Why do candles cleanse space and a person from negativity? Is it possible to be treated with a church candle

candle energy

Cleansing and healing a person with candle fire

Fire is the most powerful and undefiled element on Earth. Fire itself is pure and purifies all other creatures and man. That is why fire always burns in temples.
Fire has many types - the fire of a bonfire, a hearth, a volcano, a candle ... Fire can clean rooms, consecrate things, heal a person.
There are several ways to use fire to purify a person.
It's nice to just sit by the fire of a fire or fireplace, thinking about life. And the troubles seem to be getting smaller...
The same is true of the live flame of a candle. Light a candle, speak aloud what worries you, take your mistakes and mistakes out of your soul and burn them on the fire of a candle. The soul will be cleansed, it will be easier for the body.

The fire of a candle can clean the subtle fields of a person. Envelop yourself in the flame of a candle right hand along the contour of the body, starting from the head, along the left arm and side, left leg, right leg along the outer and inner side surfaces.

Then, taking a candle in left hand, encircle the right hand with fire, return to the crown of the head. Then, taking the candle in your right hand, make 3.5 or 7 circular movements clockwise over the crown of your head, at the forehead, at the throat, at the chest, at the stomach, at the pubis and at the coccyx (i.e., at all seven chakras ). The candle that remains after this procedure must be cleaned of soot and set to burn out for your health to the end, without extinguishing it. And wrap the soot in paper and throw it into the river or stream, turning your back and throwing the paper over your left shoulder.

The candle may sag or begin to smoke with black smoke. It means that internal organs in this place are blocked by the disease and must be treated. When the organ is healthy, the candle burns evenly and without soot. If the influx on the candle is formed by the patient, then he himself is to blame for his illnesses.
If with the opposite, then the disease “made” him. If a tear rolls down the candle on the left or right, this indicates an energy struggle waged by a person who is being cleansed by fire with someone. If the “tear” is black, then the person is in a state of negative energy.

Treatment with candle fire.

The cleansing properties of living fire candles can be used to treat many diseases. It is known that diseases of the organs of the physical body, as a rule, occur due to a violation of the circulation of vital energy at the entrance or exit. Violations at the input lead to the fact that the body suffers from a lack of energy. This manifests itself in the form of various atony, hypofunctions and weakness of organs.
Disturbances at the exit lead to the phenomena of stagnation, slagging and inflammation.

You can remove all violations of the circulation of vital energy with the fire of a candle, applying it taking into account the phases of the moon.
On the growing Moon, fire opens blockages and fills the diseased organ with life-giving, healing energy.
On the waning moon, fire removes toxins and relieves inflammation.

You need to read a prayer, asking for help from higher powers and light a candle for health. Put a candle on a sore spot. For stability, a book can be placed under the lid with a candle. A candle will tell a lot.

When candles are put in their health in the temple, the picture will be the same as at home, but in the temple the candles are sometimes bent. This suggests that the person who put the candle is possessed evil spirit. The streaks on the candles sometimes resemble the features of the person who sent the curse.
If the candle goes out, you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those you offended, and forgive those who offended you.

Walk with a candle around the perimeter of your home, from front door clockwise until crackling and soot stop.
You can also clean shoes and clothes.

If everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle placed burns with a high flame, without forming any sagging. If in inner world a person is not all right, the candle begins to “cry”, influxes run through her body. If a line of influx runs through a newly placed candle from top to bottom, this means that a curse may have fallen on a person.
If the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, then this person may get sick.

Fire is the only element on Earth not defiled by evil. Fire is not only pure itself, but also purifies all other good creatures, including man.

Therefore, candles are always lit in temples. Fire can cleanse rooms, consecrate things, heal a person ...

Nice to sit by the fire or fireplace. And life's hardships, troubles become less. The same is true of the live flame of a candle. Light a candle and share your bitter torments with it, burn your mistakes and blunders, sins and vices in its fire. The soul will be cleansed, it will be easier for the body.

