What to do after the ritual of dough dolls. Conspiracies for separation - which is the most powerful. Spell against wife

An effective separation conspiracy can destroy a marriage and help a woman get rid of a disgusted spouse. Spells and quarrels take the husband away from the rival or the wife from the lover.

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When is a separation spell required?

The spell is needed if you need to solve the following problems:

  • break up a family
  • break up with a boring man;
  • separate the guy and the girl;
  • quarrel business partners;
  • bring discord into friendship.

What is the difference between a split and a lapel?

The rites are distinguished by the power of influence, contributing to the destruction of energy ties within the couple.


A quarrel is used if it is necessary to cause a quarrel between loved ones or temporarily separate them.

Rite features:

  • does not strike a crushing force, but only damages relationships;
  • can be carried out in combination with a black lapel, then it works more successfully;
  • easy to perform, does not require special knowledge and skills.


A lapel is a magical rite, which is a kind of damage to love or aimed at stopping the effect of a love spell.

Its main features:

  • done only during the waning moon;
  • can combine two rituals at once: for food and for a cemetery through a grave;
  • is directly related to black magic;
  • requires special skills, since the impact occurs on the subtle body of a person;
  • possesses great power, completely destroys all ties between two people.

A sample of a strong lapel is offered in her video by the sorceress Elena Stepanova.

How to determine what conspiracy is needed?

The rite is chosen depending on the goal:

  • to break off relations between a guy and a girl, use a lapel;
  • a strong conspiracy helps to separate loving spouses;
  • saves from the rival (ka) the cold spell;
  • to create a conflict between friends or business partners, it is enough to read.

Features of the ritual

Rituals for a lapel or a squabble at home will work if:

  • conduct the ceremony at "witch time": from midnight to three in the morning;
  • read, the energy of the planet will help in the implementation of the plan;
  • cast spells alone and loudly;
  • mentally visualize what you want with the utmost clarity.

In order for the rite to terminate the relationship to be effective, no one should be told about it.

Effective separation spells

The most effective rituals are carried out using:

  • church candles;
  • salt;
  • land;
  • photographs of the people targeted by the conspiracy.

Conspiracies for a husband or wife to leave forever

The following ritual helps to quarrel spouses forever:

  1. Buy 13 red church candles.
  2. Leaving the temple, read the spell: “As a believer goes to church, let fate take me away from (say the name of the person). Amen".
  3. Light candles at home and read the plot.
  4. Throw away the cinders at the crossroads.

Conspiracy text:

May my husband (wife) leave forever,

And it never suits me.

When he sees me, he will become timid,

Sorcery will bring - will suffocate.

The mouth will open - feel lethargic,

How close - a terrible weakness.

Forever tear sinister ties

Get rid of dirt forever.

May it be done!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

The following rite will help to separate the spouses forever:

  1. Buy a branch of evergreen laurel.
  2. At midnight, in front of a mirror with strength and anger, peel off the leaves from it.
  3. Speak with magic words.

Spell text:

As the wind blows the leaves

Your thoughts are dying for me.

Leave forever without saying goodbye

Get sick, returning back.

I will create a reliable barrier,

I will carefully conceal this conspiracy.

You can't come now

You will turn your legs back.

May it be done!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

A prayer for divorce will help to part for good, it is read at midnight 13 times:

heavenly angels,

Underground demons!

I will pray to you

To get divorced sooner.

To quarrel with him (her) and not put up.

To be separated from him (her)

And never meet.

My word is strong.

Denis Kostash tells how to get rid of her husband.

Ritual for divorce from husband

Get rid of the annoying spouse in this way:

  1. Boil water in a saucepan.
  2. A cross is drawn on top with a sharp knife with a black wooden handle.
  3. Read the spell.
  4. They cook food for the husband in a saucepan and salt it.

Spell text:

Satan flees from the holy cross,

You (the name is called) will want to run away from me.

I want us to break up, break up

Never crossed again.

My will is strong, my deeds are indestructible.

God's servant (name of spouse) will go away from me (your name),

Will not look back.

Now there is no husband and wife, there are strangers.

It will help to divorce spouses and such a rite:

  1. Take a handful of salt.
  2. Cast a spell on her nine times.
  3. Sprinkle the charmed salt on the threshold so that the husband constantly steps over it.

Spell text:

Salt is salty, salt is tasteless,

Help me get rid of the servant of God (name),

From my husband, a servant of God (name).

Make it so that he leaves our house,

Leave me and my life alone.

We can't be together, we can't live together,

Do not share a bed, do not swing children.

As I sprinkle with salt, so he will forget me,

Let go with God, wish happiness.

White salt will help me drive out thoughts

About me from my husband's heart.

Effective prayers for divorce using a photo and a church red candle:

  1. Take a recent full-length photo of a husband and wife together.
  2. Repeat the spell three times: “The servants of God (the names of the spouses) are alive in the picture. Everything I say will happen to them!”
  3. Burn the photo over a candle flame.
  4. Say a conspiracy.
  5. Throw the ashes from the photograph on the street at the crossroads.
  6. Roll up the cinder from a burnt out candle into a ball and bury it deep in the ground with the words: “As it is said, so it is done. My word is strong, my tongue is strong, Everything will be as planned!
  7. Wait for the result.

Conspiracy text:

Like a photograph burns and burns

So the marriage of God's servants (the name of the husband and wife) is on fire and destroyed.

The fire from dependence and weakness will help them get rid of.

The powers of heaven will make sure that someone leaves them first,

And the second spent it with God.

Let their hearts remain free and they will try their happiness,

Let everything in life get better for them.

