Aquarium fish snake with a sharp nose. Macrognatus - aquarium fish - eel. The best aquarium fish for a beginner of the labyrinth family

Detachment, family: proboscis.

Comfortable water temperature: 22-26 °С.

Ph: 6,5-7,0.

Aggressiveness: non-aggressive.

Compatibility: with everyone peaceful fish are not compatible with cichlids.

It is worth noting that we also call it macrognathus ocelli, although this is not entirely true.

Habitat macrognathus: Burma, Thailand and India. Lives in fresh and brackish waters in southeastern countries, East Asia: Mekong River, Southeast Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Chao Phraya River.

The shape of the fish is elegant - the "worm" is different from ordinary fish. The stigma of this fish is elongated, the body, like sea ​​eel and strongly elongated. The dorsal and anal fins are behind, resembling a caudal fin. pectoral fins the fish does not. There are numerous spines on the back, which can be hurt when catching a fish with your bare hands. Macrognathus can be painted in brownish tones with an olive or beige tint. There is a blurred marble pattern on the sides, yellow spots and transverse lines are scattered over the head and body. The body is, as it were, divided in half by a light strip passing from both sides. The fins are light brown or reddish, the dorsal fin is long with spherical dark dots bordered by a golden rim. The belly is much lighter than the body.

Macrognathus ocellar females are larger than males. The length of the fish can reach up to 40 cm.

Macrognathus is nocturnal and bottom-dwelling. During the daytime, the fish hides in thickets of plants or burrows into the ground, and at dusk it swims up in search of food. They may be less shy if they are kept together with other bottom neighbors. In nature, fish can get out of the water and stay out of it for about 1 hour.

They contain macrognathus in a large aquarium. The aquarium is equipped with many shelters and planted plants. It is worth noting that these fish burrow into the ground, leaving only the nose outside, so sand or other fine and non-sharp ground is used as the ground. An aquarium with a fish must be closed, macrognatus can easily get out of the aquarium along the wires of the equipment or the corners of the aquarium.

Comfortable water parameters for keeping macrognathus:Т 22-26°С, acidity 6.5-7, dGH - 5-10°. Aeration and filtration is required.

The fish become sexually mature at the age of two. Breeding in macrognatus is difficult, because. hormonal injection is used to stimulate spawning. Even though the fish don't breed naturally in aquarium conditions, their spawning can be stimulated with the help of special injections. In a few days, producers need to be seated, fully and efficiently fed, and optimal parameters of conditions provided. Spawning is taken from 250 liters not less than 1 meter in length. Water temperature 26-28 °, medium hardness, aeration and a filter are installed in the spawning ground. Shelters, substrate and mesh are needed. From plants, bolbitis and microzorium are suitable. You can land a pair of fish or two males per female. After an injection into the dorsal muscle, the fish are stocked and the spawning area is shaded. The female can lay up to 1000 eggs, which fall through the net to avoid being eaten by the fish. After spawning, the fish are removed. After 3 days, the fry swim up, feed on plankton, small cyclops, microworms.

Feeding any aquarium fish OK must be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotus. The article talks about this in detail, it outlines the basic principles of the diet and feeding regimen for fish.

In this article, we note the most important thing - feeding fish should not be monotonous, the diet should include both dry food and live food. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, include food in its diet either with the highest protein content or vice versa with herbal ingredients.

Popular and popular food for fish, of course, are dry food. For example, all the time and everywhere you can find on the aquarium counters the food of the Tetra company - the leader of the Russian market, in fact, the range of food of this company is amazing. Tetra's "gastronomic arsenal" includes both individual food for a certain kind fish: for goldfish, cichlids, loricariids, guppies, labyrinths, arowans, discus, etc. Also, Tetra has developed specialized feeds, for example, to enhance color, fortified or for feeding fry. Detailed information You can find out about all Tetra feeds on the official website of the company -

It should be noted that when buying any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy feed by weight, and also store food in a closed state - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it.

All of the above is just the fruit of observing this type of aquarium fish and collecting various information from owners and breeders. We would like to share with visitors not only information, but also lively emotions, allowing you to more fully and subtly feel the world of aquarism. Register on, participate in discussions on the forum, create profile topics where you will talk about your pets in the first person and firsthand, describe their habits, behavior and content, share your successes and joys with us, share experience and learn from experience others. We are interested in every bit of your experience, every second of your joy, every realization of a mistake that makes it possible for your comrades to avoid the same mistake. The more of us, the more pure and transparent droplets of goodness in the life and life of our seven billionth society.

Photo with macrognathus

This aquarium dweller cannot be called a written handsome man, but he definitely adds a hundred exotic points to the interior “reservoir”. The ocellated prickly macrognatus is an eel, at the sight of which you are unlikely to be delighted, but it will not leave you indifferent either.

