What animals are around the world. The rarest animals of Russia. Eared seal or sea lion

The variety of living forms includes our planet. To date, a lot of them have already died out, it is very difficult to count them. Particular attention is paid to beautiful animals, they are loved by children, they are shown on TV, they can be found in the zoo, or read in a book. But there are animals on earth that are very difficult to meet. These rare species are hidden from human eyes. The alerts that reach us indicate that these animals are endangered, or on the verge of extinction. Who are they, the rarest animals on the planet?

Baiji river dolphin

This mammal lives only on the Yangtze River. Many confuse it with the Chinese white dolphin, but they are very different. Baiji is considered officially dead. Researchers in 2006 tried to find at least one in the river, but failed. But, a year later, a certain photographer was able to capture these river animals. How many of them are left is not known. But even if they are not extinct, there are very few of them left.

Pinta Island Turtle

On the island of Pinta, a lot of turtles lived. But a local fisherman brought goats in 1958 to feed his family. And after 10 years, there were a lot of goats, and they ate all the vegetation, depriving the turtles of food. The Pinta Island tortoises can be considered an extinct species. Now this turtle can only be admired in the photo. The last living of this species is named Lonesome George. This turtle is a hundred years old and has become a living symbol of the Galapagos Islands. For a very long time they were in search of a female for George, but the search did not give anything. The genus of Galapagos tortoises has ceased.

All that's left for today. Javan stands out among them with its rarity. It is a close relative of the Indian rhinoceros, but much smaller in size. These species once lived in Southeast Asia. But human hunting for these animals has put this species at risk of extinction. Today there are less than 60 left.

Who is the real okapi? Zebra? Giraffe? In fact, it is the only species of its kind. She is similar in physique, and her limbs are colored like a striped zebra. Their fur is brown with reddish tints. But at the same time, the neck and legs are long, but not as long as those of a giraffe. Okapi are found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They live in dense tropical forests. It is impossible to count the number of okapis, as they are timid and wary of humans. But with deforestation, the species became on the verge of extinction.

To date, the existence of this species is in danger. There are two residential areas on the island of Grenada, one in the southwest of the island and the other on the west coast. Recently Grenadian pigeons have decreased by 50%. After Hurricane Ivan hit Grenada, the pigeon population dropped dramatically.

blue macaw

The rarest type of parrot. Its weight is 400 grams, and its length is 57 cm. Macaws live in Brazil. They settle in palm groves, on plains with tall trees or in thorny bushes. Unfortunately, this species is considered extinct. They cannot be seen in the wild. The last male was seen in 2000. The reason for the death of macaws in nature was the capture of birds, cutting down trees. To preserve this species, they began to breed in captivity.

Sailboat of Queen Alexandra

Ora Province, home to the world's largest butterfly, the Queen Alexandra's Sailboat, which has a wingspan of up to 30 cm. It is considered a very rare butterfly. They are on the verge of extinction.

Far Eastern leopard

The largest subspecies of leopards from the cat family. It lives in the Primorsky Territories of the Khasansky District. It is under the threat of extinction. There are only 37 left in the wild. Leopard hunting has been banned since 1956.

Florida cougar

This animal is on the verge of extinction due to human extermination. The settlers sought to protect their horses by sending dogs to cougars. Several cougars are located within the Everglades National Park. The cougar is protected in parts of Florida. But there are very few of these animals left, it is unlikely that when not be, we will be able to see them.

Dolgopyatov can be found on the islands of Southeast Asia. They live in Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines. But these primates are not found there in large numbers. The growth of tarsiers is from 9 to 16 cm. At the same time, their legs are twice as long as their bodies. They have very interesting eyes that are the size of their own brains. These animals are very jumpy. They pounce on the victim and bite through the skull with their sharp teeth. Tarsier breeding is in a deplorable state. Even a person cannot influence, since tarsiers do not breed in captivity.

Among tigers, this is the rarest species of albino representatives. The color in tigers is caused by a recessive gene. The golden tiger can only be found in captivity. These tigers are native to Bengal. They are relatives of the Amur variety. The golden tiger, like the white tiger, is genetically contaminated with the genes of the Amur white tiger Tony. To date, in zoos, in captivity, there are about 30 animals with this coloration.

Seychelles white-tailed bat

These mice live in the Seychelles, can be found in Madagascar. The islands are home to bats. Animals are at risk of extinction. Once there were a lot of these winged ones, but when a person changed their natural environment, it was noticeably displayed on mice. About a hundred individuals remained in their habitat.

Despite the fact that our planet has many unique animals, not a single modern zoologist can say exactly how many representatives of the fauna inhabit the earth. However, the population of some animal species is steadily declining from year to year, and this is due to the barbaric attitude of man towards nature and its representatives.

The human factor and numerous natural disasters over the past decades have reduced the number of many animal species.

