Moose biological station. Tidwick, the elk with a good heart - Dr. Seuss Earlier on the domestication and breeding of elks in Russia

1. The moose herd, frightened by someone, instantly crossed the clearing and hid in the bush.

For about a minute, the skiers examined the coast, wondering where the giants had disappeared. And suddenly a herd, which no one expected, jumped out to the river, rushed along the shore, but at the river bend, seeing someone ahead, mixed up and, turning around, rushed onto the ice. The huge leader, arching his hook-nosed muzzle and throwing his branched horns on his back at full speed, led the herd to the left of a small, slightly smoking black hole, keeping the path to the ravine on this side. Another elk, two moose cows and a few elk cubs, lagging behind in all directions, rushed away from his trail. In the middle of the river, where the snow was only slightly covering the ice, the leader elk glided from all over, spreading his front legs wide and crouching on his hind legs. He flew about ten meters like this and, seeing a wormwood very close, he thrashed with all his might trying to stop and crashed on his side.

The herd rushed past and jumped ashore and disappeared into the thicket. The leader shook his head strongly several times, scratching the snow with his horn, then by some miracle, working his muscles, he jumped to his feet at once, but slipped and hit the twenty-pound carcass on the ice with a swing. The skiers gasped when they saw how his horned head swept over the water among the ice floes.

(Based on the novel by M. Bubennov "Eagle Steppe").

2. And the caravans go ringing from afar and rushing through the mists, the river glitters and foams.

3. The mother had already gone to bed and falling asleep through a slumber, she heard anxious quiet voices.

4. He went out straightening his black mustache and looking somewhere at the carpet with a barely noticeable movement of his shoulder answered the bows of the officers.

5. A lazy person sitting down, lying down, working.

6. Batteries jump and rattle in a copper formation and smoke as the wicks burn before the battle.

Task 12. Explain the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions: put your teeth on the shelf, break your head, scream without taking a breath, lie staring at the ceiling, rush with your tongue out, listen with your mouth open, work with your sleeves rolled up, rush about without remembering yourself, spend the night without closing your eyes. Come up with a proposal for each of them.

Separation of add-ons

Nouns with prepositions or prepositional combinations can be isolated except, instead of, besides, except, excluding, over, etc. Such combinations have the meaning of “inclusion”, “exclusion”, “replacement”, for example: I could not distinguish anything except a muddy torsion blizzard.

If the preposition instead has the meaning “for”, “instead of”, then the turnover with it is not isolated.

Task 13. Rewrite, punctuating; Instead of dots, put words that are appropriate in meaning: instead of, except for, except for, including.

1. There was nothing in the dark distance ... sparkling lights.

2. ... boredom awaited me in a merry St. Petersburg life in a deaf and distant side.

3. ... chains of serfs, people came up with many others.

4. All relatives. and children gathered at the table.

5. ... few and minor shortcomings Polutykin was an excellent person.

Separation of clarifying members of the proposal

Separate words and groups of words that clarify the meaning of the preceding words. Most often this is a circumstance of time and place, for example: Here, on the field of Borodino, the Russian army covered itself with unfading glory. Clarifying members can join the words they specify by means of explanatory conjunctions, i.e., or (in the meaning of that is), namely, etc.

If qualifying members are attached using explanatory words, they are separated by commas.

Task 14. Rewrite, placing the missing punctuation marks. Underline the clarifying circumstances.

1. Before, that is, before arriving in the village, they lived in great harmony.

2. He spoke for ten minutes for a long time.

3. He did me the honor of visiting me.

4. If you'll allow me, I'll bring my special glass.

5. The remnants of the old burned-out bath stuck out thick smuts.

6. Somewhere, a long time ago, I read a poem.

7. In the distance, closer to the grove, an ax thumped dully.

8. I now speak about myself calmly without any bile.

9. The meeting was scheduled for five o'clock in the evening at the station.

Separation of the connecting members of the proposal

Attaching words and combinations are separated, which are additional remarks and explanations, usually they are joined by words even, especially, in particular, for example, in particular, mainly, including, moreover, and moreover, yes, yes and in general, etc. For example : The inclination towards mental pleasures, for example, to the theater and reading, was developed in me to a passion.

Task 15. Write down 10 examples from the works of Russian classics for the isolation of the connecting members of the sentence.

Andrey Shalygin: Today's children, and adults too, often live with some strange modern diseases, such as lactose intolerance to cow's milk, allergies to goat's milk, and indeed cow's milk protein is a poison to many. And the number of such diseases is only growing, not having a reverse trend.

We are not even talking about the fact that modern meat, beef and pork, eaten by humans, are more like a waste dump of the chemical and medical industries, in which there will soon be more antibiotics than protein. And in this regard, elementary infections that have grown under the pressure of so many drugs can no longer be taken by anything, and a child fed on such products does not know at all what offspring will reproduce in the future.

It is not worth mentioning that the system of reproduction of the wild livestock of animals, from which the local population in the regions fed all their lives, is simply absent today. Although, in principle, nothing is impossible. This is clearly evidenced by the example of the Sumarokov moose farm, to which we decided to return once again today.

Previously about taming and breeding moose in Russia:

As follows from the history of domestic elk breeding: The initiator of the "domestication" of the elk in our country is Professor P.A. Manteuffel. In 1949, at the Pechero-Ilychsky State Reserve, the Center for the Study of Ecology and the Economic Use of Domesticated and Wild Moose was established. The result of his work was the work on the ecology of the elk, its behavior, on some physiological, morphological features and diseases. As for solving practical problems, the results were less significant. This center lasted almost until the mid-1990s.

Using the experience of the Pechero-Ilych State Reserve, at the Kostroma State Agricultural Experimental Station near the village of Sumarokovo, on a total area of ​​​​about 200 hectares, the Sumarokovskaya Elk Farm was created.

The Losefarm began to domesticate moose since 1963. The first young moose came from Nerekhtsky, Krasnoselsky, Chukhlomsky, Susaninsky and other districts of the Kostroma region, which were taken from the natural environment. In 1968, one adult bull and four adult moose calves were brought from the Pechero-Ilych elk farm. In May 1970, the first calf was born on the farm. In 1965, the moose farm became part of the Kostroma Agricultural Experimental Station. In 1972, a laboratory of elk breeding was established to conduct planned research on the problems of elk domestication.

By order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated June 14, 1985 No. 852, the moose farm was transferred to the Kostroma mekhleskhoz, since, according to the decree of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR dated 03/20/84 and the order of the USSR State Forestry Service dated 07/12/84 No. 98 for the Kostroma Forest Experimental Station ( VOC), a laboratory of elk breeding was established to conduct research in the field of domestication, reproduction and use of elk. By the decision of the Regional Executive Committee No. 337 of September 19, 1985, a special hunting farm was organized as part of the mekhleskhoz with a total area of ​​64 thousand hectares.

In 1987, the lands of the state forest fund with a total area of ​​3224 hectares were transferred to the moose farm and a master forest plot was organized. At the same time, the territory of the elk sanctuary of regional significance was expanded, which amounted to about 36 thousand hectares. In 1990, an "elk complex" was organized as part of the subdivisions: an experimental moose farm, an elk reserve, and a forest plot. In 1991, the special hunting farm was abolished and all hunting on the territory of the elk complex was closed.

