Fashion trend: a notebook of desires. Motivator or demotivator? How to keep a magic notebook of desires

Good afternoon, dear interlocutors! Recently I saw ready-made notebooks of desires on the Internet. I immediately remembered the diaries I kept as a child. Nostalgia... Previously, these were the most ordinary notebooks, at best with drawings or stickers. Now craftswomen create real works of art using the scrapbooking technique! They just want to be held in their hands. However, you need to know how to keep a notebook of desires so as not to spoil it. Think it's for the superstitious? Now I will prove to you that the method works, and I will share the secrets.

Why do dreams come true

Desire is a will, an aspiration, a goal. The one who does not set goals for himself, goes with the flow of life. The flow rarely brings a person to something good. To be successful, you need to try and achieve, go against fate. By making a list, you analyze yourself and set a certain bar. Romantic natures believe that at this moment the Universe hears them. I am a pragmatist, so I see a different explanation.

When we write about our desires, we try to evaluate ourselves realistically. We see our advantages and disadvantages, opportunities, potential. You can call it a small session of psychoanalysis. The sacrament helps to better understand yourself, and this is already half the battle. A person gets motivated when he talks about goals. Of course, if you just write down your dreams and wait for them to come true, there will be no sense. Notepad is a tool for self-improvement. It allows you to reach new heights if its owner is ready for it.

How to make a diary

Of course, it is desirable to do creative work on your own. You will feel "your" thing, it is more pleasant to work with it. However, not everyone is endowed with design talent. You can turn to needlewomen, order a leather notebook or prefer vintage style. By the way, we will soon discuss ways of “creative” earnings for young mothers on maternity leave. If you can't wait, head to a large stationery store and grab what you like. At the same time, take a beautiful pen. Already inspired by the process?

Sign the diary. This is the first step. Do not hurry! Think carefully about what you really want. Proceed to filling only when everything has been weighed. For now, look for illustrations. You don't want to get a faceless notebook, do you? Put a piece of your soul, choose relevant pictures. Pages are decorated with pictures. They express emotions better than dry text.

Allocate spare space for each "category". This way you can share and track your progress. In a moment of despair, just look at what you have already achieved. Is it worth it to give up if everything works out?

How to make wishes

“Dreams come true faster if you use the energy of the moon,” astrologers say. If you ignore the details, auspicious days 1, 7 and 11 count lunar day every month. On day 1, the program for the near future is laid. After a week, the Universe becomes especially sensitive to our thoughts and words. Day 11 is a good time to visualize and prioritize. More about lunar calendar we will talk later.

There are certain rules by which goals should be set. Remember them.

1. Try not to dream about something global and be specific. For example, you should not imagine yourself rich or beautiful. I assure you, there will always be something to complain about. There is no limit to perfection. As a result, you will not rejoice at success, but will regularly engage in “self-digging” and think about what else is missing. Voice, for example, the number of centimeters at the waist that you want to lose in the gym.

2. Avoid the “not” particle! This is a kind of trap. In this way you simply deny reality, your identity, yourself. This is not setting an end goal, but an attempt to get away from something. Why do you need to get rid of the “burden”, in what task will it help?

3. Write in the present tense, as if you've already reached the finish line. This reduces the risk of giving up aspirations. With such attitudes, a person is more inclined to imagine what he will receive and what he will retreat from. His will is harder to break by random failures.

4. Weed out meaningless dreams. Let's go back to the wealth example. A specific amount is indicated, quite realistic, but the forces suddenly quickly dried up. Why? Any tasks should be part of something bigger. Money for the sake of money is a strange goal. What to do with them? Canned? If you know that they will go, for example, to a child, then you will go to the end point more willingly.

5. It is advisable not to think for other people. You can be responsible for yourself, but not for others.

6. Set deadlines. This will awaken a sense of responsibility, push for implementation. There is no "tomorrow" and "from Monday". You have to start right now. Just do not overdo it, otherwise overwork and apathy will appear.

Let's achieve our goals together! What are your dreams, how do you work towards it? Success stories are very inspiring. May all your wishes come true!

Let's create a magical Scroll of Wish! I have been using this simple material wish fulfillment ritual for many years now and it has never failed me.

You will need:

  1. A notebook, notepad, or maybe a real scroll that you need to buy in a store. You can't trade though. =)
  2. Pen, felt-tip pen and anything you could write with.

Initialization time:

  • any or favorable

Time spending:

  • any

Wish Fulfillment Probability:

  • material - 90%
  • intangible -70%


  • from a week to 2 years

Description of the ritual and how to make a Scroll of Wishes

Buy a notepad or notebook from the store, whatever you like. On the first page, draw the Om sign, and if you believe in any of the religions, draw any other auspicious sign.

