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Express tour: pregnancy by week

Pregnancy women lasts 280 days or 40 weeks, which is 9 months. This difficult path to the meeting of mother and baby is usually divided into trimesters, each a week which has its own characteristics and characteristics. Each trimester consists of three months.

First trimester: 1-13 weeks

At the "start" after conception, an embryo is formed, but the signs are poorly felt by the mother. Details:

  • Week 1 For pregnancy to occur, it is necessary to attach an egg that travels through the tubes to the wall of the uterus. The expectant mother feels the world deeper, becomes more thoughtful. Many women at this stage feel symptoms, as before menstruation - pulling the lower back, aching in the stomach. To determine the gestational age in weeks and calculate the due date from the last menstrual days, use our pregnancy calculator. Try not to drink pills and eat right;
  • 2 weeks- a follicle matures in the ovaries during ovulation, then it bursts, the egg comes out, the breast becomes sensitive, irritability increases slightly, but libido also increases. No saunas and baths during this period! No weight lifting! Only exercising, swimming, not smoking, orange juices and green vegetables rich in folic acid, which helps to absorb iron! Taste habits change, you often want to go to the toilet, pressure decreases;
  • 3 week- the embryo lives in the mother's body, the egg is fertilized by the sperm, divides, after 2.5 weeks it reaches the uterus, which becomes loose by the end of this period. Nothing prevents the egg from attaching securely to the mucous membrane. The metabolism changes, the mammary glands coarsen. It is necessary to replace sweets with nuts, eat foods rich in calcium, protein, folic acid, iron;
  • 4 week- Mom detects a delay in menstruation, nausea, malaise may appear. Hormones released during pregnancy can be seen already in the urine in a laboratory analysis. The internal organs are laid in the embryo, the mother needs vitamins;
  • 5 week- the uterus thickens, the baby looks like a tadpole, but its eyes and nostrils are already forming, there is already a heart, the base of the skeleton is formed. The baby receives nourishment and oxygen from the mother's blood. The woman's ovaries actively release progesterone, the mother's immunity decreases. In 7 days, the embryo grows up to half a centimeter;
  • 6 week- the formation of a fetal bladder is underway, protecting the embryo from any troubles, the nervous and circulatory systems are developing hourly. There are processes of creation of the brain, liver, respiratory organs, pancreas. The baby grows up to 1.3 cm;
  • 7 week- the size of the head of the embryo reaches 0.8 cm. The visual system is formed, the neural tubes thicken, the upper part of the intestine secretes the esophagus, stomach and pharynx, the bladder, rectum are visible under the lower part, in male embryos - the prostate. In a woman, the skin of the face can become oily during this period, as in a teenager. Hormonal changes can cause itching. In case of any trouble, it is better to consult a doctor for advice;
  • 8 week- the nervous system receives maximum development, the medulla oblongata is ready for work, the spinal cord and brain have already fully formed, the eyes are still without eyelids, there is a nose, fingers and elbow joints appear on the handles. Mothers should beware of infections;
  • 9 week- the third month begins, the face acquires human features, the eyelids form, a sucking reflex appears, the circulatory system circulates inside the tiny organism, the heart acquires three chambers, the bronchi branch. Mommy's breasts are growing so much that the next bra number is required. The uterus increases, the ligaments stretch, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen for this period are the norm;
  • 10 week- A 5-centimeter embryo is already considered a fetus, on ultrasound you can see its gender. His nervous system was divided into central and peripheral, the hemispheres of the brain become more independent. An enlarged uterus is groped even with hands, you constantly want to go to the toilet;
  • 11 week- the baby's body gradually straightens, reaches 5.9 cm, the legs begin to actively catch up with the arms, an iris forms near the eyes, lymphocytes appear. The mother's kidneys experience a double load, removing metabolic products for two;
  • 12 week- A 50-gram fetus has grown to more than 7 centimeters, the movement of the chest during breathing is noticeable, the heart beats more than 150 beats per minute, milk teeth, vocal cords, and diaphragm are formed. Mothers need to get enough sleep, exercise, keep calm;
  • 13 week- the placenta has reached 16 mm, becoming a reliable protection for the baby. From this point on, the body will even withstand antibiotics, if necessary. Bones and ribs need calcium. Without subcutaneous fat, the skin looks wrinkled. Mom may experience constipation, lower blood pressure, and disturb the kidneys. It is important to eat right in order to gain no more than 11 kg for the entire pregnancy, for multiple pregnancy - no more than 17 kg;

Second trimester: 14-27 weeks

This is a mildly flowing period of bearing a baby, during which the mother's body is completely ready to work for two, despite weight gain, rounding of shapes, and the appearance of a belly. The embryo has fully formed internal organs and systems, the child moves its limbs, sucks its finger, and the feeling of its movements gives the mother endless delight. More:

  • 14 week- the baby maintains the chemical composition of the amniotic fluid, excreting urine in them up to several times a day. The ovaries in girls and the prostate in boys are improved. The lack of vitamins affects the well-being of the mother. She has a feeling that there is not enough air. It is worth eating less potatoes and legumes. You may be allergic to strawberries, peaches, oranges;
  • 15 week- the heart of the crumbs overtakes about 23 liters of blood, convolutions form in the brain, the bone marrow develops, the intestines form the original feces, the amount of amniotic fluid increases. You can talk to your baby! The height of the uterus reaches 14 cm. The woman begins to bloom;
  • 16 week- the date of the baby's movement helps to more accurately set the date of delivery, he actively moves every 10 minutes. He opens his eyes for the first time. Fetal movement may appear by the 20th week. Charging and the right menu improve the mother's condition;
  • 17 week- the weight of the fetus exceeds 100 g, and the height reaches 12 cm. He and his mother need calcium, healthy food, since the body type is laid. A woman feels pressure in the stomach, liver. You have to eat many times a day in small portions so that the stomach has time to cope. Sometimes there are cramps in the legs due to a lack of B vitamins, magnesium, calcium;
  • 18 week- the height of a small child is 13 cm, weight - 170 g, head diameter - almost 4 cm, fingers become proportional, foot length reaches 2.5 cm. Mothers rejoice, feeling his movements. At this time, there is a high probability of determining the sex of the baby on an ultrasound scan. The ideal weekly weight gain for a mom is 500 g. To reduce swelling, you need to consume less salt;
  • 19 week- the child reacts to screams, the volume of the voice, turns the head to the sound. Listen to pleasant music, do not quarrel with your family. A pattern is formed on children's palms. Shocks in the tummy become more distinct. Women do not always distinguish the movement of the fetus from the processes that occur in the intestines;
  • 20 week- the endocrine system is formed, the parts of the brain are improving, the baby can swallow, has good hearing, its weight is about 290 g, its height is about 24 cm. Mom's waist disappears from the rounding of the tummy, the first stretch marks appear, a comfortable bra is required;
  • 21 weeks- if a baby is suddenly born after this period, its ability to survive increases significantly. Systems and organs are formed, the stomach and chest, head grow, subcutaneous fat is formed, receptors on the tongue distinguish taste, the first leukocytes appear in his body. Requires a lot of protein and 4 times more carbohydrates;
  • 22 week- the brain weighs 100 g, the height of the fetus is 28 cm, the weight is about 430 g, the mass of the heart increases, the ligaments and vertebrae are clearly visible. It is necessary to consider the baby's movements, since swelling can compress the blood vessels that carry food to the placenta;
  • 23 week- alveoli are formed, the respiratory system develops. Mom needs to drink plenty of water, because plasma is made up of it. On the head of the child, a fluff is noticeable during ultrasound examination, muscles, spine, bones, aorta are clearly visible;
  • 24 week- Gradually, the skin of the baby is smoothed out, due to the appearance of subcutaneous fatty tissue. The baby feels the emotions of the mother. The doctor listens to how the heart beats, whether the breast, tummy has grown, what is the diameter of the head;
  • 25 week- the weight of the child is 680 g, height - 34 cm. The bone marrow is connected to blood formation. In order for the alveoli to function, surfactant accumulates in the lungs. The bottom of the mother's uterus has risen to 25 cm, legs get tired more often, pain in the lower back appears;
  • 26 week- the baby has grown to 35 cm, gained more than 770 g, smells, reacts faster to voices. The diameter of the head is now 65.1 mm, the abdomen is 67.4 mm, and the chest is 65.8 mm. By this time, the woman puts things off, spares herself more;
  • 27 week- bookmark the speed of reactions, metabolic processes. Mom needs to gain strength for the upcoming third of gestation. The period is characterized by frequent shortness of breath due to a feeling of lack of air.

