What methods of treating cancer tumors exist. Cancer treatment. Fighting cancer with folk remedies

It is impossible to express in words how people react to the news that they have developed cancer, because cancer is very scary. This disease can begin to develop in anyone, no one is immune from it, so it is important to constantly monitor your health, undergoing regular examinations for diagnostic purposes and pay attention to early symptoms. But even in this case, you shouldn’t panic, because the question of whether cancer can be cured is often given a positive answer. At an early stage, oncology responds quite well to treatment, so some manage to be cured forever, and quite quickly. Listen to the specialist and follow all his recommendations.

How does cancer appear?

Cancer cells appear as a result of mutations; they are produced by the body itself in the presence of serious problems associated with the immune system. Experts still don’t know exactly why they arise, but the disorder itself is always associated with mutations at the genetic level. Here are the main risk factors (rule them out, then you most likely won't have to ask the question of whether cancer can be cured):

  • genetic predisposition to the disease (cancer itself is not inherited, but if there are such problems in the family, the risk of developing the disease increases);
  • negative impact of the environment on the body (bad ecology, toxicological effects, various radiations - this is all that can increase the risk of mutations);
  • poor nutrition;
  • chronic infections;
  • various hormonal imbalances.

Regardless of what type of cancer is meant, the disease occurs due to the same reasons.

General symptoms of oncology

Early diagnosis of cancer is an extremely difficult task, since this insidious disease can develop covertly for a long time, and sometimes this lasts until the very late stage, when there is practically no chance of life left, and various treatment methods do not bring the desired effect. For this reason, experts recommend constantly undergoing a full examination for the purpose of diagnosis, because such a technique, used at least once a year, can identify at an early stage, and much more. Here are the main symptoms that appear initially at an early stage:

  • Pain in the affected organ. The pain can be anything: periodic or constant, nagging, stabbing, or even something else. Pain manifestations in oncology are characterized by a point nature, as well as the absence of any reasons for their occurrence.
  • Serious weight loss. Of course, many people want to lose extra pounds, but sudden weight loss should not be taken as a good sign. If you have really lost a significant amount of body weight, then it is worth getting examined.
  • Subcutaneous seals. Absolutely any subcutaneous neoplasms may indicate oncology, but you should not panic without reason, because the problem may lie elsewhere.
  • Constant bleeding or even purulent discharge. Such manifestations can begin with an ordinary ulcer, which for some reason does not heal.
  • General weakness that occurs even with little physical effort. At a late stage of cancer development, weakness may appear without physical activity at all.
  • Constant and unpredictable increases in body temperature.

Note! The presence of one or even two of the listed symptoms is not a guarantee that you are developing a terrible disease, since there are still a huge number of ailments that are characterized by similar manifestations. Health problems of this kind should force you to make an appointment with a specialist who will conduct a full diagnosis, because without it it is impossible to say what the problem is.

Is it possible to cure cancer?

Probably everyone has heard that cancer cells can be treated. This is not true (mutated cells cannot be changed), but it is still possible to overcome the disease; it certainly will not be easy. The choice of therapy largely depends on the prognosis, which is based on the affected part of the body and the stage of the disease:

  • Zero stage. Such oncology does not develop beyond the boundaries of the epithelium that gave rise to cancer. Cancer of this stage is quite easy to treat.
  • Stage 1. At this stage, a specific organ is damaged, and the cancer practically does not spread.
  • Stage 2. Stage 2 cancer is accompanied by a significant expansion of the tumor boundaries, as well as penetration of the problem into the lymph nodes.
  • Stage 3. The third stage is characterized by the widespread penetration of oncology into the lymphatic system, but at this stage, neighboring tissues and organs are not yet susceptible to the penetration of metastases. At this stage, carcinoma is also curable, and cervical cancer is curable, but the prognosis is no longer so good, and the disease is not treated in all cases, and the task of doctors is to increase life expectancy.
  • Stage 4. This stage of oncology is the last, it is almost never treated, since the disease spreads widely throughout the body, and it is completely impossible to get rid of metastases.

Important! As can be understood from this classification, cancer is cured in many cases, even if it is difficult. Your task is to strictly follow all the specialist’s recommendations, because this is the only way to defeat this disease.

Is it possible to completely cure cancer?

