Lena Perminova showed incredibly slender legs at the Bobby Brown party. Melanie Brown will be treated for sex addiction and alcoholism

On June 27, a party was held in Moscow on the occasion of the arrival in the capital of the founder of the cosmetic brand of the same name, Bobby Brown.

On June 27, a party was held in Moscow on the occasion of the arrival in the capital of the founder of the cosmetic brand of the same name, Bobby Brown. Elena Perminova, Natalya Shkuleva and Andrey Malakhov, Irina Gorbacheva, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Cosmopolitan Editor-in-Chief Polina Sokhranova and many other celebrities came to congratulate the legendary makeup artist on the 25th anniversary of the brand.

The venue for the party was the rooftop of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, where beautiful and trendy fans of Bobbi Brown products gathered. Among them, the special attention of photographers was attracted by model Elena Perminova, a mother of many children, who showed incredibly long and slender legs.

The 29-year-old successful model and active participant in charity auctions has three children. Looking at the figure of Lena, it is hard to believe that from her husband, billionaire Alexander Lebedev, the model gave birth to sons Nikita and Yegor, as well as daughter Arina.

Elena owes her figure to regular Pilates, aerobics, pole dance and proper nutrition, the model limits sweets and starchy foods in her diet and prefers steamed homemade food.

Victoria Lopyreva dazzled with diamonds at a charity ball in Cannes

On June 26, the Eclectique charity ball was held in Cannes. More than 150 guests from Russia and Europe came to the social event. Among them were also Snezhana Georgieva, editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar Dasha Veledeeva, Victoria Lopyreva and many others.

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Olga Romanovskaya boasted a perfect figure in a swimsuit

The host of the Revizorro show, Olga Romanovskaya, leads Instagram, where she publishes shots from her professional life, travels, the gym, and also shows numerous selfies.

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Anna Pletneva sings in a coffin in the new clip of the group "Vintage"

The Vintage group is true to its habit of provoking: in the video for the song "A Little Bit of Advertising", the soloist Anya Pletneva dared to perform the song ... in a coffin.

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Ricky Martin arrived in Paris with a new boyfriend

On Saturday, June 25, 44-year-old singer Ricky Martin and his boyfriend, 32-year-old artist Jwan Yosef, arrived at the show of their friend Olivier Rousteing at Paris Fashion Week. Ricky and Jwan sat front row during the Balmain Menswear Spring/Summer 2017 fashion show.

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Eva Polna lost 10 kilograms

41-year-old singer Eva Polna continues her stubborn struggle with being overweight. For the sake of the dream of a slender body, the pop singer has been hard at work for a month now.

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Otar Kushanashvili harshly criticized Valeria's video "The body wants love"

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The 52-year-old star of “House-2” spoke about the terrible consequences of plastic surgery

Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova was a member of "House-2" several years ago. Then the woman came to the project to help her daughter Margarita take care of her newborn son.

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Elena Letuchaya, Yulia Vysotskaya and Yulia Kovalchuk received awards at TEFI-2016

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Hot stuff! Rapper Timati's mom wears a mini and shows off her slender legs

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Lady Gaga banned from China after meeting Dalai Lama

On June 26, singer Lady Gaga met with the Supreme Head of Tibet, the Dalai Lama. The meeting was held in the American city of Indianapolis, Indiana. Lady Gaga, the Dalai Lama and journalist Anne Kerry talked about kindness, tolerance, compassion and meditation.

Moncler Genius pop-up space is opening at TSUM, where you can buy items from all the collaborations of this very ambitious Moncler project until October 17th. Ambitious and by the names of the designers who took part in it, and by the format itself, which perfectly reflects the time

The Moncler Genius project was shown to the public earlier this year. At the heart of all collections is the classic Moncler down jacket, with which all the participating designers did whatever they wanted, the only condition was that the resulting items could still serve as outerwear.

The project was attended by London star Simon Rocha, one of the best contemporary men's designers Craig Green, Valentino art director Pierpaolo Piccioli, Palm Angels brand designer Francesco Ragazzi, Sandro Mandrino, who makes the Moncler Grenoble ski collection, New York stylist and creative director Carl Templer , Kei Ninami of Noir brand and big man of street fashion, the creator of the fragment design project Hiroshi Fujiwara.

Moncler Genius was shown during Milan Fashion Week and has been releasing a collection of one of the lines every month since the summer, which is sold exclusively online for the first five days. The fact that in Moscow you can see everything at once and in one place is a completely unique chance.

