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To make sure that any program can be removed from your computer, you need to read the article completely and carefully. Before we start figuring out how to remove a program from Windows computer 7, XP or 8, we must first mention the standard procedure, since perhaps insecure computer users do not know how this is done.

Removing programs is possible without installing additional programs; to do this, go to “Start” - “Settings” - “Control Panel” - “Add or Remove Programs” (Windows XP), and for other versions, “Start” - “Control Panel” » — “Uninstall a program” is the standard method for uninstalling programs.

But when deleting in this way, there is a possibility that registry entries and folders will remain on the system. In a word, garbage that will remain on your device. This data can cause crashes, system freezes, and of course they take up space on your hard drive.

To solve this problem we will use free program Revo Uninstaller, which will quickly remove a program and even a program that cannot be removed in the standard way. Revo Uninstaller is a good addition to the system, because with this utility you will remove uninstallable programs with created registry entries, folders, settings files, and more. Below, I will talk about how to remove a program that cannot be removed, even when it is not on the list for removal.

Now let's get down to action, install the program and I will show you how to remove the program using this utility. You can download the program.

Installing Revo Uninstaller to remove programs

After downloading the program, run the installation file. Select “Russian” and click “OK”.

Check the box “I accept the terms of the agreement.” Click “Next”.

Click “Install”.

The program is installed on your computer. Click “Finish”.

How to use Revo Uninstaller

After installation, launch the program, and the main program window will open on the screen. You will need to wait a little while the program collects data about the programs that are installed on your computer. After a few seconds, the program is ready to work, now select the program you want to delete and click the “Delete” button, which is located in the top horizontal menu. Using the AIMP player as an example, I will clearly show what to do if the program is not removed from the computer. Select AIMP with the left mouse button and click the “Delete” button.

The program will ask you to confirm the deletion, click “YES”.

In the next window you need to select the uninstallation mode. There are 4 types of modes in this program: built-in, safe, medium and advanced. We choose advanced, as it performs a deep analysis of the registry, folders and program links. This mode is slower than all the others, be patient. Click “Next”.

The program will analyze and launch built-in program uninstaller, which is built into AIMP. If you are prompted to click “Next”, “Next”, “Uninstall”, “OK”, or anything similar, then feel free to click. If you do not have a built-in uninstaller, then you need to go another way, which is described below (Hunting Mode). After you have uninstalled the program, you need to click “Next” to search for files, folders and registry entries.

On average, scanning takes approximately 10 to 60 seconds, depending on the amount of information being processed. When scanning is completed, click “Next”.

When scanning: registry entries, files and folders, they may not be detected, which means that the uninstaller has worked 100 percent of its function. If the scanner finds entries in the registry, check the “My Computer” checkbox. Click the “Delete” button and click “Next”.

In the screenshot above, we only deleted branches and settings in the registry, but we delete shortcuts, folders and data in the next step. To delete the data found by the scanner, click “Select all”, so as not to put a checkmark next to each line, click “Delete”, and the last step is “Next”.

The removal procedure is completed, click “Finish”.

If the program is not in the list for uninstalling programs (Hunting mode)

It happens that a program is not in the list, but is in the tray or there are pop-up windows for a program that needs to be removed. Especially for such cases, Revo Uninstaller has a “Hunting Mode” function, which often saves me.

Attention! Sometimes when you aim the crosshair at a program to be deleted, it triggers falsely. That is, point at the program that you want to delete, and a message appears that you are about to delete a completely different application or this action is impossible. In this case, you need to try to find other windows to use the hunting mode.

How to work with “Hunting Mode”

To switch to “hunting mode”, you need to click on “Hunting mode” in the program window.

The program window will automatically minimize and a crosshair will appear in the upper right corner of the desktop of blue color, which you need to point at the program while holding the left mouse button.

We aim at a shortcut, message, window, tray icon, in short, at any program object. By releasing the left mouse button, you will be offered a choice; in our case, to remove the program, click “Uninstall”.

To finish this review of this program, I’ll tell you a little about the additional features of Revo Uninstaller.

The program contains tools for optimizing Windows:

  • Startup Manager - disable/enable programs that load with Windows. This procedure can be done without programs; to understand how to disable autorun programs, read the article.
  • Windows Instrumentation - allows you to start services on the system .
  • Junk File Cleaner - Removes temporary files, browsers and Microsoft Office.

If you can’t remove the program, you can try to do it manually. Check out the following article: "".

I won’t go into detail about how the additional features work; they are easy to use and have a Russian description.

