How to get real magical power. Teaching magic at home

A spell to quickly gain magical power

Conspiracies and spells spoken by a beginner are not as effective as the same words coming from the lips of a skilled magician endowed with magical powers. You can strengthen your existing abilities with the help of an effective spell to obtain magical power. After completing the ritual, you will no longer be able to return to the world of ordinary people.

Magic and religion are two incompatible antagonists. This creates a loophole for magicians to gain magical power: you just need to go against the faith. Regardless of your religion, a spell to obtain magical power is nothing more than the famous Christian prayer “Our Father”, read in reverse.

Through meditation

The sacrament begins with meditation. Imagine how your spirit is freed from earthly shackles, how the fetters fall off your hands and feet. You should feel the power of the force that will enter the body, and freedom from prejudice and your own fears. See the sparks flying from under your feet, coming from your palms and eyes. A hellish crash, smoke and lightning will fill the room. You will be overwhelmed by the feeling of being saturated with supernatural energy. In this state, continuing to meditate, read over a lit candle for three nights in a row:

Nima! Ogavakul to san ivabzi, he eineshuksi ov san idevv en and;
Mishan makinzlod meyalvatso ym i ezhokya, ashan iglod man ivatso i;
Send man jad yinshusan shan belkh.
Ilmez an u iseben an okya, Yaovt yalov tedub ad,
Eovt Eivtsrats tediirp hell, Eovm yastiyavs hell!
Heseben an ise, Ezhi shan Echto. Yenyn and Avals.
Yulimop, Idopsog (three times).
Idar Ogeovt enemi ashan ischomen iletsi and itesop, Yityavs;
Ashan yainokazzeb itsorp, Okydalv; ashan iherg itssicho, Idopsog;
San Yulimop, Yeziort. Yaatavserp. Nima. Vokev ikev ov and onsirp and enyn and,
Ukhud Umotyavs and Unys and Utsto Avals (three times).
San yulimop, Yintremszeb Yityavs, Iikperk Yityavs, Ezhob Yityavs.
Ashan ishud, Ezhalb, isaps and, Ynrevks yaikyasv to yn itsicho and,
yn in yasilesv and idiirp, Yuletadop life and higalb Yeshivorkos,
Yyayanlopsi yasa and yys edzev Ezhi, ynitsi Yeshud, Yuletishetu, ynseben
Jurats. Fuck Avals, shan Ezhob, Fuck Avals.
Nima. San yulimop, hytyavs hesv and Yeretam Yaeovt Yaitsicherp Idar
vtilom, Yizhob Enys, Yetsirkh Yesusii Idopsog.
Umonsherg enm idub vitsolim, Ezhob.
Nima. Akhud Ogatyavs and Anys and Atsto yami ov.

Pronounce your words as clearly and expressively as possible. The practice of a magician involves reading spells in ancient languages. Changing the pronunciation leads to a distortion of the meaning of the text, and, therefore, the result.

No one should see you during the ritual. There should be only you, a candle and the night in the room.

Having finished with the spell, extinguish the flame of the candle, complete the ritual with the words:

Let it be so

A cold, sticky snake of horror will crawl along your back from the departure from the foundations of faith, and treacherous weakness will take over your body. This will result in excommunication from religion and communion with magic.

When you wake up the next day, remember everything that happened at night and rejoice that you are clearing your consciousness of the superfluous and unnecessary, of the fact that you are being born as a magician.

Now you can safely continue to study magical sciences and develop your extraordinary abilities.

Veretnitsa spell to obtain magical power

If you feel that you lack magical power, then this ritual will help you. But keep in mind that the abilities are enhanced by infusing the magician’s body with one of the fiends of hell. And it will no longer be possible to kick him out.

To perform the sacrament, stock up on:

  • spindle;
  • heavy witchcraft knife;
  • an icon of the Holy Trinity, purchased from the church.

We need things that are new and have never been used.

Three days before the full moon, sharpen the edge of the spindle with a knife and by midnight go into the forest with the icon and the knife. Reach the intersection of forest paths. At midnight, stand in the center of the intersection, facing west, and say loudly and clearly:

“I summon the dashing Demon Power to my blasphemous work
I urge you to marvel at how cute she is,
Yes, I suggest you rest in this place until tomorrow midnight,
And when tomorrow midnight comes,
Let this crazy Power enter into me through my living blood,
And on the third night, by midnight, it will heal inside me -
I’m eager to spread rot around me and begin to make it easier for me.
Nima! Nima! Nima!"

Break the icon into two parts with a knife and leave them at the crossroads. Come back without looking back, but remember this place firmly. Take the knife with you.

The next night, by midnight, again come to the same intersection of paths with a spindle. Make a hole in the center of the intersection with your hands. Stand above it, facing west. Poke the spindle into the middle of your left palm so that the blood flows. Kneel. Place the spindle in the hole with the bloody end, turn it in the direction of the Sun in the sky with the words:

"I give my living blood,
I take the Evil Power into myself,
Through it I will begin to destroy everything alive around me.
Let the dashing Unclean Force spin me like a spindle,
All living things around me teach me to spread rot and hang on day and night.
With this deed I make an oath, but if I go backwards,
Yes, I will not keep my word in terrible agony and go to death.

Bury the spindle so that it is not visible. Come home. Don't turn around.

On the last night, by the full moon, return to the forest, kneel facing west, and carefully dig out the spindle. Read:

“I accept the wild, crazy power of the Evil One into myself,
I begin to spread rot and destroy all living things around me from this midnight until my eternity,
If I go backwards and don’t keep my blood oath,
So I’ll probably die in terrible agony.
Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!"

Take the spindle and bury it at home near your magical instrument and magic potions.

This is an amazing system of individual self-improvement. Who among us has not dreamed of lighting candles with the power of thought, or with the wave of a hand? Any magical rituals are practically impossible without the element of fire. Nature itself actively controls this process, because our entire world consists of elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire. The method of comprehending fire is at the same time not complicated and deep in content. Having comprehended it, you can control natural phenomena, and even help people by cleaning energy fields.

How to learn fire magic at home

Magic itself contains the scale of human wisdom, which has been formed over thousands of years. Everyone has probably heard about various rituals at different times, carried out by shamans and magicians, when the fire was lit. In the old days, people were closely connected with nature, felt it and understood all natural laws. At the same time, they whispered mysterious incantations and spells. The element of fire is bright, alive, of all the elements, it is the most active. You need to make every effort to understand it yourself and persistently carry out the practices. Once you start learning, you should know a few facts about fire:

  1. The strength of the fire depends on its source, for home teachings, use church candles.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to spit in the fire; it is considered a great sin.
  3. To control the element, you need to learn to understand and accept it completely.
  4. At the very beginning, before you start practicing, you need to learn to meditate and visualize phenomena. Do this exercise, straighten your arms and clasp them in your palms. Unclench them slightly, imagining that you are holding an orange ball.
  5. Gradually bring your palms together, letting this ball into you. At the moment your palms touch each other, take a deep breath.

