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Question: What actions should be performed in order by a woman who wants to perform the tarawih prayer at home? Should she know the Qur'an by heart in order to perform the tarawih prayer alone? Or is it enough for her to read what she knows by heart?


Praise be to Allah.


A woman's prayer at home is better than prayer in the mosque. This applies to both mandatory and additional prayers, including the tarawih prayer.

“Prayer performed by a woman at home is better than prayer performed by her in the mosque. This applies to both obligatory and additional (tarawih, etc.) prayers.”


A woman performs the tarawih prayer as much as she can and follows the Sunnah as much as she is able. If she knows the Book of Allah by heart and can stand the prayer for a long time, then let her pray 11 rak'ats or 13 rak'ats: two rak'ats, and at the end she will perform the Witr prayer.

If she cannot stand the prayer for a long time, then let her perform as many prayers as Allah has prescribed for her, two or two rak'ahs at a time. And when she feels that she has done what she could, let her pray Witr.

The scholars of the Standing Committee said:

“The tarawih prayer is a prayer of 11 or 13 rak’ats. After every two rak'ahs, the worshiper gives a greeting, and at the end it is better to perform the Witr prayer in one rak'ah. In this, the person praying will follow the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. If a person performs 20 or more rak’ahs, then there is nothing wrong with that either, since the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Night prayer in twos, twos at a time. And if any of you is afraid that the morning dawn will come, then let him perform the Witr prayer in one rak'ah, making the number of rak'ahs performed earlier odd” (al-Bukhari, Muslim). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not limit the number of rak’ahs.”


A woman is not required to know the Noble Quran by heart in order to perform prayers at home. But if she knows the Koran by heart or has memorized a considerable part of it, then let her pray by reading those suras that she knows.

If she does not know as many suras as are enough to perform prayer at home, then there is no sin if she reads the Koran from a book in prayer.

Shaykh Ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

“If there is a need to read directly from the Koran, (when) a person is the leader in prayer, or if it is a woman who performs night prayer at home, or if it is a man who does not know the Koran by heart, then there is nothing wrong with that.”

If there are other women in the house, then there is nothing wrong with one of them being the leader in their prayer. In this case, she should stand in the middle of the row and read what she can. And if she starts reading from the book of the Koran, then there is nothing wrong with that.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

“It is better for a woman to pray at home, even if there is a mosque in which the tarawih prayer is performed. If a woman prays at home, then there is nothing wrong with women at home praying collectively. In this case, if she knows little of the Quran by heart, she can read the Quran from a book.” Presented with abbreviations.


A woman will not commit a sin if she performs the tarawih prayer or other prayers in the mosque collectively with men, especially if this encourages her to stand in prayer longer and contributes to the performance of this prayer constantly. However, both obligatory and additional prayer of a woman at home is better. Initially, fundamentally, a woman's prayer in her home is better than prayer in the mosque.

Sheikh Ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked:

“What does Shariah say about the tarawih prayer that a woman performs in the mosque?”

He replied:

“Basically, a woman’s prayer at home is better for her. However, provided that she is covered and discreet, if she sees the benefit of praying in the mosque, for example, if it motivates her (to pray), or if she benefits from lessons, then there is no sin and nothing wrong, praise To Allah. This is also good, since there is great benefit and diligence in doing a righteous deed.”

He was also asked the question: “Can a woman perform the tarawih prayer in the mosque together with men?”

He replied:

“Yes, this is advisable for her if she is afraid of laziness at home. If this is not so, then it is better for her to pray at home. However, if there is a need, then there is nothing wrong with that. Women performed five obligatory prayers in the mosque with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but he said: “Their homes are better for them.”

Some women are lazy at home and become weak. Therefore, if they go to the mosque to perform prayer covered, without adornment and in full Islamic attire, and to hear useful words scientists, they will receive a reward for this. After all, their goal is good.”

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:

“Tarauih prayer at home is better for her. But if prayer in the mosque encourages her to pray, and she performs prayer more humbly, and also if she is afraid that she will leave prayer when she is at home, then in this case prayer in the mosque is better for her.”

For additional information, also refer to the answers to questions No. 3457, No. 65562.

And Allah knows best.

Fatawa-l-lyajnati-d-daima. Majmu'atu-ul-ula. T. 7. P. 201.

That is, the person praying performs two rak’ahs of prayer. A total of 10 or 12 rak'ats.

Fatawa-l-lyajnati-d-daima. Majmu'atu-ul-ula. T. 7. P. 198.

Ibn Baz ‘Abd al-‘Aziz. Fataua Nurun ‘ala-d-darb. T. 8. P. 246.

Ibn ‘Usaymin M. Fataua Nurun ‘ala-d-darb.

Fatwa from the official website of the Sheikh: http://www.binbaz.org.sa/mat/15477

Ibn Baz ‘Abd al-‘Aziz. Fataua Nurun ‘ala-d-darb. T. 9.489.