In order to preserve endangered species and prevent their extinction, in 1948 a special nature protection commission, the purpose of which is to identify rare animals and take them under state protection. It is customary to list all endangered and rare species of animals in the encyclopedia of rare representatives of the flora, which is known to everyone under the name of the Red Book.

The rarest animals in the world: main categories

Animals, of which there are very few left on Earth, are taken under protection by the state and must are entered in the Red Book Register. If an animal is included in this book, then it automatically becomes a rare or endangered species and is protected by ecologists from all over the world.

Categories of fauna representatives considered rare and listed as protected

Who are rare and endangered animals

  • If we talk about rare representatives of the fauna, then these are animals that are on the planet there is very little left. Due to unfavorable environmental conditions, the human factor or the capture of rare animals, their population is falling sharply or is on the verge of extinction.
  • As for endangered animals, these are the representatives of the fauna that are left in the world a counted number. Zoologists and representatives of the protection of the animal world all over the planet create all sorts of conditions for the conservation of endangered species, since if appropriate measures are not taken to save the population of these representatives of the fauna, then in a blessed few decades they can simply disappear from the face of the Earth and remain only on the pages Red Book.
  • And the last category is extinct animals that are already gone forever from the face of the Earth, you can learn about them only from the encyclopedia. Over the past few decades, zoologists have not been able to find a single representative of an extinct species on the planet.

The main reasons why animals disappear around the planet

In fact, there are a number of fundamental factors that cause the extinction of animals:

If such trends do not stop, many categories of fauna are at risk of disappearing into the face of the Earth forever.

The rarest animals in the world, the number of which is limited

Below is a list of some of the rarest species of representatives of the animal world, which are listed in the Red Book and are carefully protected by scientists from around the world.

