How to do a French manicure at home. Step-by-step instructions: doing a French manicure with your own hands How to do a French manicure yourself at home

French manicure has already become a real classic. It suits every girl and goes well with almost any makeup and clothing.

In addition to its versatility, French is very easy to create. Perhaps every young lady has tried to decorate her nails with this design. Well, if you have not yet learned all the secrets, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the photo lesson below.

How to do a French manicure

Let's consider several options, no matter which one you choose, you first need to get your nails in order and prepare the necessary varnishes.

What you will need:

  • Good quality white varnish
  • Clear nail polish,
  • Base and fixer (optional).

Using ready-made stencils

The simplest option is to create a French jacket using ready-made stencils. You can buy them at any store that sells nail polishes. In most cases, their price does not exceed 100 rubles.

To create a French manicure using stencils, simply glue them evenly and then paint the tips of your nails with white polish. Remove the stencils only when the varnish is completely dry. Then apply a clear varnish or sealer. If desired, you can apply a base coat before starting your manicure. I do without it, since the stencils stick very strongly to the coating, and after they are removed, unsightly marks remain.

French with tape

Or you can make stencils for French manicure yourself. To do this, you need tape and a bottle of varnish with a flat round cap. Place tape on this lid and carefully cut out a circle. Then cut this circle into 2 or 3 parts and glue each of them onto the nail. The main thing is to glue the tape well, otherwise the white varnish will “seep” under it. As with ready-made stencils, remove the tape only after the white varnish has dried.

French without stencils

In principle, it is not difficult to draw beautiful and even stripes without a stencil. To do this, you just need to practice a little and choose a good white varnish. It is desirable that the varnish is of good quality (does not “strip”, lies smoothly) and has a good brush (not too thick and even). The second point is not so important if you have special manicure brushes.

I paint the tip of the nail as follows: first I draw a horizontal stripe (from left to right), and then I paint the corners with vertical strokes (from bottom to top). Errors can be corrected with a special brush with round, stiff bristles or a manicure tool with a rounded end. At the end, you should also apply a fixative.

French with a pattern

A modest French coat can be made more vibrant if, for example, you replace white varnish with red, blue, pink, yellow or even black. Or draw something on the bottom of the nail. Most often they draw floral patterns, glue rhinestones or apply sparkles

In general, there are a lot of options for French manicure with patterns. I browsed the Internet and found, in my opinion, the most interesting ones. I suggest you watch them too.


When creating an image, it is important to think through every detail, and since hands are the calling card of every woman, they should be properly cared for. There are a huge number of manicure options, but there are classics that would be unacceptable to ignore. We are talking about French manicure, which has long attracted special attention from beautiful girls and women.

French proclaims, first of all, well-groomedness and neatness; in addition, it is a universal option that suits everyone without exception. Few people can afford to go to beauty salons, so more and more fashionistas are asking the question “how to do a French manicure at home”?

What you need for a French jacket

It’s not difficult to recreate a classic manicure on your own. First you need to purchase all the necessary accessories; the varnishes for the French coat must be of very high quality. There are ready-made kits available for sale that are designed for this manicure. In addition to varnishes, the set includes a base varnish and stencils with which the French will be applied.

So, you should purchase:

  • a good nail file;
  • colorless varnish, also known as the base;
  • white varnish for drawing the tips of the nails;
  • tint varnish of any color (preferably pastel colors);
  • protective covering;
  • stencils, which can easily be replaced with strips of tape.

You shouldn’t immediately try to recreate a French jacket with different patterns and other designs; you should start small.

In this matter, you need to be patient, maybe the first time something won’t work out; practice is the main ally of a perfect manicure.

  • Bath

First you need to make a nail bath to soften the cuticle before removing it. Pour hot water into a cup, add 3 tablespoons of olive oil (can be replaced with almond, jojoba or any other base), 2 tablespoons of sea salt (if you don’t have it, you can add regular table salt), a few drops of lemon essential oil or replace it with lemon juice ( juice of one third of a lemon).

Hands should be in the solution until the cuticle softens (about 10 minutes).

Gently push the cuticle to the base of the nail plate with a spatula. If the manicure is trimmed, then use manicure scissors to cut off all the excess skin around the nail and cuticle.

