How to cook apple compote? How to cook compote from fresh apples

An aromatic drink made from fresh apples perfectly quenches thirst and gives a feeling of freshness in the summer. In winter, apple compote will bring back memories of warm summer days and saturate the body with vitamins. Even the youngest housewife can cook such a compote. However, there are some nuances that you should know to make the drink tasty and, importantly, healthy.

You should not peel fresh apples, because it contains most of the beneficial microelements. Preference is given to green apples, slightly sour. Compote should not be cooked in aluminum or stainless steel pans, and in enamel dishes, since it is believed that the former spoil the taste of the drink.

Many young housewives ask questions about how to prepare such a compote, how long it should be cooked so that everything is preserved beneficial features, is it worth letting it brew after preparation to get a more aromatic drink?

According to its composition There are apple compotes different types : with dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried pears, dried apricots), as well as with the addition of various berries and fruits (apricot, strawberries, cherries, lemon, tangerines, oranges, pears, peaches, etc.). For sweetness, granulated sugar is often added (which can be replaced with fructose), and some housewives use honey.

The apple drink is served hot, cold or chilled. Boiled apples and other fruits can either be placed in a beautiful vase and placed on the table, or left in each glass.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of recipes for making compote, the technology for preparing such a drink is extremely simple.

Making compote from fresh apples


  • 500–700 g summer apples;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 100 – 200 g granulated sugar(taste).

First you need to prepare the necessary utensils: large saucepan, cutting board and knife. Next, select half a kilo of good apples (not overripe, but not hard). Selected fruits should be thoroughly washed with cool water, and all bad (rotten) places should be cut off. After this, it is worth cutting out the core and cutting each apple into 6 - 8 slices.

After everything is ready to directly prepare the drink, place a pan of water over high heat and wait until it boils.

When the water boiled, reduce the heat to moderate and carefully lower the apples cut into slices into boiling water.

Add a little sugar (to taste) or honey. Sugar can be replaced with fructose. You can add a little cinnamon or mint at your discretion.

Cook the compote for another 5 - 10 minutes, then remove from the heat, close the lid and let it brew for at least half an hour.

Making apple and orange compote

A light drink perfect on a hot summer day.


  • fresh apples;
  • oranges;
  • plums;
  • sugar or honey (fructose).

The proportions can be any, depending on preference. You can use a sweetener: sugar (fructose) or honey.

This type of compote is also not difficult to prepare. Preparing the components. Wash the apples thoroughly, cut them in half, cut out the core and divide the fruit into 5 - 8 medium-sized slices. Rinse oranges and plums in water and cut into small pieces. There is no need to peel oranges first.

Place the chopped fruits in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, you can add sugar or honey if desired. Cook the compote for a few more minutes, and once ready, let it brew for 30 minutes. This drink should be served chilled.

Making apple compote with prunes and cranberries

Very delicious drink, which retains the vitamins of the ingredients, helps improve health, in particular digestion. Let's consider how to cook apple compote with the addition of prunes and cranberries.


  • 500 grams of fresh apples;
  • 100 – 150 g cranberries;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • sugar (honey).

Before preparing such a compote, you first need prepare the components: select the cranberries and squeeze out the juice, rinse the prunes thoroughly, then place the cranberry pulp in water and put on fire, cook until boiling. If the berries turn out to be overdried, they can be pre-soaked in water for 10 - 15 minutes.

Strain the broth and add prunes, put it on the fire and cook for a short time - no more than 10 minutes. At that time, the apples must be washed in water, cut in half, cored and divided into 6 - 8 slices. After the water has boiled, carefully add the chopped apples to the berries.

You can add to taste a little sugar or a couple of spoons of honey. Cook for a few more minutes, add cranberry juice. The drink needs to be mixed well, then remove the pan from the heat and let it brew for 15 minutes. Best served chilled.