  1. A very amazing and unique animal, the number of which throughout the Earth does not exceed 600 individuals is giraffe rothschild. The main difference from other representatives of this species is that the Rothschild has unique wide patterns on the entire surface of the skin in the form of spots outlined by white stripes with specific bends. In addition to this difference, giraffes have, in comparison with their relatives, the greatest height and five horns on their heads - one in the center of the head, one horn is located in the center of the forehead, and the other two are located directly behind their ears.
  2. A rare animal, predominantly found in eastern America, - red wolf. Their number is no more than three hundred individuals. The main threat of extinction was the human factor - the extermination of red wolves by farmers due to constant attacks on livestock. Therefore, this species is under protection and is listed in the Red Book.
  3. Dangerous Predator - golden tiger has a unique golden color due to the presence of a regressive gene. The birthplace of this unique species of tigers was Bengal. Unfortunately, it is still possible to meet the golden tiger only in captivity, since the number of this species is about 30-35 individuals throughout the Earth. It is under the protection of scientists and needs to be saved, since the animals are at the stage of extinction.
  4. The only species of cougars listed in the Red Book and under the constant protection of scientists is. This species got its name solely because of its habitat - America, Florida. The impetus that served for the extinction of the species is the barbaric attitude of man. The species was exterminated by dogs so that people could protect their horses, which were constantly attacked by animals in search of food. The current population of this species is over 160 individuals, and there are positive trends towards an increase in the number of Florida Cougars, which has become possible due to the protection of this species and the control of its growth in numbers.
  5. Currently, the rarest animals in the world are Snow leopards, which are one of the largest and most powerful predators living in Eurasia in the mountains. This species is the owner of a very long and flexible body, a small head shape and short legs. It is on the list of rare protected animals not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world. But even though hunting for this species is prohibited, people ignore the laws and exterminate leopards in pursuit of money - they have very soft and warm skins. The population of this species in the wild falls from year to year. According to rough estimates, there are no more than a hundred representatives of this species on the planet. However, due to good breeding even in captivity, there is a good chance that the snow leopard population will gradually increase.
  6. A unique species of rhino, which is on the verge of extinction - Sumatran. A distinctive feature of this species is its size - it is the smallest of the representatives of its species. It lives exclusively in Sumatra, and less often in the Malay Peninsula or Borneo. According to the statistics of scientists, the number of individuals of this species does not exceed 280 rhinos. The main habitat is forests, tropical swamps. This is one of the most little-known and little-studied representatives of the fauna that exists on the Planet. Animals are under the protection of scientists, however, they cannot breed in captivity, so this species survives only in its natural habitat, and hunting for it is prohibited by law.
  7. Rare animal species that require human protection - white lions. To date, they rank second in terms of population decline. The white lion was born as a result of a rare genetic disease called leucism. It is due to the development of this mutation that this animal acquired the corresponding color of a light shade, which distinguishes this species of tigers from other representatives of this family. Lions should not be confused with albinos - by no means, these animals have a natural shade of skin, skin and eyes. For the first time, the existence of this species became known at the end of the 20th century.
  8. A unique species of primates that lives mainly in Africa - tarsiers. Tarsier is a small animal. His main feature is that his eyes are almost the same size as his brain. Tarsiers are owners of small stature, which ranges from 9 to 16 cm. It is noteworthy that the hind legs of the animal are almost twice as long as its body. Moreover, these animals are very mobile and jumping. Tarsiers are predators; they feed not only on insects, but also on small birds and animals. However, the population of these unique primates is in a terrible state, and even scientists cannot influence the increase in the number of individuals of this species. The main problem is precisely that tarsiers cannot bear offspring in captivity. As for the number of this species, it does not exceed 400 individuals throughout the planet.
  9. No less rare is the far eastern leopard- an animal that lives in the Far East, North Korea and China. It is considered one of the largest subspecies of the leopard family that exists on earth. According to the data collected by scientists, there are no more than 70 individuals of this species in captivity. These very flexible and graceful creatures are extremely difficult to breed outside of freedom. The main feature is that males choose a female for an extremely long time, and in most cases reject her. The main factor that influenced the extinction of that species is the human one. During the displacement and extermination of the Far Eastern leopard from its usual habitat, the population of animals was minimized, and therefore, they are on the verge of extinction.
  10. Perhaps one of the rarest and most mythical animals today is considered Przewalski's horse. These are the last representatives of the wild breed of horses, which people forced out of their usual habitat. The name of the breed comes from the name of the once famous researcher N.M. Przhevalsky. Currently, this unique breed can only be found in captivity - in zoos or local reserves. The total number of horses of this breed is about 1 thousand worldwide.
  11. mountain gorillas- large animals of large sizes live mainly in the tropics in Africa. But, despite their intimidating appearance, these animals are very kind, sociable and peaceful. The extinction of the species occurred due to the extermination of animals by people. Currently, according to data received from environmentalists, there are no more than 720 individuals of this species in the world.
  12. Very cute and beautiful animals that are on the verge of extinction - northern wombats living in North America. The species belongs to large mammals. It has a rather large length - about one meter. It is the owner of soft and thick fur of brown or light shade. The main reason for hunting this animal lies precisely in its fur. According to the data, there are now no more than 130 individuals of this species on earth.
  13. Burmese snub-nosed monkey also refers to endangered primate species. The natural habitat of this species is the northern part of Burma. Despite the fact that this family of primates was discovered quite recently - in 2010, this species is already on the verge of extinction. Scientists predict that in less than two decades, the species may completely disappear from the face of the earth if people do not take all measures to protect and preserve this species. Today, there are no more than three hundred snub-nosed monkeys in the world, which received their name for their characteristic difference - strongly upturned nostrils.
  14. Warty Visayan pig appeared in the Red Book relatively recently - about 26 years ago. The reason for the decline in the population over the past half century is poaching and a change in the habitat of the species. You can meet only on the islands of Panay or Negro. This species ranks fourth in the list of the rarest representatives of modern fauna.
  15. The rarest representative of the fauna is the river chinese dolphin. The problem is that this species cannot breed in captivity, and their population is declining on its own from year to year. Poor ecology and the barbaric attitude of people towards the animal world have led to the fact that no more than 13 individuals of this species are currently known to exist. If people do not stop spoiling the environment and exterminating animals, this will lead to the extinction of the river dolphin, and it will be possible to learn about it only from the Red Book.

Unfortunately, there are many animals that today are at the stage of complete extinction. And if all measures are not taken to preserve the environment and protect the fauna, the numbers will only grow, and the planet will lose unique animals.

Every year there are more and more titles.

Here are some photos of rare animals of Russia, which are on the verge of complete extinction, which, quite possibly, the next generations will be able to see only in photographs and pictures in encyclopedias.

Red mountain wolf

The natural habitat of these beauties with fiery, red and red color of shaggy skins is the mountainous part of the Far East, from the point of view of the political map of the world, these are parts of the territories, and Mongolia.

Outwardly, this beautiful, powerful beast, looks like a cross between a shepherd dog and weighs an average of 11.5 to 22 kg, is fully proportional to its weight in height, and can reach a meter in length.

He lives in a snowy mountainous area and is quite wary of a person, so it is quite difficult to photograph him in his natural environment.

Przewalski's horse

These beautiful, as if chiseled, wild horses are not just the rarest animals in Russia, they are one of the rarest planets. There are fewer than a couple of thousand horses left in the world, and their numbers are steadily declining.

This species of wild horses is the only one that exists today in its true, pristine natural form. The height of the horse ranges from 1.2 to 1.4 meters, the length can reach 2 meters, and this star of the steppes weighs from 290 to 345 kg.

Goral Amur

This goat seemed to come out of a Disney cartoon, he is so amusing and touching, kind and trusting. Unfortunately, wild mountain, or - — rare and endangered animals of Russia suffering from ecology and human activity.

At the moment, there are a little more than seven hundred of them, and on the territory of the Far Eastern reserves, the growth of gorals has not been observed for many years.

