Folk omens for Easter. Easter notes. What do they do on Pure Thursday before Easter

Translated from Greek, the word "Easter" means deliverance. The miracle of the Resurrection of the Son of God is called the "crown of faith", because it was it that marked the beginning of the spread of Christianity throughout the world.

The symbols of this day are painted eggs and Easter cakes. Once preaching the faith of Christ, Mary Magdalene came to the Roman emperor Tiberius and, as a sign of respect, offered him a chicken egg as a gift. He was surprised and said that he would believe in her words if the gift changed color before his eyes. The egg immediately turned red. Since then, on the Easter holiday, Christians color eggs and exchange them.

Kulich is shaped like a hill, which was obtained when the apostles, having a meal without Christ, set aside pieces of bread for him. Thus, eating Easter cake, we praise the Lord and accept his teachings.

When is Easter in 2017?

Attract the Groom for Easter

Be sure to go to church April 16, 2017. In your own words, thank God for this day. When the bells ring, whisper the words three times for a good future: “Christ is risen, and I have a good year without worries. Amen!".

Unmarried girls need to defend the entire festive service in the temple so as not to miss the chance to attract a worthy soul mate. During the service, listen to the priest. In the words "Christ is Risen!" have time to say: “Sunday of Christ, send a single guy for me as soon as possible. Amen!".

How to improve family relationships on Easter

With the help of a red egg consecrated in the church for Easter, family relationships can be established. To do this, take it and lower it down a small hill, saying this: “The egg descends - the troubles in the house stop. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

Easter is the most important holiday of the year for every Orthodox person. For several centuries, this day has a lot of folk signs and beliefs. Some of them have survived to our time unchanged.

If the Sun shines brightly on Easter, then the summer will be clear and hot. If it rains, then the summer will also be cold and rainy.

It is believed that if a bird flew to the windowsill on Easter morning, then it was the soul of a deceased relative who came to visit their relatives.

For the whole year to pass in joy and prosperity, you need to have breakfast on Easter morning with the whole family.

Eat a piece of homemade cake - attract wealth. To deprive this food of your attention is to invite poverty.

To meet the dawn on the feast of the Resurrection of Christ is a great happiness.

If a girl hits her elbow on Easter day, then soon fate, taking her by the arm, will lead to her betrothed.

You can get rid of the evil eye and damage on Easter by crossing yourself with a consecrated egg.

If a small child cries sobbingly on Easter, then it's time for parents to go to church, to confession. It is believed that through the child, the Guardian Angel makes it clear to parents that there is too much burden of sins on their souls.

If you were given an egg, and it peeled off, it’s a big sin on you.

Unexpected guests for Easter - to great wealth.

To go on a visit on Easter day yourself - to discover new paths to happiness and good luck.

If during the festive meal the Easter cake was eaten in the first place and in its entirety, the year will be extremely successful.

Feeding the birds on Easter day means getting rid of past failures and even illnesses.

If on the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord a stray cat or dog came to your house, this is a great wealth and unexpected joy. In order for well-being to enter tightly into your life, animals should be fed from the heart.

Borrowing money to a friend for Easter is a big financial gain in the near future.

Spilling salt on Easter day - to grief in the family.

Finding a bouquet of consecrated willow on the road is a nuisance.

Spill water, tea or coffee before Sunday sunset - to tears. After sunset - to tears of joy.

Oversleep the morning service, if you were not at night - to big trouble.

To draw a cross on the jamb of the front door with the soot of an Easter candle - to protect the house from troubles and fire for the whole year.

If a child was born on Easter - be strong and healthy for him.

It is believed that a person who dies on Easter goes straight to Paradise. He is forgiven all the sins committed during his lifetime, and at the funeral, a red Easter consecrated egg is placed in the right hand of the deceased.

It is believed that on the day of Resurrection it is necessary to ride a swing: all sins will be blown away by the wind.