Om sign

Initiate your Scroll of Wish

Write your first test wish on the next page. It should be easy to execute with your powers and speak of a material thing. For example, about chocolate.

The text should be like this:

“With Gratitude I accept from the Universe<собственно желание, в нашем случае — вкусную молочную шоколадку сегодня вечером>for me and others"

After that, buy yourself a delicious milk chocolate in the store. The wish came true. Now you need to cross it out of your Scroll of Desires, and be sure to write gratitude:

“I thank the Universe for the fulfillment of my desire! Everything is working out for the best for me!”

Then enter two new desires using the same formula.That's it, your Scroll of Wish is ready and already working. Now use it in the same style. A wish came true, cross it out, thank you, enter 2 new ones.

My review

  • The Scroll of Wishes works well on material desires - things, places, etc.
  • The Scroll of Wish does not work on other people. You can only wish for yourself. Moreover, such a desire can spoil your Scroll and it will work worse in the future.
  • Do not forget to thank and cross out fulfilled wishes. I often encountered the fact that desires ceased to be fulfilled if a lot of unexpunged and, accordingly, ungrateful desires accumulated.
  • If you change your mind and you no longer need a wish, cross it off and thank the Universe for "wishing" (plural)
  • As always, remember that all desires must be written in the present tense, not in a positive way without particles.
  • It is better not to set time limits if it is not critical for you.

That's all.

With uv. Melanie

Each of us dreams of something. But the realization of a dream can drag on for years, or it may not happen at all. But in order for everything to come true, it is enough to convey your dreams to the Universe. This can be done with a scroll of desires. The way it is made and the principle of operation is a bit similar to the technique of working with a wish card. However, these two powerful tools still have significant differences.

A wish scroll is easier to make, while a wish card requires some feng shui knowledge and imagination.

On a scroll of desires, unlike cards, you can put not only the most important and global dreams, but also everyday ones. The Wish Scroll can be updated whenever you want, but the Wish Map changes only once a year or after all the dreams marked on it come true.

In order to make a scroll of desires, you will need a piece of drawing paper or a notebook. If it is drawing paper, then it must be tied with a beautiful ribbon. If you opt for a notebook, it must be pleasing to your eye. In other words, the cover of your wish scroll should be attractive.

After you have chosen the basis for the scroll, it must be charged with the energy of success. To do this, on the waxing moon on Friday after sunset, you need to put the blank of your scroll on the windowsill. There he must lie for three days. Only then can it be filled with desires.

Write down what you want on your wish list. Many people who have compiled a map or a scroll are often disappointed that this tool for fulfilling dreams does not work at all. For everything to be fulfilled short time, you just need to write your desires correctly. Here are the basic rules to follow when compiling the list:

Desires must be written only in the present or past tense. Eliminate such phrases as "I want", "I need", "I want". Everything should be clear and specific. Instead of "I want to buy an apartment", you must write "I bought an apartment."

Negative language should be avoided. If you are worried about passing the exam, do not write "I will not fail the exam." You need to write in a positive context: "I successfully passed the exam."

If you want to fulfill your desire as quickly as possible, you need to write about it in more detail. For example, if you dream of meeting love, then you should not write like this: “I met interesting person for creating serious relationship". It is necessary to write a desire as specifically as possible: “I met a man 190 meters tall, brunette, athlete, with a decent income for a serious relationship.”

One more important rule for making wishes: your dreams should not be negative for the people around you.

For every fulfilled desire, you must thank the Universe. Also, do not forget to cross off everything fulfilled from your scroll of desires.

Your scroll of desires must be kept out of the reach of prying eyes. It categorically cannot be shown to anyone, otherwise someone else's energy will destroy magical power scroll.

And last secret correctly use the scroll of desires. In order to activate its power, you need to write down one simple dream, which, according to your calculations, can come true in the very near future. When this desire is fulfilled, the rest of the items will not be long in coming.

The realization of desires with the help of a scroll at first glance may seem like an eccentricity and a useless exercise. But, nevertheless, it has long been noticed that dreams correctly formulated on a piece of paper come true faster, and exactly as it was intended. Do not guess whether the scroll will help you in solving problems or not. You just need to take it and try it. People who have fulfilled their dreams in this way assure that once they try it, it is simply impossible to stop! And to make your wishes come true faster, click on and

31.10.2013 15:40

Do you want to fulfill your desire or radically change your life? Or maybe you just want to add...

In childhood, mothers and grandmothers often told children fairy tales that ended well, and the heroes performed the most cherished desires. But there were gold fish and a seven-flower, Magic wand and the fairy, the beard of the old man Hottabych and Sivka-Burka - they helped fairy tale characters. And parents tried to fulfill children's naive wishes, sometimes saying that Santa Claus did it.

