Swearing poems about Sasha the boy. Funny poems about Alexander, poems about Sasha

Almost every child has a friend named Sasha. After all, this is the most common name among us. Therefore, children's funny poems about the boy Sasha are always relevant. The main thing is that they are not offensive and should be told with the sole purpose of making fun of Sasha a little, but in no case to tease him. Because there are a lot and the names of many guys are there. And if Sasha doesn’t like the verse, he can make fun of you.

Sasha is sleeping and not blowing his head,
Mom works her magic over the cooking
And the smell creeps towards the people
On warm cinnamon paws.
People are outraged:
Sasha sleeps like a Hippopotamus
And he doesn't know what's in the kitchen
The bear has been alive since evening!
He has a big belly
All the cooking will go into it,
We won't get any crumpets!
Who will restore order?
What are you saying, no! said Boa constrictor,
The bear hid behind the closet
The bear is sick, he is at lunchtime
I ate a lot of candy!

Red-haired boy Sasha
From the neighboring yard
Red-haired boy Sasha
Said it was time for me
Stop eating porridge.
And he also said,
That children grow up
Turn into a big guy
After these and these.
He said it was funny
I look like I'm wearing a coat.
Everything, toys, is decided:
I won't go to the boy!
Let him call me for a walk
Long red-haired Sasha.
Will know how to force
Stop eating porridge!

One Sunday morning
Sasha wanted jam.
He put the jar on the table,
Seated people around:
Help yourself early,
Hare, Elephant and Hippopotamus!
I tried it myself first
Nothing, but it's of little use
Why wave a teaspoon?
It's better to take grandpa's!
Work is in full swing here,
Everyone wants to try hunting.
Don't be nervous, people.
Open your mouth wider!
A spoon of plastic Masha,
Spoon into buckwheat porridge
A spoon for Sasha, a spoon for Mishka,
A spoon of grandpa's book,
He will be surprised -
Spy loves sweets!
The day has passed and the night has come,
The leaves rustle outside the window.
Sasha is sleeping under the blanket,
The jam dreams are sleeping.
Only in the bathroom, no doubt
Life is in full swing,
There's sticky jam
People are being washed away.

Sasha guy, just what you need...
This guy is just awesome...
A reward awaits Alexander...
There is a countless treasure hidden in it...

He will study all the problems...
He'll figure out why...
It will teach intelligence and reason...
And without any clever schemes...

Impeccable Winner...
Conqueror of lands, seas...
Cyberneticist and thinker...
Light, hope for people...

You can't go wrong with love...
That guy is the key to success...
With him you will plunge into happiness...
He's the best guy...

Are you looking for Alexandrov...
And girls quickly...
Don't sleep through your happiness...
And then suddenly there won’t be enough for everyone

The rain is pattering on the roof,
Sasha writes letters.
They jumped onto the bed,
They began to help Sasha
Probably five people
Or ten, if together
With those who sleep in a chair!
And the tailless Crocodile
Rolled up in a Mercedes:
What kind of letter is this?
Pink cranberry?
What kind of birds are these?
Right on the page?
Eh, you weak link,
There's an O under the cranberry!
And these are not birds, lines,
Do you see Sasha putting an end to it?

Sasha had few flaws!
Just socks! Sensitive subject!
He threw his socks everywhere,
The problem didn't bother him.

Socks on the chair and on the sofa,
The socks fit into the landscape of the apartment -
Then they lay lonely in the bath,
They appeared in the refrigerator!

The guy got married! Clean Masha
At first I endured it as an altruist,
After all, she loved Sasha very deeply
And she made sacrifices! Like a Decembrist!

But when socks got into the soup...
Even Masha felt the burden,
Lumps with a spark got her!
I decided to leave! Well, at least for a while!

The cold has receded
Dispelling the shadow
The sun is clumsy
Rolled out on the day.
Sasha early in the morning
Jumped out the door:
Get into the sled
My furry Beast!
But Mishka doesn’t want to
Getting into the sled:
I'm a Home Predator
I want to sleep!