Very often, when uninstalling programs, certain difficulties may arise, especially when you are just starting to master the computer. Many novice users can simply delete the program folder on their hard drive. And after this, if it is removed incorrectly, a lot of problems begin. Various windows appear on the screen about the absence of certain files, various warnings pop up about the impossibility of loading or incorrect operation of applications. Without thinking about his previous actions that led to this problem, the user begins to refer to failures in the operating system and PC hardware, is set to reinstall Windows, and the like.

What causes errors when loading the operating system. The fact is that if uninstalled incorrectly, the program leaves its “traces” in the registry; its remains may be present in startup or Windows services. All this leads to similar messages at startup operating system.

There are also cases when the user deletes only the shortcut on the desktop and is sure that he has deleted the application completely. A shortcut is only a link to launch and deleting it does not mean that you are getting rid of the installed program. It remains in its entirety on the hard drive and can be launched by creating another shortcut after right-clicking on the application launch file.

Let's consider what to do in such a situation and how to completely remove the program from your computer using built-in Windows tools and using special utilities.

Removal using built-in Windows tools

If you are using the XP version, you can quickly uninstall any application through the Add or Remove Programs tab in the Control Panel. Here you select the desired application and click on the delete button.
In Windows 7, we remove it in the same way, only the list of applications is in the “Programs and Features” section.

When a program cannot be removed in this way, it means it is running and running in hidden mode. To do this, you first need to disable it in Windows services, which you can access through the “Administration” tab in the Control Panel. If it is not in the services and it still is not deleted, you need to check its presence in the Task Manager processes. If an uninstallable program is running there, you need to right-click to force its execution to end. After disabling applications in services or in the task manager, restart the uninstallation process.

To completely clear traces of a deleted program from your computer, you can use third-party cleaning utilities, for example, CCleaner or the Privazer utility. The latter is the best utility for optimizing and speeding up your PC. It quickly clears not only the remains of programs and other “garbage”, but also frees RAM, resulting in an increase in productivity.

Other ways to remove problematic apps

When a program cannot be removed and it is not in the list of installed ones, then it is better to do the following. Download the installation file of this program from the Internet and run it. During installation, some programs may detect that they were previously installed on the computer and offer the option of removing them from further actions.

If you cannot remove it correctly using this method, it is better to use third-party utilities, for example, Add Remove Plus or Revo Uninstaller.

How to remove using Revo Uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller is a more effective tool in removing applications from your computer, including those occupied by the process and those that cannot be removed.

You can download this utility from the official website. After installing Revo Uninstaller, the “Uninstaller” tab opens with a list of all installed applications on the computer. Mark what you need and click on the delete button.

After Revo Uninstaller you will be asked to select the uninstaller operating mode. Leave the default mode at moderate.

After analysis and deletion, the utility will ask you to search for remaining files. As a result of the scan, the denstralator will highlight in bold the entries in the Windows registry for deletion, and then the remaining files on the hard drive that should be gotten rid of.

Thus, the program and all its tails are completely removed from the computer.

We looked at the most common cases of how to remove a program from a computer. We are confident that the options listed will help you solve the problem.

All owners of operating systems have encountered certain processes and situations that affect each user. Such processes are of interest to all users, regardless of what they use their computer for - mainly for work, games, Internet use, etc. One such procedure is uninstalling programs.

Agree, each user installs different kinds of applications for a specific purpose. But not all downloadable tools turn out to be necessary and useful. Some can also cause harm to the system, especially if they “captured” a couple of viruses from the virtual space. Other programs may simply become outdated or be conveniently displaced by alternative tools. In general, the purpose of liquidation is not as important as the process itself, because it must be carried out according to the rules. By using unverified instructions and advice, you are exposing your system to danger and failure, which can be damaged if you incorrectly remove any program. So how to properly remove programs from your computer?

Uninstalling programs on Windows XP

We go to the main menu of the system called “Start”, in which click on the “Control Panel” item. In the dialog box that appears, find the “Add or Remove Programs” option. After clicking it, a list of programs that are on your device will appear on the monitor. In this list you need to find the program that you want to get rid of. Once you locate the target, click on it. The application name will be highlighted in blue, and the “Delete” button will appear in the lower right corner of the selected part of the list.

After you activate this button, a request will appear that will clarify your real intentions to delete the selected element. We confirm the action by clicking the “Yes” button and the program safely leaves your device. And without negative consequences.

How to remove programs from a Windows 7 computer?

In this version of the OS, the parameters have already undergone some changes compared to its predecessor, but everything also starts with the “Start” and “Control Panel”. In the updated “Panel” settings, select “Programs and Features”.

