What bird loves fat. What to feed the birds in winter. What to feed outdoor birds in winter. Menu for bird canteens

Answers to the Olympiad tasks on the world around for grade 2

2011 – 2012 academic year

Task number 1 (1 point per correct answer)

Answer the questions:

  1. The name of this tree comes from the word "leaf", but there are no leaves on it.(larch)
  2. Can a spider be called an insect? Why?(no, he has 8 paws)
  3. What is the name of the star closest to earth?(Sun)
  4. Where is the grasshopper's ear?(on paw)
  5. (tit)

Task number 2 (1 point per correct answer)

Choose the correct answer:

  1. What is nature?

3. Animals are:
a) birds, animals, insects, fish, turtles, worms.

Task number 3 (1 point per correct answer)

Add a word:

  1. The hedgehog has grown ten times, it turned out(porcupine)
  2. He is faithful to the sea, like a sailor, a harbinger of a storm(albotros)

Task number 4 (1 point per correct answer)

Arban Mokar Ktlyavechso Sorogno





Task number 5 (1 point per correct answer)

Characteristic features

Group name






Task number 6 (1 point per correct answer)

oak trees



bushes clover


Rose hip

herb plantain

Task number 7 (1 point per correct answer)

Solve puzzles.

  1. crow
  1. oriole
  1. sparrow
  1. winter storm
  1. cherry
  1. cornflower

Task number 8 (5 points)

1. Seed.

5. An adult plant with fruits and seeds.

2. A seedling with a root.

4. An adult plant with flowers.

3. Seedling with root and several leaves.

Task number 9 (1 point for correct answer)


Olympiad tasks around the world for grade 2

2011 – 2012 academic year

Full name of the participant ______________________________

Class: 2 "____" Date: _____________________

Task number 1

Answer the questions:

  1. The name of this tree comes from the word "leaf", but there are no leaves on it.
  2. Can a spider be called an insect? Why?
  3. What is the name of the star closest to earth?
  4. Where is the grasshopper's ear?
  5. For which bird is lard a delicacy?


Task number 2

Choose the correct answer:

  1. What is nature?
    a) pencil, notebooks, house, city, region in which you live.
    b) man, plants, animals, spaceships, ships.
    c) sun, earth, air, water, man, plants, animals, fungi, microbes.

2. Inanimate nature includes:
a) man, animals, plants, fungi.
b) sun, earth, air, clouds, water, man.
c) sun, sky, clouds, earth, stones, water.

3. Animals are:
a) birds, animals, insects, fish, turtles, worms.
b) birds, animals, fish, fungi, microbes.
c) birds, animals, humans, insects, plants.

Task number 3

Add a word:

  1. The hedgehog grew ten times, it turned out ____________________________
  2. He is faithful to the sea, like a sailor, a harbinger of a storm ___________________

Task number 4

Recognize the mysterious animals and underline the correct answer

1) Which of these animals glows in the dark?

Arban Mokar Ktlyavechso Sorogno

2) Which of these animals is poisonous?


3) What is the smallest bird?


4) What bird breeds chicks in winter in our forests?


5) Which of these animals is not a step away from their own home?


Task number 5

Fill the table. Write the name of a group of animals according to a set of characteristics characteristic of it.

Characteristic features

Group name

Aquatic animals with a streamlined body shape, covered with scales. They move with the help of fins. They breathe with gills. They lay eggs in large numbers.

Animals live in water and on land. Their skin is bare and slimy. Breathe through the lungs and the entire surface of the skin. They lay eggs.

Most animals live on land. Their body is dry and covered with scales. Breathe with the help of lungs. They lay eggs.

Most animals live on land. The body is covered with wool. Give birth to live babies

Flying animals covered with feathers. Lay a small number of eggs

Task number 6

Match and connect the correct answers with an arrow.

oak trees



bushes clover


Rose hip

herb plantain

Task number 7

Solve puzzles.

Task number 8

List the stages of plant development in numerical order:


Mature plant with fruits and seeds.

A sprout with a root.

