How long is a permit for a traumatic weapon issued? How to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon: documents, certificates. Procedure for renewing a license for traumatic weapons

The circulation of civilian weapons in our country is reasonably regulated. This is due to the fact that the state seeks to protect its own citizens from its unjustified use. In particular, possession of traumatic pistols or revolvers is not permitted for persons with psychical deviations, vision problems or trouble with the law. Due to current restrictions, many want to clearly know what is needed to purchase a traumatic pistol.

Compared to previous periods of regulation of the issue regarding traumatic pistols, current legislation is more liberal. Main normative act The federal law “On Weapons” governs the receipt and storage of such copies. You can often hear from employees of specialized licensing authorities that the priority issue is not what is needed to purchase a traumatic pistol, but its further storage and use.

The legislation does not contain the concept of “traumatics” in its texts. The main division of the arsenal is carried out according to the following types:

  • combat;
  • official;
  • civil.

The latter variety has its own differentiation into groups according to the purpose of use:

  • sports;
  • signal;
  • hunting;
  • for self-defense.

Before you find out what you need for a permit traumatic weapon, it is also necessary to take into account that civilian weapons of this type have certain design limitations:

  • the possibility of firing in bursts is prohibited;
  • The permitted maximum drum/magazine capacity is limited to 10 rounds.

The law clearly defines the classification of injuries. They are classified as limited-kill firearms. Accordingly, it is possible that with the help of this arsenal, through negligence or malicious intent, the owner has the opportunity to inflict fatal injuries. Therefore, when figuring out what is needed to purchase a traumatic weapon, you will have to take this fact into account.

What documents are needed to purchase a traumatic weapon?

Keeping even a discharged weapon at home without proper documents is the same crime as keeping it with a full combat kit. In this regard, it is necessary to first take care of completing all legal formalities, and then search for and purchase a legal civilian arsenal in the permitted quantity.

To the licensing and permitting department located at the police department, you must provide full set required documents:

  • Medical certificate. It is issued using standard form 046-1 in almost any licensed medical institution where there is a therapist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist and narcologist.
  • Statement. The document is filled out, signed and submitted personally by the applicant for the permit. Registration is carried out in the name of the head of the LRO at the place of registration of the applicant.
  • Copy of the passport. When submitting a blueprint, you must provide the original document.
  • Certificate of successful completion of courses. Training is conducted on the basis of the existing licensing department.
  • A receipt confirming payment of the state fee.
  • Photo format 3x4 cm, 4 pcs.;

When figuring out what documents are needed for a traumatic pistol, it is worth mentioning that the house must have an equipped place for storing an arsenal of ammunition. Its proper condition is confirmed by the district police officer during a personal visit.

Important! The law enforcement officer is required to draw up a written report on the results of the inspection.

What do you need to buy an injury?

After all the documents prepared for the purchase of a traumatic pistol have been collected, they must be submitted in a single package to the licensing and permitting department. There, employees have a limited time to review the submitted package. The period is limited to ten days. Upon completion, if the papers are completed correctly and in a timely manner, the applicant is granted permission to purchase.

Important! Current rules for the acquisition of traumatic weapons limit the period during which a purchase permit can be applied. This period is limited to 14 days.

According to the existing permit, the owner of the document has the right to purchase no more than 5 weapons and four hundred rounds of ammunition. After this, the document allows you to purchase the same number of cartridges per calendar month.

Following actions

When the owner has acquired the necessary arsenal in accordance with the permit issued to him, then he you have two weeks to submit this purchase to the permitting department. Specialists are required to create a separate registration card for each “trunk”. They contain the following information:

  • individual weapon number;
  • information about the owner;
  • date of purchase of each unit.

You will also need to provide additional information about how the acquisition took place if requested by an authorized specialist. Material artifacts in the form of spent cartridges or accompanying documentation.

Important! Documents received from the LRO have a limited validity period of five years. Upon completion, you must go through the standard re-registration procedure, which will require the same package of documents and approximately the same amount of time.

In contact with

You will need

  • - Application for a weapons license.
  • - Original and photocopy of 2, 3 and 5 pages of the passport.
  • - 2 matte photographs 3x4 cm.
  • - Medical certificate form 046-1.
  • - Safe.
  • - Receipt for payment of one-time fees.


Issue a medical certificate in form 046–1.

