Better to mow the lawn. From the first lawn mowing to the last - how often and how to mow the lawn correctly. Is it possible to mow tall grass with an AL KO lawnmower?

Many people ask the question, what is better to mow the lawn: with a lawn mower or a trimmer (electric mower)?

From my 4 years of experience, I can say that for large areas you definitely need a lawn mower. It cuts quickly, smoothly and is easy to control.

Here is an example of a small lawn where we mow it with a lawn mower.

But the lawn mower has a drawback: it is not convenient when we mow along fences, paths, around trees and other hard-to-reach places. This is where the trimmer comes first. It will fit anywhere, but mowing large areas with a trimmer is inconvenient and tiring, and besides, it requires skill to do it smoothly.

Therefore, choosing a lawn mower or trimmer should be done like this:

  • If you have a small area, then only trimmer.
  • If you have a large area of ​​lawn without complex elements - for example, a sports ground, then only lawnmower.
  • If you have a large area with complex elements, then it is better lawn mower and trimmer. Well, or just a trimmer, if money is really tight.

My lawn is quite large in area (about 6-7 acres), there are many trees on the lawn. In addition, a bunch of tracks, etc. That's why I use both a lawn mower and a trimmer.

1. The main advantage of a gas-powered tool is that it is mobile and does not depend on an outlet. Those. if there is no electricity or there are problems with it (generators, outages, etc.), then the choice is definitely in the direction gasoline lawn mower and petrol trimmer (gasoline trimmer).
2. If there are no problems with electricity on the site. This is where options appear. A power tool is cheaper - that's one thing, a power tool is easier to maintain - that's two things (you don't need to fill it with gasoline, oil, clean the carburetor, air filter, have difficulty starting the engine, change spark plugs) - plug it into the socket and press the button. The power tool is much quieter - that's three. The power of electric tools is now no worse than gasoline ones (do not take the cheapest small trimmers for 800 rubles!!!).
Those. Electric has practically the same advantages. But there is also a minus - this is the CABLE! So, there is no particular problem with the trimmer - you throw out a 50-meter cable reel and walk along the section from the reel to the edges, i.e. you drag the cable behind you. Sometimes you have to bend down and reposition the cable, but overall it’s not a problem. But an electric lawn mower cannot boast of this. Carrying a lawnmower and a cable around alone is a bit of a hassle. Inconvenient, in general. Ideally, one controls the lawn mower, and the other carries the cable behind it. In general, this is not exactly ice, but it’s not for everyone. I did this: trimmer - electric, lawn mower - petrol.

When buying power tools, many people buy the cheapest ones that look almost the same as gas powered tools. Pay close attention to the power!

If you are comparing an electric trimmer with a gas trimmer, i.e. translate horsepower gasoline engine to electric kilowatts, they should be close in power.
For example, an electric trimmer with less than 1 watt of power does not cope well with thick grass on a fishing line (without a steel disc). You can buy a 600-watt electric trimmer, but just don't run your lawn, otherwise the trimmer will get bogged down in overgrown grass.

About fishing line and trimmer discs

Everything is simple here, the thicker the line, the steeper it is. 🙂 2mm fishing line with difficulty cutting down weeds. 3mm fishing line- this is power! 🙂 Ribbed line cuts better than round line. Short tendrils of fishing line cut worse - during release the line and buy a trimmer with a large working width.
Metal disk- This is generally a beast and a very dangerous thing. It spins at about 10,000 rpm - this is a real cutter. Bushes fall from ringing sound“ding” - the trimmer doesn’t even notice them. So be very careful with the disc. Attach it correctly. Be sure to wear a protective cover and safety shoes. And in general, observe safety precautions - wear glasses or a net mask (a lot of things fly into your eyes - sand, grass, stones), wear clothes that you don’t mind - they will be covered in greenery, don’t mow closer than 15 meters from other people, especially children (they generally need to be taken far away somewhere).
Even when working with the disk it is present gyroscopic effect What this is can be read somewhere in a separate article.