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely cure cancer, but this is a simple task at the zero stage of cancer development. Experts also give very good prognoses for stage 1, but we must not forget that much depends on the organ whose damage occurred at the very beginning. For example, brain cancer is much more difficult to treat than cancer of the throat or anything else. When discussing treatment for stages 2 and 3, the emphasis should be on this. As for the most severe stage of the disease, its complete cure is an impossible task. As mentioned earlier, the task of doctors is to increase the patient’s life span to at least several years, which is also not always possible.

It's easier to cure cancer yourself

It’s hard to believe that our body can destroy a cancer tumor on its own, and this does not require surgery or chemicals. After all, we are accustomed to believing that the mechanism of formation of a cancerous tumor has not yet been sufficiently studied, and it is impossible to influence the causes of its development, just as it is impossible to stop the development of malignant neoplasms, cure cancer . More and more people are dying from cancer, and this diagnosis is perceived as a death sentence. But this cannot continue indefinitely; a means must be found to cure cancer.

Science, by the way, does not stand still, and many researchers report amazing results in the treatment of cancer, including in patients who were abandoned by official medicine. But we, ordinary people, unfortunately, know little about this. Moreover, few people will dare, rejecting the authoritative opinion of doctors, to take responsibility for their health, unless they are completely desperate people. However, sometimes they manage to recover from cancer, not always, unfortunately - probably because the disease does not allow everyone enough time to find the right solution themselves.

I want to tell you about two such cases, but first I want to introduce you to the opinion of the head of the international research group of scientists of the “World Grinization System” project (system of alimentary, or human nutritional recovery), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nikola Alexiev. Aleksiev is a famous doctor, chairman of the Association of Professors and Associate Professors of Bulgaria.

Over the course of 70 years of life, a person on average consumes approximately 70-80 tons of food, while the body's need for nutrients (excluding water) is about 18 tons, says Dr. Alexiev. - Undigested protein food residues create a breeding ground for the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria that produce allergens. Neutralizing these allergens takes up more than half of the immune system's resources. But with any overload of the immune system, the body’s ability to “withstand the blow” is lost. And he begins to miss these blows - then cancer occurs.

Research conducted in 1999 in Quebec, Canada, showed that radiation or chemotherapy in cancer treatment sometimes even worsens the situation by damaging and depleting the immune system, which reduces its ability to destroy cancer cells by 30-100 times. And in order to cure cancer, it is necessary first of all, on the contrary, to restore and strengthen the immune system.

Research has also shown that healthy nutrition using the "Grinsist" technology practically creates conditions for self-healing of the body and its rejuvenation, including the cure of cancer, within 20 days. The activity of cellular immunity increases 20 times, the detoxification function of the liver increases 8-33 times. But it is precisely this function that ensures the neutralization of cancer toxins, allowing cancer to be cured.

But this is how it happens in life, when a person who has almost been “written off” by doctors refuses to prematurely remove himself from the list of the living.

People come to him to cure cancer

“Local oncology specialists, and then those in the capital, pronounced a terrible sentence on the young doctor of the Koretsk District Sanitary Epidemiological Station (Rivne region of Ukraine), Nikolai Klimchuk: colon cancer. But Nikolai did not submit to the serious illness. He independently pulled himself out of the other world, and now he is bringing others back too.

His method is as simple as the life of our ancestors. But it was not easy for Nikolai Dmitrievich to come to her. His own misfortune forced him to search for life-saving “straws”. True, medical knowledge also came in handy. Step by step, through testing on his own body, he walked towards healing, and finally came.

When he heard a terrible diagnosis from oncology specialists, he gave up. Actually, I no longer had enough strength to move: to take a step, I had to hold on to the wall. Unbearable pain permeated the entire body. What to do? How to recover from cancer? At the institute he was taught that cancer is of viral origin, so there is no way to overcome this impregnable wall without a vaccine, which still does not exist.

Or maybe this is not the cause of the trouble? Nikolai thought and analyzed. And he started taking... antifungal drugs. And I felt an improvement when I came to Trichopolum, which is based on wormwood. Therefore, he concluded that the cause of the disease is fungus , which means it is necessary to destroy the bridgehead for its attack on the body.

Actually, Nikolai Klimchuk did not discover anything new. He turned to ancient methods of maintaining health. Since the fungus is afraid of an acidic environment, this means that this environment should be created in the body not only with the help of medications, but also naturally - both internally and externally.

