Confectionery attachments. Confectionery secrets for decorating a cake using a pastry syringe

With the help of a pastry syringe, even a not very skilled pastry chef can steal a cake, pastries, pies or candies. Buy a syringe with several types of attachments; this accessory has a lot of possibilities.

The thinnest nozzle with a straight cut will allow you to make inscriptions with cream, sugar mastic or chocolate. You can use it to draw a variety of patterns reminiscent of lace, flower stems, and also create chocolate monograms.

To decorate the edge of the cake, a nozzle with an oblique cut is indispensable. You can use it to make cream borders. The wedge-shaped nozzle makes it easy to draw leaves and flower petals. Star-shaped nozzles are also very popular. With a small nozzle you can make cream stars, borders and curly dots. The large one is useful for pipetting cookies, such as meringue.

Preparing cream for the cake

To make your decorations beautiful, make the cream correctly. You can use custard or egg white version, as well as well-whipped heavy cream. However, the most popular remains thick butter cream, with its help you can create designs of any complexity - from a modest border to real cream flower beds.

You will need: - 100 g of sweet butter; - 4 tablespoons of condensed milk; - a few drops of vanilla extract; - food colorings.

Mash the butter and beat with a mixer along with vanilla essence and condensed milk. You should end up with a fluffy, homogeneous mass that holds its shape well.

Divide the cream into portions and add a little food coloring to each. Whisk the mixture thoroughly until the color is uniform.

Select the desired nozzle and place it on the pastry syringe. Using a spoon, fill the reservoir with cream. Place it tightly: if there are voids inside the syringe, you can ruin the jewelry.

Ceremonial view: decorating the birthday cake

Try decorating a traditional round cake. Cover its surface with fondant or chocolate glaze; against such a background, cream decorations look especially impressive.

Before you start creating decorations, sketch out a sketch on paper and then carefully draw lines on the surface of the cake; this is convenient to do with a toothpick or needle

Start with the centerpiece. Try making a bouquet of daisies; you can draw them using a bias cutter. Fill the syringe with pink cream and bring it to the surface. Holding the syringe at a slight angle, squeeze out the cream so that it forms steep waves resembling petals. Moving your hand in waves, move the syringe in a circle, drawing a flower. Draw three large daisies and a couple of buds.

Fill the syringe with green cream and use a thin straight tip to draw flower stems. Change the nozzle to a wedge-shaped one and draw leaves. Lastly, decorate the edges of the cake. Use white cream to plant stars to form a beautiful border. Draw them using a star tip.

Pastry bag attachments

How often do you want to stand in front of a pastry shop window and admire the intricately decorated cakes and pastries. And if such beauty is made with your own hands, it is guaranteed to delight family and friends. But how to make such decorations? Culinary cream attachments will help you.Luckily, we can say “thank you” to the industry for providing a wide range of culinary equipment to help decorate baked goods.

In the online store “Supermarket for the Confectioner” you can buy all types of pastry cream attachments. The price is indicated in rubles. It’s easy to order them and arrange delivery:

  • in Moscow it is possible to use the services of a courier or pick up;
  • in Russia it is possible to arrange delivery of goods via transport company or regular/expedited mail.

Nozzles for a pastry bag: types of pastry nozzles and working with them

The modern market offers a variety of confectionery attachments for every taste - metal, plastic. Culinary cream attachments can be purchased individually or in a set. One of the most popular, received positive reviews, are Wilton stainless steel pastry attachments, for their convenience and practicality during long-term use.

A professional pastry chef's set is suitable for both beginners and an experienced housewife. Mainly it includes:

  • Pastry bag attachments that create leaf-shaped patterns. They help create leaves of different shapes and volumes. It is best to decorate the edges of cakes with them.
  • Attachments that allow you to create petal-shaped patterns. With their help, the product is decorated with petals, bows, lambrequins, ruffles and draperies. These tips are great for decorating cupcakes.
  • Confectionery nozzles “open star”. They help create jewelry with fine corrugations in the form of stars and wavy lines. Some of these attachments can also be used for dough handling.
  • Confectionery nozzles for “closed star” cream. They are used to create deeply grooved jewelry. Using these attachments, you can decorate the product with patterns in the form of shells and stars.
  • Attachments for creating decorations in the form of flowers. These attachments are used to create a whole flower. There are options for making small flowers, for medium, large and XXL.
  • Attachments for creating jewelry in the form of basket weaving. Most attachments create both grooved and smooth stripes. But some can only create smooth stripes.
  • Culinary cream attachments that create ruffled decorations. Also used to create special effects.
  • Nozzles with a round hole. They are used to create lace, beads, balls, dots, and inscriptions.
  • Pastry nozzles with several holes. They are used to produce a fluffy surface.
  • Attachments for creating candlesticks, ropes, hearts and Christmas trees.