  • Do not refuel with gasoline or oil on the lawn; it will damage the grass if you spill it.
  • For extension cords, take a PVA cable that is round, thick, flexible and white - it is better visible in the grass.
  • A trimmer with a straight shaft is more reliable than a trimmer with a curved shaft (with a smooth curve at the bottom).
  • A non-separable trimmer is more reliable than a collapsible trimmer.
  • The trimmer should have a convenient reel for winding fishing line (try opening it in the store).
  • Be careful with foreign objects in the grass - it is dangerous for you and for the instrument. (Lawn mower blades become dull and wrinkled. Trimmer heads break.)
  • It is better not to mow with power tools in the rain!
  • A lawn mower is better with a grass collection bag.
  • A trimmer is better with a “steering wheel” - it’s more convenient.
Mowing the lawn with a trimmer

Regular mowing of lawns promotes tillering of the grass, which subsequently leads to the formation of dense turf, resulting in a reduction in the number of weeds that are literally crowded out by young shoots, and also prolongs the growing season and protects plants from exhaustion. Thus, thanks to the mowing procedure, you can solve several lawn care tasks at the same time.

When to start mowing lawn grass

A young lawn can delight with the first emerald shoots that are not yet fully formed, when more than 4 weeks have passed since its planting. If the height of the seedlings reaches 8-10 cm, you should think about the first haircut. The main rule of initial lawn care is not to cut it too short.

The fine-leafed grasses will become depleted and your lawn may develop bald spots that will eventually fill with weeds. You should leave at least 5 cm, then the mowing height depends on the composition of the grass in your lawn.

Lawn grass is mowed in dry weather, but the surface of the ground itself must be moistened in order to prevent young shoots that have not yet matured from being pulled out. Mowing wet grass can clog the lawn mower, and if the soil is too wet, there is a high risk of damaging the grass.

How to mow lawn grass

This question is worth pondering from the moment you decide to arrange a lawn on your property. The quality of the grass cover will depend on the technique chosen. No matter how much you want, you won’t be able to create a perfectly flat surface using a braid. For this purpose it is better to use special equipment.

Lawn shears

This fairly simple device will allow you to cut grass along the edge of the lawn and in hard-to-reach places, as well as trim a small lawn. However, using lawn shears is not effective because it is time consuming and labor intensive.

Garden trimmer

Garden trimmers are equipped with an electric or gasoline engine. The first of them are lightweight, small in size, but require an outlet and long wiring.

Gasoline cars are characterized by mobility, but are heavier in weight. The trimmer is perfect for cutting grass in hard-to-reach places where it cannot be cut with a mower. Can be used for cutting small areas.

Lawn mowers

Today there are many models of lawn mowers, differing not only in price, type of cutting element and engine type, but also in the presence of auxiliary options. Therefore, when choosing a lawn mower, you should take into account engine power, area and shape of the lawn, and a number of others. technical characteristics.

Using a manual mechanical lawn mower will allow you not to depend on the availability of energy resources and to carry out impeccable lawn cutting without harming the environment. Sharp knives ensure highest quality mowing, although it is quite difficult for her to work.

Electric mowers are easy to use, easy to clean, operate quietly, and are relatively safe for natural environment, excellent for medium-sized lawns. Almost the only inconvenience when using this type of mower is the need to connect to the power supply. An excellent solution for small lawns with a flat surface.

Gasoline lawn mowers perfect option for mowing large lawns of any shape, and they are independent of external sources nutrition. However, gasoline mowers are heavier, more difficult to use, and produce a lot of noise.

For larger areas, there are more complex and larger lawn treatment equipment. As a rule, such machines are equipped not only with blades for cutting grass, but also with tools for aeration and scorification. Some include a garden vacuum function to collect leaves, grass clippings and debris. Machines for cultivating large areas of lawn are called garden tractors.

How to mow lawn grass

Before mowing the lawn, make sure your lawn mower is in good working order and that the blades are sharp. Using poorly sharpened blades can damage the grass and young growth can be uprooted. Inspect the surface of the lawn, remove construction garbage, pebbles, tree branches.

