The national bird of Guyana. Birds are symbols of different countries. Harpy eagle, symbol of Panama

Not many countries located on planet Earth received symbols that became official emblems as a gift. The Cooperative Republic of Guyana is among the lucky ones. Initially, the coat of arms of Guyana was granted by Elizabeth II, the English queen, and then was approved by the country's parliament. A significant event took place a little less than sixty years ago, on February 25, 1966, along with independence.

The main state symbol of the republic is based on European heraldic traditions, elements found in many coats of arms of the countries of mother Europe are used. But there are also national motifs and symbols.

Description of the Guyanese coat of arms

The traditional European heraldic elements present on the coat of arms of the former British Guyana include: a classic shield; Knight's helmet; two-color windbreak; animals as shield holders; ribbon with the motto of the state.

At the same time, each element contains traditional Guyanese symbols and images. In the center of the shield are wavy blue lines reminiscent of the three main rivers of the country (Demerara, Essequibo, Berbice).

Above the waves is an image of a flowering plant. This is Victoria Amazonian (the second name is Victoria regia), a tropical plant that surprises everyone with the size of a water lily flower. It was him that the Guyanese chose as their national symbol and provided a place on the coat of arms. Below the waves is the tropical bird hoatzin, also related to the national shrines of the inhabitants of Guyana.

Two more representatives of the world of fauna found a place for themselves on the main symbol of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana - these are jaguars, which fell on the mission of shield holders. They are the personification of wildlife, strength, speed, courage.

With one paw, jaguars hold a shield, in the other they have objects that speak of the main directions of the country's economy. So, one of the animals is holding a rice sprout and a sugar cane sprout, since agriculture plays an important role in the economy of Guyana, these plants are planted most often. The second has a pick in its paw - a symbol of the leading mining industry.

The significance of mining is also emphasized by two precious stones located on the sides of the helmet. Its decoration is feathers, which refer to the Indians, the indigenous population of the country. The helmet itself is a symbol of ties and relationships with the UK.

Nature once created and continues to create amazing creatures to this day. Their goal is to inhabit, multiply and preserve our wonderful Earth. Birds, of course, belong to the "Earth keepers."

They decorate our world with their beauty and fill it with amazing sounds.

Some of the birds so subdued the peoples living with them on the same territory that people made the birds their national treasure and awarded them the title of “symbol of the country”.

It is about these amazing "celestials" and will be discussed.

India - Peacock

The peacock is a bird of India.

The bird, personifying immortality and greatness of glory, has become the national symbol of the state of India. The official religion, Hinduism, associates the bird with the goddess Lakshmi, who was responsible for favor and good intentions. In addition to the mythical qualities of a peacock, you can endlessly admire the beauty of its tail.

Canada - Blue Jay

The blue jay is the national bird of Canada.

The bird, which not only officially began to be called the symbol of the country, but also the image of which now adorns the national currency. This feathered bird has an amazingly beautiful blue-blue plumage, and around her neck she has a black collar. The blue jay is considered one of the smartest birds on earth.

Singapore - Sunflower

The sunbird is the bird of Singapore.

The yellow-backed sharp-tailed sunbird is the national bird of Singapore. It is also called the dark red sunflower. Sunbird is an unusual small bird with bright plumage. The bird is called a nectary, because its main food is the nectar of flowers.

Uganda - Crowned Crane

The crowned crane is a bird of the state of Uganda.

A graceful and long-legged bird, called the crowned crane, has won the hearts of the people of Uganda. Its majestic posture and a crown of fine feathers on its head give this bird a truly royal look. As if nature itself created it to make it a national bird.

Guyana - Hoatzin

The hoatzin is the national bird of Guyana.

The South American state of Guyana has recognized it as its national bird. This bird looks like a multi-colored tropical chicken, capable of emitting very unpleasant odors to scare off enemies.

Bahamas - Flamingos

Flamingos are the symbol of the Bahamas.

The Bahamas have chosen one of the most beautiful birds on Earth as their national bird. Amazing pink tones in the plumage of this bird are given by carotene, the abundance of which is distinguished by food. Flamingos are beautiful and graceful birds, they really deserve to become the national symbol of the country.

Antigua and Barbuda - Magnificent Frigate

The magnificent frigatebird is the bird of Antigua and Barbuda.

The islands of Antigua and Barbuda have chosen the magnificent frigate as their bird. This bird is distinguished by a contrasting black and red plumage and a pouch on the chest of males, which inflates like a balloon during the mating season. A feature of the frigate bird is the inability to walk on the ground due to short legs.

And here are some more national birds of different countries.

