Pepper h. Types and varieties of pepper, how different hot peppers are and what varieties of hot peppers exist. Spicy spaghetti with shrimps

Some varieties of hot peppers are of the chili type. Today there are about 30 varieties of them, and they are all of the same genus - Capsicum, the nightshade family.

In many Asian countries, as well as in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the word "pepper" is usually not used in speech. The name of the hot spice in Russian is consonant with the Republic of Chile of the same name (Chile), but the term chili itself, in relation to pepper, means red in translation.


All chili plants are perennials. Their shrubs are very branched, some reaching two meters in height, like a pepper called "bird's eye".

Their leaves can be either large, elliptical in shape, or narrow ovoid, from light to dark green in color.

The fruits differ in size, color, shape, number of nests inside the berries and even the direction of growth, such as cayenne and tobasco, peppers grow vertically upwards.


Among the genus Capsicum, there are five most popular varieties of chili.

Capsicum annuum

The species includes many varieties. Among them: mild-spicy poblano, medium-spicy jalapeno and cascabel, spicier serrano, hot cayenne and very spicy bird's eye (bird's eye).

The poblano pepper has a mild-spicy flavor and a fruity aroma.

Jalapeno peppers are mildly spicy

Cascabel is a dried small round chili pepper.

Red chilli serrano pepper has a pronounced spiciness

The popular cayenne pepper has a pungent, spicy flavor.

Fine bird's eye pepper is very spicy

Capsicum Frutescens

This variety includes very hot malagueta peppers (grain of paradise), medium-spicy tabasco, spicy piri-piri and kambuzi.

Tapered hot malagetta peppers no more than 5 cm

Very hot piri-piri peppers are narrow, up to 10 cm in length

capsicum chinense

Chili pepper datil has exceptional spiciness

Scottish bonnet pepper is also very spicy.

Habanero pepper is considered the hottest popular chili.

capsicum baccatum

This variety of chili includes the following varieties: Bishop's crown with a mild spicy taste, mildly hot peppa and quite hot aji lemon pepper.

Bishop's crown pepper is practically not spicy in taste, but very unusual in its shape.

Peppa peppers have a mildly pungent taste.

Pepper Aji lemon has a sharp and slightly citrus taste.

Capsicum pubescens

Rokoto pepper is one of the varieties of this variety of chili and has a very hot taste.

In addition to the above presented, it would seem, and so spicy fruits, there are world champions in hotness. The leader is the Carolina Reaper ECU with 2.2 million ECU. The second place is Trinidad moruga scorpion with 2 million ECU. Bhut jolokia - 1.58 million ECU. Trinidad Scorpion Butch - 1.463 million ECU.

As you know, the degree of spiciness (the concentration of capsaicinoids in the pulp and seeds of fruits) is determined by the units of the Scoville scale (ESU). Pure capsaicin is equal to 16 million ECU.

Where does it grow

Chili pepper "native" of tropical America. It came to Europe thanks to the navigators of Columbus. After, many varieties spread throughout the world, especially appreciated in Africa and Asia.

India is now the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of pepper.

spice making method

Peppers are used both fresh and dried. To preserve the raw material for a long period of time, it is dried in the sun. In this case, the fruits become darker and wrinkled. After that, the seeds are removed, and the dried pulp is ground and kept in a tightly closed container, in a dark place.

Sometimes peppers are simply dried by hanging them in a dry place, which also allows them to be stored longer.

Another way to prepare for the future is freezing. To do this, chili is first fried, and only then frozen without removing the skin.


  • It is known that red pepper is considered more spicy than green.
  • Depending on the state of the fruit (fresh or dried), peppers can be called differently. So, for example, jalapeno, in dried form, is called morita. And poblano pepper is called ancho.


As you understand, the degree of hotness of all chili peppers is very different. You can clearly see this in the next photo.

Nutritional value and calories

100 grams of fresh red pepper contains:

Chemical composition

Capsicum red chili peppers are rich in beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, D and group B, in particular B6.

Of the trace elements, they include:

  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sodium;
  • Potassium.

In addition, water, sugar, dietary fiber, essential oils, fatty oils and capsaicin are present.

Beneficial features

  • a strong pain reliever;
  • antiviral;
  • warming;
  • antimicrobial;
  • diaphoretic;
  • stimulating the process of digestion.

You can learn more about chili peppers in the following video.