Inner is food. And the outside one has baths. Therefore, he switched to sour food - borscht made from sorrel, cabbage soup, rassolnik, borscht made from fresh cabbage and red beet, seasoned with vinegar, boiled beans, pickled cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, apples and kvass made from them, lemons, rye bread, pork lard, boiled meat... Every 20-30 minutes he ate something from this. And I ate a head of garlic with lard every day. And, of course, I took trichopolum according to the appropriate regimen, washing it down with a decoction of garlic.

At the same time, he also drank consecrated water on an empty stomach (it never grows moldy, which means the fungus is afraid of it), avoided sweet foods, fried, pickled foods, pasta, alcohol and heavy physical activity.

Since the fungus develops in the dark, it should be combated at night. Therefore, Klimchuk established the first rule: the patient should rest during the day and be treated at night. He compares fighting a fungus to... hunting a turtle. When is it easier to kill her? Then, when she moves, and does not doze, hiding her head and legs under her shell. The healer believes that the fungus is easier to kill when it multiplies.

Official medicine claims that cancer patients should not sunbathe in the sun. Nikolai Dmitrievich’s method does not exclude tanning. On the contrary, he advises his patients to take sunbathing for 10-15 minutes three times a day. He believes that the sun's rays also help destroy the fungus in the body.

He came to these and other sources of recovery gradually, over the course of 10 years. He received treatment and at the same time developed his own method of dealing with a serious illness: he analyzed, compared, wrote down...

Now Nikolai Dmitrievich is 62 years old. He cured himself as a very young man, and over the years he has helped other people cure cancer. However, until now, official medicine has taken a silent position regarding his method of treating the “disease of the century.” He contacted many authorities, including the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, but is still waiting for feedback on his development. In the meantime, after all stages of treatment, cancer patients with their last hope go to Nikolai Dmitrievich...

It’s good that at least no one can suspect him of quackery. After all, he himself saved his own life and brought back from the other world more than a dozen people of different ages, both men and women.”

I read this story about five years ago in a newspaper. Think about it: if at that time Klimchuk was 62 years old, and he fell ill shortly after graduating from college, around 26-27 years old, I guess, then he refined the technique back in 1980. Still no answer, no hello.

The main thing is not to give up

Here's how things have been going lately. Just a week ago I received a letter from a subscriber to my mailing list, Yuri Vladimirovich Kaplin, from Kyiv. He also managed to cure cancer on his own. This is what he writes.

"Dear Alexander.

Unfortunately, I would much rather write a manufacturing manual or technical report than an article or note.

But I will state the facts clearly. So.

He lived and worked like all normal people in the USSR - he worked in the defense industry, carried out the “decisions of the party and government” as “needed”, sometimes did not leave the enterprise until a week at the end of the month. For this I received a bunch of certificates and, sometimes, from 10 to 25 (!) rubles as a bonus. I was exposed as “necessary” to very harmful radiation.

After 60, the thought gradually began to appear that life was “already” passing, fatigue began to appear, body shapes changed, and the gait became heavier. "Old age". And although I led a “healthy lifestyle”, tried to harden myself, strained myself physically, I could feel it. I will not describe the physiological details.

One late autumn Sunday evening I returned from the dacha and everything felt normal. In the morning I woke up with a wild pain in my throat, ear, stuffy ear, and a temperature of 38 degrees. I decided that I had a “cold”, although I did not understand how this could be.

The first days I tried to be treated with “folk remedies”, but the temperature kept rising. On the third day, the wife called a doctor to the house, who, bursting into the bedroom in boots and a coat, took the temperature and declared “how beautifully you are ill!” (temperature 39.5) and issued a sick leave.

The next day, 39.6-39.7, they called the doctor again, who, in addition to the temperature, also listened to the lungs and heart. The pulse was at times about 40, sometimes 140, this is at rest.

This doctor insisted on urgent hospitalization and did not leave until my condition improved and I was sent to the hospital.

It takes a long time to say all this, they found fluid in the lungs (in the pleura), pumped out more than a liter, analyzed it, and informed me that there were “atypical” cells. At first I wanted to hope that this was a mistake. But x-rays, computed tomography, analysis at the Oncology Institute for Lomonosov (Prof. Galakhin) and, finally, at the Oncology Center did not leave any hope.