Third trimester: 28 weeks to delivery

The most difficult stage for a mother is from 7 months to childbirth. It is accompanied by the active growth of the baby, preparing the child for independent existence. Details:

  • 28 week- the baby is exactly 7 months old, you can determine whether he will be right-handed or left-handed. To do this, the ultrasound shows which handle he often reaches for his mouth. There is already enough surfactant in the lungs so that the alveoli do not stick together during the first breath;
  • 29 week- the growth of the baby has reached 38 cm, the weight is more than 1 kg. In the lubricant, he only has a tummy and folds. He becomes cramped inside his mother, and the blood fully protects him from infections, but venous and arterial blood is still mixed. The daily portion of urine excreted is 500 g. Mom is on maternity leave at this time;
  • 30 week- the chest of the crumbs grew to 77.4 mm, and the tummy - to 79.3 mm. The cerebral cortex is formed, the child begins to remember some sounds, sensations. Mom will have to visit the gynecologist weekly. Due to the increased pressure on the vessels during sleep, the hands go numb, the legs cramp. The ligaments become elastic, you can do light stretching workouts in the pelvic area;
  • 31 weeks- The child's weekly weight gain is about 200 g. The child needs subcutaneous fat to keep warm. The pigment accumulates in the hair and the iris of the eyes. Sometimes the uterus rehearses childbirth, one-time contractions appear;
  • 32 week- the baby weighs 1700 g, the body length is over 40 cm. If the placenta "gets old", the nutrition will be disturbed, and deviations will appear in development. By this period, the first hair appears. The mother produces vasopressin and oxytocin;
  • 33 week- the child has to take the fetal position, because there is not enough space. The body reached 43 cm, the head - 8.2 cm, the tummy - 87.4 mm, the breast - 85 mm. The placenta copes with the function of protecting the baby from harmful factors and nourishes it through the blood;
  • 34 week- the baby weighs 2.1 kg. The placenta produces hormones that cause lactation. Its thickness is 3.39 cm. It is important not to overdo it with the use of calcium in order to exclude birth injuries. It is necessary to continue to count the movements of the fetus - 4-6 movements are considered the norm;
  • - childbirth is possible this week, but heredity determines a lot. The head is 1/4 of the body length, its diameter is 91 mm. Feet have been defined. The genitals and reflexes of the baby are developed. The placenta dries out, delivers nutrition worse. Mom is focused on the upcoming meeting with the baby;
  • 39 week- the baby weighs 3.3 kg, height - 51.5 cm. Thanks to the fontanelles made of cartilage, the bones of the skull remain supple so that the child can pass through the birth canal. The baby will be able to distinguish objects at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes. The placenta ages and the fetus feels a lack of oxygen. Mom prepares things for the hospital and documents;
  • 40 week- the child patiently waited for this hour, gained more than 3.5 kg, grew to 53 cm. The mother becomes anxious if childbirth does not occur. Before delivery, you often want to go to the toilet, the lower back aches, the cervix gradually opens, colostrum is released from the nipples.

If the birth did not occur at the 40th week, it does not matter. Resolution within 42 weeks is considered normal. It remains to trust nature. Only 10% of women in labor reach the 42nd week. Dopplerography and ultrasound are performed to assess the condition of the baby and mother. The main thing is to remain calm so as not to harm the health of mother and child.

"Cervix" in Latin means "cervix") or cervical canal. The cervix is ​​4 cm long and the width of the cervical canal is a maximum of 4 mm. The shape of the canal resembles a spindle, that is, its widest part is located in the center of the cervix, and the canal narrows up and down. This form ensures the preservation of the mucous plug, which is normally present in the cervical canal.


This calculator will allow you to calculate what stage of pregnancy you are currently in, the date of future birth, the date of conception, and even the zodiac sign of the future baby and his zodiac animal according to the Eastern calendar. You can also determine the age of the fetus, its weight and height, and how much time is left before delivery. To do this, you need to enter the date of the first day of your last period and the length of your menstrual cycle. In addition, our calculator generates a very convenient and practical weekly pregnancy table. Using it, you can navigate which week of pregnancy you are currently in, as well as track the height and weight of your unborn child.

In the uterine cavity after fertilization, the body of the child gradually develops. This process is physiological and is called pregnancy. The weekly pregnancy calendar consists of 40 weeks, which equals 10 obstetric months (9 calendar months). This pregnancy calendar by month and week is presented in detail and describes each week and month of pregnancy. Our website also has - where you can calculate the gestational age online.

The weekly pregnancy calendar consists of two fundamental parts: the entire development of the baby in the belly of the expectant mother is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Embryonic, which is 2 obstetric months or 8 weeks. The unborn child at this stage acquires human features and is considered an embryo.
  2. Fetal, which, according to the pregnancy calendar, begins at the 3rd obstetric month (9 weeks) and ends at birth. The unborn child during this period is the fetus.

In the process of human evolution, the genetic code embedded in the cells of the reproductive system was fixed. Thanks to him, the child grows, and his organs and systems are correctly formed during certain periods of intrauterine development.

Our pregnancy calendar for weeks and days will allow you to find out the most complete information about each stage of pregnancy, as well as calculate the approximate date of delivery.

First month of the pregnancy calendar

1 week of pregnancy (1-7 days)

Pregnancy occurs after fertilization, which consists in the fusion of a woman's egg and a male sperm. Usually the process of fertilization occurs in one of the departments of the uterine tube. After a couple of hours, the fertilized egg begins to divide and gradually descends from the tube into the uterine cavity. She does this for 5 days.