Mature plant with flowers.

Seedling with root and several leaves.

Task number 9

What is the meaning of the saying: “Mow the scythe while the dew; dew down, and we're home":

A) when there is dew, then it is cool and easier to mow;

B) grass from dew becomes elastic and easier to mow;

C) in the morning a person has more strength;

D) in the morning there are fewer mosquitoes and other midges;

D) in the morning the braid is sharper, and as it is mowing, it becomes dull.


Olympiad tasks around the world for grade 3

2011 – 2012 academic year

Class: 3 "____" Date: _____________________

Task number 1

Answer the questions:

  1. What kingdom do organisms that consist mainly of a cap and a leg belong to?
  2. There is a popular proverb: "He swam in the water, but remained dry." Who are they talking about and why? ___________________________________________________


  1. Name the "colored seas" _________________________________________________


  1. _____________________________________________________________________
  2. Frosts often occur in May, which are popularly associated with the name of this plant, since it just blooms in May? _____________________________

Task number 2

  1. Ear, tongue, leg, eye, nose.
  2. Thermometer, scissors, weather vane, microscope.
  3. Pine, fir, alder, larch.
  4. Moon, Earth, Sun, Columbus.
  5. Russia, France, St. Petersburg, Germany.
  6. Splint, TV, bast shoes, carriage.
  7. Penguin, whale, ostrich, stork.
  8. Geyser, compass, barometer, thermometer.
  9. Aspen, alder, larch, birch.
  10. Blizzard, dew, snowman, snowdrift.

Task number 3

Highlight natural phenomena:Sun, rain, frog, snow, tide, mushrooms, earthquake, leaves, hurricane, dress, rainbow.

Task number 4


Flora - _________________________________________________________________

Fauna - _________________________________________________________________

The globe - __________________________________________________________________

Task number 5

New Year, Christmas, Victory Day, St. Valentine's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Tatyana's Day, Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.

Task number 6


Task number 7

  1. The seasons change because

Task number 8

Recognize the mysterious animals and underline the correct answer






Task number 9







Answers to the Olympiad tasksaround the world for grade 3

2011 – 2012 academic year

Answer the questions:(1 point per correct answer)

  1. What kingdom do organisms that consist mainly of a cap and a stem belong to?(mushrooms)
  2. There is a popular proverb: "He swam in the water, but remained dry." Who are they talking about and why?(goose)
  3. Name "colored seas"(Black, Red, Yellow, White)
  4. Can a polar bear and a penguin meet in nature? Why?
    (no, bears - north, penguins - Antarctica)
  5. Frosts often occur in May, which are popularly associated with the name of this plant, since it just blooms in May?(cherry)

Task number 2 (1 point per correct answer)

Find the odd word in each line

  1. Ear, tongue, leg, eye, nose.
  2. Thermometer, scissors , weather vane, microscope.
  3. Pine, fir, alder, larch.
  4. Moon, Earth, Sun, Columbus .
  5. Russia, France, St. Petersburg, Germany.
  6. Splint, TV, bast shoes, carriage.
  7. Penguin, whale, ostrich, stork.
  8. Geyser, compass, barometer, thermometer.
  9. Aspen, alder, larch, birch.
  10. Blizzard, dew, snowman, snowdrift.

Task number 3 (1 point per correct answer)

Highlight natural phenomena: Sun, rain, frog, snow, tide, mushrooms, earthquake, leaves, hurricane, dress, rainbow.

Task number 4 (1 point per correct answer)

Write definitions for the given concepts.

The reserve is a place where hunting for rare animals is prohibited.

Flora - the plant world.

Fauna - animal world.

A globe is a miniature model of the earth.

Task number 5 (1 point per correct answer)

Emphasize only public holidays in Russia:

New Year, Nativity, Victory Day, Valentine's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Tatyana's Day, Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Task number 6 (1 point per correct answer)

Collect from the letters as many names of the rivers of Russia as possible (letters can

use multiple times). Write down these names.