Of my relatives, my mother and sister (the youngest) died of cancer. I looked at the crowds of patients in the corridors at the oncology clinic, and I got the feeling that these were crowds of people who were still barely alive or already corpses. The attitude of the staff at the oncology dispensary towards the patients confirmed that there was no longer any hope for recovery.

They determined stage 3 B (metastases in the root of the lungs), surgery in this case is impossible, and, so casually, they advised me to try chemotherapy and radiation. Knowing the experience of relatives and friends who passed on to another world, having seen enough of the crowds of sick people and the attitude towards them, I realized that there was nothing for me to do there.

I made a decision for myself that there is no point in relying on official medicine, if I don’t find a way out myself, then...

There was no fear, there was anger that I was not mentally ready to die in some stupid and early way. All the time from the first diagnosis, I understood all the cancer treatment methods found on the Internet and in printed publications, contacted many “luminaries” who advertised their cancer treatment methods in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, the USA, and Georgia. I found something useful from some people, but everything is somehow unreliable, unstable, and not very logical.

I hardly slept for 2 months and spent nights hastily studying this problem. As a result, I came up with a methodology consisting of several stages and began to act. There is a lot of work in accordance with this technique, but the work captivates, distracts and, since you are busy, there are fewer and fewer bad thoughts.

At first the thought appeared that I wouldn’t die for a long time, then the excitement - how long will I be able to live? And then surprise - instead of death, he somehow lives well, although he has lost more than 20 kg of weight. But there was some kind of lightness in the body, although the muscles became rather weak.

When after 5.5 months. I went to the dispensary to check what kind of world I was in, some incomprehensible movements of the doctors began.

After the x-ray we discussed the image for a long time and took him again to another machine. Then another one. Then they asked which one they used to take my pictures at first, and they took them again (only 4 pictures in a row - I don’t feel sorry for the patient!)

After some time, they invited me into the office, where they hung up all the pictures (about ten) and, staring at them, the radiologist asked: “What were you treated with?”

Over the past decade, medical attitudes toward cancer have changed significantly. If until recently cancer was considered an incurable disease, today there are quite effective ways to combat this serious illness. The most common methods are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Those who are faced with this serious disease often have a question: is cancer curable? Doctors say treatment options and the likelihood of survival depend on the stage of the cancer. You can read more about this in this article:. Let's look at the main treatment methods.

Surgical intervention

Treatment with surgery is the most common cancer treatment. Thus, cancer cells, metastases, as well as healthy cells of the body damaged by cancer are surgically removed. This method in oncology not only treats cancer, but also prepares patients for radiotherapy. Surgical treatment, as a rule, is always complemented by other methods, since it is almost impossible to remove all cancer cells with a scalpel. The operation to remove cancer cells usually takes place quite quickly and without consequences. A significant disadvantage of this method is that after surgery there is often a relapse, because cancer cells remain in the body.


Chemotherapy is one of the basic treatments for cancer. During chemotherapy, the patient is regularly administered an antitumor drug intravenously using a syringe or dropper. Chemotherapy is used to treat cancer where it is convenient for the patient, but more often in a hospital setting, since during treatment there may be undesirable consequences, for example, vomiting or suffocation.

Today, cytotoxins are used for chemotherapy in oncology. These are strong chemicals derived from the asphyxiating gas mustard gas. When the medicine enters the body, it begins to actively destroy cancer cells or stops their growth, thereby achieving remission. When treating breast and ovarian prostate cancer, hormonal drugs such as tamoxifen and flutamide are always additionally used. This allows the patient to maintain reproductive function.

Despite the fact that chemotherapy can effectively treat cancer, it has many opponents. The thing is that antitumor drugs are strong toxins that destroy both cancer cells and healthy cells of the body. The dose of medication during therapy is close to lethal, so treatment is accompanied by side effects, for example, hair loss, metabolic disorders.

Radiation therapy (radiotherapy)

Radiotherapy is used in every second case of cancer treatment. Treatment involves irradiating cancer cells with a small dose of ionizing radiation, as a result of which they begin to be destroyed and the cancer goes into remission. Radiation therapy is used quite often after cancer surgery in order to get rid of those cells that could not be operated on. Radiation therapy can be external (intraoperative radiotherapy) or internal (brachytherapy), depending on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease. Radiotherapy is always carried out in stages, that is, the dose of radiation gradually increases. Also, the radiation is always directed to the area most damaged by cancer. Healthy tissues that are located nearby are covered with lead blocks.