Making compote from apples and strawberries

Few people don’t want a refreshing light drink on a hot summer day. Compote of fresh apples and strawberries is an excellent choice. It is quite simple to prepare, and the result will undoubtedly please you. Thanks to lemon, the drink will acquire a sweet and sour taste, which perfectly quenches thirst.


We wash fresh apples with water, cut them, remove the core and divide them into small slices. Some recipes skip this step and cook whole apples.

We sort through the strawberries, thoroughly wash the good berries to remove any dirt and remove the stems. Slice the strawberries into medium slices (not too thin). We also wash the lemon, do not separate the peel, and cut into thin, neat rings.

When preparation is complete, put everything in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. You can add half a cup of sugar or fructose to taste, but for those who like it sour, it is better to skip this step.

We brew the drink for about 20 minutes. When ready, let the aromatic brew brew for 15 minutes. You can strain the drink or leave the berries in a glass. Best served chilled.

Cooking apple compote in its pure form, or with the addition of various berries and spices, is quite simple. However, there are some subtleties, knowing which you can make the drink several times tastier.

You should select unripe fruits - they will soften when cooked and turn into porridge. But you shouldn't take too much green apples- they have not yet reached the peak of their maturity and vitamin content.

When serving the finished compote, you can add a slice of lemon, orange or tangerine to the glass.

If the drink is prepared with added spices, then it is better to leave it to steep overnight, and if the compote is cooked during the day, then at least for a few hours. This will make it more tasty and aromatic.

For young children, apple compote can be boiled with pulp. To do this, beat the contents with a blender and do not strain. In this case, the vitamins will remain in the liquid.

To prepare apple compote, you should use purified or spring water whenever possible.

Sugar is always added to taste, since the measure of sweetness is different for each person. If you decide to replace sugar with honey, then you should not put it in boiling water when cooking. The best option will add a couple of spoons of honey to the finished compote, then mix it well.

If spices or herbs are used, it is best to add them at the end of preparing the compote. Otherwise they will lose their taste and aroma.

And also, for the greatest preservation of vitamins, it is not advisable to peel the apples, and when cooking compote, it is recommended to add a little citric acid, thanks to which the drink will become even healthier.

Apple compote is an excellent drink that can be consumed both in summer and winter, filling the body with missing vitamins. There are many interesting nuances in making apple compote that can result in amazing flavor from such a simple fruit.

In this case, it is necessary to mention the fact that, during the preparation of compote, there is no need to remove the peel from the apples, which contain useful vitamins and substances. It is also advisable to use enamel dishes during cooking, since aluminum and stainless steel can spoil the taste of freshly brewed compote.

Apples are one of those fruits that combine well with many other ingredients to create a delicious, healthy and refreshing drink.

It is worth noting that in its pure form, apple compote is recommended for consumption by nutritionists, which indicates its low calorie content and confirms the usefulness of consumption.

Composition and calorie content of compote

Apples themselves contain the following vitamins: B6, B2, B1, A, C, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid; trace elements - phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium, sodium and sulfur.

The composition of the compote after its preparation is as follows:

  • Calories, kcal: 85;
  • Proteins, g: 0.2;
  • Fats, g: 0.0;
  • Carbohydrates, g: 22.1.

Boiled fruits transfer their properties to the drink, which makes it beneficial for the body.

Preparing Ingredients

To make a drink from fresh apples, you will need:

  • enamel pan;
  • knife and board for peeling and slicing apples;
  • colander or sieve (in order to remove pulp from the liquid, which has given all its beneficial properties to the compote),
  • apples, 700-800 g;
  • 2.5-3 liters of water;
  • the addition of sugar depends on the taste of the selected apple variety and personal preferences (sour, sweet, or neutral), but the required minimum is half a glass.

The next step is preparing the apples. It is necessary to select fruits that are not overripe and not too green, and rinse the apples thoroughly under running water; then cut them into medium-sized arc-shaped slices. In some recipes, at the stage of preparing apples, it is recommended to peel them; however, you should not do this, since apple peel contains many of the vitamins mentioned above.

