Kaltseva Sofia. Four marriage proposals from Nikolai Baskov. — And yet, what “hooked” you into each other?

“We are both already beaten by life: we have a divorce behind us, the baggage of previous relationships, we have children. Therefore, we are not in a hurry, we don’t force things, we don’t make plans, we just enjoy life...” Nikolai Baskov and his girlfriend Sophie, who is in Jurmala, are talking about their romance for the first time.

- Nikolai, are you ready for the fact that, after reading this interview, someone will say: “Another PR novel!”, And regarding Sophie - they say, the girl settled down well next to him?

“I have no doubt that people will discuss, condemn, and speculate. And that's okay. Since I am a public person, that means my relationships are visible. Accordingly, there will always be people who want to comment on my novel, saying that this is PR, window dressing. But today it doesn't hurt me. Is it true. On a personal level, I don’t want to adapt to the public anymore

an opinion, to explain something to someone, to prove something... You know, I’m already at the age and status when I can afford to live as I see fit. After all, there is only one life, and it is not endless, as it seemed at 20 years old. I have more than once buried friends who passed away suddenly, in the prime of life - their peers, someone younger... And at such moments you understand that everything could end at any minute - there will be no second chance to live life. And therefore I want to be happy here and now. Without regard to other people's opinions.

At the moment, all that matters to me is that I feel comfortable next to Sophie. We have developed harmonious relationships. As for the calculation on her part, it’s just ridiculous. Sophie is a well-established girl, financially independent, has always lived in good conditions. Her grandfather was a wealthy man - at one time the family capital was successfully invested. We are not talking about some unimaginable sums, but there is no point in searching for a man who should provide her with a comfortable old age.

Nikolay: We were recently in Barcelona. We sat in cafes, walked, and I showed Sophie my favorite places in the city. We like to travel together. Photo: Vladimir Shirokov

- And where did you meet such a self-sufficient young lady?

— Sophie is a singer, so we have many mutual friends. So we met.

We met for the first time 10 years ago at some party. We were introduced, Kolya even treated me to sushi. Only he completely forgot about it!

Nikolay: I was married then, I was a faithful husband and didn’t look around. I remember our other meeting - about five years ago. Then they periodically crossed paths in the same company - they sang karaoke and danced on the dance floor until the morning. We talked in a friendly manner. And a year ago, something seemed to click inside. We began to look at each other more closely. (With a smile.) Soon I let Sophie understand that I was interested in her as a girl and that my intentions towards her were the most serious. Sophie hinted in response that she had nothing against it. (Laughs.)

Sophie: I came to Moscow from Kazakhstan to enter the State School of Circus and Variety Arts. In my city, I often participated in parody competitions - my crowning act was Angelika Varum. At one of the competitions I was advised exactly this educational institution. She entered, graduated with a degree in pop art, and for a year and a half worked as a soloist at the State Theater of Variety Performances “Musical Agency” by Lev Leshchenko. At the same time, with his help, two videos were shot - “Don’t Go” and “Three Mysterious Tulips.”

After which, again at the suggestion of Lev Valeryanovich, I began to collaborate with the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis, with whom we shot my third video. And then my stormy personal life began - I got married and became pregnant. What stunned Yuri Shmilevich. But we agreed that as soon as I recover from childbirth, we will return to our cooperation. Unfortunately, this did not happen: disaster struck - Aizenshpis died. And for several years I was completely immersed in household chores, raising my son. But when Bogdan was four years old, my husband and I divorced. Fortunately, he and I stayed in good relations, he communicates with the child. I am grateful to him for his son and for his love, although it is in the past. Now he has new family: wife and little daughter.

My son is already nine years old. And for me (looking expressively at Nikolai) something very important is happening in my personal life again. And in my career. I recently received a diploma as a producer - I want to try myself in this capacity.

On the set of the video “Zaya, I love you!” with model Ksenia Deli (Barcelona, ​​August 2014). Photo: Vladimir Shirokov

— And in these areas, meeting Baskov comes in handy...