Nowadays there are many science fiction films using special effects to show the special abilities of humanity. But in real life it is also possible to develop special abilities. In fact, it is possible to control the element of fire directly; this will be called pyrokinesis.

After much practice, with its help you can quickly form a fire, or extinguish it, direct it with the tongues of a fire, or a candle. Perhaps even raise your temperature in frosty weather, and much more that you are capable of, but don’t guess just yet. To unlock your potential, you need to conduct regular training and not give up on your desire. The first technique for a beginner is aimed at the formation of primary energy in the human body, the transition to further highest actions with energy.

This is the initial stage for accumulating light within oneself.

  1. Light a candle and look at it carefully, do not be afraid of the presence of fire.
  2. Read the following text while looking into the fire: “By believing in the fire, its power, cure the disease. The fire is bright, burning, go away, you annoying devil. As soon as I walk around my house with a twinkle, I will live in prosperity and peace. Amen. I burn black candles with fire, drive away enemies and fools. The very flame of the tongue smokes black, so let my enemy whine from illness. Amen"
  3. You need to say it with sincere excitement, joy, repeat several times.
  4. After some time of training, concentration will become available to you, and the mood will be enough for five seconds.
  5. You shouldn’t be afraid of conspiracies; if you wish, you can come up with them yourself. A text set, not necessarily rhyming, that promotes certain actions.
  6. Allow at least ten minutes for the ritual; rushing is not appropriate here.

Exercises to learn fire magic

In terms of manifestation, this is the most difficult element and you need to prepare for a long time before you achieve any effect. And most importantly in learning, never doubt your strengths and abilities. We ourselves carry huge reserves of energy, including fiery energy. You can notice in the thermal changes in our body, only sometimes due to a complex lifestyle, various blockages, the influence of external factors, people do not develop their abilities, the energy of fire fades. Try this exercise to develop heat control:

  1. Take a comfortable sitting position, straighten your shoulders and relax.
  2. Bring your thoughts into balance.
  3. Extend your right hand forward and focus your attention on it.
  4. Spread your fingers, focusing all your attention on the center of your palm.
  5. With the power of thought, send the warmth of your entire body into your palm, feel the formation of a ball, the temperature inside the hand itself changes.
  6. Then, with quick movements, form a fist and close the energy in it.
  7. Relax your fist again, focus on the center of your palm, looking at it.
  8. Form all this energy accumulated in your hand, feel the hot sensation in each finger.
  9. Squeeze your hand again, closing it.
  10. Open it, I concentrate all the fiery energy in the middle of the palm.
  11. Now send the energy beyond your fingers, into the world around you. It may seem to you that your hand is increasing in size and in its heaviness.
  12. Then hold the sensation of energy in your closed hand again.
  13. You can perform this action endlessly, changing hands. Until you can control the heat of the fire and your own energy.
  14. Do daily candle meditation. This is quite easy; take a relaxed position, slightly closing your eyes, and watch the candle flame. Track what thoughts and sensations you have, conduct a dialogue with the magic of fire.
  15. Another exercise, sitting in a quiet place, imagine the attraction of blood to different parts of the body, ears, legs, fingers, etc. Think about it, a powerful flow of blood, if you do everything correctly, there will be a feeling of stinging, heating of these places. Having mastered this method, you will be able to direct energy along with the blood flow, forcing it to move with the power of thought.

There are only two possibilities to acquire special witchcraft powers - either to be born with them, or to try to develop them in yourself. At the same time, the second method may not be inferior to the first in terms of the final result, and sometimes even surpass it. There are many examples where a person with bright natural abilities is not at all aware of them and, only having begun to develop them, finds new opportunities and strengths in himself. Let us note that everyone has abilities, but for some they are on the surface, while for others they are deeply hidden. Therefore, for some it is very easy to look into themselves and immediately get the desired answer, while for others it takes time and great perseverance. However, in any case, without trying, you will never know your secret sides and hidden capabilities. Once you start moving and searching, you are unlikely to remain the same.

By performing various witchcraft actions, you will use the energy of the four elements of nature: Water, Fire, Earth and Air. You will need to control these energy drinks with the help of your Imagination, Faith and Will. It is these three aspects - Faith in yourself and your actions, Imagination, which creates real pictures of possible events, and Will, the energetic direction of your thoughts - that constitutes the basis of spiritual influence on the astral and real world. To these three principles of witchcraft reality, it is necessary to add the fourth constant of magic - Mystery, capable of arousing Faith, strengthening Will and giving birth to hidden images of our Imagination. Therefore, the first thing you need to start with is to learn to master all aspects of your mind and learn how to perceive energy from the space around you.

Sorcerer's Will

One of the most effective methods for developing Witchcraft Will is concentration. Place a candle in front of you. Give her a flame. Surround yourself with silence, comfort and tranquility. Focus your attention on the candle flame. Look only at the flame, do not take your eyes off it for a second. Think only about this fiery substance. Become completely indifferent to everything else. Don't get distracted and don't blink. Try to extend this exercise as long as possible. Repeat it as often as possible, and very soon you will notice how easy it will be for you to concentrate your attention on other objects and circumstances.

This kind of concentration should become your daily practice. It is not at all necessary to set aside a specific time for it. As soon as you have the opportunity, focus your attention on any stationary object: on a pencil lying in front of you, on a point drawn on paper, etc. Imagine that at the moment this object is the most important thing in your life right now. the whole world, that the entire universe is concentrated in it. This object should become the only object in real space for you. Nothing can distract you from contemplating its appearance and feeling its inner essence.

Next, proceed to concentrating your Will and attention on moving objects. Watch, without taking your eyes off, the movement of the second hand of the clock. Focus on the person passing by you. It is not necessary for your concentration to last too long. Ultimately, you must learn to quickly turn your attention on and off.

During the day you may have many opportunities to train your Will and attention. Try reading a book with extraneous sounds, trying not to be distracted by them at all and clearly understand what you read. Try drawing a circle with one hand and a square with the other. Do this without the participation of your will, and if you don’t succeed, make a strong-willed decision to “be sure to do this” and be sure to achieve this decision.

The same applies to your actions and deeds that you do not want to do, but which are necessary. Carry them out with the help of a volitional decision, and you will definitely notice a surge of special power, a special type of energy that gives you a new sensation, a desire to do something else and use this secret power.