It is advisable to cut out the core of the apple, along with the seeds. As an example, you can use the image below.

Preparing apple compote from frozen ingredients is not much different from preparing it from fresh fruit.

It requires:

  • frozen apples – 1-1.5 kg. By the way, you don’t have to defrost them, but immediately put them in boiling water;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • granulated sugar, which is added “to taste”; the sweetness of the drink depends on the preferences of the cook.

The method of preparing compote from whole apples, the most common for winter twisting.

We thoroughly wash whole apples, select and remove spoiled fruits. Please note that there is no need to peel the apples. Next, you should pack the apples into jars, which must first be doused with boiling water from the inside and thus sterilized. Fill the jar of apples with boiling water to the middle. At the same time, bring water to a boil with added sugar in the amount necessary to fill the jar completely; After boiling, pour it into a jar.

Next, screw the lid tightly onto the neck of the jar. Place the finished winter compote with the lid down on a bedspread or a thick layer of paper (old newspapers, magazines) and cover it tightly with another blanket on top. After the wrapped jars have cooled, you can transfer them to the pantry before the onset of winter.

When twisting compote for the winter, you can use not only small and medium-sized apples, which, as a rule, are twisted whole, but also large ones, after cutting them into 6-8 slices and peeling them from the core.

General cooking rules

When preparing apple compote, which can be enjoyed at any time of the year, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

  • Sweet and sour varieties are most often used in preparing compote;
  • Under no circumstances should compote be brought to a full boil; cook only over low heat;
  • if fairly hard apples are used, then boiling should occur for 20 minutes over low heat;
  • Soft or overripe fruits are not suitable for cooking compote; the cook runs the risk of getting apple porridge;

  • Do not use apples that are unripe or too green, as there is a risk that they will taste qualities and the aroma is not pronounced enough, and the prepared compote will turn out bland or bitter;
  • It is recommended to cut the fruits into slices of equal thickness;
  • If desired, you can add spices (for example, cinnamon or cloves), but this must be done at the end of cooking to preserve the desired taste and aroma.

The algorithm for preparing delicious homemade apple compote is as follows:

  • wash the fruits, cut out the core of each, cut into 4-6 identical slices;
  • cook sweet syrup using water and sugar, after it boils, add the apples themselves;
  • The duration of cooking apple compote can vary from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the selected variety and the hardness of the fruit. For example, if you are using ripe Antonovka, then the water should be brought to a full boil and turn off the heat. It is better to boil “Simirenko” or “Melba” over low heat for 5 to 8 minutes.

Please note that the above rules for cooking apple compote are relevant throughout the entire active fruiting season; if only you had the time and desire to do this. Preparing compote in winter is only possible when using dried and frozen apples, or those varieties that are sold in winter.

Preparing compote in a slow cooker

Modern technology allows you to prepare culinary masterpieces using not only a hob or oven, but also other kitchen appliances. Cooking apple compote in a slow cooker has become very common today.

The cooking process in a slow cooker is as easy and simple as described above.

The fruits intended for cooking must be washed, clean apples must be peeled, since in a slow cooker the peel will simply fall away from the fruit and the compote will be filled with boiled peel. Don't forget to core all the fruits. Ready apples put it in a bowl, fill it with water, and select the “Stew” mode on the multicooker. The cooking process will take half an hour; after boiling, the compote needs to be cooked for another 10 minutes. For full readiness the drink must infuse. Select the “Heating” mode and leave in the multicooker for 30 minutes.


We wash the apples, cut them, remove the core, do not remove the peel. Wash the rhubarb stem and cut into small pieces. Next, put the pan, pour water, add 250-300 g of sugar. After boiling, lower the apples and rhubarb into the water and set aside for exactly 25 minutes. Do not infuse the prepared drink, remove it from the stove and let it cool.

Green apple compote

Cooking green apple compote is the most common way to prepare it. There are green apples all year round, so the recipe for this apple drink is suitable for all seasons.