Nikolay: I hope Sophie will help me as a producer. As for the singing... Listen, she sings really well, I have nothing to do with it! (Laughs.) There are plans to record a song together and shoot a video. We recently returned from where I was filming a video for my new song “Zaya, I love you!” So, would you believe it, Sophie not only helped in organizing the process, she literally outshone the beautiful model whom I invited to star in the video! In general, she is wise, my girlfriend, and did not leave me alone in the company of the beauty. (Laughs.) I spent a couple of days filming, and then Sonya and I enjoyed the atmosphere of Barcelona - we sat in cafes, walked, I showed my favorite places in the city. We like to travel together - we have already vacationed together in the Maldives, in Turkey, went to Riga...

- And yet, what “hooked” you into each other?

- You know, I noticed a long time ago: people share similar interests. Whoever you take from my circle: Presnyakov - Podolskaya, Nikolaev - Proskuryakova, - Varum, - ... These couples not only live together, they breathe the same air, do the same thing. Therefore, it would be strange to see a girl of a different profession next to me. It is extremely important for me that the woman I love understands me, so that we are on the same emotional wavelength. For example, it is vitally important for me that at the moment when I perform on stage, she is sitting in the hall or standing backstage, or when I come home at night and I urgently need to discuss a new song, I can find understanding and sincere interest. I really need this.

Sophie: Kolya is an unusually emotional, sensitive person. At the same time, he amazes me with his energy. I love watching how he works, how he communicates with friends and fans, how easily he finds a common language with any person, how he puts him at ease. He knows how to create a holiday. How many times have I witnessed such a picture... A group of people are sitting, no one is in the mood, they occasionally exchange words - mortal boredom. But as soon as Kolya appears, in five minutes everyone is laughing and smiling! He has a gift for sharing good mood. At the same time, as I already understood, from time to time he needs to be alone, just to be silent. And at such a time you should not pester him with questions and conversations. But it doesn't last long! Long silence is not about Kolya! (Laughs.)

Nikolai: Sophie has a chiseled figure, so choosing an outfit for her is not difficult. And if there is an opportunity to please your beloved, how can you deny this pleasure to yourself and her?! Photo: Vladimir Shirokov

Nikolay: Like anyone creative person, I periodically need a break from people. For example, I recently flew to Thailand to a weight loss clinic - I took a week-long body cleansing course there. And although Sophie is careful

hinted that I should take her with me, I flew alone. After all, I didn’t go there to rest; a diet is a certain amount of work, as it involves a regimen and restrictions. In addition, it turned out that I had chosen a hotel in which mobile phone can only be used in the room! That is, all the conditions for not being distracted by events outside world. I had the opportunity to think about life. But in the evening Sophie called to find out how I was doing, and we spent several hours talking. (Laughs.)

Sophie: What can I say, with Kolya it’s incredibly easy and... comfortable.

Nikolay: It's comfortable with me! I'm as comfortable as a sofa! (Laughs.) In fact, we understand each other perfectly. Sophie is not one of those who throw tantrums or scenes of jealousy, who endlessly demands something and makes claims. On the contrary, she does everything to make me feel good. This attitude is new to me. I am grateful to all the women with whom fate connected me, but... It just so happened that I probably always invested a little more in relationships. Often the message from my friends was this: if he feels good, then I should feel super good. And now it's the other way around. Sonya first of all thinks about making me feel good. She manages to surround me with attention and care, without being overly intrusive. In short, I don’t feel any pressure from Sophie. This delights me and binds me to her even more.

Sophie: I feel like we've known each other for a hundred years. True, I still can’t get used to his surprises. For example, the doorbell rings - I open it, and on the threshold there is a courier with an armful of flowers... Kolya is one of those rare men for whom

you don’t need to hint what you want to receive as a gift, just look at it. (Laughs.) Sometimes I feel embarrassed: as soon as I glance at the store window, Kolya immediately drags me inside and buys half of everything they have. And, believe me, there are no options for retreat. (Laughs.) Sometimes he buys me dresses himself, and always guesses the size.

