Hippie movement: values, main principles, history of origin. Hippie movement: values, main principles, the history of the origin of Hippie who they are

The basis of hippie views was originally directed against the Vietnam War. Then pacifism spread to other areas of life. Pacifism implies the rejection of violence, the condemnation of hostilities.

Representatives of this subculture denied all sorts of formalities and hierarchy imposed by social institutions.
Hippies were of the opinion that, first of all, changes should occur in the mind of a person, and not in the structure of society. They extolled the spiritual and self-development.

The symbol of the hippies is, hence their name "flower children" came from. They thought they had reached a dead end in their development. The only option would be to reconnect with nature, enjoy the beauty of the natural world.

This view eventually led to a number of negative consequences. Hippies abused psychoactive substances and alcohol, led a promiscuous sex life. The massive spread of hippie culture provoked a sexual revolution in the world.

The appearance of a hippie had its own characteristic features. Both sexes wore long hair with flowers woven into it. They preferred free-cut clothes, colorful colors, a lot of baubles and jewelry.

Hippie hobbies

The desire for freedom led to the fact that the hippies did not have a permanent place of residence, work, were not enrolled in educational institutions. Often they spent time in meditation, traveling. Much attention and time was devoted to creativity and self-realization, while the individual way of self-expression of each person was valued and respected.

Representatives of this subculture often got together and spent time in an atmosphere of laid-back chaos. At the same time, individuals or groups of people could indulge in different activities. We listened to music, danced, and talked.

Of course, such gatherings could not do without the use of drugs. In an effort to know the world better, young people artificially expanded the boundaries of everyday consciousness. There were also such communes of hippies, where the use of drugs was prohibited.

In music, hippies preferred rock and roll, which was just emerging at the same time as the subculture. Under the influence of hippies, a new direction in music appeared - psychedelic rock. Such music was intended to introduce the listener into a state of altered consciousness.

Although the heyday of hippie culture is in the past, some of its effects are firmly rooted in society. For example, tolerance for racial differences, pacifism, promotion of healthy food, environmental movements, the rise of feminism. On the other hand, this movement provoked an increased interest in psychedelics, tolerance for homosexual orientation and sexual permissiveness.

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The hippie style has spawned many trends in modern fashion. Elements of this style look appropriate in almost any wardrobe, except for a frankly business one.


Hippies have developed their distinctive style by borrowing clothing details from many cultures. They were inspired by the countries of Central America and the Middle East. The result is an insanely eclectic style trend that is currently on the rise again.

Traditional elements of hippie clothing are flared jeans, tight striped trousers, high-waisted flying sundresses, loose embroidered tunics, knitted sweaters, scarves, bandanas and fringes.

Hippie accessories are first and foremost a way to express yourself. All kinds of wooden amulets and talismans, beaded baubles, ribbons in their hair - all this allowed the hippies to very clearly demonstrate their worldview and attitude to the surrounding space. Traditional hippie shoes - sandals, sandals, soft high boots. Often, the hippie style can be confused with country, since both fashion trends prefer natural materials, openwork knitwear, suede and fringe, which are often used to decorate bags, vests and shoes.

In the modern world, the hippie style has expanded its boundaries, but has not changed much. It’s just that now fashionistas who, in general, do not share the hippie worldview, can afford elements of such clothing.

To create a modern hippie wardrobe, you can use all the basic clothing models that came from the seventies. Sundresses, jeans, tunics and long skirts can be an excellent wardrobe staple. But with accessories you have to be a little more careful. Modern hippie style or hippie chic is more concise and stricter than its progenitor. However, it is not polished and allows you to express yourself.

Traditional hair bands can be replaced with stylish, trendy headbands. Instead of beaded and wooden jewelry, take more familiar ones: from metal, precious and semi-precious stones, in some cases, you can use jewelry from modern materials.

There is another way. You can take things of a more relaxed design and colors as the basis of your wardrobe, but supplement them with a variety of hippie paraphernalia - amulets, bracelets, hair bands. Moreover, the calmer your clothes, the more crazy accessories you can use, but you should not overdo it.

As a basic wardrobe for this combination option, casual or country style items are suitable. Don't mix hippie-style accessories with business or smart style.