The bare-throated ringer is the national bird of Paraguay.
The green pheasant is the bird of Japan.
The Royal Amazon is the national bird of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

The Siamese lofur is the symbol of Thailand.

Photos are taken from the Internet.

Birds - symbols of different countries

Birds, fish, vegetation are indispensable elements of nature. Without these creatures, there would be no life on earth. Let's look at examples of the bright fantasy of nature - the most beautiful birds of the Earth, which are also symbols of their countries.

Peacock, India.

Peacocks are an ancient symbol of glory and immortality. This graceful bird is the national symbol of India. In Hinduism, peacocks are associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of good luck, kindness and beneficence. It is a great happiness to watch this beautiful bird as it spreads its tail.

Blue jay, Canada.

A very curious blue bird, with an unusual black collar around its neck. The blue jay is known for being one of the most intelligent birds.

East African crowned crane.

The bird, 3.3 feet tall, with a crown of stiff golden feathers, is the national bird of Uganda.

Dark red sunbird, Singapore.

The Crimson Sunbird is a tiny, attractive bird with a yellow rump, crimson breast, and olive belly. This cute little bird is the national bird of Singapore.

Flamingos, Bahamas.

Also known are the Caribbean flamingo and the American flamingo. Birds live in Central America, Southern Mexico and the Caribbean. The Caribbean flamingo is the only flamingo that naturally inhabits North America. Flamingos are the national bird of the Bahamas.

Hoatzin, Guyana.

Hoatzin is the national bird of Guyana. This bird has a characteristic specific smell that scares off predators, and when danger approaches, it begins to make all kinds of loud sounds.

Cardinal bird, USA.

This bird is easily recognizable due to its vibrant warm red hues all over its body.

Magnificent frigate bird, Antigua and Barbuda.

The frigate bird is the national bird of the dual island nation of Antigua and Barbuda. A bird with a wingspan of about seven feet. The pouch on the chest is characteristic of males. They inflate it during mating games.

The hoatzin is a primitive bird species and bears a close resemblance to some of the early fossil birds. The national bird of Guyana is thought to have descended from dinosaurs. This bird combines the properties of reptiles, modern birds and Archeopteryx. It looks like some kind of transitional form from lizards to birds, frozen at the moment of its development.

Its scientific name Opisthocomus hoatzin means "pheasant with a crest along its back".

This is an amazing relic bird. The Hoatzin has little body fat, stout legs, a long, broad tail, a long, scruffy neck, and a small head topped with a crest of barbed feathers.

Characteristic features of the Hoatzin are also chestnut feathers, during the mating season, males have a bright blue "face" and red eyes, as well as a strong musky smell - its natural defense against predators.

Hoatzin meat also has

Hoatzin is definitely a special bird. It flies very little, only in summer and for short distances. Feeds on leaves.

Hoatzin chicks can swim. This is a very useful skill, as Hoatzins love to build their nests in trees overhanging numerous rivers. However, birds lose their swimming skills as adults.

In addition, the chicks have claws on their wings, with which they climb trees. Very funny looking little hoatzins crawling on a tree on all four limbs. These claws also disappear in adulthood.

But at the same time, in adulthood, the bird begins to sing. True, those who heard the Hoatzin singing consider it more like a croak.

Hoatzins in Guyana live on the banks of the Berbice River and its tributaries.

Birds, fish, vegetation are indispensable elements of nature. Without these creatures, there would be no life on earth. Let's look at examples of the vivid fantasy of nature - the most beautiful birds of the Earth, which are also symbols of their countries.

East African crowned crane.

The bird, 3.3 feet tall, with a crown of stiff golden feathers, is the national bird of Uganda.

Dark red sunbird, Singapore.

The Crimson Sunbird is a tiny, attractive bird with a yellow rump, crimson breast, and olive belly. This cute little bird is the national bird of Singapore.

Flamingos, Bahamas.

Also known are the Caribbean flamingo and the American flamingo. Birds live in Central America, Southern Mexico and the Caribbean. The Caribbean flamingo is the only flamingo that naturally inhabits North America. West Indian Flamingos are the national bird of the Bahamas.

Hoatzin, Guyana.

Hoatzin is the national bird of Guyana. This bird has a characteristic specific smell that scares off predators, and when danger approaches, it begins to make all kinds of loud sounds.

Cardinal bird, USA.

This bird is easily recognizable due to its vibrant warm red hues all over its body.

Magnificent frigate bird, Antigua and Barbuda.

The frigate bird is the national bird of the dual island nation of Antigua and Barbuda. A bird with a wingspan of about seven feet. The pouch on the chest is characteristic of males. They inflate it during mating games.

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