Try to evoke certain emotions in yourself through an effort of will. Feel joy, fun, excitement, anger, rage and delight. Create different moods and sensations for yourself. All this will be necessary for your witchcraft, when, wanting to attract and win over those around you, you will need to experience the same feelings that you want to evoke in other people.

By an effort of will, force yourself to see an object that is not near you now. For example, the flame of a candle or a person you know. And your Will will become part of your Imagination, capable of transporting you to another magical time and dimension.

Witchcraft Imagination

Create various situations and objects in your imagination. Start with the simplest thing - imagine different colors: blue, red, green. Feel the different types of matter - gaseous air, its subtle movement and strong gusts of wind. Imagine water - how it feels to the touch, how it flows between your fingers. Create a picture of a calm sea and a stormy ocean. Add to these pictures the smells, sounds and colors inherent in the sea and ocean.

If you imagine a burning candle, “hear the sound” of its flame, if you imagine water, “hear the sounds” of rain and the ocean. If a magnificent red rose appears in your mind's eye, touch its soft magical petals, feel its aroma. Take a mental journey to an unknown, distant land. Visit a tropical island, the jungle, secret caves and dense forests. Imagine that you are in your friend's room, which is familiar to you. Remember all its furnishings, objects and things that were in it when you last visited it.

Add dynamism and action. Imagine specific situations of your communication with people. See all this in colors, colors and sensations as if it were really happening. Learn to think (dream) not in words, but in images and real pictures. The clearer and more real the pictures you create, the more support your Faith will receive.

Witchcraft Faith

We are designed in such a way that we often believe in what we want to believe and reject realities that are unfavorable for us. Sometimes our dreams are more believable and real than actual events. Thus, our Faith alone is capable of changing not only our perception of the world around us, but also the world itself around us. Of course, in everyday life there is no need to specifically train Faith. It comes or exists in us on its own. But in magical practice, Faith has a slightly different meaning and significance, and first of all, it plays the role of a magnet that attracts certain events to us.

To strengthen your Witchcraft Faith, start by imagining and affirming (aloud or mentally) to yourself those situations and events that are sure to happen soon. For example, tomorrow you have an important meeting and conversation. You must connect your Faith and conviction that the situation will develop in the most beneficial direction for you. When tomorrow comes, you must use the Will so that your confidence will be fully realized. In other words: set yourself a goal, believe in its already accomplished reality and confirm your words and thoughts with action. Feel the connection between the word (thought) and the events taking place. If you feel and believe that your affairs will be in order, then you will have a real opportunity to avoid troubles and achieve success.

Observe yourself and other people - and you will notice that simple self-confidence or indecision can largely determine a person’s position in society, his success in business and business. Therefore, believing in yourself and in your strengths can solve many of your problems. And when Will is connected to Faith, the greatest success is possible. This happens quite often in life, when a person who has neither knowledge nor any other special abilities, but has goals (and therefore will), goes ahead and firmly believes in his own rightness and infallibility, achieves more than others who know and worthy people. Faith and Will clear the way for him and give him benefits out of nowhere.

As you can see, there is nothing new in the laws and rules of magic. They all stem from everyday life. They acquire peculiarity and uniqueness only when they are combined into a single whole, and most importantly, when the fourth facet of the witchcraft pyramid is added to them - Mystery and mystical truth.

Witchcraft Secret

Secret is impossible without Will. It is the volitional impulse that shapes it. The strongest Faith (or lack of faith) arises when encountering the mysterious and incomprehensible. The most vivid images are born in our imagination when we imagine the unknown and spaces inaccessible to our eyes.

Mystery is energy and power that can influence events happening around you. Try to remember how strongly something unknown, mysterious and mysterious affects you personally, how a secret, riddle or truth known to someone (but not you) haunts you, makes you constantly think about it, take some actions and actions. And how quickly the energy and attractiveness of the secret disappears at the moment when it becomes accessible and understandable.

By maintaining secrecy and understatement, you create special currents of energy, force the astral space around you to move differently, and therefore have a very real impact on the physical world. At the same time, your mystery will feed your own witchcraft powers and contribute to their accumulation. Create a Mystery in and around you. And it will definitely attract success and new opportunities to you.

If you continue this experiment and repeat it several more times, then one day you will unexpectedly notice that such an action has completely ceased to cause internal resistance and irritation in you. And even vice versa: this deliberate preservation of secrets gives rise to new special sensations in you that are extremely pleasant to you. You will definitely feel joy and satisfaction from the feeling of complete control over your feelings and energies. And this feeling of witchcraft power will immediately become part of your Witchcraft Faith. You will understand that there is nothing inaccessible to you anymore, and what previously seemed unattainable and distant to you is now easily achievable. At the same time, you will immediately notice how other people's attitudes towards you have changed. Drawn to you by your inner strength and mystery, they will definitely begin to seek your company. Your mystery and energetic will will give you the ability to control those around you and make decisions, rather than being dependent on the whim and will of other people.

Think about which people are especially interesting to you. Probably those that have some kind of secret. But their mystery does not mean unsociability. It’s just that such people know what to tell and to whom, and what to keep secret and from whom. As a rule, they are fluent in the language of half-hints and understatement, when only the visible part of an iceberg, problem or image appears, and it is very difficult to find out (but you really want to) what is in the depths of the waters. By arousing curiosity in a person and leaving him alone with his guesses and thoughts, you force him to work in the direction you need and perform actions that are beneficial to you. By the way, not only magical activity is built on this, but also everything connected with love play or business, where half-nudity is more seductive than nudity, and speculation and fiction are already success.

To create a special witchcraft halo around your personality and gain new success, practice the following exercise. When someone tells you “amazing”, “unheard of” news and naturally expects you to react accordingly, remain completely calm and do not comment on it. Be extremely polite at the same time - you do not neglect the opinion of the other person, it’s just that this news is not capable of causing any strong emotions in you. This reaction of yours (counter-energy) will invariably cause a certain shift in feelings in your interlocutor, when his energy of excitement does not find a response, but is faced with indifference. Such behavior gives your interlocutor the opportunity to feel your inner strength, spiritual balance and calmness and thereby will certainly arouse his interest and respect for you. This distribution of energies subconsciously sets up your interlocutor for the role of the giver, giving you the role of the taker. In other words, he gives you his energy and longs for it to be accepted, and you decide what and when to accept or reject.

This is exactly how things usually happen in real life. It’s just that people rarely think about it, and roles are distributed spontaneously - due to your personal natural abilities or shortcomings. Using witchcraft or any other secret knowledge, you choose your own roles and life positions, decide for yourself whether to be weaker or stronger, to attract or repel, to be happy or sad.