After the division process, a multicellular organism appears, outwardly similar to a blackberry, which sounds like “morus” in Latin, which is why during this period the embryo is called a morula. Implantation of the morula into the uterine wall takes place approximately 7 days after conception.

On the outer cells of the embryo there are villi that connect to the uterine blood vessels, in the future they form the placenta. The rest of the outer cells are the initial stage in the appearance of the membranes and the umbilical cord. The organs and tissues of the fetus are further formed from the internal cells of the embryo.

In the process of introducing the morula into the wall of the uterus, a woman may experience slight bleeding from the genitals. These discharges do not require treatment.

2 weeks pregnant (8-14 days)

There is an intensive ingrowth of the outer cells of the embryo into the uterine mucosa. This period is characterized by the beginning of the development of the placenta, umbilical cord and neural tube, which is the basis of the future nervous system of the child.

3 weeks pregnant (15-21 days)

This time is quite difficult and responsible: the organs and systems of the unborn child begin to form. During this period, the beginnings of the circulatory, nervous, respiratory, digestive and excretory systems are formed. Where the fetus will have a head in the future, the rudiment of the brain appears - a wide plate. At the end of this period, the baby's heart begins to beat.

4 weeks pregnant (22-28 days)

The intestines, kidneys, liver and lungs are laid. Cardiac activity becomes more intense, and a greater volume of blood passes through the circulatory system.

From the beginning of this period, a chord appears - the future spine (dividing the embryo, muscles and all limbs in two), as well as body folds. The neural tube finishes forming by day 25 after conception.

By the end of 4 weeks, pits begin to form on the head - future eyes.

Second month of the pregnancy calendar

5 weeks pregnant (29-35 days)

The coccyx-parietal size (KTR) reaches 2.5 mm.

During this period, the pancreas and liver are formed in the digestive system, the lungs, larynx and trachea are formed in the respiratory system, blood circulation, eyes and the inner ear continue to develop. There are precursors of germ cells, brain sections. The limbs are still developing: the rudiments of nails appear on them, a faint umbilical cord is formed. The face has an upper lip and nasal cavities.

6 weeks pregnant (36-42 days)

KTP is about 0.5 cm, the placenta begins to form. During this period, blood does not yet circulate between it and the embryo.

An encephalogram performed at week 6 is already able to pick up the signals of the brain, in which departments continue to form.

Facial muscles appear. There are no eyelids yet, but they are already more pronounced. The arms become longer, future fingers and hands are formed on them.

Internal organs change as follows:

  • primary kidneys appear and ureters develop;
  • the heart has atria and ventricles;
  • the stomach and intestines begin to form;
  • the pancreas and kidneys have almost finished developing.

7 weeks pregnant (43-49 days)

The umbilical cord is already fully formed, blood circulation appears between the uterus and the placenta. The embryo breathes and feeds thanks to the blood flow through the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord.

The unborn child is still in a bent state, and there is a small tail in the pelvic area. The head is large in proportion to the body, the CTE reaches 1.5 cm.

The hands continue their development, fingers are visible on them, as yet undivided among themselves. When irritating factors appear, the baby randomly moves his upper limbs.

There are already eyelids on the eyes that are closed as a protective function from drying out. The mouth of the embryo opens. The nose and its fold are laid, as well as future auricles, which now represent two pairs of elevations. The brain, together with the departments, is still rapidly developing.

8 weeks pregnant (50-56 days)

The baby's torso begins to straighten, by the end of the week the CTE reaches 2.1 cm. The organs and systems of the embryo continue to form. The male embryo develops testicles, continues to improve the brain, digestive organs, cardiac system, lungs and urinary organs. The auditory organs begin to form.

At the end of this period, the baby's face takes on the usual human shape:

  1. The eyes are more pronounced, with closed eyelids.
  2. The development of the lips ends.
  3. Ears and nose are visible.

There is a rapid growth of all limbs and the head, the membrane from the skin between the fingers disappears. Ossifies the skull, as well as long bones on the limbs.

By the end of this period, the unborn child passes from the embryonic to the fetal stage of intrauterine development and is already considered a fetus.

Third month of the pregnancy calendar

9 weeks pregnant (57-63 days)

By the beginning of the 9th week, the KTR of the fetus reaches 2.2 cm, by the end - 3.1 cm. The placental vessels are being improved, which helps to improve blood circulation between the uterus and the placenta.

The fetal musculoskeletal system is still developing, ossification begins:

  • joints appear on all fingers;
  • the baby is actively moving and is already able to squeeze his fingers;
  • the head is still lowered, and the chin is firmly pressed to the chest.

The cardiovascular system undergoes changes:

  1. The heartbeat is about 150 beats per minute.
  2. Blood is pumped through the blood vessels of the heart.
  3. The composition of the blood so far includes only erythrocytes.

The brain is still actively growing and developing, the structures of the cerebellum are appearing. Endocrine organs are formed, especially the adrenal glands, which are responsible for hormonal production.

The cartilaginous tissue that makes up the ear shells and laryngeal cartilages improves. The vocal cords begin to appear.

10 weeks pregnant (64-70 days)

KTR varies from 3.5 to 4 cm. The tail disappears in the pelvic region and the buttocks begin to form. The child remains in a bent free position in the uterine cavity.

The nervous system is being improved, and the fetus now moves not only randomly, but also reflexively after exposure to an irritating factor. If the baby accidentally touches the uterine walls, as a response, he bends or unbends his limbs, turns his head, moves aside. The expectant mother does not yet feel such movements, since the size of the baby is still very small.

The sucking reflex begins to develop, so the child reflexively moves his mouth. The diaphragm, which plays an important role in the process of breathing, finishes developing.

11 weeks pregnant (71-77 days)

KTR is from 4 to 5 cm. The appearance of the fetus is still disproportionate: the head is large compared to the body, the lower limbs are short and tightly pressed to the stomach in a bent state, and the upper limbs are long.

Oxygen and nutrients enter the baby through the placenta, which also removes carbon dioxide and metabolic products.

The baby's eyes continue to improve, on which the iris appears, which in the future will determine the color of his eyes. They may be already wide open or half closed.

12 weeks pregnant (78-84 days)

The KTR of the fetus varies from 5 to 6 cm. The reproductive system develops, which is characterized by the formation of the genital organs.

The digestive organs are intensively improved:

  • the intestines are pulled out and lie down in loops. At the same time, it periodically contracts, which indicates the beginning of peristalsis;
  • the baby begins to swallow amniotic fluid.

The nervous system is still developing and improving:

  1. The fetal brain is small in size, but structurally it is identical to the adult brain.
  2. All its departments are well developed, including the cerebral hemispheres.
  3. The reflex mobility of the unborn child improves: he is able to clench his fingers into a fist, and then unclench them, grab his thumb and suck it intensively.

The composition of the baby's blood also changes, in which leukocytes begin to be produced.

This week, the fetus has separate respiratory movements. Until the moment of birth, the baby is not able to breathe: the lungs do not work yet, but the chest produces rhythmic movements similar to respiratory ones.

At the end of 12 weeks, the baby gets eyebrows and eyelashes. The neck becomes clearly visible.

