Did Pugacheva part with Galkin. Information appeared in the media about the separation of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva Galkin leaves Pugacheva for the former: the official relationship of the couple

September 4, 2013 16:10 MR
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The media are full of reports that Pugacheva and Galkin are getting divorced. Allegedly, the reason for this is the numerous betrayals of Maxim. The marriage, concluded in December 2011, in 2013, not having lasted even two years, is bursting at the seams. Is it true? Read the details with us.

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin divorce

A couple of weeks ago the media disseminated information that Pugacheva and Galkin were on the verge of a divorce and had almost divorced. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” turned to the Primadonna herself for comments and this is what she said: “All the rumors about our divorce with Maxim are just another stupidity! All this lies were invented by journalists, which, unfortunately, has become an everyday practice. Let all these publications look for other famous heroes for various tall tales, sucked from the finger, to increase their rating! It is clearly stated - neither subtract nor add.

Divorce Pugacheva with Galkin, 2013

Alla Borisovna after the conclusion marriage in 2011, she repeatedly told the press that she was happy with Maxim: “Everyone knows that for the last ten years I have been living, like in a fairy tale, with my beloved. I am lucky - I live with a man who loves me for who I am. I am very happy with Maxim, ”Pugacheva emphasized in various interviews.

Evil tongues spoke that Maxim has already cheated on Pugacheva more than once, and she seems to have found herself a new young singer-chosen one. That Galkin began to earn less, and this circumstance did not suit Alla Borisovna in any way. However, in reality, all this turned out to be just nonsense. As Pugacheva said, divorce reports are "just stupid."

Is it true that Galkin and Pugacheva are getting divorced

It's a lie blown up by the media to maintain your ranking. This version was expressed by Alla Borisovna. She and Galkin are happy and are not going to get divorced.

Perhaps logs in the fire Rumors were planted by the couple themselves. Before that, of course, they did not confirm these rumors, but with mysterious voices they filled in the fog. All this leads to a seditious thought: maybe it was beneficial for them to be talked about. Throw, so to speak, an information occasion.

In July 2001, the first acquaintance of a little-known comedian and a famous singer took place. Both of them took part in the "Slavianski Bazaar", which was held in Vitebsk. Maxim was in the role of a participant, and Alla was the chairman of the judging commission. Philip Kirkorov himself introduced them to each other.

In August of the same year, the second fateful meeting took place at the celebration of the artistic concert hall "Russia". That evening, Alla and Maxim talked for a long time, the parodist even decided to invite the lady to dance. Galkin admits that he has always been a fan of Pugacheva's work, he admired this woman. In 2001, a real fire broke out between the lovers, they realized that they could not live without each other. Alla and Maxim are sure that they are made for each other and are perfect.

Alla regrets the age difference with Maxim. They probably would have met each other sooner.

Pugacheva always paid attention to intellectuals with glasses, and Maxim just prefers this one for himself. Even before meeting Galkin, a discord began between Kirkorov and Pugacheva. They stopped understanding each other. Maxim was at the right time at the right time next to the Diva. Relations with Christina Orbakaite did not immediately develop. Christina - with a strong-willed and stubborn character. She treats her mother with trepidation and care, and she is not indifferent to who is next to Alla. But soon all the omissions passed.

Alla and Maxim enjoy family life. Husband and wife always attend events together, relax together.

Living together

The first three years of marriage were not without quarrels and scandals. It was a lapping period. But over time, the storm subsided, Alla and Maxim learned to understand each other. Even in difficult periods, in moments of resentment, which sometimes lasted several days, the couple was not going to leave. Alla and Maxim are adult wealthy people, they know what they want, childish childishness is no longer their level, and they have nothing to stir up public interest with the help of statements about parting with their couple.

Birth of children

Confirmation that Alla and Maxim are happily married was the announcement of the birth of twins: Lisa and Harry. The children were born from a surrogate mother. The celebrity couple's babies were born on September 18, 2013. The newly minted father is in seventh heaven with happiness. He willingly tells the public about his "treasures", about their feeding and first successes. It turns out that Alla had long wanted to give birth to a second child, but she did not succeed. 11 years ago, she froze her eggs in the hope that they would be useful to her. Alla chose the names for the children, Maxim approved them, as they go well with the father's patronymic and surname.