For individual production floral decorations you will need a special nail. A square of baking paper is attached to its cap. Then the desired attachment is selected (for example, for petals). The stem of the carnation is pinched between the fingers and gently rotated as the petals are created.

First, the core of the flower is created in the form of a slide. Then petals are created around it. The movements of the nozzle go from bottom to top. The nozzle should be held with the narrow end up. Flowers created in this way will wonderfully decorate cupcakes.

Of course, the pastry attachments themselves are not everything. To fully work with them you will need pastry bag and adapter.

About the pastry bagOh

A pastry bag is used to create culinary masterpieces by both professional pastry chefs and housewives. Decorating pastries and cakes using a pastry bag makes it easy to create three-dimensional shapes and unique patterns. A professional piping bag is more practical than a homemade one. It gives more effective results.

The greatest possibilities are provided by a pastry bag with pastry tips. But there are also lighter devices. These include disposable pastry bags. They have a variety of volumes and shapes. The main advantage of a disposable bag is that it does not require washing.

A reusable bag, unlike a disposable one, can be used for a very long time. The most commonly used type is a silicone pastry bag. It is easy to wash; the silicone pastry bag can be trimmed to make it smaller if necessary. There are also fabric bags available. They are soaked special composition. These bags differ little in their properties from silicone ones. Fabric bags have a large assortment. Various pastry attachments are suitable for both fabric and silicone bags.

There is also a perforated pastry bag. It is disposable and has perforations. Thanks to the perforation, the bag does not burst when filled. Perforated pastry bags are sold with a sealed tip. Subsequently, the tip is trimmed to fit the nozzle.

Each of the pastry bags has its own advantages. Thanks to this, they got this widespread. All pastry bags are designed to work with materials that are not particularly thick. The shape and volume of the patterns depend mainly on the specific bag and nozzle.

How to use a pastry bag correctly

To fill the bag correctly, the bag must be placed on your hand. In this case, its edges will not be dirty from the outside. You need to confidently hold the bag on your hand and fill it with a spatula or scraper. It is enough to fill the bag half or a third. Then you should push the filling closer to the nozzle.

When the bag is filled with filling, you need to take it in your hand. You need to hold it so that you can feel the bag with your fingers and palm. Its free end must be fixed around thumb. The cream filling should be pushed through a pastry cutter and scraped off the edges of the bowl. This will help release excess air from the bag. It is now ready to use.

Adapter for pastry bag

Why is it needed? The adapter for a pastry bag is very useful and convenient. culinary equipment. It is made from food-grade plastic. The adapter allows you to change attachments without transferring the filling to a new bag, without making any extra effort. If you have multiple adapters, you can use a variety of filling colors. One adapter equals one color of cream in the bag. The adapter is easy to work with:

  • Unscrew the adapter and you get two parts: the bottom and top part.
  • Cut the pastry bag so that you can insert the top part of the adapter tightly.
  • Place the pastry nozzle on the top of the adapter with the bag and twist its bottom part.

To change the nozzle, you only need to unscrew the top part of the adapter. Then replace the nozzle. The bag will become universal for many attachments. They can be changed even while working with the filling. Thanks to the adapter, which helps save energy and time.

A few additional tips for housewives using pastry attachments for the first time

  • For your first experience, it is better for you to choose a small cake. The ideal diameter of cakes is 24 cm. Once you get the hang of it, you can take larger diameter cakes.
  • Don't forget to pump out excess air from the pastry bag. Otherwise, the filling will be distributed unevenly through the nozzle. And a disposable bag may burst.
  • Be sure to use an adapter at least the first time. It will help you get the hang of changing attachments without the risk of getting dirty.
  • If you bought several adapters, do not rush to use several creams of different colors at the same time. Try one first.

