Youth in the modern world briefly. The role of youth in modern society: development conditions, interests and hobbies. §3. Problems of youth employment

Youth in modern Russian society.

1. Youth and the formation of a new Russia.

The high speed of political, economic and social changes in the 1990s had (and is having) an impact on the position and development of Russian youth. Today, it is obvious that processes of differentiation prevail in the youth environment. Moreover, differentiating factors are more visible than integrating ones. This is primarily due to the fact that in the context of the radical transformation of Russian society, profound changes are taking place in its social stratification, one of the features of which is social polarization based on property stratification.

New groups appeared in the social structure: entrepreneurs, bankers, small traders and "shuttle traders", new Russians and new poor. New tendencies arose among the workers and peasants, connected with relations to one form of property or another. Differences in income, economic and political interests are deepening between the strata of the working class and the peasantry.

Young people belong to each stratum, social group to a greater or lesser extent. That is why the fundamental criteria for the social differentiation of youth are the social origin and their own social status of young people. Possessing the social characteristics of different communities, they differ in material capabilities, value orientations, image and lifestyle. The analysis shows that the most important characteristic of modern Russian youth is the increased stratification according to socio-economic indicators.

The internal differentiation of young people is determined not only by social parameters. Researchers, in addition to stratification, distinguish such types of differentiation as age and subcultural. Among young people, there is a need to study the specifics of group relations, the features of the formation of needs and goals, the role and place of various strata of youth in the formation of a new society. Knowledge of the specifics is one of the important conditions for developing a scientific approach to solving youth problems, conducting social and youth policy.

At the same time, the value approach to the study of the whole variety of common ties and patterns of the younger generation, as an organic subject of the development of society, has been and remains no less relevant. It is this approach that distinguishes a number of major works published in the 1990s. In them, young people are seen as a social-democratic group with their characteristic social, age, psychological properties and social values, which determine the level of socio-economic, cultural development, the characteristics of socialization in Russian society. Such a view contributes to a deeper understanding of youth problems, a differentiated approach of young people as an internally heterogeneous and, at the same time, a specifically special social group. However, the Ural researchers Yu. R. Vishnevsky and V. T. Shapko rightly note that the growing differentiation of young people actualizes the problem of identifying integrating factors, signs and integrity.

Among the factors of the sociological definition of "youth", researchers consistently distinguish:

Age boundaries and socio-psychological characteristics.

The specifics of social status, socio-cultural behavior.

The process of socialization as a unity of social adaptation of youth in individualization.

The general conclusion of the researchers of the Research Center for MI, made in 1993, remains valid: "Each subsequent generation of Russian youth is worse than the previous one in terms of the main indicators of social status and development." This is expressed primarily in the tendency to reduce the number of young people, which leads to the aging of society and, consequently, to a decrease in the role of youth as a social resource in general.

From 1987-1996 six million children were born in the country less than in the previous ten years. The number of young people under the age of 16 has decreased by three million.

The demographic situation is complicated by a new reality in Russia - the growth of murders and suicides, including among young people.

The number of murders and suicides in the Russian Federation (1990-1995)

The reason is the emergence of difficult personal and life situations.

Filed by Gen. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, 10% of graduates of state institutions for orphans commit suicide, not being able to adapt to living conditions. Depressing impressions are left by the numbers of suicides in the army. In 1996, 526 people voluntarily lost their lives. The reason is the unresolved socio-economic and everyday problems.

Secondly, in the trend of deterioration in the health of children and adolescents. The rising generation is less healthy physically and mentally than the previous one. On average in Russia, only 10% of school graduates can consider themselves absolutely healthy, 45-50% of them have serious morphofunctional deviations.

Thirdly, in the tendency to expand the process of desocialization, the marginalization of young people. The number of young people leading an asocial, immoral lifestyle is increasing. For various reasons and to varying degrees, they include: disabled people, alcoholics, vagrants, "professional beggars", persons serving sentences in corrective labor institutions who strive to be socially useful citizens, but due to social conditions cannot become them. There is a lumpenization and criminalization of youth.

Fourthly, in the trend of decreasing opportunities for youth participation in economic development. Statistics show that the share of young people in the unemployed remains high. In 1994 it amounted to 35.5%, in 1997 - 35% of the total number of unemployed.

The labor market is characterized by a significant overflow of labor from the state to the non-state sector of the economy. Moving to the sphere for positions that do not require professional knowledge, young people risk their future well-being, not ensuring the accumulation of intellectual property - professionalism. Moreover, this area of ​​employment is characterized by a very high degree of criminalization.

Fifthly, in the trend of falling social value of labor, the prestige of a number of professions important for society.

Sociological studies of recent years state that in labor motivation, priority is given not to meaningful work, but to work aimed at obtaining material benefits. "Big salary" - this motive turned out to be decisive in choosing a place of work.

Modern youth has such a feature that shows that most of them want to have a good income, while not having no profession and no desire to work. This is due to the fact that young people do not have incentives to work because.

2. Youth in the sphere of criminal influence.

The problem of criminal influence on young people in recent times cannot but disturb the Russian public.

The Ural region and, above all, the Sverdlovsk region over the past five years have established themselves as areas of increased crime. Large penitentiary institutions are located here, in which large numbers of prisoners, including minors, are serving their sentences.

"Criminal showdowns" of local mafia clans in Yekaterinburg have long been the focus of the whole country. From this point of view, the analysis of the forms of criminal influence on young people in the region, where it has become widespread, seems relevant both in theoretical and practical terms.

About 10,000 crimes are committed annually by young people and teenagers in the Sverdlovsk region. In just five years (1990-1994), the increase in the number of crimes was more than 170%. Among criminal offenses every fourth is carried out by young people and teenagers. A sharp jump in youth and teenage crime was observed in 1992-1993. Another aspect of the spread of criminal influence is related to the extent to which young people have to experience the impact of youth and juvenile delinquency. Over the past two years, 78% of the young people surveyed have encountered various kinds of offenses among young people and adolescents. Only one in five gave a negative answer.

Among the offenses, mercenary crimes attract attention - theft, extortion of money, fraud. When analyzing statistical data, the volume of acquisitive crimes in the present period is growing rapidly.

It depends on the fact that there is a differentiation among young people and most of the young people, parents cannot give what they would like, taking into account requests. And they themselves cannot receive this due to the fact that they do not have a specialty or work skills. young people do not want to get an education just because they have no prospects after getting an education.

Nowadays, more and more young people are using drugs. Maybe this comes from the hopelessness of realizing their capabilities or from the fact that, due to a lack of understanding of the seriousness, they were involved in this by people interested in drug trafficking.

3. The problem of drug addiction among young people.

It is known that the social consequences of drug addiction are severe. Drug addicts drop out of public life - labor, political, family, as a result of the physical, social degradation of the individual. Drug addiction inevitably strikes a whole range of phenomena alien to society. This includes intractable psycho-physiological human diseases and the shadow economy, due to the natural, growing demand for drugs and illegal ways to satisfy it for personal gain and crime, personal violence associated with the distribution of drugs and illicit enrichment.

Young people are the future of any country. Despite this, state policy is rarely aimed at maintaining and developing this stratum of the population. A person who is looking for himself can step on a slippery path that will lead him to no one knows where. What is the role of youth in modern society? Read about it below.

social role

Young people are the backbone and future of our country. Do they know about it? They probably guess. What is the role of youth in modern society? First of all, the main task of the younger generation is to become worthy citizens of the country in which they were born. A person who has embarked on the path of growing up is always faced with the question of self-determination. He is trying to find himself and his path. Based on this, over time, he understands what role he will play in society. Every person should aim to improve his country and help people. This is what will help make the state stronger and better. The social role of youth in modern society is the development and change of established standards. The older generation is mostly conservative. People do not want to change either the technical equipment or their views. Young people perceive change as something natural and very logical. Schoolchildren, students and graduates of the university are happy to receive new knowledge and are in a hurry to put it into practice. Improving your skills - that's the true goal Every person strives for self-realization. And why does he do it? To find their place and role in modern society. Young people strive to bring something new into the world, invent something or improve something.

What else does society require from the younger generation? Preservation of traditions and values ​​that have been shaped by ancestors over the centuries.


If the role of youth in modern society is quite clear, then it is not clear to everyone what else is required of the younger generation. Preservation and enhancement of knowledge? Certainly. But still, the main task is to preserve universal human values. What applies to them?

  • Humanity. In the age of automated technology, people must preserve what distinguishes them from machines. For many of our compatriots, it does not reach that a person should remain sensitive, sincere and understanding. In many European countries, young people are required to hide their emotions and put on smile masks. In our country, this is not yet common, but the influence of the West can already be observed in some large cities. People should keep their humanity and their emotions. Young people should be responsive, sensitive and understanding.
  • upbringing. Speaking about the role of youth in modern society and the values ​​that need to be preserved, it should be said that over time it goes into oblivion. Education is a sign of respect. Young people should help people of the older generation and come to the aid of each other. Recently, even elementary norms of upbringing have been forgotten. Young people do not always give up their seats in transport to the elderly, and guys rarely open their doors to girls and women.
  • Diligence. Today, work has become something shameful. Young people want to earn money without making any effort. In honor of businessmen and entrepreneurs. People who used to be called speculators are now becoming role models. If a young man goes to engineering, his friends may look askance at their acquaintance. According to most, it is unreasonable to spend most of your life inventing something that does not exist. Such a profession today will not bring a calling and does not promise large fees. This is sad.
  • Honesty. It seems strange, but frankness between people is dying. Today, young people want to appear better than they really are. A person is not trying to somehow grow up, but he is trying to throw dust in his eyes. Social media promotes secrecy. People seem to live openly, but this life is not real, but ostentatious.
  • Kindness. Such a simple and understandable quality seems almost repulsive. If one person offers help to another, a catch will be looked for in this action. It is hard to imagine that in our time you can get free help that will come from a pure heart.

Positive traits

The role of young people in modern society is determined by what is interesting and what they strive for. What positive qualities do modern youth have?

