A different color for every day. How to choose feng shui clothing

Feng Shui is a teaching that arose about three thousand years ago in Ancient China. Probably everyone has heard about it, but not everyone knows that Feng Shui is applicable not only to interior design.

This philosophy aims to harmonize every area of ​​human life, and its rules apply even to our wardrobe. You will learn how to choose the right clothes according to all the canons of the Feng Shui teachings in this article.

Do's and Don'ts of Feng Shui Dressing

There are general recommendations when choosing clothes that you need to follow in order to harmonize your life and direct it in the right direction. Pay attention to your state of mind- if you feel low energy, drastic changes in the mood, if you are prone to apathy and depressive thoughts, then it's time for you to clean up your wardrobe.

First, always make sure your clothes are clean, smell good, and generally look neat and tidy. People who do not keep their things neat, and life is a mess, a lot of problems arise, such people attract failures to themselves.

Secondly, pay attention to what is depicted on your clothes. Any drawings that carry a negative charge, whether they are skulls, obscene inscriptions or anything like that, can harm you. Feng Shui also does not recommend images of predatory animals. Choose something more positive and life-affirming, and then you will see how much luckier and more joyful you have become.

Thirdly, it is undesirable to wear striped things, because they seem to “cut” you on an energy level and can adversely affect your state of mind. It is better to wear clothes with smooth lines, this will soften your character.

Fourthly, clothes that are associated with unpleasant situations in the past and evoke memories of them will reduce the quantity and quality of your energy. And the things you associate with joyful moments On the contrary, they will fill you with energy and improve your mood.


How to determine your element and choose the right clothes

What kind of clothing is right for you? In order to answer this question, you need to determine which of the five elements (Water, Fire, Earth, Metal or Wood) you belong to. It is very easy to do this: the last digit of the year of your birth will tell you about it.

So, if the year in which you were born ends in 0 or 1 - you belong to the elements of Metal, 2 or 3 - to the elements of Water, 4 or 5 - to the elements of the Tree, 6 or 7 - to the elements of Fire, 8 or 9 - to the elements of the Earth.

Metal. Clothing that resembles metal in structure or color is suitable for you - these can be metallic-colored things, things from organza or structured brocade. An excellent choice would be clothes that are embroidered with sequins, beads, rhinestones.

Give preference to metallic colors - white, silver, copper, gold. Jewelry and accessories made of metals will suit you well. Avoid lush, light, airy and delicate outfits - they will take away your energy.

Water. Classic clothes as well as romantic outfits are what suits you more. inner world if your element is water. Opt for creamy muted shades, white and gray color. Avoid flashy, so-called trendy things, and acid colors - they are in such disharmony with your nature that they can bring chaos to your life.

Delicate and light fabrics, ruffles, lace, fluffy, soft things are more suitable for you. By dressing in accordance with the recommendations of Feng Shui, you will very soon realize how pleasant your life has become.

Wood. For representatives of this element does not exist strict framework not about color, not about style, not about fabrics. They should be guided own preferences, choosing those things that they like and in which they feel comfortable.

They will not be adversely affected by any style of clothing, however, in order to fit their element perfectly, they should focus on country, casual and sports styles. They are perfect for all shades of blue, as well as deep black.

Ethnic ornaments on clothes will favor those whose element is wood. Accessories made of natural stones and wooden jewelry will attract good luck.

Fire. If your element is fire, you are probably energetic, purposeful and strong character. The sporty style is perfect for you.

Do not buy things that are too tight - people with your temperament should wear loose-fitting clothes that do not restrict freedom of movement, otherwise you will feel a breakdown and apathy.


All shades of red, yellow and orange will favorably affect your internal state and even your health. Choose bright colors and avoid greys, dark greens and dark browns.

Earth. "Lax" classic is the perfect choice for this type of people. Ease and comfort, and at the same time the elegance of the classics will affect your state of mind in the best possible way. Choose clothes made from natural fabrics (except for leather and fur) and give preference to yellow-brown colors.

Feng Shui clothing by day of the week

Monday. On this day, choose clothes in delicate cream shades, gray will also come in handy.

Tuesday. Red, pink and Brown color but - the best solution for this day.

Wednesday. On Wednesday, favor shades of green, both light and dark, and yellow.

Thursday. Blue-purple clothes will attract good luck to you on this day and will favor all your undertakings.

Friday. Wear white, blue, turquoise or pink on this day and see for yourself how your mood will improve.