Hippies are a kind of subculture that originated in the United States in the sixties of the twentieth century. Most of the supporters of the youth movement were people between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five. Popularity brought them a special outlook on life, which opposes all established concepts. In order to become a hippie, you need to feel and understand their ideology.

Tune in to the right wave

Listen to the music of that generation, because it was she who inspired many hippies. Search your local music store or the global network for recordings of concerts from Woodstock, the high point of the hippie movement. Listen carefully to the songs of Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, the legendary The Beatles and Jefferson Airplane. All these performers are united by one thing - the hope of the youth of that time for a brighter future. All hippies believe in peace and do not want disagreements between people. Hippies argue that it is enough for the world to simply love and accept others for who they are. It is also important to be free in choice - in words, in clothes,.


In order to become a hippie, you need to understand how this one was formed. Find out why people banded together and what morality they pursued. Read books by Alan Ginsberg and Hunter Thompson, and don't forget George Carlin for hippie ideals and beliefs.

Be Modern

Hippie is a label that characterizes invisible evolutionary processes. Being a hippie means accepting a universal belief system that is different from the social, political and moral norms of all mankind. Hippies in the sixties resisted the structural divisions of power, while remaining faithful to love, peace and freedom. The hippie subculture arose out of historical divisions between social classes, religions, nationalities, and countries. You must understand that many situations in the world have changed, and modern hippies are different from the previous ones. Hippies are not clothes and behavior, not social status and position, but a whole that not everyone can comprehend. On the way to becoming a hippie, you need to familiarize yourself with history. Talk to your parents and find out how they lived their youth, whether they are happy with everything or wanted to change something. This is the only way to know that recklessness was caused not only by love, but also by wars, existential threats and frequent bans.

Stick to the hippie ideals

Do not pollute the environment, love nature and try to keep the world in its original form. Do good deeds, participate in volunteer programs and eat natural products. Make the world a better place by starting with yourself. Stand up for the rights of every person and try to make society liberal.

In fact, clothes and appearance are secondary concepts for true hippies. But in order to feel this philosophy, you need to know what is important for this subculture. Do not burden yourself with material values, this is the only way to go the way of a hippie. It is enough to find comfortable and bright things, even if they are bought in second-hand or on sale. Hippies prefer to wear clothes made from linen, hemp and other natural materials. Hippie adherents tend to wear long hair, do not think about makeup or about a three-day stubble. Be yourself, don't think about stereotypes and don't live within society!

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Hippie(English hippy or hippie from colloquial hip, hep, - “understanding, knowing”) youth, which became popular in the 60s - early 70s. It was one of the most popular. Her impact on the world can still be seen today.

Why did they arise?

At that time, the world was formally divided into "communists" and "democrats". The Cold War, the threat of nuclear weapons, the fight against the "Red Wave of Communism" in the United States and the outbreak of the Vietnam War significantly influenced the political mood of American youth. already existed ,who protested against the "system", and they did it by stepping aside from the problems.

Hippies, mostly out of and hipsters, on the contrary,decided to change the world with protests. By arranging mass demonstrations against war and the arms race, they attracted the attention of other young people, encouraging them to a new lifestyle, free thinking and idle pastime, in which you did not have to achieve social status, but could live a life full of entertainment and pleasure.

What is the ideology of hippies?

The hippie ideology is based on non-violence, both physical and moral. They did not accept the limits and restrictions that they believed society imposed on them. Morality and shame were rejected because it was perceived as violence against their desire to do what they want.

Hippies fought against all violence, especially against wars. They staged mass protests, peace marches, sit-ins and rock concerts that were held under the slogan "Makelove, nowar"(Make love not war) Their actions were aimed at stopping all aggression, disarmament, including nuclear. Even the well-known hippie symbol ( Pacific) means nuclear disarmament.

The protest was also against corporations, which the hippies saw as the main culprits of international conflicts, poverty and environmental problems. Refusing the consumer lifestyle, they wanted to return to the bosom of nature, which was considered almost a deity (mother earth).
Inheriting Native Americans(Indians), hippies adopted from them not only love for nature, but also spiritual practices ( shamanism, spiritualism), which later developed into a mixture of religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and others.

