Beautiful congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues. Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to a colleague in verse - February - calendar holidays - congratulations - wishes in verse, postcards, animations. Congratulations to colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day

poem for men on Defender of the Fatherland Day
This day is marked in red on the calendar -
It is high time! Such a serious holiday
Before it was just an ordinary weekday...
We drink to you, Defenders of the Fatherland
The one that is stronger. Wine aside.
A sip - but of vodka, albeit a little, but
A strong drink is indispensable here,
Like a strong shoulder - the country is behind it!
We are your wives, mothers and sisters,
Acquaintances and strangers simply
We love you so much, our men!
And we want to wish you on this holiday,
So that the sky is blue, the sun is warm,
May you love your loved ones skillfully,
They raised children, built houses,
So that the word “war” will disappear into eternity.
For this - vodka. Wine aside.
"Let there be peace!" - we wish you again and again

congratulations to the men
Man, be a man!
You're right - so be ready
Standing up for the truth
Shed blood for this!

And you are better a hundred times
Give up life
Than from myself! In dishonor
What is this life for?

Man, be a man
Never a doll
Which he throws
Fate back and forth!

The brave are not afraid
Fate's barking dog
So, don't give up.
Walk towards her!

Man! Be a man!
Be brave in the fight
And neither fate nor people
They won't hurt you!

Be like an oak tree that
Caught in a hurricane
Even if uprooted,
But he didn’t bend his figure!

Wishes for men in verse
Happy holiday to you!
We wish you happiness and joy,
So that luck smiles,
And the currency took root,

Don't lose weight or gain weight
Have slim shapes.
So that friends idolize
And my relatives didn’t scold me,

Relax in the Canary Islands
Eat pineapples.
You can taste hazel grouse
And wash it down with wine...

For a house, a car, a dacha
Were an easy task
And they decided without difficulty
With the power of only magic words.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues
We have gathered here today,
To congratulate you, men.
And on a day so memorable for us
We want to wish you all the best.

Always good health,
After all, the years flow like water.
Let the current not carry them away
All your true aspirations.

We also wish you good luck
You are lucky to have Us, and that means a lot!
Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You are just like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us.

poems and wishes to male colleagues from February 23
Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
So that only during training soldiers
He went forward to attack.

Let there be spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep,
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!

Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who is guarding him today?
And who repaid the debt to the Motherland in full!

congratulations-toast to men on February 23
Today is a holiday for men,
And we want to congratulate our colleagues,
There are many reasons for this
What a man can be praised for:

For daily hard work,
Because he loves his job very much,
Because he forgot comfort.
He goes on business trips with confidence.

For having women in your arms
Ready to wear daily
With him, a woman knows no fear,
He is immensely devoted to a woman.

I say a toast to the men,
Every woman needs Him.
According to housebuilding - Mr....
For being a good husband!

wishes to men in verse for February 23
May trouble not meet you.
Well, if you meet bad luck along the way
Then surrender to the villainous fate
You will be able to find it.
Victorious and in trouble
And in his great work
Destroying all barriers,
Never getting discouraged
The stronger sex is always forward
Suitable for a clear goal.
Don't forget the weaker sex
Love and respect us
It will be difficult to live without us
Uncomfortable, boring, meager.
After all, your ancestor Adam
I couldn't live in paradise without ladies!

congratulations on February 23 to Russian civil servants
In all centuries, Russian men,
We won wars with our heroism,
Everyone - officers, grooms, pages,
They gave their lives for the honor of Russia.

And the Russian spirit in you has not weakened,
We see in you heroes of the past, glorious,
You will accomplish many necessary things
For lovely women and for the whole country!!!

congratulations to male colleagues on February 23
There is a beautiful day in February,
When we congratulate men.
There is no "Men's Day" on earth,
But we are correcting the mistake.

Today you have my love
We carry it by the handful.
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples of this.

All our beauty is for you,
We do not lose faith in love.
Lipstick for you,
We are ruining our hair by curling it.

And in high heels
We hurry to those we love.

congratulations and praise to men on Defender's Day
Who would give us tender names?
And he protected us, whenever they were not there?
Who would sing? Who would kindle the flame in us,
In which we burn with love?

Who would shield you with strong shoulders?
Who paid in battles with his blood,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of the rain, to the whispering of the branches?!

The hearths are warmer with them,
There are countless dishes at the pre-Starkhans!
They are a joy to us and our children!
It’s so good, men, that you exist!!!

The homeland is behind your strong shoulder,
You are protecting her!
Let there be less need to swing a sword,
Let it not grow stale your heart!

