How and for how long to boil hard-boiled eggs? How long to cook eggs after boiling water. How to boil a chicken and quail egg hard-boiled, soft-boiled and in a bag


Hello my dear readers! On the eve of Easter, many of us will be dyeing eggs. Do you know how and how long to boil hard-boiled eggs so that they turn out perfect every time? I'll show you how easy it is to do! How long does it take to hard-boil eggs? The answer will stun you. Not at all!

Boiling eggs - what could be easier? It turns out that not everything is so simple! One poorly cooked one can put you off eating hard-boiled eggs for the rest of your life. A perfect hard-boiled egg never has a green ring around the yolk. The yolk itself should not turn out crumbly and dry (you could easily choke on it), but tender, creamy, creamy, soft.

Now you still have time to experiment a little, but on Easter and any other day you will have a simple cooking method at your disposal that gives excellent results. I am writing a little enthusiastically, as I am overwhelmed with emotions.

My tried and tested method is to pour raw specimens cold water, bring the water to a vigorous boil, close the dish with a lid, remove from the heat and leave to “cook” without further heating the water. How long to cook (relatively speaking) eggs so that they turn out hard-boiled, after boiling we will consider this method below.

How long do you need to hard-boil eggs to get the perfect result?


  • Chicken eggs;
  • cold water.


  • Container for boiling eggs (ladle);
  • timer;
  • spoon;
  • bowl of cold water.

How to cook properly

Place cold eggs in a ladle.

Fill them with water.

Bring the water to a rolling boil.

Remove the pan from the heat and cover with a lid.

While the water is heating, fill a large bowl with very cold water (you can add ice from the tray to it).

How many minutes should I boil hard-boiled eggs, covered, after boiling (without heating)? I made two options. I took out two of them ten minutes after the water boiled and sent them cold water.

Here is the cleaned one after ten minutes under the lid.

And here is the cut. We see that the yolk turned out the way we needed - completely boiled, not runny, bright - yellow color. And take my word for it and check it yourself - the consistency is creamy and delicate.

After fifteen minutes, I took out the remaining three and placed them in ice water.

This is what it looks like when cleaned and kept covered for fifteen minutes.

Here - in cross-section. The yolk is still bright in color, but the consistency is less creamy. It tastes great!

Yolks from the first and second batch. Both have no greenish tint.

Brief instructions

  1. Place the eggs in a saucepan of cold water.
  2. Bring to a boil without lid.
  3. Turn off the heat and close the lid.
  4. Set the timer for the desired time: to obtain creamy yolks - 10 minutes, for harder ones - 15 minutes.
  5. After the required time has passed, remove from hot water.
  6. Place in ice water for at least one minute.
  7. Clean and eat.

My conclusions

  • There is no need to continue actively boiling the eggs after the water has boiled if we want to get them hard-boiled. It’s quite enough to just keep them covered for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • You will get the most delicious, almost perfect tasting hard boiled eggs. You'll want to cook them often just to eat for breakfast or stuff them.
  • You have never eaten such a tender yolk before!
  • If you do not intend to paint the eggs in the future, you can lightly tap them on the countertop before lowering them into ice water. Cleaning them after such manipulation is usually easier.
  • For cooking, choose specimens that are approximately seven days old. Fresh ones will be very difficult to clean.
  • You may have to adjust the cooking time a little to get it "perfect". But ten to fifteen minutes is not bad for just trying to cook familiar dish in an unusual way.
  • For me at one time, the above method was a real discovery. In addition, it is very economical - the cooking process occurs on its own, without heating with gas or electricity. For cooking, it is best to use dishes with a thick multi-layer bottom that holds the temperature well.

I will be very interested to know your opinion, my dear readers, about the cooking method I have given. Be sure to share your impressions when you try to cook this way!

Hard-boiled eggs are great for cooking in a variety of dishes or as a protein-rich snack. However, as eggs cook, they may crack or their yolks may turn greenish. But there are ways to boil eggs that avoid this.


Boiling eggs on the stove

    Take the eggs and place them at the bottom of the pan. Place the eggs carefully so as not to break them. Do not put too many eggs in one dish (more than four layers).

