How to seal pickled cucumbers in jars. Cucumbers for the winter in jars - crispy

I already told you, and now I’ll tell you how to close it for the winter. pickled cucumbers. And in winter... in winter we will cook pickle soup, make a vinaigrette, add them to pizza, and just... fried potatoes they are divine!
So, let’s go to the garden, choose cucumbers (or buy them at the market), soak them for an hour, while we wash the jars and peel the garlic (remembering that, like porridge with butter, you can’t spoil cucumbers with garlic). For a long time, everything is as usual: put dill and garlic at the bottom of the jar, add cucumbers.

For sourdough, it is better if the cucumbers are slightly overgrown (but not old!). By the way, this is why I love pickled cucumbers so much - because you don’t have to choose cucumbers every day!

But I cannot choose them every day for ideological reasons, because I:

  • lazy person
  • very busy lazy person
  • kind and conscientious lazy woman - how does this turn out: the cucumbers have just been born, have not seen life, have not been warmed by the sun, have not been caressed by the wind, have not been watered with dew, and I’ve just put them in a jar?!


  • cucumbers - 2 - 2.5 kg (depending on the size, and therefore the packing density);
  • salt - 2 tbsp. with a large slide;
  • water - 1 - 1.5 l (depending on the size of the cucumbers and the density of their packing);
  • dill, garlic and other spices - to taste and availability

Cooking method

Step 1

In general, slightly matured cucumbers, in their prime, are placed in a jar, after cutting off the ends. The longest ones can be cut in half. Place a sprig of dill on top again.


Pour two heaped spoons of the most common coarse table salt.


Pour raw cold water right down to the neck. I usually pour water straight from the tap.


After this, we “forget” about our cucumbers for 3-4 days. At this time, they will ferment safely, and foam will form on the surface. As soon as the process is completed and the foam has fallen off, you can move on to the second stage. By the way, during all this action, the brine may leak out. It’s not scary for me: bottles of cucumbers are right on the grill in my bathroom; everyone uses the summer shower outside anyway. Those who do not have a shower will either have to urgently build a shower, or place some kind of utensils, such as a tray or plates, under the jars. In general, there are many options: you can simply periodically wash the floor or other surface where they are located, you can wash everything once at the end of the work, you can not wash it at all - the salt crystals, drying, form an original pattern... In short, life is just That’s why it’s beautiful because it doesn’t let us get bored, forcing us to make a choice among many options.


When the cucumbers stop fermenting, it is better to be on the safe side by letting them sit for at least another 10-12 hours. The fact is that if the process has not yet completed, the banks will explode after some time.

By the way, if you really forget about them for 2-3 days, nothing bad will happen: the cucumbers will simply become more sour. But we must not forget about anything else: they can turn into mush.


If you actually forget about the cucumbers for a day or two, a small film of mold will form on the surface. It’s okay: remove it with a spoon and rinse the dill with cold water.


Then everything is quite simple: pour the brine into a saucepan, add about a quarter glass of water (instead of the water that was absorbed, evaporated, leaked out), bring it to a boil, quite vigorously, pour it back into the bottle, close it with a previously scalded lid. By the way, the brine will be quite cloudy and unappealing, but surprisingly aromatic!


Then everything is as always - we turn the jars over, wrap them warmly and keep them like that for 10 - 24 hours, put them away in a storage place, and look forward to the winter.

The ideal snack theory, I don’t remember who formulated it (maybe even by me), believes that a snack should be simple. The snack should be accessible and timely. It must be delicious. And the brine from it should cure in the morning what is popularly called “hangover”.

This theory fits perfectly: sauerkraut- the most ideal snack - I love them, as well as pickled cucumbers.

During my childhood, my grandmother in the village salted and fermented all kinds of garden vegetables, including cucumbers, in the summer. In the village, they sown only a few cucumbers - just a couple of hundred square meters. With constant care, weeding, and pest control, the cucumber harvest was always excellent, even despite the raging phyto-diseases. The cucumbers were pickled in a huge oak barrel, I can’t even remember how big it was. I was little then, and the barrel seemed simply huge to me! And in winter, pickled cucumbers were dug out of the barrel with a bare hand, and were consumed both just like that and as a snack for a fiery rural first meal.

I still can’t reliably figure out how to properly ferment, salt, or something else. Apparently, it’s still fermenting.

Salting is a method of preserving food by preserving it in salt - dry, or in the form of brine. The increased salt content kills microbes, thereby preserving the product for a long time. Cucumbers are salted by simply filling them with brine and keeping them in barrels for a very long time. That's what they do lightly salted cucumbers(I haven’t liked them since childhood). As soon as the cucumbers are salted, they become lightly salted and are eaten immediately.

