What is the maximum weight of a pig? How to find out how much a pig weighs

1278 03/12/2019 5 min.

Raise piglets and pigs in household quite simple, especially if you have the appropriate instructions. However, during the fattening period some measurements need to be taken to know that it is truly effective. But this is not always possible, especially if there are no scales at hand or the animal is too large to use them. In such cases, traditional methods of measuring carcass weight and volume may be useful. Some of them are inherited from old traditions, others are newly developed. This article will tell you what the technology for measuring mass consists of and what the average weight indicators of animals should be.

Average weights

Some breeders raise pigs with incredibly large weights. Most often, such animals belong to meat-greasy and. However, in order to choose a standard for the weight of your own piglets and pigs, it is necessary to study the average indicators.


As a rule, adult males weigh about one hundred kilograms more than females of the same species and age. The average weight of a bacon breed boar is about two hundred fifty to three hundred kilograms. Representatives are especially large in size. Males reach a weight of three hundred to three hundred fifty kilograms or more. Much in this case depends on periodization and the use of fattening technologies. Read about fattening pigs.

Adult pig

The average weight of an adult meat and bacon breed pig is two hundred to two hundred and thirty kilograms. Representatives of the Large White and Mirgorod breeds give good results; their weight reaches two hundred and fifty kilograms. With, you can get an average of one hundred to one hundred and fifty kilograms of live weight.


Depending on the breed and variety, newborn piglets can weigh from six hundred grams to one and a half kilograms. Then they begin to quickly gain weight and their indicators, depending on age, can be compared with the reference ones from the table. Read about keeping pigs at home.

From birth, piglets gain about four hundred grams per day; as they grow and develop, this figure may change. During the fattening period, using, the average daily weight gain reaches eight hundred grams.

The figures in the table are approximate. Actual weight and ratios depend on the type and quality of fattening.

Measurement methods

In addition to conventional weighing, one of three measurement technologies can be used. In order for the calculations to be as accurate as possible, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations.

By measurements

Some experienced breeders are able to determine the weight of an animal “by eye”. However, if experience is not enough, you can use measurement tables.

First of all, you should prepare two measurements: the length of the body from the back of the head to the tail, as well as the circumference of the chest just under the shoulder blades. While determining the parameters, the animal’s head should look forward; to do this, it will need to be distracted by something. To make measurements more accurate, you must use the following recommendations:

  • measurements should be taken only early in the morning;
  • you can feed the animal only after measurements;
  • Only a soft tape should be used for the procedure, without tightening the carcass with it.

Next, the results obtained must be compared with the tabulated ones. It shows both parameters, at the intersection of which you can find the approximate weight of the carcass. The error in the indicators ranges from four to eleven percent.

According to the formula

The measurement formula is used to populate the table above. Therefore, you can also use it yourself, and with better accuracy.

In identical equality, let us take the chest girth as the indicator X, and the length of the torso as the indicator Y. Both numbers must be entered into the formula in centimeters. Next you will need to perform the following calculations:

Approximate weight of a pig = 1.54 * X + 0.99 * Y – 150.

The error in this case may be less than five percent. It is recommended to round the result downwards.

By fatness category

Using the formula for the fatness category, you can obtain data that is close to the most accurate. To do this, you will also need an additional parameter N, called the fatness coefficient. For fat pigs it is 142, medium - 156 and thin - 162.

Greasy breeds are classified as fatty. They have rounded shapes, often their neck almost merges with the shoulder blades. The vertebrae cannot be palpated; the thickness of the sebaceous layer is five to seven centimeters.

The thin category, as a rule, consists of meat breeds whose backfat thickness does not exceed three centimeters. In such animals, the vertebrae are easily palpable; the shoulder blades are not connected to the neck.

Determination of live weight of a pig by fatness

Approximate live weight = (X * Y) / N.

These methods can be used to measure both adult animals and young animals.

Meat yield at slaughter

The volume of output of meat products (lard, meat, bacon and entrails) directly depends on the breed, the type of its productivity, as well as on the age and body weight of the animal.