To make it you will need:

  • 300 g of green apples, which should be washed, peeled and cut into 4-6 pieces;
  • a saucepan for 2.5 liters of water and, in fact, water;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • cooking time 10-15 minutes. The algorithm is the same as in the recipe above.

Preparation of compote from apples of the “White filling” variety

Apples of the “White filling” variety come to our table in the summer. It is recommended to make twists from them for the winter.

The recipe for compote for twisting is quite simple:

  • sterilize a 3-liter jar;
  • add apples of the same size, well washed and dry;
  • pour a full glass of sugar into the prepared jar;
  • a jar of apples and sugar is filled with boiling water to the middle;

  • after 10 minutes, fill the jar with water brought to a boil “up to the neck”;
  • after this, the jar must be rolled up, turned upside down with the lid, and wrapped in a blanket;
  • When the jar of finished compote has cooled down, you can put it in the pantry.

Recipe for delicious apple compote with the addition of seasonal berries and fruits

Summer is the richest season for all kinds of fruits and berries. Therefore, you can show your imagination and add other seasonal fruits and berries to the apple compote. You can use raspberries, bananas, peach, cherries, cherry plums, plums, cherries, and apricots.

To prepare such a compote, you naturally need apples (they will make up 1/3 of the compote mixture). Next, berries and fruits according to the season (add 1/4 of each additional component).

Fill with water and bring to a boil. After boiling, add sugar, the amount depends on your taste preferences(sweeter or sour). After adding sugar, boil for another 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat, let it brew and cool.

Please note that assorted compotes, with a combination of apples and seasonal fruits, have their own characteristics. In particular, twisting such compotes when using stone fruits or berries is possible; however, this product should not be stored for more than a year. If you want to extend the shelf life, remove all seeds from the fruit.

Apple compote with tangerines

The recipe for this compote is suitable for the autumn-winter period. Take 250 g of apples, wash them, cut them into 4-6 parts. Next, take 4 tangerines, peel them, divide them into slices and cut each into 2 halves. Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, add ¾ cup of sugar, bring the syrup to a boil and add fruit there. Cook the compote over low heat for 10-15 minutes until the apples are soft. While cooking, taste it and add sugar if desired. After preparing the drink, you should let it brew for 20 minutes.

Apple compote with cranberries

This drink is usually prepared in the cold season. Compote prepared according to this recipe can be consumed cold. as well as hot.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 4-5 apples;
  • 250 g cranberries;
  • 1-2 cups sugar;
  • 1.5-2 liters of water.

Apple compote is summer preserved in jars. Ripe, sweet, with a hint of honey and cinnamon. On a wet autumn or winter day, an apple drink will delight you with warm memories of a fragrant and sunny summer.

Fruit compotes come from those distant times, when in Rus' uzvars or infusions, as they were called then, were made from fruit and berry mixes. They contained no sugar and were very rich and thick. This drink was prepared only for the holidays and was especially revered on Christmas Eve. Therefore, it was often brewed from dried fruits available at that time of year.

Today, cooking apple and fruit and berry compotes for the winter has become an integral tradition of many families. When compotes are cooked in the kitchen, the house is filled with sweet and spicy aromas of apples, plums or pears. This is mom “rolling up her vitamins.” He lovingly puts them in jars and fills them with delicious syrup. Therefore, even now, when store shelves tempt with a colorful variety of fruit drinks, mother’s and grandmother’s recipes for natural, healthy compotes are carefully preserved in home cookbooks.

A selection of the best of these recipes is presented in the form of a collection of selected apple compotes. Apple flavor goes well with fruit and berry additions. And, of course, apples love spicy additives, especially cinnamon, cloves and honey.

10 apple compote recipes

Recipe 1. Simple and quick apple compote for the winter

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, two liters of water, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar.

