Why dream of a basement cellar. Why dream of a cellar? What is the dream of the cellar according to the dream book - "A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Dream Interpretation Cellar, basement Past, subconscious, repressed, repressed memories, experiences, mental trauma; hidden unconscious impulses and inclinations; a sense of economy; reserves. Is in it with others - to plot against someone. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Cellar, basement To find yourself in a dream in a cold cellar - to painful doubts, loss of faith in yourself. You will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them. This dream may also portend the loss of property. A cellar filled with wine and food means that you will be asked to take part in some dubious business. For a young woman, such a dream portends a marriage proposal from a speculator or player. In general, for a woman to see a cellar in a dream - to illness and a quarrel with her lover or spouse. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Cellar If you dream that you are in a gloomy cold cellar, then in reality you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose confidence in your abilities and failure awaits you, unless you pull yourself together. This dream also portends the loss of property. Seeing in a dream a cellar in which wines and products are stored is a sign that in reality you will be offered participation in a profitable but dubious enterprise. Dreaming of a wine cellar: indicates that you will be able to make some savings. A person who sees in a dream that he is sitting in a dark wine cellar: a dream portends great trouble, failure, and possibly mourning. If in a dream you took out coal from a wine cellar, this means peace and tranquility in your home. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Cellar Going down to the cellar in a dream means the happy fulfillment of an old dream. Falling into the cellar, stepping on a broken rotten step of the stairs, portends a change in circumstances for the worse. Fumbling in a dark cellar, looking for something, portends a disease. If you find yourself in a cellar full of barrels of wine, then in reality you will have fun adventures. A cellar full of food supplies will soon receive an offer to take part in a dubious financial transaction. A cellar teeming with mice and rats - to dissatisfaction in business and bad news. A damp and cold cellar in which you are forced to spend the night is a harbinger of illness. Being locked in a cellar flooded with water is trouble with payments, debts and losses. Seeing a skeleton in the cellar portends the departure of a lover or a divorce from her husband. If suddenly a huge head of a monstrous monster appears from the cellar and reaches out to you - in reality you will experience a strong fright from a stupid joke that your friends will play with you. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream interpretation Cellar, cellar Cellar, cellar. To dream that you are in a cold cellar means that you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose faith in everything, you will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them, unless you become the master of your desires and intentions. This dream also portends the loss of property. Seeing a cellar loaded with wine and food means that you will be offered a share in the income received from some dubious sources. If a young woman sees this dream, a marriage proposal from a speculator or a player awaits her. For a young woman to see a cellar in a dream is a harbinger of illness and a quarrel with her lover. If in a dream she sees one of the living people dead and emerging from the cellar, this means that she will be indirectly connected with this person by a common misfortune, but then everything will end happily for her. If she sees her dead brother appearing from the cellar, this dream is a warning for her against complications that can be avoided by applying energy and will. Big dream book

What is the dream of the Cellar I dreamed that you were in a cold cellar - you will be overcome by doubts. Become the master of your desires and intentions, otherwise you will suffer from gloomy forebodings. A dream about a cellar full of wines and food supplies portends you with income from some dubious sources. A young woman who sees such a dream is waiting for a marriage proposal from a dishonest person. In general, for a young woman, a dream about a cellar can be a harbinger of illness and a quarrel with her lover. If you dreamed that you were in the cellar, then in real life you are shy and cannot achieve complete understanding with your chosen one. Don't be silent, talk to him. The wine cellar dreams of secret machinations. They drank in a wine cellar - shame and betrayal of imaginary friends await you.
Wine cellar in a dream Dreaming about a wine cellar portends that you will be able to make some savings. A person who sees in a dream that he is sitting in a dark wine cellar is in big trouble. If in a dream you took out coal from a wine cellar, peace and tranquility will reign in your house. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Wine cellar Dreaming of a wine cellar: indicates that you will be able to make some savings. A person who sees in a dream that he is sitting in a dark wine cellar: a dream portends great trouble, failure, and possibly mourning. If in a dream you took out coal from a wine cellar, this means peace and tranquility in your home. Wine cellar: secret and secretive swindlers to gossip in the wine cellar: shame and disgrace, thanks to false friends.
Wine cellar in a dream Wine Vault. The dream of a wine cellar suggests that you will be able to make some savings. To a person who sees in a dream that he is sitting in a dark wine cellar, the dream portends great troubles, failures, and possibly mourning. If in a dream you got coal from a wine cellar, it means peace and tranquility in your home. What is the dream of the Wine Cellar - secret and secretive tricks; frolic in a wine cellar - shame and disgrace, thanks to false friends. Culinary dream book