The moose farm received the greatest development in the eighties. The maximum number of animals was in 1978 and amounted to 67 heads, and the average annual number from 1963 to 1999 was 42 heads. Since 1998, the livestock has increased to 40 heads, and in June 1999 - up to 62 heads. The maximum number of dairy moose cows was in 1985 - 16 goals, the average annual number for the period from 1974 to 1999 - 11 moose cows. On the instructions of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR No. 209 dated April 23, 1974 and No. 240 dated May 20, 1977, scientific work began on the topic "To develop a technology for keeping, feeding, domesticating elk and using moose products in the national economy."

The method of raising and keeping moose, adopted on the farm, from a theoretical point of view, is justified in the works of employees of the Research Institute of Normal Physiology. P. K. Anokhin of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Ekaterina Mitrofanovna Bogomolova and Yuri Alexandrovich Kurochkin. A moose cow and a newborn calf form a bioorganismal functional system (1-3). At the very first stages of its formation, a person invades the system, replacing himself for a moose cow - a calf, and for a calf - a moose cow. If the substitution is made correctly and on time, then the moose cow begins to behave towards a person in almost the same way as towards her calf, coming to his farm, giving milk and protecting him from imaginary and real dangers. The behavior of a calf towards a person resembles its attitude towards its mother: it follows the person, goes to the call of the teacher, receiving milk from his hands.

This replacement is not quite 100%. For example, in the future, there is no redirection of the sexual behavior of elks raised by humans to humans - probably, keeping young elks in a group contributes to normal socialization and the normal development of sexual behavior. The behavior of a moose cow in relation to a milkmaid is similar, but does not completely repeat the behavior in relation to a calf. It is necessary to make a reservation that all natural patterns are statistical in nature, therefore, when describing behavioral reactions, “usually”, “normal”, “usually” will be implied, and only sometimes I will pay attention to exceptions.

In practice, the "domestication" of a newborn calf begins in conditions that are as close to natural as possible. Before the snow cover melts, all pregnant moose cows are brought to a “maternity” corral with an area of ​​about 3 hectares. At this time, moose cows need to be fed especially well, and this is very difficult, because an adult moose needs to bring 60 kilograms of branch food per day, since it must be borne in mind that the moose does not eat branches with a diameter of more than 8-10 millimeters, and you have to bring "ballast", thicker ones, which then go to waste. Experience shows that the replacement of branches with concentrated and unusual feed for elk can adversely affect the condition of the mother and fetus. Well-fed moose cows calmly await the start of labor.

This is how tamed moose live near the place of logging until mid-April. The territory of the plot is not fenced, this is not necessary. The abundance of food keeps domestic moose in the area of ​​the plot and even attracts wild moose from the surrounding forests.

In mid-April, moose are transferred to a "demonstration" corral with an area of ​​about 4 hectares. And only pregnant moose cows, as mentioned above, are placed separately, in a "maternity" corral with an area of ​​about 3 hectares.

In the "demonstration" corral, animals are kept until winter. This rule applies mainly to young males and females that do not give milk.

Dairy moose cows are privileged animals, and they have to stay locked up very little. Immediately after calving, the moose cow gets the right to free grazing and returns to the farm only for the period of milking, and to feed herself with oatmeal.

Also, the "elk-manufacturer" Yaston enjoys completely unlimited freedom. This new leader of the elk tribe of the Sumarokovskaya moose farm has recently replaced the beloved elk Luchik. Until the first foliage appeared on the trees, and grass in the meadows, Yaston is in no hurry to leave the paddock. But even after the appearance of green fodder, it often appears on the farm to enjoy oatmeal. In the middle of summer it disappears, before the start of the rut. However, it is not difficult to find it, since the Los-2 portable radio transmitter is attached to the collars of all adult moose.

This makes it possible for the employees of the moose farm to determine the location of any of them while keeping free-range domestic moose. For example, to find and bring a moose cow that has gone on a spree for milking, to provide assistance to an animal in trouble, as well as for scientific observations.

From the beginning of the year until about mid-April, all moose live near the logging site. They have breakfast every morning. As soon as the felling of the forest is finished and the bunting is eaten, the animals are released and they go to the piles of branches and feeders with aspen bark. There is no need to fence off the plot. The abundance of food keeps domestic moose in the area of ​​the plot and even attracts wild moose from the surrounding forests. Man provides moose with not too varied food, but they can find what they lack in the forest around the plot. According to preliminary satellite tracking data, the moose cow with the transmitter did not go beyond the area of ​​23.5 hectares around the harvest site for less than a month.

Before the snow cover melts, pregnant moose cows are placed in a “maternity” pen with an area of ​​about 3 hectares, and all the rest are placed in a “demonstration” pen with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 4 hectares. There will be a special discussion about dairy moose cows, these are privileged animals, and they have to be locked up for a very small percentage of the time of the year. Even less, or rather, the freedom of almost everyone’s beloved “moose-producer” Luchik is not limited at all, but in the spring he is in no hurry to go to his “Berendeev thicket” across the Poksha River. Until the grass appeared in the fields, and the foliage on the trees, he does not express the slightest desire to leave the corral, but, being released, he immediately returns and goes to a pile of branches brought from the plot. And after the advent of green fodder, he comes to enjoy oatmeal even in June. Then he “disappears” until autumn, before the start of the rut, but it is not difficult to find him in the summer with the help of a portable radio direction finder, since a radio transmitter is fixed on his collar, like on the collars of all adult domestic moose.

It is harder on the farm for the rest of the males, as well as young females who do not give milk, they are placed in the spring in the "demonstration" corral. According to the accepted method, animals should be kept in this pen until about the middle or end of June, i.e. until the end of the spring period of migratory activity. In the wild during this period, young moose settle, looking for a habitat. However, in recent years, the summer edition has been abandoned for the simple reason that then only newborn moose calves would have to be shown to visitors. After all, milking moose cows spend the day on pastures, and their appearance near the farm during the day is more an accident than a pattern. My opinion is that two-thirds of the animals should be released from the demonstration pen in the middle of summer, having provided them with modern long-range radio tags. Since it is likely that many will return "to the porridge" or to the shady barn, it is possible to release one by one.

In the hot season, all moose suffer greatly from horseflies. The wild ones have to save themselves in the water or hide in the shade of the spruce forests, but it is not dark enough there so that the horseflies could not fly at all. Homes have an advantage; they make shade canopies and sheds for them. I put forward a proposal to make a “corridor” for the passage of visitors and to fence off a small observation deck for them inside the shady barn so that the animals would not have to be driven into a cloud of horseflies for demonstration. The second option is to attach an additional shady canopy directly to the "bar" so that visitors can see the resting moose directly from the bar or from the terrace.

Farm staff check the condition of the animals once every 1-6 hours to catch the onset of labor. It is especially important to catch the onset of labor in a young moose cow giving birth for the first time. It is necessary to be at the right moment in the right place - at the place of birth, inside the invisible "vicious circle". With their beginning, everything that moves inside the circle, the moose cow will consider “hers”, outside it - “alien”. As a rule, the moose cow's innate aggressive reaction to a "small moving object" disappears at the time of birth, which makes it possible for her to accept a calf. But another elk approaching the place of birth must be attacked immediately, otherwise the newborn calf, which has not yet learned to distinguish its mother from other large moving objects, may follow it and die without milk.