Amur, Neva, Yenisei, Volga, Lena, Ob

Task number 7 (1 point per correct answer)

Answer if the statements are true (Write in the table: yes or no)

  1. Migratory birds (swallows, storks) fly south to breed there.
  2. Nature can do without man, but man cannot do without nature.
  3. Russia is located on the Eurasian continent.
  4. Woody and herbaceous plants grow in the forest.
  5. In winter, the mole hibernates because it cannot find food during this period.







Task number 8 (1 point per correct answer)

Recognize the mysterious animals and underline the correct answer

1) What animal can lift almost 100 times its own weight?


2) What kind of bird runs underwater along the bottom of streams and rivers in search of food?


3) What animal can live without food for seven years?


4) Which animal can jump 100 times its own length?


5) Which of these animals has a brain similar to a human?


Task number 9 (1 point per correct answer)

Connect the words in the right and left columns with lines







Olympiad tasks around the world for grade 4

2011 – 2012 academic year

Participant's FI ________________________________________________________________________

Class: 4 "____" Date: _____________________

Task number 1

  1. What group of plants (trees, shrubs, herbs) does a banana belong to?
  2. What divides the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres?
  3. Who in the old days in Russia was called the "baking nightingale"? ________________________________________________________________
  4. 336 rivers flow into this lake, and only one flows out - the Angara. What is this lake? _______________________________________________________________
  5. Who sings underwater? _________________________________________________

Task number 2

  1. Russia ___________________________________
  2. Ukraine _________________________________
  3. France_________________________________
  4. Germany________________________________
  5. England__________________________________
  6. USA___________________________________

Task number 3

Answer if the statements are true (Write in the table: yes or no)

  1. The earth is larger than the sun.
  2. The sun is a planet
  3. The earth has an axis.
  4. This axis is imaginary.
  5. The earth rotates around its axis.

Task number 4

" Peat is used at thermal power plants, they heat stoves in houses. In agriculture, it is used as a fertilizer. In places where peat is mined, long underground corridors are made. Peat extraction sites are called "mines". ___________________________________________

Task number 5



  1. The leader, elected by the ancient warriors for the duration of the war.
  2. The first metal used by man to make tools.

Task number 6

The order of the location of the natural zones of Russia with south to north (circle the letter):


























Task number 7

b) slugs - cabbage - toad;


Task number 8

B __ __ __

B __ __ __ __
B __ __ __ __ __
B __ __ __ __ __ __
B __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Task number 9 Who in the old days in Russia was called the "baking nightingale"? (cricket)

  • 336 rivers flow into this lake, and only one flows out - the Angara. What is this lake?(Baikal)
  • Who sings underwater?(whale)
  • Task number 2 (1 point for the correct answer)

    Do you know the capitals of these countries? Write down the title:

    1. Russia Moscow
    2. Ukraine, Kyiv
    3. France Paris
    4. Germany Berlin
    5. England London
    6. USA - Washington

    Task number 3 (1 point per correct answer)

    Answer if the statements are true (Write in the table: yes or no)

    1. We live on a star called Earth.
    2. The earth is larger than the sun.
    3. The sun is a planet
    4. The earth has an axis.
    5. This axis is imaginary.
    6. The earth rotates around its axis.
    7. Night falls on the side of the Earth that is turned towards the Sun.
    1. The Earth makes one revolution around its axis in 365 days.
    2. Our country is located on the Eurasian continent.
    3. The main law of the country is called the Constitution.











    Task number 4 (1 point for the correct answer)

    Indicate the number of factual errors and underline them in the text:" Peat is used at thermal power plants, they heat stoves in houses. In agriculture, it is used as a fertilizer.In places where peat is mined, long underground corridors are made.Peat extraction sites are called "mines".(2 errors)

    Task number 5 (1 point for the correct answer. If the entire task is completed + 3 points.)