If you mow the grass with a trimmer, the direction of movement is not so important. But when using a lawn mower, you should start cutting from the narrow sides of the lawn. Next, cut the grass along the long sides, moving in a straight line and reverse direction. Drive the lawnmower carefully, without sudden movements. Make sure the grass container is full, it is important that it does not become clogged.

How often to mow the lawn

The height and frequency of mowing depends on the type of lawn, season and climate. Parterre lawns are mowed at a level of 4-5 cm for the first 2 years, gradually lowering to 3-4 cm. The optimal height for garden lawns is 4.5-5 cm. Meadow lawns are mowed twice a season, thus allowing them to mature seeds. Mowing frequency is once a week, in wet weather - once every 5 days. During the drought period, the cutting height is increased to 5-6 cm, and the interval between cuttings is up to 7-8 days. Lawn mowing is carried out regularly in accordance with the regrowth of grass.

How to use lawn clippings

Don’t rush to get rid of the mown grass; it can and should be used. Let's look at how you can use mowed lawn grass. For example, for mulching (to improve access of air and moisture to plant roots), preparing compost or feeding plants on the site.

Feeding a lawn with grass clippings is quite simple; just leave it on the lawn (not suitable for all types of lawn) and when it decomposes, it will release into the soil nutrients. Also, many gardeners harvest compost pits and moisturize them. When the grass rots, it is mixed with manure, dissolved in water and used to feed plants.

When is the last time to mow the lawn before cold weather?

The last mowing of the lawn is carried out in mid-autumn. Depending on the temperature regime this could be September or October, as long as the air temperature does not drop below 10-12 degrees Celsius.


Mowing the lawn takes time and attention, but with the right approach, it will create a perfectly even grass carpet on the site. Follow the recommendations of professionals, and your green lawn will delight you for many years.

Arranging green lawns at dachas and country estates is becoming a popular activity. At first glance, it seems that everything in this matter is simple: you have allocated a place for a green lawn, sowed the area with grass seeds and wait for the field to turn into a green lawn. And only later does the understanding of the need come proper care, and it, first of all, lies in the skillful operation of the lawn mower. It turns out that mowing the lawn is not just for beauty.

Typically, lawns are seeded with grasses from the grass family, and mowing prevents them from flowering and fruiting. This simple technique prolongs the growing season of plants, promotes good rooting, growth of lateral green shoots and tillering. Regular haircuts help turf compaction, and densely growing “cultivated” grass prevents the growth and spread of weeds. Throughout the entire warm period, as a result of timely mowing, the green color lawn

There is no certainty regarding the frequency of mowing the lawn. This parameter depends on several objective factors:

  • type of sown vegetation;
  • type of soil and fertilizing;
  • weather;
  • seasonal characteristics of plant growth;
  • purpose of the lawn.

The first lawn mowing activities begin in the spring, after the grass on the planned sown lawn has risen to a height of 12–14 cm. It is recommended to mow an overwintered lawn when the greenery reaches 7-10 cm. Depending on intended purpose green covering, the grass is mowed to a level of 4-7 cm. Subsequent mowing is recommended every time the grass has risen to a height of 2-3 cm above the desired level.

Adjusting the cutting height on a lawn mower

The design of the lawn mower involves adjusting the cutting height of the grass. Range may vary between models. Equipment manufacturers indicate the minimum and maximum values ​​of this parameter in the accompanying documentation. Inexpensive models most often have 3 interchangeable height positions; more expensive and advanced models may have 5-7 adjuster positions.

To care for lumpy lawns, you usually choose a model with a wider range of height adjustment.

May vary between models technical solution selecting the cutting height. There are two types of regulation: manual and mechanical. The first involves stopping the engine and manually changing the position of the regulator. Mechanical method allows you to change the cutting height by pressing a button on the control lever, without interrupting the process.

Basic rules for mowing the lawn

Owners of neglected lawns are interested in whether it is correct mow tall grass lawnmower. Judging by the reviews, a high-quality gasoline wheeled unit with a spacious hopper for collecting cut greenery can cope with this task in several passes. But the work is unpleasant: loud noise and harmful emissions.

Using a trimmer to mow a neglected lawn is much faster, but after completing this work you need to collect the mowed greens with a rake.