It would seem that young moose will spend almost the entire year in captivity, on imported feed, but this is not entirely true. The fences (except for the "front", mesh, facing visitors) are almost symbolic, they are made of poles, and moose break through them if they really want to. I saw how an elk killed a birch with a diameter of 12 cm with one blow of the front leg. Once, a dairy moose cow, frightened by a rope tied to a bridle, broke through a fence in 4 places in a minute, without receiving any damage herself. Every autumn, during the rutting season, wild males coming from the forest break through real “gates” in the “back” fence of the demonstration pen in order to get to young females. Domestic elks themselves, sometimes almost unnoticed by farm workers, damage the corral in order to graze on agricultural crops in the fields surrounding the farm. The one-year-old calf Lubok learned to crawl under the lower pole “like a plastuna” on his belly. However, in the morning, all as one find themselves in the corral for the distribution of "porridge".

Moose calves also include last year's (one-year-old or two-year-old) moose calves, which are to be expelled a few days before birth, as hostile objects. However, for some reason, the moose cow does not consider well-known people, including “last year's” milkmaids, as enemies and, as a rule, does not attack. Under their "cover" to the place of birth, in the "vicious circle" new workers manage to get into, and sometimes even complete strangers, for example, cameramen. Arriving at the place of birth, you need to moisten your hands with amniotic fluid and bring it to the nose of the moose cow in order to “deceive” it, because for the moose the smell of the object is more important than all its other properties. Having thus "registered", and not having received an "order" to leave immediately, a person can observe the birth. How the order to leave “looks like” can be found in the safety section. Of course, not every moose cow will let strangers in.

Perhaps it is the loopholes to freedom that save the “repair” herd of elk from intestinal diseases and death; in the second half of summer and autumn, farm workers restore the fence not too carefully and in a timely manner, in contrast to the period of spring-summer migration activity.

In winter, while there is little snow, all the "free" animals live near the farm, receiving not only top dressing in the form of oatmeal, but also almost full nutrition with aspen bark and branches. With the establishment of a stable snow cover, all animals are transferred to the plot. There, young people can look for those plants, those substances that they did not receive during their time in the corral, and if they wish, they can leave the farm forever.

Moose live on the farm as long as they like living here. The Animal Liberation Front has nothing to do here, all the moose on the farm voluntarily "sold for oatmeal." But they have little choice, almost the entire habitable territory of the Earth belongs to hunting farms. The number of dead animals is only slightly higher than the number killed for meat.

Farm workers get more elk love than calves. In the history of the farm, there were outstanding personalities who, being in the position of head, dared to release “unnecessary” animals from the farm instead of slaughtering for meat, contrary to the requirements of higher bosses and part of the attendants. Gotovtsev Vladimir Vasilyevich never ordered to kill an elk. Brovtsev Sergei Ernestovich, after one killed yearling, was convinced of the advantages of peaceful coexistence with moose.

Now, many of those kept on the farm are alive only because the tamed elk is a very expensive animal, there is a chance to sell it for a lot of money, because they cannot be bred in zoos. Growing costs are many times higher than the cost of meat, but if it is impossible to sell, the principle of “take at least something” applies, justified by the phrase “we will eat better than poachers.” Of course, a free elk has a chance to be killed by a poacher, a hunter, a wolf, get hit by a car, etc., but before that he will enjoy life, and sometimes for quite a long time.

Before the patterns of behavior of the moose cow at the place of birth were revealed, the weaning of the calf was accompanied by violent actions: they put it in a basket, pressed it to the bottom and covered it with a quilted jacket, the moose cow was driven away with sticks, after which the basket was carried away outside the corral. Based on their research, E. M. Bogomolova and Yu. A. Kurochkin proposed a stress-free method for weaning a calf from its mother. In obedience to the innate reaction of following, the calf follows the person, and the elk remains to guard the place of birth, since in the first days the elk does not protect the calf, but the place of birth, which plays a key role in the formation of the systemic connection "moose - newborn calf" (4). Milkmaids at this time distract the moose cow: they milk, cut the hair around the udder (so that in the future it does not interfere with milking). In many moose calves on the first day of life, the following reaction is not sufficiently expressed, and they are simply carried away, distracting the moose cow and preventing the calf from squeaking too loudly.

If the young moose does not accept the calf, the "local Lassie" will take care of it. In nature, an abandoned, premature, born weighing less than 6 kg or in severe frost almost certainly dies, but here almost everyone tries to go out. Alas, it is not always possible - despite the vast experience gained by the farm veterinarians.

Two or three dozen calves are born together within 2-3 weeks from late April to mid-May. They will spend the first month of their lives in "quarantine": under a shed and in a courtyard, which is only allowed to people working on a moose farm. This will prevent both an infection that visitors can bring in and an excess of sweets in the diet of moose calves.

For a week or two, babies will receive milk from a nipple, then they will be taught to drink from a saucepan. Starting from the second or third week, moose milk will be gradually replaced with a special mixture - a milk substitute. Moose milk contains a lot of fat and protein, and at the same time it is low in lactose (very approximately - 10, 12 and 5%, respectively), so neither cow's nor human milk powders are suitable for hand-feeding moose. Existing overseas mixes designed for zoo wild animals are almost non-existent, but some companies here make mixes with custom ingredients. Goat milk is not used here, but it is quite suitable for feeding moose calves in orphan calf care centers.

Large quantities of willow branches and forest forbs are delivered to the paddock. Be sure to have chilled boiled water, clean earth (clay) and mineral salt briquettes in the room. In early June, when almost all calves are one month old, run to the summer camp! Now you have to be locked up only from 10 to 15 hours, while there are excursions.

The first month of life, moose calves spend in "quarantine", where only employees of the moose farm are allowed. For two weeks, a calf is fed milk from a nipple. Then the elk milk is gradually replaced with a special mixture and the calves are taught to drink from a saucepan. Moose milk is high in fat, protein, and low in lactose. Therefore, neither cow's nor human-used milk formulas are suitable for feeding a calf. Only goat milk is closest in composition to elk milk, but it is not used on the moose farm.

Also, willow branches and a variety of herbs are gradually introduced into the diet. Moose calves must have chilled boiled water, clay and mineral salt briquette in their pens.

In early June, moose are transferred to a summer camp. Now they will be on the farm only during the period when there are excursions. At the end of the last excursion, the elk calves are again fed milk formula, and then sent to free pasture until the next morning.

Gradually, by autumn, moose calves begin to shed, changing their red hair to brown, and by October they gain weight up to 100 kg. The milk mixture in their diet is gradually replacing ground oats steamed in lightly salted hot water. In winter, moose calves, along with the rest of the farm elks, are transferred to the forest. There they graze freely and eat from the same feeders.

The diet of moose for this period is made up of branches and bark of trees. And also once a day they are invited to special pens, where they are waiting for oatmeal and a bucket of warm salted water. Separate pens are needed to avoid conflicts between animals when distributing food.

After the end of the last excursion, the elk calves are again fed with milk mixture and taken away to graze. Until the morning, the calves will be left to themselves, they will be able to find and eat all the plants they need, and in the morning they will be called again to drink "milk".