Ibn ‘Usaymin M. Al-liqa’u-sh-shahri.

Site “Islam: question and answer” Islam Q&A fatwa No. 222751

This article contains: prayer between tarawih prayers - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Tarawih prayer is a desirable prayer performed during the month of Ramadan after the night prayer. They begin to perform it on the 1st night of the month of Ramadan and end on the last night of fasting. It is advisable to perform Tarawih prayer at the jamaat in the mosque; if this is not possible, then at home, together with family and neighbors. At worst, alone. It is better to perform 20 rak'ahs, i.e. 10 prayers. At the end of Taraweeh prayer, perform 3 rakats of Witr prayer.

Tarawih consists of ten or four two-rakah prayers and prayers read between these prayers (before and after them). These prayers are given below.


3. “Subhana-l-maliki-l-quddus (twice).

Ali bin Abu Talib narrates: I once asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) about the merits of the Taraweeh prayer. The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied:

Prayer between Tarawih prayers

Tarawih prayer

Tarawih prayer is a desirable prayer performed during the month of Ramadan after the night prayer. They begin to perform it on the 1st night of the month of Ramadan and end on the last night of fasting. It is advisable to perform Tarawih prayer at the jamaat in the mosque; if this is not possible, then at home, together with family and neighbors. At worst, alone. Usually they perform 8 rakats - 4 prayers of two rakats each, but it is better to perform 20 rakats, i.e. 10 prayers. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) initially performed 20 rakats, then, to make it easier for his community (ummah), he limited himself to 8 rakats. At the end of Taraweeh prayer, perform 3 rakats of Witr prayer.


I. “La hawla wa la quwvata illya billah. Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammadin wa sallim. Allahumma inna nas’alukal jannata wa na’uzubika mina-n-nar.”

2. “Subhana Allah wal-hamdu lillahi wa la ilaha illa Allahu wa Allah Akbar. Subhana Allah ‘adada halqihi va rizaa nafsihi va zinata ‘arshihi wa midada kalimati.”

3. “Subhana-l-maliki-l-quddus (twice).

Subhana Allah-l-malikil quddus, subukhun quddus rabbul malaikati var-pyx. Subhana man ta'azzaza bil-kudrati val-bak'a va kahharal 'ibada bil-mauti val-fana'. Subhana rabbiqa rabbil ‘izzati ‘amma yasifun wa salamun ‘alal-mursalina wal-hamdu lillahi rabbil ‘alamin’.

Ali bin Abu Talib narrates: I once asked the Prophet about the merits of the Taraweeh prayer. The Prophet replied:

“Whoever performs the Taraweeh prayer on the 1st night, Allah will forgive him his sins.

If he fulfills it on the 2nd night, then ALLAH will forgive the sins of him and his parents if they are Muslims.

If on the 3rd night, an angel near Arsh will call: “Truly Allah, Holy and Great, has forgiven your previously committed sins.”

If on the 4th night, he will receive a reward equal to the reward of the person who read Tavrat, Inzhil, Zabur, Quran.

If on the 5th night, Allah will reward him with a reward equal to performing prayer in Masjidul Haram in Mecca, Masjidul Nabavi in ​​Medina and Masjidul Aqsa in Jerusalem.

If on the 6th night, Allah will reward him with a reward equal to performing Tawaf in Baitul Mamur. (Above the Kaaba in heaven there is an invisible house of nur, where angels constantly perform tawaf). And every pebble of Baitul Mamura and even clay will ask Allah for forgiveness of the sins of this person.

If on the 7th night, he reaches the level of Prophet Musa and his supporters who opposed Fir’avn and Gyaman.

If on the 8th night, the Almighty will reward him with the degree of Prophet Ibrahim.

If on the 9th night, he will be equal to a person who worships Allah, like slaves close to Him.

If on the 10th night, Allah gives him barakat in food.

Whoever prays on the 11th night will leave this world, like a child leaving his mother’s womb.

If he does it on the 12th night, on the Day of Judgment this person will come with a face shining like the sun.

If on the 13th night, this person will be safe from all troubles.

If on the 14th night, the angels will testify that this person performed the Tarawih prayers and Allah will reward him on the Day of Judgment.

If on the 15th night, this person will be praised by the angels, including the bearers of the Arsha and the Course.

If on the 16th night, Allah will free this person from Hell and give him Paradise.

If on the 17th night, Allah will reward him with greater honor before Him.

If on the 18th night, Allah will cry: “O Servant of Allah! I am pleased with you and your parents.”

If on the 19th night, Allah will raise his degree to Paradise Firdavs.

If on the 20th night, Allah will reward him with the reward of martyrs and righteous people.

If on the 21st night, Allah will build him a house of Nur (radiance) in Paradise.