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Aquarium fish macrognathus belong to the suborder of proboscis-snouts of the perch-like order. The suborder is represented by one family, in which there are two genera: macrognatus and mastatzembelus. Together, they number about 50 species.

Eels live in India, Asia and Africa, in calm muddy rivers and lakes overgrown with dense vegetation. Found in both fresh and salt water.

Eels prefer to lead night image life. At night they hunt for fry, small crabs, caviar and plankton. During the day they wait, digging into the ground or hiding in plants.

In length, eels reach 40 cm, but the usual dimensions do not exceed 20-25 cm. These original creatures have an elongated and laterally flattened body. The "front end" looks like a fox's muzzle, and the upper jaw resembles a proboscis with nostrils. Anal and dorsal fins moved back. Some rays of the fins form spines - seen in the photo.

The color of the fish is coffee-beige, olive or brown. The body is decorated with dotted and striated patterns. An expressive light strip runs along the body. The dorsal fin is decorated by nature with dark spots with a golden border. The spots are associated with the eyes, hence the name of the genus.

On sale comes across Siamese macrognathus - a relative ocellar acne. This variety differs from the hero of the article by a similar dark spot located at the base of the caudal fin. Macrognathus males are smaller and leaner. Fish live 8-18 years.

"Night butterflies" after entering the aquarium may be afraid of appearing in public for some time. But after a few days they reveal themselves to the world and by day.

Owners of eels should be more careful with their pets. Not the most peaceful macrognatus may well injure with thorns, or even bite. The volume of the container should not be less than one hundred liters.

Optimal water parameters:
  • acidity (pH) 6.5 - 7.5;
  • temperature 24-28C;
  • hardness (dH) 10-20.

Fine smooth ground is recommended. It is best to use soft sand. The macrognathus fish is a lover of plants with a powerful root system. Filtration and regular water changes are essential. If the quality of the habitat deteriorates, the eels try to crawl out. It is advisable to cover the aquarium in any case.


Macrognathus ocelli is a carnivorous aquarium fish. Under natural conditions - a predator. In captivity, it prefers frozen or live food. Small fish are almost guaranteed to be accepted as food. Some specimens get used to dry food, but the latter should not be most acne diet.

Who do they get along with?

Keeping with small fish is not recommended - eels can foolishly mistake them for prey. And macrognathuses get along well with large neighbors. Provided that colleagues are not aggressive. Although mixed keeping is possible, it is still advisable to keep the eels in a separate species tank.


If eels do not have the opportunity to burrow into the ground, they are overcome skin diseases. The normal production of mucus is disrupted, and ulcers form on the body of macrognathus. You can heal the fish only at the initial stage of the disease. To do this, water changes are increased, griseofulvin and / or erycycline are added, salinity is increased to 10% and temperature is up to 32 degrees.


In captivity, the Macrognathus eel breeds very poorly. In most cases, breeding without the use of gonadotropic injections is not possible. By the year, the fish finishes puberty and the differences mentioned in the "Description" section appear.

During the spawning period, males stop hiding and start chasing females. The formed pair of eels is planted in a separate container. The last one should be:

  • shaded;
  • aerated;
  • with clean water with the following parameters: acidity - 7, temperature - 26 degrees.

A plastic mesh should be placed at the bottom of the container. After spawning, the parents are removed.


Acne babies appear in 1-3 days. Microworms, brine shrimp, rotifers are suitable for feeding. Grown up fry are planted in an "adult" aquarium.

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In which there will be a sufficient number of shelters, planted aquarium plants and pure water. Coarse sand is used as the soil. Often these they dig into the ground and stick out only their nose, so there should be no pebbles with sharp edges in the ground. If fish are deprived of this opportunity, they may develop skin diseases: macrognatus produced a large number of mucus, which they rub against stones when burrowing into the ground; if the fish are kept without soil, this process is not possible and the accumulated mucus causes irritation and inflammation of the skin. Fish can crawl out through air ducts, equipment wires and the corners of the aquarium, so the aquarium must be tightly closed. Optimal parameters for keeping: water - temperature 22-26 ° C (tolerate short-term temperature drops to 18 ° C), acidity within 6.5-7, hardness 5-10 °; filtration, aeration. It is advisable to add sea salt additives to the water at the rate of 3-4 tablespoons per 100 liters of water. They eat all types of live food.


Aquarium eels are usually timid and will ignore neighbors if they cannot swallow them, but small fish will eat. Towards related species can be either completely neutral or wildly aggressive. As a rule, mastatzembelas are territorial, while macrognatuses are more tolerant. However, in a small group (two or three individuals) and they may chase the weak, especially if the aquarium is small or there are no shelters. However, they contain macrognathus singly, although in a group they adapt faster.