Saturday. Choose clothes in navy blue, black or gray - these shades are most appropriate for this day of the week.

Sunday. Dress brightly on this day, golden and orange colors will be an excellent solution.

According to feng shui, the best proper clothes- one that has smooth lines and looks clean and tidy.

  • Torn and even just washed clothes can seriously harm, because such an outfit attracts negative vibrations, failures, poverty and promises difficulties with finances. Yes, yes, even deliberately torn branded jeans are fashionable, but the effect is the same, that is, the attraction of negative energy.
  • Dirty clothes cause apathy, lethargy and generate disrespect for the person who wears them. At a certain stage, the "dirty" may indeed sink morally.
  • A strong negative charge carries the clothes in which you experienced negative emotions. As a rule, worn again, it begins to "harm", causing Bad mood, depression and even deterioration of well-being. The best thing to do is to get rid of such a harmful outfit, even if it is good and you actually like it.
  • You should also avoid baggy and shapeless clothes, which surreptitiously deprive positive energy.

How to determine your element by year of birth

To "interest" your own destiny, you need to choose the right wardrobe. To do this, you need to define your element. This is the last digit in the year of birth. For example, in 1976 - the number "6".

So, for the elements of Metal, the numbers are 0 and 1, for Water - 2 and 3, for Wood - 4 and 5, for the elements of Fire - these are 6 and 7, for the Earth - 8 and 9.

  • People belonging to the Wood element are the most free in choosing clothes. They can choose and combine any direction and style. It's great if their clothes are made from natural wool (knitting, cashmere, drape, gabardine, etc.). Faux fur is also recommended for tree people.
  • For people of the element of Water, classic and romantic will be an ideal choice. Water energy is in perfect harmony with elegant simplicity, ruffles and frills, pastel colors and transparent fabrics. Soft, warm and fluffy fabrics will help to harmonize the nervous system. Lace and light, flowing natural chiffon, cambric and silk are also great for the Water element.
  • For "metal" people, the ideal choice is organza, brocade, synthetic fibers, metallized fabrics, as well as rustling materials that resemble lakes and rivers of molten metal in their appearance. But soft and fluffy fabrics can provoke a breakdown in them. To calm the “metalworkers”, outfits embroidered with sequins, beads and glass beads are required, whose “mail” surface reflects inner essence those who are patronized by the element of Metal.
  • For people of the elements of the Earth optimal choice- non-strict classics, sports elements and laid-back style. Natural fabrics should be preferred, especially linen and wool. But it is better to refuse natural leather and fur.
  • Fire people are energetic and purposeful. Sportswear and those that do not hinder movement are great for them, as well as outfits made of viscose, cotton, natural fabrics, denim and velveteen - in “fiery” they can even improve metabolism.

feng shui clothing colors

Color for clothes is extremely important, because each color has a strong effect on a person.

  • Black is the color of power. However, black should not prevail, especially if you are trying to attract love into your life, as it attracts melancholy and loneliness.
  • Gray stands for money, as well as silver.
  • Red symbolizes active life energy and optimism. It is ideal for attracting new love.
  • Yellow color promotes concentration of thoughts, allows you to quickly resolve disputes.
  • Clothes in sand and yellow shades - the best choice for everyday wear.
  • Green is a refreshing and calming color. If you want to quickly heal from diseases, then give preference to clothes in green tones. More shades of green, as well as purple tones, are considered "money".
  • Blue color is ideal for business meetings. At the same time, blue promotes peace and relieves emotional fatigue.
  • White or pink color and suitable for romantic meetings. And for an optimistic mood, you need orange. He is not only able to give good luck, but also help to win over positive and joyful people.

How to choose clothes by day of the week

  • Monday is the day of the moon. Silver, cream, and milky tones are ideal.
  • Tuesday is the time of Mars. For him, choose clothes of pink, bright red, raspberry or brown shades.
  • The environment is ruled by Mercury, which suits yellow, gray and all shades of green clothes.
  • Thursday's planet is Jupiter. For have a good day it is advisable to make your choice in favor of outfits of blue, raspberry, and purple shades.
  • Friday is the day of Venus. Pink, turquoise, blue, white are considered the most acceptable colors in clothes on this day.
  • Saturday is ruled by Saturn. Favorable shades in clothes are dark blue, black, and also gray.
  • Sunday is literally a sunny day, because it is patronized by the Sun. Therefore, opt for bright outfits and things in orange, gold or white.

