A secret around the world. Red nails: male attention is guaranteed

Funny psychology. What does the color of the varnish say?

Some people envy psychologists, considering them people who can read others like an open book. However, the ability to determine the character and basic properties of a person's personality by his appearance is available not only to psychologists. Of course, if you claim to be serious and valid conclusions from your observations, you will have to get a psychological education and devote a lot of time to practice. Funny psychology will only teach you to be a little more attentive to yourself and to the people around you, entertain you a little and give you the opportunity to feel a little lighter and more liberated.

If you're one of those quiz lovers out there, try this fun psychology quiz that will tell you something about a woman's personality based on the color she chooses to wear.

What is he talking about? The color we choose can say a lot about our emotional state. For example, based on the relationship between certain color and the emotional state of a person created and used by psychologists is a completely serious and scientifically based color test Luscher.

And, although this article absolutely does not pretend to be a serious study and recommendations for practical application, you can observe and form an opinion for yourself about the correctness of your observations by comparing their results with the data from this fun psychology test.

Purple or Bordeaux

purple and burgundy colors manicure polish is chosen by women who do not accept prohibitions either in thoughts, or in deeds, or in clothes. These are called "fatal". The goals that are important to them are mainly related to relationships with men and victories on the love front.

classical femme fatale- a destroyer of someone else's happiness and a seducer, seducing for the sake of satisfying her vanity, leading to the death of both herself and the object of seduction.

What is behind such goals? In fact, low self-esteem, the desire to prove to everyone that all men can be at her feet. In reality, such a woman, like any other, wants love and care. And the image and behavior of the "fatal" can be chosen out of fear of disappointment and the illusion of security, the desire to attract attention to oneself. In life, true Carmen are not so common, fortunately.

To be happy, she needs to feel that she is loved, but not limited by her individuality, that she is beautiful and desirable.

If your wife suddenly began to paint her nails in this color, then you should think about it: perhaps at the moment she lacks passion and the feeling of being a woman.

blue and green color a varnish

shades of blue and green flowers in manicure - evidence of a cheerful disposition and optimism. Such a girl loves to laugh and you are unlikely to get bored with her.

They like to draw attention to themselves by choosing bright outfits. Being happy for her is almost a natural state. True, there is a certain infantilism in them, and it is hardly worth counting on special intellectuality. But that's not the main thing!

So, if you suddenly want to change the color of your nails to green or blue, this may mean the appearance of an internal desire for liberation, lightness, to go beyond the ordinary.

clear lacquer

Transparent - white, natural color, worn by women who are distinguished by self-confidence, sometimes even arrogance.

Such representatives of the fair half are ready to take any step to achieve their goals. Their goals tend to extend beyond relationships with men.

Usually they do not lose sight of any detail, neither in their image and style of clothing, nor in their business plans. Such a lady needs a sense of success and recognition of her business qualities. At the same time, she wants to be seen as a woman. But they saw it the way she wanted it. In general, she needs confirmation that she is the best in everything and in everything.

However, the choice of this color of varnish may be due solely to the dress code, which does not allow bright and flashy colors. So, if you want to know the real nature of a business woman, experts in funny psychology recommend watching what color she chooses for her manicure during the holidays.

Orange and coral lacquer colors

Lacquer orange and coral shades are preferred by those who know how to enjoy life. They are rarely dissatisfied with themselves, so their mood is always good. These are, perhaps, true women who know how to enjoy life and find ways and opportunities for this. As a rule, they have a good, even refined taste. For them, being happy is being themselves.

If you decide to paint your nails in one of these colors, which is not typical for you, then perhaps you want to become more feminine and natural.

golden color

What does this polish color mean? According to our funny psychology, a golden manicure is often liked by mature ladies who have reached certain limits in their careers, but who like to keep up with the times. They respect the opinions of others, but at the same time value themselves and trust their experience.

This color of varnish speaks of the desire for the world to finally notice and appreciate her. A lady who prefers a golden hue needs recognition from her years labor or other merit, so that it is singled out from the general mass, noted the contribution to the common cause.

yellow varnish

For nails, mostly young girls who want to stand out from the crowd of their peers on the one hand allow; on the other hand, to emphasize their youth, style and free-thinking. Such young ladies love experiments with their appearance, sometimes they have a rather defiant and not very presentable look. They are sociable and friendly, but with a certain amount of rebellious spirit. They do not accept criticism from others and are not critical of themselves, they cannot stand restrictions in clothing, hair, makeup and color.