    1. One of the first dwellings of man.(cave)
    2. The name of the first human collective.(herd)
    3. Time span equal to 100 years.(century)
    4. An ancient hunter's tool.(a spear)


    1. Farmer's tool 6-5 thousand years ago.(plow)
    2. One of the first stone tools.(scraper)
    3. An ancient tool of labor made of stone or metal 13-7 thousand years ago. steppe















      Task number 7 (2 points for the correct answer)

      Which supply chain is correct?
      a) pine - woodpecker - bark beetle;
      b) slugs - cabbage - toad;
      c) rye - mouse - snakes - eagles.

      What will happen if people destroy foxes in the food chain "rye - mouse - foxes"?

      Task number 8 (1 point for the correct answer. If the entire task is completed + 3 points.)

      Write the names of various animals.

      B arr (leopard)

      B elka (ram, bison)
      B uffalo (eagle)
      Behemoth (butterfly)
      B chipmunk

      Task number 9 (1 point for the correct answer. If the entire task is completed + 3 points)

      Determine which cereal goes to the production of the following cereals. Connect with arrows.

      Cereal Groats

      Wheat Millet
      Buckwheat Barley
      Millet Semolina
      Barley Rice
      Rice Buckwheat

      MKOU "Kudrinskaya secondary school"


      around the world for grade 2

      2015 – 2016 academic year Year

      F.I. student ___________________________________________

      Number of points _____________

      1. Underline objects of inanimate nature with a pencil: Sun, stone, bear, cloud, hut, rock, well, tunnel, horse, bird, plane, lightning.

      2. Collect the names of plants from the letters:

      BUNCRSIA - ______________________

      AIAMLN - _______________________

      ZAREBE - ___________________________

      LTPAYUN - _________________________

      3. Read the syllables first on the trees, then on the bushes and you will find out which proverb is encrypted in the picture.


      4. Write 3 symbols of any state:


      5. This solemn lush flower got its name in honor of a scientist who worked in Russia - a botanist by the name of Georgi. There are more than eight thousand varieties of this flower. Write down the name of the flower.


      6. Circle the correct answer.What is the meaning of the saying: “Mow the scythe while the dew; dew down, and we're home":

      A) when there is dew, then it is cool and easier to mow;

      B) grass from dew becomes elastic and easier to mow;

      C) in the morning a person has more strength;

      D) in the morning there are fewer mosquitoes and other midges;

      D) in the morning the braid is sharper, and as it is mowing, it becomes dull.

      7. Answer the questions:

        The name of this tree comes from the word "leaf", and the leaves are needles.

        Can a spider be called an insect? _______________________________________________________________

        What is the name of the star closest to earth?

        Where is the grasshopper's ear?

        For which bird is lard a delicacy?


      8. Who sleeps where? Ant - in an anthill, bear - in a lair,

      horses - _______________, pigs - ________________, bees - ____________________, foxes - _______________, cows - _________________, dogs - __________________.

      Magpie Poured

      Owl Gogochet

      Nightingale Tenkaet

      Sparrow Tweets

      Tit chirping

      goose hoots

      10. Write in the crossword the names of vegetables, berries, fruits shown in the picture. Write the proverb in the highlighted cells.

      Even in the hungry winter period, each species of birds prefers to eat certain food. Who will fly to your feeder? It will depend on what is in there.

      Unique food

      What to feed the birds in winter? This question worries many of us with the onset of cold weather. How to feed birds in winter, ornithologists advise. They recommend making a mixture of seventy-five percent of which will consist of sunflower seeds. Due to the high calorie content, this product will become the main energy source for small birds. Sunflower seeds are eaten with pleasure by granivorous birds and woodpeckers. Nuthatches, tits, etc. love this food. A large amount of those vegetable fats that are contained inside the seeds of this crop allow them to survive in the conditions of winter cold.

      Plants' seeds

      What to feed street birds in winter? Some birds prefer oats, millet, millet, rice and wheat. Grain-eating birds will certainly visit your feeder if oats and millet are poured into it. Goldfinches, sparrows, greenfinches and other birds will flock to this meal. Pigeons also prefer to peck grains.