Gorals live in small groups of 6-12 individuals, migrating in circles across their territory. Height ranges from 60 to 85 cm, they can grow up to 100-125 cm in length, and weight. On average, it ranges from 45 to 55 kg.

Atlantic walrus

Atlantic indigenous inhabitant of the Barents Sea and, partially, the Kara Sea. it rare animal from the red book of Russia not just one of the carefully protected species, but since the 60s of the last century - a species that has been restored.

These fanged, serious lumps, somewhat reminiscent of huge dumplings, can reach one and a half tons in their weight, and grow up to 4-5 meters.

Eared seal or sea lion

This cutest creature lives on the Pacific Islands and Kamchatka. In length, animals rarely grow less than 3-3.5 meters, and their weight ranges from 1-1.5 tons.

This species of seal, despite its gigantic size, is very agile, curious and easy to train. Often, in the conditions of zoos, they "entertain" the audience, on their own initiative. It is almost impossible to see them in circuses due to their very large size and very voracious appetite.

White-faced short-headed dolphin

This mammal lives now in the Barents Sea. Once upon a time, a lot of such dolphins lived in the Baltic Sea, but now it is almost impossible to meet them there.

When compiling illustrations rare animals of Russia, a photo the white-faced dolphin is almost always forgotten, although this species is unusually beautiful, its fins and sides shimmer with a blue-black tint, setting off the harsh northern sea waters.

They are rarely less than 3.5 meters in length, and their weight is proportional to their height. Despite such an impressive size, the white-faced develop tremendous speeds, easily overtaking sports boats.

Far Eastern Amur leopard

Amazing wild spotted - the most strictly protected species. For the murder of such, in China, one punishment is the death penalty. Unfortunately, there are no such laws in our country, so poaching continues to flourish, reducing the population.

According to the rangers at the end of last year, only 48 individuals of this species remained on the Russian coast of the Amur, which is often called not, but “river leopard”, especially when selling its skins. The body length of these beauties, which are a species from a zoological point of view, ranges from 110 to 140 cm, and their weight is from 42 to 56 kg.

Far Eastern Ussuri tiger

These giant cats, without exaggeration, are stars among rare wild animals of Russia, they are known "in the face" by almost all the inhabitants of the world. The northernmost and largest of all have long been one of the visiting cards of our country, which, unfortunately, does not stop poachers.

In addition to poaching, the number of striped is threatened by the expansion of urban areas, and other human activities. The length of these full-fledged felines reaches 2.8-3.9 meters, their weight ranges from 180 to 320 kg, and height at the withers is rarely lower than 95-130 cm.

Asiatic steppe cheetah

This predatory wild cat is not just related to rare animals, living in Russia, it is almost an extinct species. There are 24 of these in the world in zoos, and only ten in the wild, all in the reserve near the Syrdarya.

Each cheetah is under vigilant protection, however, the prognosis for the restoration of the population is extremely unfavorable. The weight of the predator is from 42 to 62 kg, with a length of 1.15-1.45 meters and a height of up to 90 cm.

West Caucasian mountain goat or tur

To rare animal species in Russia joined relatively recently, and human activity was to blame for this. The habitat of these tours is the territory of the border between Russia and Georgia, the unfavorable situation on which in the recent past has affected not only people, but also, putting their existence at risk. The body length of these handsome ungulates reaches 1.15-1.4 meters, they are rarely shorter than a meter in height, and their weight is 60-100 kg.

Snow leopard or irbis

The rarest cat family. It is included in the IUCN Red Book (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and in the Red Book of Russia. The population is mainly threatened by the state of ecology and the consequences of the expansion of zones developed by man.

The length of snow leopards reaches 2.7-3.5 meters, with an average weight of 40-55 kg, but growth is low, on average, the height of a predator is from 30 to 50 cm.

musk deer

This is a cute saber-toothed living on the territory of the coasts of Lake Baikal. This animal, like many others, had to become a rare and protected species because of man.

In the case of musk deer, the fault was uncontrolled hunting for them, due to the extraction of musk glands, not only for artisanal use, for example, in traditional medicine recipes, but also for pharmaceutical collection points for animal and vegetable raw materials.

At the moment the situation is being corrected, the population of charming and unique in its specific appearance, small deer is growing. Growth varies from 65 to 80 cm, they are not more than a meter long, and their weight, on average, ranges from 12 to 19 kg.

Himalayan black bear or sloth

Indigenous inhabitant of the Far East. It can be found in our country in the Primorsky Territory, in the surrounding forests of Khabarovsk, and, in principle, along the entire course of the Amur.

It does not belong to endangered species in the world as a whole, and its number is declining, unfortunately, only in our country. The reason for this was, of course, human activity.

Quite miniature, in comparison with - the length "from the heels to the crown" is only one and a half to two meters, with growth at the withers from 60 to 80 cm. The weight of these shaggy, lipped charms fluctuates around 90-140 kg.