Hence the conclusion: owners of lawn mowers should not allow the grass to grow high.

The question is also often raised whether it is possible mow wet grass gasoline lawn mower. The rules say: it is not recommended to use a lawn mower in the rain or after watering, since such mowing is not of high quality, and there is a risk of getting unsightly stripes on the soggy soil

In addition, there are other rules that must be followed when mowing the lawn.

Mulching function in a lawn mower

In the care of beds and lawns they use various ways improving soil fertility. Mulching is a necessary measure for improving the health of lawns, as well as preventing soil erosion. Mown grass has proven itself well as mulch. It is recommended to periodically mow the grass and prepare compost from it, which is used as organic fertilizer lawn

There are wheeled units on sale that already have a built-in mulching function. With this additional feature, during mowing, the lawn mower mulches grass and uncollected fallen leaves: the process consists of chopping and carefully discarding organic matter onto the mowed part of the lawn. The advantage of such models is obvious: the lawn is cleared of plant debris, which, in a processed form, returns to the soil surface and enriches it. But the cost of a lawn mower with additional features will be higher than a regular model.

Problems when operating lawn mowers

Like any gardening equipment used, wheeled lawn mowing equipment requires compliance with the rules of safe use. Motorized equipment may only be operated in in good condition– this is an unshakable requirement. And before turning on an electric or gasoline unit, you must ensure its integrity. When carrying out work, it is necessary to comply general rules safety and manufacturer's instructions.

There are five main problems when using a lawn mower:

  • hitting an obstacle;
  • leaking oil;
  • knives are clogged with grass;
  • the unit rake the earth along with the grass;
  • uneven cut.

All problems can be solved to one degree or another. In the first two situations, you will most likely have to seek help from specialists. And for prevention similar problems It is recommended to check the area before mowing for the presence of stones and other objects in the lawn grass, and also not to store the device upside down.

young soft and juicy grass can clog the hole for its ejection, and then unstable, ragged operation of the motor is observed. In this case, you need to periodically stop work to clear the hole from adhering grass segments using a thin, sharp instrument.

When the mower powerfully rakes not only grass stems, but also clods of earth, it will help to correct the situation adjustment of cutting height so that the knife does not reach the soil. If a unit with a normally working motor cuts the grass in uneven strips and shreds, then the problem is with the knife: it is either dull or not installed quite correctly.

Specify correct location cutting tool Consulting the manufacturer's instructions will help. It is better to entrust knife sharpening to a specialist.

When operating the lawnmower, remember to use individual protection means. Check your work equipment regularly to identify defects in time and solve the problem before a serious breakdown occurs.

Every landowner asks himself this question as soon as fragile sprouts of lawn grass appear on the lawn. But, alas, there is not enough time to figure out what type of equipment, what company is better to buy: when good care the grass will reach 8 cm in height quickly.

Lawn care is simple, but constant. It is especially important to take good care of your lawn in the first year. And mowing is one of the most important grass care techniques. The first mowing is done as soon as the grass reaches 8-10 cm, it is cut to a height of 5-6 cm. Later in the summer, the lawn is mowed 1-2 times a week, maintaining the grass stand at a height of 5 cm. However, 2-3 times per summer season It is important to give the grass a rest, allowing it to grow to a height of 12-15 cm. This technique promotes root growth.

For good grass growth and the formation of a dense and even cover, it is important to choose the right technical means. Grandfather's old braid is unlikely to work here. But an electric trimmer or lawn mower is also not the best choice.

The ideal option for mowing lawn grass is a lawn mower. The domestic market today offers gasoline, electric and mechanical lawn mowers. It is more difficult to purchase a rechargeable one. Mini tractors with attachments and riders are designed for large areas.

Mechanical mowers

Mechanical mowers cut young grass as carefully as possible. They are equipped with a cylindrical mechanism that operates on the principle of cutting with scissors. Such mowers are easy to operate and maintain, do not create noise and do not require gasoline or electricity costs, which is especially important for supporters of environmentally friendly farming. It is with the help of such a mower that you can create the perfect ground lawn.