After selecting the option, a list will open with installed programs, to remove which you should follow the same instructions as in the previous case. But the request to confirm deletion will have a different appearance. In addition, the line “Delete user data” appeared in it. For example, in the case of eliminating a web browser, after checking the box, links, passwords and other data that litter the OS will be deleted.

Uninstalling applications in Windows 8

The penultimate of the currently released versions already looks much more functional, so the removal methods are different and they depend on the purpose and status of the programs. First, we’ll tell you how to get rid of programs that are part of the interface and are presented as tiles on the G8 start screen.

Most tiled apps come pre-installed. As a rule, a few units are actually used, and the presence of the rest is quickly forgotten. Actually, you can easily get rid of them - it will not harm the system in any way.

So, you can uninstall a pre-installed program directly from the start screen. Click on the tile, right-click to open the context menu, in which select the “Delete” option. As soon as you confirm the deletion request, the application will disappear from your PC. If you are in doubt about this issue, the system provides the opportunity to simply remove the icon from the start screen. In the context menu you can see the “Unpin from Start Screen” item, which removes the application tile from the Start screen, but the program remains in the “eight”. To access it, you can use the “All applications” list.

If you do not see a similar tile of the program that you want to delete, this means that the elimination process will be carried out using the mentioned “All applications” list. In this list you need to click on the desired application and click on the “Delete” button that appears at the bottom of the screen.

In general, deleting applications that are part of the system interface is a fairly simple procedure without serious consequences and occurrence of errors.

As for other programs, the uninstallation process has similar features to a similar procedure in previous versions of the OS, but we will still talk about it in full so that you do not have any questions.

The fastest way to remove an application is to use the Control Panel, where you can find the Programs and Features option. Here the user can get rid of an unnecessary element by typing the Win+R key combination and in the “Run” window that appears, enter the appwiz.cpl command and click OK.

You can also delete items through the “All Programs” list, in which, after selecting a specific application, the “Delete” button appears.

If you are going to get rid of the desktop program, the system will redirect you to a special section of the “Control Panel”. In this section you need to select the desired program and click on the “Delete/Withdraw” button. After clicking, the removal wizard will launch, with which you can completely remove the program.

Uninstalling programs in Windows 10

IN latest version, which has a similar interface, you can also eliminate programs through the “Programs and Features” section, as on Windows 8. There is a similar section in “Start”. To access it, select the “Parameters” section in the main menu of the system, then click on the “System” subsection. In the list of options, select the line "Applications and features". After clicking, a list of programs will open, after highlighting which the “Delete” button will appear.

That's all the advice regarding uninstalling programs in the last four versions of Windows. Follow the instructions described and then the process will be harmless to the system.

If you have any questions about the topic "How to properly remove programs from your computer?”, you can ask them in the comments

It’s quite easy to figure out how to remove a program from your computer. But what may remain from it are files, configurations, registry entries, saves (if it’s a game), tools (if it’s a graphics or video editor), and so on. They take up disk space.

Under no circumstances should you erase utilities directly by moving them to the trash. Use services specifically designed for this.

Usually an uninstaller is installed along with the program. It automatically removes almost all application data. If you created a utility folder in the taskbar, open it. There must be a file there that triggers the deletion.

Here's how to remove unnecessary programs from your computer if they're not in the Start menu:

  1. Go to the application directory.
  2. If you don’t remember where you installed it, right-click on its shortcut.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. The “Object” field will contain the path to the directory.
  5. Open it and find the executable file “Uninstall.exe”. This universal name for uninstallers. Used in many applications. But the name can be different: for example, “Uninst.exe”
  6. Open it and follow the instructions.
  7. The uninstallation process is different for each utility. In some cases, you may need to click “Next” several times. Or select the items you want to erase. Sometimes they ask you to indicate what you are not happy with about the software and why you decided to remove it.

Built-in Windows Tools

Here's how to remove unnecessary programs from your computer using the operating system's built-in tools:

  • Go to "Control Panel". It can be opened through the Start menu.
  • If it is not there, right-click on the taskbar and select “Properties”.
  • Start tab.
  • "Customize" button.
  • In the list that opens, find “Control Panel” and check the “Display” checkbox.
  • Save your changes.
  • Now you can go to the “Control Panel”.
  • In it, open the “Uninstall a Program” (or “Programs and Features”) menu.

Click on “Programs and Features”

  • In the list, find the utility you want to get rid of.
  • Select it. A “Delete” button will appear above the main work area.
  • Or right-click on the desired line. The “Delete” option will also be available in the context menu.