Couples during the morning meal beat colored eggs against each other: it is believed that the one whose shell remains intact will be the head of the family all year.

To hear the cuckoo at sunset on Bright Sunday - to the birth of a child, and the sound of a woodpecker - to a new home.

To cut yourself to blood on Easter is a disease, and to shed someone else's blood is to take on all the sins of this person.

If a thunderstorm came on the Resurrection of Christ, then the summer will be long and warm, and the autumn will be late and dry.

If the Easter night is clear and starry, the next day there will be frosts.

Easter rituals and divination

Despite the fact that the clergy strongly discourage divination during the Easter week, several ancient rituals that attract wealth and prosperity continue to be used over the years.

Ritual for wealth

This simple ritual is performed on the first evening after the nightly Easter service. For the ritual you will need:

  • soup plate;
  • a handful of millet, a handful of sunflower seeds and a handful of bread crumbs;
  • church candle.

At sunset, you need to be alone, set up and light a candle, and then read any prayer that you know and feel.

Place a plate opposite the candle, take a handful of millet, and, pouring it into a container, say the words:

“Millet grains are like the sun. Hens peck millet, lay golden eggs. Gold river to my house! Amen".

Then pick up a handful of sunflower seeds and pour it to the millet with the words:

“As the sunflower grew, stretched to heaven, so wealth reaches out to me, sprouts from the earth, brings fruits and seeds. Amen".

After that, pour the bread crumbs into the same plate, saying these words:

“Golden rye grows, God's bread is baked and life prolongs. As the crumbs do not turn into seeds, so no one can take away my wealth. Amen".

Mix the grains, seeds and crumbs in a bowl, wait until the candle burns out, and give the contents of the plate to the birds, saying these words:

“As the bird pecks the last grain, wealth will come to me on the threshold! Amen".

Fortune telling on Easter cake

You can find out how the year will pass for each family member by Easter cake. To do this, you need to knead the dough with your own hands and divide it into as many parts as there are people in your family.

Having formed Easter cakes, you need to name each one by the name of one of your household members. After that, the Easter cakes need to be baked, and after they are ready, carefully examine them.

  • if the cake turned out to be of the correct shape, evenly baked, then this relative will have a good and successful year;
  • a cake that is burnt or “collapsed” on one side predicts many difficulties and illnesses;
  • if the cake fell apart or burned out - this is a big disaster.

Find out about the joy and well-being that are on your doorstep, folk signs about happiness will help. We wish you a Happy Easter. Smile more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

In 2017, Easter fell on April 16th. In Orthodoxy, the status of Easter as the main holiday is reflected in the words "holidays, a holiday and a celebration of celebrations." The church celebration of Easter lasts 40 days.

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is the most ancient and important holiday of the entire Orthodox world: the day of the triumph of life over death.

In the early centuries of Christianity, different communities celebrated Easter at different times. In the East, in Asia Minor, it was celebrated on the 14th day of the month of Nisan (March-April), no matter what day of the week this number falls on. The Western Church celebrated Easter on the first Sunday after the spring full moon.

At the First Ecumenical Council in 325, it was decided to celebrate Easter everywhere at the same time on the Alexandrian Paschalia. This continued until the 16th century, when the unity of Western and Eastern Christians in celebrating Easter and other holidays was broken by the calendar reform of Pope Gregory XIII.

The Orthodox Church determines the date of the celebration of Easter according to the Alexandrian Paschalia: the holiday must be on the Sunday after the Jewish Passover, after the full moon and after the spring equinox.

Preparation for Easter 2017

On Maundy Thursday everything connected with washing, cleaning, water and bathing has a symbolic meaning. On Maundy Thursday it is also customary to go to church for confession and communion. After returning from the temple, the hostesses began to prepare the house for Easter: they carried out a general cleaning, cleaning all corners of the dwelling, washing floors, benches, kitchen utensils, walls and ceilings, arranged a grand laundry, cleaned and shook out all the rugs: in Russia it was believed that if in Clean Thursday, clean the house thoroughly, then it will be clean all year, including spiritual.