If the manicure is European (not edged), then apply a special softening agent for removing cuticles strictly on the cuticle itself (first on one hand), leave for 30-60 seconds. Using an orange stick, carefully remove the softened tissue around the nail.

Apply the product to the cuticle of the second hand and also remove excess skin.

Since the product is aggressive, it is better to apply it without removing the nail polish in advance.

The nails should be given the desired shape by first degreasing the nail plates. There are special products for this, but regular nail polish remover will do.

Apply base clear coat. Wait until it dries.

Paint the entire nail plate with tinted varnish; it must dry thoroughly. French does not tolerate haste, because the main condition is a perfectly executed manicure. This varnish will help hide some imperfections, of course, if there are any. If there are white spots on the nail plates, use darker shades of varnish.

A steady hand will help you draw the smile line evenly without using stencils. Usually the tips of the nails are painted white, but fashion is constantly changing, and therefore experiments are encouraged.

If you doubt the accuracy of applying a smile, you should use special strips (stencils) that are attached to the nails, leaving the tips open a few millimeters, depending on the length and structure of the nail plate.

Try to evenly distribute the stencils on each finger; this is an important condition on which the quality of the completed jacket will depend. Take the polish and draw a smile line on each nail. Nothing bad will happen if you lightly sketch the stripes.

The first layer should be barely noticeable, and the second should be done after 15 seconds, but more saturated. Stencils should be removed only when the varnish is completely dry. If you ignore this rule and remove it earlier, you can completely ruin your manicure.

The protective layer should be painted on the nails after complete drying. This stage will make your nails shiny and more attractive. This manicure will last one and a half times longer, provided there is a high-quality protective coating.

Video: how to do a French manicure at home

To properly do a French manicure at home, you should first watch the video.

Subtleties and secrets of French manicure

There are secrets that will greatly simplify the process of creating an elegant French manicure.

  • Each layer of varnish applied must be completely dry. French claims to be perfect; even a minimal error can spoil the impression of a manicure.
  • If there is serious damage to the nail plate or wounds located near the nail, it is better to refuse to perform such a manicure.
  • Special stencils can be replaced with regular tape, just remove it very carefully, as you can accidentally remove the applied varnish along with it.
  • To ensure that the polish goes on evenly, do not use hand cream several hours before starting your manicure.
  • Professionals advise purchasing a special whitening pencil, which should be used to paint the inside of the regrown nail. After this, your nails look just great.
  • When choosing a base coat, give preference to fortified products.

Any woman can master French manicure at home. This manicure has been trending for the last few years, so why not learn how to create original masterpieces yourself?

French fashion ideas

French manicure is considered a universal option, since it looks equally good on nails of any length and shape.

You won’t surprise anyone with the classic version of this manicure. This is probably why stylists have come up with several more ways to decorate nails, but with their own nuances.

Many girls make a v-shaped smile line, and this option is called “Chevron”.

French "Millennium" involves applying sparkles and other bright decorative elements to the tips of the nails.

Young girls like to decorate the tips of their nails with colored polishes; flirtatious young ladies have already appreciated this playful option.

Various color combinations and a large selection of decorative elements allow you to come up with a unique and inimitable manicure.

Glossy tips and matte background are an excellent solution for strong and purposeful women. It is better to choose varnishes that are close in tone.

Combining the incongruous is the motto of stylists who with great pleasure undertake new experiments.

A mirrored jacket is very popular.

The lace jacket option has long become the standard of beauty and femininity. It will be difficult for beginners to learn this technique, but nothing is impossible for motivated girls.

Art French is also called artistic manicure. It involves decorating the nail plate with various patterns and designs that only a professional can easily handle.

French manicure at home is an excellent solution for women who have basic knowledge and skills in this area. Create beauty on your nails, draw patterns, paint your nail plates in different colors, in general, experiment, and you will be happy.

Save the cheat sheet on your page.

French manicure is probably one of the most beloved and popular types of nail design. This type of manicure gained its popularity due to its versatility. French manicure goes with any outfit and is appropriate for any event. Few people know that French manicure actually does not originate in France. This type of manicure first appeared in the United States in Hollywood as a universal manicure that would suit all actresses’ outfits.

French manicure can be easily done at home. There are several ways to perform a French manicure at home.