Candle treatment.

Light the wax candle. Take it with your “working” hand so that it (by the lower end) is held by the thumb, middle and index fingers. Mentally imagine how the Cosmic energy of red color "goes" from the bottom up from the tips of these three fingers, and the candle is colored in this color.

Bring a hand with a lit candle to the location of the organ to be healed and transfer the phantom of the candle flame inside the organ that needs healing. Then, moving the phantom flame inside the organ being healed, burn out the disease (it must be represented in the form of certain volumes white color). But the flame of a candle must have the color of the same energy center, which is affected by the healer, and which is in the "department" of this Center. The flame of the candle is decorated in a silver halo. Around the perimeter about 1 - 1.5 mm.

The duration of the session is determined by the healer himself - until the ailment is completely "burned out", but not less than 5 and not more than 7 minutes.

The time of the session is from sunrise to sunset. It is advisable to start treatment on the full moon.

After completing the session, be sure to wash your hands with running water and dry them with an individual towel.

Diseases are well treated with this technique. gastrointestinal tract(except for infectious and surgical ones), headaches of unclear origin, it is possible to normalize vision (the patient's position is sitting, eyes closed). Sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, joint diseases (such as arthrosis, arthritis), radiculitis, and osteochondrosis respond well to treatment.

When treating hypotension with a candle, work only from the bottom up, with hypertension, with a candle, work from the top down!

Don't blow out the candle.

The fire of a candle can clean the thin fields of a person. Encircle yourself with candle fire in your right hand along the contour of the body, starting from the head, along the left arm and side, left leg, right leg along the outer and inner side surfaces. Then, taking a candle in your left hand, surround your right hand with fire, return to the crown of the head, at the forehead, at the throat, at the chest, at the stomach, at the pubis, at the coccyx. The candle that remains after this procedure must be cleaned of soot and set to burn out for your health without extinguishing it. And wrap the soot in paper and throw it into the river or stream, turning your back on it and throwing the paper over your left shoulder.

Fire and Moon.

The cleansing properties of living fire candles can be used to treat many diseases. It is known that ailments of the body occur, as a rule, due to a violation of the circulation of vital energy at the entrance or exit. Violations at the input lead to the fact that the body suffers from a lack of energy. This manifests itself in the form of various atony, hypofunctions and weakness of organs. Disturbances at the exit lead to the phenomena of stagnation, slagging and inflammation.

You can remove all violations of the circulation of vital energy with the fire of a candle, applying it taking into account the phases of the moon. On the growing Moon, fire opens blockages and fills the diseased organ with life-giving, healing energy. On the waning moon, fire removes toxins and relieves inflammation.

A candle will tell a lot.

A candle placed by a person in a temple or at home in his health is an indicator of his state of mind behaves like it is alive. If everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle set by him burns with a high flame, without forming any sagging. If there is trouble in the inner world of a person, the candle begins to “cry”, influxes run along it. They can talk about a curse. And if the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, then such a person is expected severe illness. If the candle is bent, it indicates that the one who placed it is possessed by an evil spirit. The influxes can sometimes resemble the features of the person who sent the curse. It's bad when the candle goes out. You must immediately repent, ask for forgiveness from those who have offended, forgive those who have offended you.

Walk with a candle around the perimeter of your home, from the front door - clockwise. Where the candle begins to crackle and smoke, you need to drive it clockwise until the crackling and smoking stop. In the same way, shoes and clothes can be cleansed of filth.

The cleansing of a person negative energy with a candle

Since ancient times, various rites and rituals have been used to remove negative energy - damage, evil eye, curses, which contain cleansing with a church candle. But not everyone knows that negative energy is always removed when any candles burn out. Looking at a candle is also useful - you can clean your aura through your eyes. Also, with a candle, you can remove negative induced effects from other people - your loved ones and relatives. When damaged, the candle turns black and crackles, in the place where the human biofield is pierced by a negative energy impulse. In order to determine the places of "holes" in the biofield, you need to hold a candle next to the body and hold it along the spine.