Care must be taken when handling chilies, as some types are so hot that they can cause burns. In no case do not touch your eyes while working with it and wash your hands and objects thoroughly when finished.


Due to the high content of capsaicin in some varieties of chili, its use is contraindicated in the presence of the following health problems:

  • Gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • allergic reactions;
  • Individual intolerance.


In cooking

Hot pepper is one of the most popular spices in cooking.

It is used in various forms, for most dishes:

  • it is often included in mixtures of spices;
  • goes well with savory, garlic, cilantro, bay leaf, basil, etc.;
  • fresh - great for pickles, soups and vegetable dishes;
  • ground - added to sauces, dressings, sour-milk drinks, meat, fish and marinades.

Asian markets abound with chili peppers of various colors and sizes, in fresh and dried form. They are an important component of almost all the dishes of these peoples. One of the popular dishes of the locals is lightly fried fruits mixed with homemade cheese. Chili is also used as a spice alone, or in a mixture of seasonings, to flavor and give a spicy taste to food.

Chili is present in many cuisines. For example, in Italy, arrabiata sauce is popular, with these hot peppers. Hungary is famous for its famous paprikash. In China, they are used in the classic Gongbao dish and beyond. Mexicans use them to make spicy sauces for meat and poultry, and even make chili desserts. In Thai and Lao cuisine, it is the main ingredient in soups and salads.

In addition to the fruits, the leaves of almost all types of chili peppers, which do not have strong bitterness, are also edible. They are widely used in India, the Philippines, Korea and Japan.

We offer you to try several culinary recipes with these hot peppers.

Adjika from Chile

Grind half a kilogram of bell peppers and a tomato in mashed potatoes. Add two tablespoons of salt, one tablespoon of paprika and one teaspoon of suneli hops to the mass.

Crushed in a blender six cloves of garlic and fresh horseradish root in the amount of 25 gr. mix with vegetables. Lastly, add 4-5 pieces of finely chopped chili pepper.

We defend the resulting seasoning for half an hour before direct use. If you want to leave adjika for future use, it is recommended to transfer it to sterilized jars and roll it up in the usual way. For long-term storage, more horseradish and chili should be used.

mexican chicken

About one kilogram of chicken, cut into small pieces, fry until golden brown. We make a mixture of 4 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce and 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac (or other strong alcohol) and simmer the bird in it over low heat until the moisture has completely evaporated.

Grind the onion head, two chili peppers (or to your taste) and four bell peppers. Add a tablespoon of grated ginger, two anise stars to the vegetables and spread the resulting mass to the meat for further frying. In the meantime, dilute half a tablespoon of starch (or rice flour) in water, pour into a dish and simmer everything until the bird is ready.

Spicy spaghetti with shrimps

One chili pepper, de-seeded and finely chopped. We put it on a preheated pan, and in the meantime, wash the shrimp (standard package 650 gr.) And spread them to the pepper. Fry on both sides, salt to taste and add six crushed garlic cloves. Pour in a glass of dry white wine and steam over medium heat until the moisture is completely evaporated. Then add a couple of tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, mix well and remove from heat.

Boil spaghetti (750 grams) and rinse with cold water. We spread them to the shrimp, mix and set to simmer on a slow fire for about ten minutes. The dish is ready!

You can learn about smoked chili peppers, methods of preparation and their use from the following video of the program "A Thousand and One Spices of Scheherazade".

In medicine

Due to the high content of capsaicin in chili (namely, hot red pepper varieties), it is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is very effective in ointments and patches. Fruit tinctures are good for improving digestion and stimulating appetite.

They are also treated for:

  • Colds;
  • Headaches;
  • sinusitis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Pulmonary diseases;
  • kidney infections;
  • Normalize blood circulation in the lower extremities (hot baths with pepper solution).

At home

Chili extract is used for gas mixtures in pepper spray, as a means of self-defense.


Chili can be grown both at home on the windowsill and in the garden. But for this it is necessary to create special conditions for them: peppers are very demanding on the sun and heat. It is important to water regularly and periodically feed with special fertilizers.

The chili pepper is the spiciest food item. Its name is translated from the language of the indigenous tribes of Mexico - "red".

Chili peppers first appeared in America, namely in Bolivia.

This product came to European countries thanks to Columbus, who, among a variety of vegetable crops, also brought chili peppers. The fruits of this vegetable have a sharp and even burning taste and spicy aroma due to the substance capsaicin. Many people are concerned about the question "Chili pepper - is it good or bad for the body?". To answer it, it is important to analyze its energy value and vitamin and mineral composition.