First way

To perform a classic French manicure you will need clear varnish, white enamel varnish and special stencil strips. Before starting a French manicure, prepare your nails by performing a classic or European manicure.

1. Cover your nails with 2 layers of clear polish. Wait for the base coat of varnish to dry.

2. Take the stencil and separate one strip. Place it slightly below the beginning of the freely grown edge of the nail. Press the strip well on all sides, tracing. So that there are no gaps left.

3. Cover the resulting area with white varnish. Once the layer of white varnish has dried thoroughly, remove the stencil in one gentle motion. Do not rush and remove the stencil strip while the varnish is still wet, you can ruin the entire manicure.

4. Coat your nails with clear polish again.

I consider this method the best because even a beginner can do it. French manicure done using stencils always turns out neat.

Second way

1. Cover your prepared nails with clear polish. Let the first layer dry well.

2.Using a nail polish brush, paint a wide stripe at the tip of the nail. The strip must be drawn in this way: from the beginning on the right side, then on the left, connecting the edges at one point.

3. Wait for the white varnish to dry.

4. Cover your nails with clear polish.

This method of performing a French manicure is suitable for those who have already managed to fill their hands and get thin and even lines. If you are not confident in your abilities, use the first method.

Third way

This method of performing a French manicure is similar to the second method, with the only difference being that in this version a thin brush is used to apply white varnish.

1. Cover your nails with clear polish and wait until the first layer dries.

2. Using a thin brush, draw a line along the contour of the freely grown edge of the nail

4. After the white coat of polish has dried, apply clear polish to your nails.

This method of French manicure is a little easier to perform than the second, but still, without some experience, you are unlikely to be able to draw a straight, curved line.

Fourth method

In this method of performing a French manicure, tape is used as a stencil.

1. Cover your nails with clear polish and wait until it dries.

2. Apply tape, forming it into a semicircular shape.

3. Paint the resulting area with white varnish.

4. After the white polish has dried, remove the tape and cover your nails with another layer of clear polish.

This method of French manicure is more suitable for creating a basic background, which will be complemented by other elements and types of nail design.

The good thing about a classic French manicure is that it goes with any outfit and is appropriate in any setting. Another integral advantage of this type of manicure is the ability to combine it with other types of manicure and nail design. The transparent varnish that acts as the basis of a French manicure can be replaced with a milky or light pink varnish.

French manicure, or French, is a universal nail design and is suitable for any woman. Despite its name, this manicure has nothing to do with France.

It was invented by American designers, and called French for advertising purposes, since France has always been considered the trendsetter of world fashion. To make it at home, just a little skill is enough.

French manicure has nothing to do with France.

How to do a French manicure correctly

French manicure is painting the edge of the nail in a different color. A classic French manicure is when the tips of the nails are white.

Depending on the color of the tip of the nail, there are different types of French:

  • fan-french,
  • millennium,
  • stained glass and others.

In order to understand how to properly do a French manicure at home, you need to become familiar with the terminology and the correct technology.

Nail smile line

The smile line is the border between the flesh and white color of the nail. The larger the “smile”, the higher the corners of the white part of the French manicure are raised - the so-called mustache. Their height is determined by the two top points. The height of the white part of the jacket is determined by the lowest point in the center.

Every person has their own nail smile line. This is the line after which the free edge of the nail grows, and up to the line itself it is attached to the nail bed. To make it clearer, we note that we can trim our nails “to zero” along our natural smile line.

To make a French look not along the natural line of the smile, but otherwise, for example, below, you must first cover it with flesh-colored varnish - “camouflage”. Then this bodily part up to the new smile line will be called nail bed extension. Basically, this term is used when doing French on artificial nails, since the nail bed with this method is lengthened with gel or acrylic.

How to do a French manicure at home

In order to do a French manicure at home, you need to remember the main requirement: the height of the white tips and tendrils should be the same on all nails.

How to make an even French manicure? At home, you can use two methods:

  • using adhesive strips for French jackets,
  • manually.

The disadvantage of adhesive strips is that they often stick strongly to the nail and can ruin the nude polish. In addition, doing French with them takes much longer. But the main disadvantage of this method is that it is not very stylish and “smiling” - there is no smooth transition - just one half of the nail in white.