Anyone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen and likes to prepare various sweet dishes must have cream attachments in their arsenal. What are these simple devices needed for? This is worth talking about in more detail.

Detailed description

Cream attachments are a special piece of equipment that every real cook should have. Its purpose is already hidden in the name itself. Really, we're talking about about the objects with which the master creates real masterpieces from pastry cream. It is difficult to imagine a cake or a delicious pastry without the usual decoration. Typically, cream attachments are used as an addition to a bag. In this case, it does not matter which of them is used for work. Both of them play the role of a reservoir in which the prepared sweet mass is temporarily placed. Cream nozzles are cone-shaped products with two holes. One of them has a larger diameter and is designed to secure the device to the tip of a syringe or bag, and the second will have to impart a certain form.

The following types of attachments are known in cooking:

  1. "Tube". It is also sometimes called simple or round. This is a product with a round cross-section, which confectioners consider to be the basic option. You can use it to pipe meringues or decorate the side of the cake.
  2. "Open Star" The working part of such a device has several cuts in the form of sharp teeth, of which there can be from 4 to 12 pieces.
  3. "Closed Star" It is very similar to the previous version. The only difference is that the teeth are slightly curved inward.
  4. "Open Rose" In it, cuts on one side are made at an angle.
  5. "French". Reminiscent of the Open Star, but the teeth are smaller.
  6. "Flower". The sharp ends of the cuts from the middle are completely bent towards the center.
  7. "Eastern Rose" It has a sphere with small slits at the tip.
  8. "Grass". Here work zone tightly closed except for three round outlet holes.
  9. "Band". The cone ends in a narrow slot, which can be smooth or have several teeth on one side.

There are also attachments for creating special effects. Holes are made in them to obtain a specific design (heart, Christmas tree, cross and others). There are also products that are specifically designed for left-handed people.

Lush flower

Very often in the work of a pastry chef, a “Tulip” attachment for cream is used. This unique product allows you to create a finished bud on the surface of the cake in one motion.

The secret is that the outlet is made in the form of a plate with an original cross-section. Passing through special slots, the mass is divided into separate layers, each of which takes on a specific shape. A flower made in this way has a clearly visible core and petals. In the central part of the nozzle there are usually several round holes, which then end into small stamens, and the side slits can be different shapes. Depending on the number of slits, there can be from three to six pieces. With the help of such an attachment, even a novice pastry chef can create a real masterpiece. There are several types of such devices, which differ in the unique arrangement of the slots. Each of them is assigned a number from 1 to 13.

Confectioner's set

Every good specialist always has his own tools for his work. It's hard to achieve without them desired result. Therefore, any pastry chef, as a rule, has a cream bag with attachments. You can purchase such a set at any hardware store.

Most specialists do not like to work with a syringe. They prefer a pastry bag. With the help of this simple device, it is possible to more accurately apply decor to the surface of the finished baked goods. Such products can be of different volumes depending on the amount of product used. It is clear that in cases where only 100 grams of cream are required, it is stupid to take a 1 liter bag. Remaining material will interfere with the work, and the drawing may not work out. In addition, you should know that bags are also disposable and reusable. This one is very convenient as it is not easy to clean. It’s easier to throw away the used product and take a new one for further work. Although some confectioners have a different opinion on this matter.

Work principles

To properly decorate a surface, you must follow the basic rules for working with plastic materials. First you need to pay attention to the pastry bags themselves.

The cream nozzles should be placed on them from the outside, and not inserted from the inside. This ensures protection from unwanted movement and allows the drawing to be completed correctly. It is also necessary to remember that fabric is a rather fragile material, so gaps may form at the joints, and this, accordingly, will affect the quality of work. The cream will seep through them and drip onto the surface to be decorated. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is better to use special clamps. They will block the places where the fabric comes into contact with the nozzle and create a natural barrier for the liquid mixture. It is also worth remembering that the cream has the ability to melt at elevated temperatures. Therefore, you need to work in a cool or well-ventilated area. In addition, all actions must be done quickly so that the mass in the pastry bag does not heat up from the heat of your hands. But this, as a rule, only comes with experience.

I thought for a long time about what to write about today and the topic of confectionery equipment caught my eye.