Each of the designers inside Moncler Genius, of course, did, first of all, what is close to him, important and in which his hand is immediately recognizable. Pierpaolo Piccioli replicated the lines of his A-line dresses, Ninami made intricately textured black pieces, Simone Rocha said she was inspired by the outfits of Victorian mountaineers who climbed the slopes in puffy skirts. The collections turned out to be bizarre in places, extravagant in places - and in general, such that it is interesting to consider and present (or not imagine) on oneself. But the most important thing in this story is not so much the content of the collections themselves, but the general, as they say, statement.

For a long time, Moncler developed like all other designer clothing brands: it had two lines, Gamme Bleu and Gamme Rouge, made and showed their seasonal collections and tried in every possible way to be fashionable, modern and attract not only bourgeois visitors to expensive ski resorts, but also millennials, oh which literally everyone dreams today. And at the beginning of this year it became known, firstly, that both honored art directors of both lines, Tom Brown and Giambattista Valli, are leaving the company, and secondly, that from now on its collections will be created in the way and in the mode that have been described above. “For Moncler, this is the end of fashion shows,” said company owner Remo Ruffini. And this makes a lot of sense.

The fashion system has been going through a rather turbulent period for the past few years. Any seasonality has obviously been erased, and with it the boundaries between summer and winter collections - where a coat with sandals or a transparent dress with boots is completely unimportant.

A few seasons ago, the idea of ​​combining men's and women's shows was born, as well as the idea of ​​selling collections immediately after the show, so that customers do not have to wait half a year. As a result, some brands really show collections together - first of all, those whose men's and women's styles are generally close and are made by one designer - but this has not spread to any wide extent, but the concept of "see now, buy now" as - something completely gone into the sand. What do we have left of all these perturbations?

Yes, exactly what was not particularly trumpeted, but what confidently came to the fore of the entire fashion process - drops and collaborations. It was they who turned out to be the ideal form for the fluid modern fashion process, in which fragmentation, fragmentation, clickability and the absence of any bulkiness have become the main properties. Here you can remember that we live in the era of social networks, that the Instagram generation thinks in pictures and other commonplaces that are now remembered for any reason, but it’s enough to simply say that small, often thrown collections using famous names with a solid aesthetics have become the most an important today's fashion form - and in this capacity they are confidently replacing seasonal collections. They are mobile, they are not tied to seasonal cycles, that is, they can be done at any time, they are very resourceful in terms of hype, a magical tool in modern fashion, they are ideal in terms of marketing and communications: everyone will write about them and talk about them. And if they still turn out to be successful, they sell well. Moncler is the first brand to ride this wave, which is likely to give it a head start in the fashion race. Well, now in Moscow we, at least, have a chance to look at what they did in reality.

E.D. Brown


Story. Mythology. Historiography


E the era of the Wars of the Roses (1452–1485) is an amazing time. To begin with, this is a classic example of an invented war. Contemporaries did not use this term; moreover, they did not notice the connection between the events. The British scolded the "bad times", the too frequent change of kings, but they never accepted the usurpations of the second half of the 15th century. as a single dynastic conflict.

The concept of the struggle of roses appeared only in the so-called Tudor historiography, that is, in the writings of historians who fed on the bounties of the Tudor dynasty. As E. Goodman convincingly proved, the invention of this idea pursued a quite definite, as we would put it today, political and technological goal - to show the thirty years preceding the accession of Henry VII Tudor as a single period of bloody strife and unrest, in order to strengthen the not too strong throne of representatives new dynasty(1).

At first glance, the years of the Wars of the Roses were a crisis in almost all areas. In the economy, this is the decline of the manorial economy, the beginning of fencing, the decline of the guild system. In the social sense, this is a time of far from painless transformation of the structure of English society. Finally, the fact that Britain in the second half of the XV century. experienced a deep political crisis, no doubt.

I think it makes sense to briefly recall the series of events of the Wars of the Roses. It all started with a rebellion that one of the most powerful aristocrats in England - Richard, Duke of York - raised against the feeble-minded king Henry VI Lancaster. In 1452, Richard York gathered an army almost equal in number to the king's troops. The detachments of the rebellious magnate and the royal warriors lined up opposite each other, but the battle never happened - literally at the last moment, the matter was settled peacefully. The first battle took place a little later - in 1455.

It is worth noting that in 1452 Richard York was hardly thinking about the crown. His desires were far more modest. A few years before the start of the conflict, the Duke of York and his supporters lost their lucrative government positions - Henry VI handed them over to representatives of other aristocratic clans. Meanwhile, in the Middle Ages, government posts were usually distributed not at the request of the king, but by birthright. Thus, in the eyes of contemporaries, Richard York was not a potential usurper, he was just fighting for his legal rights.