Giant evening bat

These cute "vampires", more like flying than blood-sucking monsters, live in the European part of our country, namely, in Nizhny Novgorod, Tver, Moscow and other central regions.

Mice settle in very large colonies, which causes some inconvenience to the locals, who, with the enthusiasm of exorcists, begin to destroy them.

If until the middle of the last century the population managed to recover and the mice intuitively moved away from the places where they were destroyed, now man has occupied absolutely all the lands in their habitats.

The result of the expansion of cities in the central regions was the threat of extinction of this species of bats from the face of the earth. At the moment, they are listed as protected species, but in natural conditions they are still catastrophically small, and in reserves in territories more distant than their natural habitat, mice do not take root.

The length of the fluffy body of the evening reaches 10-15 cm, these babies weigh from 45 to 75 grams, but the wingspan, which creates a slightly creepy noise effect during night flights, is 50-60 cm.

There are a lot of species on our planet that are on the verge of extinction, and, unfortunately, almost half of the endangered species that need attention, careful protection and help in the survival of animal species are - rare animals of Russia.

Fortunately, the government, environmental and law enforcement agencies are doing everything possible so that these animals do not disappear from the face of our planet, but these efforts are not always enough.

World Animal Day, designed to unite the efforts of people in the conservation of the animal world of our planet and in the protection of the rights of domestic animals, is celebrated on October 4th. Every day, dozens of representatives of flora and fauna disappear on Earth. One of the ways to fight for the conservation of biodiversity on our planet is the protection of rare and endangered species of plants and animals.

Snow leopard (irbis)- a rare, rare species. In the Red Book of the Russian Federation, he was assigned the first category - "a species that is endangered at the limit of its range." The total number of snow leopards in Russia, according to WWF (World Wildlife Fund) experts, is no more than 80-100 individuals.

Amur tiger- one of the rarest predators on the planet, the largest tiger in the world, the only representative of the species living in the snow. The Amur tiger is listed in the International Red Book; in Russia, these animals live only in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. According to the latest census, the population of a rare animal in the Russian Federation has about 450 individuals.

Far Eastern leopard- a subspecies of leopards of the class of mammals, the order of carnivores, the cat family. This is one of the rarest felines in the world. Many experts consider the Far Eastern leopard the most beautiful subspecies of leopards and often compare it with the snow leopard. The south of Primorsky Krai is the only habitat of the Far Eastern leopard in Russia. According to the latest census, about 50 leopards currently live in the Ussuri taiga. Scientists in many countries and WWF are concerned about the conservation of an endangered species.

manul- a rare predator of the steppes and semi-steppes of Eurasia - is listed in the international and Russian Red Books. This wild cat has a status close to threatened. According to scientists, the number of animals is declining. In addition, it is threatened by poachers, there is a threat of the disappearance of suitable habitats. The northernmost habitat of this animal is located in Russia, here the manul is found mainly in the mountain-steppe and desert-steppe landscapes of the southeast of the Altai Republic, in the republics of Tuva, Buryatia, and also in the southeastern part of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

komodo dragon- a species of lizard from the monitor lizard family, the largest lizard in the world fauna. According to one hypothesis, it was the monitor lizards of the Indonesian island of Komodo that served as the prototype of the Chinese dragon: an adult Varanus Komodoensis can exceed three meters in length and weigh more than one and a half centners. This largest lizard on Earth, which kills a deer with one blow of its tail, is found only in Indonesia and is among the endangered species of animals.

Over the past 20 years, the number Sumatran rhinos decreased by about 50% - due to poaching and deforestation of tropical forests. Currently, only about 200 representatives of this species live in Southeast Asia. In total, five species of rhinos are known in the world: three in South and Southeast Asia and two in Africa. All species of rhinos are listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. WWF reported in October this year that one species of rhinoceros, the Javan rhinoceros, had been completely wiped out in Vietnam.

Loggerhead- a species of sea turtles, the only representative of the loggerhead genus, or big-headed sea turtles. This species is widespread in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, in the Mediterranean Sea, the loggerhead can be found in the Far East (Peter the Great Bay) and in the Barents Sea (near Murmansk). The meat of this turtle was considered far from being the most delicious, only local tribes eat it, but its eggs were a delicacy. Their unlimited collection has led to a very serious decline in the number of this species of turtles over the past 50-100 years. This species of turtle is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Species of Wild Flora and Fauna and in the Red Book, protected by the laws of Cyprus, Greece, USA, Italy.