Fourth month of the pregnancy calendar

13 weeks pregnant (85-91 days)

KTP is in the range from 7 to 7.5 cm. The baby's body becomes more proportional: due to the lengthening of all limbs and torso, the size of the head does not seem so large.

The nervous system and digestive organs continue to improve. Under both jaws, the rudiments of the child's milk teeth are formed. The face is already completely formed, the eyes closed by the eyelids, the nose and the shells of the ears are clearly visible.

14 weeks pregnant (92-98 days)

KTP reaches 9 cm. The body becomes more and more proportional, the nose, forehead are clearly visible on the face, cheeks and chin are formed. The head is covered with the first hairs, which are colorless and rather thin. On the body, fluff-like hair is formed, which acts as a protection to retain skin lubricant.

Increases the strength of the bones of the fetus. The future child begins to move more intensively, he is already capable of coups, bending the body, his swimming movements are improving.

The urinary organs are finally formed: ureters, kidneys and bladder. Thanks to the kidneys, urine begins to be released, which mixes with the amniotic fluid.

The functioning of the pancreas starts, due to which the production of insulin and pituitary cells occurs.

The organs of the reproductive system undergo changes: in the female fetus, they are associated with the lowering of the ovaries into the pelvis, and in the male, the formation of the prostate gland occurs. During this period, on a high-quality ultrasound machine, the doctor is able to determine the sex of the baby.

15 weeks pregnant (99-105 days)

The KTR of the fetus is approximately 10 cm, it weighs about 75 g. The size of the head is still quite large, but the growth of the trunk and limbs begins to lead.

During this period, the baby can already establish belonging to the blood group and the Rh factor. All blood vessels are lengthened, their walls are strengthened.

Due to the ingestion of amniotic fluid, which first enters the stomach and then accumulates in the intestines, the original feces begin to be produced. It is also called meconium.

The fingers and toes are already completely formed, they show an individual pattern.

16 weeks pregnant (106-112 days)

The baby already weighs about 100 g, and its CTE reaches 12 cm. By the end of this period, the fetus has all the formed organs and systems. The kidneys function well, excreting a small amount of urine into the amniotic fluid every hour.

The skin of the baby is very thin due to the lack of subcutaneous fat. Because of this, blood vessels are clearly visible through the skin. The color of the skin is bright red, on top they are covered with grease and hairs that look like fluff.

The child's eyebrows and eyelashes are clearly visible, the nails have already formed, but they are only on the extreme part of the phalanx. The facial expressions of the fetus develop and you can see some semblance of a smile on his face or a frown.

Fifth month of the pregnancy calendar

17 weeks pregnant (113-119 days)

The unborn child weighs in this period from 120 to 150 g. Its CTE reaches 15 cm. The skin is still thin, but subcutaneous adipose tissue is already laid under them. As the teeth develop, they become covered with dentin. Under the milk teeth, the rudiments of permanent teeth are formed.

During this week, the baby begins to hear. Due to this, it reacts to sound irritating factors. With loud unexpected sounds, the fetus is actively moving.

The child's head is no longer pressed to the chin, but is located almost vertically. The upper limbs are bent at the elbows, and the palms are almost always clenched into a fist. Often the baby sucks his thumb on his hand.

Heart beats become more and more distinct, and the doctor can already listen to them with a regular stethoscope.

18 weeks pregnant (120-126 days)

The body weight of the fetus this week is approximately 200 g, and the body length reaches 20 cm.

Most often, the baby sleeps, during this period there are no movements. As a rule, at this time, the expectant mother already feels the baby's movements, especially if the pregnancy is not the first. These sensations are like soft jolts.

The motor activity of the baby increases with stress, which affects the emotional background of the fetus. During such periods, a woman feels more active tremors. Normally, the child should noticeably move about 10 times during the day.

19 weeks pregnant (127-133 days)

The weight of the child varies from 250 to 300 g, and the height reaches 23 cm. The body already looks quite proportional: the head grows more slowly than the body, and all limbs lengthen.

The fetus moves more and more often and the woman feels such movements more clearly. Not only the expectant mother can feel the tremors, but also the one who puts his hand to his stomach. Women who are expecting a baby for the first time, only during this period can begin to feel the activity of the fetus.

The organs of the endocrine system have improved even more. The thyroid, parathyroid and sex glands, as well as the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and pancreas are actively working.

In the composition of the blood, in addition to erythrocytes and leukocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes are found. The spleen begins to participate in the process of blood formation.

20 weeks pregnant (134-140 days)

The weight of the fetus reaches 350 g, and the height is in the range from 23 to 25 cm. The skin of the baby is still thin, covered with vellus hair and grease. Such hairs are able to remain on the body of the child until the very process of childbirth. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is actively formed.

The eyes are already perfectly formed, reflexive blinking is being developed. The coordination of movements of the baby is also improved, thanks to which he quickly and accurately brings his finger to his mouth for sucking. Facial expressions become more and more pronounced, the child smiles, frowns and closes his eyes tightly.

Active movements at this stage of pregnancy should be felt by all expectant mothers. Throughout the day, physical activity changes. After the occurrence of irritating factors, the fetus moves more intensively.

sixth month of the pregnancy calendar

21 weeks pregnant (141-147 days)

The weight of the child reaches 380 g, and his height is about 27 cm. The amount of subcutaneous fat increases, the skin of the baby is covered with numerous folds.

The expectant mother feels more and more tangible tremors of the fetus. He still has enough space in the uterus for free movement. The child can be located upside down or upside down or take a horizontal position. When moving, he is able to pull the umbilical cord and push off with his limbs from the uterine walls.

The daily duration of sleep is reduced and in total can reach up to 20 hours.

22 weeks pregnant (148-154 days)

The growth of the baby reaches 28 cm, and the body weight is approximately equal to 0.45-0.5 kg. The head is already fully proportional to the size of the torso, arms and legs. The lower limbs are almost always bent.

The child's spine is already equipped with all the vertebrae, joints and ligaments. The skeletal system is still getting stronger. The fetal brain weighs approximately 100 g and has all the neurons. The kid is interested in his appearance and feels the limbs, face, moves his fingers to his face, bends his head.

The size of the heart increases significantly, the work of the cardiovascular system improves.

23 weeks pregnant (155-161 days)

In length, the child reaches about 30 cm, its weight is still about 0.5 kg. In the skin, pigment begins to be produced, due to which it becomes bright red. The layer of subcutaneous fat is still quite thin, which is why the baby looks very wrinkled and thin. All skin tissues are covered with a protective lubricant, most of which is located in the folds on the body.

In girls, the ovaries continue to develop; in boys, the scrotum. Imitation of respiratory movements reaches 60 times within a minute.

The swallowing reflex is still pronounced: the fetus often swallows a small amount of amniotic fluid mixed with lubricant particles. Fluid from the amniotic fluid enters the bloodstream, and the rest settles in the intestines as meconium. Primordial feces is a green-black substance with a thick consistency.

According to the norms, the intestines should not be emptied until the moment of delivery. Swallowing the liquid may cause the baby to hiccup. The expectant mother feels the hiccups of the fetus, like rhythmic movements for several minutes.