Macrognathus BREEDING

Another plus in the content of macrognatus in a flock is the possibility of spawning. Only a few species of eels spawn in captivity, but this is more likely because they are kept singly. Distinguishing a male from a female is another task that is impossible while the fish are immature. It is believed that females are fuller, with a rounded abdomen.
The spawning mechanism is not understood, but good feeding and water changes act as a trigger. They probably remind the fish of the beginning of the rainy season, during which spawning occurs in nature. For example, Macrognathus aral spawns only during monsoons.

Courtship is a long, complex process that lasts several hours. The fish chase each other and run circles around the aquarium. Lay sticky eggs among the leaves or roots of floating plants such as water hyacinth. For spawning, up to 1 thousand eggs are obtained, about 1.25 mm in diameter, which hatch in three or four days. The fry begin to swim after another three to four days, they need tiny foods such as cyclops naupilii and hard-boiled egg yolk. A particular problem with newly hatched eel fry is a certain susceptibility to developing fungal infections. Regular water changes are very important and antifungal medications should be used.

Macrognathus Description

The entire surface of the body of these fish is dark brown, olive brown, beige or coffee-colored. They have splits on the sides. light color which resemble marble in their pattern. As for the fins, they are either light brown or red. The long fin, which is located on the back, has black spots resembling a circle in shape. Around them are rims of golden flowers.

The entire body of macrognathus and its head are dotted with many shiny transverse stripes and dots. yellow color. The body is divided by a light strip passing from each side, located horizontally. The belly of the fish is much lighter than its back.

The body of the macrognathus is quite elongated, and in its shape resembles the body of an eel. Body length refers to its height about one tenth to one. Macrognathus females are much larger than their males. They are also less slender than they are.


As feed, it is preferable to choose live. For example
er tubifex, you can also give macrognathus trash fish, earthworms, various invertebrates and mosquito larvae. Also, both dry and frozen foods are great. High Quality.

macrognathus video

Many breeders think that a tank inhabited by fish alone is too boring and monotonous. Therefore, the owners of aquariums go to various tricks: they add decorative elements (underwater castles, figured snags, grottoes, etc.), plant the bottom unusual plants experimenting with backlight. Some even decide to populate their reservoir very exotic inhabitants. We suggest that you consider keeping an eel in an aquarium.

The most unusual subspecies of fish

Contrary to popular belief, eels are not snakes, but a subspecies of fish. For home aquarium electric specimens from the exotic Amazon will not work. They pose a rather serious danger to humans in direct contact (capable of generating discharges of up to 1,300 V), but they may well take root in captivity in aquariums, where specially trained employees take care of them.

Also, you will not be able to get a river (European) eel - this subspecies is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book.

Houses usually contain macrognathuses or mastatzembels. The latter can give you a lot of problems, especially if you add them to the aquarium with neon or guppies. Mastocembel - pretty big fish(grows up to 70-80 cm in length), it needs appropriate nutrition. The trouble is that she cannot draw a line between the concepts of "neighbors" and "food". These gluttonous individuals often misbehave in their habitats: they can dig up the soil, dig out plants and snags from it.


These cute fish have an attractive appearance, so they will decorate any aquarium. Macrognathus are graceful and mobile, slightly resembling small snakes - their body is elongated and as if flattened. Females are usually larger and fatter than males. In length, the aquarium eel usually grows up to 20-30 cm. Its color is amazing - soft shades of beige or olive, and the body is covered with patterns - light stripes, yellowish dots or black spots (in fact, it is because of this that the fish got the name ocular).

Macrognatus have spines on their backs, but you shouldn't worry about them - the mucus secreted by animals is not dangerous to humans. However, with careless handling (if it is sharply grabbed), the eel can still bite the owner. In this case, the main thing is to quickly treat the wound. However, the teeth of macrognathus are small and will not cause serious damage.


It is better to make an aquarium for an eel species, but you can try to run a macrognatus to other fish (it is better to larger individuals so that it does not eat them). The desired tank volume is from 100 liters per inhabitant.

In nature, these fish usually prefer the calm backwaters of small lakes in Africa, India and southern Asia. They feel best if the bottom is covered with silt or dense thickets, macrognatus are nocturnal. AT daytime they usually lie buried in the sand and come out at night to hunt for fry or plankton. If you are going to keep an eel in a domestic pond, then he needs soft sand to hide, and various hiding places - snags or caves. You can not decorate the dwelling of macrognathus with sharp pebbles or shells, otherwise the fish may get hurt. By the way, it is better to plant plants in miniature pots dug into the bottom of the aquarium, otherwise the eel will definitely dig them up.