      What else to feed the birds in winter? With pleasure, birds will feast on the seeds of watermelon, pumpkin, melon, hemp, thistle, nettle, quinoa and burdock. They also peck at the corn kernels. It should be borne in mind that watermelon seeds should first be detailed. Then nuthatch or tits will eat them with pleasure.

      Quinoa seeds are eagerly eaten by many birds. Cut plants are collected in brooms and stored until winter. In the cold, the quinoa is stuck near the feeder in the snow. If desired, the weed can be threshed and sprinkled with its grains to the birds along with other feeds.

      Blue tits, as well as most species of granivorous birds, love Burdock seeds are the main food for goldfinches. But bullfinches prefer other food. They love to eat seeds.

      Animal Products

      What can you feed the birds in winter? As a top dressing in a hungry period for birds, the menu can include meat, lard, as well as beef or. These products will appeal to tits, nuthatches, and some other types of birds. However, it should be borne in mind that meat and lard must be unsalted. How to feed the birds? Lard or meat should be cut into small pieces and strung on twine. Then the products are hung on the branches of trees or bushes. But in order to prevent the feeding of crows, jackdaws, magpies, dogs or cats, the pieces should be placed away from the ground. It is necessary to hang the twine among thin branches, on which heavy birds cannot sit.

      Why feed birds in winter with these products? The fact is that during the hungry period, birds need high-calorie food. Animal fat, which is in a soft state, is best mixed with other foods, preparing a kind of layer cake. Place it in nets from under vegetables and hang it in places accessible to birds.

      For tits, woodpeckers, pikas and nuthatches, horse, lamb, beef and lard (necessarily unsalted) are tasty food. The melted product is poured over the branches and trunks of trees. Birds eat frozen streaks.


      What to feed the birds in winter? The most beautiful visitors to the feeders - waxwings, schurov and bullfinches - are attracted by hawthorn and mountain ash berries. The fruits must be prepared in advance by drying the autumn harvest.

      tree seeds

      Ash and maple trees are common among common urban plantings. The seeds of these trees are called lionfish. In autumn, most of them shower the ground and become inaccessible to birds. If you do not know how to feed the birds in winter, collect lionfish with the onset of cold weather and hang them on feeders. Waxwings, bullfinches, as well as some other birds visiting bird canteens like to eat this food.

      Nuts, cones and acorns

      This food should be harvested in the fall. The basis of the winter menu for crossbills and woodpeckers are cones. Jays prefer to eat acorns. Having prepared this food for birds, you can also attract squirrels to your feeder.

      Menu for bird canteens

      If you want to diversify the food that you put in the feeder for feathered visitors, you can prepare special mixtures for your little guests. In the menu for birds, it is recommended to include fifty percent thirty-five - white millet, fifteen - corn kernels. If you decide to feed the birds with high-calorie food, then make a “pie” for them. It should include three cups of softened margarine or fat, the same amount of grain or millet, and one cup of sunflower oil. Hercules can be added to the "bird pie", as well as everything that is at hand. It can be apple peels and any seeds, chicken eggs and nut kernels, honey and sugar, as well as sweet syrup. The mixture should be mixed well and set to harden in the cold. The dough can be given to the birds immediately. To do this, it is placed in a plastic cup or cardboard box. The containers are hung on trees.

      What to feed street birds in winter? They can put small pieces of bacon skins in the feeder, as well as canned food that is intended for pets. With pleasure, birds will peck at boiled eggs and potatoes. Hercules is suitable for them, but only in the form of flakes, and not ready-made porridge. Birds of dried pupae, larvae and insects will readily peck.

      Corvidae nutrition

      If you decide to feed these birds, then you can put minced meat, raw or boiled meat and fish, cottage cheese and eggs, various cereals, pieces of vegetables and fruits, canned or steamed corn in the feeder. They will gladly peck nuts. You can leave a whole raw egg for the bird. She will carefully drink its contents, and eat the shell as a mineral supplement. In the feeder for such birds, there may be various chicken offal - hearts, heads, necks, etc. What should not be included in the menu for corvids? This list includes milk and sausage, canned food and potatoes, citrus fruits and tomatoes, fatty cottage cheese and fried foods.