On average, the slaughter yield of a carcass is seventy to eighty percent with a weight of more than one hundred kilograms. In order to determine the approximate proportion of meat, it is necessary to subtract two to three kilograms of waste, ten kilograms of bones, and twenty-five kilograms of lard from live weight. Thus, you will get about seventy kilograms of clean meat from a hundredweight carcass.

You can find out about the slaughter of Vietnamese pigs in.

You can also use the formula to determine slaughter weight: carcass weight immediately after slaughter / pre-slaughter live weight * 100.

Half carcasses

It is possible to calculate the weight of a half carcass by dividing the entire mass after slaughter in half, or by subtracting the mass of fat, head and internal organs. It all depends on the form in which the pork will be sent for sale.


A pig's head weighs from ten to fifteen kilograms. Approximate weight of liver products:

  • heart - three hundred grams;
  • light – eight hundred grams – kilogram;
  • kidneys – two hundred to three hundred grams;
  • liver - about one and a half kilograms.

Pig internal organs are also sold. Their cost differs significantly from the cost of pure meat and bacon products.

You can learn about pig farming in this.


This video shows the calculation of the weight of a pig using the table.


  1. It is possible to measure the body weight of a living pig not only by using scales, but also using tables and formulas.
  2. It is possible to calculate the mass of pig meat products immediately before slaughter.
  3. The yield of lard, meat and bacon will depend on the breed and its type, as well as the age and gender of the pig.
  4. Monitoring the weight of young animals is important in order to compare it with the standard and pay attention to possible shortcomings in fattening.

Read about how to cut up a pig carcass.

Every pig farmer needs to know what the meat yield of pigs is, because they are raised to produce precisely this product. This indicator will also be important for sales, it will allow you to evaluate the profitability of cultivation and calculate the feeding standards for pigs. The ratio of live weight of a piglet or boar to slaughter weight, the amount of pork produced is determined as a percentage equivalent. The calculation is made using formulas and is not very difficult.

It is important to be able to determine slaughter weight

Average pig weight

The weight of a grown pig depends on the chosen breed and proper feeding. The heaviest pigs are the Large White breed, the most common in Russia. The weight of the boar reaches 300-350 kg. The average weight of a boar of the Mirgorod breed is about 230-260 kg. For a pig, the normal average weight is 200-250 kg. However, a small Vietnamese pig can reach a weight of 140 kg, and a large white breed sow weighs twice as much, up to 330-350 kg.

Increasing the weight of piglets primarily depends on proper, high-quality feeding. Having a weight of 50-60 kg at the age of 3-4 months, when fed ad libitum, the piglet reaches a weight of 90 kg or more in 3 months.

Determination of live weight without scales

Not every household will have suitable scales, however, the mass of a pig can be determined quite accurately without them. There are several proven methods. To be on the safe side, you can use them all at once.

To calculate, you will need to measure the chest circumference and body length of the animal. Chest girth is determined by placing a measuring tape behind the front legs at the corners of the shoulder blades. Body length is measured from the middle of the back of the head to the root of the tail. To avoid errors in calculations, the pig should not raise or lower its head when measuring.

Simplified formula

Formula based on fat content

The body condition index for fatty pigs is 142, for medium-fat meat-fat breeds it is 156, and for lean animals it is 162.

Multiply chest circumference with torso length and divide the result by the specified constant.

Definition from the table

The mass is determined at the intersection of the same measurements.

Pig weight determination table

The biomass of a fattened piglet may change during the day. Net weight is the body weight of an animal without the contents of the stomach, intestines and Bladder. Therefore, the animal is weighed several hours before feeding.

Killer exit

This is the percentage of carcass weight after processing to the live weight of the pig before slaughter. During slaughter, the animal is bled, gutted, cut off at the hock and carpal joints of the leg, head, and skinned. The remaining amount of meat, bones and fat is called slaughter yield. This indicator depends on the breed, age, sex, type of fattening and degree of fatness.

The slaughter yield of meat and lard averages 70-85%. With a live weight of a pig of 100 kg, the pork yield is 72-75%, 120-150 kg - 77-80%, over 180 kg - 80-85%. The average yield of meat and lard is 77%, without by-products - 66%.

To determine how much meat can be obtained from a pig with a live weight of 110 kg, you can subtract approximately 2.5-3 kg of waste, about 10 kg of bones. The lard will account for approximately 23 kg. As a result, we get a yield of pure pork - 73 kg.