If on the 22nd night, this person will be safe from sadness and anxiety.

If on the 2nd night, Allah will build him a city in Paradise.

If on the 24th night, 24 prayers of this person will be accepted.

If on the 25th night, Allah will free him from the torment of the grave.

If on the 26th night, Allah will increase its degree 40 times.

If on the 27th night, this person will cross the Sirat Bridge with lightning speed.

If on the 28th night, Allah will raise him to 1000 degrees in Paradise.

If on the 29th night, Allah will reward him with the degree of 1000 accepted hajjs.

If on the 30th night, Allah will say: “O My servant! Taste the fruits of Paradise, drink from paradise river Kavsar. I am your Creator, you are My slave.”

Prayer (namaz) Tarawih

This Tarawih prayer is an obligatory sunnah ( Sunnah muakkyada) for both men and women. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever stands up for prayer in the month of Ramadan with faith [in its significance] and expectation of reward [for it only from the Lord], his previous sins will be forgiven.”

The time for performing the Tarawih prayer begins after the night prayer (‘Isha’) and lasts until the morning dawn. This prayer is performed every day throughout the month of Ramadan (the month of obligatory fasting). Witr prayer these days is performed after the Tarawih prayer.

It is best to perform this prayer together with other believers (jama'at) in the mosque, although it is permissible to perform it individually. Today, when people seem to be in prostration, in conditions of spiritual emptiness and absence positive communication, attending collective prayers, and especially such as Tarawih, contributes to the emergence of a sense of community and unity. A mosque is a place where people communicate, praying together, praising the Almighty, reading the Koran, regardless of social, intellectual or national differences.

“The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) performed this prayer together with his companions in the mosque on the 23rd, 25th and 27th nights of the month of Ramadan. He did not do this every day so that people would not perceive this prayer as obligatory; so that it does not become obligatory (faraid). He read eight rak’ats with them, and they finished the rest of the rak’ahs at home.”

The fact that the Prophet and his companions read up to twenty rak’ahs in Tarawih became clear from the actions of the second righteous caliph ‘Umar. He canonically enshrined twenty rakyaats in this prayer. ‘Abdurrahman ibn ‘Abdul-Qari reported: “I entered the mosque with ‘Umar in the month of Ramadan. In the mosque we saw that everyone was reading separately, in small groups. ‘Umar exclaimed: “It would be very good to make them a single jama’at!” This is exactly what he did, installing ‘Ubayya ibn Kya’b as imam.” Imam Malik adds: “In the time of ‘Umar, twenty rak’ahs of Tarawih prayer were recited. From that moment on, twenty rakyaats were established as the sunnah. At the same time, there is a mention of eight rak’ahs.” However, the ritual of Tarawih, consisting of twenty rakyaats, was finally approved by Caliph ‘Umar with the consent of the companions of the Prophet, which was recognized by a significant part of theologians of a later period.

The Tarawih prayer is performed after two rakyaats of the sunnah of the night prayer (‘Isha’). It is advisable to perform it in two rakyaats, the order of which corresponds to the usual two rakyaats of the sunnah. The time of this prayer ends with the onset of dawn, that is, with the beginning of time morning prayer(Fajr). If a person was unable to perform the Tarawih prayer before its expiration, then there is no need to make up for it.

Following the example of the Prophet’s companions, after every four rakyaats it is advisable to take a short break, during which it is recommended to praise and remember the Almighty, listen to a short sermon or indulge in reflection on God.

One of the formulas for praising the Almighty could be the following:

سُبْحَانَ ذِي الْمُلْكِ وَ الْمَلَكُوتِ

سُبْحَانَ ذِي الْعِزَّةِ وَ الْعَظَمَةِ وَ الْقُدْرَةِ وَ الْكِبْرِيَاءِ وَ الْجَبَرُوتِ

سُبْحَانَ الْمَلِكِ الْحَيِّ الَّذِي لاَ يَمُوتُ

سُبُّوحٌ قُدُّوسٌ رَبُّ الْمَلاَئِكَةِ وَ الرُّوحِ

لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ نَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ ، نَسْأَلُكَ الْجَنَّةَ وَ نَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ النَّارِ

“Subhaana zil-mulki wal-malyakuut.

Subhaana zil-'izzati val-'azamati val-kudrati val-kibriyayi wal-jabaruut.

Subhaanal-malikil-khayil-lyazii laya yamuut.

Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-ruuh.

Laya ilyayahe illya llaahu nastagfirullaa, nas’elukal-jannata va na’uuzu bikya minan-naar...”

“Holy and Ideal is He Who possesses earthly and heavenly dominion. Holy is He Who is characterized by might, greatness, boundless strength, power over everything and infinite power. Holy is he who is the Lord of all, who is eternal. Death will never befall him. He is praised and holy. He is the Lord of angels and the Holy Spirit (angel Gabriel - Gabriel). There is no god except the One and Only Creator. O Almighty, forgive us and have mercy! We ask You for Paradise and we resort to You, praying for removal from Hell...”