Another important point– the tank must be tightly covered from above. In nature, macrognatus can move quietly on land for about an hour, so they can escape from the aquarium. Particular attention should be paid to the corners of the glass container and the places where the equipment is attached; a nimble fish can easily slip out into these cracks.

Macrogntuses are completely undemanding to the quality and composition of water:

  • it must be clean;
  • with a temperature in the range of 22-28 ° C;
  • water changes should be done weekly;
  • it is necessary to establish constant aeration and filtration.

If you would like to breed Macrognatus, seek advice from experienced breeders. These fish will need separate aquariums and hormonal injections, which are difficult to do on their own.

Nutrition and causes of illness

Usually macrognatus prefer live food - tubifex, bloodworm, small crustaceans. They will not refuse from the larvae earthworm or a mosquito, happy to eat small fish. You can also try giving your eel dried or frozen food, but your pet may not like it. Some breeders feed their macrognathus finely chopped raw meat squid or cod.

An eel in an aquarium, like any fish, can get sick. It is important not to miss the moment and see the first symptoms. The main ailment (ulcers on the body) from which macrognathus suffer can only be cured by early stages. This disease develops from dirty water or from the wrong soil (one in which the eel cannot fully burrow). If the fish are sick, frequent water changes and a slight increase in its temperature will help you, but it is better to call a specialist for help.

If you decide to get this charming and unpretentious fish at home, contact Aqua-Store. We will help you choose a pet and provide him comfortable conditions residence.


Macrognathus belongs to the proboscis family, lives in fresh and brackish waters in southeastern countries. In aquariums, the fish is not common, but it looks very noticeable and bright thanks to unusual appearance. The most famous are the types of macrognathus ocellus and macrognathus Siamese. The fish are easy to keep and give any aquarium a unique flavor.


In its form, macrognathus is very reminiscent of an eel, which is why it got its second name “coffee eel”. The body is elongated like a snake, the head is small with a pointed proboscis. Females are larger than males, their greenish caviar shines through the abdomen. AT natural conditions fish reach up to 40 cm, in an aquarium up to 25 cm. The dorsal and anal fins are behind, resembling a tail fin. The fish has no pectoral fins. There are numerous spines on the back, which can be hurt when catching a fish with your bare hands.

Macrognathus can be painted in brownish tones with an olive or beige tint. There is a blurred marble pattern on the sides, yellow spots and transverse lines are scattered over the head and body. The body is, as it were, divided in half by a light strip passing from both sides. The fins are light brown or reddish, the dorsal fin is long with spherical dark dots bordered by a golden rim. The belly is much lighter than the body.

Macrognathus is nocturnal and bottom-dwelling. During the daytime, the fish hides in thickets of plants or burrows into the ground, and at dusk it swims up in search of food. They may be less shy if they are kept together with other bottom neighbors. In nature, fish can get out of the water and stay out of it for about 1 hour. In the wrong aquarium conditions fish can also crawl out of an open container.


There are about 50 varieties of macrognathus, among which the most popular is macrognathus ocellar or "prickly" eel. The Siamese macrognathus species is distinguished by the presence of a round spot near the caudal fin, otherwise both varieties are very similar. The macrognatus genus is close to the mastacembelus genus, among which the following species are known: zebra, ribbon, mother-of-pearl and shell. Representatives of both genera are endowed with multiple identical features, so they are often confused.

For these fish, a spacious container of 100 liters or more with a tight lid, clean water, high-quality aeration and filtration is required. Parameters: temperature 22-26°C, hardness 8-16°, acidity 6.5-7.5. A third of the volume of water is changed every week, and a minimum amount of salt can also be added.

Plants with powerful roots or in pots are planted in the aquarium. The presence of soil is mandatory, since without the ability to dig in, skin diseases may appear in fish. The soil should be without sharp elements, preferably from rounded sand. The lighting is dim.


It is preferable to feed macrognatus with live food: earthworms, invertebrates, tubifex, crustaceans, small fish, mosquito larvae. In addition, you can feed ice cream and good quality dry food.


Macrognathus reaches sexual maturity by 2-3 years. Despite the fact that the fish do not reproduce naturally in captivity, their spawning can be stimulated with the help of special injections. In a few days, producers need to be seated, fully and efficiently fed, and optimal parameters of conditions provided. Spawning is taken from 250 liters not less than 1 meter in length. Water temperature 26-28 °, medium hardness, aeration and a filter are installed in the spawning ground. Shelters, substrate and mesh are needed. From plants, bolbitis and microzorium are suitable.

You can land a pair of fish or two males per female. After an injection into the dorsal muscle, the fish are stocked and the spawning area is shaded. The female can lay up to 1000 eggs, which fall through the net to avoid being eaten by the fish. After spawning, the fish are removed. After 3 days, the fry swim up, feed on plankton, small cyclops, microworms.

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