Click Delete

  • What you do next depends on the application. Follow the uninstaller instructions.

Third party software

Even if the utilities are erased correctly, some data, registry entries, and files with saved settings will still remain. The most practical option is to use removal utilities. Specialized software will not only remove the application, but also destroy all traces of it in the system. This way they won’t take up extra space and clog up the OS.

Suitable programs:

  • Revo Uninstaller. Completely erases utilities, temporary files, cleans the registry and . There is a so-called “Hunting Mode”: you press a button, a sight appears, point it at the program (more precisely, at the program file) and click. The applications will be added to the Revo list.
  • IObit Uninstaller. Independently determines what data remains after “standard” deletion. There is a built-in uninstaller.
  • CCleaner. Designed to clean the disk, registry and system from junk data. If you erase programs through it, there will not even be any mention of them left.

Uninstalling programs in CCleaner

  • Ashampoo Uninstaller. When deleting, you must check the box next to “Search folders/files/registry entries.”
  • Portable modification with a simple interface.

How to clean the registry manually?

If you don’t use special software that “cleans up” the remnants of the program, links to it will not go anywhere in the registry. It's not scary because they don't lead anywhere. The deleted utility will not be restored without your knowledge. But if there are too many “useless” entries in the registry, problems will arise. The system will work slowly and slow down. You will have to wait a few minutes to open the document.

It is necessary to periodically clean the registry of entries that point to non-existent utilities. It is better to use applications designed for this purpose: for example, Registry Fix or Advanced SystemCare. You can also clean it manually. But this is a risky business. It's better to try other methods.

If you decide to figure it out yourself, first create a backup copy of the registry. So that it can be restored.

  • Go to Start - Run, in the window that opens, enter “regedit” without quotes and click “OK”. The Registry Editor will appear.

  • Click File - Export. In the save window, specify the path and create a file name. Subsequently, you can restore the registry from it by selecting the “Import” command.

Now start cleaning:

  1. In the Registry Editor, click Edit - Find. Or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F.
  2. In the input field, write the name of the program that you recently erased.
  3. A list of items that relate to this utility will appear on the right. You need to get rid of them (right-click - delete).
  4. If something goes wrong, you can return the registry to its previous state.

If the program is not uninstalled

You run the uninstallation and it gives an error? Most likely, the utility is currently “busy” - being used by other applications or services. Here's how to remove a program that won't uninstall:

  • Open "Task Manager" (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Del or Ctrl+Shift+Esc).
  • On the Applications tab, shut down everything associated with the utility.
  • Go to the "Processes" section.

Go to the Processes section

  • In the list, find the program you want to remove. Typically, the process name is the same as the name of the executable file used to run the application.
  • Complete the process. It may become active again after rebooting your PC unless you uninstall the utility.
  • Try deleting the app again.

If the program still remains on the computer, it may be a virus. Scan your system with a good antivirus.

Chinese programs

Particularly worth highlighting are Chinese utilities. They are installed on the PC in background without asking the user's permission. It is very difficult to get rid of them. But they cannot be classified as a malware family. Such applications include baidu, a kind of antivirus. Even if you erase it, it will load again.

And the uninstaller is not so easy to figure out. It contains only hieroglyphs. Here's how to remove the Chinese program:

  1. Open "Task Manager" (keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+Esc).
  2. Processes tab.
  3. “Display all” or “Display all users” button. Such utilities are often disguised as system processes.
  4. Find all services of the unwanted application. In our case - baidu.
  5. It is better to organize the lines by image name or description. To do this, click on top part column.
  6. There can be many processes. But they all have hieroglyphs in their descriptions. And the name must include the name of the program.
  7. Right-click on one of the processes.
  8. Select "Open storage location."
  9. Save the folder path in some text file.
  10. Repeat this for all baidu processes. Even if the directories are repeated.
  11. Quit processes related to the application.
  12. You can erase a program using Windows functions. Go to “Control Panel”. Open the Programs and Features menu (or Uninstall a Program). Find the unwanted application and get rid of it.
  13. The uninstaller will contain hieroglyphs. Unfortunately, you will have to act by feel. But there are several factors that will help you decide. The undo deletion function is usually highlighted additionally: in color or volume. As in Russian installers, the “Next” button is on the right, the “Back” button is on the left.
  14. After uninstallation, restart your computer. During startup, press the F key. This is necessary to initiate another boot mode. Select "Safe Mode".
  15. Now the Chinese utility will not be able to activate its processes. And they can be removed.
  16. Open the file in which you saved the paths to baidu.
  17. Go to the folders indicated there. To do this, open the Start menu, copy the path into the input field at the bottom (it usually says “Search for files”) and press Enter. The desired directory will appear.
  18. Erase everything that is in it. Better yet, delete the directory itself.
  19. Repeat for each path.