Pickling - cucumbers are poured with marinade and vinegar and preserved. Also a product for everyone.

In my opinion, The best way preserving cucumbers - pickling. Actually, pickled cucumbers are a combination of pickling and fermentation. This is what they did when I was a child. The essence of fermentation is the formation of lactic acid, which has preservative properties. Refined taste pickled cucumbers provided precisely by lactic acid.

Pickled cucumbers can be stored in the cellar in oak barrels. But in a city apartment it is better to preserve them after fermentation. This is what my mother still does, rolling up liter jars pickled cucumbers that sit on the shelf, at room temperature, in cloudy brine, and never spoil or “explode.” Amazing process.

And in winter, as needed, pickled cucumbers are used: just like that, as a snack, and in, and you can even cook meat or.

Pickled cucumbers in jars. Delicious!

Ingredients (8-10 cans)

  • Cucumbers 8 kg
  • Pickling "broom" 1 bunch
  • Garlic 3 heads
  • Non-iodized rock salt taste
  1. IN home canning Pickled cucumbers can be divided into three stages. Salting, canning, consumption.
  2. Of course, the most enjoyable is consumption. It's hard to argue here.
  3. First you need to choose cucumbers. Small and green cucumbers with a pleasant green color and black pimples are best suited. For some reason, it is believed that cucumbers with white pimples are not suitable for pickling. I haven't checked, I admit. Hollow and bitter cucumbers are not salted; everything can be ruined. It is important that the size of the cucumbers allows them to be placed in a liter jar, and quite tightly.
  4. Be sure to sort the cucumbers, removing stems, damaged fruits and any debris. Next, wash the cucumbers well. Very carefully and under running water. Cucumbers must be soaked in cold water for several hours. Then rinse again.
  5. You need a pickling broom. Its composition is the subject of endless debate. But, as experience shows, grannies at the local bazaar will advise on this issue at the academic level. Usually the “broom” includes whole stems of mature dill (along with seeds), a currant branch with leaves, fennel, sometimes an oak twig, and almost always a cherry twig. An obligatory component is horseradish leaves. Usually such a broom is sold either fresh or dry. Which actually makes almost no difference for pickling. The broom should be washed and coarsely cut into pieces the width of your palm.
  6. The garlic, of course, is young - this year. Peel all the cloves and wash.
  7. It is better to ferment cucumbers in a barrel. But if you are going to then preserve the cucumbers in jars, you can use an ordinary enamel bucket. The bucket should be placed in a large and deep bowl - a basin.
  8. Place the cucumbers tightly in a bucket, sprinkle with peeled garlic cloves.
  9. On top of the bucket you should leave a space approximately the width of your palm. And place a chopped and washed pickling broom on top.
  10. Next, the salting process begins. Pour plain water into a regular three-liter jar. Room temperature. You will need 1.5-2 cans per bucket. Pour 6 (six) tablespoons of non-iodized rock salt into each jar. Salt - without a slide. It’s hard for me to say how much it is in grams, look at the photo. But, important point, do not oversalt, otherwise it will not be fermentation, but salting. Just today we were finishing canning, a neighbor came to “specify” the amount of salt, because... I overdid it last year. Addition: I didn’t immediately realize to just weigh - weighed it. It turns out that those 6 tablespoons of salt weighed 120-130 grams.
  11. Stir the salt in water until completely dissolved. Pour the brine solution into a bucket with prepared cucumbers. It is necessary that the brine completely covers the cucumbers and partially covers the “broom”.
  12. Cover the top of the cucumbers with a flat circle or an inverted plate. And load it! Yes, you don’t need to put a pound weight on top, this way you can crush the cucumbers. Quite enough three-liter jar with water.
  13. Now push the basin with the bucket into a corner, away from the sun and light. And forget about cucumbers for 4 days.
  14. If the room is hot, fermentation will be very fast, and most likely three days will be enough. By the way, in a day the cucumbers will be lightly salted, and you can already “taste” them. But don't get carried away!
  15. As a result, the cucumbers should taste like they are still lightly salted, but have already begun to sour. Something in between. The cloudy white color of the brine will indicate that lactic acid fermentation is proceeding successfully.
  16. On the 5th day we start canning.
  17. I recommend using liter jars. Very comfortably. Suitable size. Discard the remains of the pickling broom and garlic. Strain the brine from the bucket and pour into a large enamel pan. Place the pan on the fire. Attention! Watch for foaming. The foam rises quickly there. The foam should be removed with a wooden spoon.
  18. Meanwhile, place the cucumbers in jars.
  19. As soon as the brine boils, pour it into jars with packed cucumbers.
  20. Pour the brine over the cucumbers to the very top.
  21. Next, cover the jars with a clean towel and leave for 7-8 minutes.