Chili peppers: calories, BJU and chemical composition

Bush with fruits of chili pepper

100 g of this product contains 40 kcal, and its BJU contains 2 g, 0.2 g and 9.5 g, respectively. Dried fruits contain 345 kcal per 100 g, and the BJU balance is 12.4 / 15.9 / 51.1 g. The product is characterized by a high content of carbohydrates with a low calorie content. The fruits have a low content of fiber and ash - 1.5 and 0.9 g (per 100 g), respectively.

Perhaps you would be interested to know about the beneficial properties of bell pepper? Read the details

Fresh chili also has a very rich chemical composition. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, the amount of which is 2 times higher than that in a lemon. Unripe fruits (green, not red) have a lower content of ascorbic acid. In addition, the vegetable contains vitamins: A, B groups (B1, B2, and B6), E, ​​K, folic acid and choline. Minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and magnesium are represented in the greatest amount.

The "hotness" of cayenne hot red chili peppers can be assessed on the Scoville scale. If you ask yourself: “How many scovilles are in a chili pepper?” - the sharpness of this vegetable is in the range of 1.2 - 2 million units, which allows it to be attributed to the 10th group - "explosive types of pepper". According to this scale, chili is the hottest type of red pepper.

Is chili pepper good for the body

Doctors from different fields scientifically substantiate the benefits of chili peppers for the human body. They recommend the use of this product in the diet of most people, because. it contains a fairly large amount of useful substances. To the question: “What is the use of red chili pepper?” can be answered by considering the healing capabilities of this product:

  • stabilization of the work of the heart muscle, vasodilation and an increase in the elasticity of the walls;
  • effective in hypertension: lowers blood pressure;
  • effective as a remedy for infections and harmful bacteria in the body;
  • used for sore throat, cough;
  • used as a prophylaxis of oncological diseases;
  • has a strengthening effect on the nervous, immune systems of a person;
  • increases the secretion of sweat;
  • promotes the active production of endorphins, which creates an analgesic effect;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots, as it accelerates blood circulation;
  • improves appetite and regulates digestion;
  • effective as a prevention of type 2 diabetes, tk. thanks to him, the body needs a smaller amount of insulin to lower sugar levels;
  • stimulates the process of hair growth, and also slows down the aging process of the human body.

How does chicory help diabetic patients? right now!

Thus, chili peppers are effectively and actively used in diseases such as hypertension, intestinal infections and food poisoning. This type of vegetable crop allows you to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, is a prophylactic against heart disease. In addition, on its basis, today experts are developing anesthetic painkillers that will not cause numbness.

Chili Peppers: Benefits for Men

Red chili pepper is effective in maintaining the health of the male reproductive system, i.e. for potency. This is possible due to its chemical composition.

What is useful for chili peppers for men, namely, the main stimulating effect on men's health, is possible due to the presence of alkaloids in the product. These substances are amplifiers for the transmission of nerve signals through the fibers, which activates the entire body of a man, incl. and in the area of ​​his reproductive system.
The benefits of chili peppers for men cannot be overestimated.

The benefits of red chili pepper for potency and erection are as follows.

  • stimulation of the production of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the quality of the reproductive system in men. The more testosterone in the body, the more this system works;
  • improving the quality of microcirculation with the help of alkaloids that “irritate” the circulatory system. This property of these elements contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, and then calls for the flow of new portions of blood to all organs, incl. organs of the male reproductive system. As a result, erection is stabilized and sexual intercourse is prolonged;
  • immunostimulating capabilities of the product: phytoncides and vitamins stimulate natural defense mechanisms, which leads to an improvement in the human condition, stabilization of reproductive function.

Thus, chili pepper has huge beneficial properties: it is an excellent natural stimulant of male sexual function. To achieve the effect, you need to eat only a small amount of this product.

red chilli for weight loss

In addition, the heat generated during the use of the product further contributes to the burning of calories. It is interesting to note that the effect of weight loss is achieved by eating chili peppers in any form: fresh, dried or in a seasoning composition.

The danger and contraindications of chili peppers for the body

The advantages and benefits of chili pepper are associated with the presence of a number of essential qualities that are harmful to certain categories of patients. This product has the following properties:

  • contributes to the development of diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • prohibited for gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis. This is due to the fact that it inflames the mucous membrane and aggravates the patient's condition;
  • is the cause of heartburn;
  • burning fruit juice can severely burn the mucous membrane of the eyes, so its use should be as accurate as possible.