For a comprehensive system cleanup, use special uninstallers. This way you won’t have to “catch” files and registry entries yourself. And there will be no risk that any element of the hated utility will remain in memory.

It's up to you to decide how to completely remove the program from your computer and what software to use for this. You can limit yourself to the built-in Windows tools. But this way the system will accumulate unnecessary data and links that were not erased along with the application. It is better to install special utilities designed to remove programs and the garbage left behind them.

But we don’t think about how to completely remove a program from a computer without leaving traces, recordings or other garbage. In this manual you will learn

how to remove unnecessary programs from your computer using Windows 7 tools and using special programs that will help you remove any program from the operating system windows systems xp, windows 7 and windows 8.

Inexperienced users use such actions that a couple even simply delete the shortcut on the computer. If you uninstall any application incorrectly, it will

that over time you will lose memory on your hard drives. Even if you destroy the application using the windows tool? All the same, traces that weigh a certain weight remain in the register, i.e. memory.

To avoid such consequences, take into account the following recommendations.

Ways to remove utilities

Now I will list the methods that can be used:

  • Uninstall tool
  • Your uninstaller
  • Revo uninstaller
  • Using Uninstall
  • Built-in windows function

The first three methods are the best that exist at the moment. I recommend choosing any one or all of them. And the other two methods are quick.

How to remove a program from your computer using the Uninstall tool

You can download this software by typing the words Uninstall tool in the search bar. And so we launch and this picture will appear in front of you

This window displays all the utilities that are installed on your computer. If, after installing the Uninstall tool, you subsequently install a new utility,

The Uninstall tool will highlight it in red. What we need. With such a function, there is no need to look for this or that utility.

Click “uninstall”

Then a warning will appear, agree and click “yes”

That's all, the work of the Uninstall tool is completely completed.

How to remove a program using your uninstaller

Very simple. This is also special software to completely erase any program.

If in the previous version you were unable to find the program you needed, it may be that your uninstaller will find it.

Open your uninstaller. This software also highlights recently installed applications in red.

Select the normal removal mode and click “next”

The process will begin and search for registry files. In the window that opens, click “next”

The removal process will begin. Once completed, click “done” and that’s it!

How to remove a program with Revo uninstaller

Revo uninstaller is popular among computer users. This software, like the previous ones, is paid and free.

It is easy to use and at the same time effectively removes unnecessary junk. And so let's get started.

Open the utility

Select the unnecessary software, click the mouse and click “delete”

The creation of a copy of the registry files will begin. Then a restore point is created. Next, the program will prompt you to select a registry scanning mode, select “moderate”

If you were unable to find the necessary utility again, then this application has a special “hunter mode” function for these purposes.

In some cases, this function may not be visible. In order to open the hunter mode, go to “view” and select “main panel”.

Then this mode will appear on the top panel.

If you don’t find the utility you need in the list, just open it and then go to Revo uninstaller. Click on the hunter mode icon and aim at the software that we opened.

Using Uninstall

Uninstall is a file located in the installation folder of almost all programs. It is designed to remove a specific program.

This file is unique for each utility. And it doesn't fit other applications.

To find Uninstall, click on the shortcut of the desired utility and select properties.

In the window that opens, click the “file location” button

And we find the place where this utility is installed

And we see our Uninstall file. Open it and the removal process will begin. Next, follow the instructions of the wizard.

Built-in windows function

The system comes with a tool for removing unnecessary programs. To open the Windows tool, go to Start. Open the control panel,

Select the required software from the list that opens. Click on the program with the mouse and click delete

That's all. I have listed all the most popular methods to date. Of course, there are still many different utilities on the Internet,

which remove unnecessary programs and at the same time perform several functions.

Newbies, especially when they need to eliminate a certain utility, highlight the shortcut and delete it. Afterwards, they continue their business with a smile on their face. Naturally, after these steps it will still work for you.

It happens, and so, they go to the folder in which they installed the program, select this folder and delete it. The utility will be deleted, but traces of it will remain in the registry, causing space on your disk to become clogged.

This concludes the articles. If you have questions or have an opinion, you know what to do. Uninstall programs correctly and a lot of free space will arrive with you!

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