Such a girl needs to have personal freedom, a wide circle of friends and an interesting activity in which she can realize her experiments.

red lacquer

Red manicure is loved by romantic, elegant and open natures, who love sophistication, expensive and stylish things. They do not know any complexes or fears, or they skillfully hide them, and select accessories and clothes to match the color of their manicure.

This color is chosen by a woman who is not afraid to attract attention, confident in her attractiveness, challenging. As a rule, she has many acquaintances and friends.

She must be sure that she has everything under control, that the man loves her, the children are healthy, everything is in order at work or in business.
Even though she always looks like she's doing great, she can feel like she's not wanted enough. That is why she has a desire to attract attention and have many girlfriends and friends.

Pale pink polish

The pale pink color of the varnish is preferred by ladies who are distinguished by conservatism, restraint, who do not seek to stand out due to their appearance. They tend to prefer a classic style of clothing or something comfortable.

Usually they are purposeful, in no way inferior to men in work and easily make a career. Such a woman needs her husband or beloved man not to complex next to her, not to feel like a failure, because what is easy for her can cause difficulties for her man.

She will faithfully and carefully support her man if he is in trouble. But in order to be happy, she needs to feel that her love and care are accepted with gratitude, her man believes in himself.

Hot pink, "candy" varnish

Hot pink, flashy lacquer color is preferred by girls like "Barbie doll". Even if outwardly she does not look like that, in her soul she likes this type of appearance, she strives for flashy luxury, for everyone to see her wealth. She can childishly naively consider that she has excellent taste, everything is so “beautiful”, and not understand if those around her or her choice do not admire.

Sometimes this color is chosen by women who simply blindly follow what is fashionable, "in trend", etc., wanting to show their secularity, fashionability. Sometimes the choice of this color hides the desire to appear younger than one's age.

Such a woman needs to be admired, recognized for what she considers her virtues, and also to feel that she corresponds to all fashion trends. Often with ostentatious luxury, they want to hide their complexes. To be a happy "Barbie doll" you need to feel that everyone loves her, everyone perceives exactly the way she wants, they are ready to fulfill her whims. She needs a lot of attention.

Unpainted nails

Well, what about women who don't paint their nails? These can be creative people who have many different plans and deeds, and who simply cannot find the time to paint their nails. They put it off until the last moment, and then when that moment comes, there is no time. They tend to be individualistic, and they are not very eager to attract the attention of outsiders. The absence of nail polish can signal that they are doing well, they are busy, they have more interesting things to do than painting their nails.

This may interest you:

Such a woman needs a loved one who will share her plans and views, appreciate not only her appearance (and sometimes not so much appearance), but her love and warmth, in the presence of which she can afford some negligence in appearance. For her, the lack of manicure or makeup is something of a challenge.


How seriously you can take this funny test, and how much it relates to psychology in general - decide for yourself. Many of us are sometimes in such a state that we do not understand ourselves and what we want. It seems that all lives are not bad, but suddenly you want a change ... Or a friend (wife, sister, colleague, boss) suddenly starts behaving unusually and we don’t understand what’s wrong with her. It is for such cases, perhaps, that one should turn to amusing and cheerful psychology and the tests it offers? And to pay attention to the color of the varnish with which the nails are painted?

Stylists give valuable advice if you want to attract male attention, then red nails - The best decision. After all, red tones are sure sign self-confident people, special sexuality, attractiveness.

Red nails always attract attention. As a rule, a woman is especially attracted to her handbag, shoes and, of course, beautiful well-groomed nails. When communicating, it is the hands that are the first to catch the eye.

However, remember that red is a very capricious color, It will look elegant only if your nails are in perfect condition, however, like your hands. Red nails will look great on the nail plate of absolutely any shape.

Red color goes well with colors such as: green, black, gold, white, pink. To everything in red, rhinestones look perfect. Therefore, thinking through your manicure, you can experiment!