  • Self-education. The fact that most teenagers can’t decide on their true purpose for quite some time instills the habit of studying what they are really interested in on their own. Young people are happy to go to courses or draw knowledge on the Internet. Specialized books and magazines are being used. Any source that can provide useful information will be used for its intended purpose.
  • The desire to understand this world. Young people want to know the world in which they live. People study art, culture, politics. Teenagers are interested in the mores and customs of not only the inhabitants of their own country, but also the inhabitants of foreign countries. Knowledge of the world today occurs more often not through books, but through television programs and through various YouTube channels.
  • Striving for self-organization. Planning and time management are in vogue. It is not surprising that most of the youth devotes a lot of time to studying this science. A person appreciates every minute of his life and wants to make his everyday life more productive. This helps young people find out which values ​​are considered authentic for them and which are artificially instilled.
  • Organization of your leisure. The openness of the world allows young people to spend their weekends not in front of the TV screen, but on all kinds of excursions and extreme travel. People try to diversify their leisure time with all sorts of activities. This can include various intellectual games, extreme sports or general educational excursions.
  • Love for cultural events. Museums, art galleries, theaters and conservatories have rarely seen so many young people among their audiences and fans. Every self-respecting teenager chooses the area of ​​art that is closest to him, and becomes a zealous fan of it. Some people go to concerts of their favorite musical groups, others do not miss a single art exhibition.

Negative qualities

Young people not only participate in the development of society. The younger generation strives to know all aspects of life and sometimes the methods chosen for learning are very reprehensible. When a person writes an essay about the role of youth in modern society, he usually embellishes the situation. What are the real negative qualities of young people?

  • Dependencies. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs are the things people try between the ages of 14-30. It seems to a teenager that a bad habit will make him more mature and more significant in the eyes of his peers. Few people think that pampering can turn into addiction, from which it will then be impossible to get rid of.
  • Idleness. Despite the fact that many teenagers today have goals and even plans to achieve them, laziness is still present to one degree or another in the life of every person. But adults, burdened with family and work, cannot afford to sit back all day. But teenagers can. And well, if only one day. Thanks to the Internet and its time-consuming nature, young people can procrastinate for weeks, sometimes months.
  • Uncertainty. At school age, not all teenagers can decide on their purpose. Many young people listen to the advice of their parents and go to study for prestigious professions. And then, in the 3rd or 4th year, people realize that they are in the wrong place. Parents do not allow me to leave the institute, so I have to finish my studies in a profession in which there is no interest. What to do with such individuals after the institute is not clear. Some go to work according to their profession, some choose those specialties that do not require special skills, and only a few find the courage to go to get a second higher education.
  • Indifference. Uncertainty and wrong choices breed indifference. People do not find, and do not look for their goal, they just go with the flow. Therefore, it is so important at the stage of personality formation to help a person understand his destiny and identify his strengths and weaknesses.


How to understand the role of youth in modern society? Values ​​and passions speak louder than any other analysis. What is the next generation doing today?

  • Sport. A beautiful body today is considered not only a sign of health and attractiveness, but almost a cult. Almost every wealthy teenager has a gym membership. People are really passionate about sports. When considering the role of youth in modern society, interests and hobbies play an important role. The situation in our country is such that soon we will have a lot of good and strong athletes, as young people will instill in their children a love for sports.
  • intellectual clubs. Someone may say that young people are becoming stupid before our eyes, but this is not so. Intellectual entertainment is in honor today. All sorts of quizzes, lectures, seminars are in great demand. Often people gather in clubs of interest. For example, book clubs are opening across the country, where young people enjoy reading both the classics and the works of their contemporaries. Hobbies and the role of young people in modern society are interconnected. People strive for knowledge and knowledge, which means that hope for a brighter future does not disappear.
  • Quests. There are rooms from which you need to find a way out by solving logic puzzles in almost every major city. Young people visit all kinds of locations with pleasure and successfully overcome them. This way of entertainment prevails over gatherings at home or in a cafe.
  • Trips. Since travel around the world has become available, young people consider it their duty to get to know the beauties and culture of those countries that have been studied through the pages of textbooks. Traveling is a favorite hobby for many people, and for some even the purpose of life.
  • Learning languages. Traveling the world would be impossible if people did not strive to learn foreign languages ​​and cultures. Young people study English not only for a good grade in the certificate or diploma, but also in order to use the language throughout their lives.
  • Creation. The expression of one's individuality today is possible in various formats. People draw, create their own musical groups, open ateliers and come up with all kinds of creative workshops. Creativity for some is not just a hobby, but a favorite work and life goal.


How does the role of young people in the development of modern society differ from the role played by the older generation? People who have a lot of life experience are less likely to make mistakes, which means they experiment less often. Young people, due to inexperience, can afford to go off the beaten path, but look for new vectors of development. In politics, such a movement is called liberal. Youth parties are trying to convey to the government those demands that older comrades are afraid to voice. It is young people who can openly announce problems to which everyone is accustomed to turn a blind eye. Teenagers are more expressive, so they can make decisions quickly, without much burdening themselves with reflections on the result of their activities. And it is this property that helps to make life better. You don't have to wait 10 years for innovation. Yes, maybe the first pancake will be lumpy, but after the process is launched, it’s already easier to act.

What other features of the role of youth in modern society are there? The revision of the values ​​of the older generation makes society more open. People of all countries are becoming more united and can work together. They will have no problems with language, no racial disputes. Such symbiosis gives rise to new ideas and helps to make grandiose discoveries.


The role of youth in the development of modern society is determined not only by people's hobbies, but also by their belonging to a particular company. Subcultures today are not clearly identified, but still they exist behind the scenes. What are they?

  • Gamers - young people love computer games. They like to spend their free time building cities, strategizing to take over an enemy camp, or simply chasing the enemy. On the one hand, such a pastime seems useless, but on the other hand, such a rest helps to relax, engage the brain and improve logic. But remember that everything is good in moderation.
  • Bikers. Young people riding motorcycles around the city instill fear in the elderly. Guys in black leather jackets adorned with chains listen to rock, move with a deafening roar and love noisy parties. But nothing prevents such guys from being smart and enlightened young people.
  • fashion subculture. Girls who follow the new collections of famous designers fall into a separate subculture. Fashionistas often wear unthinkable things in non-standard combinations. Girls belonging to this subculture do not have a great mind or developed intellect - this is what the older generation thinks. Not everyone is ready to give a lot of money for clothes.
  • football subculture. The interests and role of young people in modern society are formed under the influence of the environment. And if parents are ardent football fans, then the child will become one too. Such a passion does not carry anything bad. The love for sports, which has been instilled since childhood, helps a person to quickly find allies in any environment.
  • Cosplay. A modern subculture that includes anime fans. People love all sorts of fairy tales so much that they even transform into their favorite characters. Cosplay lovers are preparing for the event in advance. They sew a suit and completely think over the image.


The social role of youth in modern society is not only the transformation of the state for the better. Often, young people face problems that older generations can avoid. What are these problems?

  • Misunderstanding. Young people are rarely understood by the older generation. Moreover, parents and relatives, as well as older colleagues, force young people to be more down to earth. They call far-reaching plans a dream, and interesting ideas - nonsense. With such support, it is difficult to stay with your ideas and not say goodbye to them at the embryonic stage. Misunderstanding extends not only to the sphere of study and work. Young people may be eager to travel while their parents will yell at them to start a family and not waste time on stupid things.
  • Lack of money. Rarely any of the teenagers have money. In general, young people start working quite early. And since students study and work at the same time, they usually have little money. Few can realize grandiose ideas without a budget. And by the time when material well-being comes to a person, sometimes there is no strength left to implement ideas.
  • Search for yourself. Youth can search for their vocation until the age of 30. A person will try himself in sales, marketing, creativity, or in the exact sciences. Only by changing a few jobs and trying yourself in different roles, you can find your place in life.
  • Absence of idols. play an important role in the lives of today's youth. Society does not always provide people with idols. Today it is difficult to find among the older generation a person whom the youth could look up to. If a person does not have a role model, there is a possibility that he will choose false idols.

What influences development

At school and at the institute, teachers often set the topic for an essay: "The role of youth in modern society." What can be written in the paragraph about the impact on the younger generation?

  • MEDIA. Magazines, television and radio are the sources of information that young people consume. Thanks to the media, the younger generation is forming a view of the world and problems that should be considered important. For this reason, parents should talk more often with their child about the role of youth and the environment in modern society. If the right values ​​are not instilled in the older generation, then the children may get the wrong idea about the true problems that exist in the modern world.
  • Internet. Social networks are what is popular today. It is from them that adolescents, and indeed all young people in general, receive new information. Bloggers also have a great influence on the representation of the picture of the world.
  • Parents. The older generation should be an authority for the youth. But unfortunately, not all children are lucky with their parents. After all, education doesn't end at 14. You need to talk to young people and warn people against mistakes.
  • Teachers. Young people are more lucky with parents than with teachers. But it is these people who form the idea of ​​the world and the role that the younger generation plays in it.

Development conditions

What influences the role of youth in modern society? development conditions. What are they?

  • If the family has a good income, then a teenager is more likely to become a good person and a specialist.
  • Territorial position. Young people who live in the capital are more likely to develop than their peers living in the provinces.
  • Personal ability. What else determines the role of youth in modern society? The conditions that affect the development of each person are personal qualities and talent.
  • The level of education among young people is different, which means that aspirations and values ​​are different.
  • Environment. A person is shaped by his social circle. If a young person is lucky, then he will meet experienced teachers and mentors along the way who will help with self-determination.

Theme of the lesson: "Youth in modern society." (slide 1,2)

Goals and objectives of the lesson: characterize youth as a separate social group; reveal the main features of adolescence, establish the social roles performed by young people; to identify the social functions and features of the social position of young people in modern society; to determine the main features, the reasons for the existence of modern youth subculture; to teach students to independently identify the problems of modern youth; continue to develop the ability to analyze social problems, compare opinions on social issues, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problematic tasks, reveal the most important theoretical positions and concepts of the social sciences and humanities using examples; practical application of the knowledge gained in the lesson in everyday life.
Lesson type: lesson of new knowledge.

Equipment: L.N. Bogolyubov "Social Science": a textbook for grade 11. - M. "Enlightenment", 2014, §18; collage "What is it like today's youth?"; slide presentation "Youth in modern society"; presentations of students "Youth subculture", "15 facts about modern youth"; laptop, projector, screen.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Teacher's word: Good afternoon guys, dear colleagues. I am glad to welcome all of you to the lesson of social studies.

We continue to consider Chapter 2. "Social sphere".