Write a statement at your police department in the department for Licensing and Permitting Work.

If your application is satisfied by the relevant review, you will be required to sit examinations in which you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge of how to store, carry and use personal injury equipment.

Now you can purchase weapons.

After purchasing a traumatic pistol, you must register it within two weeks with the Department of Licensing and Permitting Work at the Department of Internal Affairs. The service number of the purchased pistol will be entered in the personal observation file, and it is from this moment that the length of ownership of the weapon will be calculated.


If you do not purchase a safe on time, there is a possibility that you will be denied the necessary certificate from the local police officer, which will make it impossible to obtain a weapons license.
You are allowed to buy traumatic weapons during the entire period of validity of the permit, but only after you receive a license in your hands.

Helpful advice

The license is issued for a period of 5 years.
A license for a traumatic weapon must be renewed 3 months before its expiration date. From the point of view of the procedure, renewing a license is no different from obtaining a new one.
The cost of a license for a traumatic weapon is set centrally; you can find out state tariffs at the regional police department. Payment of receipts is made at one of the Sberbank branches.


  • I will buy a license for a traumatic weapon

Life in our country is becoming easier, bandits have become legal, there are plenty of shops and opportunities. But still, in major cities walking at night can be dangerous. Hooligans, maniacs and other evil spirits may attack. To feel at least a little more confident, if you are not a master of sports in kung fu, karate, boxing or sambo, purchase a traumatic weapon. It is, today, the only legalized and effective means of self-defense.


After this, a license will be issued within a month. Your photo will be pasted into it, and the weapon should be written on the back. It must be taken into account that there should be no more than five “trunks”. Gas weapons can also be included here. A license for it is acquired in the same way as for a “trauma”.

After license issued, you can purchase the weapon itself. The license is issued for a certain period, namely five years. After you have bought a “trauma gun”, you will again have to go to the Licensing and Permitting Department and register the purchased “barrel” there. This can be done within two weeks. Then the license term begins to count.

Video on the topic

Tip 3: What documents are needed to register a traumatic weapon?

Traumatic weapons, according to the law, are defined as OOLP - firearms of limited destruction. It is assumed that with close distance a traumatic pistol can become a murder weapon. Therefore, the requirements for obtaining a license for such weapons are quite stringent.


To apply for it, to obtain official permission - a license for it, you will need to fill out an application card according to a unified form with a 3x4 photograph pasted into it. 3 more such photographs will need to be attached to the remaining documents. Photos must be printed on matte paper. To obtain a license, you will need an original identification document - passport, as well as copies of its pages, including those with a registration stamp.

In the Licensing and Permitting Department (LPR) at the Department of Internal Affairs at the place of registration, you must find out the bank details for transferring the state fee, pay it, and attach the payment receipt to the package of documents. The fee for obtaining a license is 30% of the established minimum wage. You will also need to undergo a medical examination with an examination by a psychiatrist and narcologist and a note that you are not registered with these specialists. The document confirming this fact and your health will be a medical certificate in form No. 046-1.

Traumatic weapons must be stored in a specially equipped safe place, inaccessible to strangers. You will need to purchase a separate, spacious safe for it, in which you will also need to put ammunition and other accessories - a holster, a magazine, etc. The safe must be securely attached to the wall or floor so that it is impossible to carry it away. An act confirming the existence of such a storage location, signed by your local inspector, will also need to be attached to the package of documents. Some police departments may also require that bars be installed on the windows of your private house or apartment, if you live on the first or last floor, but this requirement is not specified in the law.

Receive training in safe handling firearms limited destructive action and receive a Certificate of this. The address of the organization that issues such certificates must be found in the OLRR at the ATC. In addition to the mentioned certificate, you will also need a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority with a TIN and a certificate from the place of work.


Persons under 18 years of age cannot own traumatic weapons; who have an outstanding criminal record and those who were involved during last year to administrative liability for hooliganism; people with health problems or poor eyesight.

A license to purchase, store and carry weapons can be obtained online. The State Services portal allows you to significantly reduce the time you have to spend on a visit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to obtain a license. Electronic recording ensures that the time to submit an application will not exceed 15 minutes.