The slaughter yield of meat and lard averages 70-85%

The head of a 100-kilogram carcass weighs about 8-9 kg, the liver - 1.6 kg, the heart - 320 g, the kidneys - 260 g, the lungs - 800 g.

Factors influencing meat yield

Before slaughter, pigs are given food no later than 8-12 hours in advance and try to expose them to the least amount of stress. List of factors according to which meat yield can be determined:

  • Accurate weighing before and after slaughter provides the most accurate data on pork yield per animal.
  • Keeping piglets on slatted floors increases weight compared to rearing them on straw bedding.
  • Carcasses are heavier in meat breeds. A Landrace or Pietrain pig produces more pork than a large white pig.
  • A castrated boar is 1% less in slaughter weight than an uncastrated boar, and 1.5% lower than a pig due to the difference in the weight of the genitals.
  • Diet composition, feed quality and feeding level also affect production yield. Eating diets high in fiber results in less weight gain than diets rich in nutrient dense foods.
  • Prolonged deprivation of nutrition mobilizes the body to work vitally important functions. During a day without feeding, an animal can lose up to 3.5-3.8% of body weight and up to 2% of carcass weight, respectively.
  • When slaughtered at a slaughterhouse, transporting animals reduces slaughter weight by up to 2%. As a result of stress, pigs lose a kilogram of live weight every quarter of the day.
  • The experience of the slaughterer and cutter of pigs also influences the yield of meat products.

Pig farming in terms of product output for consumption is more profitable than growing large cattle and sheep. Compared to other types of animals, the pork yield is 20-25% higher. There is 2.5 times less in pork carcasses and bones. The content of the highest percentage of edible solids in meat, chemical composition and characteristic taste are valued by consumers and increase the profitability of growing pigs for fattening.

Most precise definition live weight of pigs is carried out using scales. However, it is not always possible to have it at home necessary equipment. How to determine the weight of a pig without scales? The most common method used for this purpose is to determine the mass of a pig based on measurements of chest girth and body length.

1)Pig body length measured with a measuring tape, starting from the middle of the occipital crest, along the top line of the neck between the ears, along the withers, back, loin and sacrum to the root of the tail. It is important that when measuring a pig to determine its weight, its head is in a position where the line mandibles, neck and chest would continue the line of the abdomen, that is, it would be straight.

2)Pig chest circumference also measured with a measuring tape, focusing on the rear angles of the shoulder blades. Make sure that the tape does not lie loosely on the bristles, but also does not cut into the body. This will help you as accurately as possible determine the weight of a pig without scales.

In the future, it will help to determine the weight of pigs live weight table for pigs.

Pig weight table by measurements (kg)

How to determine the weight of a pig from measurements?

If you are involved in pig farming, it would be a good idea to know what they emit. five groups of pig fatness.

1 pig fatness group. These are young animals up to 8 months old for bacon, fattened on special feed. The first group includes white pigs, without pigmented spots, traumatic injuries, tumors, or bruises. In this case, the length of the body must be at least 1 meter. The weight of such pigs ranges from 80 to 105 kilograms. Another important criterion is that the thickness of the backfat between the sixth and seventh thoracic vertebrae, above the spinous processes (without the thickness of the skin), should be from 1.5 to 3.5 centimeters.

2 pig fatness group. This is young meat with a live weight of 60 to 130 kilograms. In the mentioned area, the thickness of the bacon should be from 1.5 to 4 centimeters. This also includes gilts with a back fat thickness of 1 cm and a weight of 20 to 60 kilograms.

3 pig fatness group. These are fatty pigs, including sows and hogs, with a back fat thickness of at least 4.1 cm.

4 pig fatness group. These are sows and hogs weighing over 130 kilograms with a backfat thickness in the mentioned area from 1.5 to 4 centimeters.

5 pig fatness group. These are suckling pigs with white or slightly pink skin, without bruises, rashes, swelling, bites or wounds.