According to custom, after the Thursday general cleaning, the hostess no longer swept the floor and did not clean the house until Easter itself. Having cleaned the dwelling, the housewives began to cook: they baked Easter cakes from pre-prepared dough, prepared cottage cheese Easter and other festive dishes, and baked meat. Also on Thursday evening it was customary for the whole family to paint eggs.

The main dish of Easter is Easter cake, which symbolizes the presence of the risen Christ in the house. Easter cakes begin to bake on Thursday, on Saturday they are consecrated in churches. Also on Easter, it is customary to make Easter curds (popularly called "paska", or affectionately "pasochki") and paint eggs. Cottage cheese Easter symbolizes the Easter holiday itself, and eggs are painted in memory of the miracle that Mary Magdalene witnessed.

On Good Friday women baked Easter cakes and Easter and, according to tradition, distributed food to the poor. On this day, it is customary for believers to abstain from food until the removal of the Holy Shroud, which is considered a symbol of the atoning sacrifice of the Savior.

According to the gospel legend, the resurrected Christ from time to time visited his faithful disciples during their meal. Therefore, the apostles, not knowing when Jesus would come next, always left bread for him in the middle of the table. Then bread (in Greek - "artos") for Jesus began to be left in temples, it was consecrated, broken into pieces and distributed to believers. And since the house and family are a small church, at Easter Christians began to bake their own bread, which was supposed to symbolize the resurrected Christ in every home. In Russia, artos was called "Kulich".

Holy Saturday for believers, it is marked by the lighting of Easter cakes and food for breaking the fast on Great Easter. In the churches, the morning Liturgy of Basil the Great was performed, during which the priests changed dark clothes for light ones - festive ones. On the day of Great Saturday, people tried to finish all their affairs and come to the evening service at the church to celebrate the Great Easter holiday, symbolizing deliverance from evil and the beginning of a new, bright life.

Easter 2017: traditions and customs

Easter service begins at midnight from Saturday to Sunday; all of it is filled with spiritual joy and exultation. All of it is a solemn hymn to the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the reconciliation of God and man, the victory of life over death.

Immediately before Easter, believers gather in the temple, from where the procession begins at midnight with loud singing of the stichera of the holiday. Then the procession approaches the doors of the temple and the service of Paschal Matins begins.

On Easter Day, it is customary to greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!”, To which the interlocutor should answer: “He has risen in truth!”. In every church on this holiday, you can hear the words that mark the beginning of the church service: "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and bestowing life on those in the tombs."

After the end of the festive service, Orthodox Christians usually “break their fast” - they treat themselves to consecrated painted eggs and Easter cakes at the temple or at home. Traditionally, the first food to be eaten was an egg.

On Easter, the children arranged "pokatushki" - whose egg rolls further. Easter painted egg in Russian culture meant new life, rebirth. Easter eggs in Russia were rolled on the ground to make it fertile.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, Easter eggs were “christened” - breaking different ends in turn, just as people were christened three times on their cheeks.

In Russia, after the silence of the bells during the Passion Days on Easter itself, the blagovest is especially solemnly rung. Throughout Bright Week, anyone can climb the bell tower and ring in honor of Christ's Resurrection.

The celebration of Easter lasts 40 days, because that is how much time Christ spent on earth with his disciples after the resurrection. Special celebrations in churches are held a week after Easter - when solemn services, religious processions, and sprinkling of holy water are held on Bright Week. All week after Easter, it is customary to go to visit relatives, go for festivities, celebrate Christ and give gifts.

Notes for Easter. Popular beliefs

In order for Easter pastries to turn out magnificent and tasty, the house should be quiet and calm. You can not speak loudly and, moreover, quarrel.

After the consecration in the church, each owner tried to bring the Easter cake home as soon as possible. This custom is based on popular belief: whoever comes home first with Easter will have the best harvest and that owner will be the first to finish the field work.