Boil syrup from a mixture of sugar and water and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. At this time, wash the apples thoroughly under running water and cut them: small ones into two parts, large ones into four. Remove the tails and seed pod. There is no need to peel the fruit. This is where the treasure is kept useful substances. Prepare sour water from 1 liter of water and 3 g of citric acid. Let the prepared apples sit for a few minutes to prevent them from darkening. Place the slices in clean, sterilized jars and pour boiling syrup up to the shoulders. Send the workpiece to be pasteurized at a temperature of 85ºC for 25-30 minutes. Screw on the lids and after cooling, place in a cool place.
For a richer aroma, you can add a sprig of mint or cinnamon to the compote.

Recipe 2. Apple compote without sterilization

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, two liters of water, 1.5 heaped two-hundred-gram glasses of sugar.

Cut clean apples into two to four parts, cut out the core and place in prepared sterilized jars. Pour boiling water over, cover with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. Pour the water into a saucepan with sugar and add pre-digested water there so that the amount of finished syrup is slightly larger than according to the recipe. Place the jar of steamed apples in a deep bowl and pour boiling syrup over it. The compote is prepared without sterilization, so a mandatory condition must be met: the jar must be filled with syrup “heaped”, so that it slightly overflows. Cover with a lid and roll up. Wipe the jar, turn it upside down and wrap it well. Store in a cool and dark place.

Recipe 3. Compote of plums and apples

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of summer apple varieties, 0.4 kg of dark plums, a liter of water, one and a half two hundred gram glasses of sugar.

Put water on the stove. While it is boiling, wash and peel the fruit. Cut mature, dense apples in half (large ones into 4 parts), remove the stem and the middle with grains. Plums can be left with the pit for a special taste. Place the prepared fruits in clean jars. A 3 liter jar should be about half filled. Pour boiling water over the apples and plums, cover with a lid and let cool for 10-15 minutes. Pour water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar. Bring to a boil and pour the syrup over the fruit again. We remember that when making compote without sterilizing the syrup in the jar there should be “heaps”. Turn the rolled fruit compote upside down, wrap it tightly and leave it alone until it cools. Take the apple drink to a dark, cool place.

Recipe 4. Compote of apples and pears

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of summer varieties of pears and half a kilogram of apples, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar, a liter of water, a gram of citric acid, cinnamon, cloves, star anise - to taste.

Wash apples and pears thoroughly, remove stems and seeds. Cut the fruits into 2-4 parts and place in jars. Pour boiling water over them and forget about them for 15 minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and add spices and acid. Bring the marinade to a boil. Cook for 3-4 minutes. Fill the jars with fruit again and cover with lids. Sterilize or pasteurize the apple and pear compote in a bowl of water. The boiling time depends on the chosen processing method and the volume of the jar - from 10 to 30 minutes. Roll up the finished drink with lids, turn it upside down and wrap it in warm “clothes” for 12-14 hours. Storage location is cool.

Recipe 5. Compote of grapes and apples

Ingredients for a 2-liter jar: 2-3 ripe apples, 2-3 bunches of Isabella grapes or similar, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar with a slide, one and a half to two liters of water.

Place whole washed apples and bunches of grapes into sterile jars. The fruits should fill the jar 2/3 full. Boil water, and while still boiling, pour in the fruit. Cover with sterile lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. Pour the cooled water into a saucepan, add sugar and boil the syrup for no more than 7 minutes. Pour hot syrup over the fruits up to the neck and roll up. Leave the grape-apple compote overnight under a warm blanket. Place the cooled drink in a cool, dark room.

Recipe 6. Compote of apples and chokeberries

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, 300-400 g of chokeberry, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar, 1.5-2 liters of water.

Wash the sweet and sour variety of fresh apples, remove the core with grain bolls and cut into pieces. Chokeberry Sort through, remove damaged berries, rinse and dry in a colander. Pour boiling water over it. Place apple slices at the bottom of a clean jar and add rowan berries. Pour boiling water, cover with a lid and let steam for 10-15 minutes. Place sugar in a saucepan and add cooled water from jars. Boil the syrup and cook until the sugar grains completely disappear. Pour the boiling syrup into the center of the jar with fruit and berry filling, and leave it under the lid to sterilize for 10-15 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, roll up the jars with metal lids, turn them upside down and send them to rest under a warm blanket for about 12 hours. Store apple-rowanberry drink at a temperature slightly below room temperature.