Candle cleansing helps to change your life in better side. The element of fire cleanses and burns all the negative that sticks to the human aura.

The uniqueness of the impact of a candle flame on the biological field that surrounds a person is that it helps to purify ...

Church items are powerful even at home, which is why some people use them to restore balanced energy.

Beginning esotericists often ask the question of how to cleanse a person’s aura with a candle, because this is not just a magical tool, but main element many ceremonies and rituals. The usefulness of the object is due to the mental message put into the candle during creation, and the composition, since wax has been used since ancient times to collect negativity.

Why and how it helps

The process of burning any candle is a literal metaphor for the complete destruction of negative energy. When the wax melts different forms negative impact on the biofield lose their influence. Therefore, a candle is used to get rid of curses, love spells, evil eye, damage. The church flame has a special destructive power for low energy entities that settle in the deformed aura of a weakened person. When candles from the temple are burning, all evil thought forms and formations…

The fire of a candle carries the Radiance of the Universal Divine Light...

People who heal their Soul and their energy spaces from pain, hatred, fears with the help of prayers, meditations and rituals with candles realize how dangerous it is to leave negativity in their energy. It is better to cleanse yourself in a timely manner with the help of candle fire - after all, in the flame of a candle is the Divine Radiance of the Universal Life Force.

And it is very correct that they do not want to live in the old way, carrying in their energy the energy of darkness of the lower planes. Through this negativity, through energy holes in the biofield, entities of higher hierarchies can penetrate - and then expect trouble ...

People have long noticed the special power of the flame church candle and even felt its influence on themselves. Therefore, no church, temple or cathedral is complete without the use of a large number candles.

Since ancient times, people began to use a candle as a magical tool. Now no ritual is complete without a candle….

Since ancient times, people have used the energy of fire to cleanse the energy of a person from negativity. It was believed that the element of fire burns all the negative that has accumulated in the human aura.

The flame of a candle has a unique effect: it cleanses the human biofield from the layers of negative energy that are formed as a result of severe stress, depression, negative emotions; as a result of various kinds of energy influences - purposeful or accidental - evil eye, damage, fright.

Not without reason, our ancestors had a habit of sitting by the fire in the evening, dropping all the negativity accumulated during the day into a fiery flame.

City residents, not having such an opportunity, can use the energy of a lit candle.

It is enough to sit in front of a candle for 7-10 minutes, carefully watching the flames and trying not to take your eyes off it. You may shed tears. These are tears of cleansing - they are always good.

By watching the candle, you can tell how much negativity has accumulated. For a long time…

Your house, apartment should be periodically cleaned from the accumulated negativity. Any place on Earth, any object and space has its own energy field. Such a field has ordinary apartment in which each of us lives. Moreover, it can constantly change depending on what people and objects are there. Quarrels, tears, swearing, envy, unkind thoughts ... - all this "settles" on the walls of your home and creates discomfort for a normal life.

Cleaning the apartment with a broom

Must be purchased from the market new broom, which sweep all the corners and the room. Then they collect all the garbage for them with the words: “With this broom, I sweep everything bad out of the house into superficial things. May it be so!" (repeat this way at least three times, using a new broom each time). Take everything to the crossroads and pour it out there and leave the broom in the same place. Leave the intersection without looking back. This must be done at least three times. Everything to do on a waning moon.

Animals cleanse the energy of the apartment ...