24 weeks pregnant (162-168 days)

At the end of this period, the child weighs about 0.6 kg, and its height reaches 32 cm. The woman feels strong and clear tremors of the fetus. It occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, but it still has enough space for coups and changes in body position. There is increased muscle growth.

By the end of 24 weeks, the baby's sense organs are well developed:

  • Vision begins to work, so when light hits the belly of the expectant mother, the baby closes his eyes tightly and turns away.
  • The child determines the sounds that he likes and which he does not, and the reaction to them is the opposite. With a pleasant sound, the fetus is calm and does not make sudden movements. If he does not like the sound, then he begins to move intensively or completely freezes.

At this time, an emotional connection is established between the woman and the baby. The child begins to experience the same unpleasant emotions as the expectant mother, for example, excitement, sadness or fear.

Seventh month of the pregnancy calendar

25 weeks pregnant (169-175 days)

The growth of the unborn child at this time varies from 30 to 34 cm, and the weight can reach 0.7 kg. The skin becomes elastic, the number of folds on the body decreases due to the thickening of the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue. The skin is still thin with translucent capillaries, giving it a red tint.

The appearance of the face is no different from the usual for a person: cilia, eyebrows, ears, eyes, cheeks, eyelids are clearly visible on it. The ear cartilages are still thin without definitive curves.

The development of the bone marrow is active, its most important function is hematopoiesis. The child's skeletal system is still being strengthened.

In the lungs, alveoli are formed, which until the moment of birth are not filled with air and look like deflated balloons. Straightening of the alveoli occurs after the first cry of the baby. During this period, the alveoli begin the synthesis of surfactant, which maintains their shape.

26 weeks pregnant (176-182 days)

The growth of the baby reaches about 35 cm, and the body weight reaches 0.76 kg. Muscle tissue and subcutaneous fat continue to thicken. Bones become stronger and permanent teeth continue to form.

The development of the genital organs of the child is also not over yet. At this stage of pregnancy, the female fetus finally forms the vagina and external genitalia. In the male, the testicles descend into the scrotum, this process is lengthy and lasts up to a month.

The baby develops a sense of smell.

27 weeks pregnant (183-189 days)

The child weighs another 100 g more: his body weight is 0.85 kg. The growth of the fetus reaches 37 cm. The pancreas, thyroid gland and pituitary gland work intensively.

The baby is still actively moving inside the uterine cavity. From this period, the baby's metabolism begins to develop.

28 weeks pregnant (190-196 days)

The fetus weighs about 0.95 kg, and its height reaches 38 cm. The baby becomes essentially able to live outside the mother's womb. In the case of preterm birth, with sufficient attention and therapy, as well as taking into account the absence of developmental abnormalities, the child is able to survive.

The layer of subcutaneous fat is still thickening, the skin is still red. Gradually, vellus hair falls out, which remain only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back and shoulders. The hairline of the head, eyebrows and cilia change color to a darker one.

The baby often opens his eyes wide. The cartilage on the ears and on the nose is not yet hardened. The nails do not reach the fingertips.

At this time, it is already determined who the baby will be - left-handed or right-handed. This is due to the fact that one of the hemispheres of the brain begins to work more intensively. If the left is activated, the child will be right-handed, if the right is left-handed.

Eighth month of the pregnancy calendar

29 weeks pregnant (197-203 days)

The child weighs at this time already 1.2 kg, and its height reaches 39 cm. Since the size of the fetus is quite large, it already occupies almost the entire uterine cavity. The randomness of movements is much reduced, the expectant mother feels activity in the form of tremors with her limbs. The baby is in one position in the uterus, which can be upside down or upside down.

The kidneys excrete about half a liter of urine during the day. There is still a significant difference in the circulatory system of the fetus and the born child.

30 weeks pregnant (204-210 days)

The body weight of the baby reaches 1.3 kg, and the length of his body remains the same and does not exceed 39 cm. Due to the continuous accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the folds on the skin are more and more smoothed out.

The child gets used to a small space and crosses the limbs and folds the torso for convenience. The skin is still painted in a bright red color, the volume of vellus hair and lubricant on the body is significantly reduced.

The alveoli continue their maturation and the formation of surfactant, which prepares the lungs for the postpartum breathing process. In the brain, the number of convolutions and the size of the cortex increase.

31 weeks pregnant (211-217 days)

The body weight of the child can reach 1.7 kg, and the height is up to 41 cm. The baby still sleeps most of the day, but the periods of his wakefulness lengthen. At the same time, he moves intensively and the woman feels tremors.

When the fetus falls asleep, it closes its eyes, and when awake, they are wide open. From time to time they blink. The iris in fetal development in all children is blue. The change in eye color occurs after the birth of the baby. When bright light hits the mother's belly, the child's pupils constrict and expand.

The brain is growing: it is about a quarter of the size of the brain of adults.

32 weeks pregnant (218-224 days)

In length, the baby grows up to 42 cm, and its weight reaches 1.8 kg. Due to the constant accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the skin becomes lighter and almost wrinkle-free.

Endocrine organs intensively produce hormones, and the lungs continue to accumulate surfactant. In the body of a child, a hormone is formed that promotes the production of estrogen in a woman, which helps prepare the mammary glands for the upcoming lactation.

Ninth month of the pregnancy calendar

33 weeks pregnant (225-231 days)

The child is actively gaining weight and at this time he already reaches 2 kg. The growth of the baby also increases and can be 44 cm. The skin continues to brighten and become smooth due to thickening of the subcutaneous fat. There is less and less vellus hair on the body, but the amount of protective lubricant increases. The nail plate already reaches the end of the phalanx of the finger.

The fetus has less and less free space in the uterus, so its motor activity decreases, but becomes stronger. The position of the child upside down or buttocks is fixed, and he is unlikely to be able to roll over.

The weight of the heart increases, the pulmonary alveoli are almost completely formed, the development of the brain is completed, and the work of blood vessels improves.

34 weeks pregnant (232-238 days)

The body weight of the child can vary from 2 to 2.5 kg, and the height reaches 45 cm. Its position in the uterine cavity is stable. There are fontanelles on the skull, which close after the birth process, thanks to which the cranial bones remain mobile.

There is an active growth and change of the scalp. The bones of the child are strengthened: the expectant mother gives the baby a lot of calcium, which is manifested by the appearance of seizures.

The functioning of the digestive organs and kidneys continues to be stimulated due to the constant ingestion of amniotic fluid by the fetus. During the day, about 0.6 liters of urine is excreted.

35 weeks pregnant (239-245 days)

Every day, the body weight of the child at this period increases by about 30 g. The weight of the fetus in this period is individual and can range from 2.2 to 2.7 kg. The body length of the baby reaches 47 cm.

The improvement of the internal organs of the fetus continues, which prepares it for life outside the mother's womb. Due to the deposited subcutaneous fat, the child no longer looks thin. There is a small amount of fluff hair on the body.

The baby's intestines already contain a sufficient amount of original feces, which, in accordance with the norms, should depart 6 hours after birth.