Many of us, women and men, love to cook and, accordingly, bake. And baked goods such as desserts and cakes require a little more attention in terms of decoration. Of course, cakes decorated with fondant are now gaining more and more popularity, where you need to create without the help of a pastry syringe or bag. And if you like to work with creams and batters, then you can’t do without these pastry accessories. Today we will choose the right confectionery syringes and bags, consider their pros and cons, purpose and varieties.

Pastry bags, pros and cons, varieties

You should immediately decide on the pros and cons of the confectionery device. Of course, after reading the post it’s difficult to decide, you need to try and experiment. But for general development and for those who are going to purchase confectionery “decorators” for the first time, I think the information will be useful.

So, the pros and cons of a pastry bag



Larger volume, which allows you to accommodate more cream and dough.

Quite durable, depending on the material and quality.

A variety of attachments allows you to decorate baked goods to suit every taste.

When working with a pastry bag, you can hold it in one hand.

There is not much pressure to apply, unlike when working with a syringe.

Easier to wash than syringes.
If the bag is not made well, the cream may “leak” out of all the cracks.

Some patterns are still not subject to the bag.

You have to hold the bag very tightly at the end so that the cream and dough don’t come out.

It is advisable to use a thin consistency of cream and dough.

Now let's talk about varieties. There are three main types:

Disposable– are most often made from paper or food-grade polyethylene. The name speaks for itself and also, they come without attachments, you have to be content with a slotted hole, so when choosing them, do not forget to pay attention to the cuts. Usually there are only three types of them: a straight cut, an oblique cut and a cut along the edges - two holes with which you can form leaves. The first two will serve depending on your imagination.

Reusable fabric– vinyl and cotton are most often used as a basis. They are also often rubberized inside, which makes them easier to care for. The kit usually comes with a lot of different attachments. When choosing bags from these materials, carefully examine the seams - it’s good if they are welded.

Reusable silicone– like the previous ones have large quantity nozzles One of the main advantages of silicone bags is that they are easier to handle, easier to clean, and problems such as seams coming apart are not a problem for these bags. They are more durable and harmless to the body.

One of the main points that you need to pay attention to is the attachment of the nozzles. They must be attached from the outside so that you can easily replace the nozzle with another one, even if there is cream inside the bag.

Confectionery syringes, pros and cons, varieties

Confectionery syringes have their own number of advantages and disadvantages.



Various volumes depending on preference.

Small designs are easier to apply.

The cream does not leak out.

Depending on the consistency, you can use any cream or dough.

Long service life depending on the material.

It is possible to form beautiful cookies.
Quite difficult to wash.

If the volume is small, medium or larger, the cake will take a long time to decorate due to refilling.

You have to apply pressure with both hands, squeezing out the cream, especially if the consistency is thick.

Like pastry bags, syringes are also divided into three types based on the material they are made of; the number of nozzles varies depending on the manufacturer.

Plastic– made of plastic, therefore the service life is not long. If the syringe is made in a combination of plastic and metal, then its service life increases.

One of the advantages– the body is transparent, which allows you to monitor the filler level.

Metal– long service life due to the material, but it will no longer be possible to monitor the level of dough or cream.

Silicone- thanks to this syringe you can draw a picture continuously without any problems. The case is transparent, which allows you to monitor the filler level. They last quite a long time.

Syringes, further divided by volume- from small two-hundred-gram ones to huge two-liter ones. Confectioners consider the golden mean - liter ones. There are enough of them to decorate a medium cake and form cookies :)

Confectionery shops are also on sale mechanical pistols And electric guns, it’s much easier to work with them, you don’t have to put in a lot of effort, and the decoration process happens faster.

With them, you can not only decorate pastries, you can also shape cookies and decorate drinks (cocktails).

As I said earlier, high-quality seams and gluing are the key to long service life.

Nozzles should be attached from the outside, not from the inside.

Disposable bags are not recommended for beginners, as they are more difficult to handle. Also, it is not recommended to use dense fillers for plastic bags, since the hole will tear quickly enough.

When purchasing, pay attention to the size and width of the bag; it should be wide enough so that you can put in cream and dough without any problems.

Choose a pastry bag and syringe correctly and create masterpieces, I wish you profitable and successful purchases.

I’ll say right away that I do everything as it’s convenient for me personally. If anyone does otherwise, please do so.
Today's cake. Again the heart and again the roses. And I really want snowdrops and daffodils!

