Lettering for the new year. Beautiful lettering Happy New Year. Collection of beautiful inscriptions Happy New Year

New Year is a holiday familiar to us from childhood. Everyone is waiting for something special and magical from this night. Of course, with age, the feeling of approaching magic is lost, and in order to believe in a fairy tale again, people try to decorate their apartments, the city administration decorates the streets and sets up the main Christmas tree. Now everywhere and everything reminds of the holiday. Your computer is no exception. On our site you can find pictures for yourself with a New Year theme, create your own pictures with inscriptions.

Beautiful postcards will help you congratulate your friends and loved ones by sending them a congratulation on social networks. If you have come to this section not by chance, then the new year will come very soon and will bring a storm of positive and happiness into the life of every person. Therefore, by viewing and saving cool pictures with a winter theme, you gain hope, anticipation of the holiday and faith in the best.

Beautiful poems and unusual congratulations will help you give warmth and joy to loved ones. Gifts without such an addition will not be important. What is the main thing without which the New Year is no longer such a magical holiday? Of course, it's a tree. It is her that we dress up with all possible flowers and garlands.

A postcard for the New Year should include all the components of this holiday. That is why we give you the opportunity to create any picture that you wish, on your own and download it. If you write poetry beautifully, it's time to insert them into the created postcard.

Section novelties:

Christmas is coming too

Christmas is another important holiday. It is imbued with a divine spirit and positive emotions, which are perfectly reflected in the pictures that we show you. Our website will also help you to wish you a Merry Christmas.

What else is on the site

Among other things, the site provides you with pictures of various topics. We have prepared for you a lot of different headings to make it easier to find what you need. The main New Year's subcategories, which are most often visited by our users are:

Soviet, retro and vintage pictures;


For children;




The site also provides a wide variety of funny pictures. Bad mood? Come to us and forget the word melancholy forever.

This page contains all the most beautiful inscriptions "Happy New Year!" on a transparent background. The fact that the inscriptions are on a transparent background means that they can be used for your calendars or postcards with a background of any color.

blue lettering happy new year

And the first inscription is made in blue style, with a snowman, a snow maiden and a hat. This inscription has a transparent background. The high resolution of this inscription allows it to be used in large layouts. You can download it for free in PNG format.

Handwritten inscription Happy New Year

This inscription Happy New Year is written in a beautiful handwritten font. The letters are painted with a gradient, from blue to brown. The size of the inscription is still quite small, but if you need to issue a postcard or calendar in A4 format, then it will do just fine. Download inscription.

Collection of beautiful inscriptions Happy New Year

A collection of eleven inscriptions of various types is presented. All inscriptions on a transparent background. The size is different, but most of the inscriptions have a high resolution. With their help, you can design a postcard or calendar for any year, since the year is not indicated in the inscriptions. Download collection.

Fabric inscription Happy New Year

This inscription is made on a transparent background, and has the effect of letters made of fabric. You can download it for free in .

Yellow (gold inscription) on a transparent background

This inscription can be placed on the background of any color, as it has a white stroke and casts a shadow. Save to your computer the inscription: "Happy New Year!" you can in , where a transparent background is provided.

Beautiful inscription with New Year elements

This inscription is the most beautiful of all. In addition to the unique handwritten font, the inscription used a Santa Claus hat and a pine branch with cones.

The finished inscription can be hung separately, when it is depicted in large letters on cardboard or a long sheet of drawing paper? "Happy New Year!" or add it to a poster. Below, under the heading, place different pictures or stickers. Sometimes such inscriptions adorn plates with photographs of employees. Similar inscriptions are hung on the window more often in stores, with the beautiful side out.

At home, you can also decorate your windows in a similar way, because a positive inscription will always cheer you up. Interestingly, you can buy it in gift wrapping departments that sell stationery, but a really large and beautiful inscription ready for a sign is rare. The letters are either too small, or the inscription itself is small.

You can order it in the printing industry, but there are size restrictions. Conventional printing rarely produces large formats, for it the maximum is A3. You can, of course, order a dozen sheets of A3, where each will have ready-made letter templates. Then it remains to cut them out and assemble the finished inscription. At the same time, the client chooses the font, its color and design. Sometimes some organizations order postcards and vytynanki. Designers themselves draw them through special programs.

You can download ready-made stencil templates

You can find ready-made inscriptions and individual letters on the net yourself. If you need a huge ready-made inscription, take large sheets and draw the protrusions, guided by the printed templates. You will have to calculate in advance the sizes of all the letters, the distances between them, as well as possible patterns and other design features of the finished inscription.

For the New Year 2020, large posters are then hung in the corridors. Often they are needed in school or kindergarten. Many keep ready-made inscriptions for many years, changing only the last digits. After all, the New Year's poster, in principle, looks similar.

small inscriptions

For them, downloaded vytynanki are translated in natural size. The template is simply applied to a new sheet, outlined. Ready. It remains only to paint with felt-tip pens or paints. It is very convenient when you need a small poster with a beautiful inscription on top for the holiday. Sometimes the letters are printed through a color printer and simply pasted without drawing. Then they become ready-made individual letters in the poster or the whole inscription.

Letter stencils are often used in the design of restaurants and cafes, because people will take them off for corporate parties and they will want to stay in the New Year's atmosphere. How can you do without inscriptions, balls, bells? Managers instruct employees to quickly and beautifully decorate the halls, especially when they are already rented and guests are expected. Having chosen ready-made cut-outs, employees first print them out on plain paper, then select beautiful multi-colored sheets on which they will transfer the templates.

Usually, individual letters are printed, and sometimes a lot of them are required, because in a large hall one inscription is not enough. The pattern is taken one for all the inscriptions in order to observe a single composition in the design. Of course, the New Year does not require formality, on the contrary, it is important in the design to make the hall beautiful and bright, but not tasteless, so that the client would be pleased to be inside. Employees prefer ready-made templates than draw them themselves. This is a lot of time, it is not a fact that there will be at least one decent artist in the team. After all, it is beautiful to write voluminous, large letters also need to be able to.

What can be written on?

Fantasy in this regard has no boundaries. Many designers use big holidays as a source of good income. For example, printing workers. Here is the New Year, people are looking for beautiful things, cute souvenirs that you can give to someone or keep for yourself.

T-shirts - the image of a new symbol or a festive inscription. An original, fun gift. A new T-shirt with a funny pattern will not be superfluous in any wardrobe. Wear at home or for sports, but memory.

Mugs - yes, such personalized gifts are usually given for a name day or a wedding for young people, New Year is also a good occasion. Designers usually draw through programs or select ready-made templates for later transfer to white circles using special equipment.

There are few ready-made postcards, the choice is not too large, or you want an original design. You can order a postcard with your wishes in the printing industry. They will draw beautiful pictures there, write what the client wants and be sure to add a beautiful inscription.

Posters - they are needed in a variety of places. And hang at work or at school, and stand in a group of friends or relatives who meet on December 31 at the airport or train station. Seeing off with a beautiful poster in your hands is also nice.

On packages or festive paper - when you need to arrange a gift, a beautiful inscription can complement it well. For example, "Happy New Year, Valera!". Ready-made templates will help you choose letters not only for the holiday, but also for the name, so that the composition looks unified. Don't write your name by hand.

It doesn't matter how you want to use pre-made templates. Fortunately, on the network you can find dozens, if not hundreds of options for a beautiful inscription for the holiday. It will be made of hearts or strict outlines, smooth shapes or cheerful curls may prevail - whatever.

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