Teacher's word: Today in class we: (slide 3)

Students read aloud:

Let us characterize the youth as a separate social group;

We will reveal the main features of adolescence, establish the social roles performed by young people;

We will reveal the social functions and features of the social position of young people in modern society;

Let's define the main features, the reasons for the existence of the modern youth subculture;

We will learn to independently identify the problems of modern youth;

We will continue to develop the ability to analyze social problems, compare opinions on social issues, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problematic tasks, reveal the most important theoretical positions and concepts of the social sciences and humanities using examples;

We apply the knowledge gained in the lesson in everyday life and in practical activities.

II . Actualization and motivation of knowledge.

Teacher's word: And for this we turn our attention to the basic concepts and categories of the social sphere.

Questions for discussion (slide 4):

1. Define the concepts of "social stratification", "social group", "social status".

2. List the grounds (criteria) for social stratification.

3. What social groups exist in modern society? What social groups do you belong to?

4. What does the concept of "social mobility" mean, what are its types?

Discussion of questions by students.

Teacher's word: Well done guys, now listen carefully to the following statement.

The word of the teacher (slide 5).... Speaking before the meeting of the Medical Society of Dortmund (1979), Dr. Ronald Gibson began his report with four quotations that belonged to a philosopher, poet, politician and priest.

Philosopher:“They (young people) today adore luxury, they have bad manners and no respect for authority, they express disrespect for elders, loitering around and constantly gossiping. They argue with their parents all the time, they constantly interfere in conversations and attract attention to themselves, they greedily swallow food and harass teachers ... "

Poet:“I have lost all hope for the future of our country if today's youth take the reins of government tomorrow. This youth is unbearable, unrestrained, just awful.”

Politician:“Our youth is corrupted to the core, it will never be like the youth of the past. The younger generation of today will not be able to preserve our culture.”

Priest:“Our world has reached a critical stage. Children no longer listen to their parents. Apparently, the end of the world is not far off.”

Teacher's word: Do you agree with this characterization of today's youth?

Teacher's word: The paradox is that the first statement belongs to the philosopher Socrates, who lived in 470-399. BC e. The second - to the first known ancient Greek poet Hesiod, who lived in the VIII-VII centuries. BC e. The third was found in a clay pot, kept for 3000 years in the ruins of Babylon. The last - to the Egyptian priest. The papyrus scroll with this inscription is about 4000 years old. It is also curious that all these great civilizations perished.

How are young people doing today? How do people around her treat her? Some representatives of the older generation believe that a significant part of today's youth does not live, but resides, does not work, but earns extra money, does not work, but pretends to. Is it so? Let's try to deal with this problem in today's lesson.

Teacher's word: I propose to consider the following lesson plan (slide 6):


1. Youth as a social group.
2. Youth is the renewing force of society.
3. Youth subculture.
4. Is it easy to be young? Problems of modern youth.

III . Learning new material.

1. Youth as a social group.

“Take a position” (What do you think? slide 7):

    How are young people different from other social groups?

    Who is included in the youth category?

The word of the teacher (slide 8).

Young people- a large socio-demographic group, distinguished on the basis of age characteristics, characteristics of social status, socio-psychological properties, which are determined by the system, culture, patterns of socialization, education of a given society. Age limits of youth from 14-16 to 25-30 years.

The boundaries of youth are individual for everyone. There are circumstances in life that make a person grow up earlier. And there are adults who have physical and mental traits that are characteristic of childhood - infantilism. Therefore, very often they say young "old people" or "eternal" youth. But, anyway, the conclusion can be drawn as follows:

YOUTH is a feeling that necessarily manifests itself both in appearance and in human behavior.

Teacher's word: Let's turn to statistics (slide 9).

Of the total world population of 7.584 billion people. the young population is 1.8 billion people. There have never been so many young people on Earth! Along with young people, the demand for education and jobs is growing.

Almost 90% of all young people live in the developing world - Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America.

In Afghanistan, Nigeria, Chad and Uganda, 50% of the population is under 18!

The share of young people in the developed world continues to decline.

Teacher's word: What social roles do young people play? (slide 10)

- Features of the social status (slide 11), write in a notebook.

2. Youth is the renewing force of society.

Youth is the engine of progress, that the future is behind the youth. Is it so? What is today's youth? What can older generations learn from her? How has the age of new technologies and the entertainment industry changed the youth?

Presentation of the work "15 facts about modern youth". (slide 12)

Teacher's word: Are there sufficient grounds to assert that youth is the renewing force of society?

YES, because...

NO because...

Teacher's word: Based on the existing ideas and the knowledge gained, let's fill in the collage "What is it like today's youth?" (slide 13)

3. Youth subculture. (slide 14)

Teacher's word: Separate social groups are characterized by special features of consciousness, behavior, and lifestyle. They create their own cultural niche - a subculture. The youth was no exception - they also created their own culture. Youth subculture is a phenomenon characteristic of the industrial and post-industrial stages of development of any type of culture. It performs the functions of socialization of young people, solves the problems of generational conflict and obeys the unified laws of development.

Presentation of the message: "Youth subculture". (slide 14)

Teacher's word: What motivates young people to create a subculture?

4. Is it easy to be young? Problems of modern youth. (slide 15)

Teacher's word: And now we will try to deal with the rhetorical question “Is it easy to be young?” What are the challenges faced by today's youth? How does she try to solve them, how does she live, why is she sick, what does she think about?

Presentation of results (video clip);

Sociological survey (slide 16)

- "10 sentences" homework (by time).

IV . Fixing the material.


2. How do the social roles of a person change in young years?

3. What does the concept of "youth subculture" include? Why is it necessary to have such cultures?

4. What problems do today's youth face in their lives?

V . Summing up the lesson.

1. Answer in one sentence: "What does it mean to be young"? (slide 18)

2. "House of life" (slide 19)

Teacher's word: Each age has its own mission, its tasks, goals, values. Each of us builds his own house of life. If we imagine our life as a house, then what should be youth - a foundation, a roof, walls?

Youth is the foundation, and what kind of "bricks" you lay, what kind of "cement" you use, will be your "House of Life". And it will depend only on you what you will get by old age: a shack, a good house or a palace?

VI . Reflection. (slide 20, 21)

1. Young people are heterogeneous, have different goals and value orientations.

The main feature of the social position of young people is its transitivity. Young people master new social roles: worker, student, citizen, family man, and the like. They are looking for their place in life, often change their field of activity.

2. Youth is one of the hidden resources that any society has and on which its viability depends. The survival and rate of progress of each country is determined by how significant, how developed this resource is, how much it is mobilized, how fully it is used.

3. Youth is the renewing force of society. This is the sociological function of youth.

4. There are many problems in the life of modern young people that require attention and resolution.

5. Young people are characterized by a creative attitude to the surrounding reality, the desire to change the world, to live in a new way, a tendency to unite in informal groups.

6. It is impossible to unequivocally judge today's youth.

7. The problem of youth has been relevant at all times.

VI І . Homework. (slide 22)

Textbook paragraph 18, p. 194-204.

Write an essay: “Make money from your youth, and live in your old age!”

Word of the teacher: Thank you very much for the lesson, all the best and bright to you!

Course work

Youth in modern Russia: problems and prospects


Chapter 1. The youth of modern society

§one. The concept and socio-psychological characteristics of youth

§2. Youth culture and subculture

Chapter 2. Main problems of youth

§one. Deviations in the youth environment and its consequences for society

§2. Problems of youth education in Russia

§3. Problems of youth employment

Chapter 3. Ways to solve the problems of modern youth

§one. Youth policy in Russia

§2.Social work with youth




Over the past two centuries, young people have been one of the most vulnerable groups of the population; any reforms carried out in a particular area of ​​public life affect young people as well. At the same time, although this is a little protected group, at all times it has played a huge role in the life of the country. For example, the student revolution in France in 1968, the sexual revolution, in which young people played an important role, the assassination attempt, organized by students, on Alexander II.

Young people, for the most part, are in a transitional state, that is, school graduates are not schoolchildren, but not students either, graduates of higher educational institutions are not students, but, in most cases, not working. In addition to these difficult situations for young people, modern Russian society is undergoing a rapid social, economic and political transformation, which additionally affects this group, its position and development. In the youth environment, processes of differentiation prevail. Moreover, differentiating factors are more visible than integrating ones. This is primarily due to the fact that in the context of the radical transformation of Russian society, profound changes are taking place in its social stratification, one of the features of which is social polarization based on property stratification. The most important characteristic of modern Russian youth is the increased stratification according to socio-economic indicators. The internal differentiation of young people is determined not only by social, but also by age and cultural parameters.

“The general conclusion of researchers at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, made in 1993, remains valid: “Each subsequent generation of Russian youth is worse than the previous one in terms of the main indicators of social status and development.” This is expressed in the fact that the number of young people is declining, therefore society is aging, which in turn leads to a decrease in the role of youth as a social resource. The reasons for this unfavorable demographic trend are: deterioration in the health of children in general, compared with previous decades; the increased number of murders and suicides among this group; desocialization also plays an important role, many young people at a fairly early age begin to lead an antisocial lifestyle.

Chapter 1. The youth of modern society

§one. The concept and socio-psychological characteristics of youth

Youth is a socio-demographic group distinguished on the basis of age-related features of the social position of young people, their place and functions in the social structure of society, specific interests and values.

Three meanings are attributed to the concept of "youth": firstly, it is one of the stages of a person's life cycle; secondly, it is the social status determined by age; and thirdly, this concept is used in the sense of a youth subculture as an independent entity within the dominant culture.

Youth as a certain phase, a stage of the life cycle, is biologically universal, but its specific age limits, the social status associated with them, and socio-psychological characteristics are of a socio-historical nature and depend on the social system, culture, and socialization patterns inherent in a given society.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the conditional socio-psychological boundaries of youth expanded. On the one hand, the acceleration process significantly accelerated the physical and, in particular, puberty of children and adolescents, which is traditionally considered the lower limit of youth. On the other hand, the complication of labor and socio-political activities in which a person must participate causes a lengthening of the socially necessary period of preparation for life, in particular, the period of study, with which a certain incompleteness of social status is associated. Today's youth study at school longer and, accordingly, start an independent working life later. The criteria for social maturity have also become more complex. The beginning of an independent working life, the completion of education and the acquisition of a stable profession, the acquisition of political and civil rights, material independence from parents, marriage and the birth of the first child - all these events, in their totality, giving a person a sense of full adulthood and an appropriate social status, come not simultaneously, and their very sequence and the symbolic meaning of each of them are not the same in different social strata. Hence the debatability of chronological, absolute age limits: different authors set the lower limit of youth between 14 and 16, and the upper - between 25 and 30 years and even later.