If the husband drinks and rages, this ritual will help get rid of him:

  1. At 12 at night, light seven temple candles.
  2. With the conviction that the spell will work, and with faith, cast the spell 13 times.

Let my husband leave the house faster,

In the dark, half-drunk, like a goblin, does not wander.

Children are not disturbed, people are not afraid,

Disappears from my life forever.

May it be so.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

I read a strong conspiracy on my husband,

I drive him out of the house forever.

Now he can't swear and get angry,

Apartments will start to shun like fire.

Dare to enter, it will become stuffy in the chest,

He will not be able to return by saying "I'm sorry."

May it be so.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Forever I drive my spouse out of life,

And I'm mercilessly creating this conspiracy.

I do not scold him for tears and sorrows,

For abomination and meanness in response I do not punish.

I just want one thing to leave the house,

And he certainly found his happiness.

May it be so.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Spell against wife

The following ritual helps to part with a spouse:

  1. Take two sheets of paper - black and white.
  2. On the first pen with dark ink, write the names of the husband and wife.
  3. Read the plot.
  4. Burn the black sheet, scatter the ashes on the street.
  5. On white paper with another pen, write wishes for the future.
  6. Hide the sheet in a secluded place and store until everything is fulfilled.

Conspiracy text:

Yesterday's snow doesn't interest me

Dry grass and slanting wife - go away.

Take away, Lord, God's servant (wife's name) away from me.

Women's love has a limit, so let it (repeat the name of the wife)

She wants to run away from me.

Turn away from me, lame and stupid woman.

You don't need to sleep with me anymore, it's time for another man to bed.

The sun and the moon diverge, it's time for us to part.

For a wife to leave her husband, they advise a method with porcelain saucers and vinegar.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • two tea saucers;
  • a general photograph of the spouses;
  • a candle from the temple;
  • vinegar essence.
  1. At 12 o'clock at night, light a candle.
  2. A photograph of a husband and wife is torn in half.
  3. Ignite the scraps in the fire of a candle and put them in different saucers.
  4. Pour in vinegar.
  5. Say the words: “If you (name the names) do not live together, then let a third-party force separate you in different directions. Amen!"
  6. Put the saucers with the cinder of the candle in a secluded place so that no one will find it.
  7. Repeat the process two days later.
  8. Take the ashes from the photographs and saucers to the field.
  9. The dishes should be broken, the fragments, along with the ashes, should be buried in the ground.

Conspiracies and rituals for the separation of spouses will not work if the wife reads Orthodox prayers from the destruction of the family.

Conspiracies so that the husband leaves his mistress

A ceremony with three candles will help to drive a husband away from another woman.

To carry out you will need:

  • three red church candles;
  • paper;
  • pencil.

Ritual sequence:

  1. In the morning on the waning moon, put three candles on the windowsill.
  2. On a piece of paper write the name of the opponent and cross it out.
  3. Light all the candles and let them burn a little.
  4. Say the words: “Go away, rival, don’t bother us. We want to feel heaven on earth! Amen!"
  5. Put out the candles, roll the wax into a ball.
  6. Bury the wax piece deeper in the place where the mistress walks.
  7. Say the magic spell again and spit on the ground three times.

Another powerful lapel is carried out as follows:

  1. At night, put your most successful photo under the pillow of your husband.
  2. In the morning, prepare breakfast and salt it.
  3. While cooking, whisper a spell: “We are the sea-ocean, we are a cloud-fog. We are together forever, all - no, only us - yes! Amen!"
  4. Make sure that the husband eats the whole breakfast.
  1. Take a printout of the image of the victim, preferably full-length.
  2. Drip wax from a church candle on it.
  3. In your own words, wish the rival to part with her husband.
  4. Break the photo.
  5. Bury it under the threshold so that the husband steps on the scraps.

Will help during the following rite:

  1. Put under your pillow the underwear of your husband, which he wore, and lie down on it.
  2. Take a bath and dry your body with a pillowcase while reciting an ancient spell.

Powerful from a rival:

Miu Tiu Rin Rin Shibo Ribo Gin Bilin

Lapel for separating a husband from his mistress. "Magic workshop" of the witch Irma.

A conspiracy to make the wife leave her lover

The wife will leave her lover if you perform a ritual with a photograph:

  1. At midnight, put a picture of your wife in front of you.
  2. Read the spell.

God, you are my Lord, my protection and my faith, in which I trust and place my hopes, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the Holy Saints. I offer my prayer to you and ask for help in a bitter moment, return my beloved servant of God (wife's name). Do not leave my prayer without attention, hear my prayer. Lord, Mother of God and all the Saints, please show the servant of God (name), the way home to me. Amen

To turn the wife away from her lover and return to the family, prayer helps to exemplify family fidelity, the saints of God:

Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I turn to you, I pray to you with bitter hope. Convey about me, a sinful slave (your name), prayers to the Lord God himself and the Virgin Mary. And ask the goodness of the servant of God (the name of the wife): faith, yes to the right, hope, yes to the good, unfeigned love! Help my heart with my beloved, the servant of God (name), be together. Amen!

A conspiracy to separate two people

This rite will help to separate a guy and a girl:

  1. Go out into the field, stand facing the wind.
  2. Whisper a spell.

Are you high mountains, are you deep rivers, are you deaf forests, are you evil dogs. It would be so high, so far away, so it would be evil and evil of a slave (name) with a slave (name) forever and ever, and all the holy people cannot help them and do not reconcile, and do not marry.