Nikolay: Firstly, Sophie has a petite, chiseled figure, so choosing a dress for her is not difficult. And secondly, at first glance I unmistakably determine which outfit will ideally match any of my suits, so the purchasing decision ripens quickly. As for joint purchases, then it’s really interesting for me to watch how a woman tries on new clothes, how she looks contentedly at herself in the mirror, how her eyes light up. And if I have the opportunity to please my beloved, how can I deny myself and her this pleasure?!

Sophie: I feel that Kolya is still watching me, looking closely, studying me. Of course, like any woman, I want a family, more children, but I will never rush a man. Photo: Vladimir Shirokov

— Your relationship with Sophie can be called civil marriage?

— We have a guest marriage, and such relationships are this moment suits both. At least that's what I think. (Laughs.) We meet whenever possible. After all, we are both already beaten to a certain extent by life: we have a divorce behind us, the baggage of previous relationships, we have children. Therefore, we take our time, don’t force events, don’t make plans, but just enjoy life... More often I come to Sophie in her Vacation home, because for now she is more comfortable on her territory. Besides, she has a son there.

— Women, as a rule, tend to be more certain in relationships...

Sophie: And I'm no exception. But I completely agree with Kolya: there is no need to rush here. Well, besides, I feel that Kolya is still watching me, looking closely, studying me. Although he tries not to show it. Of course, like any woman, I want a family, more children, but I will never rush a man. For me, in principle, in a close relationship, the man comes first. I am not one of those who pull the blanket over myself; on the contrary, I am ready to adapt and make compromises.

Nikolai: Bogdan is a wonderful, well-mannered boy. Mutual language We found him easily. Firstly, I love children, and secondly, cartoons. Sophie with her son Bogdan

— How was Nikolai’s first meeting with your son?

— At first Bogdan was embarrassed and became quiet. It’s not surprising - before that he had only seen Kolya on TV, but suddenly he saw him live. But he is a calm, adequate boy. There was no jealousy on his part, and there was no reason for it. It is clear that Kolya is not going to replace Bogdan’s father - he has his own, and they communicate well. But for me, as a mother, it is important that they get along.

Nikolay: He and I easily found a common language, and it happened in the most naturally. Firstly, I love children, and secondly, cartoons. First, we watched an animated film together at the cinema, and then we went to a toy store. Bogdan is a wonderful, well-mannered boy. Calls me Uncle Kolya. Unfortunately, the topic of children is painful for me - after all, my own son is growing up, Bronislav, with whom, as it happens, we do not communicate or see each other. I can’t help but think about this... Recently we spoke with Sophie, and she casually said: “Let me give birth to your child - a girl!” But I honestly answered that I’m not ready yet. I repeat: this is a sore subject for me, I still can’t discuss it...

- Nikolai, have you told your parents about your new novel?

— Sophie met them after one of my performances in Moscow. Backstage I introduced them to each other.

Sophie: Kolya's are amazing. And it’s clear that they love their son infinitely and are proud of him. The entire time we talked, we talked exclusively about Kolya. Elena Nikolaevna recalled that she always wanted him to connect his life with the stage,

and dad saw him in sports - as a swimmer. Mom also emphasized that Kolya loves to eat delicious food, so he needs to be fed well. (Laughs.) I try not to let you down. Another thing is that Kolya goes on a diet more often than I do.

Nikolay: The only thing Sophie asked was to cook cheesecakes for breakfast, my mother’s specialty. I love it very much. (Smiles.) For my mother, the main thing is that I be healthy. I know that my parents will accept any of my choices and will never allow themselves to discuss it (this is not customary in our family). For them, first of all, it is important that I feel good and comfortable. Of course, they dream of me having a family, more children, but, I repeat, they will never interfere in my personal life with advice and comments. And they liked Sophie, rest assured!