The children have grown up, adulthood, a lot of serious desires appeared, only all wizards with Santa Claus remained in the past ... The main thing is not to despair. Dreams and desires come true at any age, you need to believe in it, and there will be helpers.

Today, there are a lot of rituals and special techniques that can help a person achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. Let's take a closer look at one of them.

The magic book of wish fulfillment will become indispensable in the life of romantics who know how to set certain goals for themselves and achieve them.

Why and how does the wish book work?

Just imagine that everything you dream about gradually began to come true. One, two, three - all cherished desires come true one after another. Really, great? But it can be so if you make a magic book of desires and use it correctly.

In order for all aspirations to be realized, they must be written down.

Why is that? Well, remember, at least, as our ancestors said: "What you write with a pen, you can't cut with an axe." But, indeed, when we mentally desire something,

The universe hears and feels it. But if we write down our desires, then this indicates an even greater seriousness of our intentions, and the strength of desire increases many times over.

When we write our dreams, we focus on our goals as much as possible and subconsciously launch the mechanism for the realization of these wishes.

And so they came up with a book of wishes - an assistant to the Universe in the implementation of human plans and hopes.

Book of desires - do it yourself

Making such a book yourself is as easy as shelling pears:

1. Buy a notepad you like from the store. Do not take the first one that comes across in order to quickly start writing into it. Choose long and tedious, you really should like the book. Remember that this is not some ordinary notebook, this is the house where your dreams will live.

Do not be modest and do not be stingy, choose such a notebook, at one glance at which you will become warmer and more pleasant. Notepad take medium or large sizes, with tear-off pages and always in hardcover.

2. On the front cover, beautifully write: "My magic book of desires" or, for example, "Masha Ivanova's Book of desires." You can print the inscription on a computer or make colored letters from paper. Decorate the cover however you like. You can glue openwork lace, and ornate monograms, and pieces of New Year's tinsel, and silk ribbons. In general, as far as anyone has enough imagination.

3. Now you need to fill out the first page of the book. At the top in the right corner, write: “Dedicated to the Universe” (it is to it that we turn with our thoughts). In the middle, you can once again duplicate the inscription made on the front cover. At the very bottom, write: "Department of the fulfillment of the wishes of the Heavenly Office."

4. The magic book has been prepared, it remains to fill it with dreams and wishes.

Here you will write the most intimate, so it is advisable to do it alone. Put a lung musical accompaniment to dream even better.

Here you can’t rush, it takes time and the right mood.

5. Let the pen for this case also be special, personal (so that no one else uses it). Keep it right in the book.

How to make a wish book - the easy way (video)

How to keep a wish book

wedding wish book

Such wish books will become original gift newlyweds. You can make personalized books for the wedding with your own hands, or you can make a common one, because now the bride and groom are one, and they have dreams for two.

And it has also become fashionable to make out an album for wishes at a wedding, this is done during the celebration itself. After all, guests, relatives and friends at the holiday say so many good, warm, sincere congratulations and wishes to the young people.

I want these kind words to be remembered forever!

So a tradition was invented, which is becoming more and more popular: guests write all their wishes in a special book, they can draw something, leave their sweeping signature. It is very convenient if someone present or presenting at the wedding has a Polaroid camera.

Guests take turns approaching the bride and groom, congratulating, giving gifts. After that, the host takes their instant photo, which is pasted on the page of the wedding book and a wish for the young is written below. Believe me, this is such a memory!

Many years later, celebrating their wedding anniversary, the couple will take out such a book, turn the pages, read texts, sometimes comic ones written by young people, sometimes touching ones that their parents left behind. Perhaps someone is no longer there, someone has gone far away and will never meet him again, and the wedding book will remind you of everyone.

How to make a wedding wish book?

There are so many options here that it all depends on your own imagination, fiction and skill.

It is best to take an album with thick sheets. You may have to spend several evenings on the book, but you need to make it worthy of such an event. On each sheet, it is desirable to highlight the framing of the margins for entries in the form of gold or silver embossing, drawings, monograms and curlicues.

Wish book options

The main thing is to design the cover of the book of desires:

  • when the celebration is held in a certain style, it is desirable that the cover design matches it (for a wedding in turquoise color in the same colors, you need to make a book; at an event in a marine style, on the cover you can depict sea ​​stars, smiling dolphins, sea and sun);
  • newlyweds - lovers of romance - a book is suitable, openwork decorated with lace, pearl and satin ribbons;
  • a good idea if the design of the wish book will fully display Wedding Dress brides;
  • all kinds of small plaster, plastic or clay figurines, pearls and crystals, beads in this case will not be superfluous and pretentious, feel free to decorate the cover with them.