Sea otter or sea otter, is a predatory marine mammal of the weasel family, a species close to otters. The sea otter has a number of unique features of adaptation to the marine environment, and is also one of the few non-primate animals that use tools. Sea otters live on the northern shores of the Pacific Ocean in Russia, Japan, the USA and Canada. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, sea otters were subjected to predatory extermination due to their valuable fur, as a result of which the species was on the verge of extinction. In the twentieth century, sea otters were listed in the Red Book of the USSR, as well as in the security documents of other countries. As of 2009, sea otter hunting is virtually banned in all regions of the world. It is allowed to hunt sea otters only to the indigenous population of Alaska - the Aleuts and Eskimos, and only to maintain folk crafts and food rations that have historically developed in this region.

bison is the heaviest and largest land mammal on the European continent and the last European representative of wild bulls. Its length is 330 cm, the height at the withers is up to two meters, and the weight reaches one ton. The destruction of forests, the growing density of human settlements and intensive hunting in the 17th and 18th centuries exterminated the bison in almost all countries of Europe. At the beginning of the 19th century, wild bison apparently remained only in two regions: in the Caucasus and in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The number of animals was about 500 and decreased over the course of a century, despite the protection of the Russian authorities. In 1921, as a result of anarchy during and after the First World War, bison were finally destroyed by poachers. As a result of the purposeful activity of many specialists, as of December 31, 1997, there were 1096 bison in captivity (zoos, nurseries and other reserves) in the world, and 1829 individuals in free populations. The IUCN Red Book classifies this species as vulnerable; on the territory of Russia, the Red Book (1998) put bison in category 1 - endangered.

african wild dog, or, as it is also called, hyena-like, was once distributed throughout the African steppes and savannas south of the Sahara - from southern Algeria and Sudan to the extreme southern tip of the continent. The hyena-like dog is included in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature as a small species that is endangered.

Florida cougar, along with the rest of its subspecies, is listed in the International Red Book. Hunting for it is prohibited, in addition, the animal is included in Appendix II of the CITES convention, which regulates the trade in rare species of animals. Previously, the cougar inhabited territories in the south of North America, as well as Central and South America up to Chile. At the same time, a separate population existed in Florida. In the 60s of the last century, due to the shooting and development of natural areas, the number of Florida cougars decreased to 20-30 individuals. Thanks to conservation efforts, these small wild cats with their characteristic long legs have a population of 100-160 now.

California condor- a very rare species of birds from the family of American vultures. The California condor was once distributed throughout the North American continent. In 1987, when the last free-living condor was caught, their total number was 27 individuals. However, due to good breeding in captivity, since 1992 they began to be released again. As of November 2010, there were 381 condors, including 192 birds in the wild.

orangutans- representatives of arboreal apes, one of the close relatives of man. Unfortunately, orangutans are endangered in the wild, mainly due to ongoing habitat destruction. Despite the creation of national parks, deforestation continues. Another major threat is poaching.

Last wild Przewalski's horses disappeared from nature in the 1960s, by that time they remained only in the desert regions of Dzungaria - on the border of China and Mongolia. But a thousand or more years ago, these animals were widespread in the steppe zone of Eurasia. Currently, there are only about two thousand individuals kept in zoos in the world. About 300-400 more horses live in the steppes of Mongolia and China, also originating from animals from zoos.

gray whale listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Whales live in the North Pacific Ocean, making regular seasonal migrations. These marine animals are champions in terms of range of movement: a whale swims an average of 16 thousand kilometers per year. At the same time, the whale is rather slow-moving, its usual speed is 7-10 kilometers per hour. According to zoologists, the maximum recorded lifespan for a gray whale was 67 years.

There are rare and endangered animals on our planet. In total there are more than eight hundred species. These are animals whose population is catastrophically small.

Registration list

The reduction in the number of these representatives of the fauna is affected by natural phenomena, as well as the human factor. Some rare animals are still found in their habitats, while others can only be seen in nature reserves or zoos. There are also species for which there is currently no accurate information. No one knows if they are extinct or still exist.

All rare animals of the world are listed in the sections of the International Red Book. In addition, many countries have developed and implemented programs to save endangered populations living on their territory. Let's get acquainted with the list, which includes the 10 most rare animals found on our planet.

bushman hare

This representative of the genus Bunolagus is located on the tenth step of the ranking, in which there are rare animals. Today, the Bushmen hare is on the verge of irretrievable extinction. This animal is in that section of the Red Book, which includes representatives of the fauna that are dying out due to the reduction of their usual habitats. Approximately the size of its population today is one thousand four hundred and thirty-five individuals.

The Bushman hare is a small animal whose body length ranges from 38 to 48 cm. The tail of this representative of the fauna is 7-10 centimeters. The weight of males is within one and a half kilograms. Females are somewhat heavier - 1.8 kg. This rare species of hare, due to its reddish fur, is similar to the South African rabbit. His top is grey. On the back of the head there is a contrasting bright red spot. Sides are darker. Bushman hare has an interesting head color. So, the chin of this rare animal is white in front, and has a yellow tint on the sides. The chin is separated from the cheeks by a dark brown stripe, which widens slightly towards the head. The neck of the hare is gray, but the chest is either yellowish or pinkish-brown. The color of the tail is unusual for this rare animal. It is wine-brown, shading black towards the tip. The ears of this species of hares are very long - 107-124 mm. Representatives of the genus Bunolagu are characterized by the presence of a large interparietal bone of the skull, a short palate, and a wide interorbital space.