You will need

  • - receipt for payment of a one-time fee;
  • - application for a permit;
  • - photo;
  • - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • - medical report on the absence of contraindications;
  • - documents confirming completion of relevant training;
  • - a duplicate of the license for the purchase of weapons with the mark of the seller or GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


The State Services portal allows you to create an electronic application for obtaining a permit, as well as choose a convenient place to visit the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide original documents and obtain a license. Thus, a personal visit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot be avoided. But despite this,

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to self-defense. The Weapons Law describes two categories of civilian self-defense weapons purchased under licenses. Let's take a closer look at what a limited-kill firearm is, how limited-kill firearms differ, how to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon, how to buy a limited-kill weapon, how to store it, what the procedure for transporting a limited-kill weapon is, and the rules for carrying limited-kill weapons.

Weapons of limited destruction

According to Article 3 of the Weapons Law, there are two categories of civilian self-defense weapons acquired under licenses:

Firearms of limited destruction (pistol, revolver, barrelless firearms of domestic production) with traumatic cartridges, gas cartridges and light-sound cartridges;

Gas weapons: gas pistols and revolvers, including cartridges for them, filled with tear or irritant substances;

According to the current this moment According to the Law on Weapons, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to acquire:

  • OOOP - you can buy up to two weapons;
  • gas weapons - you can own up to five weapons.

Firearms of limited destruction are short-barreled weapon and barrelless weapons, intended for mechanical destruction of a living target at a distance by the throwing equipment of a traumatic cartridge, receiving directed movement due to the energy of a powder or other charge, and not intended to cause death to a person.

Rules for the acquisition of traumatic weapons (TWA)

Before we start talking about the rules for purchasing and storing weapons of limited destruction (formerly traumatic weapons), it is worth talking about when such weapons are used.

Use of traumatic weapons

Weapons of limited destruction belong to civilian weapons self-defense, that is, purchased by citizens to protect life, health and their property. These are the basic values ​​that a citizen can protect with the resources he has. legally weapons. You can use traumatic weapons only in cases where there is a direct threat to life, health and property. The use of OOOP is determined by the weapons law. Article 24 states that a citizen has the right to use weapons to protect health, life and his property. That is, in the case of self-defense, roughly speaking. Determining where the line between self-defense and non-self-defense lies is quite difficult. A citizen must correlate the actions inflicted on him or their severity with the consequences that may occur after he uses the OOOP weapon. Having used OOOP, you must immediately report it to the police.

Trauma shooting training

The first step to obtain a license for a weapon of limited destruction is to learn the rules and skills of safe handling of traumatic weapons, obtain a diploma of completion (certificate - for those who have already studied and are now recertified every 5 years). There are about five non-governmental organizations operating in Moscow educational institutions, who have received a license to teach the rules of safe handling of weapons, have coordinated their programs with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and carry out such training and training in shooting from OOOP. 6 academic hours are allotted for study. During preparation, firing exercises are required. For example, you can complete the Training Program at the Hunter Shooting Complex of DOSAAF Russia:

Primary training in the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons of limited destruction with final certification - 5700 rubles.

Carrying out a periodic inspection when renewing a permit - 3500 rubles.

Only after this should you contact the licensing and permitting service employees at your place of residence to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon. Without a document confirming the completion of training in the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons of limited destruction, LRO employees do not have the right to accept documents and issue a license for an LLC.

License for traumatism

To obtain a license for a firearm of limited destruction (for the initial purchase of a weapon), the applicant collects a package of documents and submits them to the licensing and permitting department at the place of residence. Below is a list of OOO. By the way, best advice To obtain permission for traumatization, look into your LRO and see on the stand what is required.

So, to obtain a license for an LLC, you must provide the following to the LRO:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (and a copy);
  • application for a license to purchase limited-kill firearms and ammunition for them.

The following are attached to the application:

  • medical certificate confirming that there are no contraindications to owning a weapon related to visual impairment, mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction. Medical certificate form 046-1 (a certificate obtained from a non-state medical institution is provided with a copy of the license to provide medical services) the validity period of the medical certificate is 6 months;
  • copies of documents confirming completion of appropriate training and periodic testing of knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and availability of skills in safe handling of weapons. Copies of documents are submitted along with the originals and certified by the signature of the employee.
  • Three 3x4 photographs (matte).
  • Receipt of payment of the license fee upon acceptance

Buy a traumatic weapon (PW)

To legally purchase a limited-kill firearm, you must complete a series of sequential steps. So, the algorithm of actions for acquiring weapons of limited destruction is as follows:

1. Obtain a license to purchase LLCP (firearms of limited destruction)

Educational institution:

Complete training in the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons of limited destruction and receive a document confirming completion of the training.