    • If you don't know if the eggs you are boiling are fresh, place them in a pan of salted water. If the egg sinks to the bottom of the pan, then it is suitable for consumption, and if not, then most likely it is rotten.
    • To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking, place a piece of gauze on the bottom of the pan. However, this is not mandatory.
  1. Pour cold tap water into the pan until all the eggs are covered. Add a pinch of salt. While filling the pan with water, you can hold the eggs with your hand to prevent them from cracking.

    Place the pan over medium heat. Cover the pan with a lid to help the water boil a little faster; but if you want to monitor the cooking process, do not use the lid.

    • Using a wooden spoon, carefully spread the eggs throughout the pan to prevent them from cracking.
  2. As soon as the water in the pan boils, turn off the stove, but do not remove the pan from it. Don't touch the lid either. In 3-20 minutes the eggs will be ready (depending on whether you want them soft-boiled or hard-boiled).

    Pour carefully hot water from the pan or remove the eggs from the pan using a slotted spoon. Cool the eggs by running them under cold tap water or placing them in a pan of cold water (for 5 minutes).

    • Once the eggs have cooled, place them in the refrigerator for 20 to 30 minutes to separate the whites from the shells.
    • If you don't care appearance eggs after peeling them, do not put them in the refrigerator, but peel them immediately after cooling under cold water.
    • To check how well an egg is cooked, place it on the table and spin it: if it spins properly, then the egg is soft-boiled, and if not, then you should cook it some more.
  3. Peel the eggs. Before peeling, lightly hit the egg on the counter to crack the shell. It is better to start cleaning with the blunt end. There is a small depression there (under the shell) that will speed up cleaning. The easiest way to peel eggs is under cold running water.

    • To quickly peel eggs, place them in a pan, cover it with a lid, and then shake the pan until the shells crack on all the eggs at the same time.
  4. Store peeled eggs in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days. To do this, place them in a bowl and cover it with a plate or place the eggs in a sealable container. In both cases, place a wet paper towel over the eggs and change it daily to prevent the eggs from drying out.

    • You can also store eggs in cold water, which needs to be changed every day.
    • Hard-boiled eggs can be stored for a few days (in their shell), but they will likely dry out a bit. Therefore, it is better to store already peeled eggs in water or under a wet paper towel.


    Remove the container from the microwave oven hot water(use a towel or mitten) and then use a slotted spoon to lower the eggs into the water. Make sure each egg is completely covered with water.

    • Don't throw eggs into water. So they can crack; Moreover, drops of hot water may get on you.
  5. Remove the eggs from the water using a slotted spoon and cool them.

    • Place eggs in cold water or a bowl of ice (5 minutes) to chill.
    • Once the eggs have cooled, you can peel them or place them in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes to make peeling easier.
    • In the refrigerator, store eggs under a damp paper towel or in water (change towels and water daily). Do not store boiled eggs in the refrigerator longer than 5 days.

    Problem solving

    1. If the yolk has a greyish-green tint, cook the eggs for less time. Boiled eggs with this yolk are perfectly safe, but if they look unappetizing, boil the eggs for less time next time.

One of the cooks Prince of Kyiv Vladimir the Baptist was famous for the fact that he could cook over fifty different dishes from eggs. But in today’s fast-paced world, there is often simply no time to indulge in egg delights. Therefore, the easiest thing to do is boil an egg. But even here sometimes a creative approach is needed.


  1. Any egg, even the one with the cleanest looking shell, should be washed well before cooking. Many microbes can withstand short-term exposure to boiling water, but are easily washed off with ordinary water. Sometimes you should use laundry soap. But do not use household cleaning products.
  2. It's easy to check the freshness of eggs. You need to put it in a cup of water. The freshest ones will remain at the bottom. The older ones will rise a little. If an egg floats on the surface, it is not fresh and should not be eaten.

During cooking, it may happen that the egg cracks and the white leaks out through the crack. To prevent this from happening, cook it in salted water, about a third of a teaspoon of salt per glass of water, let it dissolve in boiling water.