Since childhood, the familiar taste of pickled cucumbers does not lose its attractiveness for the adult population. Cucumbers picked from the garden and pickled without any “chemicals” are one of the most popular pickles of the summer. Crispy and aromatic, they are good both as an independent dish and as an ingredient for many salads, all kinds of pickles and stewpans.
You shouldn’t be surprised that housewives have come up with dozens of recipes for preserving this beloved and popular pickle for the winter.
At home, storing pickled cucumbers will require a cool basement or balcony; keeping them in an apartment will not work. However, the effort is worth it; you'll be able to enjoy crunchy greens with the flavor of summer all winter long. Here is a simple recipe that will allow you to pickle very tasty pickled cucumbers.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter

Ingredients for a 2-liter jar:

  • cucumbers – 1–1.1 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 70 g;
  • garlic – 3–4 cloves;
  • spices for pickling (for each jar) - 2 cherry leaves, an umbrella of dill, 2 currant leaves, a small horseradish leaf.

How to make pickled cucumbers

First we make the marinade: pour warm water into a deep bowl, add table salt(it should completely dissolve), let it cool.

We prepare the container: put spices (cherry, horseradish, currant leaves and an umbrella of dill) on the bottom of a dry glass jar. We leave a couple of leaves and put them in the middle of the jar. We put cherry and horseradish leaves down, they are good for giving cucumbers crunchy properties.

Preparing cucumbers: take smooth and strong cucumbers (overripe ones are also possible, but this is not for everyone). They should be the same size in the jar (this will allow them to be evenly soaked in the marinade). We wash them from dirt and sand, wipe them well with a washcloth (to remove prickly bumps), cut off the ends. Let the water drain.

We put cucumbers in jars with spices, in the middle of the jar we put prepared leaves again, then cucumbers again.

There will be cloves of garlic on top and pour marinade.

Now the finished jars need to be closed with lids (but loosely) and placed in a dark place at room temperature. They will last approximately 3 days. During this time, the cucumbers will change their color, and the liquid will become cloudy and whitish. The readiness of pickles can be judged by the following sign: cucumbers in bright green jars will become paler. However, they will still have small islands of bright greenery (these cucumbers will be crispy and moderately salty).

Before sealing the jars, boil the marinade and wash the lids well. Fill the jars with hot marinade and turn them over. We wrap ourselves well in a blanket.

After 12 hours of fermentation, the pickles are placed in a cool, dark place for storage. You can eat after 1–1.5 months.
Advice. It is better to place the jars in large shallow plates until the cucumbers “reach”; the marinade may flow through the top.

Whether it’s everyone’s favorite vinaigrette or a hearty hot pickle, you can’t do without pickled cucumbers when preparing them. Salted or pickled - which is correct? Probably still pickled. In any case, strong, dense, crispy cucumbers with a rich, vigorous taste are an excellent snack for high-alcohol drinks. Yes, and with a slice of Borodinsky or aromatic fried potatoes always come in with a bang.

Ever since kindergarten, my love for pickled (they were called pickled) cucumbers was as strong as my affection for pickled ones. green tomatoes. As I remember now: for dinner there was almost tasteless, already cold mashed potatoes (which is understandable - on the water, after all) and a swamp-green puck of pickled cucumber. Definitely with a void in the middle... How delicious it was! It was and is - pickled cucumbers can still be found on sale today without any problems. But why buy if it’s not a sin to prepare this natural delicacy at home.

Can I be a little boring and tell you what the essence of the process is? I won't be here for long, honestly. Pickling (salting) is a method of preserving food that is biochemical in nature. During the fermentation process (for example, cucumbers or cabbage), lactic acid fermentation occurs, as a result of which a certain amount of a natural preservative - lactic acid - accumulates. It is this that gives the finished fermented products a unique taste.

Previously, cucumbers were fermented in large oak barrels, and prepared supplies were stored in them. Today in the city you can also do this if you wish, but the most convenient way is to ferment the cucumbers and then roll them up for long-term storage. What to ferment cucumbers in? Decide for yourself - you can immediately in jars, pans, basins, buckets or barrels (fortunately, barrels made of food-grade plastic are now sold).