In short - with such a phrase: “I do not do it, but God does it. God, become my hands, become my eyes. Everything more love in my heart. Amen". It is possible without "amen".
It is advisable to give the patient an "object of power" - an icon, a cross, any other of your choice that has positive energy in it. No - so no.
Practice. The patient was seated with his back to him. We light a candle and we begin. Let's start what?
We start cleaning.
We begin to read the prayer - "Our Father" in quantity according to this principle - how much we clean, so much we read. Or a block of prayers "Our Father", "Psalm 90", "Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross", "Symbol of Faith". It's in that order.
It can be from a book or a printout.
The patient, too, should very preferably read to the best of his ability to pray. Any. Though "Our Father", even the same block block of prayers. However, if the patient feels bad when cleaning, or “the head will float”, then you can only stop at “Our Father”. And if it’s really bad, or we’re cleaning a child who doesn’t know and doesn’t ...

Everything that surrounds us has its own energy field. Any household item, thing or plant radiates certain vibrations into this world. People are no exception - they are also filled with energy, which has certain characteristics. Have you ever noticed that after communicating with some people your health worsens? But others, on the contrary, seem to charge us with positive and good mood? It directly depends on the energy that a particular person has. If you notice that a certain negativity has accumulated in you, then you can always use practices that allow you to cleanse yourself and completely renew yourself. But what about the space we live in? How to cleanse the house of negative energy? We will talk about this in our article.

My home is my castle

Home is the place where we come after hard working days. It is here that you can relax, forget about all the masks and, finally, become who you really are ....

The house or apartment in which we live is not just a “roof over our heads”, it is a space in which, just like everywhere else, there is energy. You can often hear that in your own home a person begins to feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and sometimes just awful. This is mainly due to negative impact(evil eye, damage), or with a violation of the energy balance in the house for one reason or another. How to clean the house from damage, the evil eye, negative energy and is it worth it to do it yourself?

How to clean the house from damage and the evil eye?

Each person cleans his home daily or weekly: he wipes the dust, washes the floors, puts things away, ventilates, etc. But for some reason, not everyone thinks that house cleaning is necessary not only on the physical level, but also on the energy level. To get rid of negative energy, our ancestors washed the floors with salted or sea ​​water, burned salt crystals, fumigated the dwelling with incense and ...

People have long noticed the special power of a candle flame. That is why, no one can do without it magical ritual. Candles carry positive energy, so they are widely used in the church. Learn how to burn negativity in candle fire.

Cleansing the house with candles

An apartment can accumulate negative energy for years. A strong negative sediment remains in the home after quarrels or illnesses. It is necessary to regularly clean the house, especially after a disaster has happened there.

Before you carry out the ritual of cleansing the apartment with a candle, you need to visit the church and read a prayer to the Virgin and purchase three church candles in the temple.

At home, before the start of the ritual, read the prayer "Our Father". Light the candles, take them in your right hand. Then walk around the house, starting from the north and ending at the south. Enter each room, stop in the center and say the words of purification:

“Everything that is not needed from the house will go into the flame of a candle, but not ...

Cleansing the house from negative energy Favorite house.jpg (25.86 KB) 380 views

Joy, light, success - all this is yours and only yours, what a person strives for! Happiness settles in a house that is clean. Love and prosperity live in such a house. But sometimes something happens, harmony is broken, and everything falls out of hand. from somewhere in an incredible way there are problems, illnesses. Plants wither, animals get sick, the mood to do something evaporates as quickly as boiling water.
What is going on?

House almost Living being- he can begin to suffer from bad energies, from negativity. And then he needs help - to clear and protect him from negative information.
How to return the former strength and breathe life into the beloved and so dear to the heart of the house? There is a method of treatment - this is the cleansing of the energy space. Let in a lot of light and air, throw away all unnecessary old things, rubbish and start the ritual.
In fact, this is an exciting activity - healing your ...


This is the first article of 3 in a series of articles on how to secure your home from outside influence and turn it into your place of power.

Energy is all around you.

It is present in the cells of your body, in the foods you eat for breakfast, in the people you meet on your way to work, and even within the walls of your apartment!

To maintain harmony and balance in your life, it is necessary that the flow of energy within you and AROUND you flow unhindered.

Moreover, it is IMPORTANT that the space around you (including the people with whom you constantly intersect) corresponds to your inner vibration.