In connection with this custom, there were some other Easter beliefs:

  • Bread will grow as fast as the owner runs with Easter
  • Whoever overtakes everyone will have the strongest horse and will overtake others in work for a whole year.

Weather signs for Easter were of great importance for our ancestors, because it was from them that one could find out how fruitful and successful the whole next year would be.

  • If a thunderstorm breaks out on this day, it means that autumn will come late and will be dry. Rain without a thunderstorm portends a rainy spring.
  • If it is cloudy, then the summer will be cold and cloudy.
  • Frost on Easter predicts a good harvest.
  • Cold, but not minus weather - to dry summer. All the snow melts completely by the harvest year. E
  • If the weather is clear on Tuesday after Easter, it will rain all summer.
  • And if it is warm and clear on Sunday, then the summer will be sunny and fruitful.
  • A starry, clear night for Easter promises frosts and cooling.

According to Slavic beliefs, before or after Great Day, the ancestors return to earth, where they stay until the Trinity period. In the western and southern provinces of the Russian Empire, the peasants went to the cemetery immediately after the festive liturgy and took Christ with the dead. This is connected with the concept of the "Easter of the Dead", according to which on the eve of Easter the Lord opens heaven and hell (a sign of which are the royal doors open in the church) and releases the souls of the dead from the "other world" so that they can visit their homes and celebrate their Easter. .

After the morning service on the first day of Easter, they go to Christ with the dead in the cemetery, bury the egg in the grave. The commemoration of the dead on Bright Week is contrary to the church canon (as incompatible with the joy of the Resurrection of Christ) and has retained the status of a purely folk custom.

The Russians had a belief that on this day the sky opens, and during the entire Bright Week the souls of the dead freely move to the “villages of the righteous”, constantly turn between the living, visit their relatives and friends, drink, eat and rejoice with them.

According to the belief of the villagers, the evil spirits that are in the underworld live in grave silence and are very afraid of screams and noise. And when shots were fired from rifles on Velikden, they knocked on wood and dishes, music and bells sounded, people believed that this drove away evil spirits and evil spirits

There was a belief that on Easter "the sun plays." According to the ideas of Russian peasants, “the rising sun will either appear from behind the edge of heaven, then hide behind it again, then look up, then descend downwards, then it will sparkle with scarlet, white, azure flowers, then it will shine in all its glory so that no eye it's impossible to look at it"

On the Great Day week, as well as on Maslenitsa, the main attention was paid to youth and newlyweds. So, for example, in youth Easter round dances, future married couples were usually called and newlyweds who got married during the last year were called.

On Easter, mass festivities were organized almost everywhere with singing, round dances and games, “bride fairs”, swings and other amusements.

Easter is one of the most significant holidays in Christianity. They prepare for this celebration for a whole week, which is popularly called the Holy Week.

Since ancient times, people have carefully observed the events taking place these days, collecting all the patterns and retelling them from generation to generation. Thus, now there are many Easter signs, thanks to which you can predict the future.

Signs for Easter for marriage and for unmarried girls pregnant to give birth

Directly on Easter day, young girls go to the church bell tower early in the morning. The ringing of bells on this day has magical powers. Girls who want to find themselves a wonderful groom who can provide them with a decent financially independent life, ring the bell, pronouncing their desire.

During the Easter service, unmarried girls say quietly: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send the unmarried groom!”

Signs for Easter for children, for health, money, home, spouses

In order for the baby to grow up strong and healthy, early on Sunday morning it must be taken out into the yard and put on an ax with its legs. At the same time, you need to ask God to give the baby strength and health.

It is believed that children born on Easter Day will be very happy and famous people in the future. Those who were born in the Easter week will have good health. The ailments of such people will be bypassed.

In order for the marriage to be successful, it is best to send matchmakers during the Easter week. In order for there to always be understanding and respect between spouses, lovers should call each other only by name and patronymic these days.