Connect your Faith, Will and Imagination together. Envelop them and yourself in witchcraft mystery. Believe in your images. Worship your Mystery. Make a strong-willed decision and take a step towards exploring a new wonderful world.

The magical power of natural elements

The physical world consists of four elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air. Their combination gives us all the variety of things and objects that surround us. Each of these elements of nature has its own energy and strength necessary to change physical and astral space. Aspects of these four elements are also present in our soul, energetically nourish it, have a constant influence on the formation of our character and can be the reason for more or less of our success in life. Having found the presence of these elements in yourself, having understood the correct ways of using them, you gain the opportunity to control your own forces and the forces of all nature.

Of course, all the influences of various elements of nature are very diverse and individual. Thus, the element of Fire is responsible for our conscious will, Air is responsible for our thinking and creativity, Water is responsible for the sphere of feelings, and Earth shapes actions and actions.

Thus, if in your work you cannot do without the thinking of the intellect or you simply want to increase your ability for mental work, then use the power of Air. If you want deep and lasting feelings for you, then you will need a Water ritual. If you feel a special need for money and feel the ability to achieve great results with your own work, turn to the influence of the earthly element. If your goal is to shine like a bright star, to constantly have strong emotions and feelings next to you, then the power of Fire should become your main traveling companion. By taking advantage of the equal protection of all four elements, you can count on maximum success in all your affairs, feelings and relationships.

In all cases of perception of energy and magical power from spatial elements, be sure to imagine that you yourself become the substance with which your communication occurs. For the duration of your ritual, you yourself must become a fiery flame, a surface of water, an earthly stronghold or an air current. You must feel that you have all the qualities that are the basis of this element or element of nature. For Fire it is absorption and passion, for Water it is softness, penetration and ductility, for Air it is endless movement, and for Earth it is hardness and fertility.

Try to take energy and strength from all elements in equal quantities so that they are equally sufficient. Do this initially, but in the future you can give greater preference to the power of those elements in which you feel the greatest need.

Witchcraft magical power is not at all determined by its quantity. Only its qualities - flexibility, permeability and mobility - are its main characteristics. And these qualities precisely come from correct and harmonious communication with nature and its main aspects. Some people need more Fire, for others the air element is the main source of their vitality and inspiration. There are “people of the earth”, “people of the seas and oceans”. For others, the power of the forest and mighty trees is necessary for their life and witchcraft incarnations. But in any case, even having preferences, we must not forget that witchcraft power is the work of four elements. And only the full use of all natural phenomena can bring real success to witchcraft transformations.

The magical power of the water element

What can Water give us? Of course - life. Our birth and our stay on this planet completely depends on water. It is an important part of our physical world and the most important part of the astral world, the world of high emotions and deep feelings. Under the protection of the water element are our best qualities: spirituality, faith, devotion and fidelity. Therefore, the energy of this element is indispensable for maintaining any alliances and friendships; it also determines our perception of the outside world, gives us rest, peace and satisfaction.

Among personal qualities, the water element is responsible for intelligence, intuition, flexibility of thinking, the ability to make compromises and achieve success where strength and power were powerless. This is the element of professional players whose game is life itself. And if your plans include the development and use of all these advantages and qualities, then perform rituals dedicated to the water element.

To obtain energy and the magical power of the water element, learn to drink ordinary water in small sips, imagining that with each sip your body receives the necessary energy.

Take a bath or pour clean spring water into a cup, go to the spring, to the river, to the ocean and watch their slow or rapid flow, their ebb and flow. See yourself as part of this movement. Find the inherent qualities of water in yourself. At the moment, a cup of water, the water in your bath, or the body of water you are next to should be for you a symbolic union of all forms and states inherent in the water element. Here you can find the power of huge raging oceans, the tranquility of forest lakes, the mystery of underground springs and the purity of mountain springs. Summer rain, morning fog, crystal clear snow and transparent ice are also common conditions for Water.

Strengthen your connection and unity with the water element by casting a secret spell:

The boundless expanse of the transparent sea,

Sacred Mother of all living things,

Mistress of heavenly and underground waters,

be my help.

Grant me compassion and sympathy,

cleansing and liberation

faith, hope, love.

and fulfill the unfulfilled.

Feel how every cell of your body absorbs the energy that belongs to water. You should feel complete unity with the water element. Looking at the smooth surface of the water, imagine when and how the qualities belonging to this element will become necessary and useful to you. First of all, these are all those cases of emotional and strong love, which, perhaps, is not as passionate as the passion and desire of Fire, but it is longer and more stable, calm and wise. Sometimes it is this calm form of love that is most important for a woman. After all, a man often (subconsciously or quite consciously) looks for peace, comfort and reliability of the family hearth in a woman.

Of course, ardent passion can drive you crazy, force you to make new decisions and make new choices. However, will it last forever? Passion can be present in the first days, months and years of communication. But it must be replaced by spiritual stability, inner satisfaction or, conversely, disharmony and discomfort. In this case, the water element is the best assistant for reconciliation and strengthening love, creating conditions under which your feelings will not be destroyed by time.

The water element strengthens any connections, friendships, partnerships and alliances. Wherever interconnected work is necessary and where your success depends on how well you can work in a team and communicate with people, the power of the water element should have its representation.

The water elements are most valuable for repelling psychic attacks, for cleansing negative energies, getting rid of the evil eye and damage, for creating mental images, divination and prediction. Just as spring water cleanses our hands of blackness, so the energy of this element cleanses our souls of evil. Looking at the surface of water poured into a magic cup and seeing a reflection of the real world, the soothsayer tries to recognize the picture of future events reflected in the astral mirror of the water element.

The astral influence of this element leaves an imprint on your personal qualities, develops and increases your intellect, gives you a flexible reaction to what is happening, makes you an interesting and sociable person in terms of education and the ability to beautifully express your thoughts, attract you with the beauty of your feelings and actions.

Now, if you ever experience a lack of energy from the water element, imagine a raging ocean or a calm sea surface. Mentally or out loud, cast a secret spell, and the power of Water will eliminate all shortcomings, attract to you what you want, and protect you from unnecessary problems and worries.

The magical power of the earth element

Stand, sit, or lie down on flat ground. Place your palms on its surface or feel its warmth and softness with your bare feet. You can stay at home, then put on the table in front of you a flower pot with black loose soil or a plate on which you sprinkle table salt. Imagine the magnificent landscape of the earth, fields with fresh plowing, huge mountain ranges, valleys among these mountains, all the beauty of the earth, the beauty of its meadows and forests. Also imagine deep caves and dark dungeons - the kingdom of the gnomes. Create in your imagination everything that belongs to the Earth. Feel that you are also part of earthly nature, which gave you blood and body. Touch the ground or hold your hands above it. Mentally or out loud say an appeal to the earthly element:

Sacred flesh of the Earth,

Keeper of the dark dungeons,

Lord of mountains and valleys, become my support.