(He is praised and holy. He is the Lord of the angels and the Holy Spirit (the angel Gabriel - Gabriel)... Some rivayat mention that the angel Gabriel (Gabriel) turned to Allah with the question: “O Almighty! Why is the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) so highlighted , what is considered “Halilullah”, Your friend?”

In response, the Lord sent him to Abraham with the words: “Greet him and say “Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-rukh”.

As you know, the prophet Abraham was very rich. The number of dogs guarding his herds alone numbered in the thousands. But he was rich both materially and spiritually. So, when Gabriel (Gabriel) appeared before Abraham in the form of a man and, having greeted him, said these words, Abraham, feeling their Divine sweetness, exclaimed: “Say them again, and half of my wealth is yours!” Angel Jabrail (Gabriel) said them again. Then Abraham again asked to repeat it, saying: “Say them again, and all my wealth is yours!” Gabriel (Gabriel) repeated it a third time, then Abraham said: “Say them again, and I am your slave.”

There are things whose splendor, beauty and value can only be understood by specialists. For example, a diamond. Before cutting, it will seem like an ordinary natural fossil to someone, but a professional will notice a valuable stone in it and find a way to turn it into a sparkling jewel. Moreover, only an expert will be able to determine the degree of its value. Also with the words “Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-rukh.” Abraham, having felt their beauty and splendor, could not satiate his ears and each time asked to repeat them again.

Questions on the topic

(Imam's answers to questions about Tarawih prayer)

1. What additional prayers are read during fasting?

1. Tarawih, Witra and Tahajjud are sufficient.

2. The usual intention for two rak'ahs of additional prayer.

Dear Imam, when making up for missed days of fasting, is it possible to perform the missed Tarawih prayer? E.

The days of obligatory fasting must be completed, but Taraweeh does not need to be completed. Tarawih falls into the category of optional prayers, not obligatory ones.

Now, during Ramadan, they read the Tarawih prayer. In the nearest mosque in the city where I live, the parishioners agreed to read one juz of the Koran for the entire prayer. But the imam himself reads juz during Tarawih from the Book - the Koran in one hand, the other on his belt. And so the entire prayer. As far as I understand, the Prophet did not do this; he knew the Koran by heart and could not read. Question: Was this practice among the Companions or among the righteous, recognized scholars? Maybe it’s worth visiting another mosque during this prayer?

This is possible (according to some Sunni scholars), but they usually place the Koran on a special stand in order to free up their hands and not make unnecessary movements during prayer. If the duration of the Tarawih prayer in the nearest mosque suits you, then there is no need to go to another one.

According to some scientists, this is possible.

Should women perform Tarawih? If so, is it possible to do it at home, alone? And I.

For both men and women, performing this prayer-namaz is a sunnah, that is, a desirable action. You can do it at home, alone.

Why was there no sermon given in your mosque before Tarawih this year? What is this connected with?

There is no canonical need for this, and therefore the imam can read it if he sees a need, or he may not read it.

If I intend to perform Taraweeh prayers of 20 rak'yats, then how to read them? 2 rakyaats (10 times) or 4 rakyaats (5 times)? What prayers and du'a should I read during breaks?

All this is at your discretion.

Is Tarawih read on the last day of fasting, since the first day of the next month begins in the evening? Timur.

You are right, on the last day of fasting the Tarawih prayer is not recited.

Is it possible for me to go to the mosque on Tarawih if I do not fast? I am undergoing treatment during which I need to take medication for a month. I have a great desire to keep my spirits up, but the doctor said that I need to take a course, otherwise there will be no benefit from the previous two weeks of taking the medications. I am tormented by doubts and I feel uncomfortable and unusual that I am not fasting, although I myself understand and feel that I need to take the medicine. U.

You can go to Tarawih.

In the mosque of our city after Tarawih, the imam reads a hadith about the reward received by a person who comes to prayer. And this applies to every day throughout the entire month of fasting. Tell me, is this true? Have you heard such hadiths? Ramil.

There are no reliable hadiths on this matter.

I recently came across an article in a local newspaper detailing the rewards each night for reciting the Tarawih prayer during fasting. For example, on the first day of the month of Ramadan, the Almighty will forgive all his sins to the person who reads Tarawih, on the second day, Allah will forgive all the sins of the parents of the person who reads Tarawih, and so on until the end of the fast. Tell us more about this. Erkezhan, Kazakhstan.

The Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah do not talk about this.

On the second day of fasting, my friends and I were late for the Isha prayer and immediately got up with the jamaat for Tarawih prayer. Is the fard of the ‘Isha prayer considered missed or can it be performed together with the sunnah after Tarawih and Witr? Murat.