Dream Interpretation Cellar, basement CELLAR, BASEMENT - past, subconscious, repressed, repressed memories, experiences, mental trauma; hidden unconscious impulses and inclinations; a sense of economy; reserves. Is in it with others - to plot against someone. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Cellar Find yourself in a dream in a cold cellar - to painful doubts, loss of faith in yourself. You will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them. This dream may also portend the loss of property. A cellar filled with wine and food means that you will be asked to take part in some dubious business. A young woman has such a dream: portends a marriage proposal from a speculator or player. In general, for a woman to dream of a cellar Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Cellar I dreamed that you were in a cold cellar: doubts would overcome you. Become the master of your desires and intentions, otherwise you will suffer from gloomy forebodings. A dream about a cellar full of wines and food supplies portends you income from some dubious sources. A young woman who saw such a dream In general, for a young woman, a dream about a cellar: it can be a harbinger of illness and a quarrel with her lover. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Cellar For women: Seeing an open cellar in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - to new discoveries in the field of your girlfriend's personal life. The dream in which you go down to the cellar means that in reality you will discover something unexpected, frightening in yourself, but if you dream about it from Tuesday to Wednesday, you will be very sorry for what you have done. Fall into the cellar in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - to unpleasant discoveries associated with a loved one. If from Monday to Tuesday you have a dream in which you get something edible from the cellar, this portends that you will receive an unexpected and tempting offer.

Wine - you have pipe dreams: descend into it - happiness: to be in it and not be able to find anything - illness: to see how others descend - you are safe from trouble: to fall from the descent into the cellar - an unpleasant time will come for you

Modern dream book Cellar

If you dream that you are in a gloomy cold cellar, then in reality you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose confidence in your abilities and failure awaits you, unless you pull yourself together. This dream also portends the loss of property. Seeing in a dream a cellar in which wines and products are stored is a sign that in reality you will be offered participation in a profitable but dubious enterprise.

Intimate dream book Cellar

If you dreamed that you were in the cellar, then in real life you are shy and cannot talk about anything in bed in order to achieve complete understanding. Do you know that a silent woman offends her partner very much during love games? He begins to think that sex is a burden to you.

Miller's Dream Interpretation Cellar

To dream that you are in a cold cellar means that you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose faith in everything, you will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them, unless you become the master of your desires and intentions. This dream also portends the loss of property. Seeing a cellar loaded with wine and food means that you will be offered a share in the income received from some dubious sources. If a young woman sees this dream, a marriage proposal from a speculator or a player awaits her. For a young woman to see a cellar in a dream is a harbinger of illness and a quarrel with her lover. If in a dream she sees one of the living people dead and emerging from the cellar, this means that she will be indirectly connected with this person by a common misfortune, but then everything will end happily for her. If she sees her dead brother appearing from the cellar, this dream is a warning for her against complications that can be avoided by applying energy and will.

Dreams for the fulfillment of desires Cellar

to peace, harmony and complete harmony in family relationships. Imagine a big beautiful country house. It belongs to you. Everything in it is arranged the way you want. You are preparing for a family dinner and go down to the cellar to get various tasty preparations from there. The cellar is cool, but light and cozy. You feel comfortable and protected there. A lot of various supplies are placed on neat, even shelves. There is a real abundance here - all kinds of pickles, jams, and other preparations. Decide for yourself what products you will take out of the cellar and bring to the table. It should be something that you especially like. Imagine that you are rising from the cellar along with all sorts of pickles and delicacies.

Your personal dream book Cellar

If in a dream you saw a gloomy cold cellar in which you are, then in reality all the doubts tormenting your soul will not allow you to live and develop as you wish. If there are various wines and food supplies in the cellar, then very soon you will be tempted to take part in some profitable and, at the same time, dubious enterprise.

Ukrainian dream book Cellar

It happens that a cellar is dreaming, then there will be a burial. Enemies deceive you. Dreaming of death.