Radiotherapy, like treatment with chemical drugs, undoubtedly cures cancer, but at the same time, healthy cells are also exposed to strong radiation. While the effects of chemotherapy appear immediately, harm from radiation may occur several years later. In addition, after radiation therapy sessions, internal or external burns remain. Patients often describe feeling unwell and weak after radiation therapy, but these symptoms quickly disappear.

Treatment of cancer with traditional methods

In addition to traditional medicine, cancer is treated with traditional methods, such as decoctions, compresses, ointments from herbs, plants, etc. In addition, there are dietary recommendations. For example, it is recommended to drink a spoonful of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach in the morning. The diet should include raw apricot kernels, elderberry and dogwood berries, and seaweed. Traditional medicine recommends iodine nets as procedures, as well as constant cleansing of the body with enemas.

To cleanse the blood and remove toxins, the following preventive measures are used:

A decoction of rose hips, black elderberry and hawthorn. The fruits of these plants are mixed 100 grams in clean water. Sometimes wild pear and apple leaves are added. Cook for 2 hours, then strain. The decoction is taken 2-3 times a day after meals.

A decoction of young birch and black currant leaves. Sometimes mint and raspberry leaves are added to this. 50 grams of leaves are infused in hot water, then filtered. You should drink before going to bed.

Remember that cancer is a complex systemic disease that is often fatal. For therapy to be effective, you should combine methods, as well as constantly consult with your doctor.

Every year the number of cancer patients is growing more and more. This trend is largely due to the demographic aging of the population. Some experts argue that the main cause of this serious disease is an unfavorable environmental situation. But in combination with genetic predisposition and work in chemical production, the risk of getting cancer increases. New in cancer treatment– an increasingly relevant topic today, since traditional methods used to destroy cancer cells are not always effective.

For many years, scientists have been working to develop new methods that could eliminate this terrible disease or at least stop its progression. The experimental results give impressive hope that. Let's consider modern methods for treating cancer that have proven themselves to be positive.

New cancer treatments

Thanks to medical progress and innovative technologies, new methods of treating cancer are in many ways superior to traditional methods of treating oncology: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy. The latter are inferior in their effectiveness, treatment period, duration of rehabilitation or general toxicity.


This method is based on the effect of ultra-low temperature (down to -198°C) on cancer cells. Cryosurgery is used both to destroy cancer cells of internal organs and superficial tumor formations. Using a cryoprobe or surface application, liquid nitrogen forms ice crystals within the cancer tissue, resulting in tumor destruction and necrotic cells being sloughed off or absorbed into other tissues.


Can be used to treat precancerous and certain types of cancer, namely:

  1. Oncology of the skin (basal, squamous cell carcinoma), osteoarticular system, liver, prostate, retina, lungs, oral cavity, .
  2. Keratosis.
  3. Cervical dysplasia.

The possibility of using cryosurgery to treat oncology of the kidneys, breasts, and intestines, as well as its compatibility with traditional methods of treatment, is currently being studied.

If you use this method in the early stages of the disease, with a low degree of malignancy and small tumor size, the effect of treatment will give the most favorable results.


  • cryofibrinogenemia;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • cryoglobulinemia;
  • cold urticaria.

Advantages :

  • tissue damage is minimal, so no suturing is required after the procedure, which makes the treatment method less traumatic;
  • local effect on the tumor leaves healthy cells unharmed;
  • the duration of the procedure itself takes a short period of time;
  • Compared to traditional treatment methods, this method has a short recovery period, because pain, bleeding and other complications are minimized.

Flaws :

The consequences that await the patient after the procedure are not as serious and severe as with other treatment methods, but still, the patient should be aware of the possible side effects of cryosurgery:

  1. The appearance of pain, bleeding, spasms in the area of ​​the removed tumor.
  2. Loss of sensation.
  3. The appearance of scars, pigmentation on the skin, its thickening, swelling,...
  4. When treating the liver, damage to the bile duct is possible.
  5. When treating the prostate, disruption of the urinary system and impotence may occur.
  6. If the tumor has metastasized, then cryosurgery will not be able to affect the relapse.
  7. When treating bone cancer, cracks may appear in them.