Bright colors are relevant at any time of the year, they can be embodied both in accessories in clothes, shoes and in the colors of nails. has been an undisputed fashion hit for quite a long period of time. Red color looks great on short nails that protrude just a little bit beyond the fingertips.

Psychologists say that red-painted nails can affect a woman positive influence. In the course of the research, scientists have proven the emotional, psychological impact colors per person, and red is a symbol of passion, activity, love and energy. If all these words are summarized, then red can be called the color of life.

This color is able to awaken a person and give him confidence, activity. Psychologists give a portrait of a woman who prefers to paint her nails red, she has a fiery temperament, she strives for wealth, she is characterized by passion and self-confidence.

Red nails photo

It is always relevant, fashionable and stylish. There are many shades of red, such as bright poppy, berry, burgundy, juicy, brick, etc. Each woman will be able to choose for herself one or even several shades of this color and combine them with both festive and everyday clothes. Here, for example, the scarlet color looks perfect with blue color. Summer will beautifully paint your nails red and put on a yellow dress. And the combination of red and black has long been considered an unsurpassed classic.

When choosing your red color, it is recommended to consider own color type. So blondes with fair skin will suit the red color of raspberry, pink shades. Red-haired women should be given preference to tomato-colored red and blood-scarlet, scarlet. Owners of pink cheeks should pay attention to the coral, pink-red shades of this color. For dark-haired women, all shades of red are suitable.

How to apply red nail polish to make it last longer

To achieve the desired effect, red lacquer must be able to properly apply to the nails. Before you start applying varnish, you should carefully prepare your nails. All shades of red varnish must be applied in four layers.

  1. First layer - this is the base coat.
  2. Second layer- this is the varnish itself, which should be applied as follows. The brush should be placed in the middle of the nail, closer to the cuticle and move from top to bottom, evenly color the nail plate. After that, the brush should be rotated at an angle of forty-five degrees and will first paint the end right side, then the left. Before proceeding with the application of the third layer, it is necessary that three minutes pass after applying the second.
  3. third layer red varnish is applied as follows: the brush should be placed as close as possible to the cuticle and moved downwards, while it is necessary to tilt the brush to the sides, painting over them. The final movement is a movement, as if through the air, in order to even out the layer.
  4. And the last fourth layer This is the application of a topcoat (clear varnish). It is he who will extend the life of your manicure and give it even more shine.

Today you, dear women, have learned about another weapon that will help you conquer men and become their subject of admiration!

Arms - business card girls. Well-groomed, beautiful nails, soft skin brushes is the key to success and good mood. If you want to diversify your usual manicure, but don’t have time for painstaking nail painting or choose for a long time between the pair of shades you like and can’t decide what color to paint your nails today, you will be interested to learn how to paint your nails with two colors. A two-tone manicure is in trend today, it refreshes the nails and adds zest to the image.

You can paint your nails with two colors different ways and by combining color shades you can get a unique, interesting manicure. We choose color combinations depending on the mood and do not forget about the whole image - clothes and makeup. It is necessary that the color scheme is necessarily combined and the color of the manicure is “friendly” with the color scheme of the clothes. The varnish is combined not only in color, but also in texture - glossy and matte, with or without sparkles (glitters).

To beautifully paint your nails using two different colors need to know features:

  • color combination;
  • texture combination;
  • Usually nails are distinguished in a different color on the middle and ring finger. Or they do a manicure with a smooth transition on one nail (ombre manicure);
  • It is better to choose varnishes from one company or buy special series for a two-color manicure with ready-made color pairs;
  • With a manicure with a smooth transition, a finishing shiny coating is applied - a colorless varnish;

How to choose the right nail polish colors to paint your nails with two colors?

It’s not enough just to take two colors of varnish you like and paint your nails. It is important to choose a combination of colors according to certain rules, otherwise the manicure will look tasteless.

Of course, someone has a natural flair and intuitively sees beautiful color combinations, but someone needs to be guided by the rules (at least for a start :) Now we'll talk about the most win-win and basic color combinations:

Monochrome combination is a combination of different shades of the same color.