Why dream of a cellar

Miller's dream book

To dream that you are in a cold cellar means that you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose faith in everything, you will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them, unless you become the master of your desires and intentions. This dream also portends the loss of property.

Seeing a cellar loaded with wines and food means that you will be offered a share in the income received from some dubious sources.

If a young woman sees this dream, a marriage proposal from a speculator or a player awaits her.

For a young woman to see a cellar in a dream is a harbinger of illness and a quarrel with her lover.

If in a dream she sees one of the living people dead and emerging from the cellar, this means that she will be indirectly connected with this person by a common misfortune, but then everything will end happily for her.

If she sees her dead brother appearing from the cellar, this dream is a warning for her against complications that can be avoided by applying energy and will.

Why dream of a cellar

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you were in the cellar, it means that in real life you are shy and cannot talk about anything in bed in order to achieve complete understanding. Do you know that a silent woman offends her partner very much during love games? He begins to think that sex is a burden to you.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Wine cellar - you have pipe dreams; descend into it - happiness; to be in it and not be able to find anything is a disease; to see how others descend - you are safe from trouble; fall from the descent into the cellar - an unpleasant time will come for you; wine cellar - you are unbalanced.

Why dream of a cellar

Family dream book

I dreamed that you were in a cold cellar - you will be overcome by doubts. Become the master of your desires and intentions, otherwise you will suffer from gloomy forebodings.

A dream about a cellar full of wines and food - portends you income from some dubious sources. A young woman who sees such a dream is waiting for a marriage proposal from a dishonest person.

In general, for a young woman, a dream about a cellar can be a harbinger of illness and a quarrel with her lover.

Why dream of a cellar

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

The cellar is the calm before the stormy scandal.

Why dream of a cellar

Spring dream book

The cellar - to the burial.

Why dream of a cellar

Summer dream book

Digging a cellar in a dream - digging a grave in reality for someone.

Why dream of a cellar

Autumn dream book

To see a cellar full of pickles and jams is to get a share in some profitable business.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Going down to the cellar in a dream means the happy fulfillment of an old dream. Falling into the cellar, stepping on a broken rotten step of the stairs, portends a change in circumstances for the worse.

Fumbling in a dark cellar, looking for something - portends a disease.

If you find yourself in a cellar full of barrels of wine, fun adventures await you in reality.

A cellar full of food - you will soon receive an offer to take part in a dubious financial transaction.

A cellar teeming with mice and rats - to dissatisfaction in business and bad news.

A damp and cold cellar in which you are forced to spend the night is a harbinger of illness.

Being locked in a cellar flooded with water - payment troubles, debts and losses. Seeing a skeleton in the cellar portends the departure of a lover or a divorce from her husband.

If suddenly a huge head of a monstrous monster appears from the cellar and reaches out to you - in reality you will experience a strong fright from a stupid joke that your friends will play with you.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Cellar - Loss of money - wine - have pipe dreams - go down into it - happiness - be in it and be unable to find something - illness - see others descend into it - You are safe from trouble - fall into the cellar - an unpleasant time will come for you

Why dream of a cellar

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

To find yourself in a dream in a cold cellar - to painful doubts, loss of faith in yourself. You will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them. This dream may also portend the loss of property.

A cellar filled with wine and food means that you will be asked to take part in some dubious business.

A young woman has such a dream - portends a marriage proposal from a speculator or player. In general, for a woman to see a cellar in a dream - to illness and a quarrel with her lover or spouse.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

unreal dreams;

go down to the cellar - implementation;

others descend - the end of trouble.

Why dream of a cellar

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are in a gloomy cold cellar - in reality you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose confidence in your abilities and failure awaits you, unless you pull yourself together. This dream also portends the loss of property.

Seeing in a dream a cellar in which wines and products are stored is a sign that in reality you will be offered participation in a profitable but dubious enterprise.

Dreaming of a wine cellar - says that you will be able to make some savings.

A person who sees in a dream that he is sitting in a dark wine cellar - the dream portends great troubles, failures, and possibly mourning.