The English scientist Simon Fries proposed his own approach to identifying youth, namely: consideration of the social context of the state of youth as a process of transition from childhood to adulthood, transition from dependence to independence and from irresponsibility to responsibility, in the range from 11 to 28 - 30 years.

Many researchers in the field of developmental psychology distinguish such periods in youth as adolescence and adolescence, but opinions on age boundaries in many cases differ. For example, in 1965, a grouping of ages was created in the USSR, covering the entire life cycle, where adolescence “began at 13 and lasted until 16, and youth from 17 to 21; D. Birren suggested that youth lasts from 12 to 17 years, D. Bromley - from 11 to 21, D. Veksler - 16 - 20 years, V.V. Bunak - from 17 to 25 years old, and V.V. Ginzburg - from 16 to 24 ".

The acceleration of the pace of social life in connection with scientific and technological progress entails an increase in the role and importance of young people in socio-political and cultural life. The higher the rate of technical and economic development, the faster knowledge, working and living conditions are updated, the more noticeable are the socio-cultural differences between generations. New problems and events are pushing for the search for fundamentally new solutions and a critical reassessment of past experience. This does not change the fundamental direction of the process of socialization, since young people carry out any search for a new one, relying on the experience and knowledge gained from the elders; in addition, social continuity is not limited to the transfer of rapidly outdated specialized knowledge, but also includes the assimilation of much more stable and deep psychological structures, cultural values ​​and traditions that accumulate the entire experience of the world history of mankind.

E Omelchenko in her work “Youth cultures and subcultures” identifies several categories to define the concept of youth:

  • Age;

People of a certain "young" age can indeed be separated from other age groups. This concept can be divided into several levels: biological, psychological, social, cultural, etc. Each person psychologically perceives his physical age in different ways. If biological age means something definite for a person, but psychologically a person often blurs these physical boundaries both in one direction and in the other. The incredible pace of development of computer literacy and "computerization" of the population also cannot but affect the processes of growing up. It is not age itself that becomes significant, but its “quality”. The new quality of the age, which the new time brings, forms a new state of transition from one age to another. Social aspects strongly influence the biological age, but do not completely determine it. If we take as a criterion the creation of a family by a young man or the birth of children, then the boundaries of youth will expand in both directions.

  • Addiction;

On the one hand, young people are quite dependent, on the other hand, they are already adults, as they have achieved a certain independence. It is from here that their general dissatisfaction with their parents and their constant guardianship. In most cases, young people realize that they are still dependent on adults in terms of their own livelihood, educational opportunities, and so on.

  • Family;

A teenager changes the form of the family in which he grows up: the way of life, the needs of all family members, forms of social behavior. And the departure of a young man from home, in Russian traditions, to lead an independent life, is perceived as a tragedy. The presence of the family is especially noticeable in the formation of ethnic and gender identification of adolescents, in their reproduction of family roles in their youth culture, in the level of patriarchy of group values ​​with which they are identified. Cultural and ethnic experience, educational traditions of the parental family and the wider family - "neighborhoods" are constantly manifested in various forms of youth associations and styles.

  • Education;

The second major step towards independence is taken by a teenager when he goes to school, which accompanies the process of the child's transition to adulthood. And this departure, in any of its variants, "gives" the child another adult who will now control him. With certain nuances, all children of a certain age, if they are healthy, should go to school, regardless of the social, status, power and other differences that exist between them. School life itself changes as students grow and mature. At the heart of the school hierarchy, which allows teachers, parents and students themselves to take certain positions in relation to significant statuses, are the values ​​of "success" and "ways to achieve it." Depending on what criteria exist for their assessment, the formal social positions of students are built, and attitudes towards them are formed. Around these social constructs, a powerful system of education and upbringing of students is being formed, based on various methods, techniques and techniques, including different systems for assessing a particular level of knowledge, behavior, pace and quality of progress, and a system of rewards for results. Each level of a new school identification raises a young person one more step towards adulthood, fills his life with new problems and contradictions that both repel and attract different options for cultural choices.

  • Work;

In many cultures, leaving school marks the "end" of youth, the transition into adulthood. But not all teenagers, graduating from school, immediately start working. Firstly, most tend to continue education: higher or special. Secondly, there is the problem of youth unemployment. And the main target of this problem is, first of all, graduates of secondary schools. Young workers have a more adult status than schoolchildren, but nevertheless they are still in the transition to adulthood. Partly it depends on money, young workers are paid less than adults. If they continue to live with their parents they cannot be and feel completely independent. In addition, young workers are not fully grown up in relation to their workplace: they are under the direct control of now adult workers, treated with more distrust, which manifests itself in a stricter external discipline.

  • Responsibility.

Often, when speaking about young people, the concept of “irresponsibility” is used, but this is not entirely accurate. Youth is the time when a young person takes on more and more responsibility. From a psychological point of view, it is during this period that a teenager learns to take responsibility for what he does, he learns to feel guilty for what he has done. Gradually, more and more responsibility begins to fall on him: for homework, for how he spends his time in and out of school, for getting certain grades, for moving up in the school hierarchy, for behavior, for choosing friends, for style, who, for the success of training and for much more. This period was called by the English scientist Stanley Hall the period of "storm and onslaught", "storm and stress". Constant feeling of being separate, abandoned; the constant desire to connect with others and the constant desire to separate from others - all these moments are very contradictory, they are sometimes capable of tearing the inner world of a teenager apart.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the concept of "youth" is multifaceted, and can be considered in different contexts of society; scientists still cannot agree on when youth begins and when it ends, therefore its age boundaries are blurred, but in addition to this, these boundaries can be moved apart in one direction or another by the person himself, depending on his psychological mood, as well as and from the society in which the young man is brought up.

§2. Youth culture and subculture

In the past few years, a huge number of diverse cultures and subcultures have appeared among young people in our country, if ten years ago their number did not exceed twenty, then at present these formations are quite difficult to count and somehow systematize.

It is important to distinguish youth culture from youth culture. At first glance, these two concepts are equivalent, but this is not entirely true. “If youth culture belongs to youth and is not characteristic of society as a whole, then youth culture also includes common elements of culture transmitted to youth by the older generation in the process of upbringing and education.” Another important term is the term "subculture". The most complete definition of subculture is given by Yu.G. Volkov: “Subculture is a system of values, attitudes, behaviors and life styles of a certain social group that differs from the culture dominant in society, although it is associated with it.”

A young person is very impulsive, impressionable, dynamic and emotional, therefore misunderstanding and conflict often arise between him and the older generation due to a mismatch of opinions, interests, hobbies and values. This conflict is one of the leading causes of the formation of youth cultures and subcultures.

The process of cultural continuity both brings together and separates generations. The older generation passes on all its experience and spiritual wealth, and the youth must make efforts to master it, but in addition to this, it must also combine this material with real modern life, thereby forming a new culture. In modern society, with its dynamic development, relationships between different generations are becoming more and more complex, and accordingly, the process of cultural continuity is undergoing significant changes: the mechanisms for the development of culture are changing, the value of the life experience of older generations is decreasing. And the faster society develops, the more the cultural gap between youth and the “adult world” widens, because the older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to adapt to new conditions, and for young people, due to their mobility and dynamism, this is not a big deal.

Some researchers believe that "a fundamentally new type of culture is emerging, in which it is not the youth who borrows norms and values ​​from the experience of previous generations, but, on the contrary, the older generation from the young" . In many cases, innovations, in which area of ​​public relations they did not arise, are tested in the youth environment, and only then, gradually, are accepted by older, more conservative members of public relations.

Very often, in most cases, the cause and cause of the conflict between young people and adults do not match. The reasons may be the peculiarities of the psyche of a teenager, not the ability to build a dialogue, not understanding the essence of cultural differences between generations, and many others, but the reason may be a deviation from the implementation of the principles of social justice, different values, etc.

A.N. Sukhov divides conflicts into the following types:

An option to overcome the conflict may be a person’s exit to a new level of understanding or the mechanisms of mental protection are included:

The impetus for the development of the conflict is most often given from the outside, an intrapersonal conflict appears, which then turns into an interpersonal one or individuals and groups. As a result, the young man changes his family to an informal group. Very often this situation is exacerbated by improper upbringing. In such cases, this informal group becomes a place with a special emotional and psychological climate that is comfortable for young people. Youth informal groups can be created specifically to overcome conflicts with the older generation. With the help of attributes and symbols of a particular subculture, a teenager tries to influence adults. For example, symbols of aggression in punk culture: militant mohawk, chains, spikes and skulls as decorations. This helps to extinguish the conflict with parents by transferring it to the external environment, to relieve the teenager's internal tension.

An important role in uniting members of a particular subcultural group is played by:

  1. Appearance;

The appearance of a person carries socially significant information about his social status, performs the function of a password. A member of one subculture will always recognize his own, and distinguish members of other groups.

  1. Slang;

The more intensively the members of the same group interact, the more words are included in their slang. For example, in the late 80s, a girl who was part of the hippie subculture wrote a Dictionary of Systemic Slang, which included hippie jargon. The use of these words unites the group and distinguishes it in society.

  1. Collection places;

They serve mainly as a symbol of community and are very stable over time. The larger the city, the more such places. There are places where representatives of only one subculture gather, for example, in Krasnoyarsk, skinheads gather in the courtyard of a house at the intersection of Lenin and Kirov streets, various informal groups gather at other points, in our city, the Glass Square opposite Detsky Mir, where punks coexist , and hippies, and skinheads.

  1. Music.

In some cases, subcultures are formed depending on what kind of music its members listen to, being in this case a “crystallization point”, accelerating the process of forming this community. Such music strongly influences the behavior of teenagers. The younger generation makes music the cause of the conflict of values ​​with adults, there is a cultural continuity. Adolescents in youth music find both a denial of authority and a desire for an ideal, identifying themselves with young musicians.

The group-forming role of youth music allows it to take the place of the central element in the life of young people, the originality of the worldview and ways of self-expression, patterns of behavior and interaction, slang and symbols form a kind of cultural complex - youth culture.

From all of the above, it follows that each youth subculture has certain characteristics that are characteristic only of it. Appearance, attributes, slang and music can act as such signs, and they are also components of a subculture; members of such subcultures pay much attention to them. Many of the subcultures are aggressive, both externally and internally. This, most likely, is a consequence of the causes of the emergence of subcultures. For example, conflict at different levels often results in the withdrawal of a teenager into a subculture. The membership of a young person in one or another similar group is not for life; on average, a young person leaves the subculture at 20 years old. Moreover, as strange as it may sound to the older generations, the subculture is an integral part of the mainstream culture.