  • Congratulations on February 23rd are cool

    February 23
    I'll make a wish for you -
    Kind, Reliable, Beloved,
    And February slush
    I'll send you wishes!
    Be a man! Don't know what despondency is!
    Let the muscle of the heart be trained by all the difficulties!
    I'll make a wish for you -
    Loyal, Successful, Cheerful!
    Smile on Men's Day
    Straighten your strong shoulders proudly!
    Be a man! I give installation to a new one -
    Not a costume, but an open look from the soul!
    I'll make a wish for you -
    Strong, Affectionate, Cute!
    “23rd” will fly off like an autumn leaf in the yard...
    I recognized you -
    You are a man enchanted by the heart!
    Trust me! And open the long-awaited door!

  • Congratulations for men on Defender of the Fatherland Day

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland
    Congratulations to all men,
    Half of humanity
    This “rank” was sent from above.

    To those who survived the battles
    With that brown plague
    Sincere admiration
    And a bow from us.

    So that we can live in peace,
    Our warriors do not sleep,
    Let them serve with dignity,
    But without wars - in a peaceful way.

    Well, if there is a reason -
    You are not a warrior, you are not a fighter,
    Remember firmly: you are a man,
    You are the stronger sex, finally!

    Be a support for women?
    Confirm your glorious “rank”,
    Defender of the Fatherland Day?
    It's the same Men's Day!

  • Cool poems for Defender of the Fatherland Day

    The girls are in a mess -
    Holidays are on the agenda!
    Zapanki, perfume, socks,
    Pens, shaving foam,

    Kisses, wishes,
    The royal dinner is on the table,
    On TV - football matches,
    Miniskirts, neckline...

    Streams of flattering words hum,
    There are countless admirations from everyone:
    “Ah, men! Intelligence and strength, humor -
    There is plenty of everything!”

    But the girls know for sure
    That effort is important -
    After all, the occasion will soon come
    For all the men's fuss!

  • Duma serviceman on the holiday of Defenders of the Fatherland

    God forbid, I return to civilian life
    God forbid, I get married at home,
    I'll have a party like this
    I'll drink until I pass out.

    I'll teach my wife the routine -
    He will know what rising is,
    Will it fly like a bullet when charging?
    Everything is as it was in my past.

    Even children before they are born
    The course will be given to a young fighter,
    And then they will be proud
    Why do they have such a father?

    They will know all the regulations to the point
    Everyone will be on guard,
    Regardless of age and so on,
    I will drive them every day.

    And when Sunday comes,
    I will assign an outfit to the kitchen.
    I'll let the rest go on leave,
    But not all of them, but obedient guys.

  • Congratulations and wishes for men poems

    May good luck be nearby
    The dream is calling beyond the clouds,
    AND big win doesn't hide
    Luck's generous hand!

    May your wishes come true!
    All earthly blessings to you, men!
    And don't be ashamed to admit it,
    That Knights you will give yours!

    Be gallant, noble,
    Prudent and modest
    Free from impatience
    And full of tenderness for the ladies!

  • Congratulations at work on Defender of the Fatherland Day

    Dear men! Please accept my sincere congratulations on this wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! Peace, kindness, happiness, love and health to you!
    There is a beautiful day in February,
    When we congratulate men!
    There is no "Men's Day" on earth,
    But we are correcting the mistake!
    Today you have my love
    We carry it by the handful!
    Men, life without you is empty,
    There are sad examples of this.
    All our beauty is for you,
    We do not lose faith in love.
    Lipstick for you,
    We're ruining our hair with curls,
    And on high heels
    We hurry to those we love so much!

  • Our brave men
    We want to congratulate you.
    In our friendly team
    You are always a mountain for us.

    Congratulations, colleagues,
    From February 23rd.
    We wish you fearlessness,
    Lots of passion and fire.

    So that you of your household
    They could always protect us.
    To grief and sorrow
    Left behind.

    Colleagues, please accept my congratulations
    From February 23rd and may it always be
    Your mood will be good.
    And trouble will never touch you.

    Let your other halves appreciate you,
    To want to do miracles for them,
    They are there to blow away the specks of dust from you.
    And let only your eyes sparkle with joy!

    Congratulations, men,
    Happy February 23rd!
    We give you vitamins
    In the form of happiness and goodness.

    We collectively wish you
    Protect your loved ones.
    You are protectors, we know
    And you don't have days off.

