What kind of cream cheese is added to rolls? What kind of cheese is used for rolls and what can you replace it with?

Rolls and sushi are quite popular, tasty and nutritious foods. They like to order rolls in cafes and restaurants, and they also like to cook rolls at home. All this is possible thanks to the fact that now in modern stores and supermarkets you can buy all the necessary products that will allow the rolls to taste perfect.

In order for the dish to turn out no worse than in a restaurant, you need to follow certain rules for preparing rolls and then success will be guaranteed.

What is used for sushi

For rolls and sushi you will need:

rice vinegar;
cream cheese for rolls;
pickled ginger;
crab meat;

There are a huge variety of sushi varieties, as well as fillings and flavors. What is best to use, everyone must decide for themselves, but what you definitely shouldn’t skimp on is the quality of rice, fish and cheese. Cheese is not always added to rolls. It is commonly used in an American roll recipe called Philadelphia. These rolls were born in Philadelphia, and they were once prepared by a Japanese chef living there. All visitors to the restaurant liked the rolls so much that the recipe quickly spread throughout the world.

Now rolls containing Philadelphia cheese can be found on the menu of any restaurant and cafe. They are called Philadelphia rolls. We will definitely tell you further what cheese to use in sushi rolls at home, but for now let’s look at the recipe.

Culinary trick

To make sushi you will need a mat or bamboo mat. If there is no such thing in the house, then it can be prepared from foil, polyethylene and wooden sticks.

The next step is to boil the sushi rice. This kind of rice is more sticky, it doesn’t get overcooked and holds its shape perfectly. If you use rice porridge, then it may turn into puree and the appearance of the dish will be ruined. If you use steamed rice, it may remain crumbly, and then the product will not hold its shape.

The rice is washed several times. Rinse until the water is no longer cloudy. After the rice is washed, it needs to be boiled in water. The amount of rice and water should be one to one. Two cups of rice will be enough for sushi for three or four people.

Cook the rice over high heat for five minutes. After which the rice will boil and then you will need to reduce the heat and cook the rice on low heat, without stirring, for another ten or twelve minutes. During this time, the rice will absorb all the water. It is advisable not to open the dish and let the rice sit for another ten minutes.

At this time, prepare the marinade for the rice. The dressing contains rice vinegar, salt and sugar. You need 1 teaspoon of salt, one and a half teaspoons of sugar, and one and a half teaspoons of vinegar. All this is mixed and infused. After twelve minutes have passed, place the rice in a bowl to cool completely. naturally. Only then can it be mixed with the dressing.

Mixing the rice with the prepared liquid is done with a wooden spoon using upward movements and quite carefully. Such movements will allow the dressing to envelop each grain and remain intact.

The cooked rice is placed on a sheet of nori. The sheet is placed with the glossy side down. Before laying out the rice, you need to wet your hands in vinegar water, then the rice will not stick to your hands. Fish, crab meat, cheese or vegetables are laid out with an indentation of one cm. The far edge from the cook should remain without filling. This is necessary so that the roll sticks together perfectly and holds its shape. The edge of the nori sheet that does not have filling will also need to be brushed with water.

Fish for sushi should be either fresh, if you are confident in its quality, or lightly salted. You can take trout, salmon, perch or other fish of your choice. Cucumber or avocado are great vegetables. The avocado should not be overripe, this is when it will keep its shape.

It is best to buy cream cheese for rolls. Ideal option Philadelphia cheese is considered, but buying it in Slavic countries is quite problematic, since it is produced in the USA, in particular in Philadelphia. Cream and milk are the main products for cheese production, so it is quite easy to find an analogue for this cheese. Therefore, the question of how to replace Philadelphia cheese can be answered this way: any sweetish, creamy, low-fat cheese that is sold in your region. The cheese taste is great in the rolls, so there’s no point in saving money here.

How to replace Philadelphia cheese

To replace you can use good cheese which is called:
Hochland Creamy;
Creme Bonjour;
any sweetish, low-fat cream cheese;
cheese according to your taste taste preference or budget.

The world-famous Philadelphia cheese is added to baked goods, sushi and rolls, and salads. There are budget analogues of cream cheese that can be used to replace it without spoiling the taste of the dish.

How to replace Philadelphia cheese in rolls, cheesecake, sushi

Philadelphia is a creamy cheese with a delicious taste. Classic Philadelphia has a plastic, dense consistency, salty taste and low fat content - 24%. There is also a light dietary option - cheese with a fat content of 5%. The composition of the product is distinguished by a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is successfully used in the manufacture of many sauces, desserts, and snacks.