Obtain medical certificate 046-1. A narcologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist and therapist must determine your health status and allow you to use a firearm of limited destruction.

Photo studio:

Make 3x4 matte photographs.

Make a copy of several pages of your passport: pages 2, 3 and registration.

Pay the license fee.

Provide everything collected documents and write an application for a license to purchase limited-kill firearms and ammunition for them.

Obtain a license for an LLC (no more than 30 days from the date of registration of the application)

2. Buy a traumatic weapon and register it

Within 6 months, present your passport at the store, a license to purchase weapons of limited destruction and buy an LLC.

Licensing and permitting department at the place of residence:

Provide the purchased weapon and an application for registration of a weapon of limited destruction.

Storage of firearms of limited destruction

The procedure for storing weapons in the weapons law is described in detail. In particular, it is stated that “Storage of civil and service weapon and cartridges for it are allowed... to citizens who have received permission from the internal affairs bodies to store or store and carry weapons. Civilian and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and prevent access to them by unauthorized persons.”

In short, to store any weapon, a citizen must have a safe installed, the keys to which must be held only by the owner of the weapon, so that no stranger can take and use his weapon. By the way, the impossibility of ensuring the accounting and safety of weapons or the failure to ensure these conditions is one of the grounds for refusing to issue a license for an LLC.

Carrying a weapon of limited destruction

Naturally, you can carry a traumatic weapon with you if you have received permission to store and carry it. The rules for carrying OOOP provide for carrying a firearm of limited destruction without a cartridge in the chamber, with a loaded magazine or drum, with the safety on and in a sheathed state in a holster. You must have identification documents with you, as well as a license or permit to store and carry weapons issued by the internal affairs authorities.

In principle, carrying weapons is always carried out on the basis of licenses or permits issued by internal affairs bodies for storing and carrying specific types, types and models of weapons.

Transportation of weapons of limited destruction

According to paragraph 75 of the Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 814-1998, without a special permit, weapons can be transported only within the subject of the Russian Federation where they are registered. Owners of sporting and hunting weapons do not need to receive it to participate in hunting and sporting events.

As for the owners of gas weapons, firearms of limited destruction, for transporting weapons to another subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraphs 62, 66 and 24 of the Instructions on organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 288-1999. it is necessary to obtain permission from the internal affairs body to transport weapons of the RTG series (Appendix No. 18 to the Instructions), which issued a license or permit for its storage and carrying. The transportation permit indicates the types (types) of weapons being transported, license (permit) data, as well as the route (from the starting point to the final point).

A fee is charged for issuing a RTG series permit for the transportation of LLCs. The permit is valid for up to one month.

Frequently asked questions about weapons of limited destruction

How to buy a traumatic weapon? Collect the documents indicated above and submit them to the LRO. If everything is in order with the documents, after passing the checks (no more than 30 days), the licensing and permitting department issues a license to purchase the LLC. The LLCOP license is valid for 6 months. During this period, a citizen must purchase weapons:

  • If a citizen bought an LLC, then he needs to contact the LRO to register a firearm of limited destruction.
  • If a citizen does not buy a weapon of limited destruction, then after 6 months the license for the LLC will be invalid and must be returned to the internal affairs authorities.
  • If the license to purchase a firearm of limited destruction is lost, it is also necessary to inform the LRO.
  • In case of cancellation of licenses or permits, a citizen can apply for them again only after one year.

At what age can you buy a firearm of limited destruction (traumatic weapon), young people are often interested. We inform you that in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, those wishing to buy an LLC must be 18 years old. Therefore, you can buy weapons of limited destruction only after turning 18 years old. (Unless amendments to the weapons law are adopted, increasing the age to 21 years).

I already have a license to store and carry firearms, after 5 years will I have to undergo training again? - some LLC owners are interested. After 5 years, individuals who have previously completed training will have to obtain a certificate of knowledge that they actually know how to handle a firearm. The test includes testing the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by a citizen as a result of training in the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons of limited destruction.