Chapter 2. Main problems of youth

§one. Deviations in the youth environment and its consequences for society

Deviant behavior or deviant behavior is very common in everyday life. Probably, there is no such person who at least once in his life did not violate the prohibitions, who would observe all the rules and norms established in the society in which he lives. Various actions can be considered deviant, from missing school classes to theft, robbery and murder. Most often, "taboos" are broken at a young age, when the rule of the forbidden fruit, which you so want to try, is in effect.

“Deviance is a social phenomenon, expressed in relatively massive, statistically stable forms (types) of human activity that do not correspond to officially established or actually established in a given society (culture, group) norms and expectations.”

In different societies, with different customs, cultures and histories, the same behavior can be considered as deviant, and as completely normal. For example, the use of narcotic substances of plant origin in Islamic countries, while for Europeans such behavior is seen as a violation of social norms, that is, deviation. In addition, some researchers believe that "deviance is not a property inherent in any social behavior, but is the result of a social assessment of behavior and is expressed in assigning a deviant status to a certain social behavior" .

Deviation can be negative, these are acts that negatively affect society and cause negative emotions in its members - robberies, murders, drug addiction, alcoholism; and positive - these are various types of creativity and genius that go beyond the generally accepted framework. In modern society, negative forms of deviation cause the greatest concern, the most dangerous of them will be discussed below.

There are several theories about the causes of deviant behavior. In the work “Sociology of Deviant (Deviant) Behavior”, Ya. Glinsky and V. Afanasyev divide all theories into types depending on which components prevail in human behavior:

  1. Biological: the relationship between the anatomical structure and criminal behavior of a person; the relationship between bodily, natural and social factors; the relationship between the types of human physical structure and forms of behavior; the presence of an extra Y-chromosome in men predisposes to criminal violence.
  2. Sociological:
  • Structural: such theories focus on the study of differences in the types of deviant behavior of individuals with different social statuses and study the relationship between the social structure of society and deviant behavior;

T. Sellin assumed that deviation arises from conflicts between individuals from different social, political, cultural and other groups. These individuals have different ideas about norms and values, which is the cause of conflicts that lead to deviant behavior.

Levin B.M. and Levin M.B. in the book "Drug Addiction and Drug Addicts" they consider on what grounds various forms of deviation appear among the youth. The authors suggest that the coherence of interaction between members of society, their interests, social institutions during drastic changes in any of the spheres of society's life is violated, due to the fact that the old norms are no longer valid, and the new ones have not yet taken shape. Individuals “increase their willingness to go beyond the norms”, cultural restrictions are turned off, such concepts as “bad”, “immoral” cease to exist for a person. The next reason for deviant behavior may be the progress of society. The new, higher quality standard of living of individuals, the competitive basis of life, gives rise to new conflicts. High demands are placed on a person in cultural and labor skills, an individual must have a high level of health. If a person does not meet these new standards and cannot achieve them in a short time, he falls out of the life of society or becomes a deviant. Young people are the most receptive part of society to changes in life, and at the same time, they are very dynamic, easily going beyond the limits into which society drives them.

The authors take the crisis in relations between society and the younger generation as the basis for the deviant behavior of young people and highlight such signs of this crisis as:

  • Alienation;

Many young people feel like strangers in the world of adults, they categorically reject everything that is offered to them by the older generation, creating subcultural groups with their own rules and norms that suit the members of these groups. In many of the existing subcultures, human life does not have a high priority; a non-traditional attitude of the younger generation towards it is being formed. In addition, in such teams, as a rule, very close-knit, group responsibility, this entails that each individual person is not responsible for his actions, but the whole group is responsible for them, as a result of which the individual more easily transcends what is permitted. The degree of loneliness of a young person is also very important, if this degree is very high, then the instinct of self-preservation is lost and the feeling of compassion for one's neighbor fades away.

  • mass character;

In modern society, many youth subcultures and countercultures are formed. A huge mass of young people are moving away from the general cultural values ​​created by previous generations.

  • Trouble of the prosperous;

A teenager at first glance seems quite normal, not deprived of attention, does not create problems for either parents or school. But, he, like all his peers, is disappointed in the people around him, in the discrepancy between what adults teach and what they actually do. “If such a person does not become problematic himself, then he creates problems around himself, his children grow up problematic.”

  • Confused adults;

Many adults do not know what to do with young people, how to educate them further, because they are no longer children, but not yet adults. "There is no such philosophy of education that would be convincing for a sufficient number of people and could become the basis of a constructive public opinion and a constructive youth policy."

The main deviantogenic factor is the contradictions between socially formed needs and the opportunities provided by society to satisfy them. For adolescents and young people, this contradiction is especially acute: maximum needs - minimum opportunities (insufficient educational, professional level, low social status, "social disorder"). If the global distinction is "inclusion/exclusion", then adolescents and young people are relatively more likely to be among the "excluded".

Consider the most common and dangerous types of deviant behavior among young people:

  1. Addiction;

“Drugs are potent natural as well as synthetic substances that paralyze the action of the central nervous system, causing artificial sleep, hallucinations, and, in case of overdose, loss of consciousness and death.”

Legally narcotic substances can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, any other consumption will be illegal and considered a crime.

Drugs cause a person to become addicted, both mentally and physically. They completely subjugate the consumer. An addict, that is, a drug addict, is ready to do anything for them: from refusing to comply with moral principles and norms, to serious crimes.

The current situation with the spread of drug addiction in Russia has assumed alarming proportions. The number of drug addicts over the past decade has increased 9 times, and in August-September 2002 it is 4 million people (about 3% of the population). Most appalling is that more than half of the consumers are young people under the age of 29. These people cannot give normal offspring, cannot participate in labor relations, drop out of the life of society, violate and destroy social ties. This circumstance threatens the further existence of our nation, because the gene pool is generally violated, the economy is undermined, and new social conflicts arise. And if we consider that the population is aging, and the majority of drug users are young people, then perhaps the time will come when the majority of the country's population will be addicted. At present, the speed and extent of the spread of drug addiction "calls into question the physical and moral health of young people and the future of a significant part of them, the social stability of Russian society" .

Drugs are divided into several groups, depending on which group the drug belongs to, euphoria and “withdrawal” during the withdrawal syndrome depend. For example, the authors of the textbook "Sociology of Deviant (Deviant) Behavior" Glinsky and Afanasiev give the following classification:

  1. Opiates: derivatives of the opium poppy, opium, morphine, codeine, promedol and other drugs with a morphine-like effect, heroin is the most powerful drug; from these drugs the strongest euphoric effect: bizarre leads and sensations, but also the most terrible withdrawal: develops 5-6 hours after the last drug intake, pulling pains in the bones and muscles, dilated pupils, loss of consciousness, disruption of the digestive system; if the dose of the drug is exceeded, death occurs; with prolonged use of opiates, there is a weakening of the will, impotence, a decrease in the range of interests, stereotyping of behavior.
  2. Psychostimulants: cocaine, caffeine, phenamine, ephedron, pervitin, amphetamine, etc., the most powerful drug from this group is cocaine, but in our country it has not become very common, unlike prevetin, from which “screw ”, a very strong drug, and amphetamine; when using these types of drugs, there is an increase in motor activity, an increase in intellectual activity, and working capacity; withdrawal symptoms: psychosis, weakness, headache, suicidal attempts; with prolonged use, personality degradation occurs.
  3. Psychodepressants: sleeping pills; addiction to these drugs is most often the result of using them to enhance the effect of opiates or to replace them; addiction to such drugs is more difficult to cure than addiction to opiates.
  4. Cannabis derivatives: drugs derived from different types of hemp - marijuana, hashish, etc.; Euphoric effect: a state of contentment, the sense of time and space changes, hallucinations; withdrawal syndrome: nervousness, headache, sleep disturbance, irritability.

5) Hallucinogenic: drugs of plant origin - mescaline, obtained from certain types of cacti, and psilocybin - from mushrooms, as well as synthetic drugs - LSD, "angel dust", etc.; cause an aggravation of sensations, a change in the perception of time and space.

The high cost of drugs and physical dependence makes the addict commit crimes in order to get the drug itself or the means to purchase it. In addition, drug addicts form a drug subculture into which more and more people are drawn, which leads to an increase in the number of drug users.

In Russia, a specific drug prevention program has been developed. The term "prevention" is defined by the WHO as "a system of integrated state and social, socio-economic and medical-sanitary, psychological and pedagogical psycho-hygienic measures aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health" . It is carried out in three stages:

  1. Primary prevention - aimed at preventing drug use, it includes the creation of drug-free schools, the identification of risk groups, work with parents and the teaching staff of the educational institution.
  2. Secondary prevention: aimed at people who have started using drugs, this prevention includes the creation of rehabilitation centers, work with risk groups and parents of children who have started using drugs.

3) Tertiary prevention - providing assistance to people suffering from drug addiction, includes the formation of a rehabilitation environment and self-help groups.

There are centers for the prevention of drug addiction among young people. Their employees work in schools, with parents, with children, cooperate with the State Drug Control Service, and carry out actions to prevent the use of psychoactive substances.

  1. Alcoholism;

There are several theories about the causes of alcoholism. For example, a number of reasons that are derived by Z.V. Korobkina in the work "At the dangerous line":

Glinsky and Afanasiev in their work "The Sociology of Deviant (Deviant) Behavior" offers another classification of the reasons for the increase in the level of alcoholism:

  • Common causes of deviant behavior;
  • The theory of "double failure" by R. Merton: a person cannot satisfy his needs either in legal activity or in illegal;
  • Alcohol performs certain functions (the remedy will be comforted, relaxed);
  • Social inequality and social disorder;

As a result of a study conducted by the Institute of Youth, it turned out that by the age of 17, 46% of boys and 54% of girls drink alcohol more than once a month. Also in the country over the past few years, in connection with the well-conducted beer advertising campaign in general, beer alcoholism among young people has reached colossal proportions. In 2002, a survey was conducted in St. Petersburg, from which it turned out that "almost half of the young citizens surveyed drink beer almost every day."

