How to set up a new iPhone 6s. How to set up your iPhone the first time you turn it on from scratch. Make sure you have a backup from your old device

Apple technology is one of the easiest to use. With each new version of iOS, developers try to simplify the system and make it as comfortable as possible for owners. But despite this, inexperienced users still have problems setting up Apple gadgets upon first activation. Let's look at all the settings and their nuances in detail.

Setting up iPhone, iPad and iPod from scratch: description of all points

The initial setup largely determines the level of quality and ease of interaction with the device. Despite the fact that many of its points can be skipped or changed later, for optimal operation of the gadget it is recommended to carry out all the necessary manipulations at the start.

Selecting a country, setting time and date

Once your Apple device starts up, a welcome message will appear on the screen. Swiping it aside will take you to the interface language options. Next you will need to select your country. After this, based on the time zone data of the selected region, the time and date will be determined automatically.

Connect to a wireless network

Connecting to Wi-Fi will be useful when performing subsequent device setup steps, in particular creating a new Apple ID or connecting an existing one (if you use one authentication system on several Apple gadgets). However, if you intend to save time or simply do not have access to a Wi-Fi network at the moment, you can skip this step.


In this device settings item, you are prompted to enable or disable geolocation. Location services are responsible for collecting information about your geographic coordinates. They are used by apps like Maps, Instagram, Camera, etc. to calculate your approximate location. You can also track your Apple device using location services. This function will come in very handy if the gadget is lost or stolen. As for the advantages of turning off geolocation - it will save battery power.

You can activate or deactivate location services at any time by going to Apple's settings. Also, their effect can be limited for some programs.

Setting up iPhone, iPad, iPod

At this stage it is proposed:

  • set up your Apple device as new;
  • restore it from iCloud backup;
  • restore the device from a backup copy on a local disk.

If your smartphone or tablet is completely new and you are setting it up from scratch, don’t hesitate to select the first option. However, when setting up a gadget after a firmware upgrade or system recovery, it will be more relevant to use backup copies of data.

Apple ID

The next step is to create an Apple ID or log into an existing account. Apple ID is an account that gives access to applications such as the App Store, Apple Music, iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, etc. To create it, you will need to fill out the following information:

  • e-mail to which the account will be linked;
  • account password;
  • select security questions and answers to them (required to restore your account);
  • Date of Birth;
  • spare email;
  • mailing address.

If you decide to skip this step, you can add or create a new Apple ID through your device settings at any time.

Terms of Use

Next, you must accept the terms of the license agreement for use. This point is mandatory and cannot be skipped. It's no secret that 99% of Apple users accept the terms of use without reading them. But if you decide to conscientiously read the full list of nuances of the user agreement and still disagree with some point, the only way out is to reject the terms of use and return the device to the store.

Touch ID and passcode

Acceptance of the terms of use will take you to the final stages of setup - creating a fingerprint using Touch ID and a password. These options will help protect your smartphone or tablet from unauthorized use. Confirming your password and/or fingerprint is required when unlocking the gadget (moving from the lock screen to the desktop) and logging into the App Store. You can skip this step and create a password and fingerprint at any other time by going to iOS settings.

The Touch ID function works on Apple devices with a fingerprint scanner, i.e. from iPhone 5s and higher. On older gadget models, a standard password is used.


The final step requires you to agree or not to send system diagnostic data to Apple. The request is very standard and there is nothing in it that would violate confidentiality. On the contrary, information about errors and failures in the iOS system will allow developers to improve it and correct shortcomings in subsequent updates.

Having finished with the last stage of setup, all that remains is to click the “Get Started” button and enjoy using your Apple device.

First launch and setup of an iPad, iPhone or iPod immediately after purchase - video

Apple's initial setup does not take much time and requires minimal manipulation. Most of the steps, namely connecting to Wi-Fi, geolocation, creating an Apple ID, Touch ID and password, can simply be postponed until later. The iOS system makes it possible not only to return to setting all these options at any time, but also to change them in the future, based on personal preferences.

Slowing down the speed of the iPhone is the scourge of all owners of Apple gadgets. The problem hits hardest for users who are used to actively using the device and using hundreds of programs. You can increase the speed of programs on iPhone using special programs that help set up your iPhone like new.