The fifth obligatory prayer is not considered missed; you must perform it after Witr. For the future: if you are late, then first perform the fifth prayer separately from the imam and only then join Tarawih.

I go to Tarawih to the mosque. I arrive home around midnight. My wife complains that I go to the mosque every evening, and when I come, I go to bed. She misses the time I spend with her. I really like to perform Tarawih in the mosque, I have been waiting for this all year. What should I do better? Reject her claims and, despite her offense, go to the mosque or go to the mosque every other day, as I am doing now? Iskander.

Be sure to go to the mosque, it will charge you positively, ennoble you and set you up for the whole next year.

As for your wife, I strongly advise you to find my book “Family and Islam”, which will open your eyes to many thousands of circumstances family life. The fact that your trip to the mosque irritates your spouse indicates a very low level of mutual understanding between you. This gap must be filled through the knowledge and experience of others.

Hazrat, why did you previously read Tarawih prayer in 20 rak’yats, and now in 8 rak’yat? Is it possible to do this? I listened to one famous hazrat, he says that this is impossible. Please answer, this is very important for me and my friends! Mahmudjon.

In the last two years (2010, 2011) we switched to 8 rakyaats for the simple reason that the majority of the parishioners of our mosque are working people, not pensioners. Reading 8 rak'yats, we finish after midnight, and reading 20 rak'yats, it will be even later. In addition, keep in mind that people have to get up at 3 a.m. morning reception food, and then go to work at 7 am.

The most famous from the point of view of the Sunnah are two options - 8 and 20 rak'yats. For the period while the fast falls on summer time, having agreed on our decision with the mufti, we hold only 8 rak’ahs of Tarawih in our mosque. Those who wish can read up to 20 at home.

In religious practice, I follow the Hanafi madhhab, but I am not a strict adherent of the opinions of only one madhhab, especially when these opinions can seriously complicate the life of ordinary believers. Religion is given to us with ease, and therefore we need to weigh everything wisely.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

(1) “Make it easy and do not complicate, please and do not disgust, do not repel.”

(2) “Religion is lightness. And whoever argues with her [showing excessive scrupulousness and excessive severity, for example, wanting to surpass others by displaying “special” piety], will lose.”

(3) “Those who are too scrupulous and too strict will perish!”

(4) “Beware of excess in matters of faith and religion! Indeed, [many] who came before you perished precisely because of this.”

(5) “Those who are scrupulous and overly strict will perish [wither spiritually, mentally, psychologically].” Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) repeated these words three times.”

The problem is that during Tarawih, due to a lack of understanding of the meaning of what is being read, thoughts go astray. Sometimes you almost fall asleep. At home, when I read namaz, after the Arabic I read its translation. Please advise how to deal with the problem. Nadeem.

Tarawih (Arabic) - plural from “tarviha”, which translates as “rest”. The prayer is called so because after every four rakyaats, the worshipers sit and rest, praising the Lord or listening to the admonitions of the imam. See: Mu'jamu lugati al-fuqaha'. P. 127.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, an-Nasai and Abu Dawud. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 536, Hadith No. 8901, “sahih”.

Prostration is a state of extreme exhaustion, relaxation, lack of orientation in time; loss of strength, accompanied by an indifferent attitude towards the environment. Cm.: Newest dictionary foreign words and expressions. Minsk: Modern writer, 2007. P. 664.

Hadith from Abu Dharr and also from ‘Aisha; St. X. Muslim, al-Bukhari, at-Tirmizi, etc. See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 2. P. 1059; aka. In 8 vols. T. 2. P. 43; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-awtar. In 8 vols. T. 3. P. 54, 55.

See: Al-‘Askalani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 vols. T. 5. P. 314, 315, Hadith No. 2010; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar. In 8 vols. T. 3. P. 57, hadith No. 946.

The Prophet Muhammad said: “My path [Sunnah] and the path of the righteous caliphs are obligatory for you.” ‘Umar was one of them - the second righteous caliph.

The celebration of twenty rak'ahs in Tarawih was supported by theologians of the Hanafi madhhab. Theologians of the Shafi'i madhhab consider eight rak'yats sufficient, which also corresponds to the Sunnah. See, for example: Imam Malik. Al-muwatto [Public]. Cairo: al-Hadith, 1993. P. 114; al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. In 8 vols. T. 3. P. 57, 58.

See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 2. S. 1060, 1075, 1089.

Read more about this prayer in my book “Muslim Law 1-2”. P. 263.