In general, what will happen, eat a lot of chili - this is a question that worries people with various diseases. Doctors note that the negative impact of this product is due to its excessive use, it is expressed in the appearance of nausea, spasms, difficulty breathing and other unpleasant symptoms. It is considered normal to eat no more than one pod of a burning vegetable per day.

Chili pepper: how to use

The most common use of chili peppers is as a vegetable in salads, first and second courses. But, in addition to the function of a food product, it also performs the function of an additive in cosmetics and is known as a traditional medicine.

Use in traditional medicine

In medicine, pepper patches, ointments and tinctures have a positive reputation, which effectively relieve pain in muscles and joints.

This burning product has the property of a diaphoretic, expectorant and antipyretic drug. To achieve the above effect, chili peppers are combined with (1: 1), the benefits will be expressed when taken in 1 tsp. in combination with water several times a day.

For colds and runny nose, an externally applied alcohol tincture of chili pepper is effective. The recipe for such a tincture is simple: chili pods are crushed and poured with 90% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, the mixture should be infused for 1 week, then it is filtered. The resulting tincture is used externally: gauze is moistened in tincture, then the feet are wrapped and woolen socks are put on top.

With gout, a tincture of pepper and 70% alcohol (proportion 1: 5) is also made, infused for 1 week, the affected joints are lubricated with the resulting mixture.

Blood clots can be dissolved by ingestion of the pulp of bread with red pepper powder (2-3 doses per day).

Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice also helps to clear the vessels. We talk about this in detail.

For 5 interesting facts about crossed, see the following video:

Use in cooking

How to use this type of spicy vegetable in cooking can be answered by studying the cuisines of India, Mexico, Indonesia and other countries. It is added to dishes from pasta, vegetables, beans. Spicy seasoning allows you to save them from freshness. Chili is part of such popular culinary dishes as:

  • Tabasco sauce;
  • sauce Adjika;
  • curry seasoning (up to 45% of the composition);
  • satay;
  • sambal;
  • mole;
  • tex-mex, etc.

Chili goes well in dishes with fennel, which add flavor to the dish. European and eastern countries are characterized by the use of the hottest pepper in combination with dairy products: chavdoza (Ossetia) and kurt (Uzbekistan). If you do not want to use a very hot chili, then to the question: “What can I replace it with?”, It is recommended to use spices such as paprika or sweet pepper.

Use in cosmetology

In addition to active use as a food and medicine, the product is used in cosmetic applications, where it is most often used in the form of chili pepper extract. Alcohol tincture from it is added to creams, ointments and cosmetic oils as a means of strengthening the skin. Anti-cellulite body cream is especially effective due to the burning property of this extract. This anti-cellulite cream with chili promotes active metabolism, fluid removal and swelling.

In addition, chili extract may be present in toothpaste as a means to help treat bleeding gums and strengthen them.

Pepper stimulates blood circulation and metabolism in the body, which has a positive effect on the breakdown of fat cells, i.e. hot vegetable is effective for weight loss.

Storing Chili Peppers

Also, fruits can be frozen. To do this, they are crushed and packaged in bags for 1 use.

The dried product should be stored in a dark place at room temperature in airtight containers. Glass jars are ideal for this purpose.

Despite the fact that chili is the most pungent substance, and many people absolutely do not like it, the product nevertheless carries great value. First of all, the benefits of chili pepper for the human body are based on its richness in various elements.

Glass jars are the ideal place to store chili peppers.

About chili with Elena Malysheva, see the following video:

It is used to strengthen the human cardiovascular system, as well as for a number of other diseases. At the same time, its use should be as careful as possible, since only a small amount of the product separates useful properties from contraindications. To the question: “Chili pepper: how much can you eat per day?” doctors recommend eating it no more than 1 pod.

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Chili peppers (red peppers) are native to Peru and belong to the Capsicum family. Some Indian tribes revered the plant as divine and worshiped it. In the tropical forests of South America, you can still find wild varieties of chili today. The Italians were the first to learn about the plant in Europe thanks to Columbus. The researcher's notes even indicate the exact date - January 15, 1493 - it was then that he first tried the "burning sauce from local fruits." Initially, Europeans grew chili for medicinal purposes, and later it fell into the hands of cooks.