If in a dream you took out coal from a wine cellar, this means peace and tranquility in your home.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

inheritance lawsuit.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Cellar - You seemed to find yourself in a cold dark cellar - your faith will fade before doubts; your hope will be replaced by gloomy forebodings; another interpretation of sleep: if you do not learn to control your desires, you will quickly lose the respect of others. It is as if you are in a spacious cellar with wines and food - you will be offered money that you have not earned; you will be invited to participate in a dubious case. A young woman dreams of a cellar with wines and food - this woman will be offered marriage by a person who lives either from speculation or from gambling. You dream that some people are coming out of the cellar - after many misfortunes, luck will favor you again. A young woman dreams that she is looking into the cellar - a dream portends a disease to this woman; a quarrel with a lover will happen at the most inopportune moment.

Why dream of a cellar

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Going down into a dark cellar - soon there will be clarity in a matter that is dark for you / trying to figure out an obscure / an act of love with a cold woman.

To sit in it, to be locked up - advice to keep your intuition, calmness and do nothing: time works for you.

Unsuccessfully trying to get out of it is a situation that you use, since it is incomprehensible.

To get something out of it - haunting memories will soon come up.

In it, to fight with someone - to humble your secret thoughts.

To find a person in him - to discover that what you need is not at all what seemed desirable.

In it is a hiding place to do - to feel the need to disguise your thoughts and desires.

To have a secret passage from the cellar is the consciousness that it is necessary to have a backup option.

Things in the cellar are weaknesses and vices that you want to hide from others.

Wine in the cellar - drunkenness.

Banners are ambition.

Mirrors are vanity.

The weapon is evil.

Any optics - envy and curiosity.

Obscene images or fruits - voluptuousness, etc.

To torture a person in the cellar - you are your own tormentor, it is pleasant to be offended and accumulate anger.

There are snakes in it - your thoughts, from which the heart freezes.

Lock the cat in it - try to free yourself from secret reproaches or malice.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What does the Cellar mean in a dream - you are protected from all troubles, peace and stability reign in your life. Imagine that there is nothing in your cellar: crops, canned food, and wine bottles... You could live in this cellar for several years!

Why dream of a cellar

Dream interpretation of the subconscious

What does the cellar mean in a dream. Just as cellars and cellars are located under the visible part of the building, so dreams about these "lower floors" represent a hidden part of the inner world of a person. The images of cellars and cellars have a double meaning: they can seem to us dark caves, where unknown dangers lurk, or well-safe shelters where it is interesting to play. Such dreams may be related to the period of childhood.

Positive value

Seeing a cellar or basement in a dream is a journey or a possible expansion of working and business interests.

Negative implications

A cellar or basement can express a feeling of detachment from others and loneliness.

Dreams about cellars or cellars usually symbolize deep levels of the subconscious. Remember if the cellar was empty or full. If it wasn't empty, what exactly was stored there?

Creatures in the cellar. Spiders and other creatures in the cellar reflect the fear of unknown emotional problems. Fuel. A basement or cellar where coal, firewood or other fuel is stored may portend good news in the near future. Wine. Dreams about a wine cellar - someone close is going to deceive you.

Why dream of a cellar

Women's dream book

Cellar, basement - To find yourself in a dream in a cold cellar - to painful doubts, loss of faith in yourself. You will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them. This dream may also portend the loss of property. A cellar filled with wine and food means that you will be asked to take part in some dubious business. For a young woman, such a dream portends a marriage proposal from a speculator or player. In general, for a woman to see a cellar in a dream - to illness and a quarrel with her lover or spouse.

Why dream of a cellar

Magic dream book

You dreamed about the Cellar - old secrets. Being in the cellar and not knowing how to get out is a great fright. The UNDERGROUND has the same meaning. If there is wine and food in the cellar, then you will profit from a dubious source. If a girl has such a dream, then she will meet a player who is dishonest (gambler, etc.). Wine cellar - pipe dreams.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Cellar - internal resources. Cold cellar - doubts about your ability to succeed in life; a cellar loaded with wines and foodstuffs is the fullness of inner life.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

CELLAR (basement) - “we know better from the cellar!” - the position of the lower strata of society on state policy and the activities of political leaders.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream interpretation for women

Seeing an open cellar in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday is a sign of new discoveries in the field of your girlfriend's personal life.

The dream in which you go down to the cellar means that in reality you will discover something unexpected, frightening in yourself, but if you dream about it from Tuesday to Wednesday, you will be very sorry for what you have done.

Fall into the cellar in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - to unpleasant discoveries associated with a loved one.

If from Monday to Tuesday you have a dream in which you get something edible from the cellar, this portends that you will receive an unexpected and tempting offer.