Hadith from Anas; St. X. al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad and an-Nasai. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr [Small collection]. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1990. P. 590, hadith No. 10010, “sahih”; al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari [Code of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari]: In 5 volumes. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-‘asriyya, 1997. Vol. 1. P. 50, hadith No. 69; an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi sharkh an-Nawawi [Compendium of hadiths of Imam Muslim with comments by Imam an-Nawawi]: At 10 volumes, 18 hours Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, [b. G.]. T. 6. Part 12. pp. 40–42, hadiths No. 6 (1732), 7 (1733), 8 (1734)

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. al-Bayhaqi. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 261, Hadith No. 4301, al-‘Ajluni I. Kyashf al-khafa’ wa muzil al-ilbas. In 2 parts. Beirut: Al-kutub al-‘ilmiya, 2001. Part 1. P. 366, hadith No. 1323.

Hadith from Ibn Mas'ud; St. X. Ahmad, Muslim and Abu Dawud. See: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 569, Hadith No. 9594, “sahih”; an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi sharkh an-Nawawi [Compendium of hadiths of Imam Muslim with comments by Imam an-Nawawi]. At 10 t., 18 p.m. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, [b. G.]. T. 8. Part 16. P. 220, Hadith No. (2670) 7.

Hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas; St. X. Ahmad, an-Nasai, Ibn Maj and al-Hakim. See: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 174, Hadith No. 2909, “sahih”; Ibn Majah M. Sunan [Compendium of Hadiths]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 328, hadith No. 3029, “sahih”.

See, for example: Nuzha al-muttakyn. Sharh Riyadh al-Salihin. T. 2. P. 398, Hadith No. 1738, “sahih”.

Ramadan is a generous month of fasting, prayers, good deed, donations and cleansing from sins. We wrote a short guide to Ramadan earlier. During fasting, after night prayer and before dawn, believers read Tarawih prayer - a special prayer that is performed only in Ramadan and is sunnah. Taraweeh must be read after the night prayer of Isha and before dawn, with the onset of which comes the time of Fajr. Usually during Ramadan, Muslims go to the mosque for group prayer, but this is not necessary; it is permissible to pray separately.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ performed Tarawih prayer several times a month together with the first Muslims, he said:

“Whoever spends Ramadan with faith (fasting and praying) and in anticipation of a reward, minor sins committed earlier (except for serious ones) will be forgiven” (Reported by Abu Huraira, hadiths of Al-Bukhari 38, Muslim 760).

Origin of the name Tarawih

Word Tarawih(تراويح‎) translated from Arabic, as "respite". It is formed from the singular Arabic word al-tarwih (الترويح), which means “rest.” Namaz received this name because it lasts about 2 hours, but between every four rakats believers take breaks of 2-3 minutes to rest, during which they read tasbih (praise the Almighty) or istighfar (ask for forgiveness and repent).

Briefly about the Tarawih prayer
Stage or action Description
8 or 20 rakats Performed 2 rak'ahs 4 times or 10 times
Frequency of occurrence Every day throughout the month of Ramadan
Nature of execution Possible individually, but preferably in a jamaat with other believers
Intention Intend to perform the sunnah prayer of Tarawih, consisting of a given number of rak'ahs
1 juz per night During Taraweeh it is recommended to read 1/30th of the Quran
Break Done between 4 rak'ahs, during which Allah ﷻ is praised and remembered and short sermons are read
Reward “Whoever maintains prayer in the month of Ramadan with faith and expectation of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 8901)
Other prayers Night prayer (Isha) is done before Tarawih, Witr prayer - after it.

Tarawih. How many rakats should you do?

Regarding the number of rakats of the Tarawih prayer, there is different opinions and each opinion is based on the opinion of the scholars who transmitted hadith.

First opinion

Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, was asked how he prayed during Ramadan. She answered:

“The Messenger of Allah did not pray more than 11 rakats, neither in Ramadan nor in other months, he prayed four rakats, and don’t ask how well they lasted, then four more, don’t ask how well they lasted, and after them three more.” Then Aisha asked: “O Messenger of Allah, do you sleep before performing Witr?” and he answered her: “O Aisha, my eyes sleep, but my heart does not sleep” (Sunan Abi Dawood 40/1341).

According to this hadith, the sunnah is prayer Tarawih of 8 rak'ahs(and 3 - vitr), which are read two at a time with breaks for rest. After reading Surah al Fatiha, any surah from the Koran is read in each rak'ah. Muslims who know the Koran by heart read the entire holy book Koran. While resting between rakats, they recite Dhikr 33 times.

After the last rak'ah, they rest again, perhaps with their eyes closed, then recite three rak'ahs of al-Witr prayer.

Second opinion

Every night of Ramadan, according to the sunnah, 20 rak'ahs of prayer are performed from sunset to dawn. The fact that the Prophet ﷺ and his companions sometimes performed the Tarawih prayer in the mosque from 20 rakats instead of 8, said Abdurahman ibn Abdul-Qari. He said that he came to the mosque with the second caliph Umar. There they saw believers praying in small groups. Caliph Umar said:

“It would be good to bring them together to pray together.”