The same-looking hot red pepper has many different names.

But this does not change its essence: the product remains a common seasoning in cooking, which is endowed with many useful properties.

The predominant sharpness of the fruit appears due to the presence in the composition of such an alkaloid substance as capsaicin. Its share is up to 2% of the dry mass of pepper. In sweet varieties, this substance is practically absent. The higher the content of capsaicin, the more pronounced the so-called hot pepper. Therefore, sometimes with just one touch to the vegetable, you can still feel an unpleasant burning sensation on the skin for a long time.

Fresh chili fruits are almost 90 percent water, so their calorie content is low - 40 kcal per 100 grams.

Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, vitamin E improves skin elasticity and improves its condition. Benefits for the body are observed in the use of not only the pulp of pepper, but also its seeds, which are also saturated with essential trace elements.

The uniqueness of the composition of hot red pepper determines both its taste characteristics and special healing properties. You can see that the product contains a lot of substances necessary for the human body.

The purpose and benefits of hot pepper

Capsaicin, which is part of the product, not only gives it taste, but also has the ability to:

  • normalize the work of the pancreas and stomach;
  • increase appetite (but if you exceed the norm, then the appetite disappears);
  • thin the blood, thereby reducing the risk of thrombosis;
  • accelerate hair growth;
  • normalize blood pressure.
In reasonable quantities, chili peppers are useful for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, suffer from insomnia, atherosclerosis, and frequent allergic reactions. Also, the product has a beneficial effect on liver function, improves metabolism, stabilizes brain activity and lowers blood sugar levels.

Red pepper is indispensable for colds. It improves immunity, fights viruses, improves blood circulation, thereby contributing to a speedy recovery.

Hot pepper has also distinguished itself in the field of antitumor therapy. And again, the substance capsaicin comes to the fore. It is able to prevent the synthesis of chemical energy in cancer-affected cells by blocking the DNA of mitochondria, which leads to their further death. For the prevention of cancer and the fight against them, you need to prepare pepper tincture and use the mixture three times a day.

Chili fruits contribute to the production of endorphins (happiness hormones), as a result of which there is an emotional upsurge and mood. That is why it is recommended to include this product in the diet with the onset of cold weather - it helps to overcome depression and melancholy. The fruit also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Hot pepper is used as a laxative due to its effect on the walls of the large intestine, as well as flatulence.

In Asia, chili is considered not only a spice, but also a strong antibacterial agent. In a hot climate, microbial reproduction occurs faster, so in countries such as India, Thailand, Vietnam, they prefer to cook spicy dishes. This reduces the risk of poisoning and infection with infectious diseases.

Contraindications to the use of chili peppers

In addition to the positive aspects, hot peppers also have negative qualities. Like any other product, pepper can cause an allergic reaction in people with an individual intolerance to the vegetable. The use of the fetus is contraindicated:

  • People who have severe forms of expression of cardiovascular diseases, for example, angina pectoris, arrhythmia. In the diet of such people, you can include hot peppers only in minimal doses, and you should also carefully monitor the body's reaction to the product. Pepper in large doses can provoke a heart attack.
  • Seasoning is harmful for those who have diseases of the digestive tract, in particular, gastritis, ulcers and other damage to the mucous membranes. In these cases, eating pepper is strictly not recommended.
  • Do not use pepper as an external agent if there are open injuries on the skin: wounds, scratches, cuts.
  • You should limit the amount of pepper consumed during pregnancy, because. it causes dryness, which means drinking a large amount of fluid, which during pregnancy is fraught with swelling. During breastfeeding, it is better to refuse this product altogether.
  • It is necessary to avoid getting pepper on the mucous membranes of the body. At best, the vegetable will cause irritation, at worst - a severe burn.
  • Completely healthy people without any contraindications should not abuse the use of a spicy vegetable due to the high activity of its components.
When eating hot peppers, certain side effects may occur:
  • increased sweating;
  • discomfort and burning in the stomach are signs of excessive irritation of the mucous membrane of the organ;
  • the development of gastritis with the chaotic and excessive inclusion of chili in the diet;
  • allergic reaction;
  • strengthening the action of drugs taken at this moment due to the properties of blood thinning.
To avoid possible negative consequences, it is always worth remembering the measure. An overdose of any useful and safest product entails a number of unpleasant consequences, and in the case of hot peppers, it’s all the more not worth the risk.