Many researchers identify such causes of alcoholism in adolescents as:

  • Alcoholic environment;
  • Strengthening claims to adulthood;
  • Peer example;

Korobkina Z.V. identifies several levels of involvement of young people in drinking alcohol:

  1. level: as a rule, schoolchildren who are not familiar with the euphoric effect of alcohol develop a personal strategy for refusing alcohol in any situation;
  2. level: initial - isolated cases of alcohol consumption, most often such people have low tolerance to alcohol, there is no euphoria from its use;
  3. level: episodic use - acquaintance with various alcoholic products, alcohol is easily tolerated, but they themselves rarely become the initiators of drinking;
  4. level: high risk level - euphoria increases, relaxation after drinking alcohol, the number of occasions expands, drinking more than 2 times a month;
  5. level: the level of mental dependence - young people themselves become the initiators of drinking, they have a positive attitude towards alcohol, the frequency of use reaches several times a week, craving for alcohol throughout the day, they vehemently resist attempts to limit their further alcoholization.
  6. level: the level of physical dependence - a protective emetic reaction to alcohol is suppressed, memory impairment, a hangover occurs, loss of quantitative control;

Level 6: the final level of the alcoholic disintegration of the personality - binges develop, during intoxication the mood decreases, anger appears, hallucinations appear, internal organs are affected.

Early initiation to alcohol leads to "more severe consequences of a medical and social nature and a reduction in the period of transition from drunkenness to alcoholism" . In addition, there are many crimes, including especially serious ones, committed by young people while intoxicated.

In the modern Russian state, the problem of deviant behavior of young people is the most serious, affecting not only young people as a social stratum, but also the whole society as a whole. Teenagers start using drugs at a very early age. This, in turn, shortens a person's life expectancy and has a very detrimental effect on his psychophysiological and social development. Efforts are being made to introduce new means of preventing substance use that will be more effective than simply educating adolescents about the harms of these substances.

§2. Problems of youth education in Russia

The right to education is one of the priority constitutional rights. The Federal Law "On Education" provides the following definition of this concept: education is a purposeful process of upbringing and learning in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.

It is believed that one of the values ​​that we inherited from the Soviet era is the education system. Indeed, the Soviet education system was once a role model and a source of development for the Soviet Union.

At present, fundamental changes have taken place in the Russian Federation in the field of education, a number of reforms are being developed. According to V.V. Putin, the Russian education system needs to be modernized, while maintaining its best traditions. "It is necessary to adapt, adapt our education system to modern conditions, while maintaining the best traditions of domestic education."

The problem of passing the final exams and entering the university is an eternal and not passing problem. More than a million people across Russia face it every year. The problem became even more acute when the Unified State Examination was introduced everywhere. Bolotov V.A. gives the following definition: the USE is a system of objective independent control of the level of education of school graduates.

The unity of these exams lies in their two features:

a) their results are simultaneously taken into account in the school certificate and when entering universities;

b) when conducting these exams throughout Russia, the same type of tasks and a single assessment scale are used, which makes it possible to compare all students by level of preparation.

The USE is introduced for many reasons and has several goals at once:

  • Firstly, it will help to ensure equal conditions for entering a university and passing final exams at school, since these exams throughout Russia use the same type of tasks and a single assessment scale that makes it possible to compare all students by level of preparation.

In addition, the exam will be conducted in conditions that ensure the reliability of the results. The results will be checked on computers and by independent experts. This will reduce the so-called "targeted tutoring" (for the purpose of admission to a particular university) and bribery.

  • Secondly, an attempt to improve the quality of education in Russia through more objective control and higher motivation for its successful completion. Students need to be well prepared for exams so that they pass them successfully.

Thirdly, a way to unload graduate students by reducing the number of exams, instead of final exams and entrance exams, they will take State exams, their results will be taken into account both in the school certificate and when entering universities.

The part of society that is affected to some extent by entering higher educational institutions is divided into two camps: “for” and “against”. State officials convinced that now there would be no need to take entrance exams, the results of the Unified State Examination would be accepted everywhere, but in practice everything turned out to be much more complicated. These results were not accepted in prestigious universities, and if they were accepted, then in faculties where there was not a high passing score and a low number of applicants per place. At the Parliamentary hearings in 2002 “On the results of the experiment on the introduction of a unified state exam”, I.M. Khakamada stated the need to find a compromise between supporters of enrollment in universities based on the results of the Unified State Examination and university rectors. She recommended that a certain quota of places be allocated for the Unified State Examination, the rest of the places for traditional university entrance exams.

Another innovation that caused a great resonance in society is the reform of higher education. The reform provides for a transition to two-level education in higher education. A continuous five-year study will give way to a four-year bachelor's degree and a two-year master's degree - after each stage, the student will receive a separate diploma. In addition, the number of specialties provided by universities will be reduced “by 10 times, from 670 to 40-50. There will be a certain reduction in the number of specialties for each stage - in the bachelor's degree, there will be 50 of them, and in the master's program - about 200 ". Employers are promised to be involved in compiling a new list of specialties.

A bachelor student receives a general, broad specialty, which can be deepened in a master's program. The reduction will not affect only medical and engineering specialties (and their range is the most extensive), since technical and medical universities will retain a continuous single-level system.

In addition, all higher educational institutions will be divided into groups:

  • 20 universities - representatives of the first, most privileged group - will receive the status of "national university" and full funding;
  • Up to 200 universities - representatives of the second, already less privileged group - will receive money from the state for the training of bachelors and masters;

The selection criteria will be developed by the Ministry together with the scientific and university community.

The decision to carry out the education reform caused a strong reaction in society, and especially among students. A wave of rallies and demonstrations against the reform of higher education swept across the country.

Thus, we can conclude that the Unified State Examination was the first sign of the upcoming major reform of the education system. This, a new form of testing the knowledge of school graduates, causes conflicting opinions. Changes in the higher education system cause a lot of resentment, especially among students who organize rallies and marches against the reform.

§3. Problems of youth employment

The introduction of market relations has exacerbated the problem of social security in the labor sphere. Young workers are the first to be laid off and join the ranks of the unemployed.

Particularly disturbing trends among young people include the accelerating decline in the prestige of general and vocational education; an increase in the number of young people who start working with a low level of education and have no desire to continue their education; the orientation of many links in education towards the reproduction of workers, employees and specialists without taking into account the requirements of consumers; the growing backlog of the material and technical base of all levels from the regulatory requirements; the outflow of gifted young men and women from many universities and from the country.

The relatively low competitiveness of young people is caused by a number of factors: lack of professional knowledge; the need to provide young people with a number of additional benefits provided for by the Labor Code; labor instability of youth; infantilism of a part of the youth, accustomed to getting everything they need from their parents.

Discrimination against young people in the labor market is an urgent problem for any market economy, especially for the Russian one, when during the transition of Russia to the market, unclaimed graduates of vocational schools, universities and technical schools become unemployed - young people who have education, but do not have work experience in their specialty.

In modern Russia, the labor positions of the older generation are quite strong, based on the predominance of public interests. But the new values ​​of the market economy are also very strong, which includes attitudes towards material well-being and the status positioning of the individual.

Slutsky E.G. identifies several types of labor motivation:

  1. value type (for a young person, an interesting job is the main value in labor activity);
  2. mixed type (a person takes work seriously, but along with this, he also has other interests and needs not related to employment, such as raising children);
  3. instrumental type (work is a means to achieve life goals):
  • material motivation (about 40% of young people);
  • status motivation (about 15%);
  • motivation for development and self-realization (for people of creative professions);

The teenage group (youth up to 18 years old) is mainly students of secondary schools and vocational schools. Basically, they are not involved in labor activity. However, a significant decline in the living standards of the majority of the population has changed the life position of this category of young people. Many of them seek to earn money in the main way. They enter the labor market, joining the ranks of the unemployed. The current situation with teenage employment is of great concern. Most often it is self-employment, such as washing cars and selling newspapers.

Youth aged 18-24 are students and young people who are completing or have completed most of their vocational training. They are the most vulnerable group entering the labor market, as they do not have sufficient professional and social experience and are therefore less competitive.

At the age of 25-29, young people, in general, already make a professional choice, have certain qualifications, some life and professional experience. They know what they want, most often they already have their own family and make rather high demands on the proposed work.

Young people are less likely to register at the labor exchange than people of other ages. The employment service covers only part of the demand for labor and labor supply. As a result, the whole variety of new phenomena in the field of employment associated with the peculiarities of Russian market relations, and in particular hidden unemployment, is not taken into account. For young people, hidden unemployment poses no less danger than registered unemployment, since it is they who run the risk of being behind the gates of enterprises in the first place. In addition, forced idleness has a degrading effect on the unformed consciousness. It is clear that in such a situation, the majority of young people seek to stabilize their employment status, trying in various ways to avoid the possibility of losing their earnings.

Due to the decline in the prestige of productive labor, a significant part of young people have become characterized by social pessimism; they do not believe in the possibility of having an interesting, meaningful job, paid in accordance with the measure of their work at the level of world standards. There are polar changes in labor motivation. Qualified young personnel often change their specialty, which in the future can lead to an imbalance in the professional structure of the workforce.

Recently, an increasing number of young people consider receiving a full-fledged education a necessary condition for achieving the desired social status and a higher financial position, a certain guarantee against unemployment. Vocational training is becoming an important element of the labor market infrastructure, which maintains a qualitatively balanced demand and supply of labor, and largely determines the effectiveness of measures to implement the youth employment policy.

At the present stage of development of Russian society, there is no clear concept of youth employment. Therefore, some researchers offer their developments, for example, Slutsky E.G. proposed the following concept. The main principles of this concept are:

Young people are in a rather difficult position when looking for work, on the one hand, their rights may be infringed on the basis of age, and on the other hand, a young person needs a profitable job, which is not so easy to find. In addition, the state does not have clear levers for regulating youth employment, which further aggravates the position of young people in the labor market.

youth subculture society

Chapter 3. Ways to solve the problems of modern youth

§one. Youth policy in Russia

Youth is the labor and economic potential of the country, on which the progress of society largely depends. Therefore, legislators, first of all, when developing regulations in the field of youth policy, should take this fact into account. The youth policy of the state should be aimed at ensuring effective upbringing, decent education and successful socialization of the younger generation.