Recipe 7. Apple compote with wine

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, two liters of water, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar with a slide, half a glass of dry white wine, five cloves, a cinnamon stick, the peel of half a lemon.

Bring the sugar syrup to a boil. Place washed, peeled and cut into pieces apples into boiling sweet water. Cook for no more than 7 minutes and pour the apples into jars. Strain the syrup through a fine sieve, put on fire and add cinnamon, lemon peel and cloves. After boiling, add wine and keep on the stove a little longer. Pour the spicy marinade over the apples and send them for sterilization for a period of time that corresponds to the volume of the selected jar.

Recipe 8. Compote of apples and currant juice

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, 400 g of black currants, one and a half to two hundred gram glasses of sugar, one and a half to two liters of water.

Remove the core and stem from washed apples. Cut the fruits into large slices. Pass the washed and stemmed currants (“forelocks”) through a juicer. Place the prepared apples in a clean, sterilized jar. Pour boiling water over the contents and leave to steep under the lids for about 15 minutes. Return the cooled water back to the container where it was boiled, add sugar and pour in the juice. It is enough to boil the sugar-currant water for 5 minutes. Pour the fruit into the jars so that the syrup flows slightly through the neck. Screw on the lids, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave to warm up for 12-14 hours. Store in a cool pantry.

Recipe 9. Apple, cherry and lemon compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, half a kilogram of fresh cherries, one and a half two hundred gram glasses of sugar, half a lemon, one and a half liters of water.

Cut clean apple fruits into four slices, cut out the seed box. Sort the cherries so that there are no berries with wormholes. Fill with water for half an hour. You can remove pits from cherries. Wash the lemon and cut half into thin slices.

Place all ingredients, including sugar, in a saucepan with water. Cook on high until it boils. After bubbling bubbles appear, moderate the heat and simmer the fruit and berry mixture for another 10 minutes. Roll up the compote with sterilized lids, turn it over onto its neck and place under a thick blanket so that the drink maintains its temperature for as long as possible. After 12 hours, the compote of cherries, apples and lemon can be drunk or transferred to a storage location.

Recipe 10. Compote of apples and rose hips

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: half a kilogram of apples, 10-15 dried rosehips, a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar, one and a half to two liters of water.

Wash hard winter apples, divide them into 4-6 slices each, remove the core and seeds. Blanch the chopped fruits for five minutes and carefully place them in a bowl with water and ice cubes. When cool, lay out and allow excess liquid to drain. Soak the selected rose hips for 5-10 minutes in water at room temperature. Blanch and cool in the same way as apples. Place apple slices and rose hips in layers in a sterilized jar. Pour hot sugar syrup, cover with a lid and place in a pan with water to sterilize for 10 minutes. Afterwards, close the compote tightly or roll up the lid. Cool the drink gradually, while still wrapped. Ideal vitamin complex store at temperatures below 20 degrees, in a dark place.

Assorted summer compotes, like all self-respecting culinary works, have cooking secrets. By following them, you can avoid many mistakes, and the cooking process will become easy and enjoyable.