How to do a French manicure without stripes at home

The best way to french is to paint by hand. To do a French manicure at home without stripes, you will need white, nude and clear polishes, plus the thinnest brush with natural bristles.

French manicure sequence:

  • Get your nails in order: file them and make them all the same shape.
  • Apply nude polish twice.
  • With a thin brush, mark 3 points on all nails: the height of the white part of the French manicure, the other two should show where the antennae will reach.
  • Draw a smile. Try to draw the line slowly.
  • Pinch the side ridges of the nail and then paint the tip of the nail with white polish using a nail polish brush. Try to paint from one and the other antennae to the middle.
  • Wait a minute and cover your nails with clear polish.

If you are doing French for the first time, the process itself may seem very complicated. But everything comes with experience: after several times, mastery will appear, and you will do French only by hand, abandoning adhesive strips.

How to do a French manicure on short nails

Currently, French manicure on short nails is becoming more and more popular, because everything natural is fashionable. This manicure looks great on square and oval nails. To add some piquancy, you can safely add different designs and patterns.

Drawings and patterns will add spice to your manicure.

French on short nails is done in the same way as on long nails. But it is worth paying attention to some features:

  • The edging of the nail with white varnish should not be wide: otherwise the nails will visually become too short. Make a neat and thin line.
  • To visually lengthen the nails, decor is made on them. But just don't overdo it. Everything must be done very skillfully.
  • To urgently tidy up your nails, use a special convenient pencil or chalk for a French coat. In addition, they are convenient for painting the nail plate from the inside; it will not take much time and effort. Remember that such products cannot be used for peeling nails.

How to do a French manicure with Shellac gel polishes

The main question in the French technique: how to carefully create a beautiful French manicure. The highest quality method is to coat your nails with Shellac gel polish, which is the first hybrid of polish and gel. It is interesting that from the gel he adopted the absence of odor, strength and durability, and from the varnish - bright shine, ease of removal and application.

Shellac gel polish is a unique development of the American corporation CND. Its advantages include the fact that it perfectly treats nails and does not cause allergies.

The cost of applying a French manicure with Shellac varnish is not cheap, but one must make allowance for the fact that it is the most modern development.

Buying Shellac gel polish online for home use will cost much less than in beauty salons.

The design of a French manicure can be supplemented with decorative elements, for example, drawings. As a rule, it is better to choose designs in white, adding a little pink. Most often, drawings are made on the thumb or ring finger.

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French manicure is a universal nail design suitable for any outfit and occasion. French, like no other type of manicure, can make your hands well-groomed, graceful and neat. Read about the history of French manicure, its types and methods of execution in our article.

What is French?

A classic French manicure (or French manicure) is a type of nail design when the nail plate is covered with translucent varnish in natural shades (beige, beige-pink, natural pink or milky), and the regrown part of the nail is painted in the shape of a crescent (or smile) in white.

In addition to the classic French manicure, there are also non-standard variations: French manicure colored and with rhinestones, millennium French manicure, French manicure with drawings and three-dimensional design, fantasy French manicure.

History of French manicure

Contrary to the name, the French coat was invented not in Europe, but in the USA - the founder of the ORLY brand, Jeff Pink, came up with it at the request of Hollywood directors. During the day, the actresses had to repaint their nails several times to ensure that the manicure matched the outfit. Pink solved this problem by coming up with an original design that was natural and spectacular at the same time, revolutionizing the manicure industry.

The fashion for the new design instantly swept the whole world, and the French style received its name due to its extraordinary popularity among French models.

Types of French manicure

There are several varieties of French manicure:

1. Classic French

With a classic French style, the nail plate is a natural shade, and the “smile line” is white.

2. Colored French

In this case, the smile line is painted not with a white shade, but with any other shade - bright, pastel or dark. There is another option: the nail plate and smile line are painted in contrasting or matching shades, or a combination of different textures is used (for example, matte and glossy).

3. Millennium French

Millennium French differs from the classic one in that the “smile line” is completely filled with sparkles.

4. French manicure with a pattern

One or more nails are decorated with designs. French manicure with a pattern is one of the most popular wedding manicure options.

5. Hollywood French

The Hollywood French jacket differs from the usual one in its unusual “smile line” - instead of a crescent, it is a corner.