For former officers any special rules? Yes, for former and current officers with military rank, special ranks and those who have retired, namely retirement, have their own rules. They are not required to provide a diploma when obtaining a LLC license or a certificate when renewing a LLC permit. In principle, athletes and masters of sports who have documents, too.

What about hunters? During initial contact, hunters are trained in the same way. But in the future, the next time hunters apply, they don’t need this need. Because they already have permission to store and carry weapons.

With an expunged criminal record or an administrative violation, can problems arise when obtaining a permit for a traumatic weapon? If the criminal record has been expunged, the citizen has the right to apply for an LLC license. However, if he has administrative violations, then the permit may be refused. Administrative offense valid for a year. After a year, it is automatically extinguished and you can apply for a license for an LLC.

If a gun is stolen, what should you do? It is necessary to urgently contact the internal affairs authorities that issued this permit for this weapon. In this case, there will be an immediate notification of the loss of a weapon or its theft, registration with the ZIC and State Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, so that it is possible to prevent crimes committed with the help of this weapon.

How much can you buy LLC?

If we are talking about weapons of limited destruction, then only one pistol can be purchased per license, for example. In total you can have two pistols of limited destruction.

The actions of LRO employees are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 No. 360 Moscow On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for issuing a license to a citizen of the Russian Federation for the acquisition of firearms of limited destruction and ammunition for them

Traumatic self-defense weapon - ooop

As they say, the best thing to stop a hothead is a bullet.

Or at least the possibility that you can turn from hunter to prey.

How can we not remember here about traumatic weapons.

But in reality, few people know what to do with it

    Is it necessary or not?

    A permit for firearms and traumatic weapons is required! And not only that, you also need to have a permanent residence permit and at least satisfactory health.

    A weapon will not be given to a person who has committed an administrative offense.

    The statute of limitations for the prohibition on purchasing this remedy is one year.

    Persons who have committed serious crime, Also It is forbidden to purchase trauma equipment. And especially distinguished criminals, those whose act was connected with shooting, are not allowed to purchase or store weapons at all.

    The right to arms, like the right to life, is enshrined in the Basic Law of the Russian Federation. And the greater the surprise of some citizens that it turns out that special permission is required for traumatic means of self-defense.

    Where can I get permission?

    License for traumatic weapons issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


    In obtaining a license for traumatic weapons will be refused the following categories of people:

    • Under 18 years of age;
    • Without a fixed place of residence;
    • Currently in prison;
    • Those who have a medical exemption;
    • Registered in a drug and mental health clinic;
    • Failure to submit the required package of documents.

    These are the official reasons for refusal.

    But there are also unspoken ones, since each specific request will be considered individually, which means that nuances will also matter.

    For example, a police officer simply didn’t like you and he has reasons for this - let’s say, he identified you as a person who came to the attention of law enforcement officers, even if you managed to avoid prosecution.

    Reviews of your neighbors and closest social circle about you will also be important - the police are at least interested in why you needed a means of injuring.

    However, it is worth noting that if the reason for your refusal is “I don’t like your face, comrade,” then you can appeal it in court.

    What weapons do not require a license?

    All traumatic self-defense weapons require a permit.

    Any person who wishes to purchase a traumatic pistol will have to pass the medical examination, shooting courses to obtain a license for traumatic weapons, pass the exam And provide documents for a license for traumatic weapons to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to obtain the appropriate permission.

    How to get a license?

    By saving the following photo for yourself, you will know how to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon in Russia

    So, you have made sure that you do not belong to any category of citizens who may be challenged. You are an honest, law-abiding, sane citizen with permanent registration in the Russian Federation and relatively good health. This means you can start collecting documents for a permit for traumatic weapons.

    What documents are needed?

    Let's talk about what a citizen of the Russian Federation needs to obtain a license (permit) for a traumatic weapon:

  1. Medical certificate 046-1;
  2. General civil identity card;
  3. Two 3x4 photos;
  4. Statement. A sample can be found.


The first step in obtaining a permit for a traumatic weapon is visit a medical facility, where you will have to go through the appropriate commission.

According to its results you certificate 046-1 is issued. With it, as well as other documents, you are sent to the licensing and permitting department of the Department of Internal Affairs, where you will be given a direction to take courses, a state duty receipt form and a request to the local police officer.