A ritual with a snapshot will help to quarrel friends or business partners:

  1. Take a recent photo where both people are taken together.
  2. With malice and anger, tear the picture into small pieces and set it on fire.
  3. Say a wish: "That's how your relationship burned down."
  4. Ashes to scatter in the wind, saying a spell.

As the ashes scattered, so you scattered from each other forever and fled: So be it, my word is strong.

Sometimes you may encounter a situation in which relations between people, relatives and friends, wife and husband deteriorate sharply and for no apparent reason. Often such cases have a direct connection with the husband's mistress or the wife's lover, who direct their magic to break relations between legal spouses. But, in contrast to them, a ritual can be carried out, a conspiracy to part with ill-wishers, a mistress, or a bad company. Such ritual conspiracies can be done at home, on your own - they are simple and effective, do not require special knowledge and little preparation.

Often in life, many women decide to part themselves and disperse with their own spouse, but the thing is that the husband himself may not want this break. Or the craving for her lover and husband is so strong that she understands in her mind that she needs to leave her husband, but in her heart she does not. In this case, it is worthwhile to carry out the most simple, but effective conspiracy to quarrel.

Also take into account that we described earlier.

Such a ritual will help to “break” the pathological connection and disperse quietly and peacefully - for its implementation it is worth taking holy water, which is poured into the pan in advance. Next, you need a knife - choose with a dark handle and they draw a symbolic cross in the air over boiling water, and at this moment it is worth saying the words of the conspiracy:

“As Satan flees - the devil from the Holy Cross, so you are a servant of God ... the name of your husband ... you want to run away from me. Yes, we will disperse and scatter, we will never cross - like my will is strong, so are my deeds. So the servant of God will go ... the name of the husband ... from me, the servants of God ... his name ..., but not looking back. From now on, there is no husband and wife, but there are just strangers.

After that, you should cook something in this water and feed your husband. At the same time, it is important to remember that the more salt there is in the dish, the more effective and faster the rassorka will act.

Photo sorting

A ritual with a photograph, carried out on a quarrel, is called by practicing magicians the most effective and efficient. The main thing in its implementation is to strictly follow all the instructions, and the separation of two people is guaranteed to you.

At the very beginning, we will present to your attention one of the strong rituals for separating a couple - stock up on a photo taken no later than a year before the date of the ceremony, take sharp scissors and a wax candle, which must be purchased in the temple. They perform a ritual action on the waning moon - so the relationship between the couple will gradually decrease along with the night star.

For the final and irrevocable break in relations and the separation of the couple - at midnight, light a church candle and always from a match, after that, carefully cut the photo of the couple with a sharp knife and read over it three times:

“I’m not cutting a picture - but the life of a servant of God ... the name of a man ... and a servant of God ... the name of a woman ... I share forever. I know how to put an end to passion - you won’t see happiness, you won’t build life, you won’t sleep next to each other, you won’t meet old age together.

Half of the photograph, in which the image of a girl is cut off or a woman, is burned in a saucer, set on fire from the flame of a burning candle. The image of a loved one should be hidden in a secluded place, but the ashes should be scattered through an open window.

In practice, you can conduct another ritual in the photo for the separation of the couple - to carry it out, you should take a photograph, be sure to share the couple you want to quarrel with and say over it with all your anger:

“So that you part forever - parted, but always stood opposite each other.”

After that, it is worth tearing the charmed photo into small pieces and then burning them - while the picture is burning, you should say the following words of the conspiracy over the fire:

"That's how your ideal relationship burns."

When only ashes remain on the saucer, it should be carefully blown out of the open window and at the same time say the following ritual words:

“As the ashes scattered in the wind, so your relationship will scatter in the wind, but will never converge.”

As practicing magicians note, such a ritual is less effective and it will take more time to give its result than the one described above. But it also has its own power.

Breakdown to the ground

As practice shows, the ritual for the final and irrevocable separation using the earth is the most effective of all magical rites. It is not in vain that there is an expression - the earth under their feet is on fire, and after carrying out this ceremony for a couple, it will definitely glow and smoke, spreading them in different directions.

Ritual with water and earth

How to quarrel between a couple and separate lovers in different directions? Conduct a ritual on water and land - for it you should take water from 2 banks of a fast river, with running water that flows between two mountains. It is these attributes that have great power - both to separate people and to bring them together.

In this ritual, water and earth are spoken - they are placed on a table sent with a white tablecloth in a container, and they say over them:

“Without crossing myself, without blessing, I will leave the house in the morning, I will go to the crossroads. Past the doghouse and past the cat's mink, I dismount from a steep slope, and I bow to the river - that lovebird. I will bow to her and in the very morning - I will take the land from its banks, I will collect water from its streams. They will cool evil love - the heart ... the name of a man ... k ... the name of a woman ... they will cool.

After water and earth, it is worth pouring a few drops into the man’s food - after a maximum of 2-3 days, the loved one will turn away from the homeowner. Even better - throw some earth and sprinkle water on the opponent's threshold.

Ritual to the ground with graveyard and salt

As magicians note, the cemetery and its land have a special dark energy, and therefore the darkest rites are performed either on the churchyard or with objects taken from it. For this ritual, it is worth taking land to the cemetery at midnight and mixing it with salt - speaking:

“Just as you cannot get salt from the earth, so you will never be. Quarrel and swear - I'm happy to disperse.

After that, sprinkle this mixture on the threshold of the lovebird.

To squabble friends

Conduct a ritual for strong quarrels between friends - this is often practiced both in business circles, when competitors want to introduce discord between business partners, and mothers if they see that their child has fallen into a bad company.