6. Fantasy French

A non-standard smile line, voluminous design, rhinestones, beads - the variety of options is limited only by the imagination of manicurists.

7. French manicure with shellac

French manicure with shellac is a long-lasting version of the French manicure that lasts on the nails for at least two weeks. In this case, instead of regular nail polish, shellac (gel polish) is used - a special coating that polymerizes in the rays of a UV lamp.

French manicure at home

You can perform a beautiful French manicure yourself: you only need to know a few tricks from the arsenal of nail service professionals and stock up on the right tools and products. Photo and video tutorials with master classes from nail service professionals will help you perform a French manicure correctly.

As in the salon, a French manicure at home should begin by removing the old coating from the nails. Before you start designing, you should take care of the shape of your nails and the skin of your hands. Let's take a step-by-step look at performing a French manicure at home.

French manicure technology: do the French manicure yourself

Step 1: Give your nails the desired shape

First of all, you should take care of the length and shape of your nails. You can choose any length that is comfortable for you, but a French manicure looks most harmonious on short nails with a soft square or almond shape.

If necessary, remove excess length with nail scissors, and adjust the shape with a glass or cardboard file. Try to hold the file at a 90-degree angle to the edge of the nail and make movements in one direction.

Step 2: Taking care of the skin of your hands and cuticles

Not a single, even the most neat and unusual nail design will decorate your hands if there are hangnails on them, and the cuticle has become coarse and overgrown. French manicure is especially demanding when it comes to framing: make sure that the skin of your hands is in perfect condition.

A warm hand bath will help soften the skin and relieve tension. Then pay attention to the cuticle, pushing it towards the nail bed with a pusher or an orange wood stick. Depending on what type of manicure (classic or European) you prefer, remove the keratinized layer of cuticle using nippers or remover. Apply a little cream or lotion to the skin of your hands and do a light massage.

Step 3: Apply base color.

Before you begin applying the decorative coating, the surface of the nail plate must be degreased - this can be done easily with a cotton pad soaked in a small amount of nail polish remover.
A nail primer will help extend the durability of your manicure. If you are applying a base coat, be sure to wait for it to dry completely.

Translucent varnish in natural shades (flesh, beige, pink, opal, milky) is usually used as the base shade of a classic French jacket. Apply the polish in one loose layer, trying to distribute it over the surface of the nail in one motion, otherwise when it dries, streaks and stains will be visible on the surface of the nail. If you choose a colored French coat, apply the base polish in one or two thin layers.

Step 4: Draw the “smile line”

If you choose a classic French manicure, then dense, matte or creamy shades of white (boiling white, ivory, eggshell, milky) are suitable for the regrown part of the nail.

There are several ways to draw a “smile” on your nails, choose the one that is most convenient for you:

1. The smile line is drawn by hand. This can be done using a thin nail art brush. First, the border is drawn, and then the overgrown part of the nail is filled with color. There is another way: place the polish brush perpendicular to the nail, gently press it to the edge and draw a wide line while moving the brush and turning your finger.

2. For those who are doing a French manicure at home for the first time, it will be easiest to draw a “smile” using special stencil stickers. Such stencils can be found in almost every price segment. Paste the stencils along the line where you plan to make a “smile”, paint the remaining part with varnish, wait for it to dry and carefully remove the stencils.

Using stencils, you can apply a French manicure to short nails: if they are cut to the very root, stencils will help create the illusion of length - just stick them on, stepping back 1-2 mm from the edge.

3. Pencil method. In this case, the underside of the regrown part of the nail is painted using a special white pencil for manicure. This method is quite simple, but has a number of disadvantages: it is not durable and is not suitable for those with thick, opaque or yellowish nails.

Step 5: Apply the finishing coat

To secure your manicure and extend its durability, use a topcoat. The top can have a glossy or matte finish, and also contain sparkles or large glitter - it all depends on your preferences.

French manicure is ready. Don't forget to update it every week and don't be afraid to experiment - try different French options.

French manicure: photo

We present various photo options for a French jacket for every taste and color:

French manicure: video - lessons

Nail service professionals and representatives of cosmetics brands will tell you how to do a French manicure correctly and beautifully:

French in different ways in red

French manicure with tape

French manicure with stencils of different shapes

French manicure with gel polish

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