There is nothing complicated about how long to boil hard-boiled eggs after boiling. Just notice the time. This will take 8-10 minutes, depending on the size of the egg. If you cook longer, an unsightly bluish crust will appear on the surface of the yolk.

The largest ostrich egg will be hard-boiled for 5 hours, and a quail egg will take about 4-5 minutes. Hummingbird eggs become hard-boiled almost instantly, in a few seconds.

There are birds whose eggs are inedible due to their strong, specific odor. These are some types of seagulls and penguins. Chicken and quail eggs are a way to improve potency in men.

Cooking methods

The easiest way is to place the washed egg in cold water and bring it to a boil. Cook for 3-10 minutes. The longer they cook, the harder they will become. Make sure that the eggs are completely covered with water, otherwise the part that protrudes above the surface will not cook and will be liquid.

When the egg is cooked, drain the boiling water and immediately place it under running cold water for a few minutes. Then it will be easy to clean. And the fresher the egg, the more difficult it is for the shell to come off.

The second method is a little more exotic. Bring a liter of water to a boil and pour in eight tablespoons of 9% vinegar. Pour eggs into the solution one at a time. When the surface of one protein “grabs”, you can pour in the next one. Cook for 7-8 minutes. Then remove with a slotted spoon.

How many minutes to boil eggs: video

How to cook hard-boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are not only an excellent basis for breakfast or a light snack, but also a common ingredient in pies, salads, and as an addition to various soups. It is very important that such an egg does not have an unpleasant gray rim around the bright yolk, so that the white does not turn into rubber or, conversely, the yolk and white do not turn out to be liquid. The correct sequence of actions and strict adherence to the boiling time will help to avoid these culinary disasters.

How famous heroes Swifta, the Laputans, could not come to a consensus at which end the eggs should be broken, and the cooks could not agree on what kind of water to put them in to hard-boil them - boiling or cold. Proponents of the first method say they see no difference, and the cooking time is significantly reduced. Those who advocate the second option argue that this is how you will definitely protect the eggs from cracking.

Those who boil eggs in boiling water suggest piercing them with a special machine to avoid cracks, or adding a little vinegar, salt or soda to the water, which promote coagulation of the protein and thus prevent it from “escaping” through the cracks.

Regardless of the cooking method, eggs should initially be at room temperature.

Place one or more eggs in a saucepan or ladle. If you are boiling a lot of eggs, pay attention to the fact that they should all lie on the bottom of the dish in one layer, or you should cook them in several stages. Pour cold water over the eggs so that the liquid rises 3-4 centimeters above them. Bring the water to a boil. You can cover the eggs with a lid and turn off the heat, or you can lower the heat to medium and cook the eggs uncovered. Eggs covered will be ready in 12–15 minutes; eggs in boiling water will be cooked in 10–12 minutes. Exact time Cooking also depends on the size of the egg. The smaller it is, the faster it will be ready, and vice versa.

To stop the cooking process, be sure to cool the eggs quickly. There are also two ways here. You can carefully drain the hot water and pour the cold water into the pan with the eggs, or you can use a slotted spoon to remove the eggs from the boiling water and place them in a bowl of ice water.

If you cook eggs for more than 15 minutes or leave them in hot water for a long time after cooking, the yolk will become discolored and give off an unpleasant sulfuric odor.

How to cook soft-boiled and poached eggs

Preparing a soft-boiled egg is not much more difficult than hard-boiling it. Here, too, time plays a decisive role. Just undercook the egg a little and you will have runny whites. Overcook - instead of a soft-boiled egg, you will get an egg in a bag, with the yolk set at the edges, still runny in the middle. But by boiling an egg in a bag and not calculating the time, you can get either a soft-boiled egg - with a delicate yolk and set white, or a hard-boiled egg with a “crumbly” yolk.

Use a ladle or saucepan large enough to hold the eggs in a single layer. Fill the bowl with enough water to cover the food completely, and bring the liquid to a boil. Take eggs at room temperature and, using a slotted spoon or a tablespoon, place them in boiling water. Reduce heat, the water should boil “gently”, without bubbling. To soft-boil eggs, prepare: - large egg– 3 minutes 30 seconds; - medium egg – 3 minutes exactly; - a small egg, for example a quail – 2 minutes 40 seconds.