In most cases, lawn care using a mechanical mower requires mandatory collection of the cut material. Dear models Such mowers are equipped with a removable grass catcher, which greatly facilitates the work. Despite their obvious advantages, mechanical mowers are not so popular among landowners. The fact is that this method of lawn care requires regular mowing, because overgrown grasses and hardened weeds are too much for it. She doesn’t walk on damp grass either. Therefore, such a mower is used mainly in small areas.

Electric mowers

This type of mower is most attractive to owners of lawns with an area of ​​no more than 6 acres. For large areas, it is more convenient to use a battery-powered version of an electric lawn mower, or install stationary garden electrical outlets on the site.

The larger the mowing area, the more powerful the mower should be. In general, when choosing a mower, it is important to correctly determine which model is most suitable for you, because they differ not only in different power, but also in different width and cutting height, weight, speed and type of body, and grass catcher volume. For lawns with an area of ​​more than 5 acres, it is wiser to buy a mower with a working width of at least 50 cm. Electric mowers are self-propelled and non-self-propelled. The latter consume less energy, but require more physical effort.

Buying a lawn mower is a responsible matter, because for the quality of the lawn and easier care for it, it is important to take into account all the details. For example, if there are groups of bushes or trees or flower beds planted on the lawn, then it is better to buy a three-wheeled mower, because this design greatly facilitates work on turns.

Mowers also differ in the type of blades. It is advisable to mow a beautiful ground lawn using a mechanism with cylindrical blades. They are gentle on the grass and leave beautiful stripes when mowing.

Gasoline mechanisms

For large areas it is more convenient to use a gasoline lawn mower. This group includes mowers that can cut grass on slopes and also cope with overgrown grass. It is this type of mower that is best suited for mowing Moorish or meadow lawns. The parameters by which a gas mower is selected are the same as for electric mowers. The obvious disadvantages of such mowers include the “noisy” nature of operation, harmful emissions and more frequent maintenance.

In addition to gas mowers, it is convenient to maintain large areas with the help of charming and very skillful machines - mini-tractors and riders. They are so good in appearance, so powerful and maneuverable that it is difficult to resist buying such a “horse”. Both types are intended for high-quality mowing of lawns with an area of ​​more than 10 acres. What is very convenient is the presence of spacious grass collectors. Riders are more maneuverable than mini-tractors, and they also have a universal character: they not only perfectly mow grass and scatter fertilizers, but also remove leaves, debris, moss, and in winter, snow, and allow you to mechanize the application of fertilizers to the lawn.

In order to make a choice, you need to know not only how much you are willing to spend on new technology, but also the size and topography of your lawn, the height of the grass, as well as what plantings are located on the site.

Electricity or gasoline?

Electric mowers and trimmers have several advantages over gasoline ones:

  • no need to bother with transporting gasoline and pouring it into the device,
  • more comfortable for transportation - there will be no smell in the car interior,
  • they most often have less weight, and this is more convenient for their use by women, the elderly and teenagers,
  • not as noisy in operation compared to gasoline rattlers,
  • routine maintenance and repair of electrical appliances is easier and cheaper than gasoline ones,
  • in case of accidental hit of a stone electrical device stalls, the stone can be removed and work can continue, and the powerful gasoline unit will thresh further, thereby breaking the cutting mechanism,
  • more environmentally friendly compared to gasoline,
  • the most important thing is that starting them is easier, you just need to press a button, and not energetically and diligently pull the starter handle.

Electric mowers also have disadvantages:

  • the dacha must have electricity,
  • the mowing area is limited by the length of the available power cord, so for very large areas only a gas mower is suitable,
  • a long electrical cable gets tangled under your feet,
  • you must constantly ensure that the cable does not fall under the knife, so it is better that the cable is bright in color,
  • electric mowers are less powerful than gasoline mowers, up to 2 kW,
  • You cannot work in the rain or immediately after the rain, otherwise you may get an electric shock; you can mow only in rubber shoes.

Which area is the trimmer suitable for? How to choose?

The trimmer is suitable for areas with a significant slope, poorly leveled lawn surface - mole hills and tufts of unevenly grown grass, as well as for lawns with big amount chaotically located bushes. It is also ideal for cutting grass on narrow paths between garden beds.