Seeking spiritual enlightenment, hippies used ( , ). They believed that hallucinations and drug intoxication would help them expand the boundaries of knowledge and achieve spiritual enlightenment. were used en masse. At that time, apparently, there was not a single young man who considered himself a hippie and did not try drugs. There were even so-called psychedelic shamans who experimented with drugs and then told everyone about the effects they felt. Among them are such well-known figures as Timothy Leary, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Carlos Castaneda, Ken Kesey.

In general, hippies did not work and therefore were not tied to one place. Most of them were constantly traveling, mostly hitchhiking. The hippies even have their own car symbol - this is a Volkswagen T1 minibus, painted in the style flower power (Power of Flowers), on which groups of young people went to all kinds of concerts and rallies.

Expressing your protest against society, authorities and laws, some hippies organized communes where they lived together and took care of the household. The famous commune "Christiania" still exists today. The principle of the commune is that here there was no personal property. Everyone owned everything. It is in the communes that the principle that the hippies supported is vividly expressed - "free love". Love without morality and shame. "Free love", where there is no gender, no age, no marriage, there is only desire. Usually through these chaotic connections, spread rapidly venereal diseases. It was at this time that arose AIDS. Have become habitual extramarital pregnancies. General promiscuity contributed to the emergence and dissemination nudism and pornography.

How do hippies dress?

The hippies were mostly vegetarians or vegans (a strict form of vegetarianism that does not use any animal products). Therefore, they rarely used leather. Vegetable tissues were acceptable.

Also not used things with tags, as protest against corporations. Hippies wore simple, comfortable and natural clothing. Often these were worn out(sometimes on purpose) jeans, decorated paints, beads and others handmade. Jeans style was mainly flare from the knee. T-shirts were painted with bright colors, they depicted psychedelic drawings (influence).

Girls put on free style dresses. You could also see ethnic motifs in clothes and jewelry. Hippies were special attributes baubles(bracelet on hand) and character(ribbon on the head). They were made of beads, fabric, sometimes leather. Hippie loved long hair and beards. Often in them intertwined flowers why were they called hippies "children of flowers".

What kind of music did the hippies listen to?

Hippie music was first rock'n'roll, which was later added psychedelic music. For the peculiar hippie life, music was an important element. She united, helped to find like-minded people, entertained and carried a "spiritual" message. Therefore, it is not surprising that hippie festivals are considered massive.

For example, the festival "Woodstock" brought together about 500,000 young. Among the famous musicians who were the thought leaders of the hippies, there are names and groups that we still know. Among them are members of the groupThe Beatles John Lennon and Paul McCartneyand many others.

The contribution of hippies to the world is ambiguous. Starting as fighters for equality, peace and the return of man to nature, they helped to enter the masses. open relationship, venereal diseases and AIDS which are still the problems of society.

Hippie A to Z. Sex, Drugs, Music and Social Influence from the Sixties to the Present Stone Skip

The hippie way

The hippie way

…maybe it's the time of year. Yes, but maybe it's the time of man.

And I do not know who I am, but life is given in order to find out.

Joni Mitchell / CS&N (Woodstock) 1970

What is a hippie? What's the difference between old hippies and new hippies? Once a hippie - hippie forever? These and similar questions are the subject of many discussions today. Such concepts as web hippies, cyber hippies, zippies came into use. But what is a hippie, and are you a hippie?

To answer these questions, let's look at what defines a hippie. Some say that this is a way of dressing and behaving, a way of life. Others believe that hippies are fans of rock and roll, those who take drugs, or hold radical political views. The dictionary gives the meaning of the word hippie, as a person who does not obey the standards of society and preaches liberal views and lifestyle. Can all these definitions be correct?

I think they all miss the point. By focusing on unusual hippie behavior as the most conspicuous, these limited definitions fail to reveal what is in the heart of a hippie that motivates such behavior. To understand the hippie journey, we must look at all the circumstances that preceded the birth of the hippie movement, the important events that changed our lives, our final break with society, and the philosophy that grew out of our spiritual growth. This book will examine these points and show them in the context of the ongoing development of society.

The hippie is the establishment's label for a deep, invisible, hidden evolutionary process. For every barefoot hippie in baubles and flowers, there are thousands of invisible members of the underground. People whose lives are tuned to their inner vision. The ones who dropped out of this American Life TV comedy.