Sasha, very small,
fit into big felt boots.
He took one step and took two steps,
as if he dived down from stilts.

One two three four five,
Bunny went out for a walk,
Stand on your head
And jump on the grass.
One, two, three, four, six,
It was Sasha who went out into the forest
Look for berries and mushrooms,
Scaring the poor Bunnies.
On the path where the stumps are,
Suddenly they met
The bunny started running
You can’t catch up with Sasha either.

Sanya doesn’t sit in the sleigh -
He took the cheesecake from Tanya!
I slid down the hill on a cheesecake,
I waved my hand to my girlfriend,
Caught on a twig
Fell on his side!

Boy Sasha is very happy
They will take him to kindergarten:
His girlfriend is waiting in the garden -
Blue-eyed Valyushka.

Couldn't move the chair -
“Sasha ate little porridge...”
I wanted to take the clock apart -
“Sasha ate little porridge...”
Puffed over the designer -
“Sasha ate little porridge...”
Got a cold, got sick -
"Sasha didn't eat much porridge..."
– Give Sasha a lot of porridge!
I want to be real:
Strong, dexterous and not frail,
To have a lot of strength,
So that no one dares to say:
“Sasha ate little porridge...”

Little Sasha looked at the moon,
I can’t figure out what kind of cheese it is.
What is he doing in heaven there?
Maybe he was tied up - and mom?
The plane probably tied him down
Or maybe it was a helicopter?
“What are you Sashunya,” my mother answered.
There's not cheese in the sky, but a big moon
- What is this mom? - this is a planet
And she is a satellite of our earth.
Thank you mommy for explaining everything,
Now I'm calm let's go to bed now
After all, I have to get up early for kindergarten tomorrow.

Sasha has a home pond
His name is aquarium
And there are many secrets
In this glass pond.
It has a green garden under water,
Gray moss hangs from the stones,
There are driftwood at the bottom
Where catfish and crayfish sleep.
There is a glass grotto in the garden,
There the fish dance in a circle,
And crawl on the tiles
Horned snails.
A big fish swam up
Stopped by the glass
Stands, breathes through his cheeks,
And moves its fins,
And he says something to Sasha,
But he doesn't hear her.

There's a breeze on the bay,
And there are no roads visible here,
Sasha and I go into the forest,
There are many miracles here for us.
Sasha approached the pine tree,
He saw her in a dream.
He greeted her -
Snow fell from the branches.
The pine tree and I became friends,
They twirled with her in a waltz.
And the hare circles through the forest,
The forest lives in winter - it doesn’t bother.

Sasha is sick. He caught a cold.
Fever for two days.
The Tailless Crocodile is sad,
The boa constrictor wanders gloomily.
People gathered under the table
Talk about this and that
But even the Lively Lioness
It doesn't say anything at all.
Sighing, the people stopped
Empty talk
And patiently waits for Sasha,
Without quarreling with each other.
The boa constrictor climbed onto the bed,
Lie down on the pillow
To cool Sasha at night
Hot top.

Sasha became capricious.
Sasha doesn’t want to eat porridge.
Sasha, don't joke with porridge!
How will you grow?
After all, from the porridge, dear boy,
You will gain a lot of power.

This boy in an orange jacket
Thin and beautiful, like a stem.
I blocked it from the wind,
Protected from the autumn rain.
This boy nods smartly at me,
The funniest thing I remember
Lisps cutely about business, -
How in huge house lived together
Forbidden sweets were shared
They raced at a gallop, chomping at the bit.
The boy grew up, reached for the light,
After winter came summer,
The boy became a diligent student.
He walks around the school bravely,
It's a pity that calligraphy doesn't matter
(I haven’t comprehended that wisdom myself...

The boy was the size of Danyulka,
Mom washed it in a glass.
And when he got out
I licked the yogurt from the spoon.

Danya grew up quietly,
They began to wash it in a glass.
Being as tall as a loaf
He began to wash himself in the can.