In order for the house to always be cozy and family-like, all the women living in it need to wash all thresholds and windows together on Maundy Thursday.

Easter signs and customs to attract money so that money flows

If the family wants money to be found in the house, then it is better to go to church in full force, and after the festive service you need to hurry home. Upon arrival, the hostess must quickly feed all household members.

In order to attract money to the house, you need to feed the birds with the crumbs of consecrated bread that remain after the morning meal.

Signs for Easter to beat the bells, in Russia and Ukraine, on a leap year, on Friday and Maundy Thursday

In both Russia and Ukraine, men go to the bell tower on Easter morning to hear the bells ring. At this time, health, wealth, and the future harvest come to the owner of the house to the magical sounds emanating from the bell tower.

If the birth of a baby is expected in a leap year in a family, then his mother must definitely treat the neighboring children with Easter eggs, Easter cakes and sweets. So she buys health and happiness for her child. After all, according to popular beliefs, people born in a leap year have a hard lot.

Signs and beliefs for Easter and Easter, Holy Week

There is a belief that on Easter morning it is necessary to meet the sunrise, so that throughout the year all troubles bypass the house.

People born on Easter Sunday at noon sharp may become great figures in the future, able to influence the course of history.

If a girl hears the singing of a cuckoo during Holy Week, this predicts a close marriage and procreation.

Easter signs by day of the week

On the Monday before Easter, you need to clean the yard, if necessary, repair the gate or fence. This is done in order to keep out evil spirits that are in a hurry to hide somewhere before the Resurrection of Christ.

Watch the wind on Tuesday. If it blows on the house from the south - this is a success in family affairs, if from the east - to an increase in the family, if from the north - to diseases, and if from the west - you can expect bad news.

On Wednesday and Maundy Thursday, it is imperative to do a general cleaning throughout the house, because whoever does not have time to clean up by Friday will live in the mud all year.

For children born on Easter Friday, signs predicted a not very happy life, with many diseases. The mothers of such children necessarily take them to healers and witches in order to reprimand them and beg for their health and well-being.

If you do not go to bed on Saturday before Easter, then in this way you can attract happiness to the family. It is better to be in the church at the service that night.

Signs for Easter for the weather and the weather

If on Monday the weather is clear and warm, then the year will definitely be fruitful.

If it rains, the winter will be severe, with severe frosts. To preserve the harvest, on this day you need to collect rainwater and water the bed with it on a dry day.

Easter signs and superstitions, traditions, what not to do and what can and should be done

According to Easter superstitions, an Easter cake cracked these days predicts a whole year of misfortune for the family. To avoid this, you need to take candles and red Easter eggs to the church, and in return bring home church crackers.

All Easter week it is strictly forbidden to get drunk, because these days the spirit of Christ walks the earth, and all evil spirits hide in Hell. Also, do not speak very loudly these days, as this can bring trouble to the whole family.

It is impossible to get married on Easter and Holy Week, since it is forbidden to be distracted by worldly events on these days.

Signs for Easter with money, towel

Everyone knows that on Maundy Thursday you definitely need to wash yourself. The towel that is used on this day must be given to needy people on Holy Sunday. If an unmarried girl does this, then she can expect marriage in the current year.

Easter 2018: signs and history of the holiday

Easter is the most joyful holiday of all Christians, with which many signs and beliefs are associated. One of the beliefs is called "CLEAN THURSDAY", which also has a second name - GREAT. Three days before Easter, namely, on Thursday, it is customary to put things in order at home and around the house, as well as wash in cold water. It is believed that on this day water will wash away all illnesses and ailments from a person, and cleanliness in the house brought him good. Previously, on Clean Thursday, it was customary to cut children's hair for the first time, and for girls to cut off the ends of their hair so that they were beautiful, thick and long.