Young people easily adapt to new conditions, the experience of past generations practically does not affect them, due to their high dynamism and mobility. But "youth found itself in a situation where it is called upon to continue development on the basis of inherited material and spiritual values, it is forced to be in its infancy, to participate in the development of values, often on its own, often despite the relapses of the old thinking" . Also, the younger generation fills the political and cultural space, in connection with the departure from the scene of the previous generation. But in Russia, at present, it is unlikely that there will be so many talented and educated young people to fill the resulting vacuum. Therefore, the state is called upon to ensure continuity and consolidate the efforts of young people, directing them in the right direction.

State youth policy is the activity of the state aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of the personality of a young person and the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives.

The object of the state youth policy is citizens of the Russian Federation from 14 to 30 years old, young people and youth associations, and the subject is state bodies and their officials, youth associations and associations and young citizens.

In 1992, "by the Decree of the President, youth policy was proclaimed a priority socio-economic policy of the state" and the State Committee for the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs was formed. In 1999, a new Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation" was adopted. The need for the formation and implementation of a coherent and effective youth policy in the Russian Federation followed from the general requirements for conducting a targeted and specialized social policy in relation to various groups and strata of the population.

Now in Russia, in the field of state youth policy, a rather difficult situation has developed, the main reason for this is the lack of funds for the implementation of all bills and programs aimed at improving the life of the younger generation.

V.V. Kolkov identifies such principles of state youth policy as:

The main goals of the state youth policy, according to Kaigorodova L.A. are:

Priority is given to the creation of a system of information support for young people, this includes providing the young generation with access to relevant information that they need during the period of socialization, as well as analyzing information about young people.

In the spring of 2000, taking into account the peculiarities of the current situation in Russia among young people, the "Union of Youth Organizations" was organized. This union was conceived as an association of multidirectional public, political, state, professional and other youth organizations from all regions of Russia, and is intended to represent the interests, protect the constitutional rights of young citizens and uphold priorities in solving youth problems in the implementation of youth policy.

The effectiveness of the state youth policy largely depends on the established guaranteed minimum of social services for young people. In Russia, this minimum is negligible. Even students, who in history have always been a poorly protected and low-income social stratum, and this has not changed over the centuries, the state does not give anything at all.

Another problem of the state youth policy is that the legal framework is in its infancy. And in recent years, the main document in this area was the program "Main Directions of State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation."

From all of the above, it should be concluded that the state should organize the joint work of various institutions, departments, organizations, government structures on the basis of common state views on the socio-economic, spiritual and psycho-physiological development of youth, create action programs, organize a dialogue between authorities, social institutions and youth, ensure the formation of patriotism among young citizens of the Russian Federation, respect for the history and culture of the fatherland, respect for human rights, study its demographic and social problems, create optimal conditions for the development and self-realization of young citizens.

§2. Social work with youth

In the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population of the Russian Federation”, a comprehensive system of social services for the population, including young people, provides for the provision of socio-economic, medical, social, psychological, social, legal and other social services to citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

One of the directions of the state youth policy is the creation of social services for young people. There is the following structure of social services:

  • Centers of socio-psychological service;

Assistance to young people in crisis situations, conflict situations, prevention and prevention of deviant and suicidal behavior.

  • Advisory centers;

Qualified, emergency, anonymous, free psychological help by phone.

  • Shelters;

Basically, for the minor part of the youth, conditions are created for the life of a person who is alienated for various reasons from favorable conditions for development in the family;

  • resocialization centers;

Designed for people who have returned from places of deprivation of liberty, social, legal, advisory, career-oriented and psychological assistance is provided.

  • information centers.

Provision of information and methodological services to executive authorities for youth affairs, organizations and institutions working with youth, various groups of youth.

Social work among young people is seen as providing the most favorable socio-economic conditions for the development of each young person, contributing to the social development of the individual, the acquisition of all types of freedoms and the full participation of individuals in the life of society. The study of the real needs of young people in social services is a key element in the formation of a system of their social services. The need for this type of social services is increasingly recognized by the population and the state.

The basic activities of the specialists of these services are psychological-preventive, psychological-diagnostic and correctional work, as well as consulting activities.

In the system of psychological counseling, there are:

A specialist working in the field of social counseling must be fluent in the basic principles that were first formulated by V.V. Stolin on the material of family psychological counseling.

He identified 6 principles:

  1. The principle of subtext analysis (requirement to distinguish between several layers in the request-complaint of the client and the allocation of ways to work with these layers).
  2. The principle of refusing specific recommendations (for a person himself must decide on his own destiny).
  3. The principle of stereoscopic diagnosis (it is in family counseling that it is most necessary to take into account the opinions of more than one side).
  4. The principle of consistency (the allocation of a systemic unit of analysis, whether it be an individual consciousness, or a family as a whole, or an individual life path as a whole.
  5. The principle of respect for the personality of the client (refusal of the installation for remaking, re-education of the personality, installation for acceptance, understanding of the client).

6. The principle of the consultant's professional orientation and motivation (distinguishing between friendly and professional relations, searching for and establishing a boundary where the client ends and just a person begins, etc.).

The system of social protection of youth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has the following structure of social service institutions:

1. Mandatory minimum for each city, district, which includes:

a) social service center (departments: social assistance at home, day care, temporary stay, urgent social assistance);

b) a center for social assistance to families and children;

c) a social rehabilitation center for minors; d) social hotel;

e) social shelter for children and teenagers.

  1. Additional network in cities and regions, which includes:

a) a center for psychological and pedagogical assistance;

b) a center for emergency psychological assistance by telephone;

c) house of mercy;

d) rehabilitation centers for persons with disabilities (including for children and adolescents).

3. Republican, regional, regional, district, inter-district institutions, which include:

a) centers for helping children left without parental care;

b) boarding houses: children's, neuropsychiatric, special;

c) hostels for persons with disabilities.

Thus, at present, various centers of social assistance to youth are beginning to develop in all regions of the country. Each center has its own specifics of work, its goals and objectives. The work of many of these institutions is based on federal, regional and local regulations. Many of the centers carry out joint work with law enforcement organizations. For example, the Krasnoyarsk Youth Center for the Prevention of Drug Abuse closely cooperates with GosNarkoControl. The state, as well as non-governmental organizations, stimulate the development of social assistance to the younger generation.


Youth is the future potential of society. The well-being of this state depends on how today this society and the state cares about its development and conditions of existence, it contains the prototype of the Russian future.

The legislator must create such a legal framework in the field of youth policy that the younger generation feel completely protected and secure. The state is obliged to create conditions for the cultural, spiritual, economic, political and social development of youth.

The state should pay a great deal of attention to the problems of youth employment. Provide support in the organization of labor exchanges for the younger generation. Encourage small businesses to attract young professionals, as well as provide quota places at state enterprises for future workers. Create summer jobs for teenagers and young students. To create conditions for the development of business by young people, to simplify the organization and registration of such enterprises, to reduce taxation, and to remove bureaucratic barriers.

In what direction the further development of Russia will go will depend not only on the successful progress of socio-economic reforms, but also on how much the Russian youth is disposed to actively participate in them.

At the moment, there is a successful development of social work with youth. Various institutions are being opened that work exclusively in the field of youth problems, which provide effective psychological and social assistance to young people. In addition, much attention is paid to the development of sports, there is a great attraction of the younger generation to professional sports. Also, attention is paid to the healthy lifestyle of young people, which is promoted not only by state organizations and institutions, but also by private companies and the media.


  1. On education: federal law of 16.11. - Rostov-n / D.: Phoenix, 2002. - 288 p.
  2. Vishnevsky, Yu.R., Rubina, L.Ya. The social image of students in the 90s / Yu.R. Vishnevsky, L.Ya. Rubina // SOCIS. - 1997. - No. 10. - S. 56 - 68.
  3. Glinsky, Ya., Afanasiev, V. Sociology of deviant (deviant) behavior: Textbook / Ya. Glinsky, V. Afanasiev. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1993. - 168 p.
  4. Zapesoukiy, A.S., Fine, A.P. This incomprehensible youth…: Problems of informal youth associations / A.S. Zapesotsky, A.P. Fine. - M.: Profizdat, 1990. - 224 p.
  5. Zborovsky, G.E., Shuklina, E.A. Self-education as a sociological problem / G.E. Zborovsky, E.A. Shuklin // SOCIS. - 1997. - No. 10. - S. 78 - 86.
  6. Karpukhin, O.I. Self-assessment of youth as an indicator of its socio-cultural identification / O.I. Karpukhin // SOCIS. - 1998. - No. 12. - S. 89 - 94.
  7. Korobkina, Z.V. At the dangerous line / Z.V. Korobkin. - M.: Thought, 1991. - 220 p.
  8. Korobkina, Z.V., Popova, V.A. Prevention of drug addiction in children and youth / Z.V. Korobkina, V.A. Popov. - M.: Academy, 2002. - 192 p.
  9. Levin, B.M., Levin, M.B. Drug addiction and drug addicts: a book for teachers / B.M. Levin, M.B. Levin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 160 p.
  10. Marshak, A.L. Features of socio-cultural relations of socially disoriented youth / A.L. Marshak // SOCIS. - 1998. - No. 12. - S. 94 - 97.
  11. Omelchenko, E. Youth cultures and subcultures / E. Omelchenko. - M.: Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. - 152 p.
  12. Paramonova, S.P. Types of moral consciousness of youth / S.P. Paramonova // SCIS. - 1997. - No. 10. - S. 69 - 78.
  13. Social psychology: Proc. allowance / Ed. A.N. Sukhova, A.A. Derkach. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 600 p.
  14. Social Encyclopedia / Ed. A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2000. - 438 p.
  15. Sociology of Youth: Textbook / Ed. SOUTH. Volkov. - Rostov-n / D.: Phoenix, 2001. - 576 p.
  16. Juvenology and juvenile policy in the 21st century: the experience of a comprehensive interdisciplinary study / Ed. E.V. Slutsky. - St. Petersburg: Knowledge, 2004. - 734 p.
  17. Glinsky Ya. Sociology of deviant (deviant) behavior: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1993. - P. 22 - 24. Lisovsky V.T. Dynamics of social changes (experience of comparative sociological studies of Russian youth) // SOCIS. - 998. - No. 5. - S. 99.

    Social work: theory and practice Textbook. allowance / Ed. E.I. Single. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003. - S. 239.

Youth is the main bearer of the intellectual and physical potential of society, it has great abilities for work, technical and cultural and artistic creativity, productive activity in all spheres of human existence;

Young people have a great social and professional perspective, they are able to acquire new knowledge, professions and specialties faster than other social groups in society.