Nikolai: it just so happened that I probably always invested a little more in relationships. Often the message from my friends was this: if he feels good, then I should feel super good. But with Sophie it's the other way around. Photo: Vladimir Shirokov

— How did your friends receive Sophie?

— . Still, the moment came when it was necessary to come out of the shadows. (Smiles.) And again, everything happened in the most natural way. For example, on one of the days of the festival Maxim Galkin called with an offer to come to him and Alla and have lunch together. I decided to stop by for five minutes, but Sonya didn’t go - somehow she wasn’t ready to meet Alla Borisovna right away. As a result, as soon as I walked in, I heard from Pugacheva from the doorway: “Well, where is your girlfriend? Give it here!” Alla Borisovna, as usual, is aware of all the news. Sophie came in timidly. Alla Borisovna looked at her, turned to me: “Well, another creative tandem?” “Well, yes,” I say in response. “That’s right, everyone goes to the family!” In fact, everyone warmly welcomed Sophie, as proper people should. After some gatherings, when Sophie came out, she whispered to me: “Listen, she suits you!” Fifteen minutes of communication was enough for her to come to this conclusion.

— Nikolay, do you think the experience of past relationships helps to avoid mistakes in new ones?

“And I’m not afraid to make mistakes—I’m a confident man.” And in general I try to take things easier. You need to hurry to live and enjoy every moment. They say correctly: “As long as you complain about life, it passes.” If something doesn’t work out in a couple’s relationship, why spoil each other’s nerves and waste time? We must part by saying

Thank each other for what happened. I completely agree with Marquez, who wrote: “Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened!”

I happy man- I have something to remember. And now I enjoy life, appreciate it and am immensely grateful for what I have. The Lord gives me the opportunity to do something that I adore. I have my audience, fans, I earn enough to live with dignity myself and provide the same life for my loved ones. And finally, I love and are loved! Why think about any mistakes?

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Biography, life story of Kalcheva Sofia

Sofia Kalcheva – Russian singer and a producer who gained fame due to her close relationship with a popular performer.

What is known?

Despite the fact that Sofia has always been an active user of Instagram (where she happily posted numerous photos from her vacation), the girl carefully protects her biographical information from the prying eyes of fans. According to some sources, she was born in Moldova, according to others, in one of the Russian outbacks. After graduation high school replenished the population of Moscow.

IN adolescence Kalcheva tried herself not only in music. The pretty girl could be seen at various beauty contests. At one time, according to gossip columnists, she tried to start a modeling career. But something went wrong, although Sofia’s external data allowed her to gracefully move along the catwalk and thereby delight male spectators.

In the capital, Sofia Kalcheva learned the basics of variety and circus art at a school of the corresponding profile. The girl was kept company at that time by the leader music group“Revolver” by Lesha Elistratov. In addition, Kalcheva attended lectures at the State University of Management. At the school, Sophia didn’t have enough stars in the sky, but she was able to graduate and start performing on stage.

In order to attract the attention of viewers, the aspiring artist took the creative pseudonym Sofya Bogdan. Years passed, but the general public remained in the dark about the existence of a singer with that name. Even direct participation in the concerts of the legendary singer and fashionable contemporary performer did not help.

The singer even used “heavy artillery” by releasing several videos. However, they also went unnoticed by the public. The only hope left was to get on the big stage, which Sofia did not fail to take advantage of. The girl began to delight guests of nightclubs and participants of corporate parties with her performances. It would seem that this was the limit of her capabilities.


Fateful meeting

Who knows how the life of a performer of average songs would have developed in the future, if not for her acquaintance with the famous pop and opera singer. The date took place in 2014 during the Jurmala festival “ New wave" After this, the artists began to appear together often. The girl starred in the same video with the idol of millions of women. Moreover, she even sang a duet with him.