Signs for Easter 2018

There are also some creepy signs, for example, people believed that on the night before the holy holiday you can see a deceased relative. To do this, you need to hide in the church at the time when the procession is going on so that no one sees, and do not forget to take a passionate candle with you. It is believed that at Easter the gates of heaven are always open, and therefore many older people would not mind wishing themselves dead on this day, no matter how strange it may sound, but it is. Christians have always believed that all Easter food has miraculous and healing properties. So, people who loved to engage in fortune-telling and witchcraft always kept the shells from Easter eggs in order to use them later in fortune-telling. On the night before Easter, all food was securely hidden so that the mice would not get to it. The people believed that if a mouse ate Easter food, then it would turn into a bat.

To make their skin color ruddy, the girls washed themselves with water, in which they had dyed eggs before, and to be strong they stood on an ax. On Easter, it was customary not to pick up salt, so that your hands would not sweat in the future. When Easter day came and everyone sat down at the table, the Easter egg, which was necessarily consecrated in the church, was cleaned and divided by the number of family members. It was believed that this contributes to the strengthening, well-being, and peace in the family. And finally, a little about the weather: on Easter day, a clear sky and a playful sun - for a good harvest; rain - good rye!

Easter 2018 - Great holiday

On the feast of Easter, believers go to church to glorify and thank God for the sacrifice on the Calvary cross. Everywhere bells ring, crusades are made, lamps and candles are lit. Orthodox go to church to bless Easter cakes and wish each other good health, greeting each other with exclamations: “Christ is Risen!”. Also, every housewife thinks in advance so as not to stand at the stove on these holidays when it is impossible to work.

But what does the Easter holiday really mean and where did the history of this holiday begin? Every believer believes that he celebrates correctly, without even understanding where this Great Holiday originates from.

The Book of Exodus or the Passover Story

The feast of Easter has its roots deep in the depths of the Old Testament. In order to understand this, it is necessary to turn to the Holy Scriptures, and specifically to the book called "Exodus". This book, written by the prophet Moses, tells about the Jewish people who were in bondage to the Egyptians.

The Jewish people endured great torment and oppression from the Egyptians. Despite this, they hoped for the mercy of God and always remembered the covenant given to them and the promised land. God chose Moses to carry out His purpose. Moses was tongue-tied and the Lord sent Aaron, his brother, to help him. They came to Pharaoh and asked to let the people go in order to serve the Lord. But, Pharaoh's heart was hard-hearted, and he did not want to let the slaves go so that they would serve God and go to their own land.

The Lord showed great miracles and sent 10 different executions to the Egyptians. But the Egyptian pharaoh persisted and did not want to let the Israelites go.

Then God commanded the Israelites to slaughter one year-old male lamb without blemish for each family. They must anoint the doorposts of the houses with the blood of the animal. In the night, God's angel passed through Egypt and killed all the firstborn, but did not touch the Jewish houses. Pharaoh was in great fear, drove the Israelites out of Egypt. But when the Jews approached the shores of the Red Sea, he chased after his slaves and wanted to take revenge on them.

But God is Almighty, nothing is impossible for Him. He opened the waters of the sea, and the Jews passed through the sea as if on dry land, and Pharaoh and his army were drowned. The Lord, in honor of this event, commanded the Jews as liberation from Egyptian captivity.

The Sacrifice of Christ or the New History of Easter

The origin and origin of the Easter holiday does not end there.

2000 years ago, the baby Jesus, the savior of mankind, was born in Israel. Christ was born of the virgin Mary and lived in the house of the carpenter Joseph. Until the age of 30, Jesus performed no miracle.

He was God and Man because he was born of the woman Mary, who conceived by the Holy Spirit. While Jesus was fasting in the wilderness, the devil came to Him and began to tempt Him. Christ commanded the devil to depart from Him, and he departed before the time.

He taught the people, healed, cast out demons from possessed people and performed great miracles. After 3 years, he was betrayed by Judas and crucified on Mount Calvary on Friday. Christ celebrated the Last Supper with the disciples. When the disciples gathered, Jesus took the bread, blessed it and said: Eat this is My Body.

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