36 weeks pregnant (246-252 days)

The maximum weight of the fetus at this time can reach up to 3 kg, growth is in the range from 47 to 48 cm. The subcutaneous fatty tissue of the child is already well developed, so there are practically no folds on the body, the skin becomes light.

Most often, the baby is located in the uterine cavity upside down. In this case, the head is in a bent position and pressed with the chin to the chest. The limbs of the child fit snugly to the body.

37 weeks pregnant (254-259 days)

The body length of the baby reaches 49 cm, but the weight is individual and its fluctuations are significant. The mass of the subcutaneous fat increases by approximately 15 g daily. The skin of the fetus is light and thickened.

The cartilages on the nose and ears become stronger and thicker. The lungs are completely ready for breathing after childbirth, a sufficient amount of surfactant has accumulated in the alveoli.

The digestive system was finally formed, in the organs of which peristalsis is carried out - movements to push food.

38 weeks pregnant (260-266 days)

The weight and height of the baby is very different. The child is completely ready for the upcoming birth. Its appearance corresponds to a full-term newborn. The skin has a light shade, there is almost no vellus hair on the body, a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue has been accumulated.

39 weeks pregnant (267-273 days)

The child's body weight is still growing and increasing to 35 g per day. During this period, the fetus usually descends to the pelvic bones. His body is fully mature, the process of aging of the placenta begins, in which the deterioration of metabolic processes occurs.

The proportions of the baby's body are completely changed:

  1. Shoulders and chest are well developed.
  2. The tummy becomes rounded.
  3. The arms and legs are lengthened.

In the mother's belly, the child sees bright lights, hears all sounds, can focus his vision, he has already developed taste buds.

40 weeks pregnant (274-280 days)

The body weight of the baby can fluctuate significantly at this time and ranges from 2.5 to 4 kg or even more. The fetus is completely ready for the upcoming birth, in terms of development it corresponds to the newborn.

The uterus periodically contracts, which is felt by a woman as pain in the lower abdomen. The cervix begins to open slightly, and the baby's head is even more tightly pressed against the pelvis.

The bones of the skull are kept soft and mobile so that the baby's head changes shape to facilitate passage through the birth canal.

A woman in anticipation of a child asks a lot of questions about whether her pregnancy is proceeding correctly, whether the development of the crumbs corresponds to the norms accepted in medicine, whether certain sensations are natural. You can find answers to many questions using a calculator, but not a regular one, but a calculator for pregnant women. How such counters work, what they show and how accurate they are, will be discussed in this article.

What it is?

Pregnancy calculator is an application or service that allows you to quickly find out many questions of interest to the expectant mother at once:

  • when the conception took place;
  • what expected date of birth will be calculated;
  • how long is the woman now (up to a day) and how much is left before childbirth;
  • what changes in the body of the expectant mother are typical for this period;
  • how the baby develops, what size it has, what skills it has already mastered.

But the calculator, available for free online, significantly saves time and reduces the likelihood of a banal arithmetic error, from which, as you know, no one is immune. The calculation will not take much time, the program is very easy to use, its interface is simple and understandable for everyone.

The woman will only need to enter the start date of the last menstruation (the calculator calculates by the date of the last menstruation, like doctors in the antenatal clinic). The date format includes day, month, and year. note that it is the first day of the last menstruation that is indicated, not the day of its end, as some people think.

In a matter of seconds, the calculator shows how long a woman is on the day of calculation - trimester, month of pregnancy, week and day. The estimated date when the child was conceived is displayed, as well as EDD - the estimated date of birth.

The convenience of interactive calculators lies in the fact that everything is not limited to banal calculations, and a woman, having found out her exact term, does not need to search for reliable medical information about him for a long time, re-reading a lot of superfluous information.

The calculator immediately sends you to the necessary material with a detailed listing of the features of the week, medical recommendations for the expectant mother, with descriptions of possible problems and ways to overcome them.

With such calculators, you do not need to guess how the baby is doing there, in the stomach. The program shows how much he weighs at a given time, what is his height, what organs and how they develop, what the baby already knows how to do, and this information will certainly be interesting, exciting and useful not only for the expectant mother, but also for the future dad.

The undoubted advantage of such calculators is a reminder of what tests, examinations, screenings need to be done at a particular time. Even if a woman forgets about the referral for analysis given by the doctor, or even forgets to visit the doctor and get such a referral, the calculator will remind her of this.

The program will become an indispensable assistant in matters of preparation for childbirth. She will tell you when, at what time you need to start attending courses for pregnant women, what gymnastics and when you can use it, when you should start learning breathing exercises.

The program shows recommendations on proper nutrition, gives answers to questions about the possibility of an intimate life at different times. Some services provide an opportunity to get free online advice from a doctor, a social security specialist, a psychologist.

There are two types of calculators: online services and applications that can be downloaded and installed for free on a tablet or smartphone. The latter are often supplemented with a contraction counter with a description so that a woman can quickly find out when it's time to go to the hospital. Applications send alerts, reminders.

Some have the function of emergency communication with relatives if childbirth has begun. There are applications that help with choosing the name of the future baby according to the calendar for the day of the DA, and also characterize the future family member according to his horoscope and zodiac sign.

With the help of applications and online services, a woman can, before going to the antenatal clinic, compare the fetometry data with the norms, clarify what this or that CTG score means.

How it works?

Calculators and applications calculations are based on the obstetric method of calculating the gestational age. Some women think that they should count from ovulation, some make calculations from sexual intercourse, which, in their opinion, has become decisive, but these calculations can in no way be considered accurate and reliable. And that's why.

The duration of the cycle for different women may differ, this is quite natural, and for one lady it lasts 28 days, and for another - 35. The third cycle is generally irregular, and its duration fluctuates.

But one thing remains unchanged for all ladies: conception is possible only during the period of ovulation. As long as there is no mature egg, a woman cannot conceive a child.

In the first half of the cycle, the follicle matures on the surface of the ovary, inside it, like in a sac, the female reproductive cell matures. In the middle of the cycle, the follicle sac ruptures under the action of certain hormones, and the oocyte becomes available for spermatozoa. After ovulation, the female gamete lives for a maximum of 24-36 hours, and if conception does not occur, it dies. In the next cycle, everything repeats.

Thus, the process of conception itself during one cycle, regardless of its duration, is given 2-3 days. But sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy not only on the day of ovulation and during those hours that the oocyte lives.

Spermatozoa can survive longer, and even if sex was 3-4 days before the release of the egg, there is a good chance that the sperm will survive until the important event, and one of them will fertilize the female gamete immediately after it is released from the follicle.

If a woman is sexually active, then it is generally impossible to establish which of the sexual acts led to conception - before ovulation, during it or after. Therefore, in obstetrics, it is customary to simply assume that conception occurred during the period of ovulation, that is, about 14 days before the end of the menstrual cycle. And it would be very convenient to consider it that way, but there is an important nuance here - a woman's ovulation does not have to occur on schedule at all, it can happen both earlier and later than the expected date.

Therefore, it is customary to count from the only constant value in this complex equation - from the date of the last menstruation. Usually a woman remembers her exactly.