As for food, the Bushman hare prefers the vegetation that he finds in the river basins. These are the leaves and flowers of Ink bushes and Boegoe plants. He also loves Lycium and Salsola hodgepodges. In addition, the hare eats its own excrement. They serve as a source of calcium and phosphorus for him, as well as bacteria, due to which the digestion of food is carried out.

You can meet a Bushman hare in South Africa (in the Cape Province). It lives in the river valleys flowing through the bushy semi-desert Karro. This nocturnal animal is very agile and fast. It is claimed that the Bushman hare is capable of making a high jump of over one meter. Unfortunately, the distribution area of ​​these individuals is declining due to the allotment of land for agricultural land. That is why the Bushmen hare is listed in the Red Book in the status of "the rarest animal."

Sumatran rhinoceros

This is one of the rarest animals in the world, which ranks ninth in the ranking. When describing it, the word "most" can be used more than once. This representative of the rhinos is the most ancient, besides the smallest and, of course, the rarest. Today, there are from one hundred to one hundred and seventy individuals of these representatives of the fauna all over the world. The disappearance of this species of animals is completely to blame for the person who exterminates this rhinoceros because of its small horns, from which an elixir is made to increase potency.

Previously, the distribution of this rare animal was the entire territory of southeast Asia. Today, the Sumatran rhinoceros is found only on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. It also lives on the Malaysian Peninsula, where there are up to several dozen individuals.

In height, the Sumatran rhinoceros does not exceed 1.5 m. The length of its small body can vary from two hundred to three hundred centimeters. On average, the weight of an individual is 1400 kilograms. On the muzzle of this animal there are two horns. The front one is longer, it grows up to 15-45 centimeters. The rear horn is short. It is similar to a ledge and does not exceed ten centimeters in length.

The body of the Sumatran rhinoceros is covered with coarse hair. Moreover, young individuals have a denser cover. With age, the rhinoceros loses its bristly coating, and by old age the hair remains only at the tip of the tail and on the ears. Sumatrans differ from their relatives in more delicate and thin skin, on which folds are less noticeable.

These smallest rhinos live alone. From people they go higher to the mountains, where they choose for themselves a hilly area, near which there is a source of water. Sumatrans are excellent swimmers and can safely cover long distances between islands. But their favorite pastime is to wallow in the mud.

Cuban flint tooth

The Cuban flint-tooth looks like a shrew. The length of his body is from twenty-eight to thirty-nine centimeters. The open tooth has a long bare tail, like a rat. In length, it grows from 17 to 25 cm. The weight of the animal is within one kilogram.

The elongated muzzle of the sand tooth ends with a small proboscis nose. On the body there is a rare, but long and hard hair. Moreover, its color on the abdomen and neck is yellowish, and on the sides it is almost black.

These very rare animals feed on plants and insects. When they get food, they tear the ground with long paws, on which there are five fingers. The slittooths prefer to be nocturnal and love to swim.

Despite the fact that the animal belongs to mammals, it is poisonous. During a bite, toxic fluid enters the victim's body through a duct that opens from the salivary gland.

In the old days, the flint teeth did not have natural enemies. Only after Europeans arrived in Cuba was the island inhabited by mongooses, cats and rats. It was they who began to hunt the flint teeth, which often did not even try to resist. At the end of the twentieth century. These animals were included in the register of the disappeared. But in 2003, 1 copy of this species was caught. This gives zoologists hope that the population exists and will be restored through captive breeding. The Cuban flint tooth has the right to claim the title of "The rarest animal in the world."

Haitian flint tooth

These rare animals are similar to their Cuban relatives. The differences are only in size and color. These animals are much smaller than the Cuban flint teeth and have a lighter coat. The body of adults is 28-35 cm long. The dwelling of this animal is a kind of tunnel system. By digging their moves, the sloth teeth cause irreparable damage to the root system of trees.

Like the Cuban, the Haitian flint is on the verge of extinction. As for the exact figure, scientists cannot name it, but animals are presented in the Red Book as an endangered species.

mountain couscous

This unique species ranks sixth in the "Most Rare Animal" ranking. People who first discovered couscous mistook it for a relative of the monkey. The animal moved superbly and clung to the almost bare branches of trees with its tail.

Cuscus is a large marsupial representative of the fauna. It lives in a forested area in northern Australia. Such animals are known: spotted couscous, as well as spotted phalange and ordinary spotted couscous.

Individuals of this rare species have thick fluffy fur. Moreover, in females it is cream-colored, and in males it varies from cream-gray to red, with irregularly scattered spots. Around the large eyes of couscous there is a rim, which is necessary for the animal for night life. The animal has strong legs. They help him climb trees unhindered. The length of the limbs can reach sixty centimeters. The length of the animal is about 45 centimeters.