Timothy Leary (The Politics of Ecstasy) 1967

In my opinion, being a hippie is a matter of adopting a universal belief system that transcends the social, political, and moral norms of any establishment structure, be it class, church, or government. Each of these powerful institutions has as its goal the control or even the enslavement of people. Each of them must protect themselves from the threat of real or imaginary enemies. Thus we see that history is a parade of endless conflicts of class against class, religion against religion, country against country. After a millennium of war and strife in which the number of victims is countless, we must rise above our insignificant differences.

The hippie path is opposed to all overwhelming power structures as they are contrary to the hippie goals of love, peace, freedom. Therefore, the establishment feared and suppressed the hippie movement in the 60's as a revolution against the established order. This was also the reason why the hippies could not unite and turn the system over, since they refused to create their own power base. Hippies don't force their beliefs on others. Instead, hippies want to change the world for a reason and by living their lives according to what they believe.

Imagine that everything is now in common, I wonder if you can

Nobody is greedy, nobody is starving, perfect brotherhood.

Imagine that the whole world belongs to everyone.

John Lennon (Imagine)

Being a hippie means believing in peace as a way to resolve differences between people, ideologies, religions. The path to peace lies through love and tolerance. To love means to accept others as they are, to give them the freedom to express themselves. And, of course, do not judge them for their appearance. This is the essence of the hippie philosophy.

…look, backpackers are flooding the world, Dharma vagrants, they don’t subscribe to the general demand to consume food and thereby work for the right to consume, why the hell are they all this shit, refrigerators, televisions, cars, at least new luxury cars, all these shampoos, deodorants, all this rubbish that will end up in the trash in a week anyway, to hell with this whole system of enslavement: work, produce, consume, work, produce, consume - I foresee a great backpacking revolution, thousands, millions of young Americans take backpacks and they go to the mountains to pray, amuse children, amuse old people, delight young friends, and even more so old friends, they are all Zen madmen, wander around, compose poems just like that, out of their heads, they are kind, they do strange unpredictable acts, supporting in people and in all living beings a feeling of eternal freedom.

Jack Kerouac (Dharma Drifters) 1958

The hippie movement erected signs for everyone. Some signs warn us of imminent danger, others direct us to a more fulfilling life, but most of them point the way to freedom. Freedom in this system is paramount. Freedom to do what you like, go where you want, and be open to new experiments. This generates an attitude that promotes maximum personal growth.

If you want to be free, be

Because there are a million things that you can be.

Kat Stevens (If You Want to Sing)

Our society gives man only a few weeks of the year to pursue his own goals. For the rest of the time, he is a slave to the system. Hippies reject the 9 to 5 lifestyle and are therefore the butt of ridicule for those whose lives are measured in hours. Programmed people are jealous and resent the freedom we have. The absolute freedom that hippies represent is the greatest threat to any system in which government is based on power.

I like ideas about breaking down and overthrowing the established order. I am interested in everything related to rebellion, disorder, chaos, especially activities in which, it would seem, there is no point. It seems to me that this is the road to freedom - external freedom, which leads to internal freedom.

Jim Morrison

With freedom comes responsibility. The system makes it hard for us to survive if we don't give up our values. Therefore, it is necessary to open alternative ways of existence, so as not to be a burden to others and a burden to earthly resources. Hippies have tried many lifestyles and alternative businesses, including communes, joint ventures, holistic medicine, and healthy eating. We have paid everyone's attention to the environment to emphasize our responsibility to our planet and future generations.

I smiled, dreaming of the world as a whole.

I believe that it can be and someday it will be.

Cat Stevens (Peace Train)

Other beliefs that stem from our philosophy are earthly spirituality, like belief in Gaia (the Earth as a single organism), the green movement (political activity), as well as shamanism and vegetarianism. These philosophical and political views reflect the respect for nature and the planet as a whole, that is, something that is so lacking in our capitalist and materialistic society. The world needs hippies to show alternatives to the current system and warn of impending disasters that will come if we do not change our way of life. The goal is not to make everyone a hippie (against what should we protest then?). Rather, we are trying to influence others by our example through tolerance and love and by preaching the virtues of the hippie way.

You create your own reality.