You can work for as long as you want to raise your own vibrations, clear away the rubble of the past, heal your traumas and eradicate limiting beliefs...

BUT if you come home and plunge into negativity, all your work goes down the drain.

Influencing your loved ones can be difficult and...

6 effective ways clear the aura

All the negativity that happens in our lives accumulates in the form of very heavy energy. The latter gathers in the biofield and renders strong influence to the events taking place in us. Therefore, it is so important to cleanse the aura, by doing which you will eliminate excess negative energy and normalize your condition. In this material, we will tell you how to clear the aura without outside help.

Why do you need an aura cleanse?

Very often people cannot understand why difficulties suddenly come into their lives, thoughts about evil fate or a black streak appear in their heads. In fact, the solution to the mystery is much simpler - their biofield needs to be cleansed, as a person is captivated by his own contradictions, internal blocks of the subconscious, blocking the main energy channels.

In this case, the situation must be urgently corrected by cleansing the energy shell. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity...

Everything around us is energy, we are also made of energy. What energy surrounds and fills you depends on how you feel and what results you achieve in life.

There is a constant exchange: you radiate energies into the world and the world fills you with its energies.

This applies not only to your loved ones, but also to everything that surrounds you. The place that is very important in the life of every person is his home.

How often do you clean your house? Just physically? Do you put things away, dust, wash floors and windows? I think regularly. Otherwise, it will not be comfortable and unpleasant to be in the apartment.

And how often do you clean the apartment energetically? Do you clean it? Do you do it regularly? The energy cleanliness of the apartment affects your condition more than the physical cleanliness of the apartment.

Fire is the only element on Earth not defiled by evil. Fire is not only pure itself, but also purifies all other Good creations, including man. Therefore, fire is always burning in temples. Fire has many types - the fire of a fire, a hearth, a volcano, a candle ... Fire can clean rooms, consecrate things, heal a person, restore his integrity.
There are several ways to use fire to purify a person.
It's nice to sit by the fire of a fire or fireplace, thinking about life. And the hardships and troubles seem to become less ... The living flame of a candle also works. Light a candle, speak aloud what torments and worries you, take out of your soul and burn your mistakes and mistakes, sins and vices on the candle fire. The soul will be cleansed, it will be easier for the body.

Cleansing a person with candle fire
The fire of a candle can clean the subtle fields of a person. Encircle yourself with candle fire in your right hand along the contour of the body, starting from the head, along the left arm and side, left leg, right leg along the outer and inner side surfaces. Then, taking the candle in your left hand, surround your right hand with fire, return to the crown of your head. Then, taking the candle in your right hand, make 3.5 or 7 circular movements clockwise over the crown of your head, at the forehead, at the throat, at the chest, at the stomach, at the pubis and at the coccyx (i.e., at all seven chakras ).

The candle that remains after this procedure must be cleaned of soot and set to burn out for your health to the end, without extinguishing it. And wrap the soot in paper and throw it into the river or stream, turning your back and throwing the paper over your left shoulder.

When purifying a person with fire, the candle should always be held with one side towards the patient. The candle may sag or begin to smoke with black smoke. This means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by the disease and they must be treated. When the organ is healthy, the candle burns evenly and without soot. If the influx on the candle is formed by the patient, then he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If with the opposite, then the disease "made" him. If a tear rolls down the candle on the left or right, this indicates an energy struggle waged by a person who is being cleansed by fire with someone. If the "tear" is black,
It means that a person is in a state of negative energy.

Treatment with candle fire.

The cleansing properties of living fire candles can be used to treat many diseases. It is known that diseases of the organs of the physical body, as a rule, occur due to a violation of the circulation of vital energy at the entrance or exit.

Violations at the input lead to the fact that the body suffers from a lack of energy. This manifests itself in the form of various atony, hypofunctions and weakness of organs. Disturbances at the exit lead to the phenomena of stagnation, slagging and inflammation.