Ritual for friends

In order to quarrel with each other not only business partners, but also just friends - in your own house it is worth turning the dining table upside down and taking a knife by the blade with a handle to knock on the bottom. At the same time, it is worth saying aloud the names of those people whom you want to quarrel with each other. After that, it is worth saying the words of the conspiracy:

“Together now and from now on you can’t sit, but don’t look into your eyes, don’t be together century after century - but walk around as fierce enemies.”

All this is read aloud, clearly and distinctly, three times.

If a child is in bad company

Such a ritual is most often performed by parents if their beloved child has fallen under the bad influence of not the best company. To carry it out, it is worth taking a knife in your hands on the waning moon and be sure to use a sharp, metal tip and tapping on all corners of your apartment or house with a handle to say the words of the conspiracy:

“Corner - you stand in a corner, morning - you stand in the morning, on gray and ashes - an old demon sits, sits and yawns, turns his prayer to everyone. He conjures the slaves... the name of the child and his friends... and breaks them - in the corners he breeds them in different ways. Aki, he won’t get to heaven - so they’ll never be together, don’t sleep in the same house, don’t eat at the same table.

After that, be sure to tap all the corners in the house with the handle of a knife - this is how you fix the effect of magic words and put an impromptu lock in the house from a bad company.

Ritual for separation of girlfriends

If you want to quarrel among your friends, you can conduct a parting ritual with the help of wind or aspen. Next, we will consider each of them separately.

Wind conspiracy

Its result will directly depend on how much you want to achieve the desired result - separation. This ritual is performed on the waning moon according to the lunar calendar - just go out into the field or the river bank, the main thing is that a strong wind blows in your face. After you have turned to the wind, it is worth saying the words of the following conspiracy:

“You are high mountains, you are deep rivers, you are dry forests, and you are evil dogs - so will evil be between the servant of God ... the name of a person ... and the servant of God / God ... the name of a person ... forever and ever. They will not converge forever - not today, but not tomorrow, but not through the centuries.

Then just leave this place. With the help of this ritual, you can quarrel with each other as business partners, as well as friends and relatives. As practice shows, it acts after 15 days.

Aspen ritual

Such a magical ritual will separate even the most inveterate and bosom friends, business partners, forcing them to disperse for many years. To carry it out, it is worth preparing a dried branch from an aspen bush in advance and, taking it, go to the house of the object of magical influence. It is advisable to break it in half on the very threshold and say the words aloud:

“Let the servants of God not be among themselves ... the names of people ... the place - as the aspen branch has now broken, so now you will not converge on the same path.”

Having repeated this out loud, be sure to three times - leave the place of the ritual and, most importantly, do not look back at the noise or the call. At the same time, the branch should be thrown into a flowing river - the ritual works instantly, but the final result of magic will be visible in a couple of weeks.

Ritual to separate the couple

If you want to separate a guy from a girl, you can use one of the rituals below, effective and efficient.

puppet magic

The ritual for the separation of two people, where dolls are used, is guaranteed to give you the desired result - it is considered the most powerful and effective, requiring some preparation. First of all, it is worth making your own figures from wax or clay that you have at hand and give them necessarily characteristic sexual characteristics.
In addition, you will need to get the things of both potential objects of magical influence by any means. Of these, you will sew clothes and already dressed and tie a magic love spell. Place them on opposite sides of the table and between them place and light a candle from a black match. After that, follow the following plan:

  1. Extinguish the flame of the candle wick with the blade of the knife and swap the dolls, holding them in opposite corners of the room.
  2. Keep them like this until the new moon - then perform the ritual.
  3. Soak both dolls in holy water and at the same time say the words out loud:

“The sleeping servant of God has ... the name of a man ... love for the servant of God ... the name of a woman ... I take away burning love - I blow out the flame of their love candle, I help to dissolve it - I help to fall out of love."

After the pupae are soaked in the water, they are simply thrown out in different places.

Salt/pepper spread

Such a ritual is simple in its execution and at the same time its effectiveness and efficiency has been tested by more than one generation of magicians. The ritual itself begins with the fact that they take a few tablespoons of salt and pepper in advance, mix it and, after waiting for 12 o'clock at night, they say over the mixture:

“Loose you are salt, you are hot pepper - help the servant of God ... name ... get rid of the passion of pernicious and poignant, cursed and induced misfortune. Consent with the servant of God ... the name of the rival ... he will not be seen, children and grandchildren will not be raised anywhere. ”

Such a ritual is carried out on the waning moon - the charmed mixture should be left on the windowsill and in the morning, sprinkle it on the rival's threshold.

Magic covers almost all areas of our lives and has great versatility. Includes many rituals and rituals that people use in various life situations. More often they are called to help and do good, but there is also the other side of the coin, which is most noticeable in love matters.

With the help of a conspiracy, you can provoke the separation of two people

Preparation for the ceremony

Even a beginner will be able to carry out a strong conspiracy for separation and achieve the desired results if you remember that the most effective conspiracies are performed at sunset and at night. The main thing is to follow all the points indicated in the ritual. If you need to take off your shoes and clothes and read the words naked, then do not dispute this condition, but undress. If they say to use it, then go there and dial the right amount. If you do not have experience in magic, then use the existing conspiracies and do not change the words in them, do not try to change or skip the action, replacing it with some other. This can nullify all your actions or turn them against you.

Before the ceremony itself, carefully read all the instructions, study the sequence of actions, write it down in your notebook. Before carrying out the ritual, you need to remove all interfering elements, make sure that no one comes to visit you, be it relatives or friends, turn off the phone in advance so that its ringing does not distract you.