I make the cream from Rama cream. Occasionally, when asked, they make butter. I don’t know how to make protein custard, I haven’t tried it and I don’t like it. Although if I tried to do it, problems would hardly arise.
From my experience - the cream of the crop delicate cream. They quickly melt in your hands in a bag and then absolutely do not want to hold their shape. This cream is the softest. That’s why it’s probably more difficult with him. But we love each other :-)
for 2 bottles of Rama cream (each 250 ml) 3 leaves of gelatin, 1 bag of vanilla sugar and 1-2 tsp. Sahara.
Soak the gelatin for a few minutes in cold water, squeeze, pour in a small (4-5 tbsp) amount of Rama cream and dissolve it over low heat, stirring constantly. Pour the rest of the cream into the mixer bowl, add sugar and vanilla sugar, and start beating. Because I have a 1000W mixer, so it whips this cream for about 1-2 minutes. As soon as the cream in the mixer begins to thicken, pour the cream and gelatin into it in a thin stream. This is what the finished cream looks like

For this cake I wanted to use such attachments

But in the end I didn’t use carnations for the roses (because I made them on a piece of biscuit) and a small tip for leaves. I will describe the nozzles, from left to right:
- the first two with holes of different diameters. I don’t know the exact diameter, but something around 2-3 mm. They are for lines, inscriptions, dots, squiggles. Instead, you can make a regular bag of baking paper.
- asterisk, diameter 4mm. I use it for small borders and for “knitted” designs (animals, cars, etc.)
- for petals, diameter 15mm. I have smaller ones and curved ones, but this one is my favorite. Making roses small is more difficult. So if possible, then first take a larger nozzle. Often the gap is too thick and the petals turn out rough. Therefore, you can squeeze it a little (I squeezed it). At the end I’ll show you what else you can do with this attachment.
- nozzles for leaves, different sizes and shapes.

Spatulas are needed to apply cream to the cake and level it out. I recently bought a long one; before that I used a regular cake spatula. The main thing here is practice. But of course it’s easier with a large spatula. Although both are needed.

I cover the cake with cream like this:
top first, smooth the cream to the edges

I cover the sides with cream and smooth it out well. The cream on the sides should rise slightly above the cake. Then, using a spatula, using gentle movements from the edge of the cake to the middle, smooth out this protruding cream. The photo shows spatula marks.

After the edge of the cake is also leveled, smooth it out top surface cake with a few movements of the spatula. If there are any irregularities, don't worry. They can be hidden with leaves, flowers, beads. I use disposable freezer bags for decoration. I cut off a corner and insert the nozzle there.

When the cake is covered with cream, we begin to decorate. First the border at the bottom. I used to make a border along the top edge of the cake, but now I don't like it, or I just learned how to carefully align the edge.
Then the inscription. Even if your hands are not as crooked as mine, either make thin strips along which you will write, or first write the text with a thin nozzle and white cream (or cream the same color as a cake), and then write the text on top. Only very short inscriptions can be written directly like this, without preparation. If you don't believe me, try it. For example, today I missed a letter and, swearing, I had to remove half the word and straighten the cake.

I'll show you roses another time - here you need an assistant for photographing. Or search on the Internet - there are a lot of videos and photos on this topic. In general, this border on the side should have been done together with the border on the bottom, but I didn’t know if I would have enough cream, so I did it at the very end.
Well, the last lines are leaves and squiggles.

Here's what you can do with the petal attachment. True, this is from the remains of the cream and it has already warmed up, which is why the petals are quite thick and not very neat. To avoid this during the decorating process, I put a little cream in the bag, then add a new portion.
- frills (upper left corner). She's upside down there. For ruffle, we move the wide end of the nozzle along the line on which the ruffle “holds”, the movement is back and forth, as if laying folds.
- bow - draw all parts of the bow with the wide end of the nozzle towards the surface of the cake, and at the end squeeze out a small knot.
- rose bud. We hold the nozzle with the wide end towards the cake, the slot in the nozzle is perpendicular to the cake. First squeeze out the middle petal. We wrap it with one petal, and the second. (it’s easier to try it than to describe it)
- two types of flowers - the first on the left - the wide edge of the nozzle is towards the middle of the flower, the second flower - the wide edge of the nozzle goes along the edge of the petals.

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