You can remove all violations of the circulation of vital energy with the fire of a candle, applying it taking into account the phases of the moon.

On the growing Moon, fire opens blockages and fills the diseased organ with life-giving, healing energy. On the waning moon, fire removes toxins and relieves inflammation.

Execution technique.

A third of a thin church candle is strengthened on the inside
metal lid from a glass jar. Read a prayer, turning to higher powers for help, and light a candle for health. Put a candle on a sore spot in yourself or another person who should be lying down. For stability, a book can be placed under the lid with a candle. It is advisable that another person be nearby and watch the candle so that it does not fall.

A candle will tell a lot

When candles are put in their health in the temple, the picture will be the same as at home, but in the temple the candles are sometimes bent. This suggests that the person who put the candle is possessed by an evil spirit. The streaks on the candles sometimes resemble the features of the person who sent the curse. If the candle goes out, you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those you offended, and forgive those who offended you.

Walk with a candle around the perimeter of your home, from the front door clockwise until the crackling and soot stop. You can also clean shoes and clothes.

A candle, placed by a person in a temple or at home in his health, is an indicator of his state of mind, behaves like a living one, telling with his appearance about the most important thing for a person.

If everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle placed burns with a high flame, without forming any sagging. If not all is well in the inner world of a person, the candle begins to "cry", influxes run through its body. If a line of influx runs through a newly placed candle from top to bottom, this means that a curse may have fallen on a person.

If the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, then this person may get sick.

Dear doctors and healers! More than once I had to see on TV how, during the convergence of the “Blessed Fire” in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the believers present at this ceremony lit candles from it, which they then kept in the home altar for use in various rituals. And recently I learned that the flame of a church candle from the nearest church also has amazing power, and that with the help of such candles many diseases can be cured. I would like to know more about this.

The healing fire of a candle can reverse many diseases, restore the energy of the body: this will help you become healthy!

You can remove all violations of the circulation of Vital Energy with the fire of a candle, applying it taking into account the phases of the Moon. On the growing Moon, fire opens blockages and fills the diseased organ with Life-giving, healing energy. On the waning moon, fire removes toxins and relieves inflammation!

“Heal yourself with the flame of a candle!” - so briefly we can formulate main principle getting rid of ailments with the help of candlelight. It is appropriate to remember it on the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, when thousands of believers rush to churches and light candles in order to place them before the holy faces, offer up prayers and ask the holy intercessors for deliverance from troubles and troubles. However, it is possible to improve healthy and get rid of many diseases with the help of church candles.

When treating with candles, it is recommended to use new, previously unlit candles. . If the candle is at least a little burnt, it is better not to take it for the ritual. You can not use candles that have served as a decoration for a room for a long time, even if you have never lit them. These candles have absorbed the energy of everything that happened in your house. , and for rituals you need absolutely clean candles .

It is advisable to use candles, specially purchased or made by hand. Even a new candle before use in the ritual is recommended to be cleaned by lowering it into mineral or distilled water. After that, fumigate the candle with the smoke of burning incense.

During such rituals, it is very important to pay attention to the phases of the moon.

To the growing moon candle rituals are carried out aimed at creation and growth. Light candles during this period if you need to get strength, energy or improve your health.

To the waning moon rituals are performed for the purpose of destruction. At this time, light candles if you need to get rid of any troubles, lose weight, relieve pain, overcome obstacles to happiness and success.

On full moon days the most different rituals. You can spend them 3 days before the day of the full moon and within 3 days after it.

You can not extinguish the candle during the ceremony - it must burn out completely and go out by itself. Extinguish candles only when instructed to do so. Altar and scented candles used as additional element ritual, it is better to extinguish with your hands or with a special cap (but don't blow!) . These candles can be re-lit.

It is very important to be able to concentrate, to concentrate your thoughts on what you have planned. If you just sit and look at the flame of a candle, automatically muttering a spell, you will not succeed.