Many cultures believe that there are colors associated with each day of the week. For example, in Thailand, the queen actually used colored dresses to match the color of the day. Similarly, other Asian cultures such as those in India and Cambodia also followed astrological beliefs along with Buddhism and Hinduism. In India, astrologers as well as Ayurvedic (ancient systems of medicine) practitioners associate color with every day. All of these cultures believe that each day of the week is associated with either a planet or a deity. Therefore, it makes sense to identify the day with a color so that you are lucky.


According to Hinduism, the color of Monday is yellow, although people who also wear white on this day. And all because Shiva is a deity associated with this day of the week, and people often present white flowers to this god. On this day, it is desirable to decorate your house with white flowers and wear white clothes. Monday is also associated with the Moon, and the colors associated with it are silver, light gray, or blue.


Pink is associated with Tuesday. In Hindu culture, this day is associated with the god Hanuman, and people who fast and pray to him may also wear red. The day is also associated with Mars, an angry planet that can be calmed down by dressing in pink. For those who prefer red on Tuesday, this day promises to be successful.


The color of the medium is green. This day is ruled by Mercury and is most suitable for mental activity, trade and romance. Also on Wednesday there will be a successful planting of trees. Eat green beans and green vegetables on this day, wear appropriate clothing and pay attention indoor plants.


On Thursday, it is advisable for people to give preference to orange or yellow. According to Hindu culture, this day is the day of the god Vishnu, who is known to wear yellow. Thursday is also the perfect day to start learning something new.


Friday is usually identified with the color blue. A shade of aquamarine or sea (turquoise) is also considered quite appropriate. The day is also associated with the goddess Shakti, who prefers White color. He is very lucky for women. Friday is also a good day for treatment. serious illnesses, because the healing energies are most active on this day. will also happy shopping jewelry, precious stones, jewelry and real estate.


On Saturday, go for purple, although you can also wear black, indigo, lilac or taupe, all of which are associated with the wrath of Shani (Saturn). People in Indian villages also visit Shani shrines and sacrifice fuel oil, black sesame seeds and black clothes.

If you have endless legal problems, do your best to resolve the problem on the Sabbath. Any work started in the first half of Saturday has a high probability of success. People who lead a pious life on this day will receive the blessings of Shani.


Sunday is the day of the sun god Ravi. Hindus believe that this god takes over the reins on Sunday. It is believed that the most favorable color for this day is red. On this day, people present red flowers to the Sun God to invoke his mercy. Also, many Hindus fast on Sunday, eating just one meal a day before sunset.

Sunday is a great day for travel, and it is also an extremely auspicious day for settling old disputes. Sunday is for celebration and entertainment. On this day, in addition to red, you can wear pink or burgundy clothes, which will attract new friends and acquaintances.

The impact of the color of the food and clothing we wear is especially noticeable when the Moon moves through the Zodiac. The basic rule is that some colors have a special or stronger effect when used under the sign of the zodiac to which they correspond. Therefore, the lunar calendar and color can be used to enhance your energy.

Lunar calendar and color

If, for example, you want to use the influence of color as a complementary remedy for various diseases and violations, then choose a suitable or contrasting color for clothing, or at least for that part of the toilet that is located on the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.

It does not matter whether clothes are worn on naked body, for example, a T-shirt, or on other clothes. The direct effect is somewhat stronger. But color radiation, perceived by sight, has a beneficial effect in any case.

Lunar calendar and red color

Red color stimulates creative, vital, terrestrial species energy, develops passion and bold spontaneous action, it invigorates and gives courage to implement new ideas. The red color of food and clothes activates the liver and supports the formation of red blood cells. It is a color that removes harmful substances from the body, it helps to get rid of constipation and is very useful for iron deficiency.

Lunar calendar and orange color

Orange is a mixture of red and yellow, it has a harmonizing effect. Especially useful Orange color as a remedy for nervousness, fear, depression. This color has a beneficial effect on the glands and lungs. Negative influence with an excess of orange, it is extremely rare, only if this color is used exclusively. In this case, orange stimulates dependence on other people. Positive influence orange color renders in the presence of problems with digestive system And skin diseases, as well as with a bad chair, especially under the sign of Virgo. This color stimulates the appetite. Heat released orange relieves tension and cramps.