In order for the conspiracy to start to work, perform all actions with concentration and confidence, this is especially true if you encounter other forces during the ceremony. The words must be spoken in an imperative tone, you are the performer, you order and call certain otherworldly forces to action. You can not be afraid, nervous and doubt your actions. In this case, the result will not be the separation of two people, but a powerful curse on you, which only the most experienced healer can remove.

For the ceremony, you may need land from the cemetery

Conspiracies for the separation of two people

The most popular and sought-after rite today is a conspiracy to separate two people. Often those who are close to our loved ones play only a temporary role in their lives, but when this connection develops into something more, then we need to respond to it in a timely manner. Lapels can also be used for good, as many magicians say. They are used by both wives and husbands. Situations often arise when love has left the relationship and cannot be returned, but many resort to a separation plot so that it also helps to get their son out of a bad company, quarrel a guy with a rival, etc.

If you want to separate two people, then simple rituals are enough for this. Such couples are more vulnerable to magic than those who sealed the marriage with church ties. You can choose safe rituals that even a beginner can do.

Breakdown with wind

The result will depend on your desire. For greater effectiveness, it should be carried out on a waning moon. This symbolizes the Rite must be carried out in a place that is well blown by the wind: in a wasteland, seashore, hill. It is necessary to face the wind and read the text:

“High mountains, fast rivers, dense forests. For the evil of the servant of God (name of the woman), leave the servant of God (name of the man) and go as high as the mountains, as fast as the river, never leave the dense forests. Do not relieve the pain for you, do not bring you back: not now, not later, never! Amen".

With this rite, you can breed not only two people who meet, but also friends, girlfriends, colleagues, business partners. It begins to act in 10-15 days.

At parting in the window

If you need a guy to break up with a homeowner, a conspiracy that is read through the window is perfect. It does not take much effort to carry it out. Ancestors have long begun to use such quarrels. The flow of fresh air passing through the window symbolizes a new beginning, getting rid of the old. The plot must be pronounced at the minimum possible distance from the window, in a clear and when the air enters the apartment freely, the words sound like this:

“I drive someone else away from my beloved, I deliver his soul from evil spells. I urge you to leave forever. Do not be together like a cat with a dog, do not experience sweet love. Amen".

Hex on water

Water splits are very popular, easy to do at home, and great for getting back to a relaxed family life. The author of one of them is Stepanova N.I., a famous Siberian healer. Her conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that the husband parted with his mistress and returned to the family as soon as possible:

“Just as the stars don’t go together with the earth, they don’t start conversations, they don’t sit at the table, they don’t eat the same food, so the servant of God (the name of the man) will not be next to the servant of God (the name of the woman), he will not receive children from her. All his life to be like a cat with a dog. There is no barrier to my word and answer. Amen".

This is a strong conspiracy, the result of which will manifest itself quickly,

Conspiracy on a pin

Rite with salt

Salt has long been used in magical rituals, often acts as a strong amulet and protects against dark forces, but it is also used to break relationships between people. The separation plot with its use is very effective. The ceremony should be performed on a waning moon. He will help to quarrel a loved one with his mistress. A piece of cloth is placed on the table and salt is poured onto it. Speak text:

“White salt and loose, help (guy's name) quit (girl's name). Do not live in peace and harmony, let quarrels settle in the house, let separation become their shadow. Amen!"

The text is repeated 3 times and the cloth is left with salt for 10 hours, it would be best if the bundle is placed on the windowsill so that the moon shines directly on it. Early in the morning, the salt is taken under the girl's door and scattered there, saying:

“I’m not pouring salt on the house of the homeowner, but a bitter quarrel. To leave forever the servant of God (name of the guy) from the servant of God (name of the girl) I help. Amen".

Repeat the text 3 times, then return home. The ritual starts immediately.

For parting on an onion

Due to their cleansing properties, onions are often used for magical cleansing. With it, you can remove the negative impact of magic, love spells, including onions. Onions are also used when it is necessary to separate a loved one from a young rival. The advantage is that the ceremony can be performed at home.

Take an onion and cut it in two. On one half write the name of the man, and on the other the name of the woman, a gypsy needle or a knife edge is suitable for this. After both parts are well covered with salt, connect and wrap with a rope. During the action, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I guess not for melancholy and death, but for fate. I break the love (name of the man) to (name of the woman), forever I breed fate. Grief will settle with them, become related to the soul, respond with a curse. There will be no love between them, no happy share, only darkness and bondage. No peace, no good, a nail and a needle, salt and ash. You will twist like a snake and not put up, fight to the blood and not put up. May it be so.”

This should be done at 12 at night with a waning moon. After the ceremony, the bulb is placed in front of the window so that it is illuminated by moonlight. It should lie like this until it completely blackens and rots, so it is better to use some kind of deep container to store it. This is a strong and effective ritual, after it you will quickly receive a gift from fate in the form of the return of your loved one.

On the quarrel of a couple on the test

If the couple is married, then stronger magic should be used to separate the spouses forever. Especially if they are married. Their marriage is sealed by Heaven, and it is very difficult to quickly destroy it. If you still firmly decided to achieve what you want, then it is better to use this method.

You will need 3 ingredients for the dough: water, salt and flour. We need the hair of a cat and a dog, preferably pieces of skin or hair of the intended purpose. When you knead the dough, divide it into two parts and make from each of them One will be a symbol of a man, the other - a woman. Wool will be needed to enhance the magical effect. Cat hair is added to the female doll, and dog hair is added to the male doll. Give the dolls the names of your targets, take them to an empty room, put them in different corners. For the next 40 days, you need to whisper about the quarrel dolls every evening:

“(Name of the man) and (name of the woman), you can’t be together, you can’t live together. Do not eat bread at one table. You can’t see children together, don’t download. Amen".