Yes, yes, you will have to sit at a desk. But you can study necessary materials and yourself - you will be sent to paid lectures if you were unable to answer 9 out of 10 questions on the theoretical assignment.


To obtain a license for a traumatic weapon, you will have to pass an exam and learn:

  • Law of the Russian Federation on weapons, as well as rules for safe handling and storage;
  • Relevant norms of criminal legislation (Articles 37-39, 223, 224 of the Criminal Code) and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Articles 20.8-20.13).

Next stage - purchasing a safe. Don’t think that having received the coveted permit, you will be able to walk down the street with a revolver in a holster like a real cowboy. No, the weapon is stored only in a safe and not a single local police officer will give you a direction until he is sure that you have it (Instructions on organizing rules for controlling the circulation of weapons - paragraph 3).

How much does a permit cost?

After all documents for obtaining a traumatic weapon permit have been collected, you pay the state fee.

Price - no more than 100 rubles, and submit the documents to the same licensing and permitting department.

Within a month you will be notified that you can withdraw your license, or that it will be refused. Which, however, you can protest in court if you are sure that you received it unfairly.

After you purchase a pistol, you will need to register it - in the same place where you received the license. For this you have two weeks.

The shooting also takes place there. What will it take to get your gun registered?

  1. Holster;
  2. Statement;
  3. Receipt for the purchase of weapons;
  4. Spent cartridges (2 pieces);
  5. State duty receipt;
  6. Two 3x4 photos.

How to renew?

After expiration 5 years the license for traumatic weapons should be renewed.

It will be necessary to collect documents again and submit them to the OLRR.


To renew a license for a traumatic weapon, you need the same documents that you provided when you were going to get a permit for the first time. In addition, a photocopy of the previous license will be required.

We must remember! Renewal of a permit for traumatic weapons is not automatic. Your identity and eligibility to own a traumatic vehicle will be considered as in the first case, and - again, as in the first receipt, you may be refused.

Why can they refuse?

  • During this period you have been charged with an administrative offense twice or more;
  • You have been registered with a drug or mental health clinic;
  • Your current weapon is faulty, you have changed its design;
  • You do not have a safe;
  • Documents submitted later than three months before the deadline;
  • The license for a traumatic weapon has expired.

A permit that you already have can be revoked if you were sent to places not so remote for committing a crime.

Fine for late payment

Negligence in terms of meeting deadlines can be fraught with punishment - according to Art. 20.11 Code of Administrative Offenses for overdue license the culprit faces fine up to 3 thousand rubles. If this is an official, then the upper limit increases up to 5 thousand.

In case of an expired license, you will have to apply for it again or write an application for voluntary cancellation - having paid a fine in advance (however, they are not always fined, often only a warning is issued).

The Federal Law “On Weapons” states that, like traumatic weapons, it is mandatory.

Do you like hunting? Then you should get a new type of hunting license. read what documents you will need.

How to close?

If you no longer need a gun - close the license for traumatic weapons. And under no circumstances follow the advice of some weapons forums - they say, lie to yourself and let it lie.

Firstly, this is an offense. Sooner or later you will come to the attention of the police - after all, they will come and monitor compliance with the conditions for storing weapons, and if your license expires, you will face a fine and confiscation “under the article”.

It’s easier and more convenient to do it this way. You have to again visit OLRR. Moreover, while the license is still valid. You will be offered to write an application to cancel your license. There is no single form for this; what exactly to write, the employee will dictate to you.

After this you will two options offered:

  1. Hand over weapons for destruction;
  2. Give it to a thrift store.

In this case, there is no time limit for re-applying for a license (Article 26 Federal Law No. 150-FZ, edition 2015).

As it becomes clear, the process of obtaining a license for a trauma weapon (although it seems to many to be a frivolous weapon) is quite expensive - and not even in terms of money. But the more responsible you will be in implementing this constitutional right of yours.

As for late fees, it is better to simply avoid them and remember that solving problems with money is not a solution, but additional problems.

As step by step instructions We will describe for you the process of obtaining official permission to purchase and carry firearms related to hunting and traumatic. In this part: caution and preliminary preparation. Brief detailed diagram all actions to obtain permission. And details on points: obtaining medical certificates, passing an exam, receiving hunting ticket, possible obstacles to obtaining permission.