This is the most harmonious and easy-to-choose combination. Hue differs only in lightness and saturation of color and excludes dilution of color by other tones. For example:
- dark blue and light blue;
- purple and lilac;
- warm brown and muted orange;
- dark herbal green and delicate light green;
Such a manicure looks very easy and soft, which we see in the photo.

A combination of related colors

It combines colors located side by side on the color wheel. This combination looks calm and harmonious and is already more interesting. For example, you can paint your nails with such pairs of related colors:
- red varnish and orange;
- green and yellow;
- blue and purple;
- light green and blue;
- dark blue and eggplant;
Related colors of different lightness will also match well. For example:
- dark blue and lilac;
- dark blueberry color and pink;

Contrasting color combination

The most catchy, bright combination of opposite colors. These are varnishes of such colors as:
- yellow and purple;
- red and green tones;
- orange and blue;
- purple and yellow-green;
- turquoise and coral;
And softer combinations of contrasting light colors:
- delicate light green and light pink;
- pastel lilac and light lemon;

In any of these ways, you can identify the overall color and contrast, combining more light colors with saturated ones. Or combine only bed tones according to one of these three schemes.

Achromatic colors are also used - these are black, all shades of gray, white, for manicure this can include flesh and beige colors. Such tones can be combined with each other or refreshed with any other colors and shades.

If you want to make a color stretch, it is not necessary to search and buy 5 varnishes for each nail. It is enough to have 2 colors of varnish (gray and white, for example) and change the shade by mixing these two colors - for each nail, dilute the gray varnish with white in more than the previous one.

Two colors of varnish can be applied on different types and drawings. A manicure can be like a French manicure with an even or smooth transition.

Beautiful combinations of black glossy varnish and varnishes of other colors with sparkles. You can paint your nails with two colors like a moon manicure, when “suns” at the base stand out in a different color. Geometric manicure is also interesting - two colors break the nail vertically, diagonally or horizontally.

Delicate images in pastel colors are beautiful. They are always combined harmoniously and softly.

How to paint your nails in two colors with a sponge with a smooth color transition

Everything is very simple, the main thing here is to do everything carefully and not to rush anywhere.

Step 1 First, choose two suitable varnishes and determine which color will be the main ones, cover your nails with it (photo 1).

Step 2 On any hard surface (plastic, thick glossy cardboard, etc.), apply two colors of varnish next to each other. Using, for example, a toothpick, gently mix the two at the point of contact - you get a color stretch (photo 2). You can skip this step and apply polish directly to the sponge.

Step 3 Take a small, narrow sponge (slightly wider than your fingernail) and draw polish onto the sponge (photo 3).

Step 4 Gently transfer the varnish from the sponge to the nail, making an imprint (photo 4).

Step 5 The polish will also show up on the finger itself, so you need to soak a Q-tip in nail polish remover and clean off any excess polish from your finger. To make it easier to remove, first apply a greasy cream on your fingers. With the same stick, correct the coating line near the cuticle, making it even and smooth, then the manicure will look neat.

Step 6 Finish your nails with a protective coating or just clear varnish.

You can also use the applicator for these purposes, then the skin practically does not get dirty:

Video lesson:

Paint nails with two colors with a brush transition

Without a sponge, you can also do a two-tone manicure, but more skill is required here. Cover the nail with the base color and let dry. Then carefully apply another color in layers, the brightest layer will be at the tip and gradually fade away in the middle of the nail.

You can add more glitter here for more effect. Glitter varnishes can also focus on one nail - most often the nameless one. It will give a festive look.

The combination of matte and glossy varnish looks original and stylish:

Look for your combinations and delight your nails with new shades!

In the 1962 Soviet film Amphibian Man, Gutierre asks Ichthyander when he begins to tell her that he loves her: "So it's love at first sight?" "Is there any other love?" Ichthyander answers her. And it sounds extremely romantic and touching. However, in real life it is better to follow another rule.

Yes, yes, that's right: in a relationship, you must adhere to the rule "measure seven times, cut once." That is, in a relationship, in addition to feelings, you need to rely on reason, and also on intuition.