      What not to put in a bird feeder

      When compiling a bird menu, it is worth considering some limitations. To do this, you should know winter.

      It is strictly forbidden to introduce any spicy, salty, fried, as well as sour foods into the menu for birds. This product causes diarrhea in birds, which leads birds to certain death. The fact is that black varieties of bread contain a large amount of salt.

      This component is harmful to the health of the liver and kidneys. When feeding, birds often leave a certain amount of food in their crop. If there is bread there, it swells and quickly begins to ferment. This process can lead to the death of the bird. Rye bread is especially dangerous. When kneading dough, more yeast is added to this product than to wheat. It is very difficult for birds in the winter, and therefore any disease can be simply fatal for them.

      Tits and fat

      - Why do tits eat lard (fresh), while other birds do not? At least on my windowsill near the fat, only tits are crowding, and if I sprinkle crumbs, then other feathered trifles ...

      ([email protected] ).


      Dear Valentina! It is only in Ukraine that everyone (including birds) eats lard, but not everyone in Russia. I, for example, not very much (this is of course a joke).

      Seriously: Birds eat food that suits their needs. Salo, as a food of animal origin, is eaten mainly by insectivorous and omnivorous birds.

      Tits are insectivorous. Probably, you live in the center of the city, but in the countryside or on the outskirts, other types of tits, nuthatches and woodpeckers can fly to feeders with bacon. A crow and a rook would eat fat, but they cannot (like tits) get to your feeder.

      By the way, the fat should not be salty! Salty foods can cause digestive problems in birds.

      Granivorous birds (sparrows, greenfinches, siskins, tap dances and others) eat plant seeds and bread crumbs with great pleasure. Who likes what!

      Thank you for being kind to birds. If, what else interests you about birds - write. Visit our website and learn a lot of interesting things about birds and the Russian Bird Conservation Union, of which you can also become a member.

      Continuation of correspondence(question):

      Thank you very much for your reply and good humor. As for the nuthatches and woodpeckers, who share the tastes of titmouse, you are absolutely right - you saw it yourself (in the village, in Russia, at home). I am an elderly woman and it is hardly worth joining a circle of young naturalists, it is better to join the Union of some writers (I have publications in "Continent", "Faces", "Friendship of Peoples" ...). And I temporarily stopped feeding the titmouse - it was their fault: when the thaw began and the snow melted, they stopped paying attention to the filthy (by them!) Piece of dirty fat on the windowsill - maybe the titmouse Great Lent began?

      Answer: Dear Valentina! The Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia is not a youth movement. Members of the Union are dozens of professors (doctors of science) and hundreds of candidates of science - ornithologists. By the way, Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov and Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov are also members of the Union. I don't think they can be classified as juniors.

      In the Central Black Earth branch, a member of the Union is a naturalist and writer - Semago L.L. In general, there are now more than 2 thousand ornithologists in the Union, including amateurs, of course. Many people, joining the Union, simply express their good will towards birds and support (by joining) people who are professionally engaged in the protection of birds. Members of the Union (except ornithologists) are lawyers, economists, businessmen, students, schoolchildren, pensioners. And participation in mass events of the Union is taken by thousands of residents of cities and villages of Russia, of course, voluntarily.

      About fat... Between mid-November and mid-January, tits show typical sedentary behavior. Winter is coming. From mid-January, (gradually increasing) nomadic movements begin, turning into migration. That is, those birds that are used to your feeder are already on their way to breeding grounds. And the new ones you see are passing ones. They also strive for breeding grounds and they are no longer up to fat. So, "titmouse Lent" is not the reason for the rejection of fat.

      A. D. Numerov,
      doctor of biological


      Photo by Evgeny Konstantinov.

      Lazorevka feeds on butter. Photo by Dmitry Zykov.