To get an egg in a bag, cook: - large egg - 4 minutes 20 seconds; - medium egg – 3 minutes 50 seconds; - small egg – 3 minutes 30 seconds.

Place the finished eggs in cold water for 1-2 minutes. Drain and refill with fresh cold water for 1-2 minutes.

Choose eggs for boiling that are at least 5-7 days old. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to remove them from the shell without damaging the squirrels.

The famous “culinary chemist” Heston Blumenthal prepares soft-boiled eggs a little differently. He places them in a pot of cold water, just as he would for hard-boiled, covers and brings to a boil over high heat. Once the water is bubbling, Blumenthal turns off the heat or removes the pan from the stove and keeps the egg, covered, in the hot water for exactly 6 minutes. He serves hot eggs immediately, cutting off the lids with a special guillotine device.

Many housewives do not think much about how long it takes to cook certain products. In particular, even the notorious eggs. After all, boiled eggs are one of our favorite and easy-to-prepare light breakfasts. Indeed, what could be even simpler than boiling a few eggs? But many people don’t know how much is either in the bag or hard-boiled.

For a long time this product was considered harmful to human health, so it was recommended to consume them less. But new research by scientists has made it possible not only to refute the myth about the unheard-of harm of eggs, but, on the contrary, they have proven that their consumption contributes to the normalization of optimal blood pressure, and also reduces the risk of hypertension.

It is difficult to find a more primitive food, but simplicity in the morning is especially important, because the body has not yet recovered from sleep, and, as usual, there is not enough time to get going, you have to rush to do things or go to work. But is it all that simple when it comes to boiling eggs?

Yes, at first glance, this is a primitive business - you throw it into the water and wait, pull it out and eat. But there are also a lot of tricks that allow you to achieve the expected results. For lovers of simple breakfasts, tips and tricks on the topic “How and how much to boil eggs until soft” are described below.

One of the most common mistakes made when boiling eggs is to first place them in water that has not yet boiled. Be sure to put them only in boiling water. With doing this simple condition There is another problem that often arises - the shell breaks, which causes a significant part of the proteins to leak out of the eggs into the water.

Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted cracking of the shell, under no circumstances should you put eggs that have just been taken out of the refrigerator into boiling water, because main reason why the shell becomes so unusable is a sudden temperature change. Therefore, before dipping the eggs into boiling water, you need to warm them up slightly by washing them under running warm water or holding them a little in a plate of warm water.

So, let's look at 2 ways to boil soft-boiled eggs.

First of all, you need to pour boiling water into a small saucepan so that the water is slightly higher than the eggs (at least 1 cm). Then quickly, very carefully, using a large tablespoon, lower one at a time into the water. Then cook the eggs at a high boil for 1 minute exactly. Next, remove the pan from the heat and cover it tightly with a lid, set a timer and time how long to cook the softened eggs:

6 minutes, if you want a soft yolk with a slightly set, but still runny white;

And a whole 7 minutes, if you want to get a denser yolk with a completely frozen white.

This method works just as well as the first. This time you need to put the eggs in a saucepan, fill it with too cold water, then put it on strong fire and reduce it as soon as they boil. Then measure how long to boil soft-boiled eggs:

3 minutes to obtain a semi-liquid egg;

4 minutes, if you want the white to “grab” firmly, and the yolk to still remain liquid;

And a whole 5 minutes, if you like, so that both the white and the yolk are cooked, and in the very middle a liquid bright yellow speck awaits you.

Sometimes very hard-boiled eggs are peeled, and quite a lot of protein remains on it. To avoid similar problem, you must immediately drain the hot water from the pan after turning off the heat and fill it with very cold water. Once these products have cooled, cleaning them will be easy without any unnecessary problems.

On average, chicken eggs take from 3 to 20 minutes to boil, it all depends on the purpose for which they are softened? - From 3 to 7 minutes. In a bag? - From 5 to 8 minutes. Hard-boiled? - From 15 to 20 minutes.

Well, now you probably know how long it takes to boil soft-boiled eggs, and you will delight yourself with healthy and tasty breakfasts.

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