A close relationship with the famous Russian tenor allowed her to eventually become his director. The fact that official connections have long turned into close ones was evidenced by Kalcheva’s statement about her imminent marriage. The wedding has not yet taken place, which has given critics reason to doubt the veracity of this message. Skeptics argued that this was an exclusively commercial project, nothing more.

Personal life

Very little is known about her. Sofia Kalcheva gave birth to a son, Bogdan. No matter how hard the tabloid representatives tried to find out the name of the child’s father, they could not. According to some reports, one of the influential residents of Moscow could play his role. The couple allegedly dated back when Sofia sang along

One of the most high-profile weddings of this year will take place in the fall in Grozny: marriage. The news about the marriage of celebrities sounded like thunder among clear skies for fans of artists. For many, it remains a mystery what happened to beautiful story Baskov's romance with the singer Sophie? IN exclusive interview Super during his stay at the Zhara music festival in Baku ex-fiancee The singer decided for the first time to talk about breaking up with him.

Sophie, what really happened between you and Nikolai?

This is something that is simply impossible to explain. There's a lump in my throat, it hurts. It seemed like love, it seemed like everything was fine. Yes, we had some disagreements, he had a lot of concerts. I wanted him to be at home with me more often. But he was more often with another woman, broadcasting some programs, of course, I didn’t like it. I tried to make him understand this, because if you want to have a family, you need to meet each other halfway. I tried to understand him as an artist. Of course, I didn’t want to let go, it was a shock for me, I was speechless.

How did you find out that Nikolai was marrying someone else?

I couldn't even speak. You know, there must be some kind of preparation. We understood that we were two pluses, two identical people, but usually people quarrel and sort things out. He called me at seven in the morning. I know that he usually sleeps at this time, because he works until three in the morning. I picked up the phone, and he told me: “We need to talk, I’m getting married.” I was half asleep and didn’t understand what they were talking about, so I said: “Did you decide to play a prank on me or are you crazy?” I thought that he would at least warn me, but he replied: “Well, that’s it, no one can figure me out, I’m that kind of person.” I try to understand, but I don't see any logic.

Do you know Victoria Lopyreva?

I've seen her a couple of times, not that I know her personally. She beautiful girl. They constantly host programs together.

What feelings do you have for Nikolai now, are you angry with him?

I would like to wish Nikolai to be happy. If he really thinks he needs it, God forbid. I am such a person by nature that if I love someone, even after breaking up, I always want to wish that person to be happy. Although this is my first breakup, no man has ever done this to me. There is some annoyance. We tried, both he and I, but we didn’t succeed.

How do you evaluate Nikolai's choice?

I can speak purely as a woman. I think it’s enough to run around the world, you need to get married at least once, after all, the girl is already 34 years old. Beautiful, textured. And I already need to have a child, at least I’ve been married and have a child. May God grant her to give birth, to be a woman, as long as she can look for a groom. And what a groom, blond, “the golden voice of Russia”! I want to wish her female happiness, man is man, but when a woman has a child, that’s the only way she’s truly happy.

For three years now, Nikolai Baskov has been with a sultry brunette named Sophie. With all the publicity about the companion “ natural blonde"little is known. It so happens that Sophie has never given a big interview. The girl made an exception only “ProZvezd”, frankly telling our correspondents about her life together with Nikolai Baskov, his habits, which took a long time to adapt to, and about her difficult character.
“He doesn’t remember our meeting!”

– This is really my first great interview, - the girl smiles. “It so happened that I had never communicated so openly with journalists before. Our meeting with Kolya turned out to be prolonged in time. We first met ten years ago at Dima Bilan’s birthday. Then I was married, he was married. I remember when Kolya arrived, the holiday was in full swing. He walked in, and I had a complete feeling that the atmosphere around me had changed. It seemed to me that at that moment the space expanded. I realized this only later: he always brings in a new stream of air. By the way, I even have a photograph somewhere in which he feeds me sushi from his hands. I’m not a bore and I don’t like to blow men’s minds, but I constantly ask Nikolai: “Don’t you remember that meeting of ours?” As is typical for representatives of the stronger sex, he still cannot remember her. Then, of course, I followed the development of his dizzying career, but we did not communicate. The second time we met completely by chance was at karaoke. We sang together so much that we still sing to this day.