He appointed Ubayy ibn Kiyab as imam, after which the believers performed a joint prayer of 20 rakats. The ritual of reading twenty rakats became a tradition during the time of the righteous caliph Umar and is recognized by most modern theologians.

Despite differences of opinion regarding the number of rak'ahs in Taraweeh prayer, there are no strict restrictions in this regard. This prayer is the sunnah of muakkadah and deviation from the generally accepted number is not a punishable violation. Believers make as many rakats as is considered generally accepted in the jamaat. According to numerous hadiths, in the religion of Islam there is no difficulty for believers; accordingly, excessive scrupulousness and excessive severity are not good.

Tarawih prayer. Video from the Islamic cultural center, Kiev

Tarawih for women

Tarawih prayer for women is no different from men's; they can pray at home or attend joint prayers in a mosque. Women are advised to use less incense (perfume) so as not to distract worshipers. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

“Do not forbid (women) from worshiping Allah in the mosque, but let them not go out too perfumed (sprayed with perfume)” (Sunan Abu Dawud 155/565).

What to do if Tarawih is missed?

Namaz Tarawih does not apply to obligatory prayers, it is sunnah. If the believer missed it, nothing needs to be compensated. Aisha said:

“The Messenger of Allah prayed Tarawih in the mosque along with other believers. On the second and third days, many people gathered there, but he did not go to the mosque, and in the morning he said that he saw people gathering, but did not come, so that they did not consider it obligatory" (Abu Dawud 1373).

Tarawih prayer

Points of the Taraweeh prayer:

The name of the prayer comes from the word “tarviha” (break, rest, respite).

In the book “Nur ul-izah” and in the commentary to it “Merak il-falyah” by Imam Shernblali (Abu-l-Ikhlas Hasan ibn Ammar; d. 1069 AH / 1658 CE) it is said:

“Performing the Tarawih prayer of 20 rak'yats is a sunnah (a highly desirable action) for Muslims of both sexes. Anyone who does not believe in this position deviates from the sunnah, and the testimony of such a person is not valid.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) performed this prayer for several nights together with the jamaat for 8 rak'yats. The remaining 12 are at home. There are also reports that he performed individually and 20 rak'yats. Therefore, according to all four madhhabs, this prayer consists of 20 rakyaats. During the reign of the righteous caliphs, starting with Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), all the companions performed 20 rak'ahs together. This fact confirmed that this prayer is sunnah. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) commanded us to follow the righteous caliphs and the agreed opinion of his companions:

“When I am gone, do not separate from my sunnah and the sunnah of the caliph-and rashidun (righteous caliphs)” (Abu Dawud; Tirmidhi).

This prayer can also be performed individually. However, in this case, the Muslim will not receive the benefit of congregational prayer. It is considered a wrong decision to be within one farsakh (5760 meters) from the mosque and not attend the congregational Taraweeh prayer.

Taraweeh prayer times:

Performed after night prayer, before Witr prayer. It follows from this that if someone did not have time to perform the obligatory night prayer ('isha), then he should first perform it, and only then read the Tarawih prayer. Imam Ibn Abidin writes about this in his book “Radd ul-mukhtar...”. It is permissible to perform Tarawih after Witr prayer, but only at night. With the onset of dawn, the time for performing this prayer ends. According to the Hanafi madhhab, a missed Tarawih prayer cannot be restored. Missed fards and Witr prayers are restored.

If you are late for Tarawih, you must act as follows:

1) First perform the night prayer (Isha prayer).

2) Then perform the second sunnah of the night prayer.

3) Then express your intention and join the jamaat to perform taraweeh from the moment it is possible.

4) After the jamaat finishes the entire prayer and the final greeting is made by the imam, stand up and make up the missed rakyaats yourself.

5) After this, perform the Witr prayer yourself. But the one who has time to perform Witr together reads this prayer together with the jamaat.

Performing the Taraweeh prayer together:

Performing tarawih together with jamaat is sunnat-i ​​kifaya. In addition to the usual rules for performing congregational prayers, when performing taraweeh, you need to pay attention to the following features:

1) A Muslim who has not previously performed the night prayer ('isha) cannot join the taraweeh prayer.

2) It is permissible to perform the night prayer and the Taraweeh prayer one after another for different imams.

3) The Jamaat performing the Taraweeh prayer together must be from among the Muslims who previously performed the night prayer together. That is, those who are late for night prayer are not allowed to gather another jamaat to perform the Taraweeh prayer a second time in this mosque.

Question: Is it permissible for girls and young women to perform the Taraweeh prayer in mosques?