Grant me purpose and desire,

resilience, strength and recovery.

Give me the strength and power to conquer the unconquered

and fulfill the unfulfilled.

Feel how earthly currents are transmitted to you. Feel how the power of the Earth, its vitality, solidity and fertility become your strength.

The earth element is responsible for action, behavior and deed. Of course, all material aspects of life respond to the names of this element. And what could be more material than money? The ability to obtain and earn them, to find the right approach to them and the right ways to use them, to be more dexterous and lucky - the earthly element is responsible for all these qualities and opportunities. Any business cannot do without the participation of the forces of the Earth.

You've probably met people who are particularly favored by the earthly elements. These people don’t seem to do anything special, but they invariably receive various material benefits and wealth. Other people are constantly in debt and unnecessary spending. And even if money comes to them, they are not able to keep it. Much of the blame or credit for this falls on the astral forces of the Earth. Any imbalance and disturbance in a person’s earthly energy can cause his material disadvantage. But by correcting this state of affairs, you can certainly change your situation for the better.

The energy of the Earth is especially valuable for healing practice, physical healing and restoration, for protection from gross energetic influences, for carnal love and increasing instinctive sexual desires. Under the auspices of the earthly element there are also such qualities and abilities as reliability, stability, taste and the ability to understand fashion, architecture, history and agriculture. The element of Earth is responsible for fertility. Its harmonious development will bring health to both you and your child.

The magical power of the fire element

Light a candle. Keep your hands as close to its flame as possible. Close your eyes. Listen to yourself. You will feel how close the fire is to you, how close its power is to your nature. Fire has always lived in you, unconsciously present in your every action and deed. Now all types of fire should be represented to you in the image of a candle flame. First of all, remember the huge Sun, consisting of raging plasma, next to which everything has the form and quality of fire and cannot exist in any other state. The power and energy of the Sun are so great that, even after traveling the vast path of the cosmic vacuum, a solar ray is capable of bringing warmth and life to all living things on our Earth.

Imagine a clear sunny day, scorching sun, hot dry air, stuffy and dry. Mentally fill your room with these sensations. Imagine that you yourself become plasma and that all forms and types of fire are inherent in you. And it's not just your physical sensations. This is part of your soul, its state and energy. Feel the ever-increasing presence of new secret forces next to you and within you. And when you feel that the peak, the culmination of these internal sensations is coming, say, directing your words to the fiery element:

Sacred Eternal Flame,

Creation of heat and light,

A spark of life, brilliant and bright,

illuminate the path of truth for me,

be a faithful companion in my quest.

Give me the strength and power to conquer the unconquered

and fulfill the unfulfilled.

Imagine how the power of fire is transferred to your hands.

Take the candle in your hands and, without taking your eyes off its flame, imagine those life situations and circumstances where the power of Fire could be useful to you. First of all, these are those cases in which all your strongest emotions should be manifested, situations associated with love, passion, anger and hatred, where the ability to influence other people, give orders and unswervingly pursue your personal goal is necessary. Sports, any competitions, career, wrestling - everything that implies professional success is under the auspices of this fiery element.

Fire magicIt will also help you in cases where you need to resist harmful influences, have reliable protection from physical and astral attacks, and maintain health, strength and success.

The magical power of the air element

Go outside when a storm begins, the wind rises, when the entire air element prepares a serious test for those who are not afraid to resist its rapid movement. Stand facing the wind, breathe it in deeply. Feel how all his power becomes your power. Feel that you have the power to control this element.

If you stay at home, turn on the fan or just your imagination. Close your eyes and imagine the movement of air, first a light, barely perceptible breeze. Then his strength begins to grow and develop. Gradually it takes the form of an impulse, a hidden power capable of crushing everything in its path. Then you notice that all the hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons and storms have ended up in the confined space of your room. But, despite their power and strength, they do not bring trouble or danger to you. On the contrary, they appear to you as a single creative force, in whose power is the development and solution of issues, the movement and connection of time and space. Say it loud enough so that your words are in tune with the gusts of wind:

Lord of the winds

Ruler of the endless sky,

Guardian of the heights, be my protection.

Grant me flexibility and insight, thought and insight.

Give me the strength and power to conquer the unconquered

and fulfill the unfulfilled.

Feel how your words conquer the storm, direct the wind in the direction you need and make you part of the powerful element. Imagine what could be useful and necessary for you in the image of the air element. Basically, the element of Air represents thought, thinking, intelligence and new knowledge. This element is responsible for the presence in our spiritual, astral plane of those qualities that are necessary for all matters of the intellectual plane. Memory and learning, development of intuitive thinking, ability to various sciences and all types of art, creativity, dexterity, cunning, analytical mind and hobbies - all this is included in the competence of the air element. That is, where your intellect is able to attract attention to you or lead the situation to the resolution you need, the use of the energy of the air element is most effective.

Cosmic and planetary energy

The energies and influences of planets close to the Earth, as well as the influence of the four elements of nature, are used in various types of magic. It is no coincidence that all these planets bear the names of the Olympian and Italic gods, who patronize various spheres of human activity. So, Venus is the planet and goddess of love, and turning to her enchanting secrets will give you this wonderful feeling. The planet Moon and the goddess Selene are the queen of fragile night beauty and feminine influence on the earthly world, and it is this influence that is especially important to us today. Jupiter is the planet of greatness. Saturn is responsible for the passage of time. The sun is for beauty and vitality. Mercury is the god of trade and entrepreneurship. Mars is the god of war and confrontation. The most important influences on all spheres of human activity are exerted by the Moon and the Sun. The energy of these luminaries nourishes your personal strengths and qualities, and without this energy not only any witchcraft activity, but also life itself is impossible.

Magical power of the Sun

At noon, when the Sun is directly above your head, stand in a place where its influence will not be diminished by any shadow. Spread your arms to the sides and close your eyes. Place your face and palms under the warm rays of the sun and say:

O shining Sun, Ruler of the whole sky,

grant me your greatness, your strength and power,

so that I could conquer the unconquered

and fulfill the unfulfilled.

Imagine that with every breath you take, your skin absorbs the warmth and energy of the Sun. When you exhale the air, you should feel how the heat you acquired spreads throughout your body and becomes your own energy and strength. Feel the warmth of the Sun on your palms. Start by slowly bringing your arms forward in front of you and finally fold them crosswise across your chest. If you feel that the energy of the Sun is especially needed in your work, then perform a similar ritual three times a day - at dawn, at noon and at sunset.