During the celebration, the book is placed on a separate small table near entrance doors to the hall where the banquet will take place. Guests who have come or are already leaving can come up without any obstacles and write whatever they want for the young.

Nearby on the table, place a beautiful pen or a set of felt-tip pens so that there is something to write on, a bouquet of flowers for aesthetics and a sign with the inscription: “Wedding Wish Book”, since this tradition has not yet taken root in our country, and many guests may not know about it .

In the end, I would like to wish both the newlyweds, and those who go to their wedding, and just all, all people, to make a wish book, not to put this matter on the back burner. Don't let this sound like nonsense, the book really works. The main thing is that you do not forget how to dream!

DIY wedding wish book: master class in video

About six years ago, I had a huge wish card hanging on my wall. And she tortured me. Seriously! Every time someone came to visit, I had to explain what it was, why an octagon was used for its shape, what kind of wish fulfillment training I was going through. And among other things, there were desires that I wanted to keep secret.

It was time to change the map and start looking. The Internet offered to try the wheel of Samsara, the diary of success, the Bagua square, but it was not what I was looking for. And then a friend told me that she has a book of desires. What? Whole book? And then I realized that a solution had been found!

Let's see what a Wish Diary is and what it is for. If it’s quite simple, it’s a notebook in which all desires and dreams are recorded, marked different colors and pasted the necessary photos. I can say with confidence that the diary is very convenient. It is hidden from prying eyes, which means that, unlike the map, some of your desires will remain a secret to other people. You can also dedicate as much space to each wish as you like, you can even draw an entire wish tree. Well, you can always take the diary with you wherever you go.

If you still don't feel the need to put your wishes down on paper, here are 7 reasons to do so:

  1. An indisputable fact proven by scientists is that if your desires are written down, then the chances of their fulfillment are much higher than those who keep everything in their heads.

2. When all your desires are written down, you get the feeling that you have “let go” of them. Your brain no longer wastes time remembering everything you want. Now he can spend time on solving tasks.

3. By writing down the desire and devoting time to it, you will most likely concretize it. Those. instead of the mental “become happier”, you will describe it and divide the non-specific desire into a clear plan: smile more, improve relationships with loved ones, change your wardrobe. Perhaps even draw the Wheel of Life. After all, in the diary you can write anything you want! And starting with big desires, we begin to write small ones.

4. I advise you to devote a page to each desire and paint it in detail, paste pictures and identify the most important points. For example, if you want to “make more time for yourself”, you will need to write down what you will do: take a bubble bath 2 times a week, read books for an hour every day, finally watch that wonderful movie and make a face mask! See the difference? In fact, what you write down will already look like a plan. See how, so that they are accurately executed using the example of buying an apartment.

5. Constant browsing. Get yourself a ritual - look through this diary every day, or even better, add this ritual to yours. Our brain and subconscious work perfectly together, so you don't have to remember all your desires (by the way, it has been proven that most of the desires that we keep in our heads last only 1-2 weeks). So constant browsing keeps you from forgetting what you really want and keeps you from getting into a routine.

6. No fear of failure. Let's face it - often we do not even believe in the fulfillment of desires. With a diary of desires, everything is easier. By writing down a desire and reviewing it regularly, you sort of “train” your brain. Our brain responds well to constant influence, so the more often you repeat what you want, the more the brain will look for a solution how to achieve it.

7. Thanks to the correct wording, you will have no questions about how to make a wish correctly. We all know that wishes must be made in the constituent form, in present tense, etc. In fact, every coach and psychologist is constantly bringing more and more new ideas as a desire to be spoken (so that it becomes like a spell, obviously). Let me give you an example: let's say you want to have a new apartment.Most likely, in the brain it was formed as: “I want my own apartment.” Then you begin to correctly formulate the desire: I have a two-room apartment in the city center on the top floor. The apartment has a separate bathroom, dressing room, a balcony wider than 2 meters. And on and on, depending on your needs. Agree, it is not convenient to keep all these correct formulations in your head. And then they wrote and corrected if something was wrong. And the wish diary becomes great place where you can experiment with goal setting.

These are the basic principles that motivate me to keep a diary of desires all the time! And you know what, they really come true! Even the most unusual!

This year I am testing a new format of wish diaries - . while I really like it, because I can quickly add any pictures for visualization to my closed board.

And in order to quickly fulfill your financial desires, read the article. It contains several simple steps to achieve financial goals.

And to always feel the support of like-minded people, subscribe to my Instagram or telegram channel Do and Dream. There, among other things, I tell and show how I achieve my goals with the help of a Personal Financial Plan and crazy motivation. And you join our Success Club and know that you will succeed!

Good luck with your wishes 🙂

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