Download viber in Russian. How to install the viber application for free in Russian. Can't install

The Viber messenger, which has already proven itself among smartphone users, was presented by the creators in its full version, ready for use on the personal computer platform. So now every user can easily download Viber for a computer for free, having received a high-quality and certified application without any payment.

Originally occupied the niche of free messengers for smartphones and tablets. But now a version for PC has become available in free download.

Free download Viber for PC on any OS

Viber for personal computers, like its smart sample, not only retained a wide range of functionality, but also acquired a new design that made it possible to adapt the application to the PC platform. The interface of the messenger is simple and intuitive, thanks to which any user (even a beginner) will not experience difficulties when working with the application.

The developers of the program consider their main achievement to be the possibility of making Internet calls (absolutely free of charge!). Now, in order to call relatives, acquaintances or friends for free, you just need to install the Viber messenger on one of your devices.

It is important to note that the connection in the Viber network is distinguished by its quality, which allowed the application to bypass even its analogues known for many years.

Viber for PC

Downloading Viber for free is as simple as similar ones, because the application itself is publicly available for all Internet users and does not require any subscription fees. And those who already use a tablet can easily synchronize all accounts on devices, which will make using the messenger even more comfortable not only on smartphones and tablets, but also on a personal computer.

Viber for PC download

Separately, it should be noted the quality of video calls, which, combined with high-definition sound, will be a pleasant addition for users of the program.

As for contacts, expanding their list is quite simple: you just need to click the mouse a couple of times, and also enter the mobile phone of the person of interest - and the number will add to the contact list in Viber.

Viber on a computer download from the official site

Today you can get official versions of the messenger for other platforms by downloading Viber for Windows, MacOS or updated versions for iOS or Android for free.

In the era of technological evolution, most IT companies began to provide their own messengers, similar in functionality to Viber. It is this kind of competition that allows developers to improve their product day by day, creating an ever more perfect brainchild - a free multifunctional messenger.

Viber for PC free download in Russian

That is why Viber is an application that has been tested and approved by a huge number of users around the world.

  • Send free text messages on the Internet.
  • Convenience, simplicity and speed of sending audio, video, photo and other media files.
  • Providing a chat mode that facilitates group communication on the Internet.
  • A simplified registration system that does not require a password and login, while authorization is carried out using a mobile phone number.
  • High-quality voice and video calls on the Internet without subscription fees.
  • Clear, convenient and multifunctional interface.
  • Ability to use the application in 3G/4G/Wi-Fi networks.
  • Acceptable transfer of an incoming call between devices without failure.
  • Possibility of full synchronization between smartphone/tablet and personal computer.

Download Viber to your computer for free in Russian

Additional Information

One of the most famous similarities to Viber is Viber Symbian, which only supports text messages and does not provide the ability to make voice and video calls.

At the moment, the Viber application is available in 28 languages: Russian, English, Korean, Ukrainian, Vietnamese and others.

By the end of summer 2013, more than 200 million people from 193 countries of the world used the Viber application. This figure increased to 330 million users by the beginning of 2014. At the same time, more than 300 thousand people were registered on the territory of the Lebanese Republic, as well as several million in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

However, the Egyptian and Lebanese authorities have banned any use of the application by the military and their families. This position is due to security measures: the authorities of these states considered the program dangerous, because, in their opinion, it could pose a threat of espionage or popularization of the Zionist movement.

In order to “fight” Viber, one of the main 3G providers of the Lebanese Republic even removed the messenger from the network. But even such measures do not prevent ordinary users from circumventing the imposed prohibitions by applying numerous recommendations freely posted on the Internet.

Viber is a very popular application for smartphones on Android, iOS, Windows phone, BlackBerry OS, Symbian, Bada operating systems. In addition, it has already become possible to download Viber for a computer running Windows, Linux and OS X. The developer of this excellent service is Viber Media, Inc.

Viber is communication with even more benefits! These are free SMS, group chat, the ability to make a call and talk on the phone with anyone at no cost.

You will need to download the application on your mobile phone. Then registration, which does not take much time. The program uses your phone number to bind and scans contacts from the phone book - you will immediately see who from your list is already familiar with this service.

You can install it on your PC/laptop, iPad tablet, Nokia smartphone and enjoy new communication benefits. Let's talk about them in more detail.


The free Viber program offers the following features:

  • Free calls to any user, regardless of their location.
  • The ability to send a text message without any cost.
  • Intuitive and nice interface in Russian.
  • Instantly share a photo, video, or link to a map.
  • Emoticons and stickers in messages.
  • Voice contact from an iPod touch or iPad without a SIM card.
  • Communication via Wi-Fi is of very high quality.
  • Display the status of the send.
  • Create a chat for up to 40 people.

New Level Communication

Since we have touched on the issue of network quality, it is worth admitting that the well-known Viber is inferior to Viber both in terms of launch speed, and in reducing the consumption of device resources, and directly in terms of communication quality.

In order to communicate through this application, you do not need money, it is absolutely free. All you need is internet - GPRS, 3G or Wi-Fi connection.