Seth (Messages of Seth)

So being a hippie is not a way of dressing, behaving, not economic status or social position. It is a philosophical approach to life that emphasizes freedom, peace, love and respect for others and the Earth. The hippie way will never die. There have always been hippies ever since society put rules on Jesus, on Henry David Thoreau, on John Lennon, on you and me. I believe that there is a little hippie in each of us. Only he was suppressed in the process of socialization. We need to find it and grow it. Only then can you fully realize your potential.

I went the untrodden path, that's the difference.

Robert Frost (Untrodden Path)

People still face the same problems that they had in the days of the hippies. Wise than ever, let's help young hippies find a way to save the earth and achieve more freedom than their wildest dreams can ever imagine. Let's find a common ground to build a worldwide commune so that our long hair flags fly again and we become who we are destined to be.

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From the author's book Hippies are a specific subculture that arose in the United States in the early sixties of the twentieth century. Having appeared, it quickly spread to all countries of the world, and by the mid-seventies it had practically disappeared. In the original, the hippies were part of a youth movement made up mostly of teenagers and fairly "young adults" between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five who inherited the cultural rebellion from the bohemians and beatniks. Hippies scorn established notions, criticize middle-class values ​​and act as a radical opposition to the use of nuclear weapons, the war in Vietnam. They became popular and highlighted aspects of religions other than Judaism and Christianity that were virtually unknown at that time. Hippies literally pushed through the sexual revolution; they encouraged the use of psychedelic drugs in order to expand human consciousness. many successful cases of treatment are described in the medical literature.In the heyday of the Hippie, LSD was not considered a drug and was freely available in the USA.As a result, many young people, based on the scientific works of doctors, began to get involved in the "self-correction" of their own consciousness). Hippies created original communes where their values ​​were cultivated.

Hippies have developed real traditions for all time. And, probably, the most grandiose of them is the Rainbow Gathering.

On July 4, 1972, a thousand young people climbed Table Mountain in Colorado (USA), joined hands and stood there for an hour without saying a word. They decided to achieve peace on Earth not by strikes and demonstrations, but by silence and meditation.

This was the first "Rainbow Meeting". The name Rainbow comes from a prophecy of the Kopi Indians: at the end of time, when the Earth will be devastated, a new tribe will appear. These people will not be like us either in skin color or habits, and they will speak in a different language. But what they do will help make the Earth green again. Call them "Rainbow Warriors".

After the first action, the "Rainbow Warriors" decided that they would gather together every year and pray for world peace. Since then, "Rainbow Families" began to appear on all continents. The rainbow is a symbol of happiness and global balance, which means that anyone who agrees with the main idea: "Life without violence and in unity with Mother Earth" can become a warrior.

The social composition of hippies is heterogeneous, but first of all it is creative youth: aspiring poets, artists, musicians.

Appearance, dress code:
Regardless of gender - long hair parted in the middle, a special ribbon around the head ("hairatnik" from the English. Hair - hair), on the hands - "baubles", i.e. home-made bracelets or beads, most often made of beads, wood or leather, often a disproportionately large knitted sweater, decorated with beads or embroidery, a denim pouch around the neck for storing money and documents ("ksivnik": from ksiva - document, thieves' jargon), color of clothing mostly light (experienced hippies never wear black), but not flashy. The latest generation of hippies are distinguished by such attributes as a backpack and three or four rings in the ears, less often in the nose (piercing).

Music style:
Hippie music culture was a mixture of rock, folk, blues and psychedelic rock. This culture has also found its way into literature, drama, and the visual arts, including films, rock concert posters, and album covers. Of Western music, hippies prefer psychedelic rock, they love the band "Doors". Boris Grebenshchekov is highly rated among Russian performers.

Language, jargon:
A large number of English borrowings, such as "bolt" - a bottle, "vine" - wine, "flat" - an apartment, "hair" - hair, "people" - people (common appeals: "man", "people"), " ringushnik" - a notebook (from the English. Ring - call). In addition, the frequent use of diminutive suffixes and words that have no analogues in the literary language to refer to specific concepts that are peculiar only to hippies is typical (for example, the already mentioned "baubles", "ksivnik", etc.).