Since the method is quite new and its prevalence is not as widespread as traditional oncology treatment, doctors cannot clearly name all the possible consequences of the procedure. But the effectiveness of the treatment is beyond doubt - the tumors disappear, which makes cryosurgery increasingly in demand in our time.

Price :

The cost of the procedure depends on the location and extent of tumor spread. The average price abroad can be about 5 thousand dollars, in Russia – 2 thousand dollars.

Cyber ​​Knife

Translated - “cyber knife”. This method is an excellent alternative to traditional surgery. The principle of action is the radiological effect on the tumor. The radiation beam irradiates the tumor from different angles, which causes radiation to accumulate in the cancer cell and destroy it. Healthy cells regenerate safely. The course of treatment is from 1 to 5 sessions (the duration of the procedure is up to 90 minutes). At stages 1 and 2 of the disease, recovery is effective in 98% of cases.


  1. Places inaccessible for surgical intervention.
  2. Recurrence of malignancy.
  3. Malignant and benign tumors of any location.
  4. Inability for any reason to use traditional cancer treatment methods.


There are practically no contraindications, with the exception of particularly severe stages of cancer, when the tumor exceeds 5 cm.

Advantages :

  • the tumor is treatable regardless of its type and location;
  • no anesthesia or incisions are required. The patient is not at risk of bleeding, pain, or cosmetic defects. The procedure is absolutely painless;
  • there is no rehabilitation period;
  • the method is compatible with traditional methods of treatment;
  • healthy tissues are not damaged, since the ultra-precise direction of the rays at different angles has a cumulative effect on cancer cells;
  • the possibility of treating several pathological foci simultaneously.

Flaws :

Recovery may not occur after the first session. As the tumor shrinks (or shrinks), the result will be noticeable, and this often takes more than one procedure.

If the formation is larger than 3.5 cm, then the use of this method will be ineffective. In addition, there is neoplasm, but it is significantly lower than the risk after using traditional cancer treatments.

Price :

The price of treatment using this method in Russia can vary between 150-350 thousand rubles.

New drugs for cancer


This is an antitumor cytostatic drug whose active ingredient is chlorambucil. The principle of action is cell alkylation. The active component disrupts the DNA replication of cancerous formations.


The medication is taken in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Hodgkin's disease;
  • chronic lymphocytic leukemia;
  • malignant lymphoma;


Pregnant and lactating women should not take the medicine. Also, you should not take the medicine if you are individually intolerant to any component of the drug; for severe kidney or liver diseases.

Advantages :

The medicine stops the development of cancer cells 2-3 weeks after use. The drug has a toxic effect on both non-dividing and dividing malignant cells. Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

Flaws :

May cause irreversible suppression of bone marrow function, decreased production of leukocytes, decreased hemoglobin, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reaction in the form of rashes, tremors, convulsions, hallucinations, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, weakness, anxiety.

Price :

Sold by prescription and the average cost is 3,300 rubles.


The medicine belongs to the PD-1 receptor blocker drugs. The principle of action is based on the inhibition of cellular immunity. The small size of the active substance penetrates the cancer cell, binds to PD-1 receptors, which subsequently reduce and block the activity of lymphocytes. The use is effective in the most aggressive malignant forms.


  1. Progressive lung cancer.
  2. Inoperable melanoma (when it is impossible to remove it or medications do not work).


Pregnant and lactating women, young people under 18 years of age, patients with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and liver diseases are contraindicated to take the medication.

Advantages :

The drug prevents the development and growth of malignant tumors, and also prevents the appearance and development of metastases. With proper treatment and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, the patient’s condition will be noticeably improved and life expectancy will be increased.

Flaws :

The medicine may exhibit side effects of varying intensity: allergic rash, nausea, vomiting, itching, diarrhea, swelling of the arms and legs, problems with kidney function.

Price :

The drug has a high cost - for 40 mg, the patient will have to pay almost 1000 USD.

New technologies in cancer treatment, which include innovative antitumor drugs and methods of targeting the tumor, are an excellent alternative to traditional treatment. Clinical studies confirm the effectiveness of the above methods and medications. With a competent approach to treatment and following all the doctor’s recommendations, even severe stages can be treated, this gives great hope for recovery.