Thus, according to the obstetric method, the first day of the last menstruation is the first day of pregnancy, no matter how strange it may sound. And the day of conception usually falls at the end of the second week of pregnancy.

A woman learns about a delay at 4 weeks of pregnancy, and therefore there is nothing surprising or erroneous in the fact that when contacting a gynecologist about a week-long delay, a woman is already 5 weeks pregnant. From the first day of the last menstruation, five weeks have indeed passed by this point.

This is how any calculator or application will calculate your term. The weeks will be quite familiar, calendar, but the obstetric months will differ from the calendar. They are more like lunar ones, because each of them has exactly 4 weeks.

In total, pregnancy, in the understanding of the obstetrician, lasts 40 weeks (on average) or 10 months. If you look at an ordinary wall calendar, it is easy to understand that these are the very 9 months that are synonymous with the concept of "pregnancy".

The concept of the trimester should also not confuse the expectant mother. It was invented to simplify the understanding of the stage at which a woman is. Each trimester has 3 months (calendar). When viewed in weeks, the calculator will show that the first trimester includes 1-13 weeks, the second - 14-27 weeks, the third - 28-42 weeks.

Calculators and applications also consider the estimated date of birth according to the obstetric standard. There are three of them, and all three give the same results (you can check if you want). To calculate due date, do one of the following:

  • Add 9 calendar months to the first day of the last menstruation, and subtract 7 days from the resulting date.
  • Subtract three months from the first day of your last period and add 7 days to the date.
  • Just add 280 days (average length of pregnancy) to the first day of your last period.

This is how the terms are considered in the consultation, according to the same principle, paper round mobile obstetric calendars operate.

Alternative ways

There is no more accurate way to calculate the gestational age. But there are other methods that allow you to confirm or refute the calculations. The scope of their application is quite wide, but without obstetric calculations, they lose the lion's share of their information content.


Ultrasound examination allows you to state the fact of pregnancy, evaluate the development of the baby, placenta, detect some anomalies and pathologies. But in determining the gestational age, this method relies again on obstetric counting. The software of modern scanners contains just such an algorithm. Yes, and all women know that the visit of a pregnant woman to the ultrasound diagnostics office always begins with the doctor's question about when the last menstruation was.

The date is entered into the program, and further scanning shows how the embryonic development (gestational age) corresponds to the obstetric period.

There are situations when high hopes are placed on ultrasound. Usually, it is necessary to determine the period using such a diagnosis if a woman does not remember the date of the last menstruation, for example, if before that there was a long period of menstrual cycle failure, prolonged amenorrhea.

In this case, the doctor evaluates the parameters of the baby, correlates them with the standards and determines the gestational age (approximately), two weeks are added to it to obtain the obstetric period.

Informative and most accurate ultrasound is only in the early stages of pregnancy. The fact is that embryos develop at about the same rate. And their sizes are easier to compare with the existing average norms.

After 9-10 weeks, when the process of embryogenesis is completely completed, all organs and systems are formed, all fetuses begin to develop according to their own genetic program, which they owe to their parents. Some have inherited a miniature physique, others a large stature, and the difference between average norms and actual sizes will be more noticeable. Establishing the exact gestational age becomes more difficult.

By movements

This refers to the first movement of the fetus. It is usually celebrated at 20 weeks by primiparous and at 18 weeks by multiparous. Movement is conditionally considered the middle of the gestation period. According to the first movement of the fetus, obstetricians checked the date of the expected date of birth in the recent past, when there was no ultrasound yet. And for quite a long time there was simply no other alternative.

It is quite difficult to correctly determine the period by stirring. The fact is that not all primiparas are able to accurately recognize the very moment of the first stirring, and many simply mistake it for intestinal motility. Today, this method is practically not used.

Can you trust a calculator?

The most important question concerns the accuracy of pregnancy calculators. Is there a possibility of error? This probability is minimal, and it can occur not only when using a calculator, but also when calculating by an obstetrician, because the method is used alone. A small error with an error of 1-1.5 weeks can occur with an irregular cycle if ovulation was late or early.

You need to understand that early ovulation is not very favorable for conception, because most often the oocyte is immature, unable to merge with the sperm. Therefore, late ovulation occurs most often in obstetric practice, which only slightly reduces the chances of conception. In this case, both the obstetrician and the calculator will give the woman a period that will be slightly longer than the real one, which will become noticeable already from the second trimester of pregnancy, when the baby, according to fetometry, will be somewhat behind the norm.

In most cases, calculators are considered an accurate way to determine the obstetric term. Separately, it must be said about the accuracy of establishing the PDR. The estimated date of birth is therefore called the estimated date because it is not the only option. PDR - the end of the 40th week, and on this day, childbirth, according to medical statistics, occurs only in 5% of cases.

It is considered perfectly normal that labor begins on any day from the 38th week of pregnancy to the 42nd week. Every third baby is born before the due date, and every fifth after the due date. There is no way to calculate this day with accuracy. The most accurate calculator in this case is nature, which provided that childbirth should begin when both mother and child are ready for this.

The birth of a child is an important and crucial moment in the life of every married couple. Therefore, it is not surprising that parents want to approach the issues of conception and birth as seriously and deliberately as possible. Undoubtedly, future mom and dad are waiting for the baby with great impatience and joy. And they, of course, really want to at least approximately calculate the age of the fetus and know when their baby will be born.

Online pregnancy calculator online

It has become very easy and convenient to monitor your pregnancy by weeks and months, monitor the development and growth of the fetus, calculate the gestational age, as well as the beginning and end of each trimester - an online pregnancy calculator can do this for you. At the same time, he will take into account the features of your menstrual cycle - its duration and start date. Therefore, the result shown by the calculator is quite accurate, although, of course, not one hundred percent.

In addition, to calculate which period will be the most favorable for conception specifically in your case, plan which month of the year it would be better for your baby to be born, and even what gender of the baby to conceive, you can also use the online pregnancy calculator.

Pregnancy calculator: calculate

As you know, pregnancy lasts an average of about 40 weeks. You need to start the calculation from the first day of the last menstrual cycle - at this moment a new egg begins to mature, which, if successful (if it meets a mobile healthy sperm), will be fertilized shortly after its release from the bursting follicle. Conception can occur approximately on the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle, that is, during the period of ovulation.

In the calculator, according to which you calculate the pregnancy, the date of the beginning of the last menstruation is entered. It is important for a future mother to know that the due date cannot be calculated with an accuracy of one day, the pregnancy calculator is set up by weeks. However, such accuracy is enough for the mother to have time to tune in, monitor her health and give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

Use the tips that we have posted for you on our website to calculate the pregnancy calculator. We have a weekly pregnancy calculator for expectant mothers, photo and video materials about the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy at various times. This information will certainly be interesting and useful for you.

It is very difficult to calculate the gestational age to the nearest day and perhaps only if ovulation was specifically monitored using ultrasound. But these procedures are carried out only in the treatment of infertility. And therefore, the day of conception often remains a mystery even for the couple themselves, not to mention the doctors.