The sun is inherently a masculine planet, so it is the man who should place more emphasis on restoring solar energy. For a female witch, the influence of the night luminary is more necessary. But still, these are just general rules. The main thing is that all the energies and forces you perceive are equally sufficient and harmonious. All this will be determined through personal practice. Therefore, just starting your first witchcraft experience, use generally accepted rules, and then determine your own energetic sympathies.

The witchcraft power of the moon

On the night of the full moon, when the Moon is especially clearly visible, find a place where no one could interfere with your secret action. Stand so that you are completely illuminated by the enchanting moonlight. Keep your clothes on or choose nudity. Direct your gaze and prayer to the Moon:

O Mistress of the night sky,

Queen of the starry night

Goddess of light and love!

Grant me witchcraft power and authority,

which you have for transforming simple

things into actions, actions into events,

and events into reality.

My soul will be filled with your light,

My body will be filled with your strength,

My deeds will be marked by your power.

Let it be so!

Feel the light of the moon become your personal glow. Every breath you take should add a new sensation to you, every inhalation should bring new strength, and every exhalation should make this strength your personal advantage.

If you do not have the opportunity to perform such a ritual, then take advantage of the property of water, which can well absorb and transmit witchcraft lunar fluids. To do this, fill a crystal vessel with clean spring water and leave it overnight in a place where it is well illuminated by moonlight. When morning comes, put the water soaked in lunar energy in a dark place and use it to take a bath. Simply pour your Lunar Elixir into a bathtub already filled with regular water. And then, having entered this enchanted water, imagine how the lunar energy belonging to it becomes your personal witchcraft power.

If you feel a greater need for lunar energy, then perform moon-related rituals more often. Perform them only on the waxing Moon if your witchcraft is aimed at creation. Leave communication with the Moon in her dark days for representatives of the “black art”.

The Moon is the main planet of female magic, so its protection is indispensable for a woman practicing the art of witchcraft. But as already noted, all types and forms of energy must be used for witchcraft. The male witchcraft power bestowed by the Sun will give a woman efficiency and the ability to overcome serious obstacles, and the female energy of the Moon will add flexibility to you in matters that cannot be solved by direct and quick methods.

Patronage of the Higher Powers

Very rarely in our daily lives we experience the presence next to us of those forces that we attribute to manifestations of the Supreme Divine Mind. For some, visiting a church temple is a touch on the mystery of eternal life, for others, communication with Nature in its most natural form is an approach to the truth. In any case, the choice is yours, decide for yourself what gives you the strength to exist in this world.

Turning to the Power of Infinite Cosmos, go out into the street at midnight, stand facing the east, raise your arms forward and turn your palms towards the center of the Universe. Turn your inner and outer gaze to the starry sky. Feel the importance and unusual nature of the coming moment. Now you are between two worlds, beyond time, beyond reality, where death and birth, infinity and eternity meet. At this moment, you are as close as possible to Nature and to its secrets, which are commanded by the Supreme Mind. It is to him that your words and thoughts should be directed:

I'm standing to the east.

I ask for patronage.

Infinite Wisdom of the Boundless Universe,

The one whose voice is heard in the night,

filling her with light and hope,

The one who stands on top of the world,

rules life and death

ordinary people and heavenly bodies,

O Great Deity of All Deities,

I pray and ask you,

guide and protect your slave (your name)

from the forces of evil and unbelief, give me strength and reason,

so that I can conquer the unconquered,

and fulfill the unfulfilled.

You should feel the response of the Higher Powers, feel the breath of the Cosmos - the energetic movement, hear words of support and approval. Now, no matter what you do or undertake, your main support and patrons should be the Higher Forces of Nature.

Perform this ritual when you decide that the right time has come for it, or use the general rules that determine the night from Thursday to Friday as the best time for this witchcraft action.

It is not necessary to reproduce all the words given here exactly. You can and should use your own definitions to designate those spatial and spiritual dimensions to which your prayers are addressed. Only when general words and phrases are followed by your witchcraft will, sincere desire and desire to change everyday reality, only then does witchcraft transformation occur in real life.

Individual training in magic

INidentifying and developing your hidden abilities

Pdirect transmission of witchcraft and magical power

Often people turn to us for the first time to be guaranteed to receive something tasty with one wave of a magic wand. Are you sure you have chosen the shortest and easiest path?

Who are magicians?

Inexplicably, magicians attract attention in any crowd, even without pronounced external differences. They emanate inner strength, which those around them feel on a subconscious level. For a magician, this feature is akin to creativity: abilities require constant development and application.

The primary tools are non-verbal thoughts and words. Knowing the value of words, magicians avoid friendly and at the same time meaningless chatter. They are honest with themselves, adhere to the principle of “said and done,” thereby minimizing the distance between intention and implementation of what was planned.

Being completely self-sufficient, the magician does not particularly need company. Solitude eliminates the need to waste energy defending your worldview from generally accepted dogmas, and the time saved can be devoted to self-development.

Some practices require silence and concentration, especially at the beginning. While performing them, it is necessary to listen to sensations and recognize external factors invisible to the naked eye: this is the only way to learn to distinguish between types of energy. A special mood is no less important: neutral, while focusing on what attracts and inspires.

Exploring the capabilities of your body is not only a necessity, but also a constant source of new discoveries. Magicians know, like no one else, what the human body is capable of and what its true purpose is in nature and the Universe.

How can they become at home right now?

They say that a clearly formulated problem statement already contains half the solution. In this case, the condition requires a small, yet significant adjustment. The point is that people don't become magicians. There is nothing supernatural in the abilities they are endowed with, they are initially inherent in everyone at birth, they simply receive further development only among a few.

Almost all children master elements of magical skills and use them quite successfully: remember the counting spells that often “worked” in childhood.

For most people, as they grow older, the ability to manage personal energy, alas, atrophies due to lack of demand. There is good news: this process is reversible at any age. Today there are many known ways to launch these mechanisms, however, experts do not recommend taking someone else’s example as a model and following it step by step.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many options on the Internet? Because no matter how many practitioners, so many individual paths, they do not instantly become magicians - this is daily work. There is perhaps one similarity between them: they all originate from within. External information can also be useful, but it would be a mistake to rely solely on the experience of others.

The best assistants for a novice magician are observation, self-development, and trust in one’s self.

Self-knowledge is one of the primary tasks. The magician will not be such until he realizes his true intentions, will not learn to distinguish a goal from a momentary desire, will not determine his priorities. One of the important priorities is the element that is closest to the beginner. Sometimes it is not difficult to recognize it intuitively, and if doubt arises, the following ritual will help.