The Duke of York had royal blood in his veins and theoretically he had the right to claim the throne. However, in the 15th century, several such claimants could be found in any European country. By themselves, dynastic rights did not decide anything. In order for them to be implemented, a whole range of additional circumstances were required, which appeared much later.

So, at first, the Wars of the Roses did not resemble a dynastic conflict. Richard Yorke's attempt to force his way back into the civil service met with only short-term success. Very soon, Henry VI again took away the offices of the Yorkists and returned them to his own favorites. The personal guilt of the king in this case was minimal. The weak-minded monarch was unable to assess the objective consequences of such a step - he just wanted to see people whom he used to consider his friends at the head of the apparatus. Meanwhile, in the Late Middle Ages, for the English aristocrats, the struggle for positions actually turned into a struggle for survival. Income from estates fell catastrophically, and even the richest nobleman in England - Richard York - literally could not make ends meet without government posts.

It is not surprising that in 1459 the armed confrontation resumed, Richard York won several victories. In the 7 years that have passed since the first gathering of Yorkist troops, it became clear that Henry VI was hardly capable of making informed decisions - he was haunted by bouts of insanity, and in between the king was ruled by his wife and favorites. Meanwhile, the government was extremely unpopular. England lost the Hundred Years' War, taxation and local government were in chaos, and it was openly said about royal decrees that "everyone can buy such paper for a noble."

Only in 1460, i.e. 8 years after the start of the conflict, Richard York demanded the crown. However, the vast majority of the British were not ready for such a turn of events. After long discussions, Parliament recognized the Duke of York not as king, but only as heir to the throne. Supporters of Henry VI could not come to terms with this. 1460–1461 marked by a series of battles. Richard York was killed, but his "party" was headed by his eldest son, eighteen-year-old Edward, who in 1461 was crowned under the name of Edward IV. The first years of the new reign were very turbulent, but still Henry VI was captured, and the wife and little son of the "former king" fled to France.

The new round of the Wars of the Roses was not caused by the dynastic claims of the Lancasters, but by the conflict among the supporters of Edward IV. The young king quarreled with one of his late father's most influential associates, Lord Warwick, later nicknamed the "Kingmaker". Warwick fled to France and entered into a forced alliance with Henry VI's wife Margaret of Anjou. The result of this unification was the next stage of the civil war. In 1470-1471 Henry VI was restored to the throne for several months, but in the end the victory remained with Edward IV. Henry VI found his death in the casemates of the Tower, and his heir - Prince Edward Lancaster - was killed at the Battle of Tewkesbury. The Lancaster dynasty ended.

The next act of the historical drama, which we traditionally call the Wars of the Roses, began only 12 years later and had nothing to do with the confrontation between the Yorks and the Lancasters. In 1483, Edward IV died, leaving teenage sons. The king's younger brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester, removed his nephews from power, but reigned for only 2 years.

In 1485, the remaining supporters of the Lancasters and dissatisfied with the usurpation of Richard III again rebelled. Their candidate for the throne was a distant relative of the Lancasters, Henry Tudor. As a result, Richard III was killed at the Battle of Bosworth, and Tudor became the founder of a new royal dynasty. The revolts of York supporters continued for several more years, but by the beginning of the 16th century. political upheavals are finally over.

So, for at least thirty years, England suffered from political turmoil. The armies of the Yorks and Lancasters met on the battlefield more than once, and even in peaceful years, Britain could not be called a calm and comfortable country. And yet, it is a fascinatingly interesting era. The vicissitudes of the struggle for the throne are often more exciting than any adventure novel. For example, in 1470, Edward IV was forced to flee the country literally without a penny in his pocket; the king gave for the crossing of the English Channel the only thing of value that was with him - a fur cape.

For professional researchers, the era of the Wars of the Roses also turns out to be surprisingly attractive. It opens up the widest scope for analysis, because there are a huge number of blank spots in the history of this conflict. At first glance, the gaps are not so noticeable. The confrontation between aristocratic clans, intrigues and the struggle for the throne are recreated in detail. We have a fairly good idea of ​​what happened in the sphere of high politics, however, we do not always understand why. For example, we have no idea why the duke of Buckingham, who was so kindly treated by Richard III, raised a rebellion against him. And this is not the only mystery. Many battles of the Wars of the Roses are presented only in general terms. Deep mystery shrouded the fate of the sons of Edward IV, the famous "princes in the Tower." What versions are not put forward. Some blame the murder of the children of Richard III (2), others believe that the princes did not die, but were taken to Burgundy (3), others argue that the impostor Perkin Warbeck was the youngest of the missing sons of Edward IV (4); the fourth are accused of murdering the princes of Henry VII(5); the fifth believe that the exact date of the death of the princes is unknown, and both Henry VII and the Duke of Buckingham (6) can be their murderers with equal success.