Cons of trimmers:

  • the need to collect grass after mowing,
  • the user must be physically strong,
  • an inexperienced operator will cut unevenly and unevenly,
  • the fishing line often breaks, it is only suitable for soft grass; for an overgrown area you need a trimmer with knives.

If you have a limited purchasing budget, you can buy an electric scythe for one and a half thousand rubles, but a low-power one - only 350 W, and the cutting width of such a trimmer will not please you either - only 25 cm. Although such a unit will cope with trimming the grass around flowers and along the fence. For a lawn with an area of ​​more than one hundred square meters, a more powerful device is still needed. The power and type of trimmer cutting element are the most important selection parameters. If the lawn is well-groomed and there are no weeds with thick stems on it, then you can take a trimmer with a fishing line. However, if your task is to maintain an area with weeds in order, then a trimmer with a power of at least 1 kW and disc blades, which will also serve as a brush cutter, is suitable. He can even cope with thickets of old raspberries.
The location of the engine also matters. Gasoline trimmers have an engine only at the top, while electric trimmers can have either a bottom or top location. With the top position, you can mow wet grass, but then you need a more powerful engine to eliminate performance losses on the transmission shaft. Thus, the weight of the trimmer increases to 5 - 10 kg, making it more difficult to work with, but they overheat less. Trimmers with a lower engine are the lightest, from 1.7 kg to 4 kg.

Rice. 1. Engine at the bottom: trimmer weight 1.7-1.8 kg, cutting width 23-26 cm.

The weight of the electric scythe is also affected by the shape of the bar. A straight rod is, of course, convenient, but the device becomes heavier due to design features- inside the rod there is a steel shaft-rod, which reduces vibration and increases productivity.

Rice. 2. Straight collapsible electric trimmer rod, includes a knife and fishing line, 1 kW, weight 6 kg.

There is a metal cable inside the bent rods; such trimmers are not designed for long-term load, especially if they are electric. However, you can find fairly light units with a curved rod and a gasoline engine, these can work longer.

Rice. 3. Petrol mower with a bent collapsible rod, no knife, only fishing line, but the weight is only 5 kg.

If your height is non-standard, it is better to take a trimmer with a telescopic rod, then you can adjust its length to suit you.
The trimmer handle can be D-shaped, J-shaped or U-shaped, similar to a bicycle handle. The latter type is suitable for processing abandoned areas with tall grass.

Rice. 4. U-shaped (bicycle) handle, power 1 kW, AI-92 gasoline, cutting width with fishing line 43 cm, with knife - 25.5 cm.

For merciless destruction of difficult thickets and even bushes, the J-shaped handle will be convenient because it provides additional support.

Rice. 5. J-handle, 1.3KW power, knife and line.

If you have a lot of bushes and flowers growing on your lawn, then a D-shaped handle will work. Trimmers with such a handle are more maneuverable and suitable for processing hard-to-reach places, although they have less power.

Rice. 6. D-handle, 0.8 kW, line 36.4 cm.

There are also cordless trimmers that are ideal for trimming the grass around flowers and bushes after the main mowing with a lawn mower.

How to choose a lawn mower

For large lawns from 2 acres with a leveled surface and without a slope, wheeled mowing devices are best suited. If you are a farmer or the owner of a huge plot, then you can splurge on a raider that looks like a multifunctional mini-tractor.

The busiest or, conversely, the laziest summer residents can buy a robotic mower with automatic self-charging and a built-in anti-theft alarm.

Rice. 7. This smart assistant has a navigation system for mapping the area, obstacle recognition sensors, and programming capabilities. All this pleasure will cost about 85 thousand rubles.

There are mechanical lawn mowers that require neither gasoline nor electricity, and silently operate only on the muscular strength of a person pushing the device forward and thereby putting the blades into action. But this is only for regular mowing of a very well-kept small lawn with short, soft grass. Their prices are comparable to prices for electric lawn mowers, are found on sale without a grass collection box, and with the possibility of installing one. The blades of such a mower must always be perfectly sharpened, otherwise the grass will be crushed and not mowed.