The time it takes place does not matter, the main thing is that no one disturbs you at these moments.

You will need the following attributes:

  • A little key water.
  • Handful earthlings.
  • Pinch ashes.
  • Wax candle.

Each item corresponds to one of the four natural elements. Place them around the candle, light it and carefully observe how the flame behaves. Mentally call on the spirits of the elements, ask them for help. Soon you will notice that the candle flame gravitates towards one of the symbolic objects. If it is directed strictly upward, then your element is Air. When you finish, thank the spirits.

The choice of element is important, but not the decisive factor. It does not impose restrictions on practice; one can and should learn to interact with other elements. This is just a hint in which direction you will quickly achieve the first visible results, and where to look for the most effective and guaranteed recharge.


To become a Water magician, you must first make good friends with this element on the physical level. Start by consuming it in sufficient quantities and try not to miss a single opportunity to plunge into it.

Water is completely unfairly not recognized as an independent drink, ignoring the fact that it serves as the basis for everything else. Over time, you will notice that well, spring or well-purified living (unboiled) water actually tastes very pleasant. You can drink it in unlimited quantities without fear of the side effects of dubious additives.

Swimming and water procedures will help you feel the energy of the elements with your whole body.. Spend as much time as possible near natural bodies of water, try to energetically feel the Waters, because you have to become one.

There is a ritual that can be performed on the shore. To carry it out you will need:

  • Water container, preferably aesthetically attractive.
  • Thirteen candles.

On the night of the full moon at midnight, go into the water naked. Walk slowly away from the shore until you plunge into the abyss. Try to hold out as long as possible, then return and begin the next part of the ritual. Take some water into a bowl, place it on the ground and light thirteen candles around it.

Enter the burning circle, raise the cup and call upon the Spirit of Water, in your own words or with a spell, for example:

"Spirits of Water appear,

Answer my call!

Give me strength and power!

Turn into a Water Mage!

My word is strong, but my deed is moldable!”

Candles that go out during the ritual indicate that you made a mistake in choosing the element. Even burning means approval and further assistance.


For those who have chosen fire as the predominant element, there is a special initiation ritual. It should be noted that desire alone is not enough to turn into a Fire Mage. The element is suitable only for those who are able to surpass its power and take control. To do this you need to be a born fighter and have a sufficient supply of energy.

For those who feel weak and insecure, it is better not to play with fire: contrary to expectations, its properties are not intended to impart, but to test for strength. In case of defeat, you can simply burn out, at best, only morally. Cases of physical fire also occurred; fortunately, they were few in number.

This information is by no means a verdict; practicing magical practices is very conducive to the development of the necessary qualities. The Spirit of Fire itself will decide when the one calling on it is ready.

To carry out the initiation ritual you will need some unusual paraphernalia. A certain mood is recognized as a full participant. One who invokes the Spirit of Fire must be filled with respect and admiration for its greatness and understanding of its dual nature of flame and ash, capable of causing delight and suffering. Prepare brushwood and.

In a deserted place, divide the brushwood into three parts, lay them out so that each of them represents the top of an imaginary triangle, and set fire. With a lit candle, move to the center of the figure and say three times:

"Spirits of Fire, hear me,

Answer my call,

Show yourself to me.

Give me your strength,

So that I become stronger than all people.

Help me achieve what I want

And turn into a Fire Mage.

My word is strong

As I said, so it will be!”

An extinguished candle means a negative answer: the wayward Spirit of Fire does not yet find you worthy. After some time, you can try again. If the candle burns brighter, you are on the right path, feel free to follow them. Bow to each of the vertices of the triangle and exit it.


To become an Air magician, you must have character traits that, at first glance, contradict this element: strength, inflexibility, the makings of power. As you become more familiar with the element of Air, you will notice that this is exactly what a hurricane looks like, decisive and uncontrollable.

Preparing for the initiation ritual involves trying to find a common language with light air currents and powerful winds; such interaction will help develop your own inner strength.

The ritual is performed in a secluded place in an open space, perhaps surrounded by rocks or trees. Standing in a circle of five candles, say:

“Spirits of the Air come to me,

Give me special powers,

Turn me into an Airbender!

A strong and sudden gust of wind will be the answer to your call.. Repeat the spell again. Bow to the cardinal points, extinguish the candles and return home. Open the windows and doors: let the Spirits of Air fill your abode, now they are your guardians and faithful helpers.


The magic of Blood was hidden for a long time by a veil of secrecy from the uninitiated, and therefore has survived to this day almost in its original form. It became widely known relatively recently, largely thanks to the popular game. In real life, she is not at all as harmless as on the screen.

The main danger lies in strong mental stress, which not everyone can withstand. There will be interaction with powerful, but not always friendly entities and personal rebirth.

You should also know what practical classes are. Usually they start with contemplation. The purpose of the exercise is to learn to look at as long as you like without experiencing any emotions.. Really not experiencing, and not maintaining external indifference - there is no place for self-deception here. To begin with, you can use graphic images.

The next step will require real blood. You have to feel its energy. A few drops are enough to set it up. There are no universal instructions for what exactly you should feel - it all depends on your individual perception. Someone can “see” this or that color, while others are closer to tactile sensations or temperature changes.

You need to learn to taste blood. Some have done this before due to gastronomic preferences, but in this case a meaningful approach based on previous practices is required. Concentration must be at the limit of human capabilities; due to excessive stress, pressure sometimes drops and other unpleasant sensations arise, such as dizziness and nausea.

Omra-Ha-Daumi-Om Da-ja-Ra-Aum.

Don’t let the trance state scare you or stop you; this is a normal and even desirable phenomenon during such practices: in trance, blood and its energy are felt most clearly.

It is more hygienic to use a few drops of your own blood than purchased from dubious sellers. In the future, diversity will be required, so the issue of finding suppliers of a quality product will still have to be resolved.

When there are no barriers left between you and the life-giving substance, you will gradually begin to gain power over all beings endowed with it. Let me remind you, This process is not quick, requiring constant training and observation. No one has yet managed to become instantly omnipotent.


Solid soil is the closest and most familiar to humans, which is why Earth magic is recognized as one of the safest. Development in this direction creates balance and calm, helps to organize your life and complete tasks for which you previously lacked patience. The makings of these qualities must be possessed in order to come into contact with the Spirits of the Earth.

The ceremony is carried out in a secluded place in the open air. Take with you:

  • Seven candles.
  • Handkerchief.