However, the point is not only that not all the facts have been restored. Among scientists there is no agreement on the chronological framework of the Wars of the Roses, the dates are 1455-1485(7), 1450-1502(8), 1452-1497(9), etc. historians debate whether one or the other battle should be included in the said series of conflicts. There are also a number of more serious disagreements. Russian and English historians have not come to a consensus as to whether the Wars of the Roses can be considered a manifestation of the global crisis of English society (10), or whether it was nothing more than a period of “an unstable situation with the succession to the throne” (11); whether the struggle of the aristocrats influenced the life of ordinary Englishmen (12), or whether they lived "in a peaceful and prosperous country by the standards of that time" (13). Within the framework of English-language historiography, the problem of the relationship between the Wars of the Roses as a predominantly political phenomenon and events of socio-economic history is widely discussed. Even the possibility of using the term "Wars of the Roses" is the subject of serious discussion. As a dubious alternative to the phrase "Wars of the Roses", an even more distant from the realities of the 15th century was proposed. the term "cousin war" (14).

Last spring, former Spice Girls member Melanie Brown, 43, separated from her husband Stephen Belafonte. Mel B said that she was repeatedly abused by her ex-husband, beaten and forced to have group sex.

Last spring, former Spice Girls member Melanie Brown, 43, separated from her husband Stephen Belafonte. Mel B said that she was repeatedly beaten and forced to have group sex by her ex-husband.

Now Melanie has started a new life: she has noticeably prettier, and in September she is going to undergo treatment for alcoholism and sex addiction. The singer spoke about her plans in an interview with The Sun.

After the divorce, Mel B wrote an autobiography in which she remembered all her problems since childhood. The singer admitted that she became addicted to alcohol to distract herself from painful memories. Sex also helped her forget about the experience.

Melanie is preparing to go to one of the clinics in the UK: “I realized that I was in a crisis situation. But I am working to be the best version of myself for my children, for my family and for all the people who have supported me.”

After the cheating scandal, Ani Lorak's husband is resting with his daughter

In July, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchajioglu, the husband of singer Ani Lorak, was caught on a date with another girl. A 41-year-old man was spotted in a Kiev nightclub with 29-year-old model Yana Belyaeva. Murat pressed the girl to him. They left the establishment together.

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“Be eternal”: Renata Litvinova touchingly congratulated Zemfira on her birthday

Singer Zemfira turned 42 years old: Renata Litvinova hastened to congratulate her friend on her birthday. The 51-year-old artist posted a touching message to her on Instagram.

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Olga Buzova opens a restaurant in St. Petersburg

The life of 32-year-old Olga Buzova is in full swing: the artist not only builds a career as a singer, but also tries herself as a restaurateur. In early summer, the star opened her first restaurant in Moscow on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

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Sofia Rotaru was urgently hospitalized in serious condition

71-year-old Sofia Rotaru suddenly felt ill during a corporate party in Ufa. After the end of the concert, the people's artist was hospitalized in a local clinic. The singer finished all the planned songs, despite severe dizziness.

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Anastasia Shubskaya is resting after giving birth with her sister and champagne

24-year-old Anastasia Shubskaya, daughter of Vera Glagoleva, and 32-year-old hockey player Alexander Ovechkin first became parents on August 18. The boy was named Sergei. Anastasia and Alexander hid the gender of the unborn child.

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The ex-husband of Natalia Shturm wants to take her son away from her

52-year-old Natalya Shturm, a popular singer in the 90s, is now better known for her candid photo shoots. As it turned out, not the best times have come in Natalia's life now. Ex-husband Igor Pavlov, with whom she had been married for five years, filed a lawsuit against Natalia.

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Glavred "MK" laughed at the rumors about the division of 30 billion in a divorce

This week it became known that Evgenia Efimova, the wife of Pavel Gusev, editor-in-chief of Moskovsky Komsomolets, filed for divorce due to her husband's regular betrayals. It requires the division of jointly acquired property worth more than 27 billion rubles.

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Rita Dakota said that her divorce was a blow to her mother

On August 11, 28-year-old singer Rita Dakota announced a divorce from 26-year-old singer Vlad Sokolovsky after three years of marriage. It turned out that her husband cheated on her throughout the relationship with dozens of different girls, many of whom she is familiar with.

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Anita Tsoi 28 years later admitted that she was forced into marriage

Anita Tsoi, 47, is celebrating her 28th wedding anniversary with her husband Sergei. On Instagram, the star shared this good news with followers, making an unexpected confession.

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Pelageya spoke about the second wedding in the Maldives

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