But not all young people know exactly what to look for. For example, the legendary Khoja Nasreddin, posing as the sage and astrologer from Baghdad Hussein Gusliya, identified the illness of his beloved Guljan, who fell into the concubines of the Emir of Bukhara by the color of her nails, and he did it in the presence of the emir himself, which saved her from shame, and stupid left the emir in the cold. But this story is most likely fictional. And here is what modern science says about the same thing ...

What's inside, so outside!

It turns out that a person is a huge book, looking into which you can "read" a lot of interesting things. Eyes, the color of skin and nails are able to tell a knowledgeable and observant person about what is inside you, and this applies not only physical condition but his character and, so to speak, spiritual aspirations!

So, if you, young people, want to know more about the girl you like, then look, first of all, at her hands, and they will tell you a lot about her that she herself may not know about! Let's start with the fact that fingernails are exactly the same indicator of health as hair on the head and skin on the face. Only, of course, you need to study them when they are not made up and without varnish.

If the color is uneven or paler than the surrounding skin, this may indicate the presence of cardiovascular disease.

White and brown stripes on the nails signal trouble with the kidneys, while bulges and transverse indentations indicate the presence of a latent infection in the body. Longitudinal stripes - your chosen one is most likely illegible in food, and this promises you in the future family life serious problems. Stripes, brown blotches and even holes on the nails again speak of problems with the intestines and spleen. But if the nail turns out to be rough to the touch, then this directly indicates that the body lacks vitamins.

Brittle nails - the girl has a metabolic disorder, or she has to wash a lot with her hands, or she is constantly in contact with aggressive cleaning agents without gloves, from which two conclusions can be drawn at once: about ignorance and lack of mind.

Yellow spots on the nails are problems with lipid metabolism, or these are respiratory diseases. But if they are of this color entirely, then the liver is clearly not in order. On the contrary, white spots indicate violations nervous system and about an excess of sugar in the blood, but layered nails happen when the ovaries fail!

The disguise is invalid!

Perhaps it is precisely because the nails are so "talkative" that even in ancient times a fashion arose to cover them with mother-of-pearl and gold overlays, and also to paint them in different colors. But, hiding one thing, painted nails began to talk about something else, namely, about the inner state of a person's soul. It's like a girl dressed in all black. No matter how much she convinces you that this is her style and that black suits her, in fact she is unhappy with her social position and passionately wants to change it.

As for the black lacquer with which some persons cover their nails, then this is - unless we are talking about adolescence, when in order to stand out from the crowd "all means are good", then two options are possible. The first one is a girl with strong character and she likes to command, and the second one is just the opposite. It can also be a sublime, fragile nature, which in this way is trying to demonstrate its supposedly existing brutality! In any case, the advice to the girls themselves in this case will be this: you can “pick up” a guy even with black nails, but you shouldn’t come to an interview with them when getting a job.

Bright red varnish - a dangerous person!

Red lacquer, as well as a red dress, and even more so red underwear, testifies to your passion and emotionality. "I am a stranger to prejudice!" - you declare, having done yourself a bright red manicure, well, behave accordingly.

Light pink varnish is chosen by all those who do not want to attract close attention to themselves, as well as girls with careerist inclinations. In addition, this is a mandatory nail color for all girls who participate in BTL promotions, because lacquer of other colors can scare away up to 25 percent of customers, which, of course, is completely unacceptable.

Bright pink polish is the exact opposite of light pink polish. It is preferred by girls who are bright, free, and also not indifferent to luxury, and, therefore, it will be quite easy to achieve the location of such a girl if you give her gifts and the more expensive, the better, although, in general, all women love gifts.

Yellow is chosen by cheerful optimists, as well as those who like to shock others, which can be both bad and good at the same time - depending on whose taste!

"Golden nails" are not uncommon for a girl whose profession is related to the fashion industry - everything that attracts attention works for fashion, and not against it.

Orange and coral colors are especially fashionable in summer. As a rule, girls and women with an open mind love them. easy temper, not prone to "self-digging", for which often every day is the whole life.

White or transparent varnish is chosen by the "Turgenev young ladies", gentle and soft in communication, but often very, very unbending inside, about which everyone young man must be well remembered. And they most often choose the so-called French manicure - this is one of the most popular trends in modern design nail design. French manicure is also called "French Manicure" or simply "French Manicure". originated this direction in nail design back in 1976, in the USA, and was founded by a certain Jeff Pink.