How to measure a pig's weight you now know - a table of pig weights based on measurements will help you with this. By the way, in the same way you can find out

Often when breeding pigs, it becomes necessary to determine the weight of the animal. Only a few specialists are able to determine this by eye, and scales are not always at hand. In such a situation, you can use the pig weight table. Having such a table and knowing the age of the animal, you can determine its mass with a minimum error.

  1. The first reason is the calculation of feed for pigs for a month or a longer period. Adequate nutrition in sufficient portions plays a huge role in raising piglets. Therefore, it is simply necessary to estimate the amount of feed. A very important factor is weight gain in piglets; the farmer must monitor this and, if necessary, correct growth retardation with nutrition and vitamins.
  2. To calculate the dosage of medications, if they need to be given to the animal.
  3. In the case of selling a wild boar for pork, of course, it is better to use an accurate electronic equipment, but you can also estimate the weight in advance using the table.

How to find out how much a pig weighs by size

Need to measure the animal. There are two indicators of interest: the length of the torso and the volume of her chest, which must be measured under the shoulder blades. An ordinary tailor's measuring tape is suitable for measuring. A table of pig weights by size can be easily found on the Internet on specialized resources.

It is important to consider that determine the mass as accurately as possible only possible when measuring before feeding. The pig must be forced to stand upright and raise its head. Taking the table, you need to combine the measurement data at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical values ​​- this will be the approximate mass.

Artificial insemination of pigs

For example, if you take a pig with parameters - body length 110 cm, chest girth 112 cm, then its weight will be about 114 kg.

How to find out the weight of a pig using a coefficient

If suddenly the table is not at hand and there is no way to find it, but the mass needs to be determined urgently, then use coefficient determination method. It should be taken into account that this method is very approximate.

The dimensions you need to take are the same as for the method of determination from the table.

  1. Measurement data is multiplied (in centimeters)
  2. The animal's fatness is approximately determined. This coefficient is divided into three stages:
  3. k = 162 - skinny pig
  4. k = 156 - medium fat
  5. k = 142 - normal or good fat content
  6. The result of multiplying volumes is divided by the selected coefficient

For example, if the length of a pig is 110 cm, and the chest volume is 84 cm, and it is normally well-fed (coefficient 142), then the weight is calculated as follows:

110 * 112= 12320

Accordingly, the mass turns out to be about 87 kilograms, of course, taking into account the error.

At the same time, you can notice that this weight is quite different from that indicated in the table for the same parameters. One error is superimposed on another, plus the question of the correct determination of the coefficient. Although there are more accurate hits, this method is best used only if there are no other options.

Plays a big role in determining weight and the age of the animal, other parameters also influence the factor - for example, breed. So, for example, at the same age, a Vietnamese pig and a white pig will weigh completely differently. There are no ideally accurate tables for weight gain, since everything is determined by the criterion of full proper nutrition, which is fully ensured only in farm conditions, and not for home use.

Pork rump and other parts of pork. Taste and benefits

There is a table of weight gain in piglets by month. It should be borne in mind that it is also approximate and does not provide 100% accuracy. It takes the period from birth to the age of an adult animal.

As already indicated, the data can vary greatly - it depends on the conditions in which the animals are kept, how they are fed and what breed they are. There is also a dependence on the season: in spring and summer, pigs gain weight better. Therefore, it is best to buy piglets in spring period, at the same time, take piglets that are about two months old; they already eat solid food normally on their own. Very small piglets will have to be supplemented with milk.

Average pig weight

All of the above methods are approximate. If we talk about how much a pig weighs on average, then this parameter can vary greatly - it depends on the breed, the sex of the animal and a huge number of other factors.

The heaviest of Russian breeds on this moment considered large white, a white boar weighs about 100 kg more than a female and reaches 350 kg. But this is one of the biggest indicators. On average, wild boars reach a weight of 240-260 kilograms. It is clear that the boar not only weighs more, but is also larger than the female.

Meat yield at slaughter

If we are talking about serious pig farming, breeding animals for slaughter, then more accurate measuring systems will be needed, You can't do it without scales. It is simply impossible to estimate weight by eye every time. Moreover, it will be necessary to accurately measure the carcass and half-carcass of the animal after slaughter. But, of course, everyone wants to estimate in advance how much meat will come out of a live pig.