By October, the moose calves gain weight up to 100 kilograms, molt, and are not at all like the redheads that we saw in May. Now drink milk formula and chat with visitors they are called to the farm. This is done solely for the convenience of visitors, because. in autumn the roads become impassable and it is difficult to get to the summer camp. For moose calves, it is now not difficult to walk a couple of kilometers, and they independently find the pastures they need. Even if there is a recurrence of “managed grazing”: the boss demands to take the elk, for example, to the river, then at first they go there for the teacher, but in the morning they still run “for porridge” from the pastures they have chosen. Milk formula is now being gradually replaced with "oatmeal" - ground oats steamed in lightly salted hot water. Since that time, oatmeal has become the main delicacy of domestic moose.

With the establishment of deep snow cover, all the elks of the farm, including the calves of the year, are transferred to the felling site, live there together, eat from the same feeders and enjoy complete freedom, except for about an hour a day - the time of felling the forest and distributing oatmeal, when to avoid conflicts and injuries from falling trees, all animals are bred in small pens. The sound of a working chainsaw attracts pet moose, they know that there will be fresh branches soon and they love to smell the exhaust fumes. Any strong smell attracts and excites the moose. For an hour spent in a paddock, moose will eat almost a bucket of oatmeal, drink a bucket of salted warm water. Separate pens are needed to avoid conflicts between animals when distributing food.

Currently, in the process of rearing a new generation, the behavioral biological characteristics of the species are increasingly used, and animals are subjected to violence and restriction of freedom to a minimal extent - probably simply because funding for the development of new methods of violence has decreased almost to zero. No one has ever carried out any conscious, scientifically based selection of “domestic” moose, and an orphan elk brought up on a farm from a hunting farm does not differ in its behavior from “domestic” moose born on a farm in the 6-7th generation. Thus, at the moment, the main result of all work on the domestication of the elk, in my opinion, is the following: the elk does not require "domestication" - it is a ready-made domestic animal (5), if it is properly raised and educated, but the way of keeping it is significantly different from the ways of keeping other domestic animals due to the peculiarities of digestion and the need for a very diverse feed.

Although farm animals are not subject to artificial selection, they are still subject to almost natural selection. As long as 1-3-year-old moose have the opportunity to leave the farm and take advantage of this opportunity, only those who want to live next to a person remain on the farm and give birth to offspring. If this process is not interfered with in the name of momentary gain, perhaps in many generations it will be possible to notice the difference between wild and domestic elk.


1. Bogomolova E.M. Elk and newborn calf - a single bio-organismal functional system // Physiological Cybernetics Abstracts of the I All-Union Conference on Physiological Cybernetics. - M., 1981. - S. 268-269.
2. Bogomolova E.M., Kurochkin Yu.A. Moose giving birth. Behavior of a moose cow and a newborn calf // Zoological journal. - 1984. - T.63. - No. II. - S. 1713-1724.
3. Bogomolova E.M., Kurochkin Yu.A. Systemogenesis of behavioral acts. - In the book. "Theory of systemogenesis". - M.: "Horizon", 1997, p. 277-453.
4. Bogomolova E.M., Kurochkin Yu.A. Minaev A.N. The importance of the place of birth for the formation of a systemic connection between a moose cow and a newborn calf. In book. "5th Congress of the All-Union Theriology Society of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR", abstract. dokl., v. 2, M., 1990, p. 86-87
5. Minaev A. N. (2003). Elk as a pet. Agroecological Bulletin of the World Conservation Union for the CIS, No. 5, June, pp. 17-19
6. Official site of the Sumarokovskaya elk farm.


Postal address: 157931, Kostroma region, Krasnoselsky district, p.o. Gridino, der. Sumarokovo, moose farm, director Grachev Nikolai Leonidovich.

Telephone for inquiries and appointments (8 494 2) 35 94 33 (installed in the office in Kostroma, at night on an answering machine, can receive a fax),

Cell phones +7 910 958 01 67 (Director Grachev Nikolay Leonidovich), +7 903 895 40 78 (Chief Accountant and appointment for excursions).

Lesson 61

TOPIC:"Control dictation".

LESSON TYPE:lesson of checking, evaluating and correcting students' knowledge


Checking students' knowledge.


1. Organizational moment

2. Writing a dictation

Protect the environment

All nature and the smallest particle of it: a tree in the park, a chamomile meadow among the houses of the new microdistrict - all this belongs to all of us. We are all owners of suburban forests and forest parks, rivers and ponds - all living, beautiful, natural decorations of the earth. But if we are the masters, then, undoubtedly, we are also the defenders, for it is impossible only to possess without paying for the good with the return of the good. A thoughtlessly sawn poplar, a flooded garden, a “dimensionless” bouquet of forest flowers, which is often brought from a walk, fish juveniles caught in a stream - all this is a blow to the reserves of natural wealth, which - alas! - are not unlimited. In big cities and near them, the issue is especially acute: here every tree is our breath, therefore, health.

No decrees and laws can protect nature from damage if each of us does not realize the simple truth: when we harm the environment, we thereby harm ourselves.

(125 words)

(V. Tkachenko)

grammar task

1. Make a diagram of the selected proposals (by options).

2. Make a morphological analysis of the selected words (according to the options).

3. Analyze the composition of words microdistrict, forest parks, dimensionless, limitless(according to options).

How nice it is in the summer in the countryside! Impenetrable forests are green, shady and cool. In their dense thicket, thousands of different voices of songbirds are heard. Children in the morning run to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Either they will come across a red boletus, then a white boletus, or even a simple russula. Red and juicy wild strawberries, fragrant raspberries, blueberries, black currants, sour lingonberries - all these ruddy berries alternately pull children either into the forest or into the garden. And in the gardens the trees have faded: apples, pears and plums, and small fruits have appeared. They will ripen only by autumn. The meadows were covered with tall green grass, full of thousands of flowers. It's hay time. No sooner had the hayfield departed than it was time to go to the golden field. The rye turned yellow, stalked, grew heavy and ripened; oats curled up, wheat dressed in golden brocade, blushed buckwheat, all in curls lies peas. In vegetable gardens, some vegetables are replaced by others. Lettuce and radishes are the first to ripen, followed by radishes, carrots, beans, and peas, and later they begin to dig potatoes. Cabbage is rolled into heads only at the beginning of September.

In the summer, all the fun and expanse: for man, and for the beast, and for the bird, and for the insect. City residents flee from dusty, stuffy cities, some to the village, some to the country to get some fresh air and stock up on health.

(192 words)

(From the collection of dictations by V. Pokrovsky)

grammar task

1. Make a diagram of the selected proposals (by options).

2. Analyze the composition of words:

boletus boletus

set off

golden urban

3. Make a morphological analysis of the selected words (according to the options).

Lesson 62

TOPIC:Separate members of a sentence. The concept of separation.



Give the concept of isolation; clarify which members of the proposal are subject to separation; features of isolation in written and oral speech.

To consolidate the ability of competent written analysis of proposals by separate members.



1. Organizational moment

2. Introductory speech of the teacher

Guys, you learned in previous lessons that a sentence can be complicated by homogeneous members (with and without generalized members). Today we will talk with you about another type of complicated sentences. These are sentences complicated by separate members.