Answer: If you carefully examine the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) throughout the entire way of life of Muslims, it becomes clear that the instructions about the possibility of receiving the benefit of congregational prayer in mosques apply primarily to men. All messages recommend that young women and girls reduce exposure in public. Especially in places where there may be strangers. From this, Islamic scholars conclude that young women and girls can receive the greatest blessing only by performing prayers at home, with their family and close relatives. Even here, they are ordered to take into account that not all relatives are “mahram” (that is, those who are not allowed to marry), and to take precautions.

The separation of girls and young women from older women in this matter suggests that older women are not prohibited from visiting mosques to pray together. But they are also obliged to take into account the peculiarities of such visits. And the definition of “elderly woman” is purely conditional: after all, Allah is free to give an elderly woman the opportunity to look attractive and far from elderly - and that’s the whole point! If a woman feels that Allah Almighty has given her the opportunity to remain attractive for a longer time and that strangers pay attention to her or may pay attention to her, then in the name of Allah it is better for her to appear less in public and protect herself and her fellow believers from sin.

Qiraat (reading of the Koran) in the Taraweeh prayer:

In addition to the usual rules, there are some special features.

2) When performing the Tarawih prayer, it is permissible to repeat the same verses of the same surah in the qiraat.

Preferred in Taraweeh:

1) The greeting is given after every two or four rak'yats. But it is preferable to give a greeting after every two rakiats.

2) Perform prayer after the first third of the night.

3) Observe a break between every four rakyaats, equal in length to the time it takes to perform four rakyaats.

Disadvantages in Taraweeh:

1) Perform prayer with only one greeting.

2) Perform prayer while sitting, without good reason.

3) Perform prayer in a sleepy state.

4) Specially hire a person to conduct taraweeh, while it is possible to perform prayer in the mosque.

6) Perform taraweeh twice in one and the same mosque with one jamaat.

7) The imam leads the Taraweeh prayer twice in the same place or in different places.

Performing the Taraweeh prayer:

A. When performing a prayer with a greeting after every two rak’ahs:

1. Express the intention to perform tarawih. And repeat the intention before each introductory takbir.
2. Say the introductory takbir: “To Allah Akbar.”
3. Read quietly (to yourself) “Subhanaka...”, “Auzu...”, “Bismillah...”.
4. Read Al-Fatiha and Zammi-Sura. When performing tarawih together, the imam must read aloud, and the one following him is silent.
5. The first and second rakyaat are performed, as in other prayers.
6. After the second rakyaat, “At-tahiyyatu...” is read and then, just like after the morning prayer, salawat, dua are pronounced and greetings are given.

B. When performing a prayer with a greeting after every four rak’ahs:

1. The first two rakyaats are performed in the same way as indicated above.
2. When sitting after the second rakyaat, only “Attahiyyatu...” and salawat are read, the third rakyaat begins with the reading “Subhanaka...”.
3. And then it ends in the same way as the four-rakya prayers.

This is only one part of the Taraweeh prayer. It will be considered completed when twenty rakyaats have been performed in this manner.

Regardless of whether the prayer is performed in two rak'yats or in four, after every four rak'yats a short pause is required according to the sunnah, equal to the time it takes to perform four rak'ahs of prayer. During this time, salawat, salat-and ummiya (salutations to the Prophet, peace be upon him), verses and requests to Allah Almighty are read. It is also acceptable to simply sit silently, reflecting on the greatness of Allah and not disturbing others from concentrating.

Between every four rak'ahs of tarawih prayer, it is also recommended to recite the following:

"Subhana zil-mulki wal-malakut.
Subhana zil-izzati wal-jamali wal-jabarut.
Subhana-l-maliki-l-hay-il-lazi laa yanamu wa laa yamut.
Subbuhun quddusun Rabbuna wa Rabbu-l malyaikati var-rukh.
Marhaba, Marhaba, Marhaba wa Shahri Ramadan.
Marhaba, marhaba, marhaba wa shahri-l-barakati wa-l-ghufran.
Marhaba, marhaba, marhaba wa shahrat-tasbihi wa-t-tahlili wa-z-zikri wa tilyavat-il-Kur'an.
Avvalyuha, ahirukha, zahirukha, batinukha wa min laa ilaha illa Khuva."

After the end of the prayer, a prayer (du´a) is read:

"Allahumma salli alaa sayyidina Muhammadin wa alaa ali sayyidina Muhammad.
Biadadi kulli dain wa dawain wa barik wa sallim alayhi wa alayhim kasira" (read 3 times).
Then: “Ya Hannan, Ya Mannan, Ya Dayyan, Ya Burhan.
Ya Zal-fadly wa-l-ihsan narju-l-afwa wa-l-gufran.
Vajalna min utakai shahri ramadan bi hurmati-l-Qur'an."

A person who takes the place of an imam to conduct congregational prayer must understand the composition of the jamaat behind him. And if among the jamaat there are followers of the Shafi’i madhhab, then the prayer needs to be read only two rakyaats. Alhamdulil-Allah!

What else to read