  1. The most suitable apples for compotes are sweet and sour apples (one jar - one variety). Slightly unripe fruits are used, otherwise they will boil and lose their shape.
  2. Based on personal preferences and tastes, you can prepare any assorted compote. The amount of sugar determines the degree of acid that fruits and berries contain. The more sour the fruit, the more granulated sugar they require for balance.
  3. Before harvesting, peeled apples can be blanched for 5-7 minutes. This will preserve the shape and color of the fruit. But upon completion of blanching, the apples are immediately cooled in an ice bowl of water. And the water in which the apples were processed is suitable for making syrup.
  4. Compote is prepared traditionally: without sterilization, by sterilization or pasteurization. Without sterilization - the fruit is poured twice: the first time with boiling water, the second with syrup, and immediately rolled up. Sterilization occurs at a temperature of 100ºС: liter jars– 5 minutes, 2-liter – 8 minutes, 3-liter – 12 minutes. Pasteurization – at a temperature of 85ºС, 15, 25 and 30 minutes, respectively.
  5. If the recipe calls for sterilization of the compote, then it is enough to treat the jars with soda, wash and dry. No sterilization - lids and jars must be steamed.
  6. Sugar in compotes acts as an additional preservative. Therefore, when rolling a drink using the “without sterilization” method, the amount of granulated sugar in the recipe increases by 20%.
  7. If apple compote is prepared with the addition of stone berries, then you should remember that such drinks cannot be stored for more than a year. The seeds contain hydrocyanic acid, which over time will be released into the drink in high concentrations.
  8. According to the proposed recipe, the syrup in jars turns out to be quite rich. Therefore, if the drink turns out to be too sugary, you can dilute it with boiled water.
  9. With proper heat treatment, compote apples will retain their firmness and shape. In this form they will become an ideal filling for baking.

Compliance with these simple rules when preparing compotes guarantees the preservation of all useful vitamins and microelements until winter. And the combination of aromatic apples with a variety of fruits and berries will add color and taste to the compote.

Recipes for such original drinks are passed down from generation to generation and become favorites not only of the whole family, but also of guests, who, of course, will be interested in the secrets of preparation. And, as you know, the best praise and recognition of the culinary talents of the hostess is the phrase: “Can you tell me the recipe for this wonderful apple compote?!”

Most housewives know how to make apple compote, and each one has their own recipe. Apple compote is made from fresh or dried fruit. It can be canned for long-term storage, or you can drink it right away.

How to make apple compote: fresh and canned?

An ordinary compote is brewed with the expectation that it will be drunk quickly, from fresh apples or dried fruits. Fresh compote is prepared from slices or halves of fruit, with or without peel. Apples must be cored.

The apples are washed, cut (small apples can be boiled whole), placed in a pan filled with cold water with sugar and cook for 15–20 minutes over low heat. Usually, one and a half liters of water are added to 600–700 g of apples, and sugar is added to taste, depending on the variety (usually half a glass or a little more). Experienced housewives It is recommended to add one part of the sugar immediately, and the other after boiling. Remove the pan with compote from the heat as soon as the sugar dissolves. Then the compote is infused for about half an hour, filtered - and a wonderful, tasty and inexpensive drink is ready.

Vitamin compote for the winter is prepared in two main ways. First: apples are placed halfway in jars, filled with cold syrup prepared at the rate of 200 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. After 6–8 hours, the syrup is added to the jars, then pasteurized and rolled up. The second method: the apples are placed in sterilized glass jars (so that they take up about a quarter of the container) and filled with boiling syrup, prepared according to the same principle as in the first case, the jars are immediately sealed. It is better to place the blanks upside down.

How to make apple compote: little secrets?

To prepare apple compote correctly and not spoil its taste and appearance, there are several secrets. You need to take only selected fruits, then the taste will be excellent and the drink will be stored for a long time. Sour apples, sweet and sour, and even slightly unripe, but whole and not broken, are best suited for compotes. To prevent apples cut into slices from darkening, they can be placed in cold acidified or salted water (at the rate of 3 g of citric acid or 0.5 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water), and before cooking the compote, wash them.

You can also dip the slices in hot water(blanching time depends on the size of the slices, the ripeness of the apples and the variety - the more sour the apples, the less they need to be blanched, otherwise they will boil faster). If you are making compote from sour apples, then just bring it to a boil and immediately remove from the heat. In general, you should not boil apple compote for a long time - otherwise you can lose the valuable substances that apples contain.