40 days after the completion of the ceremony, bury the dolls in different places, on different sides of the lake or in different wastelands. To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can add earth from the graveyard or other place of accumulation of negative energy, broken glass, nails, and the skin of those who are directed to them.

To separate a married couple, you need a special dough


A conspiracy to quarrel sometimes works very imperceptibly. Many people do not believe that well-established relationships can be broken by some external influence. If a couple love each other, respect the opinion of a partner, listen to him, then it seems that nothing bad can happen, but often relationships run into obstacles that come from nowhere, and it is sometimes very difficult to overcome them.

There are basic signs by which you can understand that a harmful effect has been committed.

  1. You lose interest in your partner for no apparent reason.
  2. You only see flaws.
  3. You become unpleasant to touch, physical contact.
  4. You yourself understand that something is wrong. You start to get nervous, your excitement is transferred to your partner.
  5. Quarrels begin for no reason, very empty and aggressive. You hurt each other's feelings so much that it takes more and more time to recover.

Any person can cause damage, because there is more than enough information about the rites. The caster needs to understand what risks he is taking. It may turn out what you want, and the victims will disperse, but

A conspiracy for separation and a conspiracy for a quarrel is not at all a black magic love spell. The action is aimed at making the object quarrel or part with his other half, but does not guarantee that the man or woman will be with you. Much depends on the performer of the ceremony himself - the belief that the conspiracy will work, the desire to separate the partners.

It is important to distinguish between such concepts as a conspiracy to quarrel and a conspiracy to quarrel, or, as it is also called, a conspiracy to part. The essence of a quarrel is not to separate, but to quarrel. To make the object of your feelings and his partner feel irresistible irritation or indifference, perhaps even hatred for each other. They will quarrel, but may reconcile later.

A conspiracy to part is a more serious and effective rite. He can make people alien and disgusting to each other without quarrels. As a rule, in this situation, partners are forced to leave without regrets for both parties. A conspiracy to quarrel can be both purposeful and accidental. It turns out to be random if it is in the nature of the evil eye. That is, a person who does not even think about magic and does not possess magical powers can envy the relationship in a couple, and this will act as a quarrel.

Although conspiracies for separation and separation are not comparable to a love spell, they are used only in exceptional cases. When other methods are powerless and a person really needs the help of magic. Use for revenge, for a desire to experiment on human souls, or simply out of hatred for an enemy is a dangerous business. It will surely turn against you and your loved ones with suffering and illness. But in some situations, magic may be the only way to help:

  • it is necessary to leave the disgusted partner;
  • relations have cooled down and exhausted themselves, but due to habit or love for children, they cannot be interrupted;
  • in the happy union of a man and a woman comes a homeowner;
  • your half reciprocates, but is bound by the bonds of law or violence and does not dare to destroy their couple.

When choosing a magical ritual, it is important to focus on the level of relationships. It will be simple to separate a man and a woman who are not legally and churchly married, as well as business partners, colleagues, friends. Their relationship is too fragile and easily subject to magical powers. Even the most inexperienced magician will cope. It will be enough just a conspiracy to the wind. The stronger your desire to separate this couple, the sooner and more fully the magic will work. You need to read the plot on the waning moon. Stand facing a strong wind (field, steppe, desert area, lake or pond shore) and whisper:

The mountains are high, the rivers are deep, the forests are dry, the dogs are angry. It would be so high and far away, so evil and evil the servant of God (the name of the woman) with the servant of God (the name of the man) quarreled forever and ever, but dogged. You can’t help them, you can’t reconcile them, you can’t bring them together, you can’t marry them: not today, not tomorrow, and never! My business is my word. Neither save nor dissuade. Amen.

The action of the conspiracy begins no earlier than after 9 - 12 days.

We speak salt

To quarrel people as soon as possible, use the salt ritual. Spread a piece of any small fabric on a wooden table, sprinkle ordinary table salt on it and repeat three times:

White salt, loose salt, Help (name) fall out of love with (name), Let them not live together in peace and harmony, Let quarrels in relationships settle, Let separation become their companion. Amen!

After 10 hours, salt should be sprinkled at the threshold of the homeowner, saying:

I do not sprinkle white salt on the threshold of the separation, but with strong separation, I help to stop loving the servant of God (name of the guy) to the servant of God (name of the rival). Amen!

An effective separation spell

To destroy a strong marriage of married, and even more so married in the church, spouses, a more powerful conspiracy to divorce is needed. Before starting the ritual, concentrate all your attention on the fulfillment of the goal. You will need some water, flour and salt, as well as dog and cat hair. Knead a stiff dough and, dividing it into equal parts, fashion two figures - men and women.

Be sure to give them the names of the people you breed, and add some dog hair to the dough for the man's doll and some cat hair to the dough for the woman. The figurines should be taken to the emptyest room of your house and placed in opposite corners. Every day, bending over each of the dolls, whisper:

(Man's name) and (woman's name)! You can't be together, you can't live, you can't eat bread together, you can't pump clothes together. Amen.

After forty days and nights, the dolls must be buried in the ground near different reservoirs or in different wastelands. To enhance the magical effect, it is recommended to add broken glass to animal hair, earth from graves in a cemetery, or something that belonged to those who are being read a plot to divorce. These can be particles of skin, nails or hair.