    Courage, courage, success,
    Don't lose your course in life,
    Successful victories without armor.
    You are real. You are strength. Keep it up!

    Our dear men,
    Let me not hide my joy,
    We sincerely congratulate you all,
    Happy twenty-third day of February.

    You are our protection and strength,
    Our reliable support raft.
    We wish that life loves you,
    And may you always be lucky.

    May your health be strong,
    And at home there is peace and comfort.
    And most importantly, wherever you are,
    Let them always wait for you.

    Men, I wish you
    So that you always step forward,
    They were true to their words:
    They delivered what they promised!

    May success await you in everything,
    Let your career grow upward,
    I wish you joyful moments,
    May every moment bring happiness!

    You are brave guys
    We feel comfortable with you,
    There are drums at work,
    They are fruitful in business.

    And on the men's holiday, we boldly congratulate you,
    We wish you, colleagues, to work skillfully.
    May your work bring you honor,
    A worthy salary will be recalculated.

    I wish, colleagues, to always be in ranks,
    So that you don't have to fight in an unequal battle,
    I wish you to always be strong in spirit,
    So that your head is clear and precise,
    I wish that all plans come true,
    May there be peace in the world, may dreams come true!

    Until the end of today
    All men are retired marshals.
    Let your nerves be like armor,
    Happiness will hand over passwords, cards, appearances.

    Collectively we honor the squad
    And we wish you a fabulous salary,
    Let your cheerful eyes shine.
    Be loved and rich!

    Don't get sick and don't grieve,
    Be an example in everything.
    Conquer all problems
    On the career ladder.

    Yes, and always at home,
    We waited for you and loved you.
    So that children and wife
    Sincerely appreciated.

    They work next to us in our office
    Great men - guys are just great!
    Happy Defender of Peace and Fatherland Day,
    Our dears, congratulations!

    We wish you happiness, joy and good health;
    We say thank you for your honor and courage!
    For your nobility, protection and support
    We respect, love and thank you!

    On February 23, we traditionally celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, one of the most important holidays in the Russian calendar. This is not just a day of honoring soldiers and fighters who served and defended the country during war and adversity - significant date has already turned into a kind of unofficial “day of all men”.

    “We will honor men”
    On Defender of the Fatherland Day -
    Let's celebrate men.
    Protecting humanity
    Everyone is as brave as one

    So let strength, courage
    Will never leave.
    Your glorious community
    May it always prosper!

    "Happy Defender of the Fatherland!"
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
    I will wish you happiness
    Life is sometimes changeable -
    The main thing is not to be discouraged!

    Always be confident in yourself
    Move towards your goals!
    And obstacles and doubts
    To turn into smoke!

    “Congratulations, dear!”
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland
    Congratulations, dear!
    And I wish you a fun meeting
    This holiday is with all my heart.

    Let everything work out easily,
    And do not know despondency!
    In general, only the best,
    Get everything from life!

    "Beloved Son"
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, son,
    I congratulate you today,
    So that I can achieve everything in life,
    What, making your dreams come true,

    Constantly moving towards new goals,
    May you be incredibly lucky,
    So that you find peace in your soul,
    So that my heart feels so good!

    “Kiss your wife more often!”
    I want to wish my husband
    It is worthy to perform service,
    Always serve the Fatherland,
    Treasure your family,

    May luck suddenly come
    And let him find happiness everywhere.
    I want to wish you good health,
    Kiss your wife more often!

    “It’s not easy sometimes with me”
    I know, my beloved,
    It's not easy sometimes with me,
    I want to tell you
    That you shouldn't be discouraged.

    On this day I wish
    On February 23rd,
    To strengthen my protector,
    And success is always with you!

    "Dear brother"
    Be in spirit, brother, always strong -
    After all, you are a champion in life,
    And on Defender of the Fatherland Day
    In the face of the country and eternity

    With all my heart I want to say -
    You deserve to be happy.
    After all, you are already a hero at heart,
    And that means the feat is yours!

    "To my beloved dad"
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you,
    My beloved dad, congratulations,
    Live with hope and love in your soul,
    Believing only in the best, I wish you.

    Let happiness come with a volley of guns,
    It will burst into your life irrevocably,
    May good luck await you in all your endeavors
    And you are incredibly lucky!

    "Dear Uncle"
    To my uncle on Defender of the Fatherland Day
    I wish you happiness with all my heart,
    Become an idol of humanity!
    The future, I believe, is yours.

    Joy, health, longevity,
    And let your dreams come true,
    Move forward, forgetting doubts
    For the sake of peace, life, beauty!