Couscous is nocturnal. It spends time on the branches of trees, feeding on leaves and fruits. Couscous has one enemy - man. People hunt this docile animal for its meat and thick fur. The reduction in the population of this species causes the destruction of the habitual habitat - deforestation. Today, zoologists number 2.5 thousand of these animals. In the Red Book, they have the status of "threatened species."

River Chinese Dolphin

This is an almost extinct mammal that lives in the water element. Previously, the river Chinese dolphin was distributed in the central-eastern part of China. The animal has a light bluish-gray body color and a white belly. On the back of the dolphin is a fin that looks like a flag. Today, its habitat is the Yangtze River, as well as the lower course of the Qiantang River. It is also found in two lakes in China. These are Poyanghu and Dongtinghu. The animal is diurnal, feeding mainly on mollusks, eels and small fish.

Chinese dolphins have no natural enemies. The population is on the verge of extinction due to poaching, as well as due to death from collisions with ships and water pollution. Today, the number of the species has been reduced to thirty individuals.

New Zealand bat

This mammal is on the fourth step of the ranking. The New Zealand bat belongs to the order Chiroptera. The uniqueness of this animal lies in the fact that, unlike its counterparts, it leads a terrestrial lifestyle.

The body length of the animal is in the range of six to eight centimeters, and the mass of an individual often does not reach thirty-five grams. This species can only be found in New Zealand and Stewart Island.

These bats dig their dwellings in the ground with the help of sharp teeth. Sometimes tree trunks are used to equip burrows. The mouse shows its activity in the evening twilight and at night, eating insects, pollen and nectar.

In former times, this population was quite numerous. However, after the Europeans moved to New Zealand, the animal had the worst enemies - martens, cats, rats, etc. This led to a decrease in the number of the species by ninety-eight percent.

Western worm

This animal is in third place in the ranking, which includes the rarest representatives of the fauna. The habitat of this species is New Guinea. The animal reaches a length of eighty centimeters, and the weight of individual individuals ranges from five to ten kilograms. The echidna is covered with hair (except for the sides and back, where the spines are). The animal reproduces by laying eggs. Western prochidna is included in the Red Book. It is listed as a threatened species.

eastern prochidna

This rare egg-laying mammal lives in New Guinea. It is also called Barton's sly. This species has an excellent sense of smell, and prefers beetles and worms as food. The eastern prochidna has a larger skull. This species can also be found in the Red Book.

Prochidna Attenborough

This is the rarest animal in the world. In addition, the Attenborough prochidna is the smallest species of egg-laying echidna. Habitat - New Guinea. The animal leads a nocturnal lifestyle, being in the daytime in its hole. The species was named after TV presenter and director D. Attenborough.

This rarest animal on our planet is known from a single individual that was discovered in 1961. In this regard, some scientists believe that this species has already completely died out.

Endangered species that live on the territory of the Russian Federation

Consider what rare plants and animals are listed in the Red Book of Russia. All of the species listed below are on the verge of extinction. Who are they - rare animals of Russia?

1. Mountain, or red wolf. The body of this animal reaches a length of one meter. The weight of an individual ranges from twelve to twenty-one kilograms. Outwardly, the red wolf looks like a fox. Some hunters confuse this beast with a red cheat and shoot it en masse. This is the main reason for the disappearance of the population, a few representatives of which can still be found in the Far East.

2. Przewalski's horse. There are about 2000 representatives of this species on the entire planet. Interestingly, in the early nineties of the last century, several individuals of the Przewalski horse were released near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant into the exclusion zone. Currently, about a hundred specimens live in this territory.

3. Amur goral. Ruminant artiodactyl animal. Its habitat is Primorsky Krai. Amur gorals prefer to live and move in small groups of six to eight individuals. In Russia, there are currently about 700 specimens of this rare animal.

4. Amur tiger. This is not only incredibly rare, but also a beautiful sight. On the belly of this tiger is a layer of fat 5 cm thick. It protects the animal from frost.


Many people prefer to have a pet living next to them, such as a cat or a dog. However, some people want to have something exotic in their home. For example, it can be rare species of animals or a tame rat.

There are animals that are difficult to call domestic. This, for example, is an albino python. However, there are people who prefer to see him as a pet. This exotic python grows up to two meters. He is very picky about living conditions.

The black palm cockatoo is on the Rare Pets list. In captivity, he mostly lives only in zoos. It is difficult to keep it at home. The bird easily bites through five-millimeter bars of metal mesh.

One of the few representatives of the animal world listed in the Red Book, which can be purchased legally, is the Japanese snow macaque.

Rare animals found as pets are the following: the Bengal cat and the hyacinth parrot, the chimpanzee and the albino Bengal tiger, and the Tibetan mastiff, one of the strongest dogs on the planet.

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