Lunar calendar and Yellow color

Yellow is the color of spiritual development, it gives vigor, supports the functions of the glands, activates the activity of the mucous membrane, stimulates thought processes. It causes the formation of gastric juice. Helps with digestive disorders and intestinal obstruction, calms the nerves, relieves mental and nervous fatigue. Hence, this color is good for school and university spaces. Yellow color calms the spleen, activates the lymphatic system, helps with liver problems.

Lunar calendar and green color

Green color balances and neutralizes, it is the color of hope, harmony, recovery and natural maturation. Green color affects the pituitary gland and thus the metabolism. It restores balance between the liver and spleen, has a regenerating effect on muscles and connective tissue. It is pleasing to the eye and soothing. Green color stimulates the autonomic nervous system and accelerates the growth process. An excess of green does not negative impact. Only in very rare cases does he develop indecision. Sometimes the reaction becomes too slow and sluggish.

Lunar calendar and blue color

Blue color calms, balances, reduces pain, relieves inflammation. Usually an overabundance of blue color, as well as green, does not have a negative effect. In exceptional cases, fatigue, boredom, melancholy and low blood pressure appear. But an excess of this color in food is not very useful, because the blue color can have an inhibitory effect. In addition, this color cools. Therefore, it is useful for burns and fever. For those who communicate a lot with people, blue can be a wonderful screen. In addition, it relaxes and opens the way for creative thoughts, free from outside influences.

Lunar calendar and purple color

Violet color calms, stimulates the activity of the spleen, relaxes, relieves pain, supports the lymphatic system, enhances perception. The negative impact of purple products is unknown. Such food cleanses the blood and prevents loss of appetite.

For some tips on how to use the effect of color, get to know the main and contrasting color and put the new knowledge into practice, let's take a short trip through lunar month- from Aries to Pisces.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Aries

In almost all astrological systems of correspondence of colors to the signs of the Zodiac (and this is a controversial and controversial issue in astrology), RED is recognized as the main color of ARIES.

The main colors of the zodiac signs also have so-called contrasting ones. In the system followed by the authors of all the tips in this section (I. Paunger and T. Poppe), YELLOW and BLUE are considered the contrasting color of Aries.

When the Moon is in the sign of Aries, the red color of clothes and food (whether drinks like redcurrant juice or vegetables like tomatoes) has a special strong influence.

Red color always affects as it was said in the characteristic. given color, but all this is especially strong when the Moon is in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

On the other hand, poor blood supply and circulation especially affects the head. During the days of Aries, migraines and headaches are especially common. By purposefully eating red foods under the sign of Aries, you can positively influence blood circulation.

If we are talking about the opposite process, when blood pressure and circulation are too active, as an "antidote" you can use contrasting colors. In the days of Aries, these are yellow and blue. All yellow and blue foods are soothing.

So, with a strong rush of blood to the head, yellow or blue should be used, which constricts the blood vessels. If an insufficient amount of blood rushes to the head - red, which dilates the vessels.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Taurus

All foods that are blue on days when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus have a particularly strong influence. Blue foods are strengthening, but this is especially felt under the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

On the contrasting side under the sign of Taurus, it turns out to be the perfect time for anyone who should eat less red foods, such as people with high blood pressure. In the days of Taurus, the effect of red is weakened, so red foods are less harmful. It is very important to eat food different color but not every day in the same quantities.

The area of ​​the neck ruled by Taurus is always beneficial green. But blue is very useful for treating sore tonsils, problems in the mouth, thyroid gland or tongue.

It is especially useful in the days of Taurus with insufficient functioning of the pancreas to eat red foods, and with excess - blue or green.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Gemini

Yellow foods under the signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are most beneficial, primarily for the liver and gallbladder, but also for the stomach and spleen. Of course, Gemini is not directly related to the liver and spleen, but supports this area due to the influence yellow color.

Contrasting red and blue colors weaken their influence under the sign of Gemini. At this time, yellow color strengthens the nervous system and supports the activity of the glands.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Cancer

The green color is especially useful for the chest area. The time when the Moon is in the sign of Cancer should be used to strengthen in green vegetative nervous system.

There are a lot of green products, but do not forget about green clothes, which has a special influence (this applies to the stay of the Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Pisces). So, use nature to support your own breasts (Cancer)!

You will do your body a good service if you eat as many B vitamins as possible on the days of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). They dissolve in water and are found, for example, in grain husks, rice skins, yeast and potatoes.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Leo

For heart problems and high blood pressure red should be avoided (both in clothing and in food), especially under the sign of Leo. The contrasting colors of yellow and blue are useful, which restore balance, they should set the tone on the dining table. Green color is also useful because it restores harmony.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Virgo

On the days of the Virgin, you can support the work digestive organs. If they are somewhat out of order, then they can be calmed down with blue, the influence of which is especially strong at this time.