What is isolation?

How does a separate grammatical construction feel in oral speech?

3. Work with the textbook

. § 47 (reading the material of the paragraph, rules).

Ex. 287.

Ex. 288.

4. Work with notes on the board

Make proposals according to the schemes.

(The whole class composes together with the teacher.)

5. Generalization on the topic

Write off, determine which minor members are separate:

1) In the narrow corridors, cramped and untidy, near the theater hall, the audience was met by girls selling programs.

2) In front of the first row, near the stage, there was a piano and four consoles.

3) Andrei, a landscape painter, went out onto a lawn, bordered by bushes and trees in an even crown.

4) The city was far away, somewhere at the end of the world, with crooked streets, dirty boulevards and fuming cars.

5) An early bee swept by, always strict, preoccupied.

. § 47 exercise 289, 290.

Make sentences with the words in the box.


. "Isolate" - to separate especially, to single out, to fence off, to exclude from the general.

"Isolation" - intonation and semantic separation in the composition of a simple sentence of a word form or a group of word forms (constructions, turns).

(Brief guide to the modern Russian language)

2. Find examples of sentences with isolation:

a) Having entered the Lyceum, Pushkin already knew English. ( A. Pushkin)

b) Outside the lyceum, Pushkin was familiar with some of the hussars who lived at that time in Tsarskoe Selo. ( S. Komovsky)

c) Pushkin studied easily, but carelessly. ( A. Pushnin)

d) In essence, he adored only his muse and poeticized everything he saw. ( M. Volkonskaya)

e) My friend, your reproaches are cruel and unfair. ( A. Pushkin)

3. Indicate how the isolated members of the sentence are distinguished:

a) using an exclamation point;

b) using commas;

c) with a dash;

d) with the help of intonations;

d) using parentheses.

Lesson 63

TOPIC:“Separate definitions. Emphasizing punctuation marks with them.


Fix the topic "The concept of isolation."

To acquaint students with the concept of "isolated definitions".

To develop literate oral speech of students, to teach intonation to distinguish isolated definitions.

LESSON TYPE:combined


1. Organizational moment

3. Mini survey

What is the separation of minor members?

How is separation expressed in writing? In spoken language?

How is the word to which the isolated parts of the sentence refer?

What punctuation marks are used to indicate separation in writing?

4. Explanation of the topic of the lesson

Write a sentence:

And the Ufa marten, most respected of all, has not yet died out in the wooded upper reaches of the Ufa and Belaya rivers. ( S. Aksakov)

Find the grammatical basis and secondary members of the sentence, underline them.

What can be said about the definition? How is it expressed? Is it agreed or not?

Separate definitions in a sentence can be adjectives, participles, nouns in the indirect case (common dependent words and non-common) located after the word being defined.

([ x, | |, ...].)

Consider an example from a textbook (§ 49, p. 137).

Ex. 291.

Page 140: reading theoretical material, answering questions. Generalization on the topic.

5. Summing up the lesson

6. Reporting homework

§ 48, ex. 293.

Lesson 64

TOPIC:“Separate definitions. Agreed and inconsistent definitions”.


Develop the skill of identifying agreed and inconsistent definitions.

Practice the morphological principle of syntax, learn to see how agreed and inconsistent definitions are expressed.

Learn to distinguish the conditions for the isolation of definitions.

LESSON TYPE:announcement of new material.



1. Organizational moment

2. Checking homework

3. Spelling "five minutes"

Write, punctuate, make the right choice of letter.


Sk (a, o) from a mountain height.

L (e, i) sting in the ashes du (b, p) with perunami ra (s, s) beaten

And with him and gi (b, p) cue ivy (b, ...) around e (c, d) o (o, a) twisted ...

Oh Friendship is you!

V. Zhukovsky

4. Work with the textbook

Page 141 (analysis of the circuit marked with an asterisk).

Execution of ex. 295 (oral).

Ex. 296 (on assignment).

Reading the Theoretical material on page 142, analysis of the conditions for separating definitions.

5. Workshop on the topic

Find and highlight isolated definitions and defined words. Indicate what parts of speech the defined words are. Draw sentence patterns, put punctuation marks.

1) Satisfied with her, he began to write, the work lured him.

2) A work of the artist stood in front of him, pure, immaculate, beautiful as a bride.

3) The nobleman who deceived the power of attorney was punished approximately and removed from his place.

4) Exhausted and absent-minded, he began to recall all the prayers he knew.

5) He was a slender man, about thirty-five, with long black curls.

6) In front of him lay a beauty with a disheveled luxurious braid with eyelashes as long as arrows.

7) The stars twinkling in the night beckon us with their mysterious light.

(Check with explanation.)

Analysis of the rule note on page 143.

Task after studying the note:

1) come up with your own example with a consistent definition with an additional adverbial meaning.

(checking aloud, recording successful 1-2 options with analysis).

2) Ex. 297 (1-5 sentences).

6. Summing up the lesson

7. Reporting homework

§ 48 ex. 297 (6-10 sentences), ex. 299.

Lesson 65

TOPIC:"Text-reasoning" (educational essay).

GOAL: to form the ability of students to compose a reasoning text.

LESSON TYPE: a lesson in the development of speech.



1. Organizational moment

2. Teacher's word

Reasoning is a verbal presentation, clarification, confirmation of any thought. Reasoning differs from narration and description by more complex sentences (with separate turns, various types of non-union and allied connection); vocabulary (more words denoting abstract concepts are used).

Reasoning is a very important type of speech that contains persuasion, proof, logical thinking, conclusions.

It is important to be able to engage in polemics by reasoning; be able to refute the point of view of the opponent with whom you do not agree to conduct a discussion, an invocative dialogue.

The structure of the reasoning text consists of three parts:

1) thesis (the main idea, affirmation or denial of some judgment, concept, phenomenon).

2) proof of this thought; convincing arguments and facts.

3) conclusion, conclusion.

Introductory words are often used to list arguments: firstly, secondly, thirdly, in my opinion, finally, so, therefore, thus.

Unions are widely used: however, although, in spite of, because, since.

3. Preparation for writing an essay

Today we will write a text-reasoning on a debatable topic. Let's do some preparatory work first.

1) Working with the textbook § 49, ex. 301. (text analysis).

2) ex. 302 (write about what you care about this topic in the form of a polemical dialogue with the writer).

(Discussion of a possible ending.)

4. Reporting homework

Ex. 303, 304.

Lesson 66

TOPIC:"Detached Applications. Emphasizing punctuation marks with them.


To form the ability of students to isolate applications.

Practice punctuation skills when highlighting an application (conditions for separating an application).

Repeat spelling (spelling of verb suffixes).

LESSON TYPE:announcement of new material.


1. Local hunters, | trappers |, went to the taiga.


I often dream of those guys - | friends of my war days |.


2. I tried to imagine captain Mironov, | my future boss... |.

3. X

| Peers for years, close relatives |they almost never parted.

4. Pine, | like a resinous tree |, is difficult to rot. The reading public managed to get used to Chekhov as a comedian.

5. Mixed example:

IN AND. Dal, a peer and friend of Pushkin and also a writer, a doctor by education, is the author of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.