To start working on the iPhone, you need: after the operations, all data (videos, photos, music, contacts) will be erased, and no one probably wants to lose memories of significant moments in life and restore an extensive list of numbers.

Using the algorithm described in the article, you can increase the speed of both iPhone and iPad.

Preparing your iPhone or iPad

Before speeding up your iPhone, your device needs to be prepared for the procedure. This is done as follows:

  1. Updating iOS to the latest version. The smartphone must have the latest version of the operating system installed. If for some reason this has not been done previously, then you need to go to the “Software Update” section (“Settings” → “General” → “Software Update”), check the installed version of iOS and, if necessary, download and install the update. If your iPhone is running Jailbreak, you will need iTunes to update the operating system.
  2. Backup copy. You can create a backup copy of your smartphone in several ways:
  • via iTunes: you need to connect the phone to the computer, select the device from the list of available ones in iTunes, activate the “This Computer” switch, click the “Back up now” button, after completing the procedure, go to “Devices” and see if a backup has been created;
  • via iCloud: you need to go to the “Backup” menu (“Settings” → iCloud → “Backup”) and click the appropriate copy.
  1. Mute messages. Before speeding up your iPhone, you need to turn off iMessage. To do this, you need to find the “Messages” item in “Settings”, go into it and press the appropriate key.
  2. Turn off Find My iPhone. The device search program should also not work while the device is being accelerated. Disabling “Find iPhone” is done through the “iCloud” item in the smartphone settings.

Having completed all the preparatory work, you can move on to the next stage of work - cleaning the device.

Clear data on iPhone or iPad

How to clean the device, you can find out more in our article (to factory settings) or briefly, using the following steps:

  1. . You can roll back your iPhone to its original version using the “Reset iPhone” button (“Settings”, “General”).
  2. Removing settings and content. At this step, you need to select the “Erase content and settings” button.
  3. Confirmation. iPhone does not delete data immediately after pressing keys; you must confirm your choice to start the cleaning process.
  4. Expectation. Before you set up your iPhone, you need to wait until all the information is deleted - this takes several minutes.

If the cleaning process is completed completely correctly, there will be no information left on the iPhone (other than system information), and the device will display a welcome message on the screen. Did you do everything correctly? You can move on to the most important thing - setting up your smartphone/tablet.

Setting up iPhone like new

  1. Select the item “Set up as a new iPhone” (appears in the welcome message after clearing the smartphone of information).
  2. We skip identification through Apple ID (this is necessary so that the phone settings saved in iCloud are not transferred to the device).
  3. We complete the process.

Setting up the Internet on iPhone (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, X, SE) is a delicate and delicate process. Like any other more or less modern smartphone, the iPhone can connect to Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, and in the near future, 5G. This seems obvious, but what could be so difficult about setting up the Internet?

However, many Apple users who have been using this company's smartphones relatively recently periodically encounter problems with incorrect settings, which is why they cannot use this function. In this article, we will tell you how to properly set up the Internet on your iPhone to get the most out of it.

Let's start with setting up mobile Internet on an iPhone, since it is the most common and in demand.

1. First, go to “Settings” → “General” section → “Network” tab.

2.In the “Cellular Communications” section, scroll down, find the “Cellular Data Communications” subsection and go into it.

3. Pay attention to the “Cellular Data” block. 3 fields must be filled in here: APN, username, password.

For mobile Internet operators, you must enter the following data:

Usernamemtsbeeline(do not enter anything)
Passwordmtsbeeline(do not enter anything)
TELE 2YotaMotiveRostelecom
Username(no login)(no login)motiv(no login)
Password(no password)(no password)motiv(no password)

Internet and MMS settings for iPhone

Internet and MMS settings on iPhone and iPad

Kyivstar mms, internet settings for iPhone 5

Reset APN settings if problems occur

If all the data is entered correctly, but there is no Internet, the best solution would be to reset the APN settings for their subsequent automatic or manual entry. To return to default APN settings, do the following:

1. Open Settings.

2. Select the “Cellular” section.

4. Select the "Reset settings" function. If you have installed a configuration profile, the profile's default settings will be used instead.

Setting up (turning on and off) Wi-Fi on iPhone X, 8, 7, 6, 5

Next on our list is connecting and setting up a Wi-Fi network. Connecting to the network is extremely simple and the only data you will need to enter is the set password (if the network is not open or public).