When above the toilet
Danya grew up, time after time
He climbed on the push
And he dived into the drain tank.

He didn't get along with the sink,
I got into it for fun,
But I couldn’t get out,
I got all wet and chilled in it,

He was looking for chances to jump out,
Slipped on earthenware
Flew to hell
Under the stream...

Rain - the child walks - wanders
Through the sad yard.
He is a reveler by nature.
Life in freedom is by gut feeling.

It's just a pity he doesn't play with him
Mischievous child.
Rain - a child calls
Everyone out in the morning

The sound of drops hitting the eaves,
The sound of brisk streams.
But treacherous TV
A network of images and words

Captured and held the children
Like prisoners in houses,
Spoils your eyes with deceitful light
So that the young spirit withers away.

And walks alone
Wet boy summer rain.
Without friends, fate is cruel.
The whole world is without a game...

Boy on the ball
hangs phenomenally in space.
But the fairy tale is turned inside out,
and the anchor thread is severed by fate.
From now on, the billiard cue dictates the path.
Is your movement true now, Baby?
But everything is natural
momentarily born.
However, the world is small, remembered long ago,

The train of life is like a Spitfayet,
rams the clouds with a thought.
They are driven by the wind, like a whip,
but they don’t know where in the transcendental illusion.

Is evidence needed?
are we hanging on a ball? or
the ball is hanging...

gold fish sailed
Crying on the shore a little boy
The fish sparkled in the sun
- What do you want, old man?

I'm not older
The boy said through tears
And I don’t need anything at all
I have everything for joy and happiness
It hurts me from unnecessary reproaches
I don't want to become a herd

Goldfish splashed
- OK
Here, dear, I’m not your advisor.
I can do everything, but not this
I don't know how to make people
Kinder, hello
I only know three sacred words
Don't look down at the sky...

I think it'll all end in February
I just don't have the strength to survive until spring...
The boy will be about seventeen years old,
The boy will have colorful dreams.

Life for him is not squeezed into boundaries,
He is not able to look at her like that:
The moment before death is still life,
The moment after life is already death.

On this journey, everyone has their own ticket,
In that February, of course, there won’t be enough days...
The boy will one day be seventeen years old.
Ten of them will no longer be me.

You don't even need poetry for nothing.
There is pretense in them, prettiness and pretense.
A man's eyes would be tender.
His soul would not become a callous crust.

And he looks away more and more often.
On those who are younger, more naive.
Sometimes he’s joyful for no reason, sometimes he’s angry,
Sometimes sunny, sometimes gloomy, like a ruin.

It's your birthday. There is a celebration in the house.
But the mirror will not lift your mood.
And the wine is so tart.
Are children really copies of him...

Composing poetry is not my destiny,
But I can’t understand my feelings any other way.
From your bitter words I turned a little grayer,
There is a lump in my chest and my heart is crying.

You will surrender to him in fleeting passion,
But you won’t get a gentle “I love you” in return,
For the pleasure he will ask for a coin bribe,
And I loved without selfishness, but I no longer exist.

Perhaps it was destined to be so,
Why should you be my painful wound?
You are merciless and cruel to me
And you fill your soul with rotten bitterness.
Now let's see...

It happens that we want to tell some cool poem to Alexander and personalize it as much as possible. In this case ideal option there will be funny poems about Alexander or just poems about Sasha. If you want to find poems in which the name of your friend Sasha appears, then you have come to the right place, scroll through the pages and select suitable poems about Sasha.

Alexander is reliable in everything.
You can trust him;
Fair, flexible, honest
And deception is inappropriate in it.

He will notice the beauty.
Good will always be answered;
Gets down to business masterfully
And he brings it to the end.

Let him succeed
And fortune will smile;
Joy in life awaits
And love accompanies!

Alexander is stubborn and persistent.
He sees the goal and goes headlong towards it.
In business he is always diligent and resourceful.
He will take his due, having tasted victory.