Pay attention to one nuance: although the keyboard is present, you will not be able to dial a contact that does not exist in your list and use the application for free, in this case the call will be charged according to the package of your operator.

The Russian version is already available on our portal for smartphones, tablets, as well as for Windows 7/8 and other versions. Download and chat with pleasure!

Viber 2019 on PC allows you to communicate with your friends and relatives absolutely free of charge from anywhere in the world using both voice and video calls.

Download and install Viber on a computer for Windows or Mac operating systems, and take advantage of all the benefits compared to similar applications.

The big difference between the program is the cheapness of calls to real mobile and home phones, but regular audio and video calls via Viber have always been free. The interface is smart and simple, with colorful animated emoticons that will delight many novice PC users.

Viber is the perfect messenger that allows you to make audio and video calls to any numbers around the world! Supports many software platforms such as: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

Basic abilities Viber:

  • quick blocking of an annoying or SPAM contact;
  • stable speed of the application when used simultaneously on a computer and smartphone;
  • support for operating systems: Windows XP, 7, 8.1 and finally Windows 10;
  • it is possible to delete not the entire chat, but only the necessary messages;
  • make free camera calls to anywhere in the world;
  • continuous work in 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks;
  • multilingual user interface, including in Russian.

What are you waiting for? Quickly download and install free Viber on your computer or any mobile device, and enjoy lively, understandable and colorful communication in this unique software product.

How to install Viber on a computer

First of all, you need to download and install the software on your smartphone, then confirm your real phone number and after that download the latest Russian version of Viber to your computer. In the assembly for PC, you will also need to receive a code via SMS, or a robot operator will call the mobile phone you specified.

How to install/configure the Russian language

Most likely you have an old version of this software installed, just update. To do this, go to the Viber download section and download the latest version, then install directly on top of the old one.
Also, you can try to go to the program settings by clicking on the gear in the upper right corner and then select the interface and the Russian language.

Viber - a program for video calls, instant messaging and photos, when launched, it synchronizes contacts on a computer with a mobile device, i.e. the user always has the most current most complete version of all his correspondence.

The history of Viber began in 2010, when a team of five Israeli developers decided to create a serious alternative. A lightweight application with excellent call quality and a pleasant interface immediately captivated millions of users. By 2015, the Viber audience exceeded the Skype audience - 400 million against 300.

Viber for the computer appeared three years after the release of mobile versions. Related to this is the purpose for which the desktop version is often used - it is more convenient to contact those who are somewhere at a party or on a trip with a tablet or smartphone. It is worth mentioning the authorization features here, the PC version of Viber will be useless if you do not have a mobile one. The launch takes place through the mobile phone number to which the account is linked.

Viber features:

  • voice communication;
  • HD quality video calls;
  • group text chats;
  • a set of emoticons and stickers;
  • processing and sending photos.


  • call forwarding between devices without breaking the connection;
  • synchronization of contacts and call log;
  • auto-detection of program users among contacts.

Things to work on:

  • there are delays during voice and video calls;
  • authorization without installing a mobile application is not possible.

The popularity of Viber in Europe, a number of countries in America and Asia is able to provide communication without borders. By installing the program, you can call friends and relatives abroad, exchange photos and messages with them. At the same time, if you are offline, you will receive a belated message or notification of a missed call at startup.

Compared to Skype, the program demonstrates a significantly lower load on computer resources. At the same time, the main functions characteristic of both applications work just as well. The quality of video communication is quite high both over wired Internet and over Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G.

Program Overview

Thanks to Viber you can exchange text and voice messages, share interesting videos and photos, send location coordinates, call friends from anywhere in the world for free, and create and communicate in group chats.

System requirements for a computer

  • System: Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 (32-bit / 64-bit) | MacOS X.
  • Internet connection.

Phone system requirements

  • System: Android 5.1 and above | iOS 9.3 and up.
  • Internet connection.
Program features

Message exchange
  • Sending voice and text messages.
  • Sending media files (photos, videos, audio).
  • Send original stickers and emojis to cheer up your friends and family. You can also download new stickers from the online store.
  • Create and manage group chats. You can exchange messages with up to 250 participants.
  • Create secret chats. All messages will be automatically destroyed after a certain period of time.
Free calls
  • Voice and video calls with HD quality audio. It does not matter where your friends are (in another city or country).
Data synchronization
  • Viber will automatically sync messages, stickers, calls and contact book between computers and mobile devices.
Protection against interception of messages
  • All messages are securely encrypted using an end-to-end encryption method. The encryption keys are on the sender's and recipient's devices. This way no one will be able to read your messages, not even the Viber developers.
Contact management
  • Automatically add contacts to Viber from the phone book.
  • Adding suspicious contacts to the "black" list.
  • Thanks to push notifications, you won't miss important calls and messages.

Viber for Windows
  • Updated user interface.
  • Bugs fixed.
Viber 9.9.4 for Android, iPhone and iPad
  • Now you can edit sent messages.
  • Improved group chats. Now an unlimited number of participants can communicate in them. Also added new features for administration and communication.
  • Added the ability to translate text messages into different languages.
  • Improved performance and fixed minor bugs.
Program screenshots

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