Many Russian citizens and representatives of organizations are interested in this topic, but the process of obtaining all the permits seems to be quite confusing, which scares off “clients”. The question, as in any educational program, is partly to make it easier to show this process step by step, so that there is an understanding of what and how to do.

A small warning and historical and social background

We are talking about smoothbore hunting weapons and "trauma". The article was written at the end of June 2015, when on the pages of many resources, where there is a discussion of the use and carrying of weapons in Russia, it is said that traumatic weapons are a very unsafe type of weapon. Unsafe for law-abiding citizens themselves who are thinking of purchasing it for defense. Since the police will accuse the one who used this weapon for protection. We will discuss the question of whether this is true or not separately.

On various resources you can find messages that a person who was forced to use trauma will definitely remain “guilty”, or that using this weapon is still very dangerous. Of course, if you think about it slowly, then it’s about your preparation, knowledge of the laws, your behavior and lifestyle. From which flow both the nature of the situations occurring and the nature of your communication with different strata of society, law enforcement agencies and laws as well.

Preliminary preparation, the stages of your actions and what they should consist of, and behavior after you receive your license

This material takes into account issues that interest those wishing to obtain these permits in ordinary cases. We will talk in more detail about issues that may still arise in this area in other materials. Or we will advise you at the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Forensic Expert”.

To create this report the easy way to obtain a weapons permit, information was used on the procedure for obtaining a license for an LLC, that is, a traumatic weapon, or for a long-barreled hunting weapon. You can always find out more from the employees of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Forensic Expert”. First, we will describe the entire process point by point, and then we will talk about each of them in a little more detail:

  • preparing a place for storing weapons and ammunition;
  • obtaining a document such as a hunting license is necessary for those whose goal is hunting smoothbore or rifle. The rest is for everyone;
  • for everyone who is interested in firearms, both hunting and others, you need to obtain a special psychoneurological certificate from the dispensary, which is also simply called “for weapons.” Receipt of this document requires you to have a military ID, pay a fee, and preferably a passport;
  • also two more certificates - a certificate from a drug treatment clinic, and a certificate from a home clinic, a document called “046-1”. If you are interested in the right to purchase two types of weapons (both hunting and traumatic), then take another copy of the certified document “046-1” from the doctors;
  • then you or someone you know who is interested in purchasing a gun will need to purchase and install a gun safe. A special container for storing it. In this regard, there are rules and regulations, we will also tell you about them;
  • You will need to undergo gun safety training. And for future owners of hunting and traumatic weapons. Receive certificates of this training as a result;
  • obtaining a license to purchase weapons from an authority such as LRO, the licensing and permitting department, at your place of residence, which (obtaining) also has its own rules and stages;
  • purchase of weapons within 6 months after receiving this license. You must have your license and passport with you. The accompanying filling out of a license document by the seller in the store. Or go with the private seller of your weapon to the LRO at the place of its registration, and fill out the license document with information about the weapon;
  • if you bought a weapon in a store, then within 14 days you will go to your local registration office, where the weapon is registered. Then it is stored at home until you receive the main document - ROC. This is permission to store and carry, as well as the legal use of weapons;
  • two weeks after registering the weapon with your LRO, you receive a permit to store and carry weapons (ROKh).

After passing the last point, you have official permission with which you can train with your weapon in specially designated areas, participate in clubs, competitions, and events. Hunt according to Russian standards. Carry a weapon with you, again in accordance with the law.

The scheme seems complicated, out of habit. However, as any expert will tell you, when you decompose it into simple steps all complexity disappears, only consistency remains. These steps are simple and straightforward, and we will describe them now. But first, let's pay attention to preliminary preparation.

What you need to do in advance to obtain a permit for a weapon - traumatic or hunting

In many processes there are mandatory standards for preliminary preparation, so the question is really important - so as not to waste time. First of all, you need to know in advance that passing the knowledge to obtain a hunting license can take place at the State Inspectorate, which is more difficult, or at one of the hunting societies, which is easier. To do this, you must have no convictions for intentional violations of laws, and be 18 years old.

In addition, anyone who wants to have a weapon must reach the age of majority, and preferably with a clear mind and sober memory. And to obtain a hunting license - for example, from the state “Inspectorate for the Protection, Control and Regulation of the Use of Fauna and Their Habitats” - you will need to have 2 color photographs 3 by 4 centimeters, and knowledge from the field of the so-called “Hunting Minimum”. This is a collection of information that includes knowledge on the following subjects:

  • knowledge about the nature and life of game animals;
  • knowledge of gun laws;
  • knowledge of hunting rules in Russia.