Rice. 8. Mowing width - about 30 cm.

Cordless lawn mowers have appeared relatively recently and are suitable exclusively for cutting dry grass. Wet grass will require very frequent battery charging.

Rice. 9. One charge will last from 1.5 to 5 hours, the price varies from 12 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the battery capacity.

However, the most common lawn mowers are electric and gasoline. The pros and cons of these two types have already been written at the very beginning; all that remains is to understand what basic parameters should be used to choose them.
The most important indicators are the cutting width and engine power, which directly depends on it. Moreover, the motor winding of an electric mower should be copper, not aluminum, and the power - the more, the better, from 1 kW and above. For gasoline lawn mowers, an engine power of 6-7 hp will be sufficient.

Fig. 10. For a plot of 12 acres with a mowing area of ​​approximately 5-6 acres, a 1.2 kW electric mower is enough for us; it works all day.

Rice. 11. There are many obstacles to avoid, but they are located linearly and not chaotically.

A gasoline lawn mower can be chosen with either front-wheel drive or rear-wheel drive. The first type can turn around without turning off the engine on the spot, but the second type requires turning off the wheel drive to make a turn, but they do not slip, and they do not need to be pushed when the grass catcher is full or heavy due to wet grass. The engine is usually four-stroke; they are easier to operate, although slightly less powerful than two-stroke ones.

Rice. 12. A gasoline lawn mower with a 2.6 kW four-stroke engine can easily mow 8 acres!

The grass box comes in soft fabric and hard plastic. We used both options, I didn’t notice much of a difference, except that with a fabric box it’s easier to control the mower on uneven surfaces, it doesn’t jump off the base. A plastic box is easier to empty, but this is not a very significant advantage. It is illogical to take a mower without a box; collecting grass is very tedious. Choose a medium box size. The small one has to run more often to empty it into the compost, but the large one, when almost completely filled, weighs significantly, making it difficult to push the mower.
The grass cutting height is adjustable on almost all modern lawn mowers, but when purchasing, still pay attention to this, because it is very convenient. If you are leaving your dacha for a long time, it is better to cut the grass shorter.
The wheels must be wide and stable. It is better if they are not attached to the body with screws, which can easily slip off if you work too hard and get lost in the grass. Most the best option- front swivel wheels, making it easier to turn around.
The body must be made of hard, high-quality plastic. Our first mower was German made, no small stones were scary for her. Our second mower, made in China, received minor damage already in the second week of operation.
The function of mulching and spreading finished mulch seemed unnecessary to me. If the grass is even a little wet, it will clump together and the lawn will
When visiting a store, it is advisable to “try on” the handle: it is necessary that it be ergonomically shaped just for you. It’s good if the handle can be folded, it’s convenient for storage and transportation.

Rice. 13. A mowing width of about 32-35 cm is quite enough for a small lawn of up to 5 acres.

A knife is installed on the motor shaft; it must be wide, sharp and steel, not aluminum. It should be sharpened periodically, so it must be securely fastened, and the fastening should in no case fall off. Look in the store at how the knife is attached, and at the same time look at the height of the body inside which it moves, because the knife also creates an air flow that lifts the grass and drives it into the grass catcher. The higher the body, the more powerful the flow will be.

Prices for electric lawn mowers start from 2.5 thousand rubles and end somewhere around 16-17 thousand; service life is limited only by careful operation and reaches 10-12 years. Gasoline ones are more expensive, from 6 to 70 thousand; although they are more powerful, they require knowledge in maintenance. If you know how to change spark plugs, oil and know how to fill gasoline correctly, then the service life of a gasoline lawn mower will be the same as that of an electric lawn mower, or even longer.

With a grass mowing device, even the most neglected country cottage area can be brought into a civilized form. Wishing you a soft and beautiful lawn!

photos from manufacturers' websites

Now it’s quite possible to catch the promotion profitable proposition for gasoline mowers and at a modest price of 4-5 thousand. Just last year, my relatives' neighbors bought a cheap Chinese lawnmower from Leroy, they just happened to keep watch. It has been working for a year without any complaints.

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