Previously, the word “Cancer” sounded like a sentence. Thanks to modern medical capabilities, cancer can be detected at an early stage. The detection rate of cancer at an early stage (1-2) increased from 62% to 66%. This, of course, speaks of the positive impact of medical examinations, the latest equipment installed in institutions and increasing the level of sanitary literacy of the population. Moreover, the detection rate of stages 3 and 4 has decreased - from 37% to 32%. The latest developments in treatment methods and new drugs that have appeared in the last decade thanks to the pharmaceutical industry give every chance of successfully combating this disease. One-year mortality, i.e. the death of the patient within the first year from the moment of diagnosis, decreased from 9.5 to 7.4%. This suggests that new methods of therapy and modern drugs have begun to be used, but not yet widely enough. And of course, the patient’s attitude is very important, his desire to comply with the doctors’ orders on time. Providing psychological assistance to the patient and his relatives at the time of diagnosis sets both the patient and his environment up for success.

In this article we want to talk about the possibilities of medicine and our Russian achievements.

Cancer is a diagnosis, but you can fight it and you can live with it. The five-year survival rate of cancer patients is 58%.

Where does cancer come from?

Unfortunately, the root cause of these diseases is different. To date, there is no single factor that would explain the nature of this disease.

An important factor is stress, depression, anxiety. Therefore, it is so necessary to monitor not only physical, but also mental health. Research shows this: people who remain in a state of stress for a long time are a risk group.

Malignant tumors arise as a result of the degeneration of normal cells, which begin to multiply uncontrollably. It is believed that such cells appear in everyone's body, but are destroyed by the body's own defense system. If

the body is not able to remove these cells (weakened immunity, then the tumor begins to grow and itself releases substances that suppress the immune system.

No contact with carcinogens (substances that cause cancer, such as tar from smoking); use of environmentally friendly products; maintaining normal body weight and a healthy lifestyle; preventive examinations.

Unfortunately, as practice in Russia shows, patients, having heard about a terrible diagnosis, run to healers or believe in miraculous healings - usually charlatans. And often time is lost. The TopMedClinic information portal is a free information resource for patients, allowing them to obtain the most truthful and complete information about clinics, advanced treatment methods and the ability to contact both directly the selected institution and a representative in the selected country.

Cancer is curable, but only if diagnosed and treated in a timely manner!

Can cancer be cured and what are the chances of recovery?

First of all, it is important what kind of cancer, at what stage the cancer was detected, the stages of spread and what organ is damaged. Cancer treatment leads to “long-term remission” - the patient’s life after cancer, with constant medical supervision.

When making a diagnosis, it is important to consider a number of cumulative things:

  • Where was the disease detected?
  • What is the degree of damage
  • Are neighboring organs and tissues affected?
  • Are there cancer cells in other areas of the body?
  • Is surgery possible?

Diagnostic measures carried out at the first visit (in the absence of a previous examination) at the LBC clinic start from 20 thousand to 83 thousand rubles. In Germany, a full examination will cost about 5-7 thousand Euros, and in Spain this examination will cost 4 thousand Euros

Today, the “oncological” TOP includes lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer or prostate cancer, colorectal cancer (intestinal cancer) and stomach cancer

Lungs' cancer.

Timely diagnosis is important here. For such patients, the necessary treatment or combination of treatments helps determine the stage of the disease. For stages 1 and 2, the main method is surgical treatment. If it is impossible to remove the tumor in the classical way, the radiofrequency ablation method is used - a needle is inserted into the tumor and destroyed by electric current. Such methods are used in clinics in Switzerland. Before or after surgery, the patient will be consulted by a chemotherapy doctor (specializing in the treatment of cancer with drugs). If surgery is not indicated, radiation therapy may be recommended to treat a lung tumor. At stages 3 and 4, there is a high risk of relapse, even after successful surgery and radiation therapy. Then chemotherapy is prescribed in combination with radiation, which significantly increases the effect of treatment.

Can stomach cancer be cured?

Diet plays a major role in the development of stomach cancer. An excess of starch, salt, carbohydrates and nitrates in the menu, especially in combination with a lack of vegetables and fruits, as well as animal protein, explains the incredibly high incidence of stomach cancer.