Ready-made pickled cucumbers prepared according to this simple and affordable recipe turn out very tasty and are perfectly stored even in the kitchen cabinet. In winter, you will take out a jar of these fragrant crunches in cloudy brine and your soul will immediately feel good.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The recipe for pickled cucumbers, which we will seal in jars for the winter, includes simple and affordable ingredients: fresh cucumbers, cold drinking water, table salt, fresh garlic, as well as dill umbrellas and horseradish leaves. In addition, you can also safely use other aromatic additives that will act as a bouquet for pickling cucumbers: leaves or twigs of cherry, oak and black currant. Should I add hot peppers? Personally, I don’t add it, since our family doesn’t need any spiciness in pickled cucumbers.

First of all, we select the cucumbers. I advise you to stick to fruits that are small in size, have a pleasant green color, and certainly have black tubercles (the so-called pimples). Cucumbers with voids inside are not suitable for pickling (although these are the ones that are mainly pickled in industrial scale) and, of course, taste bitter. Remove the tails, thoroughly wash the vegetables in cold water and soak them in it for 3-4 hours (freshly picked ones are not needed). After this, rinse again under cold running water.

We thoroughly wash the dill umbrellas (I have 10 young ones, but 4 mature ones are enough) and horseradish leaves. We take a container of suitable volume (I have a 4-liter saucepan) and begin to place cucumbers in it, alternating with aromatic additives. Don’t forget to peel a large head of garlic (it’s easiest to take winter garlic, where the cloves are larger) and also add the whole peeled cloves as you fill the pan. By the way, it is not necessary to use a saucepan - a glass jar (at least 3 liters) or an enamel basin (bucket) will do. It's just the most convenient way for me.

Next we will prepare the brine. To do this, take 1.5 liters of cold, not boiled drinking water and dissolve 2.5 tablespoons (without slides) of salt in it. Regarding water: ideally, it is advisable to take spring or well water, but for city residents even flowing water from a tap is suitable (if it is good quality). In any case, I draw directly from the tap. Now about the salt: fine or coarse - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the salt is not iodized - it is completely unsuitable for preservation. In this case, there is a high probability of spoilage of the workpiece and the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in pickled cucumbers. Basically, the pack of salt always contains information about whether the product can be used for preservation.

Next, I cover the cucumbers with a flat plate, thus creating a small load. Thanks to this, the cucumbers will be completely covered with brine and evenly salted. The process of fermenting/pickling our cucumbers has begun - we hide the dishes somewhere in a secluded corner away from the sun and light.

As a rule, in a city apartment (with a room temperature of 23-26 degrees), cucumbers will be completely ready after 3-5 days. However, I should note that the time may vary - we determine readiness by appearance contents of the dishes. I wanted to take intermediate photos of pickling cucumbers, but somehow I always forgot due to numerous preparations for the winter. In general, I describe it in words. After about a day, our cucumbers will become lightly salted - you can already try them (1 cucumber disappeared at this stage). On the second or third day, lactic acid fermentation will begin - the brine will become slightly cloudy and foam will appear on the surface. That is why it is important that there is a distance from the edge of the brine and the edge of the dishes - liquid can escape. But when the foam subsides and the brine becomes cloudy (the color of milk diluted with water), the fermentation process is complete. At this stage, it is important not to rush and let the cucumbers ferment completely, otherwise later during storage the jars may not just swell, but even explode. In general, when the foam has completely subsided, let the cucumbers stand for another 10 hours to be sure.

If you plan to quickly eat pickled cucumbers, you can put them in a jar, fill them with brine and store them in the refrigerator under a nylon lid. But I advise you to close them for the winter. To do this, strain the brine into a saucepan and put it on the fire. Stirring, bring it to a boil and simmer over medium heat for a couple of minutes. Don’t forget to skim off the white foam (preferably with a wooden spoon, but in any case with a clean spoon) - there won’t be very much of it.

Meanwhile, pour boiling water over the pickled cucumbers (you can do it directly in a saucepan) to wash off the white coating, and drain it into the sink. We place the cucumbers themselves in pre-prepared jars. In general, 1.5 kilograms of cucumbers fit into 4 jars with a capacity of 500 milliliters. But my cucumbers survived until the moment of canning for only three jars (you will have the same, don’t doubt it - I had to take a sample)... Each housewife has her own favorite method of sterilizing jars, and I do it in the microwave - washing banks in soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 ml into each cold water. I steam it in the microwave on the most high power 5-7 minutes each. For example, two jars will last 6-8 minutes, and three - 10 minutes. I boil the lids on the stove for about 5 minutes. We place the cucumbers vertically, as tightly as possible, so that more can fit. Do you see how important the size of vegetables is so that they do not stick out of the jars?