Another strongest ritual is performed on the full moon. You need to go out at midnight to a deserted place and pronounce the following text:

I will enter a wide courtyard, I will go into a tall house, I will write down (name), I will cool the great one. I cool you good fellow (name) and girl (name). So that he does not catch her eye, neither day, nor night, nor evening, nor morning. So that she is at rest, he is out of rest, she is on the street, he is in the house. She will not be dearer to him than the terrible terrible bear, the insidious swamp toad. And no matter what dress she is in, even in a held one, even in a colored one, he will not be able to bear her, he will be angry, he will hate, they will not see goodness, they will forget about happiness. No matter how good she is, no matter what good she does to him, he will see everything as passion, but evil. You will not be together, you will not be, you will not know the goodness of love and affection. My word is true, my will is strong, as I said, it will come true.

The plot must be spoken loudly and clearly. For it to work, keep silence on the way back, do not eat or drink until morning.

A simple but effective plot to break up

A very simple and easy-to-do conspiracy to squabble is read in the phase of the waning moon through an open window or window. A favorable sign is considered if a strong wind blows during the casting of the spell. This symbolizes that he will carry your words to the goal. Magic words should not just be pronounced, but shouted as loudly as possible. While pronouncing the conspiracy, mentally imagine how the paths of those you are separating diverge:

Through the old swamp, through the black forest, through the damp sharp grass-ant, a gray old she-wolf walked, and behind her an angry dog, and behind her a sick cat. They all stopped in one place at once, and twisted into a tight ball. I looked at the fight, saw how the wool flew from them. So that you, the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name), so twisted into a ball, so tore each other's wool and also fought. You love each other like a dog to a she-wolf, and a cat to a dog. Lock. Key. Language. Amen.

The next day after the ceremony, go to church and light candles for the health of the separated. Thus, you neutralize the negative that could arise in your fate after conspiring to quarrel.

When harmony reigns in a relationship, it's wonderful. But fate is not always favorable to us, the one who is dear to the heart will not always reciprocate feelings. It is at such moments that the powerful power of love magic is called upon to help.

A separation plot is a negative witchcraft effect that is aimed at destroying the marriage union, and helping those who want to get rid of unwanted relationships. Rituals are used by both wives and husbands. But to start witchcraft, evaluate your own strengths and, when you are sure of them, try to separate two people with the help of magic.

In the article:

When resorting to conspiracies for separation

Separation plots are used in several situations:

  • to separate a loved one from a girlfriend or spouse;
  • when you want to leave your hated spouse (gu);
  • when the relationship has exhausted itself, but it is difficult to break them;
  • when there is a lovebird between you and your loved one;
  • quarrel friends, remove bad company from the life of a child;
  • to stop communication between business partners or employees.

All of these reasons for using magic can be justified. It is important to remember that this is not, but a conspiracy to part. The action of the rite is aimed at ensuring that the man (woman) leaves the partner.

But no one can guarantee that the object of desire will immediately come to you. When you aim to separate lovers and draw loved one, you will have to take advantage.

Remember, in order to take up witchcraft, you need to clearly define for yourself what result you want and what you expect from the ceremony.

How to quarrel two people

Use simple rituals to turn unmarried people away from each other. From magical influence, such couples have less protection than those who got married in the temple. Therefore, use safe rites, which even a beginner will be able to carry out.

Conspiracy with the help of the wind

The effect of this rite directly depends on the strength of the desire to achieve what you want. To enhance the effect of the rite, perform on the waning moon.

This will provoke the fading of feelings between the victims. Go out to the wasteland, to the shore of the reservoir (where there is a powerful wind), stand facing the air currents and whisper the text:

The mountains are high, the rivers are deep, the forests are dry, the dogs are angry. It would be so high and far away, so evil and evil the servant of God (the name of the woman) with the servant of God (the name of the man) quarreled forever and ever, but dogged. You can’t help them, you can’t reconcile them, you can’t bring them together, you can’t marry them: not today, not tomorrow, and never! My business is my word. Neither save nor dissuade. Amen.

It is possible to separate with such a rite both people who are in a love relationship, and friends, workers, partners. The effect of the ritual manifests itself in 10-15 days.

Rite of separation from salt

A product such as salt is used in a variety of relationships (any). These spells are effective. The duration of the effect depends on the power of the sorcerer and the strength of his desire to breed people.

A ritual is performed for the separation of lovers on the waning moon. He will help in eliminating the opponent. Spread a piece of dense coarse cloth on the table and pour out a harvest of salt. Whisper at her:

White salt, loose salt, Help (name) fall out of love with (name), Let them not live together in peace and harmony, Let quarrels in relationships settle, Let separation become their companion. Amen!

When you say the text 3 times, leave the product on the fabric for 10 hours. Lay the bundle on the windowsill. In the morning, take the charmed product under the girl's door and scatter it there and say:

I do not sprinkle white salt on the threshold of the separation, but with strong separation, I help to stop loving the servant of God (name of the guy) to the servant of God (name of the girl). Amen!

Say 3 times and return to the house. The effect of rituals with salt is manifested instantly, you won’t have to wait for a break in relations.

A strong conspiracy to separate married people

To divorce those who are legally married, powerful magic is required. Especially when the victims were married in a church. Such a marriage is held in Heaven, and it is not easy to destroy it.

When you decide that you are ready for such a step, use one of the conspiracies to separate the spouses.

Conspiracy for the dough

For the ritual, the witch must knead the dough herself. To prepare this, it is important to use the following ingredients:

  • water;
  • flour;
  • salt;
  • dog and cat hair;

Flour Water Salt

When the dough is kneaded, divide it into 2 equal parts and mold the dolls. One will symbolize man, another - woman.