And yet, are there any calendar methods for calculating conception, is it possible to calculate the gestational age based on the menstrual cycle and the day of delay? What procedures and tests help in diagnosis and calculations? You will read about all this in the article.

calendar methods

If sexual intercourse does not occur too often, then it is quite possible that a woman will remember exactly on which day that same nimble sperm cell, which subsequently fertilized the egg, entered her body. This is also possible if a woman scrupulously measures her basal temperature for several cycles and knows how to use the resulting charts with temperature values. She reports this most calculated day to the doctor, after ascertaining her pregnancy. However, the doctor, having learned when the last monthly patients were, calls the period 2 weeks more. How can this be and what to believe?

The fact is that doctors consider the obstetric period, and it depends only on the first day of the last menstruation. It turns out that pregnancy begins on the first day of menstruation, although this is not the case, of course. But this calculation method is quite accurate. And according to the same method, the estimated date of birth is calculated: 280 days are added to the first day of the last menstruation, or 3 months are taken away and 7 days are added (according to the Negele formula).

If the exact day of ovulation is known, then we can add not 280 days to the first day of the menstrual cycle, but 264. And in this way we will also find out the estimated due date. Well, pregnancy can begin to count from the day of ovulation. But again, doctors do not conduct such a calculation, and these values ​​\u200b\u200bare not taken into account.

Ultrasound procedure

Ultrasound has been actively used for many years to diagnose fetal development. And with the help of ultrasound, the gestational age is specified. Particularly accurate in this regard are studies conducted in the first weeks of pregnancy (up to 8 weeks). During this period, all healthy embryos develop in the same way, and the gestational age according to the size of the fetus is set exactly up to the day. The longer the term - the more mistakes, since the children begin to show individuality in a sense - one head may be slightly larger than it should be at a certain period, and the other baby has a growth slightly below its age limits. If the deviations are insignificant - for a week or less, then their doctors do not take into account, as a rule, and nothing needs to be treated. Estimated term is set on the basis of measurement data of the coccygeal-parietal size. The result is obtained using a table.

If there is a developmental delay of 2 weeks or more, with all that, there is confidence in the absence of an error in setting the gestational age, the doctor makes a diagnosis of "intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus." It is impossible to "cure" her. Everything that is done in a hospital is only a preventive, and not too pronounced, effect. Good nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, walks, quiet leisure - that's what is much more important.

Gynecological examination

Many women go to the gynecologist on the very first day of the delay, or even earlier, in the hope that the doctor will be able to say for sure whether they are in a position or not. But this is not possible, unfortunately. The uterus may be slightly enlarged before menstruation. The growth of the uterus due to the development of the fetus in it begins noticeably from the end of the first trimester. At 5-6 weeks (that is, in the second or third week of delayed menstruation), the uterus is slightly larger than usual, the volume can be compared with a chicken egg. At 8 weeks, the uterus is already the size of a goose egg, and at 10 weeks it is about the size of a woman's fist. Again, gynecological examinations are the more accurate for determining the gestational age, the smaller it is.

Date of first movement

All gynecologists inspire their patients, expectant mothers, that they must remember the day when they first felt the baby inside them, that is, they felt his movements. It is believed that in pregnant women for the first time this occurs exactly at 20 weeks of pregnancy, and in pregnant women again - at exactly 18 weeks. This date must be entered into the dispensary card of a pregnant woman and taken into account when determining the expected date of birth. Although, if you believe the statements of many expectant mothers, the timing of the first movements does not always coincide with the "book". I would also like to reassure a little hyper-responsible expectant mothers who are afraid that they will not notice the first movements, thereby confusing the doctor when setting the date of birth, which can lead to overwearing. Firstly, re-carrying is determined according to the result of Doppler and according to some ultrasound indicators (maturity of the placenta, the volume of amniotic fluid, etc.). And secondly, the first movements are really very light, but quite noticeable. It is impossible not to notice the movement if you are in a horizontal position, especially on your back.

Uterine length

From about the second trimester of pregnancy, and sometimes even earlier, gynecologists evaluate the development of the fetus along the length of the uterus. It is measured with a centimeter tape, the expectant mother lies on the couch. Each week adds about 1 centimeter. There is another measurement technique, many doctors use the corresponding tablets, and they can also be found in obstetrics and gynecology manuals.

12 weeks - the uterus is on the upper edge of the womb

14 weeks - the uterus is two fingers above the womb

16 weeks - the bottom of the uterus is felt between the navel and the womb

20 weeks - the fundus of the uterus is two fingers below the navel

24 weeks - uterus at the level of the navel

28 weeks - the fundus of the uterus is 2 fingers above the navel

32 weeks - between the navel and the xiphoid process (the shortest part of the sternum), length 28-30 cm

36 weeks - the bottom of the uterus at the level of the xiphoid process, "supports" the ribs, length 32-34 cm

40 weeks - before childbirth, the uterus drops to the level of 32 weeks, as the baby's head (or other presenting part of the fetus) moves lower into the pelvis, preparing to exit.

In addition to the length of the uterus, the volume of the abdomen is also taken into account, but these dimensions are already more variable, do not always show the true state of affairs and help calculate the gestational age by weeks. The volume of the abdomen is measured at the level of the navel. So in a woman with normal weight before and during the bearing of a child, the volume of the abdomen at 32 weeks will be approximately equal to 85 centimeters, and by the end of pregnancy it reaches 90-100 cm. Such an increase is associated with the rapid weight gain of the child.

The length of the uterus not only helps to verify the normal development of the fetus, the gestational age, but also to detect such pathologies as polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios and others in time.

Heart tones

The heart of the child begins to beat already at a period of 4.5 weeks, that is, 2-3 weeks after the start of a delay in menstruation in a woman. Heartbeats are visible on ultrasound, and this is the main sign that the embryo is alive and developing. Later, the heartbeat begins to be heard by the doctor through the outer wall of the uterus. But you can only hear heart tones not at 10-12 weeks, but later - at about the same time as you feel the first movements. The heartbeat is heard with the help of an obstetric stethoscope - a special tube that the doctor applies to the patient's stomach. A heartbeat can be poorly heard for several reasons. The most "harmless" of them - the placenta, which is located on the front wall of the uterus, and thereby muffles the sound, and significant deposits of fat on the abdominal wall. More seriously - polyhydramnios, chronic hypoxia. The longer the period, the more clearly the heart rhythms are heard.

Chorionic gonadotropin level

This method of determining the duration of pregnancy is used, as a rule, in the first weeks. But it doesn't always give accurate results. A blood test is taken from a vein.

Approximate hCG values ​​for the first weeks of pregnancy:

  • 2 - 25-300 mU/ml
  • 3- 1500-5000 honey/ml
  • 4 - 10000 - 30000 mU/ml
  • 5 - 20000 - 100000 mU/ml

As you can see, the values ​​can vary greatly, so there may be errors in the calculations. This analysis is ideally used not for calculating the timing, but for early diagnosis of pregnancy and its possible pathologies.

We have given the main ways to correctly calculate the gestational age. Some of them you can try on your own, others require medical intervention and some procedures.

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