Unusual additives in apple compote

You can make delicious apple compote by adding various ingredients to it. The drink acquires a pleasant taste if you add zest or slices of lemon or orange. Cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom go well with apples. It turns out delicious if you cook apples with other fruits - for example, pears, garden berries, frozen rowan, with shadberry, rhubarb and even zucchini. Apple compote acquires an interesting taste when grapes, sea buckthorn, and rose hips are added to it.

  1. Ripe or slightly unripe sweet and sour apples are best suited for compote. Overripe soft fruits may fall apart when cooked.
  2. Before cooking, apples and other ingredients need to be well prepared.
  3. It is not necessary to peel the apples. Fruits with skin will better retain their shape after heat treatment.
  4. It’s easier to prepare compote for the winter directly in jars using the double-fill method. In this case, the jars do not need to be sterilized, but simply washed thoroughly with soda. But the lids must be kept free of germs. Read about how to do this.
  5. The jars need to be filled to the very top so that there is no free space left inside.
  6. If the apples are very sweet, you can pour ½ teaspoon of citric acid into the jar before the second filling. This will add a pleasant sourness to the compote and highlight the fruity taste.
  7. The rolled up jars of compote need to be turned over, wrapped in something warm and cooled completely. The compote should be stored in a cool, dark place.

All ingredients are designed for a 3 liter jar.


  • 800 g apples;
  • water;
  • 300 g sugar.


Cut the apples into several large slices and remove the seeds. Place the fruit in a jar.

Pour boiling water over the apples and cover the jar with a sterilized lid. Leave to steep for 30–40 minutes.

Then drain the liquid from the jar into the pan. Add sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil. Boil the syrup for a couple more minutes, pour it over the apples and roll up the jar.


  • 8–15 small apples;
  • 2 mint leaves - optional;
  • water;
  • 300 g sugar.


Place apples in a jar. It can be filled with fruit completely or only half. How more apples, the more concentrated the compote will be.

For taste, you can add mint to apples. Fill the jar with boiling water, cover with a sterilized lid and leave for 20 minutes.

Drain the water from the jar into a saucepan and add sugar. Stirring, bring the syrup to a boil. Return the liquid to the jar and roll it up.

Compote of apples and pears


  • 500 g apples;
  • 200–300 g pears;
  • water;
  • 350 g sugar.


Quarter the apples and pears and remove the seeds. Place the fruit in a jar. Pour boiling water, cover with a sterilized lid and leave for 20 minutes.

Pour the liquid into a saucepan and add sugar. Stirring, bring to a boil. Add boiling syrup to the fruit and seal the jar.


  • 500 g apples;
  • 400 g plums;
  • water;
  • 300 g sugar.


Cut the apples into large pieces without seeds. Place apples and whole plums in a jar. Fill with boiling water, cover with a sterilized lid and leave for 10–15 minutes.

Pour the infused water into a saucepan and add sugar. Stirring, bring the syrup to a boil. Pour it over the apples and plums and seal the jar.


  • 600 g apples;
  • 400 g of any grapes;
  • water;
  • 300 g sugar.


Cut the apples into large slices and remove the seeds. Place apples and grapes in a jar. The grapes can be left along with the twig.

Fill the jar with boiling water, cover with a sterilized lid and leave for 5-10 minutes.

Pour the infused water into a saucepan and add sugar. Stirring, bring to a boil. Pour the boiling syrup into the jar and roll it up.


  • 600 g apples;
  • 1 orange;
  • water;
  • 250 g sugar.


Cut the apples into small pieces, and the orange into circles or semi-circles.

Place the fruit in a jar, fill with boiling water and cover with a sterilized lid. Leave for 20-30 minutes.

Drain the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil. Pour the syrup back into the jar and seal it.


  • 400 g apples;
  • water;
  • 300 g blackberries;
  • 250 g sugar.


Cut the apples into large pieces and remove the seeds. Place the fruit in a jar, pour boiling water over it, cover with a sterilized lid and leave for 15–20 minutes.

Drain the water into a saucepan and add sugar. Stirring, bring the syrup to a boil. Throw blackberries into the jar, fill with boiling syrup and roll up.

What else to read