One of the main characteristics of a pig is its weight. It would seem that it could be simpler - weigh the pig and find out its mass. A wide variety of special devices for measuring weight. But what if they are not nearby?

It is possible to calculate by eye how much a pig weighs, but it is very, very difficult to do. There are quite a few specialists who can measure the weight of an animal at a glance. What to do if you need to determine the approximate weight of a pig in a short time and without application special devices? How can you find out the weight of a pig without a scale?

You can measure the weight of a pig using the following methods:

  • using a special table;
  • by odds;
  • taking into account the age of the animal.

How to determine the weight of an animal using a table and the pig’s fatness coefficient with the highest possible accuracy with these measurement methods will be discussed further.

Average pig weight

The weight of a pig is determined by several factors:

  • breed;
  • floor;
  • age;
  • food.

The average weight of an adult varies from one hundred and forty to three hundred kilograms.

Of course, among the pigs there are record holders for weight. Perhaps the most a shining example is a pig named Big Bill. This boar holds the title of the heaviest in the whole world. How much does Bill the Boar weigh? Its weight exceeds one ton!

There are record holders among pigs for weight in the other direction as well. The smallest pigs - the famous mini pigs - weigh around thirty kilograms. But such animals are unlikely to be of interest to the majority of livestock farmers who raise pigs in order to obtain meat and lard from them.

The breed of a pig plays an important role in its weight. By excluding decorative types pigs, which are breeds that are, as they say, not for everyone, all remaining breeds of pigs can be divided into three main types:

  • meat breeds;
  • tallow rocks;
  • meat breeds.

Each farmer decides for himself which type to prefer. Of course, each of these types has its own characteristics. In representatives of meat breeds, starting from 6 months of age, the muscle mass, or, in other words, meat. And in individuals belonging to the sebaceous breeds, at the same age, on the contrary, fat, or lard, is quickly deposited.

Muscle mass and fat are distributed evenly exclusively in meat breeds. Only animals of this species do not have any preponderance towards meat or, conversely, fat.

As noted earlier, average weight pigs are inextricably linked with her breed. For an example of this relationship: normal weight Ukrainian steppe boars weigh 350 kilograms, and the weight of Vietnamese boars is slightly more than one hundred kilograms. As you can see, the difference is more than significant.

Piglets are also no exception to this. Just like the weight of pigs and wild boars, the weight of piglets depends on the breed. For comparison: The weight of Vietnamese piglets at 7 months reaches sixty kilograms, A the weight of a piglet from a white pig at this age is approximately one hundred kilograms. And this despite the fact that for both the former and the latter, 7 months of age is considered the period of reaching puberty.

Why do you need to know the mass of an animal?

Situations often arise in which you need to know how much a pig weighs, but the necessary scales are not available nearby. Here are some examples of the most common cases.

Why would it not be superfluous to know how you can measure the mass of a pig without scales?

So what methods can you use to find out the weight of a pig? Several simple and most common methods for determining weight will be discussed below.

How to find out without scales using a table

This method is also called weight-by-size determination.

To get the maximum exact result First of all, you need to measure the pig. Only two parameters are used in the calculations. The required values are:

  • body length;
  • breast volume.

Therefore, the pig must be measured along two lines. Body length is measured from the point between the ears to the tail. The volume must be measured around the circumference under the shoulder blades. For measurements, it is most convenient to use a tailor's measuring tape.

It is important to remember that determining live weight using this method is most accurate only under certain conditions.

The animal must be measured before feeding it.. When taking measurements, it is necessary that the pig stands straight and its head is slightly raised.

When the necessary measurements have been made, you need to apply the obtained values ​​​​to the pig weight table below. The measurement data must be combined, and in the column of the table that appears at the intersection of the row and column with the selected values, the approximate weight of the pig will be indicated.

Pig weight measurement chart

The data presented in the table may have an error, but no more than ten percent.

The first line (horizontally) indicates chest girth values ​​under the shoulder blades(in centimeters). In the first column (vertical) - body length values(in centimeters). The weight (in kilograms) is indicated at the intersections of the lines.