The fundamental issue when considering the role of youth in society is the question of youth as a subject and object of social transformations. Entering into life, a young person is subject to the influence of social conditions, family, educational institutions, and later, in the process of growing up and moving into more mature phases of development, he begins to significantly influence society. That is, youth acts as a subject when it influences society, giving up its potential, at the same time it is an object, since social influence is directed at it in order to develop it. The youth acts as an object both to society and to itself.

Without a doubt, youth is a very important part for Chuvashia and for Russia as a whole, as it is the most active component of the state. The young are the best adapted to the introduction of new technologies, innovations and reforms. They are mobile and full of energy, so the Russian state is interested in the fact that the younger generation would be involved in the economic life of Russia and the political ... Most recently, our country has passed the economic crisis, and is now at the stage of stabilization, so young specialists in the field of economics simply necessary for Chuvashia. It follows that the state should be interested in the formation of a viable and healthy new generation, because young people are the “salvation” for the state in terms of creating a family and eliminating the demographic crisis.

In a word, Chuvashia in our time is doing everything for the successful development of the younger generation - the rest depends on us. Purposefulness and ambitions are the main components of a happy life and a secure future, so it is important to choose the right path now, because youth is not eternal and goes away every day... Giving up bad habits, worthy occupation, finding your favorite job will help change your life for the better . The future of Russia is in the hands of young people, and this should always be remembered.

YOUTH - a socio-demographic group identified on the basis of age parameters, social status and socio-psychological qualities.

One of the first definitions of the term "youth" was given in 1968 by V.T. Lisovsky:

"Youth is a generation of people passing through the stage of socialization, assimilating, and at a more mature age already assimilating, educational, professional, cultural and other social functions; depending on specific historical conditions, the age criteria for youth can range from 16 to 30 years."

Later, a more complete definition was given by I.S. Konom:

"Youth is a socio-demographic group distinguished on the basis of a combination of age characteristics, characteristics of social status and socio-psychological properties due to both. Youth as a certain phase, stage of the life cycle is biologically universal, but its specific age limits, associated social status and socio-psychological characteristics are of a socio-historical nature and depend on the social system, culture and the laws of socialization characteristic of a given society.

In developmental psychology, youth is characterized as a period of formation of a stable system of values, the formation of self-awareness and the social status of an individual.

The consciousness of a young person has a special susceptibility, the ability to process and assimilate a huge flow of information. During this period, develop: critical thinking, the desire to give their own assessment of various phenomena, the search for argumentation, original thinking. At the same time, at this age, some attitudes and stereotypes characteristic of the previous generation are still preserved. Hence, in the behavior of young people, there is an amazing combination of contradictory qualities and traits: the desire for identification and isolation, conformism and negativism, imitation and denial of generally accepted norms, the desire for communication and withdrawal, detachment from the outside world.

Youth consciousness is determined by a number of objective circumstances.

Firstly, in modern conditions the process of socialization itself has become more complicated and lengthened, and, accordingly, the criteria for its social maturity have become different. They are determined not only by entry into an independent working life, but also by the completion of education, the acquisition of a profession, real political and civil rights, and material independence from parents.

Secondly, the formation of the social maturity of young people occurs under the influence of many relatively independent factors: families, schools, work collectives, the media, youth organizations and spontaneous groups.

The boundaries of youth age are mobile. They depend on the socio-economic development of society, the level of well-being and culture achieved, and the living conditions of people. The impact of these factors is really manifested in the life expectancy of people, expanding the boundaries of youth age from 14 to 30 years.

Since ancient times, the formation of society has been accompanied by the process of socialization of new generations. One of the main problems of the socialization of young people is that they either accept the values ​​of their fathers or completely reject them. The second happens more often. Young people believe that the social values ​​that the "fathers" lived by lose their practical significance in any new historical situation and, therefore, are not inherited by children.

Today, the main task of the survival of the Belarusian society is to solve the problem of maintaining social stability and transferring cultural heritage from one generation to another. This process has never been automatic. He always assumed the active participation in it of all generations. It must be remembered that it is at a young age that a system of value orientations is formed, the process of self-education, self-creation of the individual and affirmation in society is actively going on.

In today's rapidly changing, dynamically developing world, young people have to decide for themselves what is more valuable - enrichment by any means or the acquisition of high qualifications that help them adapt to new conditions; denial of previous moral norms or flexibility, adaptability to the new reality; unlimited freedom of interpersonal relationships or family.

Values ​​are a relatively stable, socially conditioned attitude of a person to the totality of material and spiritual goods, cultural phenomena that serve as a means of satisfying the needs of the individual.

The core values ​​include:

1. Humanity;

2. Good manners;

3. Education;

4. Tolerance;

5. Kindness;

6. Honesty;

7. Diligence;

8. Love;

Young people have acquired a number of new qualities, both positive and negative.

The positives include:

1. The desire for self-organization and self-government;

2. Interest in political events in the country and region;

3. Indifference to the problems of the national language and culture;

4. Participation in organizing your leisure time;

5. Focus on self-education;

Negative qualities such as:

1. Tobacco smoking, drug testing and adolescent alcoholism;

2. Doing nothing;

3. Sexual experimentation;

4. Infantilism and indifference (nihilism);

5. Uncertainty and unpredictability;

There are several important socio-cultural conditions for successful personal socialization:

1. Healthy family microenvironment;

2. Favorable creative atmosphere at school, lyceum, gymnasium;

3. Positive impact of fiction and art;

4. Media influence;

5. Aestheticization of the nearest macro environment (yard, neighborhood, club, sports ground, etc.)

6. Active involvement in social activities;

Social adaptation is a controlled process. It can be managed not only in line with the impact of social institutions on a person in the course of his production, non-production, pre-production, post-production life, but also in line with self-government. In general, four stages of adaptation of a person in a new social environment are most often distinguished:

1. the initial stage, when an individual or group realizes how they should behave in a new social environment for them, but are not yet ready to recognize and accept the value system of the new environment and strive to adhere to the old value system;

2. the stage of tolerance, when the individual, the group and the new environment show mutual tolerance for each other's value systems and patterns of behavior;

3. accommodation, i.e. recognition and acceptance by the individual of the basic elements of the value system of the new environment while simultaneously recognizing some of the values ​​of the individual, the group of the new social environment;

4. assimilation, i.e. complete coincidence of the value systems of the individual, group and environment; Complete social adaptation of a person includes physiological, managerial, economic, pedagogical, psychological and professional adaptation.

Specific points of social adaptation technology:

* only a person tends to create special "devices", certain social institutions, norms, traditions, facilitating the process of his adaptation in a given social environment;

* only a person has the ability to consciously prepare the younger generation for the process of adaptation, using all means of education for this;

* the process of "acceptance" or "rejection" by individuals of existing social relations depends both on social belonging, worldview, and on the direction of education;

* a person consciously acts as a subject of social adaptation, changing his views, attitudes, value orientations under the influence of circumstances;

Social adaptation is the process of active development of the social environment by the personality, in which the personality acts both as an object and as a subject of adaptation, and the social environment is both an adapting and adaptable side.

Successful social adaptation of the individual requires the maximum expenditure of the spiritual energy of the individual.

Youth is the path to the future, which is chosen by the person himself. The choice of the future, its planning is a characteristic feature of a young age; he would not be so attractive if a person knew in advance what would happen to him tomorrow, in a month, in a year.

General conclusion: "Each subsequent generation of young people is worse than the previous one in terms of the main indicators of social status and development." This is expressed, first of all, in the tendency to reduce the number of young people, which leads to the aging of society and, consequently, a decrease in the role of youth as a social resource in general.

The demographic situation is complicated by a new reality in Belarus - the growth of murders and suicides, including among young people. The reason is the emergence of difficult personal and life situations. According to the data, 10% of graduates of state institutions for orphans commit suicide, not being able to adapt to living conditions.

First, the unresolved socio-economic and everyday problems.

Secondly, in the trend of deterioration in the health of children and adolescents. The rising generation is less healthy physically and mentally than the previous one. On average in Belarus, only 10% of school graduates can consider themselves absolutely healthy, 45-50% of them have serious morphofunctional deviations.

Recently, there has been a clear increase in the number of diseases among students, such as:

1. mental disorders;

2. peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;

3. alcohol and drug addiction;

4. venereal diseases;

Some young people, due to an unbalanced diet and reduced physical activity, gain excess weight, spend little time outdoors, and are not involved in sports and recreational activities.

Thirdly, in the tendency to expand the process of desocialization, the marginalization of young people. The number of young people leading an asocial, immoral lifestyle is increasing. For various reasons and to varying degrees, they include: disabled people, alcoholics, vagrants, "professional beggars", persons serving sentences in corrective labor institutions who strive to be socially useful citizens, but due to social conditions cannot become them. There is a lumpenization and criminalization of youth. ѕ young students consider themselves to be low-income.

Fourthly, in the trend of decreasing opportunities for youth participation in economic development. Statistics show that the share of young people in the unemployed remains high. The labor market is characterized by a significant overflow of labor from the state to the non-state sector of the economy.

Moving to the sphere for positions that do not require professional knowledge, young people risk their future well-being, not ensuring the accumulation of intellectual property - professionalism. Moreover, this area of ​​employment is characterized by a very high degree of criminalization.

Fifthly, in the trend of falling social value of labor, the prestige of a number of professions important for society. Sociological studies of recent years state that in labor motivation, priority is given not to meaningful work, but to work aimed at obtaining material benefits. "Big salary" - this motive turned out to be decisive in choosing a place of work.

Modern youth has such a feature that shows that most of them want to have a good income, while having neither a profession nor a desire to work. This is due to the fact that young people do not have incentives to work.

The problem of criminal influence on young people cannot but disturb the Belarusian public lately. Among criminal offenses every fourth is carried out by young people and teenagers. Among the offenses, mercenary crimes attract attention - theft, extortion of money, fraud. When analyzing statistical data, the volume of acquisitive crimes in the present period is growing rapidly. It depends on the fact that there is a differentiation among young people and most of the young people, parents cannot give what they would like, taking into account requests. And they themselves cannot receive this due to the fact that they do not have a specialty or work skills. Young people do not want to get an education just because they have no prospects after they get an education. Nowadays, more and more young people are using drugs. Maybe this comes from the hopelessness of realizing their capabilities or from the fact that, due to a lack of understanding of the seriousness, they were involved in this by people interested in drug trafficking.

What else to read