Alexander is brave and gallant,
His heartfelt feelings cannot be cooled.
He is ardent in compliments and passionate,
Ready to love, suffer and love again.

Let happiness smile on Alexander,
Let fortune not slip from your hands;
May everything always work out in life
And a string of pleasant things awaits!

Our Sasha is worthy, without controversy,
To be Alexander, like Suvorov!
To be Macedonian or Nevsky,
There is a very compelling reason for this:

Our Alexander is smart and generous,
In life he is a leader, he knows it himself!
In his work he achieves
Always everything you dream of!

He strives persistently towards the goal,
And he is not afraid of difficulties,
May the Angel save him
Trouble, misfortune and insults!

Alexander is always at work -
There is no room for conversation.
He is held in high esteem by society;
Values ​​the price of victories.

Accuracy is respected
He will give in to you in trifles.
But he wants to defend
Your opinion here and there.

Let Alexander have it
Many devoted friends;
Let him live without regrets
About nothing, in the flashing days!

Alexander values ​​​​friendship
And he knows how to defend himself;
He will do a brave deed,
He will warm us with a kind word.

And diligent and smart in business,
Strives towards the goal without fail;
In a new situation he
Will find a solution instantly.

Alexander let in the flashing days
He will not miss his fortune;
Has a lot of ideas
And there is no place for sadness!

Alexander's wishes are so simple and harmless:
To be reputed to be rich, to become loved,
Be healthy, live happy!
On the birthday day of spring
Everyone is modest in their own way...

Justice is the main thing for you,
Don't give offense to the weak,
You by name are a protector, a winner,
This has been confirmed so many times.

Love the company of friends
You are afraid of loneliness and routine,
You look at life more cheerfully
Drive away the cobwebs of boredom.

  • Forward >

Happy birthday to you, dear Sasha!
I wish you happiness, joy, only peace and goodness.
Let all troubles and adversity go on the far side,
So that respect and peace live in your home.

And I also wish you an ocean of great love,
So that you can always swim in it without ever being stranded.
And I wanted to wish you good health,
So that you have enough strength to walk the path in life.

Congratulations, Sasha, you!
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart.
Let your dream come true
Bad weather will pass by.

Let the mood shine
Positive, kind.
And, of course, inspiration
May it always be with you.

Alexander is the name of the imperial kings,
Defender means it in translation.
Let your mind be full of ideas,
And the mood is excellent in any weather.

I wish you to succeed
In work matters, in love affairs.
Overcome all the hardships of life,
No matter what, stay on your feet.

Alexander, accept congratulations,
Please accept our wishes!
Let success not leave you in your work,
And always live with luck.

And you strive for high heights,
There will be forces to conquer them.
Let love be a deep feeling,
There will be wings to seek happiness.

Good luck in life, good luck in fate
I wish you, Alexander,
Sorrows and troubles are on their way to you
Let them not find, let them not know.

By name you are a defender, a fighter,
You need to hold the defense
I wish you to take care of your family and loved ones
And become happy in life.

Congratulations, winner!
You are a lover of life and a connoisseur!
Be healthy and cheerful
May a glorious journey await you!

Alexander - you are a hero!
May it always be with you
Valor, courage and honor!
And thank you for being there!

Congratulations to Alexandra,
I wish you to live without worries,
Good luck in life
Let him walk next to you.

Alexander means protector,
For your loved ones, be a shield
I wish in my personal life
Happiness was in full swing.

So that you stand strong in the storm,
I was not afraid of thunderstorms and storms,
So that on the life front
You achieved victory.

You are brave, smart, selfless.
And you always help everyone.
You are a protector for the weakest,
For their offenders it is a disaster.

And on such a special day, Alexander,
I wish you peace and goodness.
So that happiness does not leave the house,
So that everyone always needs you.

So that grief does not break your soul,
So that the star illuminates the path,
So that you love and be loved,
So that you never suffer.

Congratulations, Alexander,
And I wish you to be healthy
May fate crown you
A laurel crown for you.