Scientists have long disproved the myth that chili peppers cause stomach ulcers and negatively affect the digestive system. In fact, the spicy relative of sweet pods, consumed without excess, not only does not harm health, but can even boost immunity and increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

Experts from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences analyzed the diets of 500,000 people from 10 different regions of the country, as well as their medical data collected from 2004-2008. The experiment involved people from different age groups, including the elderly. During the study, 20,000 of them died. The researchers compared people's mortality with their diet and attitudes towards spicy food. As a result, it was found that regular use of chili peppers and other spicy spices reduces the risk of sudden death by 14%. The scientists also noted a lower chance of death due to cancer, coronary heart disease or respiratory disease in those who add the product to food at least several times a week.

Chili peppers are highly valued throughout South America, as well as in eastern India and Southeast Asia. In the last decade, there has been a huge increase in the popularity of this plant in various parts of the world. Today, when you go to the grocery store or the market, you can choose fresh or dried chili, as well as seasonings and sauces with it.

Capsicum red pepper is widely used in cooking as a seasoning. It adds spice to the dishes and does not cause harm. It is also a popular addition to confectionery products, emphasizing the taste of sweetness. It also has medicinal properties, and therefore can be used as a means for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Benefit for health

Due to its rich composition, hot red pepper promotes health. 100 grams of this vegetable account for up to 240 percent of our body's daily requirement for vitamin C, 39 percent for vitamin B6 and 32 percent for vitamin A.

The pungent taste of chili comes from capsaicin, which has been shown to have antibacterial, anticancer, pain relief, and antidiabetic properties, according to numerous studies. Bitter red pepper also contains potassium, manganese, magnesium and iron.

The health benefits of chili have been proven by numerous scientific studies. Here are just some of the amazing properties that it has due to its unique composition.

  • Protects the heart

The capsaicin found in chili protects the heart by helping to lower blood cholesterol levels. The benefit of this substance is also that it helps to dissolve fibrin, which affects the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. In cultures whose menus often use red peppers in significant quantities, the risk of heart attack and stroke is much lower than in other parts of the world.

  • Helps reduce weight

Capsaicin plays an important role in the diet of men and women who want to lose weight. It stimulates fat burning in the body by increasing metabolism and increasing heat production. If you combine the use of hot red pepper with adequate physical activity, weight loss will no longer be an impossible dream.

  • Anti-cancer

According to recent research, capsaicin, already known to us, can also kill pancreatic cancer cells without harming the remaining healthy ones. By the action of this particular substance, scientists explained why people living in Mexico and India, whose diet is considered spicy, as a rule, are less likely to get some types of cancer than the inhabitants of the planet, whose diet is dominated by fresh food.

  • Prevents headaches and migraines

Other studies have shown that eating chili can relieve migraines, headaches, and sinus pain. And this is thanks to the same capsaicin. Therefore, if you suffer from frequent headaches and migraines, go to the store instead of a pharmacy and buy hot red pepper.

  • Prevents the formation of gastrointestinal diseases

Capsaicin is characterized by another healing property. It helps to cure inflammatory bowel disease and kill bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori, which are one of the main causes of gastritis. Studies in Asia have shown that eating chili reduces the risk of ulcers by up to 53 percent. However, hot peppers are contraindicated in people with diseases of the kidneys, liver or stomach, as they can cause even more harm to their health.

  • Restores potency in men

In a study conducted in France, 114 men aged 18-44 took part. After eating, their saliva was taken for analysis. Those who consumed chili sauce with meals had the highest levels of testosterone in their saliva. Subsequent studies have confirmed the relationship found. Thus, it was found that the constant consumption of hot peppers increases testosterone levels in the strong half. This is the main male sex hormone, the lack of which causes significant harm to the body, reducing the sexual activity of a person. Accordingly, the use of chili pepper is that its use normalizes potency.

Using Chili Peppers: Be Careful

Like any other product, hot red pepper should be consumed without frills. Despite the fact that the benefits of this vegetable are undeniable, in large doses it can harm the health of both men and women. So, Mexican studies have shown that eating 9 pods a day increases the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Scientists from the United States have found that capsaicin, in addition to its many healing properties, can cause irreparable harm to the body. External use of this substance leads to the formation of skin cancer. This must be taken into account when choosing painkillers and warming ointments and gels in a pharmacy, which may contain chili-based substances. Scientists also believe that alcohol infused with hot peppers has a negative effect on the reproductive system.