Hunting minimum is a list of the minimum knowledge that a hunter and fisherman should have. Knowledge is taken from the fields of natural history, from the field of biological knowledge and knowledge of the habits and structure of life of game animals. This information includes minimum hunting rules, knowledge of hunting methods, knowledge of minimum measures and safety technologies. You can find out more about this by querying the PS, search engine.

It is necessary to have this knowledge, which is confirmed in the Law. And it is necessary to have them in a certain volume - details of this are provided in the Order of the Ministry natural resources and ecology Russian Federation under number 568. Depending on the region in which you receive a ticket and generally intend to use hunting knowledge and weapons, tickets and exam questions may be different. It must be said that fishermen also have to undergo such an examination if they want to legitimize their hobby.

When you receive a weapons license in the future, you will no longer have to report on your knowledge of safe handling of weapons if you can pass the “hunting minimum” before that.

Obtaining ROC for hunting and traumatic weapons in detail

Let's imagine such a “piece of paper” with which you can simply go to all authorities and gradually get everything done. Detailed description taking into account the details - this is what we need. So let’s start answering the question - how to quickly get a ROC, permission to purchase and store weapons, traumatic, or for hunting. As an option, if there are visual people among our readers, we offer you infographics:

Receiving a hunting license

For "hunters" only, the first step is to obtain a hunter's ticket. To do this you will need to prepare in advance. The organization you will be dealing with is the regional “Inspectorate for the Protection, Control and Regulation of the Use of Fauna and Their Habitats.” There you will find an exam on your knowledge of the laws, the hunting minimum, hunting rules, writing and submitting an application.

Local inspectorates often do not have enough forms to issue hunting tickets. And if they are chronically lacking in the institution you came to, then a queue of hunters living in the same area will indicate to you the successful availability of forms. The queue forms hours before the office opens. Hunters are people who can get up very early, keep this in mind.

Registration of a hunting license at the Inspectorate takes on average about 20 minutes, from this average you can try to calculate your chances of reaching the table one by one. Moreover, there are also people who can skip the queue - depending on where you register. We can probably come to an agreement with the remaining people the next day.

You can avoid the hunting minimum exam at the Inspectorate only if you have already managed to join a hunting society somewhere else, pass this knowledge and receive a society ticket that you took with you. In principle, this is even considered more in a simple way: first join a hunting society, pass an exam there, get a ticket there and then immediately receive a state hunter's card.

Medical certificates and checks

There are basically three of them: neuropsychiatric, narcological and from the clinic at your place of residence. The first, psychoneurological, is obtained by you at the dispensary of the same name, and is called a “weapons certificate.” This is done simply by paying the state fee, presenting your passport and military ID. The process of obtaining a document from a drug treatment clinic is exactly the same - present your passport, military ID, pay a fee. You receive certificates “for weapons” if you are not registered at these dispensaries.

But in the clinic it’s a little different. You will need a medical examination, the purpose of which is certificate “046-1”. The certificate will indicate that you have no contraindications that could prevent you from using or handling the weapon correctly. Examinations are carried out by an ophthalmologist, psychotherapist, narcologist, and therapist.

When registering one type of weapon, you need to obtain only three certificates, for each of which you will need two photos of size 3 by 4. For each type of weapon for which you are interested in permission, you need to obtain a separate certificate in the “046-1” format, that is, ask for a certified medical board copy.

It is advisable to obtain a license from the police within a short time after receiving medical certificates. Since formally people are sometimes “turned down,” as participants in forums report about the use of weapons, when trying to obtain a license using a certificate from a medical examination passed more than a month ago.

Why may they not be given permission to purchase or permit various types of weapons?

Also, the reason for not letting you buy or not allowing you to keep and carry weapons for the State Nature Inspectorate or LRO may be: conviction for intentional crimes; registration of a person in institutions for health control in the field of drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illness. Also, problems will arise for those who did not bother to collect everything Required documents. It is prohibited for anyone under the age of 18 to use weapons. Article 13 of the Law “On Weapons” will tell you about your rights to weapons, perhaps in more detail.

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