When diagnosing stomach cancer, it is of great importance where exactly the malignant process originated and how far it has spread. For life and choice of treatment, it is important to divide stomach cancer into early or initial and advanced. Early cancer is a tumor only in the mucosa and submucosa, regardless of the presence of metastases to regional lymph nodes. This is an excellent prognosis for life and a small-scale operation (including endoscopic). Bone and brain metastases are rare in gastric cancer.

During surgery, it is possible to combine it with hyperthermic chemotherapy. The fact is that stomach tumor cells are little sensitive to chemotherapy drugs, and in order to increase it, either the drugs are heated, or the cells are heated using microwaves.

Further treatment is determined by the doctor, which significantly reduces the risk of recurrent disease.

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer?

Breast cancer is highly treatable, but it cannot be cured without undergoing special therapy.

Basic treatment regimens:

radiation therapy, chemotherapy,

targeted therapy (the latest modern drugs that act specifically on tumor receptors)

hormone therapy

There are several types of therapy. The prescription of a particular therapy or combination of treatments depends on the characteristics of specific tumors and the individual characteristics of the patient.

This is why it is so important for all women over 40 to undergo preventive examinations.

What is prostate cancer?

This disease occurs in every 7th man over the age of 50.

The occurrence of this nosology is associated with the presence of the male sex hormone testosterone. Prostate cancer develops slowly (10-15 years until its final stage), but metastasizes. If the tumor is removed before it appears, the disease is considered cured.

Diagnosis of this disease begins with a digital examination in the urologist’s office, but as a rule, if the tumor is palpable, then it is no longer stage 1. A blood test for prostate-specific antigen is required. Additionally, the latest diagnostic methods are used - multiparametric MRI (the ability to detect not only the size of the tumor, but also to “identify” the level of cell aggressiveness. Previously, such studies were only possible in clinics in Israel or Germany, and the cost of such a study started from 4 thousand euros. Now do a biopsy-free the study of prostate life became possible in Greece (Thessaloniki) and the cost of this service is 2 times cheaper.

The newest methods of treating prostate cancer are distinguished by the fact that they are produced in the most gentle way possible. So, unlike endoscopic operations, surgery using the Da Vinci robot allows you to rotate the “surgeon’s hand” during surgery 360 degrees around its axis. Those. in these cases, the surgical field requires minimal space, thereby reducing the degree of blood loss and trauma to healthy tissue. Such methods of surgical treatment, such as using Hi-Fi, do not even involve an incision on the patient’s body. Under the influence of vibrations, the tumor becomes necrotic and is replaced by scar tissue. Such methods are now used in Russia, in the urology oncology clinic at the Institute named after. Fronshteina, Moscow.

As in previous oncological diseases, the stage of detection of the disease and the specificity of the tumor are of great importance.

To sum up the question “can cancer be cured?” We note the importance of a timely diagnosis and timely treatment of the disease. It is necessary to take all the doctor’s recommendations seriously and take medications on time.

Methods used in the treatment of cancer: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormone therapy give high results.

In Russia, cancer treatment is possible under the VHI policy and in private clinics. For example, at the LBC clinic in St. Petersburg. Equipping with the latest equipment and personnel trained abroad allows you to receive medical care according to European standards within the country of residence.

If we consider cancer treatment abroad, the leaders in oncology issues are the USA and England. In the field of cancer diagnosis and treatment, it is Britain, as the country closest to us, that occupies a leading position. World-class doctors practice in AngloMedical's partner clinics; many specialists are members of the Royal Colleges of Great Britain, such as the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal College of Radiologists, the Royal College of Gynecologists. AngloMedical's partner doctors are regularly included in the lists of the best doctors in the country: the top 250 private doctors according to Tatler magazine, one hundred best children's doctors of 2012 named by the Times newspaper and many others.

In Germany, these are large university and private clinics, for example, the Hamburg Radiotherapy Center is a modern German clinic specializing in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. In Spain, Hospital Vithas Xanit Internacional is a private innovative medical center located on the southern coast of Spain. Diagnostic programs at the Vithas Xanit center are based on a modular system and can include, at the patient’s request, any additional studies, including early detection of certain types of cancer - this is where advanced technologies, highly qualified doctors and nursing staff are concentrated. In addition, before prescribing treatment, foreign doctors prefer to “measure seven times.” In the medical centers of these countries there is a very precise diagnostic system, that is, a clear determination of the type of cancer tumor and its primary focus, after which the patient is prescribed individual treatment.

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