1. Organizational moment

2. Checking homework

3. Repeat spelling (recording from dictation)

shook about to visit, mom is unwell And moose, dead I forcefully, slap s on the shoulder, carefully consider And wat, manager about manage, calculate s get help, interrogate s talk about what happened And whether posters, memorize And whether forever, like And lie to the children, look s slanting.

4. Conversation

Remember, guys, what is an application? (Application is a definition expressed by a noun. An application can have different explanatory meanings. It is put in the same case and number as the word being defined.)

Since the application is a definition, it is also isolated. Some conditions for separating definitions and applications are the same.

5. Work with the textbook

§ fifty

Analysis of proposals (material marked with an asterisk).

Reading the theoretical material on page 147, drawing up diagrams for sentences from the rule.

Analysis of proposals on page 148

Ex. 307 (by order).

6. Workshop

Read the sentences written on the board; find the word being defined (how is it expressed?); highlight it, underline the application.

Analyze the conditions for separating applications.

Conclusions on the work done.

Applications are isolated if they refer to a personal pronoun, if they are after a proper name, if they are after a common noun, if they are attached to the word being defined by a union how.

Explanation. Standalone application with union how.

Such an application is very similar to comparative turnover. Often they are difficult to distinguish. A separate application is attached to the word being defined (it stands after the subject or object, expressed by nouns or pronouns) and has a connotation of adverbial (often causal) meaning. It does not contain comparison functions. A separate application can be replaced by a participial phrase with the word being, for example: How a true romantic, Hoffmann lived an extraordinary life. Being A true romantic, Hoffmann lived an extraordinary life.

7. Summing up the lesson

What is called an application? When is an application isolated?

Tell us about the peculiarities of separating an application with a union how.

In which case can you put a dash in the application?

§ 50 ex. 308, 309.

Lesson 67

TOPIC:"Detached Applications. Emphasizing punctuation marks with them ”(continuation of the topic).


To consolidate the skills of isolating applications related to different types of defined words.

Clarify the conditions for the separation of applications with the union how.

Work out the punctuation and intonation of separate applications.

LESSON TYPE:generalization of the material, consolidation of the studied.


1. Write off, punctuating:

1) Andrei, a landscape painter, went out onto a lawn bordered by bushes and trees.

2) He, as a city man, almost with horror recalled this forest of mansard pipes.

3) He himself is the ruler of Sinodal, leading a rich caravan.

4) Pugachev freed Masha Mironova, the daughter of this dead captain, from Shvabrin's heinous persecution.

5) In Petrovsky Park there was a house of Pushkin's grandfather, obstinate and gloomy Hannibal.

6) He Pushkin enters our life at the very beginning of it and no longer leaves us to the end.

2. Make sentences according to the schemes:



1. Organizational moment

2. Checking homework

3. Repetition of what has been learned

(Completion of the task on the board)

4. Explanatory dictation

1) Every person, at least several times in his life, has experienced a state of inspiration - spiritual uplift, freshness, a vivid perception of reality. ( K. Paustovsky)

2) Pushkin, the greatest transducer of the best human feelings, created the ideal of lofty lyceum friendship. ( K. Paustovsky)

3) His thoughts, Yesenin, are born together with an explosion of emotions. ( According to E. Vinokurov)

4) Young people and old people, workers and professors, different strata of society, love Yesenin. ( According to E. Vinokurov)

5) The Alexander Column was erected as a monument to the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812 ( L. Kazakov)

(Checking is carried out in the form of diagrams on the board made by the called student.)

5. Work on the topic of the lesson

Standalone application with union how

1) Teacher's word:

A stand-alone application can be joined by a union how with the additional meaning of causality.

For example: Gulliver, | as an avid traveler| loved to travel. (notebook entry)

BUT: turnovers with union are not applications how in the meaning of "as".

For example: Suvorov | like a general| led the assault on the enemy according to all the rules.

2) Workshop.

Come up with and write sentences according to the schemes:

6. Work with the textbook

Ex. 311, ex. 312.

7. Summing up the lesson

8. Reporting homework

Ex. 313.

Lesson 68

TOPIC:"Special circumstances. Emphasizing punctuation marks with them.


Repeat the material on the separation of the gerund participle and participle turnover.

Develop the ability to determine the boundaries of adverbial turnover.

To consolidate the skills of setting highlighting punctuation marks in isolated circumstances.

LESSON TYPE:explanation of new material.



1. Organizational moment

2. Checking homework

3. Repeat spelling

Having pasted the wallpaper, disinterestedly supporting, rejecting the offer, restoring strength, asking about impressions, jealously guarding, crunching under the foot, caring sympathetically, smiling joyfully, heading towards the sea, gleaming in the sun, having been silent for a while, whistling from a branch, correcting mistakes.

4. Repetition

What is called adverbial turnover?

When is the adverbial phrase separated by commas? And the participle?

Make sentences according to the given schemes.

1) [ , | | ].

2) [ | |, ].

3) [ , | |, ].

5. Work with the textbook

Section 51

Work with material marked with an asterisk.

The study of theoretical material.

Ex. 314, ex. 315 (by order).

6. Workshop

Make sentences with phraseological units and write them down.

Through the sleeves, headlong, tirelessly, rolled up his sleeves, folded his arms.

Single gerunds, close in function to the adverb and directly adjacent to the predicate, are not isolated. Wed

He read lying down. He was reading on the couch.

Make up and write sentences with the words:

sitting, joking, not hurrying,

silently, standing, reluctantly,

without looking, lying, playing.


7. Summing up the lesson

8. Reporting homework

Ex. 317, 320.

Lesson 69

TOPIC:"Special circumstances. Emphasizing punctuation marks with them ”(continuation of the topic).


Check the quality of assimilation of new material in practice.

To identify speech shortcomings in the work on the preparation of sentences with isolated circumstances.

Develop logical thinking and analytical skills when working with text.

LESSON TYPE:consolidation and generalization of the studied.


1. Organizational moment

2. Checking homework

3. Work with the textbook

Page 155 (reading theoretical material).

Ex. 322 (by order).

Ex. 321.

Correct grammatical errors and write the corrected sentences.

Seeing the man in gray, Peter was horrified.

Freezing in place, my head was uncovered.

Coming to my senses, I had to leave.

A check is made and a conclusion is made about the use of adverbial phrases in speech.

4. Workshop

Write down suggestions. Make diagrams for them.

Mendel, looking at him and returning to reality, was even frightened at first.

Having stopped the soldier in this most difficult position, the artist began to work with ardor, making a hasty sketch.

But the poor fellow, not listening to the painter, was in a hurry to descend from his scaffold along the stairs leading from the platform to the floor.


Spread single gerunds by turning them into gerunds. Set up punctuation marks.

The exhausted Gulliver with difficulty got to his feet and staggered ... went out into the air.

Gulliver looked ... he could not help laughing.

Stopping ... Gulliver saw that the sailors had left him on the shore.

Returning ... Gulliver told about his adventures.

Angry... the queen ordered a severe punishment.

(Mutual check)

Change the sentences by turning one of the verbs into a gerund. Set up punctuation marks.

Philip Philipovich pursed his lips and said nothing.

A priest stood in a white glow and sang through his teeth about the sacred banks of the Nile.