– He already presented it to me. So that you understand, Kolya can just give me absolutely any earrings, for example, but not for my birthday, for him it’s too banal. For my birthday, he bought me a song that I had already recorded, and shot a video for it with a very expensive director. I like to sing: in Lately got confused by this. I even got myself a vocal coach. I understand that I will never become Alla Pugacheva. But I don’t pretend to do so: as it turns out, so it turns out! Kolya supports me in my hobby. He told me: “Don’t be afraid to sing. The stage is big, there’s enough room for everyone!” By and large, he is right.

– But they say that it’s not easy to survive in show business, that it’s a terrarium of friends!

– When Nikolai and I were just beginning, I was also told such horrors about our show business. Like, this is a terrarium of like-minded people, where everyone hates each other, that I won’t survive there and they’ll eat me. But I probably entered there with such support that there were no fools to devour me (smiles). Although in general everything creepy stories greatly exaggerated. When our video for the song “You are my happiness” was released, people stopped me backstage and completely sincerely admired me. Although this clip almost cost us our health. We filmed it in Ireland, in the wild cold and were terribly frozen!

“If God gives us children, I will be glad”

– Sophie, why do you think you and Nikolai have been together for so long?

– Recently I realized why relationships fall apart: because of habit. Kolya has a peculiarity: he really loves to surprise and make surprises. It's never boring with him. Once I was driving, he called and said: “Come to my place for a shoot.” From there we went to the airport and flew to the Maldives. The only things we had were two passports and his credit card. And we had a great time. It is important for him that the person who is next to him understands him. He can arrive at three in the morning from an airplane, wake you up and say: “Sonya, they sent me such a song! You should listen to her!” And we listen to it together. He loves to surprise, arrange surprises. He can walk around Barcelona, ​​see shoes or a dress in a window and immediately buy them. He buys things without trying them on and gets the size absolutely right! Everything looks great on me.

– How do you feel about the rumors that are circulating regarding your couple? Some people think that you are in a marriage of convenience. Doesn't this offend you?

– We definitely don’t have a marriage of convenience: both I and he have everything in life. We do not support each other financially at all. We are having a guest marriage. Many people cannot understand: “How do they live like this: he is in an apartment, and she is in her own house?” But you need to exist in this schedule in order to understand that there is no other way. Kolya works incredibly hard. We recently filmed Saturday Night. Filming lasted for a whole week. Every day he entered the frame at 12 noon and left it at 2 am. And so on for a whole week. He often calls me and says: “We will not meet today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow.” Not every woman can accept this. But I accept because I understand what kind of hard labor he has.

– It’s not easy with Nikolai: he has a lot of fans. Are you jealous of them? Do you check your phones after separation?

- Never! Do you know what I've noticed lately? Many couples, cooing at a table in a cafe, put their phones with their screens down, and when they go to the toilet, they take them with them. So that, God forbid, their significant other does not read anything unnecessary. Kolya and I don’t have that. I can easily give him my phone so that he can find some kind of track or letter there. And he does the same: we don’t hide anything from each other. Sincerity and trust are the most important things in our relationships. When we celebrated two years of our lives, I caught myself thinking that we never talk about what happened before us. We don't discuss the past at all. Neither he remembers nor I am interested. I am very grateful that Nikolai is not trying to poke around in my past. It is not necessary. It's better to turn the pages and move on. I often get asked questions: “What will happen next? Now you are together, you are happy. What then?” To be honest, I don’t even want to know what will happen. I like to live for today. Today I am absolutely happy. I have a son, a beloved man, parents. I feel comfortable this way. Comfortable and without going to the registry office. I believe that a girl should only have a wedding once. I already had it. And then it doesn’t have the same value as the first time.