News of culture and art

Pugacheva and Galkin: is it really a divorce?

Pugacheva and Galkin: is it really a divorce?

What the media has been talking about for the past six months and which seemed like utter nonsense, it seems, is starting to come true. Various sources close to the first couple of our show business confirm one thing: Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin are really on the verge of a break.

And it's not that, they say, 37-year-old Maxim went on a spree. Yes, I met this summer with a model from Kharkov, Elena Galitsyna, and Pugacheva indirectly confirmed this. Were they romantic or friendly - what's the difference? The essence of the problem is different, and the insidious homeowners have nothing to do with it.

In November, it will be 12 years since Maxim and Alla are together. In December - two years since they are legally married. But it's one thing - a semi-mysterious, at least for reporters, love game. And quite another - family relationships. There are special requirements for the prima donna's husband. And so far, none of the legal spouses of the singer fully corresponded to them.

Here, apparently, the turn has come to Galkin. The jokes, jokes, for which Maxim is much, are no longer so funny, the pleasantness of a gentleman at secular parties has become part of everyday life. What about at home?

And at home, according to sources close to the star couple, Alla cuckoos alone. And it's not just that Galkin is now filming in the film "Kings Can Do Everything" - in recent months, the spouses often quarrel, their relationship has escalated to the limit.

What is the reason? According to those close to him, all the strife in the star family is about money. Say, Maxim began to earn little. “Little” is, of course, by the standards of Pugacheva, who is used to living in a big way. Galkin's number of tours has sharply decreased, and the TV presenter's salary is barely enough to maintain a luxurious apartment in the city center, a majestic castle in the village of Gryazi and numerous servants. But you still have to pay for all the whims of the Primadonna! Which over the years does not become less. That is, the reason is in her, and not in him. It is not just that the singer is increasingly seen in Filippovsky Lane, where her former, but wealthier husband Kirkorov lives.

Many people talk about the incompatibility and inevitable separation of Galkin and Pugacheva. Including psychics, sexologists and even graphologists.

Dilya Enikeeva, sexologist:

I am absolutely sure: this is a marriage of convenience, a mutually beneficial union. There is no sexual component here. And by the fact that Pugacheva and Galkin legalized their relationship, they only brought their collapse closer. Because they had already exhausted all the possibilities for PR, the marriage was a kind of ace of trumps, which is kept in the sleeve in case of emergency. The next powerful PR move may be perhaps the adoption of a child. And even better - six, like Jolie and Pitt!

Graphologist Tatyana Goguadze:

Large capital letters in Pugacheva's autograph mean whims, under which others often have to adapt. At the same time, the long tail at the end of Galkin's signature is intolerance to orders. And the big semicircle - the artist carefully hides some side of his life from others. This guy has an intimate secret!

Mohsen Noruzi,psychic:

These people are not simple romantics by nature - they are businessmen, active people, used to using every second, confidently moving towards the goal and not miscalculating their steps. But Maxim will not be the last link in this chain, everyone is in for a big surprise! Soon one unusual person will return to Alla's life...

Maxim Neverov


Elena Galitsyna herself ignores such conversations. It is not in her interests to refute the rumors: such fame helps the aspiring singer to build a career.

Information that the legend of the Russian stage, the singer Alla Pugacheva convicted her young husband of infidelity. Sources close to the surroundings of the star claim that walking behind the wife’s back “to the left” continued for quite a long time.

The prima donna of the Russian stage gave only one comment on this matter. Leaving the hotel where the quarrel took place, Alla Pugacheva admitted to reporters that she had not yet been betrayed like that.

“No one has offended me so much yet, I’m upset - I need peace,” the star said desperately. “Leave me, please!” After the scandal, Alla Borisovna and her young husband drove off in different directions, each in their own car.

It was recently reported that Russian artist Maxim Galkin, husband of Alla Pugacheva, was seen in Sochi in the company of a long-legged model. Galkin did not deny this information, however, he stated that only friendly relations connected him with the girl.

Alla Pugacheva acted like a truly practical woman. It is foolish to hope for the eternal love of Maxim Galkin, so the prima donna tried to tie him legally. Did not work out.

Alla Borisovna is now having a difficult period. At the beginning of this year, she was embroiled in a lawsuit with Rospatent. For several months, the singer tried through the courts to regain full ownership of the Philippe trademark.