He straightened up, looked at the dog's head...

(M. Bulgakov)


5. Summing up the lesson

6. Reporting homework

Ex. 318, 219.

Lesson 70

TOPIC:"Control dictation".


Check the level of assimilation of the studied.

LESSON TYPE:lesson of checking the assessment, correcting the knowledge of students.


1. Organizational moment

2. Writing a dictation


The moose herd, frightened by someone, instantly crossed the clearing and hid in the bushes. For about a minute the skiers vigilantly examined coast, wondering Where did the giants hide? And suddenly the herd, which no one expected, jumped out to the river, rushed along the shore, but at the river bend, seeing someone ahead, mixed up and, turning, rushed to the ice. The huge leader, arching his hook-nosed muzzle and throwing his branched horns over his back, led the herd at full speed to the left of a small, slightly smoking black wormwood, keeping his way into the ravine on this side. Another elk, two moose cows and several elk cubs, lagging behind, rushed in all directions away from his trail. In the middle of the river, where the snowball only slightly covered the ice, the leader elk glided from all over, spreading his front legs wide and crouching on his hind legs. He flew about ten meters in this way and, seeing a hole very close by, thrashed with all his might, trying to stop, and crashed on his side. The herd rushed past and, jumping out onto the shore, disappeared into the thicket. The leader shook his head vigorously several times, scratching the snow with his horn, then by some miracle, having worked all his muscles, he jumped to his feet at once, but slipped and hit the twenty-pound carcass on the ice with a swing. The skiers gasped when they saw how his horned head swept over the water, among the ice floes.

(187 words)

(M. Bubennov)



Melt water at first rose very slowly, as if timid, and then, under the pressure of the northern upper reaches, it began to rise, filling the lowlands.

Noticing the danger, moose, roe deer, wild boars go to the neighboring hills. It is more difficult for small animals that cannot overcome the water barrier. As if a gambling hunter drives the little animals into a trap. In whole flocks, frightened hares rush along the vzlobki. And where there is no place left to jump back and forth, they sit, wet, hushed, and await their fate.

Today's boys, like us once, go to save forest animals in trouble.

While we are rowing, creaking with oarlocks, we almost run into a piece of land on which two dozen hares have huddled together. There is nowhere for an extra foot to step. Champing with bare feet in the mud, we grab the four-legged by the ears, bind paws.

What is it? To our surprise, in the middle hare the brethren discovered at first unnoticed by us ... a fox. True, not the former puffy-tailed beauty that occurs in winter. Her wet hair drooped, her tail was thin, her eyes gleamed with cunning.

Somehow we drive the fox into the kennel at the bow of the boat, and our ark again continues to swim along the flooded river. Scratched by fox claws, with swollen calluses on our hands, soiled with mud and terribly tired, but satisfied with our journey, we stick to a forest cliff. One by one, the hares we saved from the flood give a goad, and Patrikeevna runs after them without looking back, apparently not realizing what an adventure happened to her.

(216 words)

(According to A. Sabirov)

grammar task

1. Disassemble the selected proposals by members (by options).

2. Perform a phonetic analysis of the selected words (according to the options).

3. Make up a dictionary dictation from the words of the dictation for the spelling "spelling of the checked unstressed vowels of the root."

Good afternoon friends!

Today I want to take you on an excursion to one wonderful place - the Moose Biological Station in the Losiny Ostrov National Park. Excursions to the Moose Biological Station are held only in winter, because it is at this time that elks and herds of spotted deer come to the territory of the biostation.

As soon as we enter the territory, we see a huge herd of spotted deer.

The entire population of spotted deer on the territory of "Losiny Ostrov" has more than 200 individuals, half of them come to the biostation for feeding at a time (and we saw about that many deer during the excursion). In the hungry winter months, feeding grounds for elks, deer, and wild boars are arranged in the protected area of ​​the national park.

A quick note on sika deer from Wikipedia:

Dappled deer(lat. Cervus nippon) - a mammal from the deer family (lat. Cervidae). In summer it has a red-red color with characteristic white spots, it fades in winter. Height at the withers 95-115 cm, body length 160-180 cm, weight 75-130 kg. Males are much larger than females. Lives in southern Primorye, brought to the middle zone of the European part of Russia, to the Caucasus. The deer feeds on herbaceous plants, fallen acorns, nuts and fruits, leaves of trees and shrubs, mushrooms, berries, in winter it eats bark and young branches. The number of deer in the wild is less than 3000 heads, the status of endangered species has been assigned (category I).

Female sika deer do not have antlers.

The larger and stronger the male, the more horns he has. Usually the length of the horns does not exceed 80 cm, the approximate weight is 1.3 kg.

Sika deer shed their antlers in late April - early May. Almost immediately, new horns begin to grow. Growing, non-keratinized horns are called antlers. The antlers are covered with velvety leather with short soft hairs. If, during the growth of antlers, a deer hits something hard with them or injures them in some other way, then the antlers can grow deformed. For example, this deer has asymmetrical antlers and the lower process of the right horn is missing, which does not prevent him from being the main male in the herd. See how much free space around it? Females and young deer around prefer to give way to him for feeding.

If, after this deer sheds its crooked antlers in the spring and begins to grow new ones, it does not damage them anywhere again, then they will grow even and beautiful. As, for example, in other representatives of this herd.

By spring, the processes of the horns wear out (the photo shows the white ends of the processes). During the rut (October), males fight for females. Sika deer rarely hurt each other in combat. But it may happen that two males, having grappled with horns, cannot disengage. If they fail to do so, the deer may die.

The female bears one, less often two or two, cubs for 7.5 months. Fawns are born in June-July.

During the first year of life, deer grow small straight horns without processes - a slit. They can be seen on the head of the left deer.

During the rut, the male keeps a herd of 10-20 females. Later, the herd breaks up, and the males unite in small male groups. In winter, due to the lack of food, the spotted deer of the "Elk Island" unite in large groups, which can be observed on the excursion. In the spring they will scatter around the neighborhood.

Of course, we went to the Moose Biological Station to see beautiful elk animals. The elk is a solitary animal, it does not gather in herds, therefore, not many elks can be seen at the same time on the territory of the biological station. Adult moose are placed in large enclosures, and young ones are allowed to roam freely around the territory.

This calf is not yet a year old. Two large tubercles are visible above his eyes - horns will subsequently grow from them.

Elk(lat. Alces alces) - artiodactyl mammal, the largest species of the deer family. The height of the male at the withers is up to 2.3 m, body length is up to 3 m, weight is 360 - 650 kg. The females are smaller. On the territory of Eurasia, the largest subspecies is the Far East. Spatulate horns of males are huge - up to 180 cm in span (from the very left edge to the very right), weighing 20-30 kg. Males shed their antlers every year in November-December, new antlers begin to grow in April-May. The females are hornless. Moose feed on trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation, as well as mosses, lichens and mushrooms; in winter, they switch to feeding on branches and bark. Moose run fast (up to 56 km / h) and swim well, looking for aquatic plants, they can keep their heads under water for more than a minute.