With the help of a lit candle, you can assess the internal state of a person, identify traces of the impact of negative energy in the past, or even find out the near future.. During burning, a candle accumulates a person's personal energy, releasing it. According to such signs as wax streaks, candle bends, the appearance of soot during combustion, one can understand what is happening to a person and determine the cause of his troubles almost exactly.

If everything is fine in your life peace in the soul, and no ailments develop in the body, a candle lit by you will burn with an even, high and clean flame, without creating sagging. But even as soon as problems arise in a person’s soul, the candle begins to “cry”, sagging appears on it.

About some kind of curse says the influx line, which lay on a lit candle from top to bottom. Two such lines testify to two curses.

If the influxes go obliquely and intersect in some place , means, a person is threatened with death from a serious illness. He himself may be guilty of his misfortune, but the actions of other people are also the cause of his troubles.

You can diagnose the state of a person’s health if you drive a burning candle in front of him clockwise, starting from the head. In the place where black smoke comes from the flame, and the problems are centered. After the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to re-diagnose.

And if the candle no longer smokesthe disease has receded . During the diagnosis, the candle should be held only with one side to the patient, without turning.

If the influx appeared from the side of the person which means that he must blame himself for his ailments.

If the candle "cries" from the opposite side , other people are to blame for his misfortunes, it is even possible that someone has brought damage to him.

Drops on both sides indicate that an energy battle is taking place between the patient himself and some other person.

If the "tears" are the same color as the candle itself , probably, the sloshing will stop soon.

If they have a dark (brown or black) color , a person is under the influence of negative energy.

If a church candle placed in the temple begins to bend , which means that the person who kindled it is possessed by an evil spirit. Sometimes streaks appear on a church candle, resembling the face of the one who imposed a curse or sent damage.

Extinguished without any apparent reason candle may be a sign of imminent death. The person who put this candle should immediately take action to avoid a sad fate. He must sincerely repent of his sins, ask for forgiveness from those whom he offended, and not harbor evil against the people who offended him.

With the help of a stearin candle, you can carry out such a diagnosis..

Heat the lower end of the candle and fix it on a plate or large saucer. Place a candle at your feet. If it, floating around, forms “cakes” evenly around the circumference with a diameter of about 2-3 cm, oncological diseases are possible.

Rituals to get rid of diseases

Cleansing effect of candle fire gives a significant effect in the treatment of a variety of diseases, since the cause of many of these is a violation of the circulation of vital energy at the entrance and exit from the body.

If there are problems at the entrance , there is a lack of energy, which leads to atony, hypofunction of certain organs, weakness.

In case of violations at the exit congestion, inflammation, slagging are noted. You can get rid of such troubles if you light candles according to the phases of the moon.

On the growing moon candle fire will help remove blockages and nourish the diseased organ with healing energy.

On the waning moon With the help of a lit candle, you can remove toxins from the body and relieve inflammation.


Take a metal lid - one of those that are used to seal jars when preserving vegetables and fruits, and attach a third of a thin wax candle to its inside. Turn with a prayer to the saints and light a candle for health. Then put it on sore spot (your own or the person you are treating; he must lie down at the same time). You can put a lid with a candle not directly on the body, but, for example, on a book - in this case, the candle will be more stable. Watch carefully so it doesn't fall.


This treatment can be applied in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract not associated with infections and surgical interventions, migraines of unknown etiology, sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis .

If you need to improve your eyesight , the patient during the ritual should sit with closed heads. With hypertension the candle must be moved from top to bottom, with hypotension on the contrary, from bottom to top.

Take a lit candle with your right hand (if you are not left-handed) by the lower end with three fingers (thumb, middle and index). Try to feel how red cosmic energy comes out through the tips of these fingers up through the candle, coloring the candle red.

Bring the candle to the place where the diseased organ is located, and mentally direct the flame along with the healing energy inside the organ. By moving the fire with the power of imagination, try to burn out the disease.