Always believe in your luck
Be strong and brave
Enough courage, good luck,
To master the main path.

Let the feeling warm your heart,
Let faith lead you forward
Let in work, in personal life
You'll definitely be lucky.

Alexander, we congratulate you
And we wish you good luck in your destiny.
The name means a lot, we know
It gives you strength.

May you be able to overcome the obstacles in life.
Effortless, easy to overcome.
Let's summarize our congratulations:
We wish you to succeed in everything.

Always be on horseback, in any matter,
Like your great namesakes.
And let your eyes sparkle with happiness,
Well, you don’t harbor evil in your heart.

I'm behind you, like behind a fortress wall -
My Alexander, my dear Sashka.
Life has connected us with a strong web,
Our love cannot be broken by routine.

You are a bright ray of light in the darkness
Like a fresh wind in a hot stuffy environment.
We are together forever and everywhere,
I will love you to death.

His eyes are like two diamonds
His words caress the soul,
He will protect me from the evil eye,
I need him like air in my life.
His warmth, the beating of his heart,
Warm breath and look
In the cold they will help me warm up,
They will surprise you with a pleasant secret.
My love for him never fades,
It only flares up stronger
I love you, my dear Sashka!
I need you more and more every day!
Every day you become more and more dear to me,
There are no relatives in the world like you,
My soul, believe me, cannot
Meet, Sashul, one dawn...
She calls you and beckons you,
He shouts after you: “Come back!”
Your love intoxicates me
Just, honey, smile!
I believe there will be more meetings,
They do not separate, loving,
Every day and every evening I
Darling! I will wait for you!

Alexander is reliable in everything.
You can trust him;
Fair, flexible, honest
And deception is inappropriate in it.
He will notice the beauty.
Good will always be answered;
Gets down to business masterfully
And he brings it to the end.
Let him succeed
And fortune will smile;
Joy in life awaits
And love accompanies!

Someone like you will help in life
Will help you cope in trouble,
It will help everyone forget the grievances,
Will give a helping hand everywhere.

I will respond with gratitude
And I'll try not to forget
And friendship will bring us closer together forever
Everything will soar higher and higher.

Years will pass, I will not forget:
How he gave a helping hand,
I hope you remember too
Thank you for your words!

Thank you for saving me from pain,
Cause I could kill myself
After all, there was so much grief in life,
And you are a savior for me!

When I cry you will understand
You won't say a bad word
You will cut the thread of sorrow,
And you will give me the joy of life.

You revealed the truth of life to everyone,
All my feelings are endless
And he gave his kindness,
I will be forever grateful.

I remember I was telling fortunes with a daisy,
And then she secretly told me,
That you love me very much, Sasha,
You see it in almost every bright dream.

In every dream you come to me,
When I sleep so sweetly at night,
And you drive me crazy every second
After all, Sanka, I love you so much!

You are the only one in this world for my heart,
The best, and I love you very much.
It’s calm and comfortable and easy with you,
Open the doors of your home for happiness.

Let the stream rush instantly with ringing good luck,
May our love last sweetly and long.
You are the best, the most faithful, the most passionate,
I love you, my dear, beloved Sasha.

Alexander, my hero,
I love you immensely.
I only want to be with you
I only want to be faithful to you.

I love all of you:
From toes to hair.
That's all I dream about,
May we succeed.

I found the love of my life -
I found happiness with you.
You, Sasha, are the best around,
You made your friends jealous.

I want to always be with you
And to love you alone,
And don't forget me,
Love, kiss and hug!

It's nice to know that I'm loved
To love yourself, to give warmth!
I was obsessed with you
And this feeling did not go away!

With you, Sasha, everything is like in a fairy tale,
And there is no sadness or longing.
Playful glances, gentle caresses,
And so all dreams come true!

Thank you, dear, only to you
Here's to a wonderful paradise on earth!