    "To my beloved man"
    On Defender of the Fatherland Day
    I want to congratulate you
    May humanity today
    Your valor will be praised,

    My beloved and only
    I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
    Be kind and a little mysterious
    I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

    “Beloved, dear, dear!”
    Beloved, dear, dear,
    I want to say thank you
    Because you are always with me,
    May the force be with you!

    After all, you are your fatherland
    You protect from all problems,
    Let happiness sing for you,
    And you never know about worries!

    "Congratulations for a friend"
    I want my friend
    WITH wonderful holiday congratulate
    I wish you the best!
    Glorify his profession.

    After all, you are a military man,
    And this holiday was created to
    We never forgot
    Those who protected us from evil!

    "To my beloved guy"
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you
    My boyfriend, congratulations today,
    And loving you with all my heart,
    I wish only the best in life.

    You should never be discouraged
    Sometimes there's no need to rush
    You need to meet life with a smile,
    May every dream come true soon!

    Dear and irreplaceable men, congratulations on February 23! We greatly appreciate your mighty strength, strong defense and incredible endurance. We wish that fortune always accompanies you on your journey, love and prosperity reign in your families, warmth and comfort warm your soul. May all roads lead to happiness and new victories, may any undertakings bring excellent results and good mood. May any peak be conquered by your courage and perseverance. Happy holiday!

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you to remain calm and confident in any life situation, make beautiful and good deeds, take care and love your loved ones deeply, take care of the future and achieve high altitudes success.

    Dear men, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a peaceful life, without wars, losses and tragedies. Let your strength grow, your skills multiply, your achievements exceed all expectations. Let those around you please, your family give you strength and inspiration, your work bring the desired results. Courage to you, fortitude and a lot of luck!

    I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, on the holiday of strong strength and gallant courage. I wish you strong nerves and steely health, true endurance and the constant fairness of life. Let your character show courage in any battle and gentleness towards loved ones, let your soul be filled with the light of courage, and your heart with wisdom and love.

    On Defender of the Fatherland Day, let me wish real men courageous actions, personal happiness, kindness and care from family and friends, peaceful and clear skies over your head. Be healthy, successful and lucky.

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day congratulations
    congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day poems
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues
    Defender of the Fatherland Day funny congratulations
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to your beloved
    official congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose
    congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose to colleagues
    congratulations on February 23 in verse


    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues in verse

    A glorious date, colleague, on the threshold again!
    February 23 is a holiday for all men!
    May you have joy and love,
    And there are always many reasons to celebrate!

    Let the work proceed both easily and simply,
    May comfort and warmth reign in your family.
    I wish you to live at least a hundred years,
    Be sure to always be lucky in everything!

    This good time has come,
    When can I congratulate you?
    After all, the twenty-third of February
    We've all been waiting for a long time and it's not in vain:

    Hold on tight, it's going to be fun!
    Everyone who has been ready for it for a long time.
    To protect yourself from... infections of the almighty
    Get ready to give the wine its due.

    "Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues"

    I congratulate you, colleague,
    And on this holiday I wish all men -
    Let the work always be in dispute,
    Small worries go away

    I also wish you a promotion,
    Incredible luck
    Also - a decent salary,
    So that you, colleague, are happy!

    Sons of the Fatherland, please accept congratulations
    Happy wonderful holiday that February gives us
    And let him bring good words without delay
    To all of you the wind that rushes into the distance.

    May all your dreams and wishes come true
    Let your head spin with success
    And next to you will be that desired one,
    What keeps words of love only for you.

    "Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues"

    Today is a holiday in our team.
    Today is the twenty-third of February.
    That's why no one is happier
    Men who protect women from harm.

    We wish you a good, well-fed life,
    Bury pearl barley only once a year,
    Serve family, work and Fatherland
    And believe that luck will find you!

    Half of us are girls
    (We have one team)
    Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day
    Congratulations to all men!

    May you have enough strength, courage,
    To protect and protect us,
    Be happy in marriage
    And don't forget your friends.

    The sky is clear, bottomless,
    Don't grow old in spirit!
    And thank you very much
    For our peace and our tranquility!

    "Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues"

    Hey colleagues, congratulations
    Happy twenty-third of February!
    We have been waiting for this day for a long time,
    We know for sure that it’s not in vain!

    May everything succeed today
    And let there be gifts,
    But the girls won’t leave, -
    They will throw up their hands in sadness!

    On this day let there be much;
    Wishes, congratulations
    And unusual surprises,
    And wishes come true!

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