourself with friends and relatives. You will soon need each other more than ever.

Sleep Hedgehog in Miller's dream book

I dreamed of a hedgehog - which means that your whole future life will be marked by great success, although some of your connections are quite dangerous. Take a hedgehog in your arms - such a dream means that you will talk with a bad person; Possible family quarrel. Holding a hedgehog in your hands, do not feel its thorns - you are thinking wrong about your new acquaintance. If the hedgehog was pricked, this means the presence in your social circle of an insidious person who purposefully harms you. A hedgehog curled up in a dream means that in the future you will try to escape from problems that have suddenly piled on. However, it is best to finish what you started.

Hedgehog according to Freud's dream book

The hedgehog is the personification of your nature. You perceive the slightest manifestations of attention to your own person, defending yourself with thorns, since in these signs you always seem to see the most unkind. The root of the problem is that one day you managed to trust a person who took advantage of your naivety and good soul. When it comes to sex, shyness and insecurity appear in you, and it’s hard to wait for initiative from you. When a person wants something more or unconventional from you, you tend to withdraw into yourself. So it turns out that the pleasure received by you and your partner can hardly be called huge.

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