Imagine it as voluminous, white in color, and the flame as a silvery halo.

The healing session should be carried out until the disease is completely destroyed by the flame (5-7 minutes).

After completing the treatment session, be sure to wash your hands with running water and dry them with a clean towel.

At the end of the procedure, do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out and go out by itself.


This candle ritual can be used to cleanse thin fields. Light a candle, take it in your right hand and wrap it around the contour of your body, moving from your head along your left arm, left side, left leg. Then move the candle to right leg and slide it along the outer and inner side surfaces.

Move the candle to your left hand. Flame your right hand and return to the head.

In a circular motion, carry the candle over the crown, near the forehead, at the throat, then move to the chest, stomach, pubis, tailbone. This will cleanse all seven chakras. »

After such a procedure, clean the rest of the candle from soot, but do not extinguish it, but leave it to burn out in good health. Say these words: "I put a candle in the health of the servant (slave) of God (name)."

Wrap the soot removed from the candle in paper and throw it into a river or stream. Throw over your left shoulder with your back to the water. If there is no reservoir nearby, you can throw the bundle into the toilet.


With the help of this ritual, you can heal the aura . If the cleaning is carried out by another person, only one candle is required. Light it up and leave it for 5 minutes to get it well lit. The person whose aura is being cleansed should face the East and close their eyes.

With a lit candle in your right hand, go around the patient in a clockwise direction. Do 14 circles. During the first round, the candle must be carried at the level of the feet. The second circle is the level of the knees, the third is the level of the hip joints, the fourth is the level of the abdomen just above the navel, the fifth is the level of the shoulders, the sixth is the level of the forehead. On the seventh circle, carry the candle over your head.

Then connect these circles with passes in a vertical direction from top to bottom and from bottom to top from the four cardinal points: from the face, on the right, from the back, on the left. Do everything in reverse order, starting with the head and ending with the feet, and again connect the circles with vertical passes on the four sides.

If during the procedure its participants read a prayer (it is possible mentally), then the effect of the ritual is enhanced. After cleansing the aura, be sure to eat the broth or drink tea or coffee.

You can carry out such a ritual alone, but then you will need not one, but several candles - 5, 7 or 9, but certainly an odd number.

Throw a pillow on the floor, place candles around it and light them. Sit on a cushion facing East and close your eyes. Meditate or pray for 20-40 minutes. If you have time, hold the position for as long as possible. Then exit the circle towards the East. Leave the candles to burn out. After the procedure, drink a cup of tea or coffee and eat something (sandwich, biscuit, cracker).


This ritual is used in the treatment of various diseases and general healing. Spend it on Sunday, during the growing moon.

To perform the procedure, you will need: an altar candle; astrological candle for someone who needs healing; 2 small colored candles (blue or red); incense (jasmine); crystal (amber); essential oil gardenias and pine needles.

Light the altar candle, then the incense. With a needle, scratch the name or initials of the patient on the astrological candle and grease it from top to bottom, then place it in front of the altar candle.

Treat the colored candles with essential oil and place them to the left and right of the astrological candle. Light it, then a blue candle, then a red candle. Place the crystal near the astrological candle, scatter the needles on the altar.

Read the spell: “The body always strives for inviolability and wholeness. All his powers

focused on healing and rejuvenation. The energy of light conquers the disease, and complete healing occurs. Let the candles burn out.


This ritual is performed on Tuesday during the period of the full or growing moon. . It is performed for a speedy recovery after surgical operations. You will need several candles: an altar one, an astrological one for a sick person, a curly red one and thin wax candles in green, orange, white and red. You will also need incense (sandalwood), crystal (carnelian), pine essential oil and

Take a figured candle and find a point on it that corresponds to the operated organ. Make a mark on this spot with a pin. Lubricate all candles, except for the altar and figured, from top to bottom with aromatic oil and form a square out of them, where the figured candle is in the center.

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