Why dream of a cellar

Idiomatic dream book

“We know better from the cellar!” - the position of the lower strata of society on state policy and the activities of political leaders.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream interpretation of relationships

The dream in which you were in the cellar means that you are too shy and prefer to be silent in bed, like a fish. Therefore, it is very difficult for you to achieve mutual understanding with a partner. You do not even suspect that he is dissatisfied with sex because of your silence. It seems to him that you did not enjoy it, and he sees this as his fault.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing an open cellar in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - to new discoveries in the field of your girlfriend's personal life.

The dream in which you go down to the cellar means that in reality you will discover something unexpected, frightening in yourself, but if you dream about it from Tuesday to Wednesday, you will be very sorry for what you have done.

Fall into the cellar in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - to unpleasant discoveries associated with a loved one.

If from Monday to Tuesday you have a dream in which you get something edible from the cellar, this portends that you will receive an unexpected and tempting offer.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream Interpretation of Health

To see the cellar from above through the manhole cover or fall into it - to the danger of injury or serious illness; to sit in the cellar - to the need to get psychological shelter.

Why dream of a cellar

Dream interpreter 1829

To see a wine cellar means secret and hidden tricks; in nembrazhnichat - means shame and disgrace from false friends.

Why dream of a cellar

It is impossible to give a single description of what the cellar is dreaming of. One dream book promises prosperity and happiness, the other - deprivation and poverty. It is very important to remember the little things seen in a dream. With their help, you can interpret the dream only correctly.

Predictions given by Grishina

To dream about how you descend into a dark cellar - to attempts to understand an incomprehensible matter. Perhaps at the moment you do not know how best to proceed, but be patient a little, the situation will clear up soon.

The fortuneteller gives a completely different interpretation to male dreamers. It is assumed that for them the dreaming cellar is a sign that they will have to enter into a love affair with a cold and notorious woman.

To dream that you are locked in a basement is to wait. Don't be nervous and don't worry. Time works for you, not against you. Did you dream that you were trying to get out of the trap? Definitely, will look for a way out of any difficulties in real life.

Going down to the basement with food - to the memories. A series of events or some news will make you remember something that you have not thought about for a long time. If there were a lot of supplies in a dream, then you will have to plunge into the past for a long time.

If you dream that there is a cellar with water, then in reality you want to enter into a forbidden love affair. Dream Interpretation Grishina advises, first of all, to think about the consequences that will definitely come.

Opinion on Miller's dream

If you dream that you are in a cold and dark basement, then in reality you will be tormented by doubts. Miller's dream book is convinced that the advice of someone who is dear to you and whom you trust in absolutely everything will help to cope with emotional experiences. Feel free to ask for help.

Seeing in a dream how they fell into the cellar is a negative sign. Get ready to lose your property. But don't just give away your property. If possible, fight! The dream interpretation is convinced that there is a chance to win.

Going down to the basement filled with bottles of wine and all sorts of supplies - to the emergence of new sources of income. If a young woman dreams of this, a marriage proposal awaits her. It will only be received from a person prone to gambling and fraud.

If a young representative of the fair sex dreamed that she was falling into the cellar, then very soon she would fall ill or quarrel with loved ones. The dream interpretation recommends being more attentive to yourself and to the people around you.

Digging a cellar in a dream means showing an active life position. If you dug a hole, it filled with water, be prepared for obstacles and all sorts of hardships that you will definitely have to face closely on the way to your dream. The more water you dreamed about, the more difficult it would be.

A few more interpretations

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation is convinced that the dreaming cellar with food is a symbol of a prosperous life. In the coming months, you will not have problems with money, at work and in communicating with people.

Digging a cellar in a dream - to take part in a difficult matter. But, if you do not give in to difficulties and bring what you started to the end, success awaits you! Women's dream book promises honors and money. If you dreamed that potatoes were stolen from the cellar, then your competitors will get ahead of you. If you dream that they took out not only potatoes, but also all the supplies - get ready to survive the defeat.

Find out from the online dream book what the Cellar is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Why dream about a cellar?

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of the Cellar and what does it mean:

Cellar - Seeing an empty cellar in a dream - to sadness, with wines - to joy.

Miller's dream book

Why is the Cellar dreaming in a dream?