The ideal place for the ritual is fertile soil plowed and sown with seeds, for example, a field or garden bed where sprouts have not yet sprung up. Place seven candles in a circle, enter the center, take a little soil in your palms and turn to the Spirits of the Earth:

“Spirits of the earth, I call you to me!

I await your approval!

Give me strength and reveal my abilities.

Make me an earthbender!

As a rule, the leisurely Spirits of the Earth are in no hurry to give you a sign. Don't be upset if you still don't get a response. Collect the strawberry that you have in your hands into a scarf, tie it in a knot and keep it with you - now it is your amulet.

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I always wanted to have some kind of ability, for example: the gift of foresight, reading thoughts, moving objects with the help of thoughts, or the ability to instill my thoughts in a person, etc. But, as I already understood, I don’t have any of this innately. And here’s the question that interests me: is it possible to get some kind of magical ability if you don’t have it from birth?

Hello. How to become a witch without a full moon and at home? I really need it. If you know a way, please write. It's necessary to the point of madness. We need a truthful method that actually works.


Hello, I really want to have the gift of reading other people's thoughts, please help! I just recently became very interested in this matter. I watched films, and I really liked how they read other people's thoughts. So I wanted to have this gift!

How to become a witch? I have witches among my relatives, but I do not have such power. Why? Answer please. I really want to learn how to make spells.

Hello. For as long as I can remember, I have had the impression that perhaps I can do something, supernatural. And these thoughts have been haunting me for twenty out of thirty years. And for some reason I am sure that I was born for something else. But why - I can’t express it in words. Now, if you could understand this, it would be cool. My question: is this my imagination or is there still something inside me? Thanks for the help.

Many people would like to have magical powers, to solve their own and other people's problems with a wave of a magic wand. Some dream of becoming witches or warlocks. Someone longs to master the abilities of a psychic, telepath, or learn telekinesis. Going beyond the ordinary is a laudable endeavor, but we need to distinguish between the magic that we are shown in fairy tales, like Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings, and the magic that a person can actually use in everyday life.

Some girls and women want to become witches. What do they mean by this? What is the definition of a witch? An evil aunt who brews a love potion for love spells, holds black masses and flies naked to the Sabbath on Bald Mountain? That is, he worships dark forces and gives his soul to the power of Satan. Or maybe a woman witch who has certain knowledge and is able to control herself and what surrounds her, being under the control of light forces, and guided by Divine principles?

Of course, everyone chooses for themselves what is closest to them. But sometimes momentary impulses, ignorance, the desire to imitate someone can radically change life, and sometimes simply break it. Therefore, you need to think very carefully about what is really important to you, what your soul and heart resonates with. What is your purpose on Earth.

Is a magical gift a gift of fate or the result of regular practice?

Nastenka, even if there is a power or gift in the family, not all family members can use this power. As a rule, the gift is passed on, so to speak, from hand to hand, or the child is taught by an adult, knowledgeable relative from childhood. Talk to your loved ones, find out how things are going in your family. Ask a question - why you don’t have a magical gift. You will receive a more than comprehensive answer, I'm sure. To learn how to cast spells, you need to study literature and watch how skilled people do it. Nothing in this life happens just like that, from heaven. Every effect has its own cause. Therefore, if your desire is sincere, this is really important to you, then everything is in your hands.

Marinochka, the abilities you are talking about can be developed. It is difficult to say about such a gift as the ability to inspire thoughts and foresee the future in all details (Messing was unique in this) or about teleportation (is anyone in the world able to do this?). But everyone is quite capable of developing straight-knowledge and intuition. Yes, yes, it is the sixth sense that is the key to the ability to foresee and predict the future. As for the suggestion of thoughts, there are psychological techniques, such as hypnosis or NLP - influencing a person with words and non-verbal methods, controlling his behavior. Various meditation techniques can help you take a step towards mastering the skill of suggestion. But you always need to remember for what purpose you are going to use it. For yourself, your beloved, as for the center of the Universe? Or for the benefit of this person and you as well. Does a person want to be told something? After all, you have to pay for everything in this life. And sometimes very expensive. Are you ready for this?

Practices to help develop magical abilities

Tatyana, I will disappoint you - it is impossible to become a witch without a full moon at home. Even with the full moon and not at home, it’s impossible just like that, in an instant. Yes, it happens that grandmothers, before their death, pass on their gift to their eldest (usually) granddaughter, but this is only a base, a foundation, a resource that must be developed in the future. And it depends only on the follower of family traditions whether she can use this gift or not. Therefore, the most realistic way to become a witch is to sit down with books and practice:

  • Develop your intuition
  • Learn to interpret dreams and read the signs that the world around us sends us
  • Learn to guess
  • Engage in energy practices
  • Study herbs and other components that may be needed to prepare various decoctions and potions
  • Practice various rituals and magical techniques.

Anastasia. You cannot one hundred percent learn to read the thoughts of another person, especially a stranger and stranger. Yes, there are unique people who know how to do this, but there are only a few such people in the entire history of mankind. But some points can be developed.

  • Try every time you hear the phone ringing and guess who is calling you. If you practice this regularly, after a while you will be surprised - you will begin to guess more often.
  • Study physiognomy. Look for books that detail each facial feature individually, as well as combinations of different features. Practice this interesting science. When looking at a person, do not try to use the knowledge you have gained about him to his detriment, but only try to understand and feel him as best as possible. If your feelings are sincere, then looking at your face will not cause discomfort to the person; on the contrary, he will become more disposed towards you.
  • Develop empathy, learn to feel the mood, feelings and emotions of other people. When interacting, try to tune in to the person, uniting with him at the heart level. And again, your thoughts must be pure in doing so.

Vitalik, every person is unique, everyone has their own purpose. And this is happiness if a person knows why he came into this world. Then, as they say, the Universe itself helps him. Almost all people, to one degree or another, have abilities for something as supernatural as you write. Yes, some people have a real gift for such activities. But almost anyone can acquire minimal knowledge and skills. Therefore, if you feel potential in yourself, then develop it. Study literature, try to practice.

Do the following. Write on a piece of paper a question to your subconscious about what interests you. The question should not contain a choice between “yes” and “no”; it should be specific: “what should I do for this. “,” “What should my choice be?”, “Will it be right if I do this. " Before going to bed, read this question several times, put a piece of paper under your pillow and go to bed. Try to remember everything you dream about. Immediately after waking up, write down your dreams. And then analyze. Do this until you get answers to your questions. Moreover, this exercise will be useful for developing your abilities.

In conclusion, I will say the most important thing for everyone: if you have made a choice towards acquiring knowledge, do not stop. Be interested, study, put into practice the acquired knowledge. Do something you enjoy.

You can read about basic exercises to develop intuition and uncover hidden possibilities.

What else to read