Here's what you need to connect to Wi-Fi:

1. Tap the Settings icon on the home screen and then tap Wi-Fi.

2. Make sure the Wi-Fi slider is set to the active position, then select the network to connect to. If you have previously connected to a specific network, when you are within range of an access point, your smartphone will automatically connect to the network.

3. Once you select a network, a message will appear asking for a password .

4. Enter your network password.

5. Click the "Join" button.

6. Free, public Wi-Fi networks generally do not require passwords. However, before connecting to such networks, you should take care of security in order to avoid unpleasant situations with data loss and interception.

If you cannot click "Join", it means that the password you entered is incorrect. Please try again or contact your network administrator for further assistance.

Once you have successfully joined the network, a check mark will appear next to the network name and a Wi-Fi signal strength indicator will appear on the top left side of the screen.

Articles and Lifehacks

Owners of a brand new, fashionable smartphone, immediately after purchasing it, are primarily interested in how to activate the iPhone 6. After all, only after this will they be able to use the desired acquisition: make the first call, the first photo, and whatever else.

First activation steps

The initial steps are as simple as possible and involve the usual steps.
  1. You need to remove the gadget from the packaging and install a SIM card on it.
  2. Then the user will see a welcome message on the screen, which must be swiped across. This must be done in the direction from left to right. This manipulation will help unlock the phone, after which you can select the desired language system.
  3. The next step is to select the country in which the iPhone user is currently located. Then you need to find a Wi-Fi network or other Internet access. This step is extremely important, since without it it is impossible to activate the device.
  4. What’s noteworthy is that if suddenly a window appears on the gadget’s screen to activate the device, then this correctly indicates that the phone is being re-sold and that someone has already used it.

Basic steps to activate a smartphone

If at this stage there are no problems, then you can set up a modern gadget as a new device. To do this, you need to select the settings tab, which is designated “like a new iPhone.”
  • To carry out the following steps, you need to generate your own Apple ID. This is a kind of account that is used not only when activating the device, but also for general services from Apple.
  • It is optimal to enter into this window the e-mail that the person regularly uses. You also need to create a password. It is optimal to choose an alphanumeric combination that contains at least 8 characters.
  • Then the user must agree and accept all the services that the resource offers. In addition, their operation will not require additional financial costs from the owner of the device.
  • The next step will require you to create an access password. It is he who will be shown every time you turn on the gadget.
  • It will also be required during the process of unlocking the iPhone if the user creates such a setting at a certain frequency.
  • It’s worth noting that you can refuse to use Apple services with a clear conscience. The gadget is still activated. However, their use can greatly help the owner to use the device conveniently and comfortably.
  • If the user does not need all these subtleties, then he can start working directly with the device.
  1. Select your language and country.
  2. Connect to a Wi-Fi network.
  3. Select Set Up as New iPhone from the Set Up iPhone menu.
  4. Create an Apple ID. It is needed to access the App Store (from there applications, games, music, movies, TV series are downloaded), communication via iMessage and FaceTime and synchronization - in general, without an Apple ID you will not be able to use any Apple services. Also, without an account, you will not be able to block and find your smartphone in case of loss or theft.

How to set up an iPhone 6s if you previously had an Apple device

If you have already used an iPhone, then use a backup copy to transfer all the data to a new smartphone. There are two types of backup. Photos, accounts, documents and system settings are saved to the iCloud cloud daily. And on your computer with iTunes, a complete copy of your iPhone is stored.

Setting up the iPhone 6s in this case begins with the same steps as in the previous section.

  1. After unpacking, insert the SIM card into your smartphone and turn it on.
  2. Select your language and country.
  3. Turn on location services (you don’t have to turn it on, but then the Maps app won’t be able to determine your location).
  4. Connect to a Wi-Fi network.
  5. Select "Recover from iCloud Backup" or "Recover from iTunes Backup".
  6. If you chose to restore from iCloud, you will need to enter your Apple ID and password, and then choose which copy to restore from. If you chose to restore from iTunes, then connect the device to the computer on which the copy is stored. After that, click on the smartphone icon in the top menu, and in the “Backups” section, click on “Restore from a copy.” Do not disconnect your phone from your computer until all data has been transferred.

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