If the stomach, intestines and other organs are not working very actively, then they can, on the contrary, be stimulated by a contrasting color with red foods and clothes.

For liver problems and gallbladder, with the stomach and spleen, use the effect of yellow: compresses, products, and everything else should be yellow. At the same time, foods with a high acid content balance both the liver and spleen, refresh, they make it not so hot, they quench thirst and stimulate sleep.

It is under this sign of the Zodiac that it is especially clearly visible whether you eat right!

Lunar calendar: Moon in Libra

Everything that you do for your glands in the days of Libra is more beneficial than at any other time. Yellow foods and clothes not only increase inspiration, but also support the functioning of the gallbladder and liver. You can easily start under the sign of Virgo. At this time, it is best to get rid of the lack of vitamin C, wild herbs are especially good for this, which contain 10 times more vitamin C than green vegetables.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Scorpio

Your genitals need vitamin E to stay healthy, so you should never skip Scorpio days and eat as many green foods as possible. In addition, vitamin E is found in sprouted wheat grains, milk, animal butter and salads.

Green color stimulates growth, so a lack or lack of vitamin E can lead to premature birth or miscarriage in women. Vitamin E also affects fertility, its deficiency can even lead to sterility.

A word of advice: women who are prone to miscarriages should avoid eating lovage and thyme, although they are also green. Lovage and thyme have a negative effect on the fetus, especially in the days of Scorpio. Previously, these herbs were used as a remedy for unwanted pregnancy!

Lunar calendar: Moon in Sagittarius

The energy of Sagittarius sharpens the senses and supports the blood supply of the whole organism with the help of red color. At this time, a special influence on the veins should be used, because discomfort often appears in this area in the days of Sagittarius, it is all the more important to prevent congestion. Massage works wonders, and not only in the days of Sagittarius.

You should also use the fact that red vegetables and fruits have a particularly strong influence in the days of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). But for the fussy, very active people an excess of red is undesirable.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn days with blue energy are best time for skin care. Impure problematic skin can be supported. For healthy skin vitamin H is very important, which is found in yeast, bananas, potatoes, offal, such as liver, kidneys, brains. With a young Moon under the sign of Capricorn, the body actively takes this vitamin, as well as everyone nutrients from blue products.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Aquarius

Yellow in the days of Aquarius represents everything that is happening in an accelerated, more active and lighter way. Sometimes this color slows down blood circulation, which can manifest itself in lower thigh congestion and varicose veins.

Contrasting red color can be a good prophylactic, because it dilates blood vessels. If you already have varicose veins, and you decide to have an operation, then it is better not to do it under the sign of Capricorn, choose some other day for yourself, but always with a flawed Moon.

Usually, real reason varicose veins and other diseases of the veins - "bad" blood, from which it is necessary to remove harmful substances. Try to start eating right too. In the days of Aquarius, any yellow foods are very good for your body, as well as yellow clothes or, for example, yellow compresses.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Pisces

Green is the main color of the Pisces sign, but the fact is that so many influences and energy lines pass through the foot, the part of the body that is under the control of Pisces, that the main color no longer plays very well. important role.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that the endings of the bodily meridians are located in the foot, therefore, almost any part of the body and any organ, when the corresponding zone is irritated, experiences a preventive or therapeutic effect.

To remove harmful substances from the body, massage of the reflex zones of the foot is an indispensable tool. The strength of Pisces days supports positive effect from this form of massage. But massage at this time should be especially careful, as the sensitivity increases.

I.Paungger, T.Poppe

Each day of the week has its own ruling planet, which corresponds to one of the seven colors. And to coordinate our daily routine, it is good to know what color energy to interact with throughout the week.

Such knowledge helps to achieve a sense of the world at the level of interaction of energies and allows you to enter into a common rhythm with them. And harmonious merging with a single whole of the organism of being will allow you to be happier, because everything in this world is energy of the most diverse kind, smoothly flowing from one state to another.

Energy colors of the week

Naturally, for a more harmonious interaction with the energy of every day, it is better to consume products of appropriate colors and focus on the appropriate color scheme in clothes.