Fill the pickled cucumbers with boiling brine to the very top of the jars. There will still be a lot of brine left in the saucepan - you won't need it.

Caring housewives always strive to feed their family delicious cucumbers, fortunately there is such goodness in the beds a large number of. Cucumbers offered in stores cannot be compared with homemade ones. Moreover, products made with soul according to ancient recipes are very tasty and can only be found in markets.

Previously, cucumbers were fermented in an oak barrel and stored in it all winter. In urban apartment conditions, such a process can be carried out, for example, in a plastic barrel, but it is extremely inconvenient, so many people ferment cucumbers and roll them in jars. We'll talk about how to ferment cucumbers in the article.

Pros of pickling

At its core, the fermentation process is based on creating an ideal environment for the fermentation of cucumbers, thanks to the activity of bacteria with the formation of lactic acid. Under its influence, cucumbers are preserved, crispy, without vinegar or sterilization. Very tasty, they can be used in the preparation of Olivier salad, pickle, vinaigrette and as an appetizer.

The benefits of pickled cucumbers

  • · They contain a large number of prebiotics and microelements, which the body really lacks in winter, including easily digestible iodine compounds;
  • · Availability of fiber and vitamins;
  • · Increase appetite due to acid content;
  • · Give a laxative effect;
  • · Neutralize alcohol.

Green ones are chosen for pickling medium sized cucumbers, slightly overgrown with black pimples without voids and bitterness.

Pickled cucumbers: step-by-step recipe

For a 3 liter jar you will need:

If desired, add tarragon and sweet bell pepper.

Preparatory work

Some housewives buy cucumbers at the market and therefore first they are soaked in water.

  1. Wash the cucumbers, remove the stems and fill them with cold water, let them soak for 5 hours and change the water 2 times during the process;
  2. Wash and sterilize jars. Can be in the microwave after rinsing with baking soda solution for 7 minutes. Boil the lids for 5 minutes.


The process can be started immediately in glass or in an enamel bucket with a basin and then transfer the pickled cucumbers into jars and preserve for the winter.


It is important to observe the subtleties of preparing the brine and not to allow the cucumbers to acidify in order to maintain a pleasant taste throughout the winter.

For successful salting, they act according to two principles:

  • Only the pickling variety is used;
  • Maintain strict proportions of 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water, a solution with a concentration of 6% is obtained; for large cucumbers, take 2.5 tablespoons of salt.

Method 1: pickled cucumbers in jars

The first step is to fill the jars with clean cucumbers and spices:

  • At the bottom of each jar place 3 grains of allspice and 6 peas of ordinary black pepper, fragrant leaves of cherry, currant, laurel;
  • Large cucumbers are placed on the bottom and small cucumbers on top;
  • Add a branch of dill, mustard seeds and chopped garlic cloves. Thanks to mustard, cucumbers gain elasticity.

Brine is prepared in a large enamel container: per jar, take 1.2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of salt, boil and cool.

Pour the cold solution into jars, cover with gauze and leave to ferment for 2-3 days. Gradually the solution becomes cloudy. To ensure crispy cucumbers, the room temperature is controlled at below 25 degrees. During fermentation, foam drains, so the jars are placed on a towel. When the foaming is complete, this will signal the end of ripening of the cucumbers, but it is better to let them sit for 12 hours to complete fermentation in order to avoid subsequent explosions of the jars;

After 3 days, drain the brine and boil.

Fill the jars again for 15 minutes through a gauze sieve.

Drain a second time and boil. Water is added because some of it evaporates.

Fill the jars completely, roll up with sterile lids and turn over. They put in warm place on the blanket. After a day, they put it in the cupboard, making sure in advance that the fermentation is over (the lids are not swollen, there are no leaks). Otherwise, the boiling procedure is repeated 3 times.

Method 2: fermentation in a large container followed by preservation in jars

The fermentation process is identical. Prepare the ingredients as discussed earlier.

Proper storage and use

Thanks to simple recipe cucumbers turn out tasty, aromatic and can be stored for a long time at room conditions. The brine is cloudy at first, then becomes transparent and a white precipitate forms. When serving, you can rinse them off. white plaque. It is advisable to consume it within 6-8 months. If stored for more than a year, rusty deposits may form on the lids, mold and flabby contents. It is better to avoid the risk and not eat softened cucumbers. To prevent the twists from deteriorating, it is necessary to plan the number of future blanks.

IN winter time It’s a pleasure to get pickled cucumbers and please yourself and your guests. Now the cooking process is known and all that remains is to try out your culinary talent. Pickling cucumbers is easy and they have an amazing taste. Bon appetit!

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