Add to female doll cat hair, and to the male - canine. Be sure to give the dolls names those you wish to divorce). Take it to a room where people do not go, and put it in different corners. Every day, for 40 days, perform one action - whisper the words for each doll:

(Man's name) and (woman's name)!
Together you do not happen, do not live,
Do not eat bread together
Do not rock children together. Amen.

After the completion of the rite of pupae, either bury them on different banks of the reservoir, or leave them in wastelands. For the ritual to be effective, there is a trick. Add to the dolls themselves:

  • land from a cemetery, from a place with negative energy, an intersection;
  • broken glass;
  • nails, hair, skin of the victims.

How to separate lovers

So that what is legally married, such a strong ritual is used. They spend it on the full moon - the right time for the luminary to charge you with the necessary supply of energy to commit a conspiracy. Go to the wasteland on a full moon and say out loud:

I will enter a wide courtyard, I will go into a tall house, I will write down (name), I will cool the great one. I cool you good fellow (name) and girl (name). So that he does not catch her eye, neither day, nor night, nor evening, nor morning. So that she is at rest, he is out of rest, she is on the street, he is in the house. She will not be dearer to him than the terrible terrible bear, the insidious swamp toad. And no matter what dress she is in, even in a held one, even in a colored one, he will not be able to bear her, he will be angry, he will hate, they will not see goodness, they will forget about happiness. No matter how good she is, no matter what good she does to him, he will see everything as passion, but evil. You will not be together, you will not be, you will not know the goodness of love and affection. My word is true, my will is strong, as I said, it will come true.

After that, leave without looking back, and do not talk on the way home. Then the conspiracy to part will work.

So that the spouses live like a cat with a dog

To divorce spouses, this old and proven rite is used. It is used to break strong alliances. At night, at, stand at the open window and say:

Through the old swamp, through the black forest, through the damp grass, through the sharp ant, a gray, old she-wolf walked, and behind her an evil dog, and behind her a sick cat. They all stopped at once in one place, and they twisted into a ball. Wool flew from them, and I watched that fight. So that you, the servant of God (the name of the man) and you, the servant of God (the name of the woman), so twist in a ball, so tear each other's wool and also fight. So that you love each other like a wolf dog, and a cat dog. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

How to eliminate a mistress

The separation plot is used by those wives who are important to return the man back or simply to drive away from his mistress.

One of the common ways to separate a spouse from a rival is. Choose a recent picture of the victims, otherwise the plot will work little or nothing at all. For the ritual, arm yourself with the following attributes:

  • scissors;
  • candle;
  • a cup.

small capacity scissors Candle

The ceremony is held from 12 to 3 am, on the waning moon. Sit down at the table, lay out the attributes on it and focus on the desired result. Light a candle and slowly cut the photo to separate the two people in the photo. Repeat more than once during the process:

I don’t cut a photograph, but I share the life of God’s servants (the name of the beloved and the rival), So that the servant of God (the name of the husband) falls out of love with the servant of God (the name of the mistress), To know happiness with her, only be sad and sad, Let them not live together, let they are all wrong!

After that, take the part where the rival is depicted, slowly bring the candle to the flame, set it on fire and put it in the prepared container to burn out. Wait for this moment and blow off the resulting ash with the words:

I blow away all the love of God's servant (husband's name) to God's servant (rival's name)! I help them fall in love with each other!

Leave that half of the picture where the man is, and every day say the text above it:

My beloved husband, remember your wife, Come back to me, to the family! Happiness and prosperity awaits us, Love and tranquility, we will always be together. Amen!

Within a month, the beloved leaves his mistress. Until then, repeat the plot over the photo daily.

How to get rid of an unloved spouse

They are used by wives who want to divorce their husbands, but due to certain circumstances, this cannot be achieved without outside help and magical intervention.

The following attributes are needed:

  • knife with black handle;
  • container filled with water.

container filled with water knife with black handle

Bring the liquid to a boil, and while it is still hot, draw crosses in the air above it. Continue this movement and repeat the text:

As the devil runs from the cross of the saint, and from the Orthodox church, so let the servant of God (name) run from the porch of his native, but from me, servants of God (name). My will is strong, the word is true, but the deed is sculpted. The servant of God (name) will go from me, the servants of God (name) on all four sides, and he will not look back. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The liquid is used for cooking (for the first course). They feed their husband. Make sure he only eats. After 7-10 days, the spouse himself will decide that it is time to end the relationship.

Photo separation

There is another common rite of separation using a photograph - a magical effect is exerted on you and your spouse. Take a photo of where you are next to it and tear it into 2 pieces.

Do it with all the hatred that has accumulated. Keep tearing so that there are many shreds left. Put it in a saucer, set it on fire and say:

So your good relationship burned down, and you fled.

When everything burns out, throw the ashes out the window and say:

As the ashes scattered, so you scattered from each other forever and fled.

Conspiracy to save from his wife

Men also use conspiracies to destroy marriages. This happens much less frequently, but sit down rituals that help husbands get rid of hated wives.

To commit a conspiracy, a man is armed with black and white sheets of paper. First, he takes a black one and writes on it the names of his wife and his own. Will say aloud:

Just as I don’t need yesterday’s snow, I don’t need dry grass, I don’t need a slanting, lame, stupid wife as a favourite, so I, the servant of God (name), will not need the servant of God (name), day, night, or in the evening, not in the morning, not today, not tomorrow, and never. Turn away wife (name), turn away, but turn to another groom. What is said will come true. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

What else to read