      Winter comes into its own, and we remember the traditional Russian fun - hanging feeders and feeding the birds. However, is it worth calling Russian fun, which affects all the peoples of Europe and a significant part of North America and Asia? At least those who have cold and snowy winters. Apparently, people still tend to do something good. Regardless of nationality.

      From small birds in our places, mainly tits, sparrows, bullfinches and waxwings winter. Bullfinches and waxwings are relatively rare guests; they actively roam in search of food. Sparrows are permanent residents, in full accordance with their name impudent and thieves, however, very cute. Tits are just beauties. There are three species of them in the middle lane - the great tit, the blue tit and the moskovka.

      The great tit is indeed the largest of the tits, body length - 13-17 cm, weight - as much as 20 g. The back is yellowish-green, the abdomen and sides are yellow. A wide black stripe runs along the chest and abdomen. The same satin-black head and throat with a bluish tint, and the cheeks are snow-white.

      The blue tit is smaller, 11-14 cm long, and weighs only 9-14 g. The blue tit resembles the great tit in color, but wears a white cap with a bright blue spot. There is a thin black stripe at the level of the eyes, the cheeks are white. The belly and breast of the blue tit are yellow, with a not very clear black longitudinal stripe. The back and upper tail feathers are olive green, wings and tail are bluish-blue.

      The smallest titmouses are Muscovites, they are sometimes called black tits. The color of Muscovites is mostly gray tones. There are white spots on the back of the head and cheeks, the head is satin black on top, the wings and tail are grayish-brown, and on the wings there is a clearly visible transverse light stripe. Muscovites are the indigenous inhabitants of pine and spruce forests. But now they can be found in cities.

      What to feed. From school lessons in natural history, many remember that tits need to be fed with fresh fat. In addition to fat, you can offer meat to birds. Also fresh. You can put a piece of butter and melted fat in the feeder. It is very good to feed them with apples and carrots. And, of course, the most common sunflower seeds, unroasted and unsalted. You can add buckwheat and dry crumbs of wheat bread to the diet. In severe frosts, focus on lard and meat, in warmer weather - on grain.

      What is impossible. Salted, smoked, spicy fat, meat and sausage. These foods cause intense thirst and disrupt digestion in birds. You can not put boiled porridge in the feeder. It is not recommended to give millet to tits.

      How to prepare feed. Salo is best taken with the skin. Make a hole in the skin and thread a wire or thread through it. On the surface of the fat, you can make small notches with a knife - this will make it easier for tits to access food. You can also make notches on the meat. Apples should be cut into slices or grated on a coarse grater. Carrots - be sure to grate. You don’t need to do anything with seeds and cereals, the birds themselves cope with them.

      Where to hang the feeder. Top dressing is best placed on trees, where the usual feeding places for birds are located. They will also nest there in the spring.

      Pieces of fat and meat do not need a special feeder. They just need to be hung on a branch or any crossbar to such a height that cats and dogs do not get it. Tits are able to peck food in any position, even upside down. In this they have practically no competitors. Perhaps, except for the nuthatch. But feeding these birds is not a sin either. But jays, magpies, crows and even sparrows will not be able to sit on hanging top dressing, so everything will go to those who are intended.

      For dry food, make a feeder. There are countless designs of feeders. They can be made from empty cardboard milk bags, from plastic bottles, and even from shipping boxes. The feeder should have sides so that the food does not spill out, and a roof so that it does not fall asleep with snow. If the feeder is large, make some vertical bars between the table and the roof to make it look like a cage. Tits are not afraid of this, but magpies and jays will not crawl through. True, twigs will not protect against sparrows. Well, well, they are also hungry in the winter.

      How often to feed. Feed should be added only after the feeder is empty. In this case, the table should be cleaned of dust and droppings. Do not try to feed the birds daily, they should use the feeder only as a top dressing, not forgetting the main way of obtaining food in nature. And only in severe frosts, make sure that there is always food in the feeder.

      Tits are very trusting, they quickly get used to the feeder and let familiar people very close. The most daring and hungry sometimes even sit on their hands. But only if it makes practical sense, for example, when delicious seeds lie in the palm of your hand.

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