You can use various cream cheeses, but the most successful substitute is Mascarpone. This type of cheese is fatty, unsalted and has a consistency similar to cream. It is made from cow's cream with the addition of citric acid or white wine vinegar to initiate the curdling process. Its fat content is 75%, and its calorie content is over 400 kcal. It goes well with seafood and fish, and is great for making tiramisu and various sauces.

What are the differences?

If you know how they differ from each other, you can determine which one is better to use in different dishes.

  1. Mascarpone's homeland is Italy, and Philadelphia's is the USA.
  2. Age difference: Mascarpone is 300 years older.
  3. Philadelphia's fat content is lower.
  4. Mascarpone is more expensive.
  5. Mascarpone is included in tiramisu cake. This dessert is not baked. But to make cheesecake you need an option that doesn’t melt.

Mascarpone is produced by different manufacturers, who set their own prices for it. Philadelphia is trademark, therefore the price does not change, regardless of the place of production.

How to make Mascarpone at home

It’s easy to make it yourself from lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and full-fat sour cream (400 g):

  1. Place sour cream in a saucepan, heat without boiling, add lemon juice.
  2. When the process of curdling the mass is completed, place gauze folded in several layers on the bottom of the colander and discard the cooled mixture through it.
  3. Place the cheese mixture and place in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

To prepare a tender and delicious spreadable Mascarpone, the heavy cream is heated in a water bath. To start the curdling process, add wine vinegar or lemon juice. Then the mass is cooled, placed in fabric bags and hung.

How to cook Mascarpone - video


To make cold cheesecake, use Boursin cheese. It has 40% fat, which makes it a bit of a poor substitute for people watching their calories. There is Boursin with low fat content (21%). Such easy option Boursena is a completely adequate replacement. The cheese is salty, but its taste is delicate.

For hot cheesecakes, use unsalted cheese (55% fat content), tofu (1.5–4% fat content), and ricotta (13% fat content). Softer, more delicate varieties should not be put in the oven. Cheesecake is prepared in one of two ways:

  • hot - baked in an oven in a water bath;
  • cold (no baking) - the dish holds its shape thanks to the addition of gelatin to the mixture.

Budget substitutes

Most budget options replacements - Cremette (65% fat content, creamy and slightly salty taste), Buko (25% fat content, salty taste). They can be used for rolls, sushi, creams, canapes and other culinary delights that require the presence of Philadelphia.

The most unsuccessful replacement options are melted varieties “Druzhba”, “Viola”, “Violett”. But if you combine them with cottage cheese in a 1:1 ratio, it will be better.

How to cook Philadelphia at home

In substitutes, not only calories and taste are important, but also consistency. It should be soft, tender, creamy or curd-like.

You can prepare an analogue at home. To do this, fatty, non-acidic cottage cheese is whipped with 20% cream. This option is suitable for cold cheesecakes.

Another option is from yogurt and sour cream:

  1. Place a colander in a saucepan to collect liquid. Place gauze in it, folded in several layers. Another material through which excess liquid will drain is also suitable.
  2. Add yogurt (500 ml), sour cream with a fat content of at least 25% (or cream with a fat content of 30%) and add salt to taste.
  3. Mix everything well and cover tightly with a lid.
  4. To remove excess liquid, the mass is placed in the refrigerator under pressure. After 12 hours the product will be ready.

Some dishes, for example, rolls and cheesecakes, include soft Philadelphia cream cheese. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to get it, but this is not a reason to refuse to prepare the desired dish. Let's talk about How to replace Philadelphia cheese in dishes.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying one point. Philadelphia is just one brand of cream cheese, simply the most famous. In Russia, this cream cheese is considered a premium product and is not sold everywhere, and even if it is on sale, it is not cheap.

However, besides Philadelphia, there are other brands of cream cheese (or, as it is called in America, “cream cheese”). So if Philadelphia cheese is listed as an ingredient, it most likely just means cream cheese. Therefore you can safely replace Philadelphia with other brands of cream cheese.

Just keep in mind that you need real cream cheese - soft, sweetish, with a delicate consistency, without additives. Ordinary inexpensive soft processed cheeses such as “Druzhba” and “Yantar” are not very well suited for these purposes. Perhaps processed cheese will work for making rolls (although it’s unlikely, the taste won’t be the same anyway), but you can’t make a good cheesecake with it. Some housewives put cream cheese in rolls instead soft unsalted cheese or Fetaki cheese.