Monday - white, purple;
planet - moon

White is the color of purity and is good for reconciliation, brings peace and tranquility. In magic, white symbolizes light, vitality and clarity.
Violet - formed by the fusion of active red and soothing blue. In psychology, it is considered "the harmony of contradictions", therefore, on this day, people are more prone to sadness, irritability and suggestion.
But magical meaning purple color allows you to understand the laws of the Universe, create your own philosophy. Therefore, Monday is good for planning and conflict resolution.
Try to wear less black when possible. It is better to give preference to clothes in white, light gray and silver.
Monday's metal is silver
stones - aquamarine, beryl, pearls and selenite.

Tuesday - red;
the planet Mars

Red is the color of activity, working ambition, perhaps even aggressiveness.
Although Mars is a warlike planet and it is advisable not to start quarrels on this day, Tuesday is still considered an easy day. This day is good for solving cases, roads, construction.

On this day of the week, it is good to wear red, crimson and black clothes. If you do not want to alienate people, try to wear less blue clothes on Tuesday.

Metal - steel, iron and gold.
Stones - ruby, diamond, jasper, bloodstone and garnet.

Wednesday - yellow;
planet - Mercury (god of writing and trade).

Yellow is the color of mentality. Activates mental capacity and brings the joy of communicating with others.

Wednesday is traditionally a fast day, it is also called an empty day. Therefore, on this day it is undesirable to start a new business and move to a new place. This day promotes learning, writing and trade.
Even in this day there is a happy minute, and if you “catch” it, then your most cherished desire will come true.

On the day of Mercury, it is advisable to wear pastel colors in clothes: gray, cream, lemon, beige.
Metal - gold and mercury.
Stones - topaz, chrysolite, beryl and emerald.

Thursday - purple;
planet - Jupiter

Purple color combines hot red and cold blue, which is inherent in imperiousness and prudence. This is the day business people, so good for commerce, for travel. If possible, try to avoid conflicts on Thursday.

In a quarter, it is better to prefer dark blue, dark green, and purple colors in clothes.
Thursday's stones are as strict as he himself - sapphire, lapis lazuli, opal and agate.
The metals are platinum and zinc.

Friday - blue, blue;
planet - Venus

Blue tones promote mutual understanding, destroy evil forces, the evil eye and witchcraft. It is also the color of indigo - it turns on high intuition and promotes insight. Blue color is optimal for protecting the aura astral body, to conclude love unions and reconciliation.
Friday is a fast day and therefore, just like on Wednesday, it is undesirable to start important business meetings and moving.
Since Venus is responsible for beauty on this day, it is good to pay attention to your appearance: buy clothes, do hairstyles, visit a beautician.

If you want to propitiate fate and find love, wear pink, blue and red clothes. In order not to attract trouble, try to avoid yellow in clothes.
The metal of this day is gold and copper.
The stones are garnet, ruby, coral and blue topaz.

Saturday - green;
planet - Saturn

Green color relieves stress and promotes health, especially for people with heart and emotional problems. It relaxes and fills with harmony.
Green color is characteristic of intellectual reflection, the ability to sum up and draw conclusions from what happened during the week. In magic, green symbolizes mystery, solitude, self-knowledge.

This day is good for long trips and for mining wealth. It is on Saturday that healers recommend “scooping out” all the corners in the house and passing the house with a lit church candle. They also recommend changing linens only on Saturdays - for family well-being. It is better to come to the Saturday party in brilliant dark clothes. This will save you from envious people and the evil eye.
On Saturday, it is desirable to wear all colors of dark shades, but not brown. By doing this, you will only cause contempt for yourself - after all, brown has long been considered the color of immigrants, hermits and refugees.
The metal is lead.
The stones are as gloomy and dark as the lord of the day himself. These are onyx, black agate, opal and blue sapphire.

Sunday - orange;
planet - sun

A day of light and a day of rest. It contributes to the active manifestation of a person in the world around him, healing, magnetism
Orange color, like the sun, gives health, peace and tranquility to others. Is a generator vitality. Helps treat depression, resists injustice and disappointment.

It is a sin to work on Sunday, and it is advisable not to eat before 12 noon. On this day, do not knit or sew, and do not cut hair and nails. It is best to devote Sunday to communion with nature to improve health.

On the day of the Sun, it is desirable to wear its colors - yellow, orange, white, bright red and crimson. Try to avoid wearing green clothes.
The metal of this day is gold.
The stones are diamond, ruby, amber and yellow topaz.

Be healthy and happy!

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