Elk Mashka is a frequent guest at the biological station. She has a radio transmitter around her neck, which helps to learn about all the movements of the moose cow. Many of the reserve's moose wear similar collars. For the animal, they do not cause any inconvenience, and scientists help to better study the life of beautiful forest giants.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are two elk farms, where extremely healthy elk milk is obtained. There were seven such farms on the territory of the USSR, they tried to use moose not only as a dairy animal, but also as a riding animal. Due to the difficulties in breeding animals, these projects were recognized as economically inefficient.

And Masha's daughter.

Also on the territory of the biostation, one roe deer lives in an enclosure, it was brought to Losiny Ostrov as a cub, they went out, raised it, but it cannot be released into the wild - stray dogs can bite it. In general, dogs are a big problem for the national park. Dogs kill up to 20 spotted deer every year. And not for food, but for hunting. They are afraid of moose, because an elk can easily kill a dog with a blow of a hoof. But the tiny roe deer will not stand a chance.

The tour was great and I really enjoyed it. I not only learned a lot of new and interesting things about the horned inhabitants of the forest, but also was able to communicate with them. And petting a beautiful moose cow and feeding her from your hand is an incomparable pleasure.

I would highly recommend everyone to go on an excursion to the Moose Biological Station, and you and your children will surely enjoy it very much!

Moose biological station
tel: 8-965-230-60-31
Yutkin Ivan Alexandrovich

Visiting times: 11:00 and 13:00
(Due to the peculiarity of keeping animals at the biostation: feeding time, rest time)
Tour duration: 45 min


from m. VDNH : any regular bus going to the area. Go to the 1st stop after MKAD (~1 km from MKAD - before turning to Druzhba village). Then walk about 40 minutes along the main road through the village (~ 3-4 km) until the road ends in the forest. Then turn left (visible checkpoint with a barrier). Further all the time straight ahead (keep to the left at the fork) - we get straight to the gates of the biostation.
from the railway station "Los" : bus number 547 (rarely runs - you need to know the schedule), or
from the railway station "Perlovskaya" ": bus or minibus number 3 to the final stop (near the forest), then - the checkpoint and go straight all the time (at the fork to the left).
by car - you can drive directly to the territory of the biological station, the way is the same as from metro station VDNKh.

Excursion cost: 220 rubles - adult, children ~ 100 rubles, parking on the territory (after the barrier) - 200 rubles.


In Russian. 8th grade.


1. Title the text.

2. Define text style.

3. What type of speech is this text.


The moose herd, frightened by someone, instantly crossed and hid in the bush. For about a minute, the skiers vigilantly examined the coast, wondering where the giants had disappeared. And suddenly the herd, which no one expected, jumped out to the river, rushed along the shore, but at the river bend, seeing someone ahead, mixed up and, turning, rushed onto the ice. The huge leader, arching his hook-nosed muzzle and throwing his branched horns over his back, led the herd at full speed to the left of a small, slightly smoking black wormwood, keeping his way into the ravine on this side. Another elk, two moose cows and several elk calves, lagging behind, rushed in all directions away from his trail. In the middle of the river, where the snow lightly covered the ice, the leader elk glided from all the running start, spreading his front legs wide and crouching on his hind legs. He flew about ten meters in this way and, seeing a hole very close by, thrashed with all his might, trying to stop, and crashed on his side. The herd rushed past and, jumping out onto the shore, disappeared into the thicket. The leader shook his head violently several times, scratching the snow with his horn, then by some miracle, having worked all his muscles, he jumped to his feet at once, but slipped and hit the twenty-pound carcass on the ice with a swing. The skiers gasped when they saw how his horned head swept over the water among the ice.

(192 words).

(According to the novel by M. Bubennov. "Eagle Steppe").


1. Place the stress on the following words:

consolidation, understood, agreement, language (barrier), accepted, security, leisure, clean, hardening, ticklish .

2. Replace borrowed words with Russian synonyms

Actual, intermission, situation, slogan, mission, finale, epilogue, imitation, prologue, selfishness.

3. Will the composition of the offer change?Deaf, dense forest . By changing word order? Explain your answer.

4. Do you think it is possible to consider such double terms as phrases as:cabbage butterfly, boletus mushroom, etc. . Justify your answer.

5. In which of the sentences the word "ran" is used as a metaphor.

1) The girl ran across the bridge, carrying her little sister on her shoulders.

2) Daria's whole life passed unnoticed by her.

3) A fresh stream of air ran across my face.

6. What parts of speech are the words:

Five, five, fifth, five, heel, five, fifth.

7. Replace phrases with phraseological units, where one of the components would be the word WATER:

Having a dull look, inseparable friends, doing useless work, hiding traces of an unfavorable deed, disappearing without a trace, disappearing, you can’t get through, expose, convict someone .

8. Form the genitive plural of the following nouns:

Gram, case, tangerine, place, socks, tomato, rails, stockings, apples, bottom.

9. Which of the following words are etymologically related:

Uterine, morning, loss, internal, breakfast.

10. Which grandfather is "mine"? Why?

1) Grandfather, in a shaggy hat, in hemmed felt boots, is sitting on a mound.

2) Grandfather in a shaggy hat andin lined bootssits on the hillside


Composition “The beginning of everything is the word”


Dictation -Dictation score - 10 points. Subtract 1 point for a spelling error, 0.5 point for a punctuation error. For each task for the dictation, 0.5. Total - 1.5bTotal: = 11.5 points .

Answers to tasks of round 2 .

1 . strengthen e nie (set), exercise about chenie, understood, dogs about p, languages about th barrier, pr And nyal, provide e h e nie, dos at d, d about clean, up about cheek abouttno. (by 0.2 points =2 b)

2. Actual-important, intermission-break, situation-situation (or set of circumstances), slogan-call, mission-representation, task, finale-completion, end, epilogue-final part, imitation-imitation, fake,prologue-introductory part, selfishness-selfishness. (by 0.2 points = 2b)

3. Will change. SentenceDeaf, dense forest does not require a predicate, is denominative. When changed, the predicate will appear.= 2b

4. These are phrases, because in thema question can be asked from the generic concept, the dependent word changes along with the main one in numbers and cases and coincides with them in gender. The type of connection in these phrases is agreement.2 points

5. 2) and 3) 1 point each = 2b.

6. count numeral, collect. numeral, por. numeral,noun, noun, adverb, adverb. - 0.2 points each =1.4b

7 . (as if lowered into water, you can’t spill it with water,crush water in a mortar, hide the ends in the water,how to sink into the water, like water off a duck's back, bring it to clean water)0.2 points each = 1.4b

8. grams , cases, tangerines, places, socks, tomatoes, rails, stockings, apples, bottoms. - 0.2 points each =2b

9. uterine - internal, from the word inside, inside

Morning - breakfast from the word tomorrow

The loss is not related to any couple. - 1 point = 2b

10. In a sentence with a separate definition, a famous person is indicated. It is in 1 sentence that "his" grandfather. -2 points

Total 16.8 points

Criteria for creative work.

1. Depth and independence of understanding of the problem. 1b

2. Consistency and logic of presentation. 1b.

3. Correct literary language, stylistic correspondence of the content. 2b.

4. Ability to draw conclusions and generalizations. 1b

5. Following the rules of speech:

Spelling - 1b

Grammar - 1b

Punctuation - 1b

Total - 8b

The maximum amount is 36.3 b

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