You can substitute Philadelphia cheese for baking. high-quality curd cheese without a pronounced curd taste. Often used, for example, are cheeses such as “Almette”, “Viola”, “President”, “Cream Bonjour”, “Buko”, etc. Just make sure that the cheese does not contain any additives. Often these cream cheeses mixed with cottage cheese in a 1:1 ratio(the result should be a homogeneous mass): they say the result is similar to the original “Philadelphia”.

Some housewives manage to replace Philadelphia cheese a mixture of fatty homemade cottage cheese with sour cream or heavy cream. The cottage cheese should not be coarse-grained, so that the mass can be beaten to a homogeneous creamy consistency. While whipping cottage cheese, add cream or sour cream in portions to obtain the desired consistency. This Philadelphia substitute is used for baking; it is not suitable for rolls.

You can try making cream cheese at home. The result, of course, will not be the original “Philadelphia,” but very close to it.

To make cheese, take the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter pasteurized milk
  • 500 ml kefir
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife

Pour the milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Heat the milk, stirring constantly. Just before boiling, add sugar and salt. When the milk boils, turn off the stove, immediately add kefir and stir until the mixture curdles. Throw the contents of the pan onto several layers of gauze, hang it up and let the whey drain. Beat the egg with a small amount of citric acid, add to the curd mass and beat until smooth.

A simpler option is homemade sour cream cheese. You need to take thick and fatty sour cream (such that a spoon can stand), pour it into a thick canvas bag or gauze folded in several layers and hang it overnight, placing a container to drain the liquid. Please note that the volume of sour cream will be reduced by half, so initially you should use twice as much cream cheese as you need.

As you can see, there are several options for replacing Philadelphia. Naturally, the substitute will never be able to compare with the original, but if you do not have the opportunity to purchase real Philadelphia, this is not a reason to give up your favorite dishes.

Cheese is very often used in the preparation of various culinary delights: sushi, lasagna, pizza, pasta, cheesecake. However, in classic recipes types of cheese are used that are either difficult to find in regular stores or are beyond the means of the average person. How to replace cheese in such recipes and how to choose expensive varieties cheese budget alternative?

How to replace Parmesan cheese

Parmesan is a hard Italian cheese, its structure is brittle, granular and scaly, so when melted it does not form threads. To prepare one head of Parmesan, 550 liters of milk are required, and the ripening time for such a head after preparation is 36 months. It is not surprising that the cost of a kilogram reaches 1200 rubles. Of course, housewives have a question: what can replace cheese of such cost?

If the recipe uses grated Parmesan (for pizza or lasagna), then you can replace it with any hard cheese: “Rokiskis” or “Dziugas” (Lithuania), “Swiss cheese” (Altai), any Dutch or Russian hard cheese.

For dishes where the taste of Parmesan is important or its property of not melting into stretchy threads, the only possible replacement is Grana Padano cheese (Italy).

How to replace Ricotta cheese

Ricotta – Italian milk product, which is made from the whey that remains after making Mozzarella or other cheeses. Ricotta has a sweetish taste, its fat content varies from 8 to 24%. Most often, ricotta is used to make desserts: cakes, pies, cannoli. A kilogram of this cheese costs about 1000 rubles, but you can find a cheaper analogue of this cheese, or rather, prepare it yourself.

Take a package of curdled milk and freeze it in the freezer. Remove the frozen bag and cut it open. Take a pan, place a colander on it, place several layers of gauze on the colander. Place the frozen piece of curdled milk in this colander and leave to thaw overnight. Overnight, the whey will run into the pan, and the curd mass will remain in the colander. Gather the gauze into a bundle and squeeze out the mass. An analogue of Ricotta cheese for cakes and cheesecakes is ready.

How to replace Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia cheese is a soft, creamy cheese made from milk and cream with a delicate taste. The name "Philadelphia" is a brand of cream cheese that appeared with the light hand of the American company Kraft Foods. The price for a jar of 175 grams reaches 250 rubles. What if the recipe calls for 600 grams of this cheese? Of course, you need to look for a cheaper analogue. The cheeses most similar to Philadelphia are Mascarpone and Boursin, but they also cost a lot. The economical options include Almette (Hohland), Buko, and Rama Creme Bonjour cheese. Some housewives use processed cheese “Druzhba” and creamy “President” in trays, as well as “Viola” and “Violett” cheeses.

How to replace Mascarpone cheese

Mascarpone is an Italian cream cheese from the Lombardy region. It contains 75% fat and has a creamy consistency, so it is often used in the preparation of desserts: cheesecakes, tiramisu, and also used as butter for sandwiches. To prepare it, take cow's milk or buffalo milk. The cost of Mascarpone is not inferior to the cost of Philadelphia cheese. Here are some recipes for making a “substitute” for Mascarpone cheese.