63 67 71 75 79 83 87 91 95 99 103 107 111 115 119 123 127 131 135 139 143 147 149
38 12 15 18
42 14 17 19 21
46 15 18 21 23
50 16 19 22 24 27 31
54 18 20 24 26 29 33 35
58 20 23 26 28 31 34 37 39
62 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45
66 21 25 28 31 35 37 42 45 49 51
70 27 30 33 37 39 44 48 52 55 61
74 29 34 38 41 45 49 53 58 63 67
78 38 42 47 52 56 61 66 72 78
82 40 44 50 54 59 64 70 76 80 86
86 48 53 57 62 67 72 79 83 90 97
90 54 60 64 69 77 83 95 102 109
94 61 67 73 79 87 92 106 114 121
98 70 75 83 89 97 102 111 119 126 134
102 79 87 94 101 108 115 124 132 140 148
106 89 96 104 111 120 128 137 145 154
110 100 108 115 124 133 142 150 159 171 181
114 112 120 129 138 147 156 177 187 197
118 124 133 143 152 161 171 183 194 204 216
122 138 147 157 167 177 189 200 211 223
126 152 162 172 182 195 206 218 230
130 167 178 188 201 213 225 237
134 183 194 207 219 231 245
138 200 213 226 238 252
142 220 232 245 259
146 239 252 267
150 259 274

Determining the approximate weight of an animal using this table is a matter of a few moments. After measuring the animal, you only need to find in the table the values ​​​​of body length and girth that are as close as possible to the results obtained. Then all that remains is to look at the number that appears at the intersection of the found values. This number is the approximate weight of the pig.

How to calculate by coefficients

The ability to use this method of determining the mass of an animal will be very useful if you do not have at hand not only scales, but also the table above.

This method of measuring weight confidently claims to be the most approximate, but as noted above, it may turn out that there will be no alternative to it.

This measurement method requires the same data as the table weight determination described above. Dimensions are determined along the same lines as for the table.

Calculating weight using a coefficient is a fairly simple process. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The obtained measurement data (necessarily in centimeters) is multiplied among themselves.
  2. It is necessary to visually “estimate” the degree of fatness of the pig. The coefficient that will be used in the calculation directly depends on this.
  3. Depending on the fatness of the animal, the most suitable coefficient is selected - one of three possible: k = 162 - if the pig is quite thin; k=156 - if the animal is at an average stage of fatness; k=142 - if the pig is quite fat.
  4. The result of multiplying the size of the pig is divided by the selected coefficient.

To clearly demonstrate the process of this calculation, we can consider the following example:

Of course, it is important to control the live weight of the pig, but it is even more important to know the volume of the final product, or, in other words, how much meat and lard will be obtained after the animal is slaughtered. Cutting up a carcass is always accompanied by the loss of a certain amount of product. On average, after this process there is a loss of thirty percent of weight. These losses come from the fat, head, and internal organs of the animal.

By the way, internal organs the pigs, like everything else, are sold. Their total weight usually reaches three kilograms, and half of this mass is pork liver.

It is especially worth noting the following: a pig weighing up to one hundred kilograms after slaughter and cutting retains approximately seventy percent of its weight, and an individual weighing around two hundred kilograms retains over eighty percent. The difference is significant, and it is for this reason that many farmers put maximum effort into feeding a pig so that the animal gains as much weight as possible before slaughter.

Pig slaughter and the cutting process are of more than significant importance in the field of pig farming in general. The process of slaughtering a pig involves specific actions performed in a strictly defined sequence, and in addition, a whole set of rules that must be followed. If there is not enough knowledge and experience in this matter, so to speak, theory and practice, then you should not take on this task yourself.

Regardless of the extent to which the carcass will be cut up - left whole, cut into two half-carcasses or even into pieces - it is best to resort to the services of specialists in this matter. Otherwise, you can easily damage absolutely all the products, so much so that it will not only be impossible to put it on sale, but also to use it personally.

In addition, with “amateur”, unprofessional cutting, you can easily lose a truly huge amount of clean meat - the amount of loss can reach twenty percent. Such unjustified losses, naturally, will have a more than adverse effect on both the income from the sale of final products and the profitability of the entire undertaking.

And to summarize, it is worth noting once again that measuring the weight of a pig yourself without scales and specialists is more than realistic and quite easy. Any novice livestock breeder can cope with this.

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