Philip stuck

The sign belonged to the artist for almost 15 years in 20 classes of goods and services. But last fall, the term of legal protection of the trademark expired, about which Rospatent notified the star, but there was no reaction from Pugacheva until the Samara company encroached on Philipp.

Then the singer was indignant and filed a lawsuit. The Philippok organization, which manages the Philippok network of private kindergartens in Samara, asked to deprive this sign of legal protection in 41 categories (includes education, training, film studios, recording studios, etc.).

By law, the signs "Philip" and "Philippok" are considered identical. Alla Borisovna won the court. Now Pugacheva can name a store or a funeral home after the pop tsar, produce washing powder or even gaskets. Pugacheva was also returned 200 rubles, which at the beginning of the proceedings she had to pay as a state duty.

But, having defended her legal right and showing who is the boss in the house, Alla Pugacheva acted nobly. She donated a trademark to a kindergarten in the "educational institutions" classification. It turns out that now she will not be able to name the same vocal school that she plans to open in honor of her ex-husband.

Soul and body

Recall that, while still spouses, Alla and Philip organized a joint company "Philip Kirkorov Production". In 2002, the company acquired the rights to stage the musical "Chicago" in Russia, in which more than $5 million was invested. The costs did not pay off. Moreover, all the friends of the prima donna dissuaded her from this adventure.

By the way, according to information from the close circle of the singer, it was this bankruptcy that caused the divorce of the spouses. After that, a business division took place: the Philip Kirkorov Production company, along with the debts, remained with Kirkorov. And Pugacheva took away all the rights to the Kirkorov brand. And she registered it with the Alla Art Studio, which she created back in April 1996.

In general, Alla Borisovna voiced the idea to patent the Philipp trademarks to her then husband immediately after the wedding. Kirkorov unconditionally obeyed his goddess.

The very same culprit of the dispute all this time watched the process from the side. In a brief conversation with an Express Gazeta correspondent, Philip Bedrosovich admitted that he “belongs to Alla Borisovna with all his heart and soul, and this is much more important than some kind of trademark.”

Be or don't be

The legal battle for the name of the ex-husband played out against the backdrop of the personal drama of Alla Borisovna. Six months ago, the media first wrote that Maxim Galkin no longer lives in the prima donna's apartment in Filippovsky Lane.

Of course, this is not the first time that “darlings are scolding” - before that there were a lot of reasons: both jealousy and business disagreements. But in the old days, the "migratory" Galkin always returned. Most recently, during the broadcast on Radio Alla, Pugacheva lifted the veil over her domestic relations with Galkin.

We live just like ordinary people! Everything is simple with us, without pathos and chic. We are absolutely happy. We live, as they say, soul to soul! - said Alla Borisovna. - We divide all the homework among ourselves: I do the laundry, and Masechka washes the dishes. Maybe hammer a nail at home ... We take turns going to the store. I cook and he sometimes takes me to restaurants. Everything is like everyone else! We are people too! Yes, we have fights. But how without them? Everything can't always be good! We have been together for eight years already! I can say I'm going to the record of constancy!

Nevertheless, Maxim Galkin spends less and less time with his cordial girlfriend. They appear together in public only on special occasions. He actually lives in his parents' apartment in Novye Cheryomushki.

Maxim recently got into the habit of going to social events. And all alone. Previously, he was not an avid party-goer, since Alla Borisovna is a big homebody.

As we were informed by Alla Borisovna's entourage, there really was a discord in their relationship with Maxim. It turns out that, trying to keep a young lover near her, the singer suggested that he issue the name "Maxim Galkin" to her.

“It seemed to Alla that this was a completely logical business proposal,” they told us, surrounded by the singer. - They live together, although they do not have a common family budget and separate wallets, they often help each other out with finances without any obligations.

Galkin quite firmly denied Alla Borisovna the rights to his name. Then Alla put forward an ultimatum: “Either you draw up rights, or leave!” Galkin left.

“Congratulate me,” the TV presenter boasted over the phone to our correspondent, “now there is a new trade mark “Maxim Galkin”! For six months now, my lawyers have been preparing all the necessary documents.

The parodist especially noted that the stamp was issued only in his name. — Yes, I am the only owner of the brand! he said. Not everything is so simple in the star kingdom.

Is it possible that once again the prima donna loses her husband because of money?

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