Analog of Mascarpone cheese No. 1

Cream cheese (any cream cheese from “substitutes” for Philadelphia cheese) – 1 package;
Cream (fat) – 100 ml;
Butter (it is better to soften it in advance) – 2 tbsp. l.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl: cream cheese, cream and softened butter. Mix thoroughly, or use a blender. Use for desserts or to make delicate sandwiches.

Analogue of Mascarpone cheese No. 2

Yolk chicken egg- 3 pcs;
Sugar – 100 g;
Milk (or cream 10% fat) – 75 ml;
Ricotta cheese (you can use its substitute, which is described above) – 430 grams;
Heavy cream (35 percent) – 200 ml.
Pour the yolks and milk into a saucepan, add sugar. Cook the mixture over low heat for a couple of minutes. Cool the mixture.

Whip the heavy cream and add to the mixture. Add ricotta cheese or cheese substitute and mix thoroughly.

Analogue of Mascarpone cheese No. 3

Cream cheese – 230 grams;
Sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.
Heavy cream (35 percent) - 2 tbsp. l.
Whip the cream, add all other ingredients, mix thoroughly. Use ready mixture for making tiramisu dessert.

In addition, Mascarpone cheese is replaced with a mixture of cream and cottage cheese. To do this, you need to mix non-acidic fat cottage cheese with heavy cream and beat until a uniform thick mass.

Many housewives today are not limited to simple home-cooked dishes and are increasingly introducing fashionable culinary delights into the diet of their households. If you used to go to sushi bars and coffee shops to taste rolls or enjoy cheesecake, now you can do this in the comfort of your own home. AND we're talking about not about home delivery, but about preparing these dishes yourself. However, an obstacle to the development of " restaurant cuisine"may be the absence of some important ingredients. Thus, the question often arises of what to replace Philadelphia cheese, which is the basis of cheesecake and an important component delicious rolls. In most small towns, it is simply impossible to find fashionable cream cheese; it is not available in stores due to its high cost and low demand. And for those who don’t want to spend money on buying expensive cheese, it’s also not easy to prepare these delicacies without losing quality. However, there is always a solution. In this case, you just need to find a worthy replacement for this cream cheese. So what is the best way to replace Philadelphia cheese? There are several alternatives.

Similarity with "Philadelphia" - 90%

The first option is Buko cheese. It tastes very similar to Philadelphia, but costs a little less. Close in consistency and similar in taste qualities is "Natura". With these two cheeses you will get excellent rolls that are almost impossible to distinguish from the “original”. This alternative is good if you are wondering what to replace Philadelphia cheese with in order to save a little on the cost of the dish. But where this delicacy cannot be found, it is unlikely that you will be able to get these two types of cheese.

A profitable alternative to Philadelphia

The second option is more accessible, both in terms of availability in the store and in price. This is the well-known Almette cream cheese. It tastes very close to Philadelphia, quite tender and quite fatty. You can use it to make a very tasty cheese and curd cheesecake, or add it to the filling of rolls. These three types of cheeses - "Buka", "Natura" and "Almette" - best options, if there is a problem, what cheese to replace Philadelphia with.

Accessible doesn't mean bad

There are also simpler and more straightforward substitutes. They are already less similar to the classic “Philadelphia”, but (in a pinch) they will also work well. This is the popular processed cheese “Viola”, “Yantar”, “President” and the like. Some housewives add fine-grained cottage cheese to such cheeses to add density, beating the mass until a homogeneous creamy consistency is achieved. The result, of course, is a cheese and curd cream that only vaguely resembles Philadelphia cream cheese. But don’t be upset, because this cream can make a very tasty curd cake - a homemade version of cheesecake.

A healthy alternative to fancy cheese

If you don’t know how to replace Philadelphia cheese in a rustic setting, you can try making it yourself using sour cream. For sour cream cheese you will need twice as much of the original product as required ready-made cheese. Just take thick country sour cream and hang it in gauze overnight to allow excess liquid to drain. The next morning you will have delicious homemade curd cheese. Experimenting with cheese like this can lead to very inspiring results. Perhaps your own recipe for a dish with a different cheese will be even more successful than the classic one. The main thing is to remember that for desserts it is possible (and better) to use higher-fat cheeses, but for dishes such as rolls - lower-calorie ones. As you can see, to find something to replace Philadelphia cheese with, you only need a little imagination and ingenuity.

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