Under the classic "French manicure" is understood the visual division of the nail into 2 parts using 2 colors (in classic version it is white and pink, but different color variations are also possible). That is, there is something like a kind of "camouflage" here, however, even it can be "deciphered"!

But pastel colors, even if they are complemented by rhinestones, speak of realism and earthiness, that is, girls and women with such nails are simply made for the hearth. Promise them permanence, a house or apartment, a car and ... no problem with your lack of some kind of "spiritual quest" in your future family it will never arise.

Blue lacquer is something special. Those girls who prefer him to all others, as a rule, are wonderful mistresses, they are well-read, smart and sensual, and if you behave towards them accordingly, they will thank you with care and affection.

Women with green nails opposite are good as friends, but no more. On the one hand, this color speaks of the harmony reigning in their souls, and on the other hand, that they require constant admiration for their own person. They are patient and persistent in achieving their chosen goal.

The light green shade of green speaks of the sociability and optimism of the owner of these nails, such difficulties are not terrible, but they are annoying with their chatter.

Psychologists call violet and lilac colors royal, but they primarily testify to a developed imagination and ... hidden sexual fantasies. This is the aggressiveness of red and the pliability and softness of blue at the same time, which means that the owner of such nails will be both a good lover and a leader in the family. And a brunette with purple nails is definitely a "femme fatale", capable of anything in love.

And make sure that the color in the girl's clothes is in harmony with her nails. There is no harmony here, your sympathy does not have it in your soul either, there is no developed sense of beauty, a sense of proportion - as evidenced by too long or bright nails, decorated with various "bells and whistles", - and if so, it might be better and ... "more see once?"

Photos of the most beautiful flowers in the world. Watch our video report on the ranking of the most beautiful flowers

Oleg Shevchenko 

It turns out that the color of the varnish can tell a lot about the character of a woman. Despite the fact that designers offer a new palette every season, many women still choose their favorite color or type of manicure. Numerous surveys show that many people like the classic French manicure. Others consider bright red polish to be sexy and provocative.

The color that a girl chooses speaks of her character and mood. Many can change color every day. And some are in love with one shade and paint it all the time. And to make the manicure last longer on the nails, you can buy gel polish on the website http://ovgel.com/.

Bright shades speak of purposefulness. True, if a teenage girl paints her nails with bright varnish, this is a way of self-expression and a statement about herself to the whole world.

The nails of women who are accustomed to rule are painted with black lacquer. They like to command and have strong will. But sometimes a gentle, fragile and romantic nature can be hidden behind this mask.

Passionate and emotional women paint with red nail polish. If a woman sometimes paints her nails with such varnish, this indicates her unrealized sexuality. But sometimes a woman is not at all like that, but only wants to seem passionate, sexy, full vitality. Basically, this happens when there is not enough of these vitality and emotions.

The yellow color of varnish is chosen by those who are cheerful, good-natured, amorous, bold, restless and easy to communicate with. Some women who choose this color are forgetful, capable of acting irrationally. Sometimes a woman who paints her nails in sunny shades is afraid of loneliness. But mostly they are optimists and outrageous lovers.

The green color of the varnish speaks of a balanced, cheerful, self-confident and self-confident nature. Moreover, such a woman believes in the kindness of the world around her and she has a highly developed intuition. Sometimes this color is painted on the nails of women who are insecure, tired, vindictive and have emaciated internal resources. A woman with green nails is either well versed in herself and the world around her, or confused. And green varnish is used to paint the nails of women who lack the attention of loved ones, and they are used to finding an outlet in reading books and communicating on social networks.

The blue color of the varnish is preferred by girls who are smart, logically thinking, having an analytical mindset. They are purposeful and love order. Communication is limited. Blue color speaks of a calm, peaceful and serene nature. They are gentle and attentive to their partners.

The pink color of the varnish gives out a romantic, sensual, tender, slightly infantile nature that needs a strong male shoulder. Such women are not accustomed to making important decisions themselves.

And you can choose the color of the varnish depending on the situation. This will increase your chances of success. Red will help to cheer up, and purple will help to calm down.

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