From alcoholic beverages, hippies prefer wines and ports. Frequent use of drugs (usually mild) has been noted. Part of the hippie ideology is "free love" - ​​with all the ensuing consequences. Hippies are not belligerent, they tend to be pacifists. One of the first was the slogan "Make love, not war". (Make love not war) Ideology: hippies themselves often express it with the words "Peace, friendship, chewing gum." Typically disregard for material values, such as money and expensive things; there was sincere indignation of the hippies when someone tried to buy expensive things instead of cheap ones. Oriental religions and teachings are popular.

In the 60s. of the last century, a simply “stunning” cultural movement appeared, which attracted millions of people who sympathize with the suffering planet - the hippie youth movement. This subculture could not pass without a trace, and, undoubtedly, forever remained in the memory of mankind. Further in the article, you will learn the history of the hippie movement and other nuances that accompany these events.

The arrival of the hippie

The first wave of the hippie movement in the United States appeared between 1964 and 1972, when America was waging the Vietnam War. This was the first war in the history of the country, which disgusted the Americans themselves. This alignment of affairs led to the spread of pacifist sentiments, which served as the beginning of the hippie movement. The subculture included young people who were distinguished by strong personal convictions about the injustice of social rules. Wealth and satiety, the lack of spirituality of philistine life, bourgeois boredom - all this became the reason that the hippie movement was born among the rebellious youth.

The first use of the word "hippie" is dated April 22, 1964. It was the text of a broadcast from one of the New York TV channels. This word was used to describe a group of young people with long hair in T-shirts and jeans who protested against the Vietnam War. At that time, a slang expression was considered popular among young people, which meant the Russian “to be in the subject, to whip the chip” - to be hip.

The TV crew used the word hippie in a pejorative way, alluding to the claims of sloppily dressed suburban demonstrators to be hips.

We can say that since the mid-60s, the time has come for the birth of the hippie movement.

Hippies - children of flowers

The main slogan of the subculture was pacifism. The values ​​of the hippie movement included the following: peacefulness and non-violence, protest against military action, refusal of military service. Initially, pacifism was aimed at fighting the war in Vietnam, only later moved into all spheres of human life.

For hippies, a protest against the "rules" imposed by "people in ties", against the orderliness and gray boredom of everyday life, a departure from the formal institutions of society is characteristic. Reminds me of a kind of peaceful anarchy.

Supporters of the hippie movement refused to be part of the established system and created their own alternative system, which would not be based on a social hierarchy.

Representatives of this subculture tend to be apolitical. The general desire of supporters is aimed at changing the world through creativity, and not military coups. In their opinion, the revolution should take place, first of all, in consciousness, and not in society.

Instead of material values, the hippie movement promoted spiritual ones, instead of building a career, self-improvement and creativity.

The main "postulates"

The hippie movement welcomed naturalness in everything. The call to return to the origins of mankind seemed to tell people that civilization had reached a dead end, and the only salvation for people would be to remember their roots, to merge with nature together.

The symbol of the hippie movement - a flower - protests against hostilities and various inequalities, in addition to this, it personified youth and naturalness.

The beauty of the world, the joy, the abundance of sensuality became the foreground of the subculture. However, there were also negative consequences: excessive promiscuity of views led to drunkenness, drug addiction and promiscuity. The "sexual revolution" is said by some to be the brainchild of this subculture.

Flower Children denies timelines. Calendar, clock - elements of civilization alien to them, imposing their own order on the real "living" world.

As the well-known journalist of that era, Hunter Thompson, once wrote, there was a feeling that everything around was striving for good, that the internal energy of the good-natured guys from the hippie movement was able to stop the atrocities that surrounded them everywhere.

Distinctive features of the hippie

Girls and guys from this movement called their long hair "hayer" and were fond of rock and roll, meditation, hitchhiking, oriental mysticism, lived mainly in communes and loved to weave flowers into their curls - a symbol of peace. It is this way of life that characterizes the "children of flowers."

Representatives of the subculture refuse any things, conditions that the world of "non-freedom" offers them, namely: employment, social dogmas and morality, rules and structures. After all, freedom and independence is the main criterion for a quality life for real hippies. The hippie movement in the USSR was on a smaller scale and with difficulty broke through the hardened views of the Soviet people. Hippies were considered homeless and worthless representatives of society.