– Do you think about having children together?

– You know, we do not set such a task. But if this happens, we will be only happy. I don’t insist because I have a son, Bogdan. I was worried for some time that some friction might arise between him and Kolya. But, thank God, everything went well.

“You write him 388 messages, but he doesn’t respond to them”

– Your relationship with Nikolai seems ideal from the outside. Do you have quarrels?

- Quarrels most often happen when he is tired. At such moments, Kolya becomes incredibly irritable. According to his horoscope, he is Libra: this is generally a very difficult case. He's always shaking. He may flare up, scream and leave, slamming the door. But it never comes to insults. Although most often I am the cause of quarrels. Sometimes I understand that I started out of the blue, but I can’t stop. When I'm furious, I start calling him and texting him. Do you know what he does? Takes time out for a day. You write him 388 messages, but he doesn’t react to them at all. He will wait a day until I have cooled down and come to my senses, and then he calls and, as if nothing had happened, says: “Hello, bunny, how are you? How are you feeling? Did the courier bring you flowers?” At first I was speechless. And then I realized: this is his strategy. And I accepted it.

– As you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. How do you surprise Nikolai?

– This is not our story at all. Being next to Nikolai, I realized that he did not need home-cooked food at all. He loves restaurants, loves to try different cuisines peace. Kolya is the type of man who needs a woman for pleasure and care. In this care he is realized. In terms of a hostess, he doesn’t need me. I’m not in demand in this regard at home either: my mother runs it there. She is a professional chef and an excellent cook. As a housewife, I am not yet fulfilled at all.

– Nikolai, by the way, told us the other day that visiting your mother is a serious headache for him!

- Yes, this is a wild problem. So you understand, we have two ovens in our kitchen. And when he arrives, they both open. This hospitality and hospitality comes naturally to us. In Kazakhstan, where we are from, this is how we greet guests. Plus mom has such a character. For her, feeding people is a holiday. She enjoys it. But Kolya can’t eat everything his mother cooks. He's on a diet all the time. Therefore, lately he categorically refuses to visit us.

I like to live for today. Today I am absolutely happy. I have a son, a beloved man, parents.

- Mom is probably in shock?

Correspondents contacted Sofia with a request to comment on the current situation. The young woman did not hide that she was surprised by Baskov’s act. According to Kalcheva, she could not even think that the artist would suddenly decide to get married to another woman. “It’s simply impossible to explain. There's a lump in my throat, it hurts. It seemed like love, it seemed like everything was fine. Yes, we had some disagreements, he had a lot of concerts. I wanted him to be at home with me more often. But he was more often with another woman, broadcasting some kind of program, of course, I didn’t like it. (...) Of course, I didn’t want to let go, it was a shock for me, I was speechless,” Sophie confesses.

Nikolai simply called Sofia and said that he would marry someone else (Photo: Sputnik)

At the same time, Kalcheva respected Baskov’s choice. “If he really thinks that this is what he needs, God forbid,” says ex-lover artist.

Lopyreva and Baskov spend a lot of time together at work (Photo: Instagram)

During a conversation with journalists, Sophie Kalcheva also gave advice to Nikolai Baskov’s current passion. The brunette believes that it’s time for the model to settle down and start a family. The young woman knows what she is talking about - she is raising her son Bogdan from a previous relationship.

IN upcoming wedding Few people still believe Victoria and Nikolai (Photo: Instagram)

“I can speak purely as a woman. I think it’s enough to run around the world, you need to get married at least once, after all, the girl is already 34 years old. Beautiful, textured. And I already need to have a child, at least I’ve been married and have a child. May God grant her to give birth, to be a woman, as long as she can look for a groom. And what a groom, blond, “the golden voice of Russia,” said Sophie.

What else to read