Cellar - A dream about a cellar promises bereavement and other troubles. If the cellar is for valuables, then luck will greatly surprise you, as your circumstances will be meager. If you dreamed that the doors to the cellar were open, then the people you trusted the most will betray you.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of the cellar?

Cellar - Poverty, burial, death, enemies deceive, inheritance court; fall into it - death.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is the Cellar dreaming?

There will be a burial. Enemies deceive you. The cellar may dream of death, as the dream book predictor reports.

Gypsy dream book

What is the dream of the Cellar according to gypsy traditions

Cellar - Wine cellar to see - means secret and hidden tricks; to gossip in it means shame and disgrace from false friends, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Idiomatic dream book

What is the dream of the cellar

Cellar - “We know better from the cellar!” - the position of the lower strata of society on state policy and the activities of political leaders, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Cellar from your dream

Cellar - Past, subconscious, repressed, repressed memories, experiences, mental trauma; hidden unconscious impulses and inclinations; a sense of economy; reserves. Is in it with others - to plot against someone.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Dream interpretation:

Wine cellar - you have pipe dreams; descend into it - happiness; to be in it and not be able to find anything is a disease; to see how others descend - you are safe from trouble; fall from the descent into the cellar - an unpleasant time will come for you.

Old French dream book

What is the dream of the cellar, interpretation:

Cellar - To see a wine cellar in a dream - to a short illness. Going down into the stone cellar is a sign that your undertakings will have a happy ending. An earthen cellar does not bode well for you - it is a harbinger of failure that will follow your reckless actions.

Freud's dream book

Why did the Cellar dream

If you dreamed that you were in the cellar, then in real life you are shy and cannot talk about anything in bed in order to achieve complete understanding. Do you know that a silent woman offends her partner very much during love games? He begins to think that sex is a burden to you, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

See the Cellar, how to unravel the symbolism

Cellar - Seeing an open cellar in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - to new discoveries in the field of your girlfriend's personal life. The dream in which you go down to the cellar means that in reality you will discover something unexpected, frightening in yourself, but if you dreamed about it from Tuesday to Wednesday, you will be very sorry for what you have done. Fall into the cellar in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - to unpleasant discoveries associated with a loved one. If from Monday to Tuesday you had a dream in which you take out something edible from the cellar, this portends that you will receive an unexpected and tempting offer.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about the Cellar

If you had a terrible dream that you are falling into a deep cellar and no one can help you get out of it, most likely you will have a love affair, which you will later regret very much, because it will not bring anything into your life except for being in a bad mood. If you dreamed that you were able to get out of a dark cellar into the light, this suggests that in life you will overcome your painful love for a person who only uses you and is completely indifferent to you. If you dreamed that you were sitting in a cold cellar, in reality you will be overcome by the desire to change your life and find a person who would be not only a sexual partner, but also a real, devoted friend.

Big encyclopedia of dreams by O.Adaskina

What is the dream of the Cellar according to the dream book

Cellar - Go down to the cellar, be in the cellar: a) fulfill pipe dreams; b) to participate in the litigation on the inheritance; c) suffer from illness, doubt or anxiety.

To see a cellar or a cellar filled with canned goods, wines, and other products, to look for something or eat there - to commit an act that you will be ashamed of, or to do a profitable, but dubious business. Perhaps you will have an immoral partner or someone close to you. If other people go down to the cellar, the troubles will end. When a person rises from a basement or cellar in a dream, this means that you and he will have a common misfortune, but then everything will end well.

Modern dream book


Cellar - If you dreamed that you spoke in a cold cellar, then this means that doubts will not give you rest. You will lose all your optimism and fall under the grip of the darkest forebodings. This dream is also considered a harbinger of material loss.

If you see in a dream a cellar filled to the top with various foodstuffs and wines, then you will be invited to take part in a dubious enterprise. For a woman, this dream is a harbinger that she may marry a gambler or speculator.

If a young woman saw a basement in a dream, this portends her a conflict with a loved one or an illness. If in a dream she saw people who allegedly died and suddenly appeared from the basement, then this means that it is with these people that she will be connected in reality in further events.

If a woman dreamed of her dead brother, who suddenly appears from the cellar, then she will have to go through some kind of misfortune.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Cellar - To the burial, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Digging a cellar in a dream - digging a grave in reality for someone.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To see a cellar full of pickles and jams is to get a share in some profitable business.

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