However, do not be afraid to eat hot red pepper in food. After all, its health benefits are enormous, and potential harm can be prevented by following a few simple recommendations. Do not forget about the sense of proportion - and then you can not only enjoy the taste of chili pepper, but also feel only the healing properties of this unusual vegetable.

Chili does not always mean tears in the eyes and fire in the throat. Today we will tell you about all kinds of popular varieties of chili (from the hottest to the softest), tell you how to cook them and what to serve with!

There are many types of fresh chili available. All of them are hot and spicy, but differ in shape, color and flavor intensity (see the table of chili varieties below). Most of them are green at first and turn red with ripeness, but white, orange, and even black chilies can also be found. Chili peppers vary markedly in taste, ranging from mild to scalding. The rule of thumb is that the smaller the pod, the hotter it is. Fine Thai Chili, Habanero and Scottish Beret are scalding hot; "Jalapeño" and "Serrano" - a little less.

As a rule, red peppers are spicier than green ones. The smaller and thinner the chili, the hotter it is. Imagine, chili connoisseurs recommend biting off a pepper to taste it! But if you decide to take such a risky action, keep cheese on hand to immediately put out the fire in your mouth!
The spiciest thing about chili is the seeds and slices inside, remove them with a spoon or a sharp knife and the chili will be sweeter than fiery. The substance that gives chili peppers its heat is called capsaicin, and the largest amount of it is found just in the seeds and inner plates. To dampen the fire, remove the seeds and plates, but be careful - the essential oils released during cleaning can cause skin irritation. If you have sensitive skin, wear rubber gloves before preparing chili and wash your hands thoroughly when you're done.

When buying fresh chili, look for bright, crunchy peppers with firm, smooth skins that don't wrinkle. Store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 2 weeks or in the freezer for up to 1 year. Do not take withered, damaged and spoiled. Chile is also sold dried; soak it in hot water for about 30 minutes before use.
You can dry chillies at home: tie a bunch of fresh chillies and hang them in a cool, dry place. They can be crumbled into soups, goulash, marinades, or added to pizza or pasta.

When cooking with chili, avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands. The very rich oil from the seeds gets on your fingers and can cause a lot of pain if it comes into contact with a cut or scratch. It is best to wear rubber gloves or cook the chili under cold running water.

It seems that the most correct thing in this situation is to pour a mug of cold beer or a glass of water into your mouth, but in fact this will only increase the burning sensation. It is best to drink a glass of milk or eat a spoonful of yogurt, or try the traditional Indian drink lassi (equal proportions of yogurt and ice water)

Chili is rich in vitamins A and C. Eating chili also encourages the production of endorphins in the body, which boost the immune system, improve circulation, relieve pain and reduce stress.

Light Pasta Sauce: Mix boiled pasta with olive oil, finely chopped chili and garlic.
Sharp fish: Marinate fish fillets in olive oil, chopped chili, lime juice, coriander and grated fresh ginger, then grill.
Thai fried vegetables: Saute chili, fresh basil and mint, chopped lemon sargo and lime juice, add chicken pieces and vegetables.
Salsa: Combine chopped red bell peppers, finely chopped chili, tomatoes, red onion, lime juice and coriander.


HABANERO (Scotch Bonnet or Habanero)
This is the hottest, most brutal of all chili. Wrinkled and roundish pepper has a fruity taste. Add it whole to curries or goulash. Take out before serving.
BIRD'S EYE (Bird's eye)
Thin sharp-angled pepper has an extremely sharp taste. Cut it into thin strips for use in dishes. Often used in oriental dishes.
Small hot pepper in the shape of a bullet. Adds spice and crunch to salsas and sauces.
Jalapeno (Jalapeno)
Snub-nosed red or green chili, medium spicy to very spicy. Good with meat dishes and cheese, popular in Mexican cuisine.
Poblano (Poblano)
Medium spicy chili. Good in slow-cooked or baked dishes to bring out their smoky flavor.
ANAHEIM (Anaheim)
Long, large chillies with a mild, fresh taste. Can be used as a vegetable - great for stuffing and baking.

And finally - a few words about sweet peppers. Although peppers are classified as fruits, sweet peppers are used as vegetables, and a hot variety of chili is used as a condiment. Sweet peppers become sweeter as they mature. Red peppers are simply green peppers that have been left on the bush to ripen. The sweetest pepper is pimiento. which is sold in canned form.

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