Alexander is a romantic in life,
He strives to go everywhere:
See unknown distances
And, of course, show yourself.
It's easy to start conversations with him -
He will cover many topics;
Fair, full of activity,
Will resolve a whole bunch of dilemmas.
May fate give Alexander
Novelty of impressions and meetings;
Let the voyage through life be glorious
And everything good can attract!

Alexander is smart, strong,
In life, an eternal champion,
I'm lucky to have you
I feel like I'm in a dream all the time.

I can neither eat nor sleep,
I will dream about you.
You have to try really hard
To confess my love.

Alexander, Shura, Sasha,
You are our love and pride.
You are more beautiful than Cupid,
Alexander, Sasha, Shura.
Bloom like an oleander
Sasha, Shura, Alexander.

Alexander, you conquered me,
You gave me your love.
I love you so madly
And I want to confess today.

The depth of your tender eyes
Believe me, I remembered it more than once.
I love you my dear,
The bravest and strongest!

Alexander loves to work,
The house will be put in order.
He won't forget to joke
And he will find friends easily.
Romantic and open
His kind soul:
Feelings for the ladies are not forgotten -
Whoever is is good.
Let fate for Alexander
Will send a lot of joy;
Let, without waiting long,
He will feel the passion take off!

I call you beloved
Sasha, I love you so much
And I wouldn't trade it for anything
Your kind smile.

I want you to always laugh
To give me joy more often,
And smiled endlessly
And I forgot about all the bad things.

Our Sasha is worthy, without controversy,
To be Alexander, like Suvorov!
To be Macedonian or Nevsky,
There is a very compelling reason for this:

Our Alexander is smart and generous,
In life he is a leader, he knows it himself!
In his work he achieves
Always everything you dream of!

He strives persistently towards the goal,
And he is not afraid of difficulties,
May the Angel save him
From troubles, misfortunes and insults!

With you I become a girl
A little reckless, reckless.
Jumping like a bunny with happiness,
I'm flying to meet you, Sashka.

And I don’t care about everything in the world,
When I look at you.
Nobody loves on the planet
As much as I love you.

Alexander is easy to talk to,
You won't be bored with him;
Knows a lot of jokes
Invite the ladies to dance...
In an unfamiliar environment
You won’t get lost next to him -
You are a cheerful friend in it
You'll definitely find it.
May one day Alexandra
You will be very lucky in life;
Let his dream be big
Always leads you!

Dear Sashka! Whatever you say,
And I was damn lucky with my husband.
Hooray! You are (20, 30, …) three today!
I need you like the sun and like air.

I want all your dreams to come true -
From your own car to repairs,
So that your career shoots up like a bird
And you became a rich man without showing off.

So that you are surrounded by true friends,
And tears did not destroy brown eyes,
So that only I live in your soul
Seven days a week and from morning to night.

Dear, beloved Sasha,
My golden man
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
And your character is holy,

The horizon is boundless,
You are a master at everything...
But I love you, my dear,
Not for anything - just like that.

Alexander has a good disposition:
He will help in difficult times,
Will distract you from sad thoughts
And he will support you with his words.
So efficient around the house,
And in business he is hardworking;
He is responsible and tactful
And he is polite in communication.
Let Alexander have it
Many devoted friends;
In a kind and cozy house
Hello for life!

Alexander, let them say
These people are around whatever they want.
I love you my dear -
Lucky to meet you.

May our love only grow
Let it bloom in your heart,
It will take root and stay there,
Forever and in spite of all enemies.

Alexander values ​​​​friendship
And he knows how to defend himself;
He will do a brave deed,
He will warm us with a kind word.
And diligent and smart in business,
Strives towards the goal without fail;
In a new situation he
Will find a solution instantly.
Alexander let in the flashing days
He will not miss his fortune;
Has a lot of ideas
And there is no place for sadness!

Sasha, a real man,
You are my pride and love,
Believe me, you deserve happiness
A your happiness- It's me.

I will always love you,
I can't betray you
I won't forget your smile
And I will kiss you on the lips!

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