As mentioned earlier, flower children live in communities that allow like-minded people to get together and share ideas, as well as provide a wide field for creative activity. Many communes had strict codes against smoking, drinking, and drug use. In such "monasteries" the ideas of brotherhood and universal love were promoted.

The main rules of interaction with others were expressed as follows: “mind your own business”, “do not fuss”, “do not disturb others”, “share with others”.

In such a team, each person is full-fledged and has the right to self-improvement, his own opinion and interests. It is a law for any hippie to honor the interests of another as his own, to consider his property the property of the whole team, to share everything that he has.


According to hippies, the spiritual unity of people is created as a result of a common truth revealed to each member of the collective, which sooner or later is achieved on the path of anyone who seeks it.

The life of the "children of flowers" is rather unpretentious: they consider the temporary absence of shelter and food as a common nuisance that is not worth attention. Such people live by "happy chance."

There is another rather interesting concept in the hippie environment, like "just existence."

This expression refers to the time when a person does nothing, that is, contemplates the world, enjoys the sunlight with his eyes closed, and is simply in careless solitude.


Gatherings of hippies are called happenings (sessions). Such events take place in some hot spot where hippies can gather in large numbers to listen to music, dance or talk together. A distinctive feature of hangouts or so-called sessions is the simultaneous actions of various people, creating an atmosphere of relaxed chaos.

This confusion is clearly visible during the dances - in crowds of supporters of the movement enter and exit the premises, dance in colorful or simple costumes with or without musical accompaniment, in pairs or alone, often not in time with the music, to loud conversations, everything in their own way. Half of the people don't dance at all, they just sit on the floor near the stage. Children scurry past them. Such a meeting is called a happening.

hippie look

This part of life is also important in the life of any hippie. Various jewelry, long hair, worn jeans - all this is a given subculture. Hippies would rather spend on another bauble than on food.

Searching for ideals, the representatives of the movement turned to the East. This culture has significantly influenced the appearance of hippies. Since then, their clothes have been full of ethnic motifs: multi-colored caftans, Afghan robes, beads with threads in several rows, home-made things made from scraps of fabric.

Blue jeans, not much loved by society, they decorated with fringes, pictures, leather and beads. "Hipparies" preferred to walk with bare feet and headbands for long flowing hair. As the legend says, the bandages served them as a kind of amulet against the "roof-breaker".

Hippie fashion borrowed many aspects of the "gypsy style": flowery skirts, dresses with exquisitely embroidered corsages, coin-shaped jewelry. Fresh flowers and natural materials were also considered quite popular.

"Ksivnik" - a small chest bag for documents - is still found among the accessories of the youth wardrobe, although its purpose has changed a long time ago.

Braids made of macrame threads in the form of "baubles" were considered quite popular. They had their own symbolism: a wish for a good hitchhiking could be conveyed with a bracelet in black and yellow stripes, a declaration of love was expressed in the gift of a red and yellow accessory.


An important part of the life of hippies is the use of narcotic substances, through the use of which they confirm their renunciation of the life principles of the inhabitants, and also achieve "expansion of consciousness".

Many supporters of the movement believe that drugs help to gain spiritual liberation, open up a huge field for creative activity. But this is just one of the points of view. Other hippies may tolerate drug use but don't see it as sublime. In certain communes of a "monastic" nature, the use and distribution of drugs were prohibited.


Like any subculture, hippies are distinguished by their characteristic music. A revolutionary discovery - rock and roll shocked not only the "inhabitants", but also the adherents of the subculture in question.

In 1967, hippie anthems (unofficial) were released: San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair), performed by Scott McKenzie, and the famous Beatles song called All You Need Is Love.

The hippies were also the trigger for the invention of psychedelic rock. Among the initiators of the psychedelic culture of that time are the Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, and others.

Such music is like drugs - it promotes the expansion of consciousness. The psychedelic sound is achieved through the use of live instruments and the constantly changing intonation of the solo voice. It is said that this effect is achieved through the use of a spectrum of forbidden frequencies, which allegedly affect the human brain.

It's time for beautiful days...

Hippies, like most subcultures, have their pros and cons.

You should not idealize this movement or, conversely, reduce everything to psychedelia and drug addiction. One can only hope that the modern generation of hippies will inherit peacefulness, love of life, positive and brightness from their ancestors.

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